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Earliest middle Cambrian rocks in the Franconian Forest, formerly known as the ‘Galgenberg Formation’, include a moderately diverse fauna with a characteristic West Gondwanan, Atlas-type trilobite assemblage with often surprisingly well-preserved specimens. The hitherto inadequately characterised and poorly described assemblage includes Kingaspidoides frankenwaldensis, K. sp. aff. usitata, K. alberti sp. nov., K. meieri sp. nov., K.? sp. A, Ornamentaspis cf. crassilimbata, Latikingaspis sp. aff. alatus, Enixus sp. aff. juvenis, Acadoparadoxides sp. A, Parasolenopleura wurmi sp. nov., Parasolenopleura parabolica sp. nov. and Acanthomicmacca franconica Geyer, 2016. In addition to precise documentation of the species’ morphology and ontogenetic development, this study exemplifies allometric developments during the ontogeny of ellipsocephaloid and early solenopleurid trilobites, particularly Kingaspidoides and Parasolenopleura, and effects of deformation and distortion caused by diagenesis and tectonics. It further discusses the aspects of the trilobites’ ecology and taphonomy, and it characterises generic differences within the Kingaspis clade, particularly of Kingaspidoides, Latikingaspis and Ornamentaspis.  相似文献   

The Kiya River reference section is characterized by trilohites confined to units X–XV of the Lower Cambrian Usa Formation and to the base of the lowermost Middle Cambrian Berikul Formation. Trilobites are represented by 130 species assigned to 77 genera. The given paper describes 38 species belonging to 27 genera. 16 species, 2 genera and one subfamily are new. All of them occur in the Usa Formation and in the Lower Cambrian pebbles of the Berikul Formation. Biostratigraphic analysis shows that the trilobite fauna contains characteristic trilobite assemblage elements of the Lower Cambrian regional stages in the Altay-Sayan Fold Belt, i.e. the Kiya and Kameshki regional stages (Atdabanian Stage), the Sanashtykgol regional stage (Botomian Stage), the Obruchev regional stage (Toyonian Stage). Table I shows trilobite species composition and vertical distribution in the reference section.  相似文献   

A new trilobite species, Schopfaspis? graciai, from the middle Cambrian of Spain is the first member of Alokistocaridae reported from west Gondwana. A cladistic analysis of this trilobite and other Gondwanan trilobites of possible alokistocarid affinities (Schopfaspis granulosa, Chelidonocephalus anatolicus, Derikaspis toluni, Kounamkites multiformis) suggests that this family can be divided into two subfamilies: Alokistocarinae and Altiocculinae. Schopfaspis? graciai nov. sp. and Schopfaspis granulosa are assigned to the subfamily Altiocculinae laying in a more basal position than Altiocculus species. The cladistic analysis also demonstrates a possible relationship of Chelidonocephalus anatolicus and Derikaspis toluni with Alokistocaridae. Enrolment is analysed in this new trilobite describing novelties in the ventral surface of the cephalon which allowed interlocking of the trunk and cephalon in a discoidal enrolment-type.  相似文献   

A new eocrinoid locality of the Balang Formation (Cambrian Series 2) near Kaili City is reported. The fauna is associated with index trilobites, such as Redlichia (Pteroredlichia) murakamii Resser and Endo in Kobayashi, 1935 and Arthricocephalus chauveaui Bergeron, 1899, that are common in the Balang Biota (Cambrian Series 2) but absent in the younger Kaili Biota (Cambrian Series 3). This new locality contains a new eocrinoid fauna (n = 22) that is different from Guizhoueocrinus yui Zhao, Parsley and Peng, 2007a in bearing a smaller theca, a shorter stalk, and a robust attachment disk; thus, a taxon Globoeocrinus zhaoyuanlongensis n. sp. is proposed.  相似文献   

