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Simian Virus 40 wild type (SV40)-transformed Chinese hamster embryo cells (Co631) contain about five viral copies integrated per cell genome. These SV40 sequences were used as endogenous indicator genes to study the response of mammalian cells to radiation at the gene level. An increase in copy number was detected by dispersed cell blotting and Southern analysis in combination with specific DNA hybridization. All types of radiation tested induce a 15- to 25-fold amplification of SV40 sequences without producing intact virus. The amplification is dose dependent and increases with time after irradiation: a maximum effect is observed at Day 3 after alpha particle or uv exposure and at Day 6 after gamma-ray exposure. A RBE of 6 can be calculated for alpha particles if amplification rates at Day 3 are compared. However, when the maximum effect is considered independent of time, no difference between different types of radiation is observed. Southern blots of genomic DNA show that not all integrated SV40 sequences are amplified upon radiation. Amplified sequences are found either in restriction fragments of relatively high molecular weight or in unit size fragments. SV40 amplification is selective in that the amplification of other genes, e.g., of alpha-actin, dhfr (dihydrofolate reductase), and of two oncogenes of the ras family (Kirsten ras and Harvey ras), was below detection level.  相似文献   

Male mice of the Q strain were exposed to 60Co gamma-rays at 2 Gy and 2 X 2 Gy separated by increasing time intervals (from 0 min to 4 min). The chromosome translocations induced in spermatogonia were scored at diakinesis-metaphase I. A significant decrease of the translocation frequency at time intervals higher than 2 min was observed, confirming results obtained with plant materials.  相似文献   

To study possible genotoxic effects of occupational exposure to vanadium pentoxide, we determined DNA strand breaks (with alkaline comet assay), 8-hydroxy-2'deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) and the frequency of sister chromatid exchange (SCE) in whole blood leukocytes or lymphocytes of 49 male workers employed in a vanadium factory in comparison to 12 non-exposed controls. In addition, vanadate has been tested in vitro to induce DNA strand breaks in whole blood cells, isolated lymphocytes and cultured human fibroblasts of healthy donors at concentrations comparable to the observed levels of vanadium in vivo. To investigate the impact of vanadate on the repair of damaged DNA, co-exposure to UV or bleomycin was used in fibroblasts, and DNA migration in the alkaline and neutral comet assay was determined. Although, exposed workers showed a significant vanadium uptake (serum: median 5.38microg/l, range 2.18-46.35microg/l) no increase in cytogenetic effects or oxidative DNA damage in leukocytes could be demonstrated. This was consistent with the observation that in vitro exposure of whole blood leukocytes and lymphocytes to vanadate caused no significant changes in DNA strand breaks below concentrations of 1microM (50microg/l). In contrast, vanadate clearly induced DNA fragmentation in cultured fibroblasts at relevant concentrations. Combined exposure of fibroblasts to vanadate/UV or vanadate/bleomycin resulted in non-repairable DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) as seen in the neutral comet assay. We conclude that exposure of human fibroblasts to vanadate effectively causes DNA strand breaks, and co-exposure of cells to other genotoxic agents may result in persistent DNA damage.  相似文献   

The protein kinase ATM (ataxia-telangiectasia mutated) activates the cellular response to double strand breaks (DSBs), a highly cytotoxic DNA lesion. ATM is activated by DSBs and in turn phosphorylates key players in numerous damage response pathways. ATM is missing or inactivated in the autosomal recessive disorder ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T), which is characterized by neuronal degeneration, immunodeficiency, genomic instability, radiation sensitivity, and cancer predisposition. The predominant symptom of A-T is a progressive loss of movement coordination due to ongoing degeneration of the cerebellar cortex and peripheral neuropathy. A major deficiency in understanding A-T is the lack of information on the role of ATM in neurons. It is unclear whether the ATM-mediated DSB response operates in these cells similarly to proliferating cells. Furthermore, ATM was reported to be cytoplasmic in neurons and suggested to function in these cells in capacities other than the DNA damage response. Recently we obtained genetic molecular evidence that the neuronal degeneration in A-T does result from defective DNA damage response. We therefore undertook to investigate this response in a model system of human neuron-like cells (NLCs) obtained by neuronal differentiation in culture. ATM was largely nuclear in NLCs, and their ATM-mediated responses to DSBs were similar to those of proliferating cells. Knocking down ATM did not interfere with neuronal differentiation but abolished ATM-mediated damage responses in NLCs. We concluded that nuclear ATM mediates the DSB response in NLCs similarly to in proliferating cells. Attempts to understand the neurodegeneration in A-T should be directed to investigating the DSB response in the nervous system.  相似文献   

