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The habitual activity patterns of trapezius and postural back muscles (multifidus, iliocostalis, longissimus) of 23 female subjects with moderate physical activity were studied. Bilateral surface electromyographic (sEMG) recordings from start of work until bedtime were analyzed. The activity level was calibrated as percentage of root mean square-detected muscle activity at maximal voluntary contraction (EMG(max)). Sixty-six previous trapezius recordings of women with moderate physical activity were included in some analyses to pursue the full range of variation in trapezius activity. Twenty-six of these were recorded twice, separated by 16-28 mo. Median activity level and duration of periods with sEMG activity of <0.5% EMG(max) ("rest time"; only trapezius) and exceeding 2 ("burst time"), 10, 30, and 50% EMG(max) was determined. The trapezius median activity level ranged from 0.6 to 8.8% EMG(max), burst time from 9 to 84%, and rest time from 2 to 84%. The activity patterns of the back muscles showed similar large interindividual variation. Repeated trapezius recordings of the same subject showed high consistency; intraclass correlation coefficients ranged from 0.62 to 0.79 for different sEMG variables. Periods with high sEMG amplitude were of short duration; 7% of the trapezius recordings did not present time intervals (0.2-s duration) above 50% EMG(max). The activity patterns of the postural muscles, despite large interindividual variability, were distinctly different from activity patterns of upper and lower limb muscles reported by others (e.g., mean burst time 40-50 vs. 10-20%). We conclude that postural trunk muscles show idiosyncratic activity patterns with large interindividual variation. High-threshold motor units are activated to a very minor extent.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine whether trunk extensor fatigue occurs during low-level activity and whether this is associated with a drop in muscle tissue oxygenation. Electromyography (EMG) feedback was used to impose constant activity in a part of the trunk extensor muscles. We hypothesized that electromyographic manifestations of fatigue and decreased oxygenation would be observed at the feedback site and that EMG activity at other sites would be more variable without fatigue manifestations. Twelve volunteers performed 30-min contractions at 2% and 5% of the maximum EMG amplitude (EMGmax) at the feedback site. EMG was recorded from six sites over the lumbar extensor muscles and near-infrared spectroscopy was used to measure changes in oxygenation at the feedback site (left L3 level, 3 cm paravertebral). In both conditions, mean EMG activity was not significantly different between electrode sites, whereas the coefficient of variation was lower at the feedback site compared to other recording sites. The EMG mean power frequency (MPF) decreased consistently at the feedback site only. At 5% EMGmax, the decrease in MPF was significant at the group level at all sites ipsilateral to the feedback site. These results suggest that the limited variability of muscle activity at the EMG feedback site and at ipsilateral locations enhances fatigue development. No decreases in tissue oxygenation were detected. In conclusion, even at mean activity levels as low as 2% EMGmax, fatigue manifestations were found in the trunk extensors. These occured in absence of changes in oxygenation of the muscle tissue.  相似文献   

This prospective study examined normalized stability differences based on dominance side and visual feedback. Subjects with low back pain (LBP) (n = 26; 9 men, 17 women) and without LBP (n = 28; 11 men, 17 women) participated in this study. All subjects were asked to maintain single leg standing balance with the contralateral hip flexed 90° for 25 s. The outcome measures included normalized holding duration and stability. The combined rotation (Rxyz) was also calculated to compare the upper and lower thorax and lumbar axes relative to the core spine axis. The holding duration was significantly different between groups (T = ?2.21, p = 0.03). The subjects without recurrent LBP (control group) demonstrated longer hold duration times (24.60 ± 4.2 s) than the subjects with recurrent LBP (21.2 ± 7.1 s). For the normalized hold duration, there was a significant difference between groups based on visual input (F = 7.13, p = 0.009). There was also a significant difference in standing stability based on visual input (F = 93.93, p = 0.0001) and trunk area (F = 101.51, p = 0.0001). In addition, the normalized stability was significantly different based on dominance and visual input (F = 11.28, p = 0.002). Therefore, trunk stability could prompt an uncoordinated bracing effect with poor proprioception from injury to passive structures or due to interference of pain during central processing of information in subjects with recurrent LBP.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the muscular activities and kinetics of the trunk during unstable sitting in healthy and LBP subjects. Thirty-one healthy subjects and twenty-three LBP subjects were recruited. They were sat on a custom-made chair mounted on a force plate. Each subject was asked to regain balance after the chair was tilted backward at 20°, and then released. The motions of the trunk and trunk muscle activity were examined. The internal muscle moment and power at the hip and lumbar spine joints were calculated using the force plate and motion data. No significant differences were found in muscle moment and power between healthy and LBP subjects (p > 0.05). The duration of contraction of various trunk muscles and co-contraction were significantly longer in the LBP subjects (p < 0.05) when compared to healthy subjects, and the reaction times of the muscles were also significantly reduced in LBP subjects (p < 0.05). LBP subjects altered their muscle strategies to maintain balance during unstable sitting, but these active mechanisms appear to be effective as trunk balance was not compromised and the internal moment pattern remained similar. The changes in muscle strategies may be the causes of LBP or the result of LBP with an attempt to protect the spine.  相似文献   