Eocrinoids are scarce in the Guanshan Biota (Cambrian Series 2, Stage 4), Yunnan Province, southwest China. Here, we introduce a new gogiid: Kunmingeocrinus cupuliformis n. gen. n. sp. which is characterized by a short stalk and a well-developed attachment disc. Preservation may indicate a weakly biomineralized body for the new taxon. Morphological similarities between the new taxon and other eocrinoids with attachment discs from Cambrian Lagerstätten of Guizhou Province (Series 2, Stage 4 and Miaolingian, Wuliuan) might suggest a similar mode of life. The eocrinoids from the Guanshan Biota possibly utilized different attachment modes.  相似文献   

John S. Peel 《Palaeontology》2017,60(6):795-805
Singuuriqia simoni gen. et sp. nov. represents the first record of a priapulid worm from the Sirius Passet Lagerstätte (Cambrian Series 2, Stage 3) of North Greenland (Laurentia). It is defined by an unusually broad, longitudinally folded, foregut which tapers through the pharynx towards the anterior mouth; posteriorly, the same longitudinal folding is evident in the narrow gut. The slender, smooth, trunk in the unique specimen passes anteriorly into an oval proboscis which culminates in a smooth, extensible, pharynx with pharyngeal teeth. The capacity for substantial expansion of the foregut permitted rapid ingestion of food prior to digestion at leisure. Cololites suggest both carnivorous and deposit feeding behaviour, indicating that Singuuriqia, like the present day Priapulus, was probably omnivorous.  相似文献   

Dabashanellids are univalved phosphatocopid crustaceans, and are among the earliest crustaceans known so far. They were reported mainly from the Cambrian Stage 3 of China, but only a single species was established. Here I report a new assemblage of dabashanellids from the Cambrian Stage 3 Shuijingtuo Formation in western Hubei Province, South China. All specimens are sub-millimetre in length, and are preserved as three-dimensional carbonaceous hollow shields. Five species of Dabashanella were recognized, including the previously reported D. hemicyclica, three new species, D. longa n. sp., D. semiorbiculata n. sp., D. unispinata n. sp., and an indeterminate form Dabashanella sp. In addition, five indeterminate forms of arthropods were recovered. These dabashanellids represent part of a meiofauna that lived in the off-shore, deeper environments of mid-northern Yangtze Sea during Cambrian Age 3. This study shows greater morphological diversity and ecologic disparity of dabashanellid crustaceans, and supports the previous suggestion that the invasion of meiofaunal ecdysozoans into the off-shore, deeper environments probably occurred simultaneously with their radiation in the shallow water.  相似文献   

Rhynchonelliform brachiopods made their first appearance in early Cambrian, and became a major group within the palaeozoic evolutionary fauna since late Cambrian. Exceptionally preserved fossils from the early Cambrian Lagerstätten provide valuable chances to investigate their phylogeny and ecology. Longtancunella is one of the most interesting early rhynchonelliforms, and has been mainly recovered from the Chengjiang Lagerstätte (Series 2, Stage 3). Here, we report a new rhynchonelliform Longtancunella xiazhuangensis n. sp. from the lower Hongjingshao Formation (upper Stage 3) in Yunnan Province, China. These specimens were well preserved with soft parts, including pinnate mantle canal system and a pedicle. It is identified as a new species based mainly on its difference in shell ornamentations, pinnate mantle canals and pedicle morphology from the type species. Its pedicle looks unusually stout with distinct annulated lamellae on the surface, and reveals crucial evidence in illustrating its ecology and settling strategy as an early marine epifauna. The ecological interaction between L. xiazhuangensis and other marine animals also provides insights into the food web structure in the early Cambrian.  相似文献   

