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Courtship song and immune function in the field cricket Gryllus bimaculatus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It has been assumed that sexual ornaments have evolved to reveal males' health and vigour for females. Choosy females may indirectly use ornaments as an indicator of the presence and effectiveness of genes for resistance against parasites. In this study we tested whether females of the Mediterranean field cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus, can use courtship song as a cue for choosing males with high immunocompetence, measured as encapsulation rate of nylon implants and lytic activity of haemolymph. We found that female crickets preferred courtship songs from males with a high encapsulation rate. Female crickets also had a tendency to prefer courtship songs with high tick rate and long high-frequency tick duration. These preferred song components were positively correlated with encapsulation rate, but negatively correlated with lytic activity of the male. In contrast to previous studies of crickets, there was no correlation between male weight and encapsulation rate or lytic activity. There is some evidence in another cricket species that the ability to encapsulate pathogens is heritable. Thus, in light of this study it seems possible that by preferring males according to their courtship song, females might benefit by increasing the parasite resistance of their offspring.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 79 , 503–510.  相似文献   

Various characteristics of a long‐distance acoustic signal have been shown to vary to different degrees. It has been suggested that female preferences based on stable song parameters are stabilising or weakly directional, and preferences based on variable parameters are strongly directional. We tested this hypothesis based on a short‐distance signal (courtship song) produced by the field cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus. We studied the degree of variability of different courtship song parameters and the behavioural importance of several parameters using synthesised song models in playback experiments. We found that most of the courtship song elements of G. bimaculatus were quite variable (coefficient of variation, CV, in the range of 20–53%). The most variable parameter of the courtship song was the relative amplitude of two elements: high‐amplitude ticks and low‐amplitude pulses. Because songs containing only ticks (of rare occurrence) appeared to be more effective than songs with both ticks and pulses (of frequent occurrence), we consider female preferences to be directional. Alteration of less variable traits, such as the carrier frequency and duration of ticks (CV = 20–25%), had a different effect on female responsiveness. The synthesised songs with different carrier frequencies of ticks were as attractive to females as the positive control (courtship of muted males accompanied by playback of the recorded song). Altering the duration of ticks had a crucial effect on the female response rate, decreasing female responsiveness to the level observed in the negative control (courtship of muted males). Thus, we did not find a strong relationship between the variability of individual song parameters and their potential importance in song recognition and the evaluation of male quality. The partial inconsistency of our results with the data of other authors may be due to different patterns of past and current selection on long‐distance and short‐distance acoustic signals.  相似文献   

Mating more than once is extremely costly for females in many species, making the near ubiquity of polyandry difficult to understand. However, evidence of mating costs for males is much rarer. We investigated the effects of copulation on longevity of male and female flies (Saltella sphondylli). We also scrutinized potential fecundity and fertility benefits to females with differing mating history. Copulation per se was found to decrease the longevity of males but not that of females. However, when females were allowed to lay eggs, females that mated died earlier than virgin females, indicating costs of egg production and/or oviposition. Thus, although longevity costs of copulation are higher for males, reproduction is nevertheless costly for females. We also found no differences in fecundity or fertility relative to female mating history. Results suggest that polyandry may be driven by minor costs rather than by major benefits in this species.  相似文献   

  • 1 The adaptive significance of multiple mating by female Gryllus bimaculatus (De Geer) was investigated.
  • 2 Multiple mating prevented the depletion of sperm stores and, therefore, maintained high hatching success. This may not, however, explain the high frequency of remating in this species.
  • 3 Male-derived egg stimulants known to be passed with sperm at mating increased the number of eggs produced only when females mated throughout their lifespans.
  • 4 Spermatophore consumption appeared to provide nutrients which, while they did not increase the quantity of eggs, increased egg quality as indicated by weight. Females who consumed spermatophores had a greater hatching success.
  • 5 While females may derive non-genetic benefits from mating, these are apparently long-term benefits; females must mate throughout their lives in order to accrue them.
  • 6 Since the benefits of mating may not be derived from individual males, the spermatophores and their contents in this species are best considered as mating effort.