Results of epidemiological research show low association of electromagnetic field (EMF) with increased risk of cancerous diseases and missing dose-effect relations. An important component in assessing potential cancer risk is knowledge concerning any genotoxic effects of extremely-low-frequency-EMF (ELF-EMF).Human diploid fibroblasts were exposed to continuous or intermittent ELF-EMF (50Hz, sinusoidal, 24h, 1000microT). For evaluation of genotoxic effects in form of DNA single- (SSB) and double-strand breaks (DSB), the alkaline and the neutral comet assay were used.In contrast to continuous ELF-EMF exposure, the application of intermittent fields reproducibly resulted in a significant increase of DNA strand break levels, mainly DSBs, as compared to non-exposed controls. The conditions of intermittence showed an impact on the induction of DNA strand breaks, producing the highest levels at 5min field-on/10min field-off. We also found individual differences in response to ELF-EMF as well as an evident exposure-response relationship between magnetic flux density and DNA migration in the comet assay.Our data strongly indicate a genotoxic potential of intermittent EMF. This points to the need of further studies in vivo and consideration about environmental threshold values for ELF exposure.  相似文献   

The levels of apparent DNA single-strand breaks (ssb) were measured, following a 0-20 h incubation of normal human skin fibroblasts exposed to the solar uv wavelengths produced by a fluorescent sunlamp. The ssb were determined using the alkaline elution assay, which was performed either without proteinase K (proK) or in its presence, so as to eliminate any DNA-protein crosslinks that may be present in the cells. Cells were irradiated with either 3 kJ/m2 of sunlamp uv greater than 295 nm, 150 kJ/m2 of sunlamp uv greater than 315 nm, or 150 kJ/m2 of sunlamp uv greater than 320 nm. These treatments resulted in the production of 5-10 ssb/10(10) Da. For the two shorter wavelength irradiations, the levels of ssb decreased rapidly upon incubation of the cells. However, when the elutions were performed using proK, the number of ssb increased about twofold following a 2-4 h incubation. In contrast, the levels of ssb decreased in the sunlamp uv greater than 320 nm irradiated cells for elutions performed with or without proK. These results suggest that under certain irradiation conditions, ssb are formed in cells upon incubation, which are hidden by the crosslinking of protein to DNA.  相似文献   

Ho IC  Yih LH  Kao CY  Lee TC 《Mutation research》2000,452(1):41-50
Numerous reports have shown that oxidative stress is involved in arsenite-induced genetic damage. Arsenite is also a potent inducer of heme oxygenase (HO)-1. To understand whether HO-1 could function as a cellular antioxidant and protect cells from arsenite injury, the effects of tin-protoporphyrin (SnPP), a competitive inhibitor of HO-1, on arsenite-induced genetic damage were examined in human skin fibroblasts (HFW). In the present study, we found that SnPP at 100 microM significantly potentiated arsenite-induced cytotoxicity, DNA strand breaks (assayed by alkaline single cell gel electrophoresis(SCGE)), and chromatid breaks. Although arsenite alone mainly induced kinetochore-plus micronuclei (K(+)-MN), SnPP only synergistically enhanced kinetochore-negative micronuclei (K(-)-MN). The increase in K(-)-MN by SnPP cotreatment was consistent with the increase in DNA strand breaks and chromatid breaks caused by SnPP. However, at higher arsenite doses, K(+)-MN was significantly reduced by SnPP. Pretreatment of HFW cells with hemin, an inducer of HO-1, significantly attenuated the cytotoxicity of arsenite. Therefore, the present results suggest that HO-1 induction by arsenite plays certain roles in protecting cells from arsenite-induced injury.  相似文献   

In experiments on Wistar rats a study was made of the carcinogenic effects of the combined exposure to 241Am administered intraperitoneally (6.7 to 229.4 kBq/kg body weight) and external gamma-radiation (137Cs, 175 cGy). The occurrence of osteosarcoma, leucosis, skin and mammary tumors increased in the exposed animals. The combined irradiation produced an additive carcinogenic effect.  相似文献   

Ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T) is a multi-system genomic instability syndrome that is caused by loss or inactivation of the ATM protein kinase. ATM is largely nuclear in proliferating cells, and activates an extensive network of pathways in response to double strand breaks (DSBs) in the DNA by phosphorylating key proteins in these pathways. The prominent symptom of A-T is neuronal degeneration, making the elucidation of ATM's functions in neurons essential to understanding the disease. It has been suggested that ATM is cytoplasmic in neurons and functions in processes that are not associated with the DNA damage response. Recently we showed that in human neuron-like cells obtained by in vitro differentiation of neuroblastomas, ATM was largely nuclear and mediated the DSB response as in proliferating cells. We have now extended these studies to two additional model systems: neurons derived from human embryonic stem cells, and cortical neurons derived from neural stem cells. The results substantiate the notion that ATM is nuclear in human neurons and mediates the DSB response, the same as it does in proliferating cells. We present here unique and powerful model systems to further study the ATM-mediated network in neurons.  相似文献   

