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BackgroundThe fern Dicranopteris linearis is a hyperaccumulator of rare earth elements (REEs), aluminium (Al) and silicon (Si). However, the physiological mechanisms of tissue-level tolerance of high concentrations of REE and Al, and possible interactions with Si, are currently incompletely known.MethodsA particle-induced X-ray emission (μPIXE) microprobe with the Maia detector, scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive spectroscopy and chemical speciation modelling were used to decipher the localization and biochemistry of REEs, Al and Si in D. linearis during uptake, translocation and sequestration processes.ResultsIn the roots >80 % of REEs and Al were in apoplastic fractions, among which the REEs were most significantly co-localized with Si and phosphorus (P) in the epidermis. In the xylem sap, REEs were nearly 100 % present as REEH3SiO42+, without significant differences between the REEs, while 24–45 % of Al was present as Al-citrate and only 1.7–16 % Al was present as AlH3SiO42+. In the pinnules, REEs were mainly concentrated in necrotic lesions and in the epidermis, and REEs and Al were possibly co-deposited within phytoliths (SiO2). Different REEs had similar spatial localizations in the epidermis and exodermis of roots, the necrosis, veins and epidermis of pinnae of D. linearis.ConclusionsWe posit that Si plays a critical role in REE and Al tolerance within the root apoplast, transport within the vascular bundle and sequestration within the blade of D. linearis.  相似文献   

Diatloff  E.  Asher  C. J.  Smith  F. W. 《Plant and Soil》1993,155(1):251-254
The interpretation of results of some experiments examining effects of rare earth elements (REE) on plant growth may have been complicated by rare earth phosphate precipitation. Simulations were undertaken using the computer model GEOCHEM-PC to define REE solubility limits and predict REE species in low and high ionic strength nutrient solutions. In low ionic strength solutions containing 5 M P, lanthanum phosphate (LaPO4) precipitation is predicted to occur at solution pH>4.0, reaching a maximum (>95% of total) at pH 5.5. In high ionic strength solutions (1000 M P) over 95% of the La is predicted to precipitate as phosphate at pH>4.0. The predicted behaviour of cerium (Ce) was closely similar to that for La.At pH 5.5, the concentration of REE species in solution can be increased only after virtually all the P has been precipitated. Consequently, it is important to consider REE-P interactions in nutrient solutions when investigating REE effects on plant growth.  相似文献   

Auditory brainstem electric response (ABR) and somatosensory evoked potential (SEP) of 21 subjects (41 ears) among villagers in a rare earth element (REE) area in Gan County, Jiangxi, China, were studied. No difference in ABR between the subjects from the REE area and the control group was noted. However, the conduction detected by SEP from the median nerve to the thalamus (P 15) was shortened (P<0.05), especially to the first-grade primary somatosensory responsive region (S 1) (P<0.01) and the amplitude of S1 decreased (P<0.05), indicating that REE was difficult to accumulate in the brainstem, but it was susceptible to cerebral cortex, thus causing subclinical damage. This condition was confirmed in the animal experiment. It was suggested that the toxicity through long-term intake of small doses of REE might not be negligible, and the hazard of REE environments should be investigated.  相似文献   

Fu  FengFu  Akagi  Tasuku  Yabuki  Sadayo  Iwaki  Masaya 《Plant and Soil》2001,235(1):53-64
Rare earth elements (REEs) in five species of soil-grown plants (Taxodium japonicum, Populus sieboldii, Sasa nipponica, Thea sinensis and Vicia villosa) and in the soil on which each plant grew were determined with an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) in order to observe the variation in the distribution of REEs and to elucidate their source in soil-grown plants. The plant samples were divided into root (secondary root and main root), trunk (stem) and leaf; the soils into water soluble (soilsoluble fraction), HCl and HNO3 soluble (soilnon-silicate fraction) and HF soluble (soilsilicate fraction). The REE abundances of samples were compared using REE patterns where the abundances were normalized to those of a chondrite and plotted on a logarithmic scale against the atomic number. All the plants showed similar REE patterns independent of species and location, and a W-shape variation (W-type tetrad effect) and abundance depletion of cerium (negative Ce anomaly) were found in each REE patterns of plants, more conspicuous tetrad effect being observed in HREE (heavier rare earth elements) region than in LREE (lighter rare earth elements) region. The overall variation of REE patterns of each secondary root was not similar to that of soilsoluble fraction, but similar to that of soilsilicate fraction except for the tetrad effect and Ce anomaly. The REE patterns can be interpreted by the idea that plants of different species take in REEs and Si from different parts in the soil. The results of this study seem to imply that Sasa nipponica and Vicia villosa take in free REEs and Si rather directly from silicate in the soil, and that a majority of REEs and Si in Taxodium japonicum and Thea sinensis are originated from the soluble fraction in the soil.  相似文献   