We have developed a new set of 27 polymorphic markers for each of two cricket species, Gryllus bimaculatus and Gryllus campestris. Initially, 14 published G. bimaculatus loci were tested in G. campestris; however, only five loci were polymorphic. Therefore, we isolated an additional 50 new microsatellite loci from G. bimaculatus and tested these in both species. In a minimum of 20 individuals, 27 of the new loci were polymorphic in G. bimaculatus and 25 in G. campestris.  相似文献   

Male field crickets call and attract females or they silently search for females in the vicinity of calling males. At high population densities, fewer calling sites are available, defense of calling sites is costly, and an increased proportion of matings should result from searching behavior. To test these predictions, individually marked field crickets, Gryllus veletisand G. pennsylvanicus,were observed for 10 h nightly in large outdoor arenas at relatively high and low densities (2020 and 55, males and females). Data were gathered on body weight, calling duration, movement, and mating frequency for individual crickets. These observations showed that variance in male mating success was significantly greater at a low density in G. pennsylvanicus,and calling duration correlated with mating success at this density. Direct selection on a trait was estimated as the partial regression coefficient (selection gradient, ) and the total selection was estimated (direct and indirect selection on correlated traits) as the covariance (standardized intensity of selection, s) of the trait on the relative mating success. Direct selection favored increased movement at a high density in G. veletis,and direct and total selection favored increased calling duration at a low density in G. pennsylvanicus.Most other comparisons were not statistically significant. The data are discussed in terms of density-dependent fluctuations in sexual selection on correlated male traits.  相似文献   

Recent theory predicts that the magnitude of sexual antagonism should depend on how well populations are adapted to their environment. We tested this idea experimentally by comparing intersexual genetic correlations for adult survival in pedigreed populations of southern field crickets (Gryllus bimaculatus) raised on naturally balanced (free‐choice) vs. imbalanced (protein‐deprived) diets. We tested for (1) sex differences in nutritional intake and preference, (2) sex‐specific effects of protein deprivation on survival and (3) diet dependence of the level of sexual antagonism. Adult males and females consumed a similar amount of protein, but protein deprivation decreased male survival but not female survival. Protein deprivation appeared to decrease the degree of sexual antagonism as intersexual genetic correlations were significantly lower than 1 only for the complementary free‐choice diet group but close to 1 for the protein‐deficient diet group. Our findings thereby implied that variation in nutritional environments can alter the magnitude of sexual antagonism. This research represents an important step towards understanding the relationship between sexual antagonism and adaptation in heterogeneous environments.  相似文献   

Both male and female field crickets (Gryllus bimaculatus) autotomize front (tympanal) limbs more slowly than hind limbs. Arguably, this pattern could reflect possible differences in the mechanism of limb autotomy. However, we demonstrate that, for females, limb autotomy is also dependent on their mating status: virgin females autotomize front legs significantly more slowly than mated females. This response suggests a central control for leg autotomy in these animals, and less readiness to autotomize a front leg, possibly because the tympanum is crucial for mate location.  相似文献   

Immune system activation may benefit hosts by generating resistance to parasites. However, natural resources are usually limited, causing a trade-off between the investment in immunity and that in other life-history or sexually selected traits. Despite its importance for the evolution of host defense, state-dependent fitness costs of immunity received little attention under natural conditions. In a field experiment we manipulated the nutritional condition of male field crickets Gryllus campestris and subsequently investigated the effect of an induced immune response through inoculation of bacterial lipopolysaccharides. Immune system activation caused a condition-dependent reduction in body condition, which was proportional to the condition-gain during the preceding food-supplementation period. Independent of nutritional condition, the immune insult induced an enduring reduction in daily calling rate, whereas control-injected males fully regained their baseline level of sexual signaling following a temporary decline. Since daily calling rate affects female mate choice under natural conditions, this suggests a decline in male mating success as a cost of induced immunity. Food supplementation enhanced male life span, whereas the immune insult reduced longevity, independent of nutritional status. Thus, immune system activation ultimately curtails male fitness due to a combined decline in sexual display and life span. Our field study thus indicates a key role for fitness costs of induced immunity in the evolution of host defense. In particular, costs expressed in sexually selected traits might warrant the honest advertisement of male health status, thus representing an important mechanism in parasite-mediated sexual selection.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that sperm production and transfer may have significant costs to males. Male sperm investment into a current copulation may therefore influence resources available for future matings, which selects for male strategic mating investment. In addition, females may also benefit from actively or passively altering the number of sperm transferred by males. In the scorpionfly Panorpa cognata, the number of sperm transferred during copulation depended on copulation duration and males in good condition (residual weight) copulated longer and also transferred more sperm. Moreover, sperm transferred and stored per unit time was higher in copulations with females in good condition than in copulations with females in poor condition. Males varied greatly and consistently in their sperm transfer rate, indicative of costs associated with this trait. The duration of the pairing prelude also varied between males and correlated negatively with the male's sperm transfer rate, but no other male character correlated significantly with male sperm transfer rate. The results are consistent with strategic mating effort but sperm transfer could also be facilitated by the physical size of females and/or females in good condition may be more cooperative during sperm transfer.  相似文献   

