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We previously demonstrated that inhibitory synaptic transmission influences dendrite development in vivo. We now report an analogous finding in an organotypic culture of a glycinergic projection nucleus, the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB), and its postsynaptic target, the lateral superior olive (LSO) of gerbils. Cultures were generated at 6–7 days postnatal and grown in serum containing medium with or without the glycine receptor antagonist, strychnine (SN), at 2 μM. LSO neurons were then labeled with biocytin, and the dendritic arbors were analyzed morphometrically. Compared to neurons from age-matched in vivo tissue, the neurons cultured in control media were somewhat atrophic, including decreases in dendritic branching and length. Incubation in strychnine led to a dramatic increase in dendritic branching and total dendritic length. Control neurons averaged 6.3 branches, compared to 18 branches/neuron in SN-treated cultures. There was a similar increase in primary dendrites and total dendritic length. The physical elimination of MNTB cells did not mimic SN treatment, presumably because glycinergic LSO neurons generated intrinsic connections. In fact, the LSO soma area was significantly greater following MNTB removal, suggesting that these afferents provide a second signal to postsynaptic neurons. These results suggest that spontaneous glycinergic transmission regulates the growth of postsynaptic processes. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Abstract: In contrast to some other ion channels, there are at present no proteins known that bind specifically to mature GABAA receptor channels. Such proteins may be important for the structural organization and cytoskeletal anchoring of GABAA receptors and could also be expected to have channel modulatory effects. To identify proteins that are associated with naturally occurring GABAA receptors we immunoprecipitated these receptors from detergent-solubilized bovine brain membranes by an antibody directed against the α1-subunit. Tubulin and actin were observed to coprecipitate specifically with the receptors. Nine additional proteins were detected, hinting at a complex protein network associated with α1-subunit-containing GABAA receptors. Results of a biochemical characterization of these G ABAA receptor- t ubulin complex- a ssociated p roteins (GTAPs) are presented here. Peptide mass fingerprinting analysis and microsequencing of tryptic peptides indicated that at least three GTAPs have not been described until the present.  相似文献   

Ooplasmic segregation in the late interphase zygote of the leech Theromyzon trizonare is accomplished by reorganization of an ectoplasmic cytoskeleton formed by polar rings and meridional bands. The dynamic properties of this cytoskeleton were explored by time-lapse confocal and video microscopy. Cytoskeleton assembly was investigated in zygotes pulse-labeled with microinjected fluorophore-tagged or biotin-tagged dimeric tubulin and G-actin. Cytoskeleton disassembly was studied by comparing the linear dimensions of the cytoskeleton at different time points during late interphase. The relative distributions of F- and-G-actin were determined after microinjection of rhodamine-labeled actin and fluorescein-labeled DNase I. Results showed that labeled precursors were readily incorporated into a network of microtubules or actin filaments. Bipolar translocation of the rings and meridional bands was accompanied by the rapid assembly and disassembly of microtubules and actin filaments. Because labeled microtubules and microfilaments gradually decreased, the rate of cytoskeleton disassembly was greater than the rate of cytoskeleton assembly. Hence, ooplasmic segregation was accompanied by the rapid turnover of cytoskeletal components. Co-distribution of F- and-G-actin during mid and late interphase may favor polymer-monomer interchange. We conclude that cytoskeleton reorganization during foundation of cytoplasmic domains can be conveniently studied in the live leech zygote after microinjection of labeled precursors.  相似文献   

Molecular architecture of glycinergic synapses   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Synapses can be considered chemical machines, which are optimized for fast and repeated exocytosis of neurotransmitters from presynaptic nerve terminals and the reliable electrical or chemical transduction of neurotransmitter binding to the appropriate receptors in the postsynaptic membrane. Therefore, synapses share a common repertoire of proteins like, e.g., the release machinery and certain cell adhesion molecules. This basic repertoire must be extended in order to generate specificity of neurotransmission and allow plastic changes, which are considered the basis of developmental and/or learning processes. Here, we focus on these complementary molecules located in the presynaptic terminal and postsynaptic membrane specializations of glycinergic synapses. Moreover, as specificity of neurotransmission in this system is established by the specific binding of the neurotransmitter to its receptor, we review the molecular properties of glycine receptor subunits and their assembly into functional glycine receptors with different functional characteristics. The past years have revealed that the molecular machinery underlying inhibitory and especially glycinergic postsynaptic membrane specializations is more complex and dynamic than previously anticipated from morphological studies. The emerging features include structural components as well as signaling modules, which could confer the plasticity required for the proper function of distinct motor and sensory functions.  相似文献   

