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Changes in species distributions open novel parasite transmission routes at the human–wildlife interface, yet the strength of biotic and biogeographical factors that prevent or facilitate parasite host shifting are not well understood. We investigated global patterns of helminth parasite (Nematoda, Cestoda, Trematoda) sharing between mammalian wildlife species and domestic mammal hosts (including humans) using >24,000 unique country‐level records of host–parasite associations. We used hierarchical modelling and species trait data to determine possible drivers of the level of parasite sharing between wildlife species and either humans or domestic animal hosts. We found the diet of wildlife species to be a strong predictor of levels of helminth parasite sharing with humans and domestic animals, followed by a moderate effect of zoogeographical region and minor effects of species’ habitat and climatic niches. Combining model predictions with the distribution and ecological profile data of wildlife species, we projected global risk maps that uncovered strikingly similar patterns of wildlife parasite sharing across geographical areas for the different domestic host species (including humans). These similarities are largely explained by the fact that widespread parasites are commonly recorded infecting several domestic species. If the dietary profile and position in the trophic chain of a wildlife species largely drives its level of helminth parasite sharing with humans/domestic animals, future range shifts of host species that result in novel trophic interactions may likely increase parasite host shifting and have important ramifications for human and animal health.  相似文献   

Bovine tuberculosis (Tb) occurs in cattle and in wildlife, with various species infected in a range of countries. The control or eradication of Tb can be empirically based or based on understanding of disease processes such as described in mathematical models. The eradication of Tb from Australia was largely empirically based, with water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) apparently being the only significant wildlife disease host. Buffalo populations were apparently greatly reduced to achieve Tb eradication. This paper examines the alternative approach of basing control or eradication on mathematical models, and compares some predictions of one-host (wildlife) and two-host (cattle and wildlife) disease models with empirical data on Tb in both cattle and in wildlife. The one-host and two-host models were based on those published and also derived. For example, reported positive regressions between prevalence’s of Tb in cattle and in brushtail possums in New Zealand and also between prevalence’s of Tb in red deer and in brushtail possums in New Zealand, are consistent with two-host disease models assuming frequency dependent transmission. However most models of Tb in wildlife, e.g. the Barlow models, assume density dependent transmission. The implications for disease eradication are that models assuming density dependent transmission have a threshold host (wildlife) density about zero. Hence, if frequency dependent, not density dependent, transmission actually occurs, then host (wildlife) density would have to be reduced much lower, in order for eradication of Tb from cattle.  相似文献   

This review provides an update of the biological aspects of the genus Echinococcus and focuses on newly recognized endemic areas. Infection with the intermediate cystic stage of all species of Echinococcus causes disease and incapacity in animals and humans, and in the most serious cases, death of the host. Transmission of Echinococcus to new continents has occurred during European colonisation and the parasite has often taken advantage of Echinococcus-naive wildlife populations in these new environments, incorporating them into its transmission pattern. Echinococcus granulosus consists of a complex of 10 strains. Host specificities of these strains have important implications for transmission and control. As a result of human behaviour and/or political instability in a number of countries Echinococcus is re-emerging as an important public health issue. The importance of wildlife reservoirs in perpetuating transmission and as a source of infection for domestic animals and humans is addressed. The review also refers to the transmission pattern of a recently described new species, Echinococcus shiquicus, from China.  相似文献   

We investigate host-pathogen dynamics and conditions for coexistence in two models incorporating frequency-dependent horizontal transmission in conjunction with vertical transmission. The first model combines frequency-dependent and uniparental vertical transmission, while the second addresses parasites transmitted vertically via both parents. For the first model, we ask how the addition of vertical transmission changes the coexistence criteria for parasites transmitted by a frequency-dependent horizontal route, and show that vertical transmission significantly broadens the conditions for parasite invasion. Host-parasite coexistence is further affected by the form of density-dependent host regulation. Numerical analyses demonstrate that within a host population, a parasite strain with horizontal frequency-dependent transmission can be driven to extinction by a parasite strain that is additionally transmitted vertically for a wide range of parameters. Although models of asexual host populations predict that vertical transmission alone cannot maintain a parasite over time, analysis of our second model shows that vertical transmission via both male and female parents can maintain a parasite at a stable equilibrium. These results correspond with the frequent co-occurrence of vertical with sexual transmission in nature and suggest that these transmission modes can lead to host-pathogen coexistence for a wide range of systems involving hosts with high reproductive rates.  相似文献   