ICP-M法测定了江西赣南地区非稀土矿区和4处不同稀土矿区内,土壤-铁芒萁系统中15个稀土元素的含量,并对稀土元素在土壤剖面层及铁芒萁植物体内的分布、迁移特征进行了研究.结果表明,稀土元素总量在土壤剖面层的底土层含量最高,但表土层铈相对富集.稀土元素在铁芒萁植物体内的分布规律是叶、根>茎>叶柄.铁芒萁根中稀土元素的丰度与其母土表土层,尤其是母土表土层可溶态稀土元素的分布模式基本相似.稀土元素在铁芒萁体内的迁移过程中,发生了明显的分馏作用,茎、叶柄、叶中的重稀土相对贫乏.  相似文献   

The widespread use of rare earth elements (REEs) has resulted in problems for soil and human health. Phytolacca americana L. is a herbaceous plant widely distributed in Dingnan county of Jiangxi province, China, which is a REE mining region (ion absorption rare earth mine) and the soil has high levels of REEs. An investigation of REE content of P. americana growing naturally in Dingnan county was conducted. REE concentrations in the roots, stems, and leaves of P. americana and in their rhizospheric soils were determined. Results showed that plant REEs concentrations varied among the sampling sites and can reach 1040 mg/kg in the leaves. Plant REEs concentrations decreased in the order of leaf > root > stem and all tissues were characterized by a light REE enrichment and a heavy REE depletion. However, P. americana exhibited preferential accumulation of light REEs during the absorption process (from soil to root) and preferential accumulation of heavy REEs during the translocation process (from stem to leaf). The ability of P. americana to accumulate high REEs in the shoot makes it a potential candidate for understanding the absorption mechanisms of REEs and for the phytoremediation of REEs contaminated soil.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Rare Earth Elements (REE) are widely used to trace natural geochemical processes. They are also increasingly used by man (electronics industry, medicine, agriculture) and therefore considered as emerging pollutants. The present study documents REE mobility in non-polluted natural soil-plant systems in order to characterize their environmental availability for future anthropogenic pollution.


The study is based on a field approach in non-polluted natural sites with contrasting geological environments (limestone, granite, and carbonatite) and highly variable REE contents.


REE concentrations in soils do not directly reflect bedrock concentrations, but depend largely on pedogenetic processes and on the mineralogy of bedrock and soil. The soils of all sites are with respect to bedrock enriched in heavy REE. The REE uptake by plants is not primarily controlled by the plant itself, but depends on the concentration and the speciation in the soil and the adsorbed soil water pool.


REE uptake by plant roots are linked with those of Fe. Roots absorb preferentially the light REE. Before translocation, REE are retained by the Casparian strip leading to much lower concentrations in the aerial parts. The transport of the REE within the xylem is associated with the general nutrient flux.  相似文献   

Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) is a medicinal plant; however, lack of consistency in past dormancy studies has hindered propagation of this species from seeds. We tested the germination responses of freshly harvested and after-ripened (stored for 2 and 7 months; 25°C at 50% relative humidity) seeds from three populations (P1, P2 and P3) in Iran at varying constant or alternating temperatures, with or without GA3 and in light and continuous darkness. No germination occurred in freshly harvested seeds incubated at any condition without GA3 application, indicating that all the seeds were dormant. Seeds from P1 and P2, which developed under relatively dry, warm conditions, germinated over a wider range of temperatures after 2 months of dry storage, indicating type 6 of non-deep physiological dormancy (PD). Seeds from P3, which developed under relatively wet, cool conditions, incubated at constant temperatures (especially on GA3), exhibited an increase in maximum temperature for germination, indicating type 1 of non-deep PD. Light improved germination of after-ripened seeds, and GA3 application substituted for the light requirement for germination. This is the first report that environmental conditions during seed development may be correlated with differences in the type of non-deep PD. We conclude that milk thistle seeds are positively photoblastic and photodormant and the germination responses of after-ripened seeds from different populations are different under darkness. Therefore, the impacts of genetic differences and maternal effects on the induction of dormancy during seed development should be considered in attempts to domesticate this medicinal plant.  相似文献   

Previous studies have quantified variation in environmental maternal effects (EME) within populations, but these effects could differ among populations as well. In this study we grew clonal replicates of individuals from three populations of the annual plant Diodia teres in their native and non-native environments. Our goal was to estimate the effects of maternal environment and maternal population on seed and seedling traits. Seeds that were produced in this field study were then planted in two soil types to quantify effects of the offspring environment on seedling traits. There was substantial variation among populations for seed weight. We found population variation for EME, and maternal environment by offspring environment interactions. We conclude that variation among populations in EME may be an unrecognized component of local adaptation, and that attempts to control maternal effects by statistically accounting for variation in seed weight may be ineffective.  相似文献   

