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破碎化次生林斑块面积及斑块隔离对大山雀繁殖成功的影响   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
研究了破碎化山地次生林中斑块面积及斑块隔离度对大山雀(Parus major)繁殖成功的影响,运用GPS定位系统确定了18块大,中,小3种类型的斑块及对照样点,观测了大山雀产第一枚卵时间,窝卵数,平均卵重,出雏量及雏鸟出飞量等生态指标,结果表明,斑块隔离度对大山雀繁殖成功没有影响,1999-2000年两年中,大山雀在连续分布次生林中的产卵时间平均早于各斑块中的产卵时间7.2d,各斑块间的产卵时间差异较小,连续分布次生林和较大面积斑块内的大山雀窝卵数略高于中,小面积斑块内的窝卵数,连续分布生林中的平均卵重最大,斑块面积对出雏量及雏鸟不量没有影响,中,小面积斑块内的巢损失率较高,最主要的原因是巢址竞争较激烈。  相似文献   

长白山次生林繁殖鸟的群落结构   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
研究了长白山次生林繁殖鸟的群落结构及其与森林植被的关系。在3块林龄相同而样地面积不等的次生林中,繁殖鸟种类有随样地面积增加的趋势,繁殖鸟数量随面积的增加而增加更为明显。相似性指数测定表明,3样地鸟类群落组成基本相似,多样性指数也无显著差异。鸟类物种多样性与植被剖面层次多样性相关。边缘种随林缘长度的增加,种-数系数不断增加。由林缘至林内50m宽的地带为鸟类高密度带。由边缘至林内300m后,鸟类密度有  相似文献   

北京城市及近郊区环境结构对鸟类的影响   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
魏湘岳  朱靖 《生态学报》1989,9(4):285-289
本文研究了北京市区及近郊环境结构与四季鸟类群落的关系,用相对数量路线调查法估计了鸟类的实际分布。环境结构分为面积和空间异质性两个主要因素,后者又包括自然度和环境多样性两个方面。结果表明,空间异质性对鸟类物种数及多样性有显著的影响,其中自然度的作用较环境多样性的作用更为显著。“边缘效应”是由于环境多样造成的。当空间异质性较高时,面积对鸟类物种数的影响是明显的。由于城市环境的空间异质性较低,由少数优势种决定了鸟类群落特征。为改善城市环境结构,建议增加绿化面积,丰富植被层次及物种组成,同时在北京城市环境中适当增加各种形式的水体。  相似文献   

广东南昆山夏季鸟类群落结构及生物量   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
鸟类群落组成和现存生物量是鸟类生态学研究的重要内容 ,对了解整个生态系统结构与功能的关系有重要意义。国内外学者就鸟类群落的结构与生境的关系做过大量的工作 (丁平等 ,1989;高玮 ,1992 ;李世纯等 ,1995 ;Sabo ,1980 ;Smith ,1977) ,但是对鸟类群落现存生物量方面的研究 ,至今极少见报道。因此 ,我们于 1998- 0 1~ 1999- 0 6 ,对南昆山森林鸟类群落冬、夏季的组成、现存生物量、能量流动及与生境的关系进行了较深入的研究 ,本文仅就夏季鸟类群落结构和现存生物量的研究作如下报道。1 研究地点与方法1 1 研究地点   南昆山…  相似文献   

北京天坛公园鸟类群落结构调查   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
2003年5月至2006年12月在天坛公园进行鸟类调查163次,总计654.4h。共记录到鸟类130种,隶属于13目38科。天坛公园鸟类群落多样性最高在5月,最低在8月;均匀度冬、春季最高,夏季最低;优势度夏季最高,春季最低。同20世纪60~80年代相比,优势种的种数减少,现今仅有麻雀(Passer montanus)、灰喜鹊(Cyanopi cacyana)和喜鹊(Pica pica)3种。候鸟迁徙和留鸟群落内部种群数量的变化导致了天坛公园鸟类群落多样性的季节变化。报道了丝光椋鸟(Sturnia sericeus)在北京地区野外繁殖成功的记录。  相似文献   

采煤沉陷改变了地貌景观,使鸟类的生境发生变化,进而影响鸟类群落多样性。我们于2013年11月—2014年10月在安徽省淮南潘集的采煤沉陷区不同沉陷程度的4种生境开展鸟类调查,研究采煤沉陷导致的生境变化对鸟类群落结构的影响。共记录到鸟类13目29科79种,其中留鸟32种(40.5%),冬候鸟19种(24.1%),夏候鸟25种(31.6%),优势种为灰椋鸟Sturnus cineraceus、喜鹊Pica pica、麻雀Passer montanus和家燕Hirundo rustica。随着采煤沉陷程度的增加,物种数、个体数量、群落密度表现出轻度沉陷区<中度沉陷区<重度沉陷区的规律,多样性指数为轻度沉陷区<重度沉陷区<中度沉陷区,在地表沉陷过程中,鸟类群落结构具有不稳定性。各类生境中鸟类群落的物种组成变化明显,随着沉陷程度的增加,鸟类群落物种丰富度增加。  相似文献   