Acute (2 h) exposure of rats to a 60 Hz magnetic field (flux densities 0.1, 0.25, and 0.5 mT) caused a dose-dependent increase in DNA strand breaks in brain cells of the animals (assayed by a microgel electrophoresis method at 4 h postexposure). An increase in single-strand DNA breaks was observed after exposure to magnetic fields of 0.1, 0.25, and 0.5 mT, whereas an increase in double-strand DNA breaks was observed at 0.25 and 0.5 mT. Because DNA strand breaks may affect cellular functions, lead to carcinogenesis and cell death, and be related to onset of neurodegenerative diseases, our data may have important implications for the possible health effects of exposure to 60 Hz magnetic fields. Bioelectromagnetics 18:156–165, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

DNA damage generated by high-energy and high-Z (HZE) particles is more skewed toward multiply damaged sites or clustered DNA damage than damage induced by low-linear energy transfer (LET) X and gamma rays. Clustered DNA damage includes abasic sites, base damages and single- (SSBs) and double-strand breaks (DSBs). This complex DNA damage is difficult to repair and may require coordinated recruitment of multiple DNA repair factors. As a consequence of the production of irreparable clustered lesions, a greater biological effectiveness is observed for HZE-particle radiation than for low-LET radiation. To understand how the inability of cells to rejoin DSBs contributes to the greater biological effectiveness of HZE particles, the kinetics of DSB rejoining and cell survival after exposure of normal human skin fibroblasts to a spectrum of HZE particles was examined. Using gamma-H2AX as a surrogate marker for DSB formation and rejoining, the ability of cells to rejoin DSBs was found to decrease with increasing Z; specifically, iron-ion-induced DSBs were repaired at a rate similar to those induced by silicon ions, oxygen ions and gamma radiation, but a larger fraction of iron-ion-induced damage was irreparable. Furthermore, both DNA-PKcs (DSB repair factor) and 53BP1 (DSB sensing protein) co-localized with gamma-H2AX along the track of dense ionization produced by iron and silicon ions and their focus dissolution kinetics was similar to that of gamma-H2AX. Spatial co-localization analysis showed that unlike gamma-H2AX and 53BP1, phosphorylated DNA-PKcs was localized only at very specific regions, presumably representing the sites of DSBs within the tracks. Examination of cell survival by clonogenic assay indicated that cell killing was greater for iron ions than for silicon and oxygen ions and gamma rays. Collectively, these data demonstrate that the inability of cells to rejoin DSBs within clustered DNA lesions likely contributes to the greater biological effectiveness of HZE particles.  相似文献   

Changes in sensitivity of mouse BALB/c 3T3 cells in the plateau phase to digestion with micrococcal nuclease were examined following gamma-irradiation. Immediately after irradiation, cell nuclei were more sensitive to micrococcal nuclease compared to unirradiated nuclei. However, there were no detectable changes in length of basic repeating subunits of 182 base pairs of DNA, which include the nucleosome cores consisting of approximately 140 base pairs of DNA, which When the cells were incubated at 37 degrees following irradiation, the sensitivity of cell nuclei to the nuclease first increased then decreased, reaching a similar level to unirradiated nuclei 6 h after irradiation. Both the initial increase and the subsequent decrease in sensitivity of nuclei to micrococcal nuclease were prevented when 15 microM novobiocin was present during the post-irradiation incubation, suggesting a possible involvement of type II DNA topoisomerase in repair of DNA lesions induced by gamma-rays.  相似文献   

The efficiency of ionizing photon radiation for inducing mutations, chromosome aberrations, neoplastic cell transformation, and cell killing depends on the photon energy. We investigated the induction and rejoining of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) as possible contributors for the varying efficiencies of different photon energies. A specialized pulsed-field gel electrophoresis assay based on Southern hybridization of single Mbp genomic restriction fragments was employed to assess DSB induction and rejoining by quantifying the restriction fragment band. Unrejoined and misrejoined DSBs were determined in dose fractionation protocols using doses per fraction of 2.2 and 4.4 Gy for CK characteristic X rays, 4 and 8 Gy for 29 kVp X rays, and 5, 10 and 20 Gy for 60Co gamma rays. DSB induction by CK characteristic X rays was about twofold higher than for 60Co gamma rays, whereas 29 kVp X rays showed only marginally elevated levels of induced DSBs compared with 60Co gamma rays (a factor of 1.15). Compared with these modest variations in DSB induction, the variations in the levels of unrejoined and misrejoined DSBs were more significant. Our results suggest that differences in the fidelity of DSB rejoining together with the different efficiencies for induction of DSBs can explain the varying biological effectiveness of different photon energies.  相似文献   

