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Effects of operational and system parameters on process scale-up of murine immunoglobulin (IgG2a kappa) purification using Protein A affinity chromatography are investigated. Parameters studied are those related to sample application, elution, ligand concentration on support, and column size change. Between sample application velocities of 0.004 and 0.030 cm/s (16-108 cm/h), the product concentration profiles in eluate did not show significant differences. With given system parameters, the retention time and bandwidth of the peak could be predicted by moment theory. The mean equilibrium constant during elution showed a strong effect of pH between 2 and 4. Within the range of protein A concentrations studied, 0.15-1.22 mg/mL of gel, the column capacity shows a linear relationship with the concentration of protein A immobilized. Dimensional scale-up of the column in the radial direction increased the total purification capacity linearly as the cross-sectional area increased without increasing pressure drop; however, the product concentration was diluted. Scale-up of the column dimension in the axial direction enables higher concentrations of product in the eluate, although the retention time increases linearly as the gel height increases.  相似文献   

The maximum achievable tyrosination level of neurotubulin, in vitro, is about 50%. We have developed a method to obtain a complete separation of the tyrosinatable and nontyrosinatable species. We use an immunoaffinity column, with coupled YL 1/2 monoclonal antibody (anti-Tyr-tubulin) and rapid desalting methods. Both subpopulations can be obtained in a polymerizable, apparently native, form. We find that about 35% of the brain tubulin is truly nontyrosinatable, despite the fact that it is assembly competent. Using a polyclonal antibody directed against nontyrosinatable tubulin, we find that it recognizes a specific epitope on the alpha-subunit of the dimer. The existence of an abundant tubulin subspecies, structurally different from tyrosinatable tubulin, should obviously be kept in mind in immunofluorescence studies of the distribution of nontyrosinated tubulin in brain tissues. Furthermore, we have extensively investigated the effect of tubulin tyrosination on microtubule dynamics. Despite the homogeneity of the populations under comparison, we find no significant effect of tyrosination on microtubule dynamics. Similarly, the stabilizing effects of microtubule associated proteins and of STOP protein were identical in both subpopulations. The drug taxol seems more efficient in stabilizing detyrosinated microtubules, but the difference is moderate. Taken together, these findings suggest that tubulin tyrosination does not effect microtubule stabilization, neither through modifications of the intrinsic tubulin properties nor through a differential binding of stabilizing proteins. Finally, the complete separation of two tubulin species (tyrosinated or detyrosinated) with similar kinetic properties, but immunologically different, should be of value in many kinetic studies of microtubule assembly.  相似文献   

Supermacroporous monolithic columns with Cu(2+)-IDA ligands have been successfully used for chromatographic separation of different types of microbial cells. The bed of monolithic matrix is formed by a cryogel of poly(acrylamide) cross-linked with methylenebis(acrylamide) and has a network of large (10-100 microm) interconnected pores allowing unhindered passage of whole cells through the plain cryogel column containing no ligands. Two model systems have been studied: the mixtures of wild-type Escherichia coli (w.t. E. coli) and recombinant E. coli cells displaying poly-His peptides (His-tagged E. coli) and of w.t. E. coli and Bacillus halodurans cells. Wild-type E. coli and His-tagged E. coli were quantitatively captured from the feedstock containing equal amounts of both cell types and recovered by selective elution with imidazole and EDTA, with yields of 80% and 77%, respectively. The peak obtained after EDTA elution was 8-fold enriched with His-tagged E. coli cells as compared with the peak from imidazole elution, which contained mainly weakly bound w.t. E. coli cells. Haloalkalophilic B. halodurans cells had low affinity to the Cu(2+)-IDA cryogel column and could be efficiently separated from a mixture with w.t. E. coli cells, which were retained and recovered in high yields from the column with imidazole gradient. All the cells maintained their viability after the chromatographic procedure. The results show that chromatography on affinity supermacroporous monolithic columns is a promising approach to efficient separations of individual cell types.  相似文献   

