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Malate dehydrogenase (MDH) catalyzes a reversible NAD+-dependent-dehydrogenase reaction involved in central metabolism and redox homeostasis between organelle compartments. To explore the role of mitochondrial MDH (mMDH) in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), knockout single and double mutants for the highly expressed mMDH1 and lower expressed mMDH2 isoforms were constructed and analyzed. A mmdh1mmdh2 mutant has no detectable mMDH activity but is viable, albeit small and slow growing. Quantitative proteome analysis of mitochondria shows changes in other mitochondrial NAD-linked dehydrogenases, indicating a reorganization of such enzymes in the mitochondrial matrix. The slow-growing mmdh1mmdh2 mutant has elevated leaf respiration rate in the dark and light, without loss of photosynthetic capacity, suggesting that mMDH normally uses NADH to reduce oxaloacetate to malate, which is then exported to the cytosol, rather than to drive mitochondrial respiration. Increased respiratory rate in leaves can account in part for the low net CO2 assimilation and slow growth rate of mmdh1mmdh2. Loss of mMDH also affects photorespiration, as evidenced by a lower postillumination burst, alterations in CO2 assimilation/intercellular CO2 curves at low CO2, and the light-dependent elevated concentration of photorespiratory metabolites. Complementation of mmdh1mmdh2 with an mMDH cDNA recovered mMDH activity, suppressed respiratory rate, ameliorated changes to photorespiration, and increased plant growth. A previously established inverse correlation between mMDH and ascorbate content in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) has been consolidated in Arabidopsis and may potentially be linked to decreased galactonolactone dehydrogenase content in mitochondria in the mutant. Overall, a central yet complex role for mMDH emerges in the partitioning of carbon and energy in leaves, providing new directions for bioengineering of plant growth rate and a new insight into the molecular mechanisms linking respiration and photosynthesis in plants.Plant tissues contain multiple isoforms of malate dehydrogenase (l-malate-NAD-oxidoreductase [MDH]; EC that catalyze the interconversion of malate and oxaloacetate (OAA) coupled to reduction or oxidation of the NAD pool. These isoforms are encoded by separate genes in plants and have been shown to possess distinct kinetic properties as well as subcellular targeting and physiological functions (Gietl, 1992). While the MDH reaction is reversible, it strongly favors the reduction of OAA. The direction of the reaction in vivo depends on substrate/product ratios and the NAD redox state, and it can vary even in the same tissue due to prevailing physiological conditions. Isoforms operate in mitochondria, chloroplasts, peroxisomes, and the cytosol, but due to the ready transport and utilization of malate and OAA and the availability of NAD, this reaction can cooperate across compartments and is the basis for malate/OAA shuttling of reducing equivalents in many different metabolic schemes of plant cellular function (Krömer, 1995). It is clear, however, that the exchange through the membranes is strictly controlled, since large redox differences in NAD(H) pools exist between compartments (Igamberdiev and Gardeström, 2003).The mitochondrial MDH (mMDH) is thought to operate in at least three different pathways in plants. First, it is a classical tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle enzyme that oxidizes the malate product from the fumarase reaction to OAA for the citrate synthase-dependent condensation with acetyl-CoA to form citrate. Second, it is considered to operate in the reverse direction during the conversion of Gly to Ser by reducing OAA to malate and providing a supply of NAD+ for Gly decarboxylase (Journet et al., 1981). Third, in a more specialized pathway in C4 plants, it provides a supply of CO2 for fixation in bundle sheath chloroplasts by reducing OAA (generated from Asp transported from mesophyll cells) into malate that is then decarboxylated by NAD-malic enzyme (NAD-ME) to CO2 and pyruvate (Hatch and Osmond, 1976). Plant mitochondria can support TCA cycle activity with malate as the sole substrate due to MDH and NAD-ME, both ubiquitous in plants (Palmer, 1984). OAA is readily transported both into and out of isolated plant mitochondria (Douce and Bonner, 1972), in contrast to mammalian mitochondria, which are essentially impermeable to this organic acid.While these three mMDH schemes and metabolic schemes for other MDH isoforms are plausible, widely accepted, and consistent with a range of biochemical studies, the depletion, removal, and overexpression