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It is widely held that segregation of tissues expressing different cadherins results from cadherin-subtype-specific binding specificities. This belief is based largely upon assays in which cells expressing different cadherin subtypes aggregate separately when shaken in suspension. In various combinations of L cells expressing NCAM, E-, P-, N-, R-, or B-cadherin, coaggregation occurred when shear forces were low or absent but could be selectively inhibited by high shear forces. Cells expressing P- vs E-cadherin coaggregated and then demixed, one population enveloping the other completely. To distinguish whether this demixing was due to differences in cadherin affinities or expression levels, the latter were varied systematically. Cells expressing either cadherin at a lower level became the enveloping layer, as predicted by the Differential Adhesion Hypothesis. However, when cadherin expression levels were equalized, cells expressing P- vs E-cadherin remained intermixed. In this combination, "homocadherin" (E-E; P-P) and "heterocadherin" (E-P) adhesions must therefore be of similar strength. Cells expressing R- vs B-cadherin coaggregated but demixed to produce configurations of incomplete envelopment. This signifies that R- to B-cadherin adhesions must be weaker than either "homocadherin" adhesion. Together, cadherin quantity and affinity control tissue segregation and assembly through specification of the relative intensities of mature cell-cell adhesions.  相似文献   

Cadherin-mediated cell-cell adhesion: sticking together as a family   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The cadherins comprise a family of single-pass transmembrane proteins critical for cell-cell adhesion in vertebrates and invertebrates. The recently determined structure of the whole ectodomain from C-cadherin suggests that the adhesion of cadherins presented by juxtaposed cells is mediated by a strand-swapped dimer in which core hydrophobic elements are exchanged between the partner molecules. Sequence analysis suggests that several cadherin subfamilies share this adhesive mechanism. Recent work has shed new light on the molecular basis of cadherin adhesion, although understanding the specificity of these interactions remains a major challenge.  相似文献   

Rat 3Y1 cells acquire metastatic potential when transformed with v-src, and this potential is enhanced by double transformation with v-src and v-fos (Taniguchi, S., T. Kawano, T. Mitsudomi, G. Kimura, and T. Baba. 1986. Jpn. J. Cancer Res. 77:1193-1197). We compared the activity of cadherin cell adhesion molecules of normal 3Y1 cells with that of v-src transformed (SR3Y1) and v-src and v-fos double transformed (fosSR3Y1) 3Y1 cells. These cells expressed similar amounts of P-cadherin, and showed similar rates of cadherin-mediated aggregation under suspended conditions. However, the aggregates or colonies of these cells were morphologically distinct. Normal 3Y1 cells formed compacted aggregates in which cells are firmly connected with each other, whereas the transformed cells were more loosely associated, and could freely migrate out of the colonies. Overexpression of exogenous E-cadherin in these transformed cells had no significant effect on their adhesive properties. We then found that herbimycin A, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, induced tighter cell-cell associations in the aggregates of the transformed cells. In contrast, vanadate, a tyrosine phosphatase inhibitor, inhibited the cadherin-mediated aggregation of SR3Y1 and fosSR3Y1 cells but had little effect on that of normal 3Y1 cells. These results suggest that v-src-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation perturbs cadherin function directly or indirectly, and the inhibition of tyrosine phosphorylation restores cadherin action to the normal state. We next studied tyrosine phosphorylation on cadherins and the cadherin-associated proteins, catenins. While similar amounts of catenins were expressed in all of these cells, the 98-kD catenin was strongly tyrosine phosphorylated only in SR3Y1 and fosSR3Y1 cells. Cadherins were also weakly tyrosine phosphorylated only in the transformed cells. The tyrosine phosphorylation of these proteins was enhanced by vanadate, and inhibited by herbimycin A. Thus, the tyrosine phosphorylation of the cadherin-catenin system itself might affect its function, causing instable cell-cell adhesion.  相似文献   