The common gastrointestinal pathogens enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) and Salmonella typhimurium both reorganize the gut epithelial cell actin cytoskeleton to mediate pathogenesis, utilizing mimicry of the host signaling apparatus. The PDZ domain-containing protein Shank3, is a large cytoskeletal scaffold protein with known functions in neuronal morphology and synaptic signaling, and is also capable of acting as a scaffolding adaptor during Ret tyrosine kinase signaling in epithelial cells. Using immunofluorescent and functional RNA-interference approaches we show that Shank3 is present in both EPEC- and S. typhimurium-induced actin rearrangements and is required for optimal EPEC pedestal formation. We propose that Shank3 is one of a number of host synaptic proteins likely to play key roles in bacteria-host interactions.  相似文献   

Lu T  Rubio ME  Trussell LO 《Neuron》2008,57(4):524-535
The firing pattern of neurons is shaped by the convergence of excitation and inhibition, each with finely tuned magnitude and duration. In an auditory brainstem nucleus, glycinergic inhibition features fast decay kinetics, the mechanism of which is unknown. By applying glycine to native or recombinant glycine receptors, we show that response decay times are accelerated by addition of GABA, a weak partial agonist of glycine receptors. Systematic variation in agonist exposure time revealed that fast synaptic time course may be achieved with submillisecond exposures to mixtures of glycine and GABA at physiological concentrations. Accordingly, presynaptic terminals generally contained both transmitters, and depleting terminals of GABA slowed glycinergic synaptic currents. Thus, coreleased GABA accelerates glycinergic transmission by acting directly on glycine receptors, narrowing the time window for effective inhibition. Packaging both weak and strong agonists in vesicles may be a general means by which presynaptic neurons regulate the duration of postsynaptic responses.  相似文献   

Epidemiology has highlighted the links between season of birth, latitude and the prevalence of brain disorders such as multiple sclerosis and schizophrenia. In line with these data, we have hypothesized that ‘imprinting’ with low prenatal vitamin D could contribute to the risk of these two brain disorders. Previously, we have shown that transient developmental hypovitaminosis D induces permanent changes in adult nervous system. The aim of this study was to examine the impact of prenatal hypovitaminosis D on gene expression in the adult rat brain. Vitamin D deficient female rats were mated with undeprived males and the offspring were fed with a control diet after birth. At Week 10, gene expression in the progeny's brain was compared with control animals using Affymetrix gene microarrays. Prenatal hypovitaminosis D causes a dramatic dysregulation of several biological pathways including oxidative phosphorylation, redox balance, cytoskeleton maintenance, calcium homeostasis, chaperoning, post-translational modifications, synaptic plasticity and neurotransmission. A computational analysis of these data suggests that impaired synaptic network may be a consequence of mitochondrial dysfunction. Since disruptions of mitochondrial metabolism have been associated with both multiple sclerosis and schizophrenia, developmental vitamin D deficiency may be a heuristic animal model for the study of these two brain diseases.  相似文献   

During an immune response, T cells survey antigen presenting cells for antigenic peptides via the formation of an interface known as an immunological synapse. Among the complex and dynamic biophysical phenomena occurring at this interface is the trafficking of sub‐synaptic vesicles carrying a variety of proximal signalling molecules. Here, we show that rather than being a homogeneous population, these vesicles display a diversity of membrane lipid order profiles, as measured using the environmentally sensitive dye di‐4‐ANEPPDHQ and multi‐spectral TIRF microscopy. Using live‐cell imaging, vesicle tracking and a variety of small molecule drugs to manipulate components of the actin and tubulin cytoskeleton, we show that the membrane lipid order of these vesicles correlate with their dynamics. Furthermore, we show that the key proximal signalling molecule Linker for Activation of T cells (LAT) is enriched in specific vesicle populations as defined by their higher membrane order. These results imply that vesicle lipid order may represent a novel regulatory mechanism for the sorting and trafficking of signalling molecules at the immunological synapse, and, potentially, other cellular structures.   相似文献   

Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) is anchored onto cell membranes by the transmembrane protein PRiMA (proline-rich membrane anchor) as a tetrameric globular form that is prominently expressed in vertebrate brain. In parallel, the PRiMA-linked tetrameric butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) is also found in the brain. A single type of AChE-BChE hybrid tetramer was formed in cell cultures by co-transfection of cDNAs encoding AChET and BChET with proline-rich attachment domain-containing proteins, PRiMA I, PRiMA II, or a fragment of ColQ having a C-terminal GPI addition signal (QN-GPI). Using AChE and BChE mutants, we showed that AChE-BChE hybrids linked with PRiMA or QN-GPI always consist of AChET and BChET homodimers. The dimer formation of AChET and BChET depends on the catalytic domains, and the assembly of tetramers with a proline-rich attachment domain-containing protein requires the presence of C-terminal “t-peptides” in cholinesterase subunits. Our results indicate that PRiMA- or ColQ-linked cholinesterase tetramers are assembled from AChET or BChET homodimers. Moreover, the PRiMA-linked AChE-BChE hybrids occur naturally in chicken brain, and their expression increases during development, suggesting that they might play a role in cholinergic neurotransmission.  相似文献   