Multihost parasites have been implicated in the emergence of new diseases in humans and wildlife, yet little is known about factors that influence the host range of parasites in natural populations. We used a comprehensive data set of 415 micro- and macroparasites reported from 119 wild primate hosts to investigate broad patterns of host specificity. The majority (68%) of primate parasites were reported to infect multiple host species, including animals from multiple families or orders. This pattern corresponds to previous studies of parasites found in humans and domesticated animals. Within three parasite groups (viruses, protozoans and helminths), we examined parasite taxonomy and transmission strategy in relation to measures of host specificity. Relative to other parasite groups, helminths were associated with the greatest levels of host specificity, whereas most viruses were reported to infect hosts from multiple families or orders. Highly significant associations between the degree of host specificity and transmission strategy arose within each parasite group, but not always in the same direction, suggesting that unique constraints influence the host range of parasites within each taxonomic group. Finally characteristics of over 100 parasite species shared between wild primates and humans, including those recognised as emerging in humans, revealed that most of these shared parasites were reported from multiple host orders. Furthermore, nearly all viruses that were reported to infect both humans and non-human primates were classified as emerging in humans.  相似文献   

Evolutionary models predict that parasite virulence (parasite-induced host mortality) can evolve as a consequence of natural selection operating on between-host parasite transmission. Two major assumptions are that virulence and transmission are genetically related and that the relative virulence and transmission of parasite genotypes remain similar across host genotypes. We conducted a cross-infection experiment using monarch butterflies and their protozoan parasites from two populations in eastern and western North America. We tested each of 10 host family lines against each of 18 parasite genotypes and measured virulence (host life span) and parasite transmission potential (spore load). Consistent with virulence evolution theory, we found a positive relationship between virulence and transmission across parasite genotypes. However, the absolute values of virulence and transmission differed among host family lines, as did the rank order of parasite clones along the virulence-transmission relationship. Population-level analyses showed that parasites from western North America caused higher infection levels and virulence, but there was no evidence of local adaptation of parasites on sympatric hosts. Collectively, our results suggest that host genotypes can affect the strength and direction of selection on virulence in natural populations, and that predicting virulence evolution may require building genotype-specific interactions into simpler trade-off models.  相似文献   

Interactions involving several parasite species (multi-parasitized hosts) or several host species (multi-host parasites) are the rule in nature. Only a few studies have investigated these realistic, but complex, situations from an evolutionary perspective. Consequently, their impact on the evolution of parasite virulence and transmission remains poorly understood. The mechanisms by which multiple infections may influence virulence and transmission include the dynamics of intrahost competition, mediation by the host immune system and an increase in parasite genetic recombination. Theoretical investigations have yet to be conducted to determine which of these mechanisms are likely to be key factors in the evolution of virulence and transmission. In contrast, the relationship between multi-host parasites and parasite virulence and transmission has seen some theoretical investigation. The key factors in these models are the trade-off between virulence across different host species, variation in host species quality and patterns of transmission. The empirical studies on multi-host parasites suggest that interspecies transmission plays a central role in the evolution of virulence, but as yet no complete picture of the phenomena involved is available. Ultimately, determining how complex host–parasite interactions impact the evolution of host–parasite relationships will require the development of cross-disciplinary studies linking the ecology of quantitative networks with the evolution of virulence.  相似文献   

Variation in host species composition can dramatically alter parasite transmission in natural communities. Whether diverse host communities dilute or amplify parasite transmission is thought to depend critically on species traits, particularly on how hosts affect each other’s densities, and their relative competency as hosts. Here we studied a community of potential hosts and/or decoys (i.e. non-competent hosts) for two trematode parasite species, Echinostoma trivolvis and Ribeiroia ondatrae, which commonly infect wildlife across North America. We manipulated the density of a focal host (green frog tadpoles, Rana clamitans), in concert with manipulating the diversity of alternative species, to simulate communities where alternative species either (1) replace the focal host species so that the total number of individuals remains constant (substitution) or (2) add to total host density (addition). For E. trivolvis, we found that total parasite transmission remained roughly equal (or perhaps decreased slightly) when alternative species replaced focal host individuals, but parasite transmission was higher when alternative species were added to a community without replacing focal host individuals. Given the alternative species were roughly equal in competency, these results are consistent with current theory. Remarkably, both total tadpole and per-capita tadpole infection intensity by E. trivolvis increased with increasing intraspecific host density. For R. ondatrae, alternative species did not function as effective decoys or hosts for parasite infective stages, and the diversity and density treatments did not produce clear changes in parasite transmission, although high tank to tank variation in R. ondatrae infection could have obscured patterns.  相似文献   

A mosquito needs to bite at least twice for malaria transmission to occur: once to acquire parasites and, after these parasites complete their development in their mosquito host, once to transmit the parasites to the next vertebrate host. Here we investigate the relationship between temperature, parasite development, and biting frequency in a mosquito-rodent malaria model system. We show that the pre-bloodmeal period (the time lag between mosquito emergence and first bloodmeal) increases at lower temperatures. In addition, parasite development time and feeding exhibit different thermal sensitivities such that mosquitoes might not be ready to feed at the point at which the parasite is ready to be transmitted. Exploring these effects using a simple theoretical model of human malaria shows that delays in infection and transmission can reduce the vectorial capacity of malaria mosquitoes by 20 to over 60%, depending on temperature. These delays have important implications for disease epidemiology and control, and should be considered in future transmission models.  相似文献   