We describe the use of affinity chromatography for separation of cell populations that do not differ significantly with respect to gross physical properties such as size, density, or charge. Cell affinity chromatography exploits differences in cell surface macromolecules by passage of mixtures of cell populations through a column containing beads to which are attached chemical ligands with specific binding affinity for particular cell surface receptors. In this article we focus on the application of this concept to separation of mature T lymphocytes from peripheral blood. This serves as a model for the separation of these cells from bone marrow in order to prevent graft-vs.-host disease in bone marrow transplantation. However, the concept of cell affinity chromatography should find more general widespread utility in a variety of biotechnological applications. Thus, we introduce a simple theoretical framework which is necessary in order to understand the results that might be expected in any given situation. Finally, we use this theory to provide a tentative explanation for experimental observation of the effects of temperature and flowrate on the degree of separation achieved for our current pplication.  相似文献   

The chromatographic behavior of a heterogeneous protein mixture and of a series of homogeneous proteins on the immobilized dye tetraiodofluorescein has been observed and analyzed. Less than 6%, of the millimolar concentration of dye immobilized to a porous agarose matrix is accessible to protein. The affinity of a protein for immobilized dye is dramatically increased by insertion of apolar spacer atoms between the dye and the matrix. Dye columns constructed with a 9-atom spacer can be used to advantage for the retention and competitive elution of proteins not found previously amenable to dye chromatography.  相似文献   

To predict complex behavior in protein displacement systems of immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography (IMAC), numerical simulation of non-linear chromatography was developed and compared with the ideal solution of the model. The theoretical and experimental results demonstrate that the IMAC model can be successfully employed in predicting induced mobile phase modifier gradients and complex behavior in metal affinity displacement chromatography. The solute movement analysis is able to predict the displacement separation well characterized by the intersections of the operation line under the induced mobile phase modifier and effective displacer concentrations.  相似文献   

We describe a procedure using immobilized nicotinamide as an affinity chromatographic ligand for the binding of NAD(P)+-dependent dehydrogenases. The procedure involves preparation of nicotinamide N1-(N-(6-aminohexyl)-acetamide)-agarose and modification of the immobilized nicotinamide by the addition of a ketone or an aldehyde to form an adduct. The nicotinamide, which has no affinity for dehydrogenase, becomes a very specific ligand of dehydrogenase, which binds the ketone or the aldehyde as substrate or inhibitor. In tests, the adduct prepared with immobilized nicotinamide and sodium pyruvate bound specifically to lactate dehydrogenase (EC, whereas the adduct prepared with alpha-ketoglutarate bound to glutamate dehydrogenase (EC This technique enables the rapid isolation of a given dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

Protein C (PC) is a natural anticoagulant and antithrombotic present in human blood at a concentration of 4 microg/mL. Its deficiency can result in excessive clotting and thrombosis. Protein C can be obtained from human blood plasma; however, there are other coagulant proteins in blood, including prothrombin (factor II), which is present in relatively large amounts and is one of the most active components. Protein C and prothrombin are homologous proteins with similar biochemical features; therefore, immunoaffinity chromatography is used for their separation. However, this technology is very expensive, protein C recovery and activity is low, and contamination problems with mouse antibody are likely. Immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC) utilizes the protein metal-binding properties for protein separation. Protein C has twelve surface-accessible histidines, which are the major metal-binding groups for IMAC separation. After investigating metal ion-binding properties of protein C, we used an IDA-Cu column to separate protein C and prothrombin. Following protein adsorption to the column, prothrombin was washed out using a sodium phosphate buffer containing 2 mM imidazole and protein C was recovered with 15 mM imidazole in the buffer. The mild elution condition allows a high protein C activity and a high recovery. Also, this technology introduces no immunoglobulins, and it is relatively inexpensive. IMAC could replace the immunoaffinity technology for the large-scale separation of protein C from blood plasma Cohn Fraction IV-1. In addition, this work demonstrates a significant application of this technology for the separation of factor IX from prothrombin. Prothrombin has proven to be a harmful contaminant in factor IX cocktails that have been administered to humans in the treatment of hemophilia B.  相似文献   

A two step method consisting of a gel filtration step, followed by a Immobilized Metal Affinity Chromatography (IMAC) step using a IDA-Cu coupled Sephadex G-25 column, on a preparative scale is described for the group separation of peptides from a casein hydrolysate. The 48 groups of peptides thus separated are further characterised by RP-HPLC and amino acid analysis. Some peptides after the analytical RP-HPLC step are further characterised by sequencing. An insight into the mechanism of retention on IMAC of the peptides is attempted. In such complex mixtures as casein hydrolysate, the peptide-peptide interaction can mask the potential sites of interactions in a single peptide. The results obtained using volatile buffers as eluents show the possibility of using IMAC step as an alternative to obtain gram quantities of group of peptides free of salts from complex protein hydrolysates.  相似文献   