Glycosylation Sites Flank Phosphorylation Sites on Synapsin I   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Synapsin I is concentrated in nerve terminals, where it appears to anchor synaptic vesicles to the cytoskeleton and thereby ensures a steady supply of fusion-competent synaptic vesicles. Although phosphorylation-dependent binding of synapsin I to cytoskeletal elements and synaptic vesicles is well characterized, little is known about synapsin I's O-linked N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) modifications. Here, we identified seven in vivo O-GlcNAcylation sites on synapsin I by analysis of HPLC-purified digests of rat brain synapsin I. The seven O-GlcNAcylation sites (Ser55, Thr56, Thr87, Ser516, Thr524, Thr562, and Ser576) in synapsin I are clustered around its five phosphorylation sites in domains B and D. The proximity of phosphorylation sites to O-GlcNAcylation sites in the regulatory domains of synapsin I suggests that O-GlcNAcylation may modulate phosphorylation and indirectly affect synapsin I interactions. With use of synthetic peptides, however, the presence of an O-GlcNAc at sites Thr562 and Ser576 resulted in only a 66% increase in the Km of calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II phosphorylation of site Ser566 with no effect on its Vmax. We conclude that O-GlcNAcylation likely plays a more direct role in synapsin I interactions than simply modulating the protein's phosphorylation.  相似文献   

The behaviour of many biological systems can be attributed to that of a large number of units, with each unit swinging between two competing states. During the past few years efforts have been made (e.g., Chung and Kennedy , 1996) to describe such discrete systems using a multiple binary Markov chain model. Here we explore the gamut of these models and classify their behaviour into five qualitatively distinct types, corresponding to subregions of the parameter space. It is suggested that these model behaviours may correspond to behaviours observed in nature. A simple method for fitting the model to data is presented.  相似文献   

The postsynaptic density (PSD) is a highly specialized structure that is located juxtaposed to the presynaptic active zone of excitatory synapses. It is composed of a variety of proteins that include receptors, signaling molecules, cytoskeletal components and scaffolding proteins. ProSAP/Shank proteins are large multidomain proteins that facilitate multiple functions within the PSD. They build large scaffolds that are the structural basis for the direct and/or indirect connection between receptor proteins and the actin based cytoskeleton. Here, we characterize a novel interaction partner of ProSAP2/Shank3, named ProSAP interacting protein 2 (ProSAPiP2) that does not show any close homology to other known proteins. It binds to the PDZ domain of ProSAP2/Shank3 and is highly expressed in the neuronal system. ProSAPiP2 is located in dendrites and spines, is enriched in the PSD and interacts with actin. Therefore ProSAPiP2 could be involved in the linkage between molecules of the PSD and the cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

The dominant paradigm for spectrin function is that (αβ)2-spectrin tetramers or higher order oligomers form membrane-associated two-dimensional networks in association with F-actin to reinforce the plasma membrane. Tetramerization is an essential event in such structures. We characterize the tetramerization interaction between α-spectrin and β-spectrins in Drosophila. Wild-type α-spectrin binds to both β- and βH-chains with high affinity, resembling other non-erythroid spectrins. However, α-specR22S, a tetramerization site mutant homologous to the pathological α-specR28S allele in humans, eliminates detectable binding to β-spectrin and reduces binding to βH-spectrin ∼1000-fold. Even though spectrins are essential proteins, α-spectrinR22S rescues α-spectrin mutants to adulthood with only minor phenotypes indicating that tetramerization, and thus conventional network formation, is not the essential function of non-erythroid spectrin. Our data provide the first rigorous test for the general requirement for tetramer-based non-erythroid spectrin networks throughout an organism and find that they have very limited roles, in direct contrast to the current paradigm.  相似文献   