Fighting is often composed of discrete agonistic displays. Few studies have partitioned fighting behavior into its component agonistic displays and evaluated the relationships between the frequency of the displays and the potential benefits of fighting, particularly mating success. In this study, we quantified the frequency of male field cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus, agonistic displays. The displays were quantified under three social environments which varied in the potential benefits of fighting: males with other males only, males with other males and female scents, and males with other males and females. We found that (1) the presence of females elicited an increase in agonistic displays characteristic of intermediate levels of escalation, (2) female scents did not produce a similar increase in the frequency of agonistic displays, and (3) in the presence of females, the frequency of agonistic displays was positively correlated with mating success. Aggressive stridulation, an energetically low-cost display, was more strongly associated with mating success than were more costly displays. The results are discussed in the context of the evolutionary theory of aggression and in the context of cricket mating systems.  相似文献   

For many species, mating is a necessary yet costly activity. The costs involved can have an important influence on the evolution of life histories and senescence. Females of many species mate multiply, and this behaviour can inflict a longevity cost. Most studies investigating the effects of multiple mating on female survival have been conducted on insects, and the effects in other taxa are largely unknown. We investigate the effects of both a single mating and a second mating on longevity in female dumpling squid (Euprymna tasmanica), a species in which both sexes mate multiply. Through comparing the longevity of virgin, once‐mated and twice‐mated females, we found that a single mating reduced female life span by 15 days on average. A second mating resulted in an additional 8 day (on average) longevity cost, despite no difference in total clutch mass, number of clutches, single egg mass or number of eggs per clutch between once‐mated and twice‐mated females. This demonstrates a cost to multiple mating which may be independent of the cost of egg production. Furthermore, total clutch mass and female life span were positively correlated, whereas female life span decreased with increasing average water temperature. The presence of an additive effect of reproduction on longevity suggests that multiple mating in cephalopods may have benefits that outweigh these costs, or that there is a conflict in optimal mating frequency between males and females.  相似文献   

Fitness consequences of different levels of mating benefits, viz., (1) virgin, (2) seldom mated, (3) free mating chances with the same male throughout the female's life span, and (4) free mating chances with three males always offered, were investigated in female meadow grasshoppers Chorthippus parallelus. No differences among the treatments were apparent in egg number per pod, total egg number per female, and hatching success of larvae. Seldom-mated females had offspring with the heaviest average larval dry weight. We did not find costs of mating in terms of reduced female longevity and residual dry weight between the treatments.  相似文献   

Whether sexual selection increases or decreases fitness is under ongoing debate. Sexual selection operates before and after mating. Yet, the effects of each episode of selection on individual reproductive success remain largely unexplored. We ask how disentangled pre- and post-copulatory sexual selection contribute to fitness of field crickets Gryllus bimaculatus. Treatments allowed exclusively for (i) pre-copulatory selection, with males fighting and courting one female, and the resulting pair breeding monogamously, (ii) post-copulatory selection, with females mating consecutively to multiple males and (iii) relaxed selection, with enforced pair monogamy. While standardizing the number of matings, we estimated a number of fitness traits across treatments and show that females experiencing sexual selection were more likely to reproduce, their offspring hatched sooner, developed faster and had higher body mass at adulthood, but females suffered survival costs. Interestingly, we found no differences in fitness of females or their offspring from pre- and post-copulatory sexual selection treatments. Our findings highlight the potential for sexual selection in enhancing indirect female fitness while concurrently imposing direct survival costs. By potentially outweighing these costs, increased offspring quality could lead to beneficial population-level consequences of sexual selection.  相似文献   

Disentangling the relationship between age and reproduction is central to understand life‐history evolution, and recent evidence shows that considering condition‐dependent mortality is a crucial piece of this puzzle. For example, nonrandom mortality of ‘low‐condition’ individuals can lead to an increase in average lifespan. However, selective disappearance of such low‐condition individuals may also affect reproductive senescence at the population level due to trade‐offs between physiological functions related to survival/lifespan and the maintenance of reproductive functions. Here, we address the idea that condition‐dependent extrinsic mortality (i.e. simulated predation) may increase the age‐related decline in male reproductive success and with it the potential for sexual conflict, by comparing reproductive ageing in Drosophila melanogaster male/female cohorts exposed (or not) to condition‐dependent simulated predation across time. Although female reproductive senescence was not affected by predation, male reproductive senescence was considerably higher under predation, due mainly to an accelerated decline in offspring viability of ‘surviving’ males with age. This sex‐specific effect suggests that condition‐dependent extrinsic mortality can exacerbate survival‐reproduction trade‐offs in males, which are typically under stronger condition‐dependent selection than females. Interestingly, condition‐dependent extrinsic mortality did not affect mating success, hinting that accelerated reproductive senescence is due to a decrease in male post‐copulatory fitness components. Our results support the recent proposal that male ageing can be an important source of sexual conflict, further suggesting this effect could be exacerbated under more natural conditions.  相似文献   