A commercial preparation of water-soluble acetylcholinesterase from horse red cells has been purified to a specific activity of 2380 U/mg of protein (a 1660-fold purification) by a twofold affinity chromatography on the known sorbent of Sepharose-p-[NH-(CH2)5-C(O)NH(CH2)5C(O)NH-]-C6H4-N+(CH3)3 X Br- at pH 7.5. A selective elution of the enzyme was carried out from 10 mM of the phosphate buffer solution which contains 0.2% of triton X-100. Subsequent desorption of the enzyme proceeded with 5 mM of phenyltrimethylammonium bromide introduced into the buffer. Such effective preparations of acetylcholinesterase have not been previously produced. Effectiveness of the affinity sorbents considerably depends on the nature of the ligand which is covalent-linked with a Sepharose matrix and on the length of the attachment spacer arm ("insert") between them. A reversible inhibitory effect of certain ligands (tetramethylammonium, phenyltrimethylammonium) and their derivatives on acetylcholinesterase is estimated in comparison.  相似文献   

A rapid procedure for the isolation of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine-containing proteins has been developed in which the protein is selectively bound to a m-phenylboronate agarose column, and eluted with 1.0 M ammonium acetate, pH 3.0. The method is based on the affinity of boronates for diols including catechol. The chromatography is carried out in the absence of oxygen to prevent oxidation of the catechol. Other proteins are eluted beforehand with 0.25 M ammonium acetate, pH 8.5, or for glycoproteins with a Tris buffer containing 0.2 M sorbitol, pH 8.5.  相似文献   

Lymphocyte subclasses from normal peripheral blood have been fractionated by affinity chromatography with lectins. Concanavalin A (Con A), Lens culinaris lectin (LC), Pisum sativum lectin (PS), Phaseolus vulgaris lectin (PHA), Dolichos biflours lectin (DB), Glicine max lectin (SBA), Ricinus communis lectin (RCA II), Tetragonolobus purpureus lectin (TP) and Triticum vulgaris lectin (WGA), were coupled to Sepharose 6MB, and lymphocytes labelled with 125I were eluted through the chromatographic columns. The binding of lymphocytes to WGA and SBA lectins was 32% and 13% respectively. The binding to the other lectins tested were found to be between 32% and 13%. When solutions of increasing concentrations of specific sugar were added to the columns a progressive elution of bound lymphocytes was observed. These results indicate the existence of a large range of lymphocyte subclasses, with different binding capacity to lectins, which was a function of the receptor number or/and receptor affinity to each lectin. Furthermore, these two parameters were found to vary in each functional population. Even though all the lymphocytes had lectin receptors, T lymphocytes showed higher affinity for Con A, PHA and TP lectins, while B lymphocytes appeared to be more specific for LC, PS, SBA, DB, RCAII and WGA lectins.  相似文献   

Summary Non-porous silicas with an average diameter of 1.4 m were prepared for rapid analytical and micropreparative high-performance affinity chromatography of proteins. The non-porous silica was silanized with -aminopropyltriethoxy silane to introduce terminal amino groups on which protein A was immobilized via the activation of glutaraldehyde. When the column packed with the resultant protein A-silica, the retained component of the sample could be eluted by a stepwise change of pH from 7 to 3. A linear relationships was observed between the peak height (or peak area) and the IgG content in the sample. The data indicated that the sample with IgG content up to ca. 300 g could be chromatographically analysed.  相似文献   

Recently in Trends in Biotechnology (Luong, J. T. et al., Vol. 5, 281–286), it was argued that affinity chromatography had disadvantages in productivity and operation and that other methods of exploiting affinity interactions needed to be developed. It has taken a long time for affinity methods to become accepted in biological processing, and it will take longer for new techniques to make a significant impact. In the meantime, affinity chromatography is being scaled up.  相似文献   

The direct separation of enantiomeric amines has been carried out using a chiral counter ion, (?)-2,3:4,6,-di-O-isopropylidene-2-keto-L -gulonic acid [(?)-DIKGA] dissolved in polar mobile phases, water:methanol or isopropanol:acetonitrile. High separation factors, α = 1.2–1.7, were obtained for several compounds of pharmacological interest such as metoprolol, oxprenolol, remoxipride, mefloquine and p-OH-ephedrine. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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