Host condition is often likely to influence parasite virulence. Furthermore, condition may often be correlated with host density, and therefore, it is important to understand the role of density-dependent virulence (DDV). We examine the consequences of DDV to the evolution of parasites in both seasonal and non-seasonal environments. In particular, we consider seasonality in host birth rate that results in a fluctuating host density and therefore a variable virulence. We show that parasites are selected for lower exploitation, and therefore lower transmission and virulence as the strength of DDV increases without seasonality. This is an important insight from our models; DDV has the opposite effect on the evolution of parasites to that of higher baseline mortality. Our key result is that although seasonality does not affect the evolution of virulence in classical models, with DDV parasites in seasonal environments are predicted to evolve to be more acute. This suggests that in more seasonal environments wildlife disease is likely to be more rather than less virulent if DDV is widespread.  相似文献   

Most models concerning the evolution of a parasite's virulence and its host's resistance assume that each component of the relationship (transmission, virulence, recovery, etc.) is controlled by either the host or the parasite but not by both. We present a model that describes the coevolution of host and parasite, assuming that the rate of transmission or the virulence depends on both genotypes. The evolution of these traits is constrained by trade-offs that account for costs of defense and attack strategies, in line with previous studies on the separate evolution of the host and the parasite. Considering shared control by the host and the parasite in determining the traits of the relationship leads to several novel predictions. First, the host should evolve maximal investment in defense against parasites with an intermediate replication rate. Second, the evolution of the parasite strongly depends on the way the host's defense is described. Third, the coevolutionary process may lead to decreasing the parasite's virulence as a response to a rise in the host's background mortality, contrary to classical predictions.  相似文献   

Toxoplasma gondii counts among the most consequential food-borne parasites, and although the parasite occurs in a wide range of wild and domesticated animals, farms may constitute a specific and important locus of transmission. If so, parasites in animals that inhabit agricultural habitats might be suspected of harbouring genetically distinct parasite types. To better understand habitat effects pertinent to this parasite’s transmission, we compiled and analysed existing genotypic data of 623 samples from animals across a proximity gradient from areas of human settlement to the wilderness in North America. To facilitate such analysis, T. gondii isolates were divided into three groups: (i) from farm-bound animals (with the most limited home ranges on farms); (ii) from free-roaming animals (with wider home ranges on or near farms); and (iii) from wildlife. In addition, parasite genotype distribution in different animal species was analysed. We observed no absolute limitation of any of five major genotypes to any one habitat; however, the frequency of four genotypes decreased across the gradient from the farm-bound group, to the free-roaming group, then the wildlife, whereas a fifth genotype increased along that gradient. Genetic diversity was greater in free-roaming than in farm-bound animals. The genotypic composition of parasites in wildlife differed from those in farm-bound and free-roaming animals. Furthermore, parasite genotypes differed among host species. We conclude that T. gondii genotype distributions are influenced by the spatial habitat and host species composition, and parasite diversity decreases towards areas of human settlement, elucidating facts which may influence transmission dynamics and zoonotic potential in this ubiquitous but regionally variable parasite.  相似文献   

In a recent article, we described a conceptual and analytical model to identify the key host species for parasite transmission in multi‐host communities and used data from 11 gastro‐intestinal parasites infecting up to five small mammal host species as an illustrative example of how the framework could be applied. A limitation of these empirical data was uncertainty in the identification of parasite species using egg/oocyst morphology, which could overestimate parasite sharing between host species. Here, we show that the key results of the original analysis, namely that (1) parasites naturally infect multiple host species, but typically rely on a small subset of infected host species for long‐term maintenance, (2) that different mechanisms underlie how particular host species dominate transmission and (3) that these different mechanisms influence the predicted efficiency of disease control measures, are robust to analysis of a smaller subset of host–parasite combinations that we have greatest confidence in identifying. We further comment briefly on the need for accurate parasite identification, ideally using molecular techniques to quantify cross‐species transmission and differentiate covert host specificity from true host generalism.  相似文献   

