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Changes in morphology [leaf dry mass per unit area (LMA), thickness and density] and chemical composition (macronutrients and fibres content) in different age leaves of eight evergreen Mediterranean woody species were investigated. LMA and leaf thickness increased with leaf age increasing. Young tissues possessed higher concentrations of N, P, K, and Mg and lower Ca concentrations on a dry mass basis. However, mineral content was independent of age on leaf area basis (except for Ca content) suggesting that the changes in mineral concentration with leaf ageing are due to dilution in the larger dry mass accumulated in the oldest leaves. Leaf tissue density (LTD) increased during the first year of the leaf life. Lignin and hemicellulose concentrations did not vary along leaf life and the cellulose concentration increased with leaf age in most species between the current-year and the one-year old leaves. Our results suggested that physical leaf reinforcement with a higher cellulose concentration and density might be a leaf response to the unfavourable climatic conditions during the first winter.  相似文献   

Leaves and fine roots are among the most important and dynamic components of terrestrial ecosystems. To what extent plants synchronize their resource capture strategies above- and belowground remains uncertain. Existing results of trait relationships between leaf and root showed great inconsistency, which may be partly due to the differences in abiotic environmental conditions such as climate and soil. Moreover, there is currently little evidence on whether and how the stringent environments of high-altitude alpine ecosystems alter the coordination between above- and belowground. Here we measured six sets of analogous traits for both leaves and fine roots of 139 species collected from Tibetan alpine grassland and Mongolian temperate grassland. N, P and N:P ratio of leaves and fine roots were positively correlated, independent of biogeographic regions, phylogenetic affiliation or climate. In contrast, leaves and fine roots seem to regulate morphological traits more independently. The specific leaf area (SLA)–specific root length (SRL) correlation shifted from negative at sites under low temperature to positive at warmer sites. The cold climate of alpine regions may impose different constraints on shoots and roots, selecting simultaneously for high SLA leaves for rapid C assimilation during the short growing season, but low SRL roots with high physical robustness to withstand soil freezing. In addition, there might be more community heterogeneity in cold soils, resulting in multidirectional strategies of root in resource acquisition. Thus our results demonstrated that alpine climate alters the relationships between leaf and root morphological but not chemical traits.  相似文献   

根周转是地下生态过程的主要驱动力, 根属性指征了物种生态策略, 根寿命与属性是理解生态系统碳氮循环和群落多样性的关键。目前对亚热带常绿阔叶林根周转等生态过程的直接观测资料缺乏。该研究对中亚热带江西樟树试验林场6个树种吸收细根动态进行了2年观测, 获取了2.8万张微根管照片, 分析了吸收细根寿命年际和季节变化特征及其与根形态属性的关系。结果显示: 1)亚热带6个树种间吸收细根寿命变异为4.6倍, 变异系数可达73%。中值寿命排序为: 红豆杉(Taxus wallichiana)(426天) >复羽叶栾树( Koelreuteria bipinnata)(155天) >竹柏( Nageia nagi)(145天) >樟( Cinnamomum camphora)(126天) >东京樱花( Cerasus yedoensis)(93天) >深山含笑( Michelia maudiae)(92天); 2)树木吸收细根寿命年际、季节变异较大, 可能是适应伏秋旱、雨热不同期、年际变化大的亚热带季风气候的结果; 3)吸收细根寿命与直径呈显著正相关关系, 与比根长呈显著负相关关系, 表明根的构建成本可以在一定程度上预测寿命。这些结果为预测亚热带地下生态过程、揭示亚热带常绿阔叶林碳氮循环、物种共存机制提供依据。  相似文献   