of specific MDH isoforms in plants have led to surprising insights into MDH roles in vivo. For example, the peroxisomal MDH (PMDH) was until recently generally considered to be involved in the synthesis of NADH for hydroxypyruvate reduction in the photorespiratory cycle and for the oxidation of NADH generated during β-oxidation of fatty acids, but its potential role in the oxidation of malate in the glyoxylate cycle was unclear. However, studies of the double knockout of PMDH in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) showed that while PMDH is essential for β-oxidation, its removal does not impair glyoxylate cycle activity (Pracharoenwattana et al., 2007) and has only a limited impact on hydroxypyruvate reduction (Cousins et al., 2008).Changes in mMDH have been reported both through the study of spontaneous mutants and the expression of antisense constructs. Spontaneous null mutants of mMDH1 in soybean (Glycine max) are linked to a yellow foliage phenotype and are associated with the removal of two of the three mMDH isoforms (Imsande et al., 2001). Expression of an antisense fragment of mMDH in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), driven by the 35S promoter, lowered mMDH protein in mitochondria, decreased total cellular MDH by approximately 60%, but had a positive impact on photosynthetic activity, CO2 assimilation rate, and total plant dry matter in long-day-grown plants (Nunes-Nesi et al., 2005). A range of carbohydrates also accumulated in the tomato antisense plants, as did redox-related compounds such as ascorbate. The increase in ascorbate content may be linked to the enhancement of photosynthesis, as ascorbate feeding to leaves can also increase photosynthetic performance (Nunes-Nesi et al., 2005). This link is not absolute, however, given that short-day-grown antisense tomato plants had stunted growth, which was potentially due to impaired photosynthesis, but still had elevated levels of ascorbate due to a higher ratio of reduction of the ascorbate pool compared with the wild type (Nunes-Nesi et al., 2008). Analysis of roots from these antisense tomato plants revealed a negative impact of mMDH loss, leading to a lower root dry weight and lower root respiratory rate (van der Merwe et al., 2009). This implies a distinct impact of mMDH loss on roots and shoots. Overexpression of cytosolic MDH led to a 4-fold elevation of root organic acids in alfalfa (Medicago sativa) plants and high rates of organic acid exudation that increased aluminum tolerance through metal chelation in the soil (Tesfaye et al., 2001). These studies imply that there is a complex form of functional redundancy between MDH isoforms in different compartments, allowing MDH in separate locations to maintain specific pathways via malate/OAA shuttling, or that a range of redox requirements that have been linked to MDH in accepted metabolic schemes are incorrect and other reactions couple NAD/NADH pool homeostasis. In addition, these studies clearly show that changes in the amount of MDH isoforms can alter metabolic flux into a range of organic acids and have far-reaching effects on plant growth and development.To better understand the importance of the mMDH and to determine if plants are viable without any mMDH isoforms due either to the role of NAD-ME and/or malate/OAA shuttling to other compartments, we have constructed and analyzed mMDH mutants in Arabidopsis. A major and a minor MDH isoform exist in Arabidopsis mitochondria, evidenced by differing levels of gene expression and differing protein abundance (Lee et al., 2008). We hypothesized that if mMDH works in concert with other MDH isoforms and is responsible for the reduction of OAA to malate for export from the mitochondrion, then if we remove mMDH, not only would the loss of extramitochondrial malate and the slowing of Gly decarboxylation limit photorespiratory carbon flux, but oxidation of NADH remaining in the mitochondrion could lead to elevated leaf respiration and alteration in plant growth. We found that not only did mutants have low photorespiratory flux, but they also increased respiration and had slow growth due to lowered net CO2 assimilation. The previously established correlation between mMDH abundance, photosynthetic performance, and foliar ascorbate levels was also investigated. Elevated levels of the metabolite were found in Arabidopsis, consolidating the work done in tomato (Nunes-Nesi et al., 2005). Proteomic analyses, followed by immunodetection studies, unearthed altered abundance of the terminal enzyme of the ascorbate biosynthetic pathway, galactono-1,4-lactone dehydrogenase (GLDH), as a mechanistic element in the phenomenon linked directly to mitochondrial function.  相似文献   