Transmission of the fox tapeworm Echinococcus multilocularis, the causative agent of human alveolar echinococcosis, is known to depend on various environmental factors which are subject to human influence. Epidemiological data suggest that in most endemic regions anthropogenic landscape changes (e.g. deforestation and agricultural practices) have led to more favourable conditions for the parasite's animal hosts, especially arvicolid rodents, thereby increasing the risk for parasite transmission and human disease. Examples are the conversion of forests or crop fields into meadows and pastures in Europe, China and North America, and overgrazing of natural grassland in central Asia. Other anthropogenic factors include interference with host population densities by wildlife disease control, changing hunting pressure and provision of new habitats, e.g. in urban areas. Domestic dogs may, under certain conditions, get involved in the otherwise largely wildlife-based transmission, and thereby greatly increase the infection pressure to humans. The introduction of neozootic host species may increase transmission, or even initiate the parasite's life-cycle in previously non-endemic regions. Lastly, the parasite itself may be accidentally introduced into non-endemic areas, if suitable host populations are present (e.g. in northern Japan).  相似文献   

Simultaneous effects of host and parasite in determining quantitative traits of infection have long been neglected in theoretical and experimental investigations of host-parasite coevolution with the notable exception of gene-for-gene resistance studies. A cross-infection experiment, using five lines of the plant Arabidopsis thaliana and two strains of its oomycete pathogen Hyaloperonospora parasitica, revealed that three traits traditionally considered those of the parasite (number of infected leaves, transmission success, and time until 50% transmission), differed among specific combinations of host and parasite lines, being determined by the two protagonists of the infection. However, the two parasite strains did not differ significantly for most measured phenotypic traits of the infection. Globally, transmission increased with increasing virulence among the different host-parasite combinations, as assumed by most models of evolution of virulence. Surprisingly, however, there was no general relationship between parasite and host fitness, estimated respectively as transmission and seed production. Only one of the two strains showed the expected significant negative genetic correlation between these two variables. Our results thus highlight the importance of taking into account both host and parasite genetic variation because their interaction can lead to unexpected evolutionary outcomes.  相似文献   

Spatial structure in a host population results in heterogeneity in transmission dynamics. We used a Bayesian framework to evaluate competing metapopulation models of rabies transmission among domestic dog populations in villages in Tanzania. A proximate indicator of disease, medical records of animal-bite injuries, is used to infer the occurrence (presence/absence) of suspected rabid dog cases in one month intervals. State-space models were used to explore the implications of different levels of reporting probability on model parameter estimates. We find evidence for a relatively high rate of infection of these populations from neighbouring districts or from other species distributed throughout the study area, rather than from adjacent wildlife protected areas, suggesting wildlife is unlikely to be implicated in the long-term persistence of rabies. Stochastic simulation of our highest ranked models in vaccinated and hypothetical unvaccinated populations indicated that pulsed vaccination campaigns occurring from 2002 to 2007 reduced rabies occurrence by 57.3 per cent in vaccinated villages in the 1 year following each pulse, and that a similar regional campaign would deliver an 80.9 per cent reduction in occurrence. This work demonstrates how a relatively coarse, proximate sentinel of rabies infection is useful for making inferences about spatial disease dynamics and the efficacy of control measures.  相似文献   

Urbanisation and agriculture cause declines for many wildlife, but some species benefit from novel resources, especially food, provided in human‐dominated habitats. Resulting shifts in wildlife ecology can alter infectious disease dynamics and create opportunities for cross‐species transmission, yet predicting host–pathogen responses to resource provisioning is challenging. Factors enhancing transmission, such as increased aggregation, could be offset by better host immunity due to improved nutrition. Here, we conduct a review and meta‐analysis to show that food provisioning results in highly heterogeneous infection outcomes that depend on pathogen type and anthropogenic food source. We also find empirical support for behavioural and immune mechanisms through which human‐provided resources alter host exposure and tolerance to pathogens. A review of recent theoretical models of resource provisioning and infection dynamics shows that changes in host contact rates and immunity produce strong non‐linear responses in pathogen invasion and prevalence. By integrating results of our meta‐analysis back into a theoretical framework, we find provisioning amplifies pathogen invasion under increased host aggregation and tolerance, but reduces transmission if provisioned food decreases dietary exposure to parasites. These results carry implications for wildlife disease management and highlight areas for future work, such as how resource shifts might affect virulence evolution.  相似文献   

International Journal of Primatology - Information on parasite biodiversity and abundance can improve our understanding of parasitic infections on endangered wildlife, as parasites can affect host...  相似文献   

In this paper we develop and analyze several populaion-dynamic models of an environmentally transmitted symbiotic parasite infecting an isolated population of susceptible hosts. In our most basic model infection acts only to decrease the average lifetime of the infected host, parasites are only transmitted to uninfected hosts, there is no recovery from infection, and the rate of parasite transmission is an increasing function of the level of parasite virulence. It is shown that invasion of the parasite-free equilibrium cannot occur for virulence levels that are either too high or too low. We then incorporate a number of modifications to the model, among them the possibility that host fertility is reduced by infection, and that transmission rate depends additionally on susceptible host density. It is shown that the essential nature of the conditions for invasion are preserved. Thus, natural selection for intermediate virulence is a generic property of a broad class of population models.  相似文献   

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