Variation of wood strength in tree roots   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
In order to determine if the distribution of lateral root strengthis related to the shape of the system and the forces withstood,wood samples were taken from roots of various mature tree speciesand the strength tested. Root strength decreased along the root at different rates, dependingon the type of root system present. Slightly tapered lateralroots in plate root systems were relatively stronger furtheraway from the stem than the highly tapered laterals in heartand tap root systems. Wood strength in Norway spruce (platesystem) was found to increase along the lateral roots beforedecreasing again. The increase in strength may coincide withthe point of maximum bending of the root as the tree sways backwardsand forwards in the wind. Strength was also found to increaseon the underside of lateral roots in the plate systems of poplar.The undersides of these roots will experience high compressivestresses due to the weight of the tree pushing the root on tothe hard bearing surface of the soil. External loading forces in plate root systems will be transmittedinto the soil further away from the stem due to the lack ofbranches, therefore a high strength along the root will helpresist mechanical stress. The high rate of branching near thestem, or large, rigid, main tap root, found in heart and taproot systems, respectively, allows a faster dissipation of forcesnearer the stem, therefore a high investment in strength furtheralong the root is not necessary. Key words: Anchorage, stability, wind, stress, forces  相似文献   

不同林龄刺槐叶功能性状差异及其与土壤养分的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对不同林龄刺槐群落叶功能性状差异及其与土壤养分的关系进行研究,分析刺槐对黄土丘陵区土壤环境的适应策略.结果表明: 随林龄的增大,刺槐比叶面积、叶面积、叶片含水量、叶全氮含量及叶有机碳含量呈先增大后减小的变化趋势,且在30年林龄时达到最大值,分别为279.18 cm2·g-1、12.33 cm2、0.09%、33.01 g·kg-1、523.08 g·kg-1.随林龄的增大,叶组织密度、叶全磷含量、叶厚度及气孔密度呈增大趋势,气孔长度及气孔宽度呈减小趋势.主成分分析表明,叶面积、比叶面积、叶全磷含量、叶片含水量、叶厚度及气孔密度均为刺槐叶功能性状随林龄变化的主要指标.各指标间呈一定的相关性,这表明刺槐能改变自身的形态结构,形成最佳功能组合以适应环境的变化.影响叶面积、叶片含水量、比叶面积及气孔长度的主要土壤因子是土壤全氮含量,影响气孔宽度、叶组织密度、叶厚度、叶全磷含量、叶全氮含量及气孔密度的主要土壤因子是土壤有机碳含量,这表明土壤全氮含量和有机碳含量是影响不同林龄刺槐叶功能性状的主要土壤因子.随林龄的增大,刺槐群落土壤养分得到改善,进而影响刺槐叶功能性状.不同林龄刺槐叶功能性状的差异反映出刺槐具有较强的叶片形态可塑性,有利于其适应黄土丘陵区的土壤环境.  相似文献   

树木叶片的水力效率和安全性会对水分条件的改变做出一定的响应, 进而影响树木的生长和分布, 然而叶导水率(Kleaf)和叶水力脆弱性(P50)对不同水分条件的响应模式及其影响因素尚不清楚。该研究选取了晋西北关帝山和黑茶山两种水分条件下的8种树种, 测量其水力性状、叶片导管和形态性状, 比较两地不同树种的KleafP50的变化, 分析叶片水力效率和安全性之间的权衡关系, 并探讨叶片水力性状在不同树种及水分条件下的响应模式及其驱动因素。结果表明: 对同一树种而言, 湿润的关帝山叶最大导水率(Kmax)和P50均高于干旱的黑茶山; 对同一地区而言, 从在高水分条件下生长的树种到在易干旱环境生长的树种, KmaxP50均逐渐下降。KmaxP50、膨压丧失点水势(TLP)之间均存在显著相关关系。两地叶片P50与导管密度、导管塌陷预测值((t/b)3)、叶片厚度、比叶质量显著正相关, 与导管直径、叶面积显著负相关, 不同树种的KleafP50与叶导管性状的关系大于叶形态性状。同一树种的关帝山到黑茶山P50变化量(δP50)与比叶质量和叶干物质含量在两地的变化量显著正相关, 同一树种δP50与叶形态性状变化量的关系大于与叶导管性状的。以上结果表明: 随着水分条件变差, 叶片水力效率降低, 水力安全性提高, 不同树种叶片水力效率与安全性之间存在一定的权衡关系, 不同树种叶水力性状的差别受叶导管性状影响的程度大于受叶形态性状的影响, 同一树种叶水力安全性对水分条件变化的响应主要依靠叶形态性状的驱动, 树木在提高自身叶水力安全的同时增加了叶构建的碳投资。  相似文献   