Cadherin dimers in cell-cell adhesion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
While the critical function of classic cadherin in cell-cell junctions is well established, the molecular mechanism of cadherin-based adhesion remains unclear. The elusive but principal part of this adhesion process is the cadherin-cadherin interaction maintaining the intercellular contacts. This interaction is believed to be weak, suggesting that the adhesive contacts are strengthened by the cytoskeleton-dependent clustering of numerous cadherin molecules. An examination of cadherin homodimers in living cells has shown, however, that cadherin adhesive interaction is surprisingly strong. This observation implies that the strength of the adhesive contacts is regulated by the processes disintegrating cadherin dimers. The molecular structure of these dimers and mechanisms potentially responsible for their dynamics in living cells are discussed in this review.  相似文献   

Cells adhere to each other through the binding of cell adhesion molecules at the cell surface. This process, known as cell-cell adhesion, is fundamental in many areas of biology, including early embryo development, tissue homeostasis and tumour growth. In this paper we develop a new continuous mathematical model of this phenomenon by considering the movement of cells in response to the adhesive forces generated through binding. We demonstrate that our model predicts the aggregation behaviour of a disassociated adhesive cell population. Further, when the model is extended to represent the interactions between multiple populations, we demonstrate that it is capable of replicating the different types of cell sorting behaviour observed experimentally. The resulting pattern formation is a direct consequence of the relative strengths of self-population and cross-population adhesive bonds in the model. While cell sorting behaviour has been captured previously with discrete approaches, it has not, until now, been observed with a fully continuous model.  相似文献   

Recent advances in the field of intercellular adhesion highlight the importance of adherens junction association with the underlying actin cytoskeleton. In skin epithelial cells a dynamic feature of adherens junction formation involves filopodia, which physically project into the membrane of adjacent cells, catalyzing the clustering of adherens junction protein complexes at their tips. In turn, actin polymerization is stimulated at the cytoplasmic interface of these complexes. Although the mechanism remains unclear, the VASP/Mena family of proteins seems to be involved in organizing actin polymerization at these sites. In vivo, adherens junction formation appears to rely upon filopodia in processes where epithelial sheets must be physically moved closer to form stable intercellular connections, for example, in ventral closure in embryonic development or wound healing in the postnatal animal.  相似文献   

Cell-cell adhesion is a critical process for the formation and maintenance of tissue patterns during development, as well as invasion and metastasis of cancer cells. Although great strides have been made regarding our understanding of the processes that play a role in cell-cell adhesion, the precise mechanisms by which diverse signaling events regulate cell and tissue architecture is poorly understood. In this commentary we will focus on the Eph/ephrin signaling system, and specifically how the ephrinB1 transmembrane ligand for Eph receptor tyrosine kinases sends signals affecting cell-cell junctions. In a recent study using the epithelial cells of early stage Xenopus embryos, we have shown that loss- or gain-of function of ephrinB1 can disrupt cell-cell contacts and tight junctions. This study reveals a mechanism where ephrinB1 competes with active Cdc42 for binding to Par-6, a scaffold protein central to the Par polarity complex (Par-3/Par-6/Cdc42/aPKC) and disrupts the localization of tight junction-associated proteins (ZO-1, Cingulin) at tight junctions. This competition reduces aPKC activity critical to maintaining and/or forming tight junctions. Finally, phosphorylation of ephrinB1 on specific tyrosine residues can block the interaction between ephrinB1 and Par-6 at tight junctions, and restore tight junction formation. Recent evidence indicates that de-regulation of forward signaling through EphB receptors may play a role in metastatic progression in colon cancer. In light of the new data showing an effect of ephrinB reverse signaling on tight junctions, an additional mechanism can be hypothesized where de-regulation of ephrinB1 expression or phosphorylation may also impact metastatic progression.  相似文献   