渭河平原地区夏季鸟类群落结构   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
胡伟  陆健健 《动物学研究》2002,23(4):351-355
在渭河平原咸阳地区选取有代表性的7种生境,采用样带法取样,选用Shannon-Wiener、Pielou指数和多元变量分析法进行鸟类群落结构分析。共发现63种鸟类,隶属于13目29属47科。7个样区的鸟类组成表明水域面积是影响特定鸟类(水鸟)分布的重要因子。α多样性指数和干扰程度呈线性关系(Y=2.945-0.352X)。而中等偏上的均匀度表明不同样区种群的分布较为均匀。进一步对鸟类群落结构进行聚类分析、多维尺度分析以及主分量分析后表明:按照人为干扰程度的大小将7个样区划分为3-4个群落组合;多维尺度分析的结果比聚类分析的结果更接近实际情况;在人为干扰的前提下,类似生境(相同高程或相近水域面积)鸟类群落的相似性程度并不高。  相似文献   

大别山山地次生林鸟类群落集团结构的季节变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2007年12月—2008年12月,在大别山鹞落坪,对落叶阔叶次生林鸟类的集团结构的季节变化特征进行了研究。采用连续取样法采集鸟类取食行为数据,用聚类分析法对繁殖和非繁殖季节鸟类群落进行集团划分,通过无倾向对应分析(DCA)对32种森林鸟类的两个季节资源利用特点进行了研究。结果表明,鸟类群落在非繁殖季节可以分为地面、灌丛、树干(枝)、冠层等4个取食集团,而在繁殖季节还出现空中取食集团;候鸟影响鹞落坪次生林鸟类群落取食集团的结构,产生新的取食集团。DCA的第一轴主要代表鸟类取食高度信息,第二轴主要代表鸟类取食位置信息,第三轴代表鸟类取食方式和取食基质信息;用DCA前两轴对32种鸟类排序表明,有6种鸟主要在第一轴发生变化,有4种鸟主要在第二轴发生变化。  相似文献   

南洞庭湖冬季鸟类群落结构及多样性分析   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9  
邓学建  王斌 《四川动物》2000,19(4):236-238
南洞庭湖冬季常见鸟类共43种,隶属10目21科35属,其中国家二级保护动物5种,湖南省级保护动物16种。该地的冬候鸟24种,留鸟19种。东洋界鸟类12种,古北界鸟类2种,广布性鸟类29种。南洞庭湖冬季鸟类的多样性指数为2.0008,均匀性指数为0.5319。  相似文献   

温带次生林破碎化对白眉姬鹟繁殖的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹长雷  高玮 《四川动物》2008,27(2):183-188
于2005~2006年鸟类繁殖季节,通过悬挂人工巢箱,探讨了次生林破碎化对白眉姬鹟Ficedula zanthopygia繁殖的影响.结果 表明:次生林破碎化对白眉姬鹟繁殖产生很大的影响,斑块面积、形状指数、隔离度均在不同程度上影响着白眉姬鹟的繁殖参数,破碎化指数不同的斑块间白眉姬鹟的窝卵数、孵化率和出飞率差异均不显著(P>0.05);卵重变异很大,差异显著(P<0.05);卵体积变动更大,差异达到极显著水平(P<0.01).回归分析表明,斑块破碎化指数与白眉姬鹟繁殖参数间均存在一元二次方程关系:当窝卵数达到最大值时,卵质量降低,出雏率达到最低,雏鸟存活率反而增大,出飞率达到最大,从而提高繁殖功效;当窝卵数达到最小值时,卵质量最高,出雏率增大,出飞率也相应的增高,从而使繁殖功效增大.白眉姬鹟存在一个最优窝卵数,验证了Lack的窝卵数假说.另外,白眉姬鹟通过对自身繁殖参数的调节来适应生境破碎化,尽量提高自身的繁殖功效,从而弥补自身种群.  相似文献   

