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We cloned the GLC7/DIS2S1 gene by complementation of the cid1-226 mutation, which relieves glucose repression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. GLC7 encodes the catalytic subunit of type 1 protein phosphatase (PP1). Genetic analysis and sequencing showed that cid1-226 is an allele of GLC7, now designated glc7-T152K, which alters threonine 152 to lysine. We also show that the glc7-1 and glc7-T152K alleles cause distinct phenotypes: glc7-1 causes a severe defect in glycogen accumulation but does not relieve glucose repression, whereas glc7-T152K does not prevent glycogen accumulation. These findings are discussed in light of evidence that interaction with different regulatory or targeting subunits directs the participation of PP1 in diverse cellular regulatory mechanisms. Finally, genetic studies suggest that PP1 functions antagonistically to the SNF1 protein kinase in the regulatory response to glucose.  相似文献   

The activities of the first three enzymes for galactose catabolism normally become detectable within 15 min after the addition of galactose into a culture of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In S. cerevisiae with a recessive mutation termed gal3, a longer-than-normal lag is observed before the appearance of the enzyme activities (O. Winge and C. Roberts, C. R. Trav. Lab. Carlsberg Ser. Physiol. 24:263-315, 1948). I isolated two S. cerevisiae mutants with temperature-sensitive defects in the GAL3 gene. Temperature shift experiments with one of those mutants led to the conclusion that the GAL3 function is required not only for the initiation of enzyme induction but also for the maintenance of the induced state in galactose-nonfermenting S. cerevisiae because of a defect in any of the genes for the galactose-catabolizing enzymes, such as gal1 or gal10. In contrast, the GAL3 function is phenotypically dispensable in galactose-metabolizing S. cerevisiae. Thus, the normal catabolism of galactose can substitute for the GAL3 function.  相似文献   

Cloning and characterization of the previously described Saccharomyces cerevisiae IMP1 gene, which was assumed to be a nuclear determinant involved in the nucleomitochondrial control of the utilization of galactose, demonstrate allelism to the GAL2 gene. Galactose metabolism does not necessarily involve the induction of the specific transport system coded by GAL2/IMP1, because a null mutant takes up galactose and grows on it. Data on galactose uptake are presented, and the dependence on ATP for constitutive and inducible galactose transport is discussed. These results can account for the inability of imp1/gal2 mutants to grow on galactose in a respiration-deficient background. Under these conditions, uptake was affected at the functional level but not at the biosynthetic level.  相似文献   

Galactose does not allow growth of pyruvate carboxylase mutants in media with ammonium as a nitrogen source, and inhibits growth of strains defective in phosphoglyceromutase in ethanol–glycerol mixtures. Starting with pyc1, pyc2, and gpm1 strains, we isolated mutants that eliminated those galactose effects. The mutations were recessive and were named dgr1-1 and dgr2-1. Strains bearing those mutations in an otherwise wild-type background grew slower than the wild type in rich galactose media, and their growth was dependent on respiration. Galactose repression of several enzymes was relieved in the mutants. Biochemical and genetic evidence showed that dgr1-1 was allelic with GAL2 and dgr2-1 with GAL4. The results indicate that the rate of galactose consumption is critical to cause catabolite repression.  相似文献   

An RGR1 gene product is required to repress expression of glucose-regulated genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The abnormal morphology of rgr1 cells was studied. Scanning and transmission electron microscopic observations revealed that the cell wall of the daughter cell remained attached to that of mother cell. We cloned the RGR1 gene by complementation and showed that the cloned DNA was tightly linked to the chromosomal RGR1 locus. The cloned RGR1 gene suppressed all of the phenotypes caused by the mutation and encoded a 3.6-kilobase poly(A)+ RNA. The RGR1 gene is located on chromosome XII, as determined by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, and we mapped rgr1 between gal2 and pep3 by genetic analysis. rgr1 was shown to be a new locus. We also determined the nucleotide sequence of RGR1, which was predicted to encode a 123-kilodalton protein. The null mutation resulted in lethality, indicating that the RGR1 gene is essential for growth. On the other hand, a carboxy-terminal deletion of the gene caused phenotypes similar to but more severe than those caused by the original mutation. The amount of reserve carbohydrates was reduced in rgr1 cells. Possible functions of the RGR1 product are discussed.  相似文献   

We have analyzed a GAL1 mutant (gal1-r strain) of the yeast Kluyveromyces lactis which lacks the induction of beta-galactosidase and the enzymes of the Leloir pathway in the presence of galactose. The data show that the K. lactis GAL1 gene product has, in addition to galactokinase activity, a function required for induction of the lactose system. This regulatory function is not dependent on galactokinase activity, as it is still present in a galactokinase-negative mutant (gal1-209). Complementation studies in Saccharomyces cervisiae show that K. lactis GAL1 and gal1-209, but not gal1-r, complement the gal3 mutation. We conclude that the regulatory function of GAL1 in K. lactis soon after induction is similar to the function of GAL3 in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