叶功能性状不仅反应植物对资源的利用能力,还涉及植物对自身结构和环境的生存适应策略。以不同生长阶段的木棉为研究对象,于2019年12月实地测量树高、冠幅等5个主要树形因子和采样测定叶面积、比叶面积、叶干物质含量、叶片含水量等14个叶功能性状,分析其在不同生长阶段的变化规律和相互关系,探讨叶功能性状对树形结构的响应。结果表明:不同生长阶段的木棉叶功能性状之间存在差异(P<0.05),且表现出一定的相关性(P<0.05,P<0.01);木棉叶片的面积、长度、宽度、周长、鲜重、饱和重、干重、比叶质量和干物质含量等功能性状是随生长阶段变化的主要指标。影响木棉叶片各性状的树形因子也不相同,其中叶面积主要受到冠幅的影响,叶片鲜重和饱和重主要受到枝下高的影响,叶片干重和相对含水量主要受到树高的影响,比叶面积、叶片含水量和干物质含量主要受到树高、尖削度的影响,比叶质量主要受到胸径、尖削度、树高的影响。随着木棉的生长,叶功能性状表现出受树形结构的影响而具有较强的表型可塑性,有利于其适应内外环境的变化。因此,叶功能性状之间的变化差异和相关组合,反映了不同生长阶段的木棉对树形结构的适应性调整和对资源的利用策略,在一定程度上为探索西双版纳热带雨林区的生态保护和可持续发展提供相关科学依据。  相似文献   

"AimsThe growth of plant species in tropical dry forest (TDF) is expected to be largely governed by the availability of soil moisture. In this study we attempt to identify mechanisms by which seedlings of dry tropical trees cope with water stress by adjusting their leaf characteristics to water availability and micro environments, and address following questions: How are leaf traits and relative growth rate (RGR) of the dominant seedling species of TDF affected by seasonal changes in soil moisture content (SMC)? What is the relationship of functional traits with each other? Can leaf traits singly or in combination predict the growth rate of seedling species of TDF? The study was conducted in situ on four sites (viz., Hathinala, Gaighat, Harnakachar and Ranitali, listed in order of decreasing SMC) within the tropical dry deciduous forest in northern India. Methods Five leaf traits viz., specific leaf area (SLA), leaf dry matter content (LDMC), concentrations of leaf nitrogen (leaf N), phosphorus (leaf P) and chlorophyll (Chl) and two physiological processes, viz., stomatal conductance (Gs net) and photosynthetic rate (A net), and RGR, of four dominant tree seedling species of a TDF (viz., Buchanania lanzan, Diospyros melanoxylon, Shorea robusta and Terminalia tomentosa) on four sites were analysed for species, site and season effects over a 2-year period. Step-wise multiple regression was performed to predict RGR from mean values of SMC, leaf traits and physiological processes. Principal component analysis (PCA) was performed to observe the extent of intra- vs. inter-specific variability in the leaf traits and physiological rates.Important findings All the traits and physiological rates were interrelated and showed significant positive relationship with RGR except for the correlation of LDMC with RGR which was not significant. Further, relationships of SMC with all leaf traits, physiological rates and RGR were significant, except for that between SMC and SLA for B. lanzan and D. melanoxylon. The slope of seedling trait:SMC relationship, a measure of phenotypic plasticity in response to soil moisture gradient, varied among species. Among the four species, T. tomentosa was the most plastic and S. robusta the least. In conclusion, leaf traits and physiological processes were strongly related to soil water availability on the one hand and seedling growth on the other. Gs net is the most important variable which accounted for the greatest amount of variability (62%) in RGR, emphasizing the role of stomatal conductance in shaping growth patterns across spatial and temporal gradients of soil water availability. Gs net and SMC together explained 64% variability in RGR, indicating that other traits/factors, not studied by us are also important in modulating the growth of tropical tree seedlings.  相似文献   