Restoration of damaged ecosystems has become an important tool to slow down biodiversity loss and to maintain ecosystem services. Peatland bird populations have shown a substantial decline during the recent decades in Northern Europe as a consequence of peatland drainage. We studied whether restoration of peatlands drained for forestry affects bird communities. We conducted bird surveys at 11 peatlands in Western Finland, where each of the restored and their pristine counterparts were surveyed before restoration and yearly after restoration during 2010–2018. We used linear mixed effect models to analyze whether restoration affected the number of species and territories of peatland specialist and non‐specialist species and permutational multivariate analysis of variance to analyze the change in community composition. Drained parts of the peatlands had higher number of territories of non‐specialist species before restoration, and restoration seemed to decrease these numbers towards the level of pristine parts. By contrast, restoration did not affect the number of peatland specialists and their territories, which was lower in drained than in pristine parts of the peatlands. Bird communities in restored parts remained different from pristine parts in terms of community composition after restoration. Thus, despite the effect of restoration on non‐specialists, a substantially long time may be required for a recovery of the peatland bird communities. Based on our results, it seems that long‐term monitoring of the restored and pristine peatlands is needed to determine whether restoration is effective in recovering the peatland specialist bird species and bird communities in general.  相似文献   

城市公园生境类型对鸟类群落的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2011年12月—2012年11月,在上海世纪公园和滨江森林公园对鸟类群落和植物群落进行调查,通过对12个植被变量进行主成分分析,将两个公园分为8种不同的生境类型。结果表明:2个公园生境构成存在显著差异,滨江森林公园灌木层植物发达的生境(Habitat with developed shrub layer,S型)以及灌木层和地被层植物都发达的生境(Habitat with developed tree layer and shrub layer,T+S型)数量显著多于世纪公园,世纪公园地被层发达的生境(Habitat with developed ground cover layer,G型)以及乔木层和地被层植物都发达的生境(Habitat with developed tree layer and ground cover layer,T+G型)数量显著多于滨江森林公园。世纪公园不同生境中鸟种数差异显著,而滨江森林公园中差异不显著。2个公园有24种共有鸟种,对共有鸟种生境利用率的配对t检验结果表明,滨江森林公园鸟类生境利用率显著高于世纪公园。对2个公园共有生境类型中鸟种数进行分析,发现滨江森林公园鹟科(Muscicapidae)鸟类种数显著大于世纪公园。根据以上结果,上海城市公园不同生境类型对鸟类群落结构存在显著影响。因此,建议在规划和建设大型城市公园时,应构建植被分层结构复杂的生境,多样化种植各类乔木,林下多样化搭配灌木。在保留供游客休憩草坪区域的同时种植各类草本植物,以此提高鸟类生境利用率,增加城市公园的鸟类多样性。  相似文献   

HUW LLOYD 《Ibis》2008,150(4):735-745
Habitat restoration strategies for fragmented high Andean forest landscapes must consider the influence of within‐patch habitat quality on bird abundance. I examined vegetation and bird abundance at three locations within a highly fragmented Polylepis forest landscape in the Cordillera Vilcanota, southern Peru. Across the landscape, there was significant variation in the vegetation structure of Polylepis forest patches of different size categories, especially in terms of tree girth, tree height, tree density, and canopy vegetation structure. Principal Component Analysis extracted five factors of habitat quality, which together accounted for 74.2% of the variability within 15 habitat variables. Polylepis bird species differed in their responses to habitat quality but, overall, variation in Polylepis bird abundance was not fully captured by the range of habitat quality variables. Tall, dense vegetation cover was clearly important for 11 conservation‐important species, a high density of large trees was important for 10 species and primary forest ground cover was important for eight species. Habitat quality exhibited no significant influence on the abundance of only one species –Asthenes urubambensis. The abundance of seven species was associated with lower elevation forest, but only one species was associated with higher elevation forest. Management of habitat quality in large and medium remnant forest patches throughout the Cordillera Vilcanota, particularly in the 3800–4200 m elevation range, will be a cornerstone in ensuring the persistence of the majority of conservation‐important bird species populations.  相似文献   

Protected areas are meant to preserve native local communities within their boundaries, but they are not independent from their surroundings. Impoverished habitat quality in the matrix might influence the species composition within the protected areas through biotic homogenization. The aim of this study was to determine the impacts of matrix quality on species richness and trait composition of bird communities from the Finnish reserve area network and whether the communities are being subject of biotic homogenization due to the lowered quality of the landscape matrix. We used joint species distribution modeling to study how characteristics of the Finnish forest reserves and the quality of their surrounding matrix alter species and trait compositions of forest birds. The proportion of old forest within the reserves was the main factor in explaining the bird community composition, and the bird communities within the reserves did not strongly depend on the quality of the matrix. Yet, in line with the homogenization theory, the beta‐diversity within reserves embedded in low‐quality matrix was lower than that in high‐quality matrix, and the average abundance of regionally abundant species was higher. Influence of habitat quality on bird community composition was largely explained by the species' functional traits. Most importantly, the community specialization index was low, and average body size was high in areas with low proportion of old forest. We conclude that for conserving local bird communities in northern Finnish protected forests, it is currently more important to improve or maintain habitat quality within the reserves than in the surrounding matrix. Nevertheless, we found signals of bird community homogenization, and thus, activities that decrease the quality of the matrix are a threat for bird communities.  相似文献   