The molecules involved in Ca2+-dependent cell-cell adhesion systems (CDS) in mouse hepatocytes were characterized and compared with those in teratocarcinoma cells. Fab fragments of antibody raised against liver tissues (anti-liver) inhibited Ca2+-dependent aggregation of both liver and teratocarcinoma cells. A monoclonal antibody raised against teratocarcinoma CDS (ECCD-1) also inhibited the Ca2+-dependent aggregation of these two cell types equally. These antibodies induced disruption of cell-cell adhesion in monolayers of hepatocytes. Thus, CDS in these two cell types are not immunologically distinctive. Immunochemical analyses with these antibodies showed that CDS in both hepatocytes and teratocarcinoma cells involved at least two classes of cell surface proteins with molecular weights of 124,000 and 104,000. ECCD-1 selectively bound to hepatocytes but not to fibroblastic cells in liver cell cultures. Thus, the molecular constitution of CDS in hepatocytes and teratocarcinoma stem cells is identical. As ECCD-1 reacts with other classes of embryonic and fetal cells, the molecules identified here could have a major role in cell-cell adhesion in various tissues at any developmental stage of animals.  相似文献   

Heterotypic and homotypic cell-cell adhesion molecules in endothelial cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sickle red blood cells display an abnormal propensity to adhere to cultured bovine aortic endothelial cells when compared to normal red blood cells. The adherence was potentiated three-fold by endothelial cell derived conditioned medium, enriched in multimers of von Willebrand factor. Such adherence was ablated by 80% by either the synthetic peptide (RGDS) or antibody to GPIIb/IIIa, indicating the presence of RGD peptide recognition domain/receptor in either endothelial cells or sickle cells or both. The adherence was also inhibited by 70% by phosphatidylserine, but not by other phospholipids, indicating the presence of putative receptors for this phospholipid in endothelial cells. The labeling of cultured bovine aortic endothelial cells with monoclonal antibodies revealed the localization of MAB D2 to regions of cell-cell contact. The antigen on endothelial cells which cross-reacts with this antibody has a Mr of 130,000. The addition of such an antibody during the plating of endothelial cells disrupted monolayer formation. It appears that a 130-kDa polypeptide antigen in endothelial cells which is recognized by MAB D2, may be a cell-cell adhesion molecule.  相似文献   

Species-specific cell-cell adhesion can be demonstrated by analysing the composition of aggregates formed when suspensions of dissociated, differentially labelled cells of two species of slime molds are mixed and gyrated [4]. However, the usefulness of this assay has been limited by the lack of methods for quantifying the extent of specific cell-cell adhesion. In the present report, we introduce two measures of specificity, the purity index and the odds ratio, and show several methods of computing them. Their ability to detect differing amounts of specificity is shown by analysing the composition of aggregates formed by mixing cells from two species under various experimental conditions of differentiation or gyration. Of the two statistical methods considered, the odds ratio seems more useful since it incorporates aggregate size into its formulation and its attendant confidence intervals are easily calculated.  相似文献   

Ksp- and LI-cadherin are structurally homologous proteins coexpressed with E-cadherin in renal and intestinal epithelia, respectively. Whereas LI-cadherin has been shown to mediate Ca2+-dependent homotypic cell-cell adhesion independent of stable interactions with the cytoskeleton, little is known about the physiological role of Ksp-cadherin. To analyze its potential adhesive and morphoregulatory functions, we expressed murine Ksp-cadherin in CHO cells. In this report, we show that Ksp-cadherin induces homotypic and Ca2+-dependent cell-cell adhesion that can be specifically blocked with antibodies raised against the cadherin repeats EC1 and EC2. Ksp-cadherin mediates about the same quantitative adhesive effect (aggregation index) as LI- and E-cadherin. However, the cellular phenotype induced by Ksp-cadherin resembles more closely that of LI- than E-cadherin. This could reflect our observation, that Ksp-cadherin, as well as LI-cadherin, does not directly interact with beta-catenin. In conclusion, both cadherins are thus not only structurally but also functionally related and may share other functions within their respective epithelia.  相似文献   