Synapse development in the vertebrate central nervous system is a highly orchestrated process occurring not only during early stages of brain development, but also (to a lesser extent) in the mature nervous system. During development, the formation of synapses is intimately linked to the differentiation of neuronal cells, the extension of their axons and dendrites, and the course wiring of the nervous system. Subsequently, the stabilization, elimination, and strengthening of synaptic contacts is coupled to the refinement of axonal and dendritic arbors, to the establishment of functionally meaningful connections, and probably also to the day-to-day acquisition, storage, and retrieval of memories, higher order thought processes, and behavioral patterns.The authors acknowledge the support of the NIH (grant no. HD38760 DA016758) to C.C.G., the Ruth L. Kirchstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) to C.L.W., and the United States Israel Binational Science Foundation (grant no. 2003176) to C.C.G. and N.E.Z.  相似文献   

We have incorporated, for the first time, FtsZ and FtsA (the soluble proto-ring proteins from Escherichia coli) into bacterial giant unilamellar inner membrane vesicles (GUIMVs). Inside the vesicles, the structural organization and spatial distribution of fluorescently labeled FtsZ and FtsA were determined by confocal microscopy. We found that, in the presence of GDP, FtsZ was homogeneously distributed in the lumen of the vesicle. In the presence of GTP analogs, FtsZ assembled inside the GUIMVs, forming a web of dense spots and fibers. Whereas isolated FtsA was found adsorbed to the inner face of GUIMVs, the addition of FtsZ together with GTP analogs resulted in its dislodgement and its association with the FtsZ fibers in the lumen, suggesting that the FtsA-membrane interaction can be modulated by FtsZ polymers. The use of this novel in vitro system to probe interactions between divisome components will help to determine the biological implications of these findings.  相似文献   

Neural circuit function is vulnerable to hyperthermic failure but can be protected by stress pretreatments, such as exposure to a brief, sub-lethal high temperature (heat shock, HS), by increasing the time to failure and decreasing the time to recover.

Insects provide excellent model systems to investigate potential mechanisms underlying thermotolerant operation.

Induced thermotolerance is mediated by increased expression of heat shock proteins, HSPs, notably HSP70. Enhanced expression of HSP70 by increasing the gene dosage does not improve HS-induced thermotolerance of larval locomotion or locomotor central pattern generation in Drosophila.

Prior stress down-regulates neuronal K+ currents and this is associated with adaptive increases in the duration of action potentials.

Hyperthermic failure and recovery of the ventilatory central pattern generator in locusts is tightly correlated with a catastrophic increase in extracellular K+ concentration and its subsequent restoration.

These, and other data, suggest that neural circuit function can be protected by a stress-induced upregulation of HSPs that stabilize the cytoskeleton and preserve the operation of important membrane proteins such as ion channels, receptors and the Na+/K+-ATPase.  相似文献   

Networks of synchronized fast-spiking interneurons are thought to be key elements in the generation of gamma (γ) oscillations (30–80 Hz) in the brain. We examined how such γ-oscillatory inhibition regulates the output of a cortical pyramidal cell. Specifically, we modeled a situation where a pyramidal cell receives inputs from γ-synchronized fast-spiking inhibitory interneurons. This model successfully reproduced several important aspects of a recent experimental result regarding the γ-inhibitory regulation of pyramidal cellular firing that is presumably associated with the sensation of whisker stimuli. Through an in-depth analysis of this model system, we show that there is an obvious rhythmic gating effect of the γ-oscillated interneuron networks on the pyramidal neuron’s signal transmission. This effect is further illustrated by the interactions of this interneuron network and the pyramidal neuron. Prominent power in the γ frequency range can emerge provided that there are appropriate delays on the excitatory connections and inhibitory synaptic conductance between interneurons. These results indicate that interactions between excitation and inhibition are critical for the modulation of coherence and oscillation frequency of network activities.  相似文献   

We have elucidated some of the mechanisms by which ethanol (EtOH) reduces synaptic efficacy at model glutamatergic synapses. The crayfish phasic and tonic neuromuscular junctions are superb models for directly assessing the effects of EtOH on pre-synaptic components of synaptic transmission. The ability to perform quantal analysis of synaptic transmission has allowed us to assess pre-synaptic alterations of release. Using this system, we report that the application of EtOH, within a range observed in intoxicated humans (44 and 88 mM), resulted in a diminution of excitatory post-synaptic potentials (EPSP) amplitudes. Additionally, using focal macro-patch recordings, quantal synaptic currents were recorded to assess the pre-synaptic component as potential target sites for EtOH's action. At the tonic neuromuscular junctions, EtOH (88 mM) reduced the probability of release (p), and in some cases, reduced the number of the release sites (n), but did not alter facilitation index nor did it affect the latency of vesicular release. At the phasic neuromuscular junction, a reduction in synaptic charge occurred during the presence of EtOH. Thus, the observed decrease in synaptic strength is at least partially attributable to a pre-synaptic alteration, specifically the release of fewer vesicles.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2020,30(9):3036-3050.e4
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