Hydraulic traits and hydraulic-related structural properties were examined in three deciduous (Hevea brasiliensis, Macaranga denticulate, and Bischofia javanica) and three evergreen (Drypetes indica, Aleurites moluccana, and Codiaeum variegatum) Euphorbiaceae tree species from a seasonally tropical forest in south-western China. Xylem water potential at 50% loss of stem hydraulic conductivity (P50stem) was more negative in the evergreen tree, but leaf water potential at 50% loss of leaf hydraulic conductivity (P50leaf) did not function as P50stem did. Furthermore, P50stem was more negative than P50leaf in the evergreen tree; contrarily, this pattern was not observed in the deciduous tree. Leaf hydraulic conductivity overlapped considerably, but stem hydraulic conductivity diverged between the evergreen and deciduous tree. Correspondingly, structural properties of leaves overlapped substantially; however, structural properties of stem diverged markedly. Consequently, leaf and stem hydraulic traits were closely correlated with leaf and stem structural properties, respectively. Additionally, stem hydraulic efficiency was significantly correlated with stem hydraulic resistance to embolism; nevertheless, such a hydraulic pattern was not found in leaf hydraulics. Thus, these results suggest: (1) that the evergreen and deciduous tree mainly diverge in stem hydraulics, but not in leaf hydraulics, (2) that regardless of leaf or stem, their hydraulic traits result primarily from structural properties, and not from leaf phenology, (3) that leaves are more vulnerable to drought-induced embolism than stem in the evergreen tree, but not always in the deciduous tree and (4) that there exists a trade-off between hydraulic efficiency and safety for stem hydraulics, but not for leaf hydraulics.  相似文献   

化感物质对植物根系形态属性影响的meta分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鄢邵斌  王朋 《应用生态学报》2020,31(7):2168-2174
植物化感作用是通过释放到环境中的化感物质直接或间接影响受试植物生长而实现的。化感物质主要作用于根系,所以植物根系属性是化感作用研究的重要指标之一。目前,关于受试植物形态属性对外源化感物质的响应模式尚缺乏整体的认识。为此,本文对61篇有关纯化感物质(包括酚类、萜类和含氮化合物等)对植物根系形态属性(尤其是根长)影响的文献进行整合分析。结果发现: 整体上化感物质处理显著抑制根长,而对根生物量、根表面积和根体积等形态属性影响较小;酚类对根长的抑制效应最大,且化感物质对草本植物根长的抑制率高于木本、作物和其他植物;酚类与根长抑制效应呈显著的线性相关。进一步量化了4种典型酚酸——阿魏酸、对羟基苯甲酸、香草酸和肉桂酸的浓度-效应关系,证实了黄酮对受试植物根长的抑制效应显著高于酚酸类化感物质。受试植物根系属性对化感物质的响应主要受化感物质类型和添加浓度、植物种类与培养条件等多因素影响,建议未来研究在土壤环境条件下综合评价化感物质对受试植物根系形态和生理属性以及根系构型等参数的影响机制。  相似文献   


Background and aims

Soil factors are driving forces that influence spatial distribution and functional traits of plant species. We test whether two anchor morphological traits—leaf mass per area (LMA) and leaf dry matter content (LDMC)—are significantly related to a broad range of leaf nutrient concentrations in Mediterranean woody plant species. We also explore the main environmental filters (light availability, soil moisture and soil nutrients) that determine the patterns of these functional traits in a forest stand.