Experiments on purified DNA irradiated under circumstances which maximize direct absorption of ionizing energy in the DNA suggest that double strand breaks to the DNA helix are caused when energy depositions in spheres of comparable size to the diameter of the DNA helix exceed a threshold energy of between 70 and 100 eV. Evidence is also presented that shows that these events can lead to non-random patterns of double strand breakage within the molecule which are manifested as an excess of small fragments of DNA.  相似文献   

The responses of two ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T) cell strains to the lethal effects of monochromatic far, mid and near ultraviolet radiations have been determined and compared with the responses of three normal human cell strains. Our results confirm a previous observation that the A-T cell strain AT4BI is abnormally sensitive to the lethal effects of mid u.v. (313 nm) radiation. After far u.v. (254 nm) radiation the strain AT4BI exhibits a small but statistically significant increase in sensitivity compared to the normal strains. Of most interest, in terms of a mechanistic interpretation of the sensitivity of A-T strains, the survival responses of neither A-T strain tested to near u.v. (365 nm) radiation differed significantly from the mean response of the normal strains, although it is of interest that one normal strain (48BR) was found to be significantly more resistant to near u.v. radiation than any of the other strains tested. The results are discussed in terms of the possible induction of radiogenic lesions in DNA by ultraviolet radiations and the possible mechanisms of radiation sensitivity in ataxia-telangiectasia.  相似文献   

Human exonuclease 1 (hEXO1) is implicated in DNA metabolism, including replication, recombination and repair, substantiated by its interactions with PCNA, DNA helicases BLM and WRN, and several DNA mismatch repair (MMR) proteins. We investigated the sub-nuclear localization of hEXO1 during S-phase progression and in response to laser-induced DNA double strand breaks (DSBs). We show that hEXO1 and PCNA co-localize in replication foci. This apparent interaction is sustained throughout S-phase. We also demonstrate that hEXO1 is rapidly recruited to DNA DSBs. We have identified a PCNA interacting protein (PIP-box) region on hEXO1 located in its COOH-terminal ((788)QIKLNELW(795)). This motif is essential for PCNA binding and co-localization during S-phase. Recruitment of hEXO1 to DNA DSB sites is dependent on the MMR protein hMLH1. We show that two distinct hMLH1 interaction regions of hEXO1 (residues 390-490 and 787-846) are required to direct the protein to the DNA damage site. Our results reveal that protein domains in hEXO1 in conjunction with specific protein interactions control bi-directional routing of hEXO1 between on-going DNA replication and repair processes in living cells.  相似文献   

Bleomycin (BLM) induces DNA damage in living cells. In this report we analyzed the role of chromatin compactness in the differential response of mosquito (ATC-15) and mammalian (CHO) cells to DNA strand breaks induced by BLM. We used cells unexposed and exposed to sodium butyrate (NaB), which induces chromatin decondensation. By nucleoid sedimentation assay and digestions of nuclei with DNAse I, untreated mosquito cells (no BLM; no NaB) were shown to have more chromatin condensation than untreated CHO cells. By alkaline unwinding ATC-15 cells treated with NaB showed more BLM-induced DNA strand breaks than NaB-untreated CHO cells. The time-course of BLM-induced DNA damage to nuclear DNA was similar for NaB-untreated mammalian and insect cells, but with mosquito cells showing less DNA strand breaks, both at physiological temperatures and at 4 °C. However, when DNA repair was inhibited by low temperatures and chromatin was decondensed by NaB treatments, differences in BLM-induced DNA damage between these cells lines were no longer observed. In both cell lines, NaB did not affect BLM action on cell growth and viability. On the other hand, the low sensitivity of ATC-15 cells to BLM was reflected in their better growth efficiency. These cells exhibited a satisfactory growth at BLM doses that produced a permanent arrest of growth in CHO cells. The data suggest that mosquito cells might have linker DNAs shorter than those of mammalian cells, which would result in the observed both greater chromatin condensation and greater resistance to DNA damage induced by BLM as compared to CHO cells.  相似文献   

Survival and G2 delay of L929 mouse fibroblasts exposed to 3.4-MeV alpha particles depend on the cell age at the time of irradiation. Greatest sensitivity for both endpoints has been found at the G1/S transition: The surviving fraction of G1/S cells is reduced to 0.11 following 1 Gy of alpha particles compared to 0.31 for early G1 cells. The G2 + M transit time rises from 3 hr for control cells to 22 and 30 hr for cells irradiated with 0.3 Gy in G2 or at the G1/S boundary, respectively. Cells irradiated in early G1 do not show increased G2 + M transit times. Growth delay as calculated for the entire population increases linearly with dose by 23 hr/Gy of alpha particles.  相似文献   

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