Maize mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase is coded by four genetic loci, Mdh1, Mdh2, Mdh3 and Mdh4. Two of the four loci have been located on the long arm of chromosome 6, using trisomic analysis and B-A translocations.  相似文献   

Because the mitochondrial inner membrane is impermeable to pyridine nucleotides, transport of reducing equivalents between the mitochondrial matrix and the cytoplasm relies on shuttle mechanisms, including the malate-aspartate shuttle and the glycerol-3-phosphate shuttle. These shuttles are needed for reducing equivalents generated by metabolic reactions in the cytosol to be oxidized via aerobic metabolism. Two isoenzymes of malate dehydrogenase (MDH) operate as components of the malate-aspartate shuttle, in which a reducing equivalent is transported via malate, which when oxidized to oxaloacetate, transfers an electron pair to reduce NAD to NADH. Several competing mechanisms have been proposed for the MDH-catalyzed reaction. This study aims to identify the pH-dependent kinetic mechanism for cytoplasmic MDH (cMDH) catalyzed oxidation/reduction of MAL/OAA. Experiments were conducted assaying the forward and reverse directions with products initially present, varying pH between 6.5 and 9.0. By fitting time-course data to various mechanisms, it is determined that an ordered bi-bi mechanism with coenzyme binding first followed by the binding of substrate is able to explain the kinetic data. The proposed mechanism is similar to, but not identical to, the mechanism recently determined for the mitochondrial isoform, mMDH. cMDH and mMDH mechanisms are also shown to both be reduced versions of a common, more complex mechanism that can explain the kinetic data for both isoforms. Comparing the simulated activity (ratio of initial velocity to the enzyme concentration) under physiological conditions, the mitochondrial MDH (mMDH) activity is predicted to be higher than cMDH activity under mitochondrial matrix conditions while the cMDH activity is higher than mMDH activity under cytoplasmic conditions, suggesting that the functions of the isoforms are kinetically tuned to their individual physiological roles.  相似文献   

Although it is well known that aluminum (Al) resistance in wheat (Triticum aestivum) is multigenic, physiological evidence for multiple mechanisms of Al resistance has not yet been documented. The role of root apical phosphate and malate exudation in Al resistance was investigated in two wheat cultivars (Al-resistant Atlas and Al-sensitive Scout) and two near-isogenic lines (Al-resistant ET3 and Al-sensitive ES3). In Atlas Al resistance is multigenic, whereas in ET3 resistance is conditioned by the single Alt1 locus. Based on root- growth experiments, Atlas was found to be 3-fold more resistant in 20 [mu]M Al than ET3. Root-exudation experiments were conducted under sterile conditions; a large malate efflux localized to the root apex was observed only in Atlas and in ET3 and only in the presence of Al (5 and 20 [mu]M). Furthermore, the more Al-resistant Atlas exhibited a constitutive phosphate release localized to the root apex. As predicted from the formation constants for the Al-malate and Al-phosphate complexes, the addition of either ligand to the root bathing solution alleviated Al inhibition of root growth in Al-sensitive Scout. These results provide physiological evidence that Al resistance in Atlas is conditioned by at least two genes. In addition to the alt locus that controls Al-induced malate release from the root apex, other genetic loci appear to control constitutive phosphate release from the apex. We suggest that both exudation processes act in concert to enhance Al exclusion and Al resistance in Atlas.  相似文献   