Four morphological and 19 chemical leaf traits (macronutrients and trace elements and δ13C and δ15N signatures) were analysed in 17 woody plant species. Community-weighted leaf traits were calculated for 57 plots within the forest. Links between LMA, LDMC and other leaf traits were analysed at the species and the community level using standardised major axis (SMA) regressions


LMA and LDMC were significantly related to many leaf nutrient concentrations, but only when using abundance-weighted values at community level. Among-traits links were much weaker for the cross-species analysis. Nitrogen isotopic signatures were useful to understand different resource-use strategies. Community-weighted LMA and LDMC were negatively related to light availability, contrary to what was expected.


Community leaf traits have parallel shifts along the environmental factors that determine the community assembly, even though they are weakly related across individual taxa. Light availability is the main environmental factor determining this convergence of the community leaf traits.  相似文献   

竹类植物作为一种克隆植物, 无次生生长过程, 具有独特的生长和繁殖特性。但有关不同类群竹类植物功能性状的变异规律所知甚少。本文以在中国分布的34属534种竹类植物为研究对象, 从Flora of China中收集和整理其秆高、直径、节间长、竹壁厚、叶长、叶宽等基本形态学功能性状, 根据竹类植物生物学特性, 按地下茎划分为丛生、散生和混生3个类群, 按出笋季节划分为春、夏、秋、冬4个类群, 按分布范围划分为中国特有(371个中国特有种)和非特有2个类群, 再采用方差分析和多重比较探讨不同类群竹类植物在基本形态学性状上的分异格局, 采用主成分分析揭示各个功能性状之间的内在关联, 剖析不同类群竹类植物功能性状的变异。结果表明: 丛生竹、散生竹和混生竹之间功能性状差异显著, 丛生竹具有最大的秆高、直径、节间长、竹壁厚, 最小的叶长和叶宽, 散生竹次之, 而混生竹则具有最小的秆性状和最大的叶性状。中国特有种在秆高、直径、竹壁厚、叶长方面显著小于非特有种。竹类植物秆高、直径、节间长、竹壁厚之间均呈显著正相关, 叶长和叶宽之间存在显著正相关。竹类植物在垂直方向上的大小性状(主要包括直径、秆高和竹壁厚)在第一主轴具有较大的贡献率, 而在水平方向上的叶片功能性状(叶长和叶宽)在第二主轴上贡献率最大。由此可见, 竹类植物在水平方向和垂直方向上对光资源的捕获差异可能是驱动竹类植物系统演化、特有性分布和出笋季节差异的关键因素。  相似文献   

Relationships between flag leaf carbon isotope discrimination (Delta), water status parameters, residual transpiration (RT) and stomatal density (SD) were examined on a collection of 144 durum wheat accessions. Associations between Delta, grain yield (GY) and harvest index (HI) were also studied. The field trial was conducted under Mediterranean conditions. The crop cycle was characterised by a period of drought from February until maturity. A broad range of values we obtained for Delta (16.5-19.9 per thousand) and other physiological traits. Flag leaf Delta was positively and significantly correlated with both HI and GY. Delta was better correlated with HI than with GY, which suggests that higher Delta values indicate higher efficiency of carbon partitioning to the kernel, leading to higher GY. Delta was found positively related with RT and negatively related with SD. This relationship may indicate a possible SD component of RT due to the association between conductance and SD. Strong positive correlations were found between Delta and water status parameters, suggesting that Delta may provide a good indication of plant water status in durum wheat under rainfed Mediterranean conditions.  相似文献   