The HXT2 gene of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was identified on the basis of its ability to complement the defect in glucose transport of a snf3 mutant when present on the multicopy plasmid pSC2. Analysis of the DNA sequence of HXT2 revealed an open reading frame of 541 codons, capable of encoding a protein of Mr 59,840. The predicted protein displayed high sequence and structural homology to a large family of procaryotic and eucaryotic sugar transporters. These proteins have 12 highly hydrophobic regions that could form transmembrane domains; the spacing of these putative transmembrane domains is also highly conserved. Several amino acid motifs characteristic of this sugar transporter family are also present in the HXT2 protein. An hxt2 null mutant strain lacked a significant component of high-affinity glucose transport when under derepressing (low-glucose) conditions. However, the hxt2 null mutation did not incur a major growth defect on glucose-containing media. Genetic and biochemical analyses suggest that wild-type levels of high-affinity glucose transport require the products of both the HXT2 and SNF3 genes; these genes are not linked. Low-stringency Southern blot analysis revealed a number of other sequences that cross-hybridize with HXT2, suggesting that S. cerevisiae possesses a large family of sugar transporter genes.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants defective in growth on low glucose concentration (lgn mutants) were isolated and screened for abnormal glucose transport. Nine complementation groups were identified, falling into two broad groups: those unable to significantly derepress high-affinity (low-Km) glucose uptake (lgn1, lgn4, lgn5, lgn7, and lgn8), and those with elevated repressed levels of high-affinity uptake that either derepress to normal or near normal levels of high-affinity uptake with loss of low-affinity transport (lgn2 and lgn3) or derepress only slightly, appearing to have an intermediate yet constitutive level of high-affinity transport (lgn6 and lgn9). Further analysis of the lgn mutations revealed pleiotropic phenotypes most consistent with the true defect being in regulation or expression of glucose repression and derepression. The kinetics of glucose uptake in strains carrying known mutations preventing derepression of glucose-repressible functions (snf1, snf2, snf4, and snf6) demonstrated that three of these mutations (snf1, snf4, and snf6) were similarly defective in derepression of high-affinity glucose uptake. The snf2 and snf5 mutations had no apparent effect on glucose uptake. Two mutations resulting in constitutive expression of glucose-repressible functions, cid1 and reg1, resulted in constitutive expression of high-affinity glucose uptake. These data support the conclusion that high-affinity glucose uptake in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is under general glucose repression control. The implications of other properties of these mutants are discussed.  相似文献   



Most mathematical models of biochemical pathways consider either signalling events that take place within a single cell in isolation, or an 'average' cell which is considered to be representative of a cell population. Likewise, experimental measurements are often averaged over populations consisting of hundreds of thousands of cells. This approach ignores the fact that even within a genetically-homogeneous population, local conditions may influence cell signalling and result in phenotypic heterogeneity. We have developed a multi-scale computational model that accounts for emergent heterogeneity arising from the influences of intercellular signalling on individual cells within a population. Our approach was to develop an ODE model of juxtacrine EGFR-ligand activation of the MAPK intracellular pathway and to couple this to an agent-based representation of individual cells in an expanding epithelial cell culture population. This multi-scale, multi-paradigm approach has enabled us to simulate Extracellular signal-regulated kinase (Erk) activation in a population of cells and to examine the consequences of interpretation at a single cell or population-based level using virtual assays.


A model consisting of a single pair of interacting agents predicted very different Erk activation (phosphorylation) profiles, depending on the formation rate and stability of intercellular contacts, with the slow formation of stable contacts resulting in low but sustained activation of Erk, and transient contacts resulting in a transient Erk signal. Extension of this model to a population consisting of hundreds to thousands of interacting virtual cells revealed that the activated Erk profile measured across the entire cell population was very different and may appear to contradict individual cell findings, reflecting heterogeneity in population density across the culture. This prediction was supported by immunolabelling of an epithelial cell population grown in vitro, which confirmed heterogeneity of Erk activation.


These results illustrate that mean experimental data obtained from analysing entire cell populations is an oversimplification, and should not be extrapolated to deduce the signal:response paradigm of individual cells. This multi-scale, multi-paradigm approach to biological simulation provides an important conceptual tool in addressing how information may be integrated over multiple scales to predict the behaviour of a biological system.  相似文献   

Catabolite repression by galactose was investigated in several strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae grown on different carbon sources. Galactose repressed as much as glucose; raffinose was less effective. Full derepression was achieved with lactate. The functions tested were L-lactate ferricytochrome c oxidoreductase, NAD-glutamate dehydrogenase, and respiration. Galactose repression was observed only in the GAL4 but not in the gal4 strain. The presence of multiple copies of the GAL4 gene enhanced the repression by galactose. Different alleles of the GAL4 gene and the copy number did not affect glucose repression.  相似文献   

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