Over a range of concentrations from less than 0.1 mm to more than 70 mm, sweet potato root mitochondria display a bimodal substrate saturation isotherm for malate. The high affinity portion of the isotherm has an apparent Km for malate of 0.85 mm and fits a rectangular hyperbolic function. The low affinity portion of the isotherm is sigmoid in character and gives an apparent S(0.5) of 40.6 mm and a Hill number of 3.7.Extracts of sweet potato mitochondria contain both malate dehydrogenase and NAD malic enzyme. The malate dehydrogenase, assayed in the forward direction at pH 7.2, shows typical Michaelis-Menten kinetics with a Km for malate of 0.38 mm. The NAD malic enzyme shows pronounced sigmoidicity in response to malate with a Hill number of 3.5 and an S(0.5) of 41.6 mm.On the basis of the normal kinetics, the Km, and the fact that oxaloacetate production from malate by mitochondria appears most active at low malate concentrations, the high affinity portion of the malate isotherm with mitochondria is attributed to malate dehydrogenase. The low affinity portion of the malate isotherm with mitochondria is thought, on the basis of the similarity of S(0.5) values, the Hill numbers, and the greater production of pyruvate from malate at high malate concentrations, to represent the activity of the NAD malic enzyme.  相似文献   

The responses of five transgenic tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) lines containing the betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase (BADH) gene to salt stress were evaluated. Proline, betaine (N, N, N-trimethylglycine, hereafter betalne), chlorophyll and ion contents, BADH activity, electrolyte leakage (EL), and some growth parameters of the plants under 1.0% and 1.5% NaCl treatments were examined. The transgenic tomatoes had enhanced BADH activity and betaine content, compared to the wild type under stress conditions. Salt stress reduced chlorophyll contents to s higher extent in the wild type than in the transgenic plants. The wild type exhibited significantly higher proline content than the transgenic plants at 0.9% and 1.3% NaCh Cell membrane of the wild type was severely damaged as determined by higher EL under salinity stress. K^+ and Ca^2+ contents of all tested lines decreased under salt stress, but the transgenic plants showed a significantly higher accumulation of K^+ and Ca^2+ than the wild type. In contrast, the wild type had significantly higher CI- and Na^2+ contents than the transgenic plants under salt stress. Although yield reduction among various lines varied, the wild type had the highest yield reduction. Fruit quality of the transgenic plants was better in comparison with the wild type as shown by a low ratio of blossom end rot fruits. The results show that the transgenic plants have improved salt tolerance over the wild type.  相似文献   

As a result of the performed study, the basic data were obtained on the level of lactate dehydrogenate (LDH) and malate dehydrogenase (MDH) activity in two species of sturgeons caught in various regions of the Volga basin under conditions of spreading in the population of a pathology, one of its manifestations being stratification of muscle tissue. In the sterlet, a statistically significant increase of muscle LDH was revealed in fish with a pronounced stratification, while in the Russian sturgeon a tendency for such increase was noticed. In the group of sick fish a marked increase of dispersion of individual values of the enzyme activities in tissues was observed, which appears to indicate a disbalance of biochemical processes in the organism. The data obtained indicate that the stratification is not accompanied by a damage of myofibril sheaths and of liver cells. No obvious interspecies differences in the levels of LDH and MDH were observed between the sterlet and Russian sturgeon.  相似文献   

关洪英  唐志权  李辉 《遗传学报》2006,33(6):501-506
苹果酸脱氢酶(Malate Dehydrogenase,MD)是一种氧化还原性酶,参与体内多种能量代谢反应.它可以催化苹果酸氧化脱羧生成丙酮酸和CO2,并使NADP+还原成NADPH,NADPH是脂肪酸合成所必需的载体,棕榈酸可以利用生成的NADPH来合成长链脂肪酸,MD的活性与脂肪酸合成效率之间存在密切的相关,MD也参与体内骨骼肌、心肌的能量代谢,并对肌纤维的生长有一定的调节作用.根据鸡MD基因的5侧翼区序列设计一对引物,用直接测序的方法在侧翼区检测多态性位点,在235bp(GenBank登录号U49693)处发现一个SNP位点,此位点是一个限制性内切酶(SphⅠ酶)发生变化的位点.以东北农业大学高低脂双向选择系的第8世代肉鸡和东农F2资源群体为实验材料,用PCR-RFLP的方法进行基因型分析,建立适合的统计模型,进行基因型与生长和体组成性状的相关分析.结果表明在高低脂系第8世代肉鸡中AA基因型个体的腹脂重和腹脂率显著高于BB基因型个体(P<0.05);BB基因型个体的大胸肌重和大胸肌率显著高于AA基因型个体(P<0.05).在东农F2资源家系中BB基因型个体的大胸肌重和大胸肌率显著高于AA和AB基因型个体(P<0.05);AA基因型个体的肝脏重和肝脏率显著高于BB基因型个体(P<0.05).综上所述,MD基因可能是影响鸡生长和体组成性状的主效基因或与控制生长和体组成性状的主效基因相连锁.  相似文献   