Exercise is one of the few effective treatments for LBP. Although exercise is often based on the premise of reduced spinal stiffness, trunk muscle adaptation may increase stiffness. This study developed and validated a method to assess trunk stiffness and damping, and tested these parameters in 14 people with recurring LBP and 17 pain-free individuals. Effective trunk stiffness, mass and damping were estimated with the trunk modeled as a linear second-order system following trunk perturbation. Equal weights (12–15% body weight) were attached to the front and back of the trunk via pulleys such that the trunk could move freely and no muscle activity was required to hold the weights. The trunk was perturbed by the unexpected release of one of the weights. Trunk kinematics and cable force were used to estimate system properties. Reliability was assessed in 10 subjects. Trunk stiffness was greater in recurrent LBP patients (forward perturbation only), but damping was lower (both directions) than healthy controls. Estimates were reliable and validated by accurately estimated mass. Contrary to clinical belief, trunk stiffness was increased, not reduced, in recurrent LBP, most likely due to augmented trunk muscle activity and changes in reflex control of trunk muscles. Although increased stiffness may aid in the protection of spinal structures, this may have long-term consequences for spinal health and LBP recurrence due to compromised trunk dynamics (decreased damping).  相似文献   

Although deficits in the activation of abdominal muscles are present in people with low back pain (LBP), this can be modified with motor training. Training of deep abdominal muscles in isolation from the other trunk muscles, as an initial phase of training, has been shown to improve the timing of activation of the trained muscles, and reduce symptoms and recurrence of LBP. The aim of this study was to determine if training of the trunk muscles in a non-isolated manner can restore motor control of these muscles in people with LBP. Ten subjects with non-specific LBP performed a single session of training that involved three tasks: “abdominal curl up”, “side bridge” and “birdog”. Electromyographic activity (EMG) of trunk and deltoid muscles was recorded with fine-wire and surface electrodes during rapid arm movements and walking, before and immediately following the intervention. Onset of trunk muscle EMG relative to that of the prime mover (deltoid) during arm movements and the mean, standard deviation (SD) and coefficient of variation of abdominal muscle EMG during walking were calculated. There was no significant change in the times of onset of trunk muscle EMG during arm movements nor was there any change in the variability of EMG of the abdominal muscles during walking. However, the mean amplitude and SD of abdominal EMG was reduced during walking after training. The results of this study suggest that unlike isolated voluntary training, co-contraction training of the trunk muscles does not restore the motor control of the deep abdominal muscles in people with LBP after a single session of training.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether a differential suction electrode (DSE) probe is less prone to recording crosstalk from the hip adductors or external rotators than the Femiscan? probe when recording electromyography (EMG) data from the pelvic floor muscles (PFMs). Twenty nulliparous, continent women performed hip adduction and hip external rotation contractions at 25%, 50% and 100% of maximal voluntary effort both while keeping their PFMs relaxed and while contracting their PFMs as strongly as possible. All tasks were performed while DSEs were adhered to the vaginal wall at the level of the pubococcygeus group bilaterally, and also with the Femiscan? probe in situ. The order of the probes was randomized. For each task, the peak smoothed PFM EMG amplitude was compared between hip forces and probes using a two-way repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) including the interaction between contraction level and probe (α = 0.05). There was a significant contraction level by probe interaction for each task. In most cases the Femiscan? probe recorded significantly higher PFM EMG activity during hip adduction and external rotation tasks at 25% and 50% MVC compared to what it recorded when the hip musculature remained relaxed, whereas the DSE probe did not. As such, the DSE probe appears to be less susceptible to crosstalk from the hip adductors and external rotators than the Femiscan? probe at these hip muscle contraction levels. Both probes recorded significantly higher EMG activity when maximal contractions of the hip adductors and external rotators were performed therefore, no conclusion can be made regarding whether the activity recorded from the PFMs during maximal hip adduction and external rotation is the result of crosstalk or co-activation.  相似文献   



Biering-Sørenson (1984) found that individuals with less lumbar extensor muscle endurance had an increased occurrence of first episode low back pain. As a result, back endurance tests have been recommended for inclusion in health assessment protocols. However, different studies have reported markedly different values for endurance times, leading some researchers to believe that the back is receiving support from the biceps femoris and gluteus maximus. Therefore, this study was designed to examine the haemodynamic and neuromuscular activity of the erector spinae, biceps femoris, and gluteus maximus musculature during the Biering-Sørenson Muscular Endurance Test (BSME).