《Annales de Paléontologie》2017,103(4):271-281
Additional Cambrian Series 3, Stage 5, trilobite fauna comprising Peronopsis sp., Eosoptychoparia cf. Spinosa Gaotanaspis cf. pingzhaiensis and Gaotanaspis cf. transversa have been recorded just immediately above the known Oryctocephalus indicus biozone (Cambrian Series 3, Stage 5) in the Parahio valley section (Spiti region). The FAD of Peronopsis and LAD of Gaotanaspis are used to establish a PeronopsisGaotanaspis concurrent biozone immediately above the Oryctocephalus indicus biozone. The first records of Gaotanaspis cf. pingzhaiensis and G. transversa from the Cambrian of Spiti region and the other faunal elements are correlated with the Peronopsis taijiangensis biozone of the Kaili Formation (South China). The stratigraphic thickness from the base of the O. indicus biozone to the top of the PeronopsisGaotanaspis concurrent biozone in the Kunzam La (=Parahio) Formation and its comparison to the Kaili Formation (South China) indicate a possible stratigraphic condensation in the basal part of the Cambrian Series 3, Stage 5 of the Parahio valley (Spiti). Sedimentological and sequence stratigraphic analysis supports this contention.  相似文献   

With a particular focus on the earliest Cambrian diversification of small shelly fossils (SSFs), stratigraphic analysis was conducted on the lower Cambrian Zhongyicun Member at the Hongjiachong section in the Chengjiang area, Yunnan, China. From ca. 3-m-thick bedded phosphorites (Unit A) in the lower part of the member, we recovered unique SSFs. This interval with 4 SSF-bearing horizons is characterized by the dominance in blade-shaped SSFs, including Halkieria spp., Brushenodus prionodes, Sinosachites delicatus, and Pteronus sp., and the absence of typical tube/cap-shape SSFs common in the Fortunian. This interval tentatively named “Halkieria-dominant interval” is stratigraphically positioned ca. 3 m below the previously known level of the oldest mollusks in the continuous bedded phosphorite sequence between the Anabarites trisulcatus-Protohertzina anabarica Assemblage Zone and the overlying Paragloborilus subglobosa-Purella squamulosa Assemblage Zone of the Fortunian (the earliest Cambrian). The “Halkieria-dominant interval” yields some SSFs likely affiliated with ostracods in view of size and morphology, suggesting that arthropod body fossils appeared in the Fortunian, considerably earlier than previously believed.  相似文献   

A globally recorded negative carbon isotope excursion characterizes the transition from Cambrian Series 2 to Cambrian Series 3. This transition is also well exposed in sedimentary successions on the Yangtze Platform, and the Wuliu–Zengjiayan section, Guizhou Province, South China has been proposed as a potential Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for this boundary. Here, we report δ13Ccarb values for the Jianshan and the Wuliu–Zengjiayan sections. Both sections display a progressive decrease in δ13C from values around + 3‰ upwards in stratigraphy to a pronounced δ13C minimum with values as low as ? 6.9‰ at the proposed boundary level, and a return to δ13C values between 0 and + 1‰ in the upper part of the sections. The δ13C minimum is thought to be caused by a transgressive event, flooding the shelf area with 13C depleted basinal anoxic bottom water. Our δ13C data are in good agreement with carbon isotope profiles recorded elsewhere. These define the so called ROECE event (Redlichiid–Oleneliid Extinction Carbon Isotope Excursion, cf. Zhu et al., 2006, 2007) and may reflect the perturbation of the global carbon cycle during the Cambrian Series 2 to Cambrian Series 3 transition.  相似文献   