Unlike birds and mammals, teleost fish express two paralogous isoforms (paralogues) of cytosolic malate dehydrogenase (cMDH; EC; NAD+: malate oxidoreductase) whose evolutionary relationships to the single cMDH of tetrapods are unknown. We sequenced complementary DNAs for both cMDHs and the mitochondrial isoform (mMDH) of the fish Sphyraena idiastes (south temperate barracuda) and compared the sequences, kinetic properties, and thermal stabilities of the three isoforms with those of mammalian orthologues. Both fish cMDHs comprise 333 residues and have subunit masses of approximately 36 kDa. One cytosolic isoform, cMDH-S, was significantly more heat-stable than either the other cMDH (cMDH-L) or mMDH. In contradiction to the generally accepted model of vertebrate cMDH evolution, our phylogenetic analysis indicates that the duplication of the fish cytosolic paralogues occurred after the divergence of the lineages leading to teleosts and tetrapods. cMDH-L and cMDH-S differed in optimal concentrations of substrates and cofactors and apparent Michaelis–Menten constants, suggesting that the two paralogues may play distinct physiological roles. Differences in intrinsic thermal stability among MDH paralogues may reflect different degrees of stabilization in vivo by extrinsic stabilizers, notably protein concentration in the case of mMDH. Thermal stabilities of porcine mMDH and cMDH-L, but not cMDH-S, were significantly increased when denaturation was measured at a high protein (bovine serum albumin; BSA) concentration, but the BSA-induced stabilization reduced the catalytic activity. Received: 5 April 2001 / Accepted: 28 June 2001  相似文献   