Seventeen healthy individuals and 46 individuals with chronic low back pain performed the Biering-Sørenson Muscular Endurance Test while surface electromyography was used to quantify neuromuscular activity. Disposable silver-silver-chloride electrodes were placed in a bipolar arrangement over the right or left biceps femoris, gluteus maximus, and the lumbosacral paraspinal muscles at the level of L3. Near Infrared Spectroscopy was used simultaneously to measure tissue oxygenation and blood volume changes of the erector spinae and biceps femoris.


The healthy group displayed a significantly longer time to fatigue (Healthy: 168.5s, LBP: 111.1s; p ≤ 0.05). Significant differences were shown in the median frequency slope of the erector spinae between the two groups at 90–100% of the time to fatigue while no significant differences were noted in the haemodynamic data for the two groups.


Although the BSME has been recognized as a test for back endurance, individuals with chronic LBP appear to incorporate a strategy that may help support the back musculature by utilizing the biceps femoris and gluteus maximus to a greater degree than their healthy counterparts.

Studies of electromyographic (EMG) activity and lumbopelvic rhythm have led to a better understanding of neuromuscular alterations in chronic low back pain (cLBP) patients. Whether these changes reflect adaptations to chronic pain or are induced by acute pain is still unclear. This work aimed to assess the effects of experimental LBP on lumbar erector spinae (LES) EMG activity and lumbopelvic kinematics during a trunk flexion–extension task in healthy volunteers and LBP patients. The contribution of disability to these effects was also examined. Twelve healthy participants and 14 cLBP patients performed flexion–extension tasks in three conditions; control, innocuous heat and noxious heat, applied on the skin over L5 or T7. The results indicated that noxious heat at L5 evoked specific increases in LES activity during static full trunk flexion and extension, irrespective of participants’ group. Kinematic data suggested that LBP patients adopted a different movement strategy than controls when noxious heat was applied at the L5 level. Besides, high disability was associated with less kinematic changes when approaching and leaving full flexion. These results indicate that experimental pain can induce neuromechanical alterations in cLBP patients and healthy volunteers, and that higher disability in patients is associated with decreased movement pattern changes.  相似文献   

Involuntary muscle contractions (spasms) are common after human spinal cord injury (SCI). Our aim was to compare how well two raters independently identified and classified different types of spasms in the same electromyographic records (EMG) using predefined rules. Muscle spasms were identified by the presence, timing and pattern of EMG recorded from paralyzed leg muscles of four subjects with chronic cervical SCI. Spasms were classified as one of five types: unit, tonic, clonus, myoclonus, mixed. In 48 h of data, both raters marked the same spasms most of the time. More variability in the total spasm count arose from differences between muscles (84%; within subjects) than differences between subjects (6.5%) or raters (2.6%). Agreement on spasm classification was high (89%). Differences in spasm count, and classification largely occurred when EMG was marked as a single spasm by one rater but split into multiple spasms by the other rater. EMG provides objective measurements of spasm number and type in contrast to the self-reported spasm counts that are often used to make clinical decisions about spasm management. Data on inter-rater agreement and discrepancies on muscle spasm analysis can both drive the design and evaluation of software to automate spasm identification and classification.  相似文献   

The assessment of trunk muscle activation and coordination using dynamometric measurements made in one anatomical plane has hardly minimized the production of out-of-plane coupled moments (CMs). This absence of control may add much variability in moment component partition as well as in recorded muscle activation. The aim of the study was to assess whether providing these CMs as visual feedback efficiently reduces them and whether this feedback influences trunk muscle activation. Twenty men performed five 5-s static ramp submaximal contractions, ranging from 0% to 55% of the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), in six different directions while standing in a static dynamometer measuring L5/S1 moments. For each direction, four feedback conditions were offered, ranging from simple 1D-feedback in the primary plane of exertion, to full 3D-feedback. Surface electromyographic signals were collected for eight back and six abdominal muscles. Muscle activation amplitudes and CMs were extracted at each 10% force level from 10% to 50% maximum voluntary contraction (MVC). Providing 3D-feedback significantly reduced the CMs, at 50% MVC, by about 1–6%, 1–8% and 2–10% MVC in the sagittal, frontal and transverse planes, respectively. Providing 3D-feedback produced relatively small systematic effects (2–7%) on trunk muscle activation. However, the subjects responded differently to adequately control the coupled moments, leading in some cases to relatively high inter-individual differences in muscle activation. Interestingly, the statistical differences, and size of the effects, were mainly observed when the primary exertions were performed in the frontal and transverse planes. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