Chaetognaths (arrow‐worms) are enigmatic in terms of their phylogenetic position, while the existence of Protosagitta spinosa from the Chengjiang Lagerstätte suggests minimal change in their unique bodyplan since at least the early Cambrian. Apart from rare (and sometimes controversial) soft‐bodied remains, the fossil record of chaetognaths is otherwise almost entirely dependent on early Palaeozoic phosphatic microfossils, some of which are placed amongst so‐called protoconodonts. Fused spine clusters are strikingly similar to the cephalic grasping apparatus of extant forms and are assumed to have had a comparable configuration. Here we report a new chaetognath, Ankalodous sericus gen. et sp. nov., coeval with Protosagitta but with a complex feeding apparatus consisting of multiple bundles of recurved spines whose principal function appears to have been grasping. Like all other chaetognaths a predatory mode of life is likely, but its position relative to the sediment–water interface is less certain. Reduction of the feeding apparatus, from the multi‐jawed arrangement of A. sericus to the grasping spines and associated smaller teeth seen in other chaetognaths, was probably a subsequent development and conceivably was linked with a shift to a pelagic mode of life. We also report a new specimen of Protosagitta. This confirms earlier observations but it possesses hitherto unrecognized features, including a cephalic tentacle and fin rays.  相似文献   

Due to inadequate preservation, pterobranchs are often difficult to identify in the fossil record, and a better understanding of preservational modes and diagenetic and metamorphic effects is needed for their recognition. Pterobranch hemichordates are common in Cambrian Stage 5 and younger sedimentary rocks, but are frequently overlooked. Often, pterobranch hemichordate colonies have been considered to be algal remains or hydroids. Re‐examination of Cambrian Burgess Shale algae reveals that the genera Yuknessia and Dalyia can be recognized as putative early representatives of pterobranch hemichordates. Distinct fusellar construction of the individual zooidal tubes and branching of the creeping proximal part of the colonies are found in the morphologically similar rhabdopleurid pterobranch genus Sphenoecium. The erect tubes of Sphenoecium do not branch and can reach a length of several centimetres. The development of the fusellar construction in this taxon shows a highly irregular development of the suture patterns, but a fairly consistent height of the individual fuselli. The taxon is widely distributed in the Cambrian Series 3, but has regularly been identified as a hydroid or an alga. Sphenoecium wheelerensis from the Cambrian Wheeler Shale of Utah is described as new.  相似文献   

Schizopholis Waagen, 1885 is a genus of linguliform brachiopod, which is known from Cambrian Stage 4 to the Wuliuan Stage of Australia, Antarctica, Pakistan and China. Recently, new material of Schizopholis was discovered from the upper part of the Tsinghsutung Formation (Cambrian Series 2, Stage 4) near Balang village, Jianhe County, Guizhou Province, China. These specimens display the oval pedicle opening in the ventral valve, a median tongue and a pair of tubercles in the dorsal valve that are characteristic features of Schizopholis napuru (Kruse, 1990). This is the first time that this species has been described from Guizhou Province, China. Previously, fossils of this species are usually preserved in carbonate deposits, but the new material documented herein preserved in mudstone of the Tsinghsutung Formation, providing new information regarding both the paleogeographic distribution and paleoecology of this species.  相似文献   

The Global Standard Stratotype-section and Point (GSSP) of the Furongian Series (uppermost series of the Cambrian System) and the Paibian Stage (lowermost stage of the Furongian Series), has been recently defined and ratified by the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS). The boundary stratotype is 369 metres above the base of the Huaqiao Formation in the Paibi section, northwestern Hunan Province, China. This point coincides with the first appearance of the cosmopolitan agnostoid trilobite Glyptagnostus reticulatus, and occurs near the base of a large positive carbon isotopic excursion (SPICE excursion).  相似文献   