Aim Body size often plays a significant role in community assembly through its impacts on the life history and ecological attributes of species. Insight into the importance of size in structuring communities can be gained by examining the distribution of sizes of individuals [i.e. the individual size distribution (ISD) or size spectrum] in a community. ISDs have been studied extensively in aquatic and tree communities, but have received little attention in terrestrial animal communities. Here, we conduct the first macroecological analysis of ISDs in terrestrial animal communities to determine whether they show broad‐scale consistency in shape. Location North America, north of Mexico. Methods Using likelihood‐based methods and Gaussian mixture modelling, coupled with data from the Breeding Bird Survey and Christmas Bird Count, we determine whether the ISDs for thousands of breeding and wintering North American bird communities are: (1) monotonically decreasing, (2) unimodal or (3) multimodal. Results We find that avian ISDs are consistently multimodal, with most characterized by more than five modes in both breeding and wintering communities from local to continental scales. In addition, the positions of these modes along the size axis are remarkably consistent. Main conclusions The striking consistency in the ISD within bird communities, as with tree and aquatic communities, indicates that the ISD is an important and informative characterization of resource utilization within an ecological assemblage. The differences in shape of the ISD among these groups also suggest that differences in body size‐related constraints affect interactions within a group and with the environment. Our results confirm that avian assemblages do exhibit structure along the body size axis, and therefore it will be fruitful to explore this pattern in greater detail.  相似文献   

雾网应用于森林鸟类群落生态学研究已有20多年的历史,用雾网研究森林中行动隐蔽、少鸣唱、没有领域的鸟类,特别是森林林下鸟类十分有效.该方法不受研究者经验的影响,可以对不同地区、不同群落进行比较研究.国外学者认为雾网是研究森林鸟类群落必不可少的研究工具.文中着重介绍了雾网的优缺点及其在森林鸟类群落研究中的应用,以期推动我国相关学科的研究.  相似文献   

The Lake Izunuma–Uchinuma was extensively flooded in 1998 and vast areas (approximately 200 ha) of rice fields were submerged for the first time since the land was reclaimed in 1963. When the numbers of birds in 1998 were compared with those in normal years (1995–1997), the numbers of black-crowned night herons (Nycticorax nycticorax L.), cattle egrets (Bubulcus ibis L.) and black kites (Milvus migrans Boddaert) increased during the flooding, and the numbers of ducks, especially dabbling ducks (seven species of 11 Anas spp.) were high even after the flooding, while the numbers of the little grebe Tachybaputus ruficollis Pallas were diminished by the flooding.  相似文献   

Aim To describe variation in forest bird communities with altitude and latitude. Location Eastern Madagascar. Methods Extraction of data from forest bird inventories conducted in eastern Madagascar. Results There is a strong decline in species richness with altitude, above about 1300 m. Below this altitude, species richness is about constant or declines slightly. Seventy-eight percent of species occurring regularly in forest are absent from at least one of low, mid-altitude or high altitude forest. Of eighty-seven species occurring regularly in forest, only four or possibly five have latitudinally limited distributions, over a latitudinal range of over 1200 km. Three or possibly four are limited to the northern two-thirds, and one appears to be at least much more common in the southern half. Main conclusions Eastern Malagasy rain forest birds show previously unanalysed variation in altitudinal distribution. There is much less latitudinal variation. Species currently considered threatened are concentrated in the lowland and high-altitude zones. This may be at least partly due to lack of survey effort giving the impression that these species are rare, but lowland forests at least are under great human pressure. Bird conservation initiatives would probably have most effect if targeted at lowland east Malagasy rain forest.  相似文献   

Species–energy theory is a commonly invoked theory predicting a positive relationship between species richness and available energy. The More Individuals Hypothesis (MIH) attempts to explain this pattern, and assumes that areas with greater food resources support more individuals, and that communities with more individuals include more species. Using a large dataset for North American birds, I tested these predictions of the MIH, and also examined the effect of habitat complexity on community structure. I found qualitative support for the relationships predicted by the MIH, however, the MIH alone was inadequate for fully explaining richness patterns. Communities in more productive sites had more individuals, but they also had more even relative abundance distributions such that a given number of individuals yielded a greater number of species. Richness and evenness were also higher in structurally complex forests compared to structurally more simple grasslands when controlling for available energy.  相似文献   

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