Al toxicity is a severe impediment to production of many crops in acid soil. Toxicity can be reduced through lime application to raise soil pH, however this amendment does not remedy subsoil acidity, and liming may not always be practical or cost-effective. Addition of organic acids to plant nutrient solutions alleviates phytotoxic Al effects, presumably by chelating Al and rendering it less toxic. In an effort to increase organic acid secretion and thereby enhance Al tolerance in alfalfa (Medicago sativa), we produced transgenic plants using nodule-enhanced forms of malate dehydrogenase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase cDNAs under the control of the constitutive cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter. We report that a 1.6-fold increase in malate dehydrogenase enzyme specific activity in root tips of selected transgenic alfalfa led to a 4.2-fold increase in root concentration as well as a 7.1-fold increase in root exudation of citrate, oxalate, malate, succinate, and acetate compared with untransformed control alfalfa plants. Overexpression of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase enzyme specific activity in transgenic alfalfa did not result in increased root exudation of organic acids. The degree of Al tolerance by transformed plants in hydroponic solutions and in naturally acid soil corresponded with their patterns of organic acid exudation and supports the concept that enhancing organic acid synthesis in plants may be an effective strategy to cope with soil acidity and Al toxicity.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which malate synthesis from CO2 is increasedunder low concentrations of CO2 was investigated in C3 plants.A number of metabolites were administered to illuminated tomatoleaves, and their effects on the incorporation of 14CO2 intomalate were determined. Compared with water as a control, glycolate,glyoxylate, D,L-glycerate, glycine, phosphoglycolate and L-serineincreased malate synthesis by factors of 6.8, 3.8, 3.3, 2.5,2.3 and 2.2, respectively. The effect of exogenous glycolateon malate synthesis from CO2 was dependent on its concentrationup to 100 mu, but was independent of ambient CO2 concentration.The feeding of l-14C-glycolate in the light indicated that glycolatestimulated the carbon flow from CO2 to malate. The analysis of the products of 14CO2 fixation in illuminatedleaves supplied with glycolate showed increases in malate andsugar and decreases in serine and phosphate esters. However,this stimulated malate synthesis ceased when malonate was suppliedsimultaneously with glycolate. Treatment with glycolate didnot affect the dark 14CO2-fixation, but increased the 14C-malatesynthesis, with a corresponding decrease in 14C-aspartate and14C-glutamate. These results suggest that exogenous glycolateactivates malate dehydrogenase in leaves, and that the increasedglycolate formation at low CO2 concentrations is associatedwith the increased malate synthesis from CO2. (Received January 12, 1981; Accepted May 20, 1981)  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that the Arabidopsis Adh (alcohol dehydrogenase) gene is constitutively expressed at low levels in the roots of young plants grown on agar media, and that the expression level is greatly induced by anoxic or hypoxic stresses. We questioned whether the agar medium itself created an anaerobic environment for the roots upon their growing into the gel. beta-Glucuronidase (GUS) expression driven by the Adh promoter was examined by growing transgenic Arabidopsis plants in different growing systems. Whereas roots grown on horizontal-positioned plates showed high Adh/GUS expression levels, roots from vertical-positioned plates had no Adh/GUS expression. Additional results indicate that growth on vertical plates closely mimics the Adh/GUS expression observed for soil-grown seedlings, and that growth on horizontal plates results in induction of high Adh/GUS expression that is consistent with hypoxic or anoxic conditions within the agar of the root zone. Adh/GUS expression in the shoot apex is also highly induced by root penetration of the agar medium. This induction of Adh/GUS in shoot apex and roots is due, at least in part, to mechanisms involving Ca2+ signal transduction.  相似文献   

采用营养液水培的方法,以“改良毛粉802F1”番茄为材料,硝普钠(sodiumnitroprusside,sNP)为一氧化氮(N0)供体,研究外源N0对铜胁迫下番茄幼苗根系构型及其超微结构的影响。结果表明,50μmol·L-1的铜胁迫下,外施100μmol·L-1 SNP能够显著增加番茄幼苗植株的生物量、株高和茎粗,提高根系活力,改善根系构型中的根长度、根平均直径、根表面积和根体积,缓解番茄幼苗亚细胞结构(细胞核、线粒体、叶绿体、液泡、核膜)的改变,维持番茄幼苗组织结构的稳定,减缓铜胁迫对植株生长的抑制作用,添加NO清除剂牛血红蛋白后,能显著消除NO的缓解效果。  相似文献   

Malate dehydrogenase (MD) is a key enzyme that plays an important role in energy metabolism. It catalyzes the oxidative decarboxylation of L-malate to yield CO2 and pyruvate, while simultaneously generating NADPH from NADP+. The NADPH generated can be utilized in de novo synthesis of palmitate, which is the precursor molecule for the formation of other long-chain fatty acids. And high levels of MD will also activate muscle development. The current study was designed to investigate the effects of MD gene on growth and body-composition traits in chicken. The eighth generation population of Northeast Agricultural University broiler lines divergently selected for its abdominal fat and Northeast Agricultural University F2 resource population were used in the research. Polymorphisms were detected by DNA sequencing and PCR-RFLP method was then developed to screen the population. A single mutation at the position of the 235 bp (Accession No. U49693) of MD 5′-flanking region was found. The correlation analysis between the polymorphism of the MD gene and growth and body composition traits was carried out using the appropriate statistic model. Least-square analysis showed that the BB genotype birds had much higher pectoralis major weight and percentage of pectoralis major than AA genotype birds (P<0.05). The abdominal fat weight, percentage of abdominal fat, the liver weight and percentage of liver weight of the AA genotype birds were much higher than those of BB genotype birds (P<0.05). These results indicate that MD gene is the major gene or is linked to the major gene that affects the growth and body composition traits in chicken.  相似文献   

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