Recent studies of germination in natural habitats, of genetic variation within populations and of the relative proportion of vegetative and sexual reproduction in the clonal plant speciesAnemone nemorosa suggest that sexual recruitment by seeds from outcrossed flowers is important for the maintenance of this species' populations. Because published reports on its breeding system are controversial, pollination experiments were performed in five natural populations ofA. nemorosa. Differences in ovule number per flower were recorded among populations, but they were not related to obvious habitat differences. Seed/ovule-ratios were significantly higher after open pollination and artificial crossing than after either artificial or spontaneous selfing. Populations had no effect on seed/ovuleratios. Different breeding indices indicated thatA. nemorosa is mainly self-incompatible. Nevertheless, some seed set also occurred after selfing, and both artificial and spontaneous selfing exhibited higher variation in seed/ovule-ratios than open pollination and artificial crossing. Continuous variation in seed/ovule-ratios after selfing suggested that the expression and effectiveness of the self-incompatibility system ofA. nemorosa is influenced by both genetic variation and phenotypic plasticity.  相似文献   

Southern India, one of the last strongholds of the endangered Asian elephant (Elephas maximus), harbours about one-fifth of the global population. We present here the first population genetic study of free-ranging Asian elephants, examining within- and among-population differentiation by analysing mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and nuclear microsatellite DNA differentiation across the Nilgiris-Eastern Ghats, Anamalai, and Periyar elephant reserves of southern India. Low mtDNA diversity and 'normal' microsatellite diversity were observed. Surprisingly, the Nilgiri population, which is the world's single largest Asian elephant population, had only one mtDNA haplotype and lower microsatellite diversity than the two other smaller populations examined. There was almost no mtDNA or microsatellite differentiation among localities within the Nilgiris, an area of about 15,000 km2. This suggests extensive gene flow in the past, which is compatible with the home ranges of several hundred square kilometres of elephants in southern India. Conversely, the Nilgiri population is genetically distinct at both mitochondrial and microsatellite markers from the two more southerly populations, Anamalai and Periyar, which in turn are not genetically differentiated from each other. The more southerly populations are separated from the Nilgiris by only a 40-km-wide stretch across a gap in the Western Ghats mountain range. These results variably indicate the importance of population bottlenecks, social organization, and biogeographic barriers in shaping the distribution of genetic variation among Asian elephant populations in southern India.  相似文献   

We investigated phenotypic variation in 15 traits in greenhouse-grown plants from 16 populations of Clarkia unguiculata from three elevational habitats and six latitudinal transects. Populations from the lowest and highest elevations were geographically and ecologically marginal within the species' range. We (1) describe patterns of trait variation with elevation and latitude; (2) compare latitutidinal variation between marginal and central areas of the species' range; and (3) compare patterns of variation within C. unguiculata to interspecific patterns within the genus. Although there was some evidence that traits varied clinally (i.e., increased/decreased monotonically) along environmental gradients, interaction effects between altitude and latitude dominated patterns of variation. For most traits, latitudinal trends at the low-elevation margin of the species' range differed from trends at mid- and high-elevation areas. Based on interspecific comparisons, populations at the hotter, more arid ends of both environmental gradients were expected to have rapid development, small flowers and vegetative size, low levels of herkogamy and protandry, and high rates of gas exchange. Instead, we found that while some traits were correlated with one gradient in the expected way (e.g., development time with elevation, gas-exchange physiology with latitude), all traits were not consistently associated with each other along both gradients, and intraspecific patterns of variation differed from interspecific patterns.  相似文献   

Breakdown of genetically enforced self-incompatibility (SI), an extremely common and important evolutionary transition in plants, has conventionally been conceived as a qualitative rather than a quantitative change. We evaluated qualitative and quantitative variation in SI for four populations of Witheringia solanacea in Costa Rica, examining growth of self-pollen tubes in pollinations of buds and mature flowers. We also measured levels of RNase production in styles to determine whether enzyme production was correlated with differences in self-rejection. The two small populations contained both self-compatible (SC) individuals and obligate outcrossers (female or SI). Plants in the two large populations were uniformly SI as revealed by pollen tube growth, although several of these individuals sporadically set seed autogamously. Stylar RNase activity did not differ significantly between bud and mature flowers, but self-pollen tube growth did differ, suggesting that a gene product in addition to S-RNase is responsible for developmental onset of SI. Population-level differences in RNase activity were consistent with differences in the strength of the rejection response in bud pollinations, suggesting that a threshold level of S-RNase, in combination with other factors, is necessary for SI. Our results support a growing body of evidence that not only qualitative variation in SI, but also quantitative variation may be functionally significant.  相似文献   