  • Plant trait-based functional spectra are crucial to assess ecosystem functions and services. Whilst most research has focused on aboveground vegetative traits (leaf economic spectrum, LES), contrasting evidence on any coordination between the LES and root economic spectrum (RES) has been reported. Studying spectra variation along environmental gradients and accounting for species' phylogenetic relatedness may help to elucidate the strength of coordination between above- and belowground trait variation.
  • We focused on leaf and root traits of 39 species sampled in three distinct habitats (front, back and slack) along a shoreline–inland gradient on coastal dunes. We tested, within a phylogenetic comparative framework, for the presence of the LES and RES, for any coordination between these spectra, and explored their relation to variation in ecological strategies along this gradient.
  • In each habitat, three-quarters of trait variation is captured in two-dimensional spectra, with species' phylogenetic relatedness moderately influencing coordination and trade-off between traits. Along the shoreline–inland gradient, aboveground traits support the LES in all habitats. Belowground traits are consistent with the RES in the back-habitat only, where the environmental constraints are weaker, and a coordination between leaf and root traits was also found, supporting the whole-plant spectrum (PES).
  • This study confirms the complexity when seeking any correlation between the LES and RES in ecosystems characterized by multiple environmental pressures, such as those investigated here. Changes in traits adopted to resist environmental constraints are similar among species, independent of their evolutionary relatedness, thus explaining the low phylogenetic contribution in support of our results.

We have conducted a screening study of leaf terpene emissions for 43 rainforest woody species of Borneo. To the best of our knowledge, this study reports for first time the terpene emission capacity of 43 species belonging to 22 genera of rainforest woody plant species. We have used a general lineal model with phylogenetic control by the phylogenetic distance matrix when necessary. The proportion of the species that emitted terpenes in this set of Borneo woody species was 95% and the species average total terpene emissions of emitting species were 0.04–11.6 μg g? 1 h? 1, which is in the range of the reported emissions in similar screening studies conducted in other biomes. Altogether, 85 terpene compounds were detected, and 11 common monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes were identified and quantified. Only two of the terpenes, ocimene and γ-terpinene, of the 11 determined compounds showed a phylogenetic signal. No significant relationships were found between the terpene emissions and the physiological, chemical and morphological foliar traits and the data also showed a lock of constant applicability of the “excess carbon” hypothesis for this set of species. This evidence suggests multiple and diverse factors and conditions driving plant chemistry in the tropical forests.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

As part of a study on growth of tree roots in hostile soil, we envisaged that establishment and survival of trees on hard, dry soil may depend on their ability to exert axial root growth pressures of similar magnitude to those of the roots of agricultural plants (with significant root thickening when roots grow across an air gap or cracks and biopores). We selected tree species originating from a range of different soil and climatic conditions to evaluate whether their relative success on harsh soil (in an evolutionary sense) might be related to the magnitude of root growth pressures they could exert, or how they performed in the very early stages of growth after germination.


We measured the maximum axial root growth force (Fmax) on single lateral root axes of 3- to 4- month old seedlings of 6 small-seeded eucalypts from 2 different habitats and 2 contrasting soil types. Root growth rate, root diameter and Fmax were also measured on the primary root axes of a large-seeded acacia and a domesticated annual (Pisum sativum) seedling for up to 10 days following germination.


The lateral roots of the 6 eucalypts and the primary roots of the acacia were considerably smaller than the primary roots of P. sativum and they exerted average forces of similar magnitude to one another (0.198 to 0.312 N). The maximum axial root growth pressures were all in the range 150 to 250 kPa but E. leucoxylon, E. loxophleba and A. salicina exerted the greatest pressures among the trees, and comparable pressures to those exerted by the primary roots of 2-day-old P. sativum (211-252 kPa). Although the primary roots of acacia seedlings exerted increasing axial root growth pressures over a 10-day period following germination, the pressures were still only slightly greater than those of the domesticated plant, P. sativum.