We recently identified a 105,000-dalton plasma membrane glycoprotein, denoted cell-CAM 105 (CAM, cell adhesion molecule), that is involved in intercellular adhesion of reaggregating rat hepatocytes (Ocklind, C., and B. Obrink, 1982, J. Biol. Chem., 257:6788-6795). In this communication we used a monospecific rabbit antiserum against cell-CAM 105 to localize the antigen by indirect immunofluorescence on isolated rat cells and on frozen rat tissue sections. This antiserum stained the surface of freshly isolated hepatocytes. In liver sections, however, the fluorescence seemed to be located exclusively along the bile canaliculi. In addition, cell-CAM 105 showed a very specific tissue distribution. Thus a specific fluorescence was seen only in the epithelia of the stomach, the small intestine, the large intestine, the glandular epithelium of the parotid gland, and the tubules of the kidney. No specific fluorescence was found in variety of other tissues, including cartilage, interstitial connective tissue, smooth muscle, skeletal muscle, heart muscle, eye, brain, skin, the epithelia of oesophagus, bladder, uterin mucosa, thyroid follicles, prostate gland, or collecting ducts of the kidney. In the simple epithelia of the intestine and the kidney tubules the fluorescence was confined to the apical, luminal portion. Thus, both in these epithelia and in liver, cell-CAM 105 was confined to the apical, luminal portion. Thus, both in these epithelia and in liver, cell-CAM 105 was located where the typical junctional complexes between cells are found. These findings taken together with the fact that cell-CAM 105 is involved in intercellular adhesion between hepatocytes suggest with the fac that cell-CAM 105 is involved in intercellular adhesion between hepatocytes suggest that cell-CAM 105 is a member of the junctional complexes of hepatocytes and some simple epithelia.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies block cell-cell adhesion in Dictyostelium discoideum   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Of 39 monoclonal antibodies that bind the cell surface of aggregating Dictyostelium discoideum, 4 block 76-98% of cell-cell adhesion measured in an in vitro assay. The active antibodies all bind in the range of 10(6) antigenic sites/cell surface and react with more than one material on nitrocellulose blots prepared after polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of whole aggregating cells in sodium dodecyl sulfate. Active antibodies can by grouped into two classes, each with two very similar members. Class I binds several molecules that are prominent in aggregating cells but scarce or undetectable in vegetative cells, blocks cell adhesion only in the presence of EDTA, and has no detectable effect on cell morphology. Class II binds a wide range of molecules present in both vegetative and aggregating cells, inhibits adhesion as well in the absence as in the presence of EDTA, and reversibly alters cell shape.  相似文献   

Slow-twitch muscle fibers of the zebrafish myotome undergo a unique set of morphogenetic cell movements. During embryogenesis, slow-twitch muscle derives from the adaxial cells, a layer of paraxial mesoderm that differentiates medially within the myotome, immediately adjacent to the notochord. Subsequently, slow-twitch muscle cells migrate through the entire myotome, coming to lie at its most lateral surface. Here we examine the cellular and molecular basis for slow-twitch muscle cell migration. We show that slow-twitch muscle cell morphogenesis is marked by behaviors typical of cells influenced by differential cell adhesion. Dynamic and reciprocal waves of N-cadherin and M-cadherin expression within the myotome, which correlate precisely with cell migration, generate differential adhesive environments that drive slow-twitch muscle cell migration through the myotome. Removing or altering the expression of either protein within the myotome perturbs migration. These results provide a definitive example of homophilic cell adhesion shaping cellular behavior during vertebrate development.  相似文献   

Nectins are Ca(2+)-independent immunoglobulin (Ig)-like cell-cell adhesion molecules (CAMs), which comprise a family consisting of four members. Each nectin homophilically and heterophilically trans-interacts and causes cell-cell adhesion. Biochemical, cell biological, and knockout mice studies have revealed that nectins play important roles in formation of many types of cell-cell junctions and cell-cell contacts, including cadherin-based adherens junctions (AJs) and synapses. Mode of action of nectins in the formation of AJs has extensively been investigated. Nectins form initial cell-cell adhesion and recruit E-cadherin to the nectin-based cell-cell adhesion sites. In addition, nectins induce activation of Cdc42 and Rac small G proteins, which eventually enhances the formation of cadherin-based AJs through the reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton. Nectins furthermore heterophilically trans-interact with nectin-like molecules (Necls), other Ig-like CAMs, and assist or modify their various functions, such as cell adhesion, migration, and proliferation. We describe here the roles and modes of action of nectins as CAMs.  相似文献   

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