O'Brien LJ  Caron JB 《PloS one》2012,7(1):e29233
Burgess Shale-type deposits provide invaluable insights into the early evolution of body plans and the ecological structure of Cambrian communities, but a number of species, continue to defy phylogenetic interpretations. Here we extend this list to include a new soft-bodied animal, Siphusauctum gregarium n. gen. and n. sp., from the Tulip Beds (Campsite Cliff Shale Member, Burgess Shale Formation) of Mount Stephen (Yoho National Park, British Columbia). With 1,133 specimens collected, S. gregarium is clearly the most abundant animal from this locality.This stalked animal (reaching at least 20 cm in length), has a large ovoid calyx connected to a narrow bilayered stem and a small flattened or bulb-like holdfast. The calyx is enclosed by a flexible sheath with six small openings at the base, and a central terminal anus near the top encircled by indistinct openings. A prominent organ, represented by six radially symmetrical segments with comb-like elements, surrounds an internal body cavity with a large stomach, conical median gut and straight intestine. Siphusauctum gregarium was probably an active filter-feeder, with water passing through the calyx openings, capturing food particles with its comb-like elements. It often occurs in large assemblages on single bedding planes suggesting a gregarious lifestyle, with the animal living in high tier clusters. These were probably buried en masse more or less in-situ by rapid mud flow events.Siphusauctum gregarium resembles Dinomischus, another Cambrian enigmatic stalked animal. Principal points of comparison include a long stem with a calyx containing a visceral mass and bract-like elements, and a similar lifestyle albeit occupying different tiering levels. The presence in both animals of a digestive tract with a potential stomach and anus suggest a grade of organization within bilaterians, but relationships with extant phyla are not straightforward. Thus, the broader affinities of S. gregarium remain largely unconstrained.  相似文献   

We present low-diversity acritarch assemblages, including Alliumella baltica, Bavlinella faveolata, Brocholaminaria nigrita, Brocholaminaria sp., Eliasum sp., Leiosphaeridia minutissima, Leiosphaeridia spp., Lophosphaeridium sp., Pterospermella solida, Satka colonialica, Siphonophycus sp., and Synsphaeridium sp., as well as filamentous algae and cryptospore-like microfossils recorded from 45 rock samples around the Oryctocephalus indicus Zone (Cambrian Series 3) in the Cambrian Kunzam La (Parahio) Formation at the Kaltarbo locality in the Parahio valley, Northwest Himalaya. One new species Synsphaeridium parahioense was established. The acritarch assemblages at the basal part of the Cambrian Series 3 in the Kunzam La (Parahio) Formation were dependent on the local marine environment. The new discovery of cryptospore-like microfossils from the Cambrian Kunzam La (Parahio) Formation supports the extensive distribution of possible cryptospores in the Cambrian stratigraphic sequences.  相似文献   

PalZ - The present article reviews recent advances in the knowledge of the Lower Cambrian trilobite faunas of the Görlitz area, Saxonia, eastern Germany. New additions to the fauna...  相似文献   

An assemblage of tannuolinid sclerites is described from the Amouslek Formation (Souss Basin) of the Anti‐Atlas Mountains in Morocco. The assemblage contains two species, Tannuolina maroccana n. sp., which is represented by a small number of mitral and sellate sclerites, and Micrina sp., represented by a single mitral sclerite. Tannuolina maroccana differs from other species of the genus in the presence of both bilaterally symmetrical and strongly asymmetrical sellate sclerites. This observation suggests that the scleritome of Tannuolina was more complex than previously thought and that this tommotiid may have held a more basal position in the brachiopod stem group than previously assumed. The shell structure of both T. maroccana and Micrina sp. is well preserved and exhibits two fundamentally different sets of tubular structures, only one of which was likely to contain shell‐penetrating setae. Based on these observations, the structure of the tannuolinid shell is discussed and its implications for the evolution of tubular microstructures in stem and crown group brachiopods are analysed.  相似文献   

在安徽省萧县凤凰山剖面炒米店组中上部(江山阶上部到第十阶)岩层中采得丰富的索克虫科三叶虫标本。共计4属6种(含2新种), 包括Eosaukia bella (Walcott, 1906)、E. anhuiensis sp. nov.、Lophosaukia orientalis (Kobayashi, 1933)、Prosaukia campe (Walcott, 1905)和P. xiaoxianensis sp. nov.、Lichengia onigawara Kobayashi, 1942。在对属征进行修订与讨论的基础上, 通过对比这些属的模式种及其他种, 对4个旧种进行了再研究和种征厘定, 最后对这6个种的谱系关系展开了简要讨论。  相似文献   

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