The lack of any very large differences in axial root growth pressures between trees and domesticated plants suggests that trees that grow well in harsh soil don’t do so by exerting higher root growth pressures alone but by also exploring the network of cracks and pores more effectively than do other plants that are less successful.  相似文献   

Dijkstra FA  Cheng W 《Ecology letters》2007,10(11):1046-1053
Decomposition of soil organic carbon (SOC) is the main process governing the release of CO2 into the atmosphere from terrestrial systems. Although the importance of soil–root interactions for SOC decomposition has increasingly been recognized, their long-term effect on SOC decomposition remains poorly understood. Here we provide experimental evidence for a rhizosphere priming effect, in which interactions between soil and tree roots substantially accelerate SOC decomposition. In a 395-day greenhouse study with Ponderosa pine and Fremont cottonwood trees grown in three different soils, SOC decomposition in the planted treatments was significantly greater (up to 225%) than in soil incubations alone. This rhizosphere priming effect persisted throughout the experiment, until well after initial soil disturbance, and increased with a greater amount of root-derived SOC formed during the experiment. Loss of old SOC was greater than the formation of new C, suggesting that increased C inputs from roots could result in net soil C loss.  相似文献   

以形成黄土高原“小老树”的2种典型树种刺槐和小叶杨为对象,研究了立地条件(沟谷台地和沟间坡地)和树龄对两种树木叶水力学性质和抗旱性的影响,探讨“小老树”形成的水力生理机制.结果表明:水分较好的沟谷台地上生长的两种树木的叶最大水力导度(Kmax)明显大于水分较差的沟间坡地,叶水力脆弱性(P50)也较高;随树龄增加,两种树木的Kmax明显下降,但P50差异不大.台地上生长的两种树木的叶表皮导度和PV曲线参数(膨压损失点时的相对含水量RWCtlp、膨压损失点时的水势ψtlp饱和含水量时的渗透势ψsat)均大于 坡地;随树龄增加,两种树木的叶表皮导度显著下降,PV曲线参数出现不同程度的下降.两种树木Kmax与ψtlp呈显著正相关,P50与PV曲线参数之间存在一定的相关性,表明Kmax与抗旱性之间存在一种权衡关系,P50是反映两种树木的抗旱性特征之一.  相似文献   

4种高大树木的叶片性状及WUE随树高的变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
何春霞  李吉跃  孟平  张劲松 《生态学报》2013,33(18):5644-5654
为了解西双版纳北热带雨林高大树木树顶叶片性状对通道阻力增长引起的水力限制增强及高光和季节性干旱等气候条件的响应,对该区乔木浆果乌桕(Sapium baccatum Roxb)、思茅木姜子(Litsea pierrei var. szemois liou)、小叶藤黄(Garcinia cowa Roxb)及共生木质藤本黑风藤(Fissisfigma polyanthum (Hook. f. et Thoms.)Merr.)的叶片形态解剖结构、光合色素、水分利用效率(WUE)等随冠层高度的变化及种间差异进行了研究。结果表明:小叶藤黄和思茅木姜子的叶片(310.14、319.73 μm)和角质层(6.06、5.13 μm)都较厚、细胞较大(21.48、27.09 μm),光合色素含量则较低;黑风藤栅栏组织所占的比例最大、光合色素含量也最高,但叶片薄、WUE最低;浆果乌桕的WUE最高。随着冠层高度的增加,4种树木的叶厚、栅栏组织及角质层厚度、LMA、P/S和TPM/LT均增加、细胞变小,其中黑风藤的变幅最大。4树种的叶绿素和类胡萝卜素含量均随冠层的增高而减少,δ13C和WUE则随树冠增高而增大(黑风藤的变幅小于3种乔木);Δ则相反。上述结果表明4种树木冠层上部叶片偏向旱生结构和水分利用效率增加,暗示树顶叶片可能受到了水分胁迫,从而在结构上偏向于减少水分散失、功能上提高对水分的利用效率以适应水分亏缺;同时,随冠层增加光合色素含量减少,暗示其光合碳同化能力也降低。上述结果支持了水力限制假说中由于通道阻力增大引起树顶水力限制增强,大树可能会通过减少光和碳的获得而减慢树高生长的假设。  相似文献   

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