During sporting events, injured athletes often return to competition after icing because of the reduction in pain. Although some controversy exists, several studies suggest that cryotherapy causes a decrease in muscle activity, which may lead to a higher risk of injury upon return to play. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of a 20-min knee joint cryotherapy application on the electromyographic activity of leg muscles during a single-leg drop jump in twenty healthy subjects, randomly assigned to an experimental and a control group. After the pre-tests, a crushed-ice bag was applied to the knee joint of the experimental group subjects for 20 min, while the control group subjects rested for 20 min. All subjects were retested immediately after this period and retested again after another 20 min of rest. Average electromyographic activity and ground contact time were calculated for the pre- and post-test sessions. Decreases in electromyographic activity of the lower extremity musculature were found in pre-activation, eccentric (braking), and concentric (push-off) phases immediately after the icing, and after 20 min of rest. The results lend support to the suggestion that cryotherapy during sporting events may place the individuals in a vulnerable position.  相似文献   

The present study was performed to examine lumbopelvic rotation and to identify asymmetry of the erector spinae and hamstring muscles in people with and without low back pain (LBP). The control group included 16 healthy subjects, the lumbar-flexion–rotation syndrome LBP group included 17 subjects, and the lumbar-extension–rotation syndrome LBP group included 14 subjects. Kinematic parameters were recorded using a 3D motion-capture system, and electromyography parameters were measured using a Noraxon TeleMyo 2400T. The two LBP subgroups showed significantly more lumbopelvic rotation during trunk flexion in standing than did the control group. The muscle activity and flexion–relaxation ratio asymmetries of the erector spinae muscles in the lumbar-flexion–rotation syndrome LBP group were significantly greater than those in the control group, and the muscle activity and flexion–relaxation ratio asymmetry of the hamstring muscles in the lumbar-extension–rotation syndrome LBP group were significantly greater than those in the control group. Imbalance or asymmetry of passive tissue could lead to asymmetry of muscular activation. Muscle imbalance can cause asymmetrical alignment or movements such as unexpected rotation. The results showed a greater increase in lumbopelvic rotation during trunk flexion in standing among the lumbar-flexion–rotation syndrome and lumbar-extension–rotation syndrome LBP groups compared with the control group. The differences between the two LBP subgroups may be a result of imbalance and asymmetry in erector spinae and hamstring muscle properties.  相似文献   

Paraspinal electromyographic (EMG) activity was recorded bilaterally from three lumbar levels during 30-s isometric trunk extensions [40 and 80% of maximum voluntary contraction (MVC)] in 20 healthy men and 14 chronic low back pain patients in pain. EMG parameters indicating neuromuscular fatigue and contralateral imbalances in EMG root-mean-square amplitude and median frequency were analyzed. Patients in pain showed less fatigue than controls at both contraction levels and produced only 55% of their MVC. Patients in pain likely did not produce a "true" maximum effort. A low MVC estimate would mean lower absolute contraction levels and less neuromuscular fatigue, thus explaining lower scores in the patients. Contralateral root-mean-square amplitude imbalances were present in both categories of subjects although such imbalances, when averaged across lumbar levels, were significantly larger in patients. Median frequency imbalances were significantly larger in the patients, at segmental as well as across lumbar levels. These results suggest that the presence of pain in these patients caused a redistribution of the activation behavior between synergistic muscles of the lumbar back.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe objective of this study was to measure hamstring muscle eccentric and concentric strength in individuals with and without low back pain (LBP). Two composite scores for the relative balance of eccentric to concentric strength at the different movement velocities were calculated (the DEC and SEC), to determine whether or not self perceived pain, disability, or fear avoidance measures were associated with hamstring strength characteristics.DesignCross-sectional repeated measures design.SettingUniversity laboratory.ParticipantsFifteen individuals with chronic LBP and 15 matched controls.Main outcome measuresIsokinetic eccentric and concentric strength at 30° s?1 and 120° s?1. Composite scores (DEC and SEC) based on peak torque were calculated to evaluate the relationship between the different muscle actions across the test velocities. Self report measures included the Oswestry disability index, general health and well being, fear avoidance, and pain.ResultsEccentric/concentric strength ratio at 30° s?1 was higher for the LBP group (F(1,58) = 4.81, p = 0.032). The SEC was also higher for the LBP (F(1,58) = 5.97, p = 0.018). Fear avoidance beliefs and mental well-being were significantly associated with the SEC only in the LBP group (adjusted r2 = 0.26, (F(2,27) = 5.8, p = .008). For the control group both the DEC and SEC were associated with self report measures. Matched differences between groups’ for the SEC were best explained by fear avoidance beliefs about work (adjusted r2 = 0.12, F(1,28) = 5.1, p = 0.03).ConclusionReduced concentric relative to eccentric strength is best identified by the SEC. The SEC was significantly associated with impaired self report measures of fear avoidance and mental well being in individuals with LBP. Differences between groups for the SEC were best explained by fear avoidance beliefs about work.  相似文献   

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