Abstract Long-term canopy storage of seeds in fruits (bradyspory) varies among species and is thought to be related to the fire regime experienced by the plant community. This study sought to quantify intraspecific variation in bradyspory among nine populations of Banksia serrata (Proteaceae) on the south coast of New South Wales. Marked differences were found between populations, ranging from more than 30% of follicles open at two coastal sites, to less than 5% of follicles open at two inland heath sites. Low levels of bradyspory occurred particularly in coastal sites which also had Banksia integrifolia, a non-bradysporous species, present. In addition to spontaneous follicle opening without fire, fall of infructes-cences to the ground after breaking of branches was observed to be a major contributor to seed release. At three sites where fire had not occurred for many years, the amount of seedling establishment since the last fire corresponded well with levels of bradyspory; there were no inter-fire recruits at the site with the strongest bradyspory, while at the site with the weakest bradyspory there were numerous inter-fire plants, some with lignotubers large enough to be able to tolerate the next fire. It is argued that populations of B. serrata exhibit variable patterns of recruitment, depending on the site characteristics, ranging from complete dependence on fire for population maintenance to bet-hedging (spreading potential recruitment between fire events and inter-fire periods). Variations in populations and reproductive characteristics among sites make the application of demographic models to management decisions habitat-specific.  相似文献   

Various factors known to affect fruit set in self-incompatible plants were studied in 11 populations of Centaurea scabiosa . The importance of genetic variation was estimated using isozymes. A low overall genetic differentiation among populations suggested high levels of either current or historical gene flow. Large variation in fruit set was found among populations, among plants within populations, and among flower heads within plants. Most of this variation was explained by differences among flower heads within plants. Within the range in population size studied, there was no indication that plants growing in the smaller populations had lower fruit set than plants in larger ones. A significant positive correlation between genetic variation and population reproductive success was found. Pollinator visitation rate was very high and dominated by bumblebees. It was rendered unlikely that reproduction was limited by pollinator availability. It was even suggested that a very high visitation rate might have negative effects on fruit set in some populations due to an increased proportion of geitonogamous pollination resulting in stigma clogging with non-compatible pollen. The number of flower heads produced by individual plants did not affect fruit set in individual flower heads.  相似文献   

The concentrations of 19 trace element in hair samples from 1273 residents of Harbin (China), Medan (Indonesia), and Tokushima (Japan) were measured by inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry. The mean concentrations of Ba, Ca, and Se were significantly higher in the Harbin hair samples when compared to those from Medan, but Al, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Na, Pb, Ti, Zn, and K were significantly higher in Medan than in Harbin hair samples. The differences in the mean concentrations of As, Cr, Mg, P, Sn, and Sr between the Medan and Harbin lots were not significant. In the Tokushima hair samples, Na and K were significantly higher, but As, B, Ba, Ca, Cr, Mg, Mn, Pb, Sn, Sr, and Se were significantly lower than in the Harbin hair samples. The differences in the mean concentrations of Al, Cu, Fe, P, Ti, and Zn between Harbin and Tokushima were not significant. In the Medan hair samples, Al, As, B, Ba, Ca, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Pb, Sn, Sr, Ti, and Zn were significantly higher, but P and Se were significantly lower than in Tokushima hair samples. Differences in mean concentrations of Na and K between Tokushima and Medan were not significant.  相似文献   

Robertsonian (Rb) translocation is the largest source of chromosomal diversity in the western European house mouse (Mus musculus domesticus). Recently, the fusion Rb(7.17) was found in the chromosomal polymorphic zone of this subspecies in the north-east of the Iberian Peninsula. This fusion has not been reported in any other European population. Here we give data on the distribution and frequency of this mutation in this region. Results revealed that Rb(7.17) is restricted to a small geographic area, and that, in comparison with other fusions in this polymorphic zone, it occurs at low frequencies. We suggest some possible explanations for the distribution of this translocation.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis of the migration of the corn borer, the allozymes of nine populations of the corn borer(Ostrinia) in China were checked using verticalslab polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Eight loci of six allozymes were analyzed. The mean of the genetic identities among the nine populations calculated from the allele frequencies was 0.99068, much closer than that of other species and geographical populations. The mean (0.97955) of the genetic identities between the XJYN population (Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner, collected from Yining, Xinjiang Autonomous Region) and each of the other eight populations (O. furnacalis Guenée) was significantly smaller than that between the pairs of the eight populations (0.99386;t test,P<0.01). Although the population XJYN clearly deviates from the other eight populations in the dendrogram, the relationship of the two species of corn borer was very close. It is possible that the speciation of corn borer may have resulted from single-gene substitutions.  相似文献   

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