Two types of cricket allatostatins, Grb-AST A1 and Grb-AST B1, were injected into adult female crickets three times each day on days 0–3 and once on day 4 after adult emergence to test their activity in vivo. On day 4, body weight, ovary weight, number of eggs per ovary, length of the terminal oocytes, ovarian ecdysteroid biosynthesis, and hemolymph titers of ecdysteroids were lower in the allatostatin-injected animals compared with untreated and Ringer-injected controls. Effects of the injected allatostatins on hemolymph juvenile hormone titers were inhomogeneous, and no differences were found in the capacity of the corpora allata to produce juvenile hormone ex vivo. The hemolymph titers of yolk proteins (vitellogenins) were almost twice as high in the allatostatin-injected animals as in the control animals. The effects of the injected allatostatins and their interactions with the endocrine system of the animal are discussed. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 38:32– 43, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Control over copulation duration is a potentially importantgenerator of sexual conflict that has received little empiricalattention. The copulatory behavior of the bruchid beetle Callosobruchusmaculatus may reflect a sexual conflict over copulation duration.Males have spines on their intromittent organs that puncturethe female reproductive tract, and females kick their matesduring copulation. If females are prevented from kicking, copulationslast longer and the injuries females sustain are more severe.Males supposedly use the spines as anchors to prolong copulationduration, and females kick to terminate copulations. We manipulatedcopulation duration experimentally and quantified its effectson male and female fitness components to test whether or notthere is a conflict over copulation duration in C. maculatus.Females did not suffer from long copulations but instead experiencedincreased lifetime fecundity. Ejaculate size increased withcopulation duration, and females apparently derive materialbenefits from the ejaculates. Males that mated first and hadlong copulations were relatively unsuccessful when competingwith sperm from other males. However, there was a trend forfemale remating propensity to decrease with long copulationdurations, and first males may therefore also benefit from longcopulations. The copulation duration of the second male to matedid not have a significant effect on sperm precedence. We concludethat even though it seems likely that the male spines have evolvedto act as an anchor during copulation, there seems to be littleconflict over copulation duration per se in C. maculatus.  相似文献   

We have isolated 16 microsatellite loci in the field cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus. Nine loci were found to be polymorphic in G. bimaculatus and the number of alleles varied from seven to 14. All 16 loci were tested for amplification in nine other species. In the five species tested belonging to the same subfamily (Gryllinae), a minimum of nine loci amplified. These loci will be used to determine paternity as part of a study to investigate the genetic benefits of polyandry.  相似文献   

Repeated mating by females of many species occurs at frequenciesin excess of those needed to acquire additional sperm for fertilizingova. I tested three alternative hypotheses for the rate of rematingby females of the courtship-feeding tree cricket, Oecanthusnigricornis Walker, by manipulating diet quality and courtshipfeeding and measuring the time to remating by the female inrelation to four aspects of male phenotype (age, condition,fluctuating asymmetry, and size). First, in courtship-feedingspecies, remating may be due to selection to increase the amountof nutritional resources provided by males, with nutrient-deprivedfemales remating more quickly. Second, remating may functionas a mechanism of postcopulatory mate choice, with females rematingquickly when the quality of a previous mate is low. Third, quicknessof remating may be the consequence of precopulatory mate choiceprior to future matings, with females remating more quicklywith high-quality males, regardless of the quality of priormates. Females on a low-quality diet remated quickly, did notvary remating speed with the phenotype of their first mate,and did not differentially reject prospective second mates withdifferent phenotypes. In contrast, both the degree of coyness(measured as the frequency of mate rejection) and the intensityof female choice (measured as the size differential betweenaccepted and rejected mates) increased with diet quality. Theseresults support both the material-benefits and the precopulatorymate-choice hypotheses for remating speed of female tree crickets.There was mixed support for the postcopulatory choice hypothesis:females on the high-quality diet remated more slowly after firstmating with relatively large males, in support of the postcopulatorychoice hypothesis; however, the remating interval of femaleson the high-quality diet decreased with the condition of thefirst mate, opposite to the prediction of the postcopulatorychoice hypothesis  相似文献   

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