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Accurately identifying differentially expressed genes from microarray data is not a trivial task, partly because of poor variance estimates of gene expression signals. Here, after analyzing 380 replicated microarray experiments, we found that probesets have typical, distinct variances that can be estimated based on a large number of microarray experiments. These probeset-specific variances depend at least in part on the function of the probed gene: genes for ribosomal or structural proteins often have a small variance, while genes implicated in stress responses often have large variances. We used these variance estimates to develop a statistical test for differentially expressed genes called EVE (external variance estimation). The EVE algorithm performs better than the t-test and LIMMA on some real-world data, where external information from appropriate databases is available. Thus, EVE helps to maximize the information gained from a typical microarray experiment. Nonetheless, only a large number of replicates will guarantee to identify nearly all truly differentially expressed genes. However, our simulation studies suggest that even limited numbers of replicates will usually result in good coverage of strongly differentially expressed genes.  相似文献   

To detect changes in gene expression data from microarrays, a fixed threshold for fold difference is used widely. However, it is not always guaranteed that a threshold value which is appropriate for highly expressed genes is suitable for lowly expressed genes. In this study, aiming at detecting truly differentially expressed genes from a wide expression range, we proposed an adaptive threshold method (AT). The adaptive thresholds, which have different values for different expression levels, are calculated based on two measurements under the same condition. The sensitivity, specificity and false discovery rate (FDR) of AT were investigated by simulations. The sensitivity and specificity under various noise conditions were greater than 89.7% and 99.32%, respectively. The FDR was smaller than 0.27. These results demonstrated the reliability of the method.  相似文献   

Tan YD 《Genomics》2011,98(5):390-399
Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) has been widely used to evaluate statistical methods, but a fatal problem is that ROC cannot evaluate estimation of the false discovery rate (FDR) of a statistical method and hence the area under of curve as a criterion cannot tell us if a statistical method is conservative. To address this issue, we propose an alternative criterion, work efficiency. Work efficiency is defined as the product of the power and degree of conservativeness of a statistical method. We conducted large-scale simulation comparisons among the optimizing discovery procedure (ODP), the Bonferroni (B-) procedure, Local FDR (Localfdr), ranking analysis of the F-statistics (RAF), the Benjamini-Hochberg (BH-) procedure, and significance analysis of microarray data (SAM). The results show that ODP, SAM, and the B-procedure perform with low efficiencies while the BH-procedure, RAF, and Localfdr work with higher efficiency. ODP and SAM have the same ROC curves but their efficiencies are significantly different.  相似文献   

Motivation: The proliferation of public data repositories createsa need for meta-analysis methods to efficiently evaluate, integrateand validate related datasets produced by independent groups.A t-based approach has been proposed to integrate effect sizefrom multiple studies by modeling both intra- and between-studyvariation. Recently, a non-parametric ‘rank product’method, which is derived based on biological reasoning of fold-changecriteria, has been applied to directly combine multiple datasetsinto one meta study. Fisher's Inverse 2 method, which only dependson P-values from individual analyses of each dataset, has beenused in a couple of medical studies. While these methods addressthe question from different angles, it is not clear how theycompare with each other. Results: We comparatively evaluate the three methods; t-basedhierarchical modeling, rank products and Fisher's Inverse 2test with P-values from either the t-based or the rank productmethod. A simulation study shows that the rank product method,in general, has higher sensitivity and selectivity than thet-based method in both individual and meta-analysis, especiallyin the setting of small sample size and/or large between-studyvariation. Not surprisingly, Fisher's 2 method highly dependson the method used in the individual analysis. Application toreal datasets demonstrates that meta-analysis achieves morereliable identification than an individual analysis, and rankproducts are more robust in gene ranking, which leads to a muchhigher reproducibility among independent studies. Though t-basedmeta-analysis greatly improves over the individual analysis,it suffers from a potentially large amount of false positiveswhen P-values serve as threshold. We conclude that careful meta-analysisis a powerful tool for integrating multiple array studies. Contact: fxhong{at}jimmy.harvard.edu Supplementary information: Supplementary data are availableat Bioinformatics online. Associate Editor: David Rocke Present address: Department of Biostatistics and ComputationalBiology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard School of PublicHealth, 44 Binney Street, Boston, MA 02115, USA.  相似文献   



One method of identifying cis regulatory differences is to analyze allele-specific expression (ASE) and identify cases of allelic imbalance (AI). RNA-seq is the most common way to measure ASE and a binomial test is often applied to determine statistical significance of AI. This implicitly assumes that there is no bias in estimation of AI. However, bias has been found to result from multiple factors including: genome ambiguity, reference quality, the mapping algorithm, and biases in the sequencing process. Two alternative approaches have been developed to handle bias: adjusting for bias using a statistical model and filtering regions of the genome suspected of harboring bias. Existing statistical models which account for bias rely on information from DNA controls, which can be cost prohibitive for large intraspecific studies. In contrast, data filtering is inexpensive and straightforward, but necessarily involves sacrificing a portion of the data.


Here we propose a flexible Bayesian model for analysis of AI, which accounts for bias and can be implemented without DNA controls. In lieu of DNA controls, this Poisson-Gamma (PG) model uses an estimate of bias from simulations. The proposed model always has a lower type I error rate compared to the binomial test. Consistent with prior studies, bias dramatically affects the type I error rate. All of the tested models are sensitive to misspecification of bias. The closer the estimate of bias is to the true underlying bias, the lower the type I error rate. Correct estimates of bias result in a level alpha test.


To improve the assessment of AI, some forms of systematic error (e.g., map bias) can be identified using simulation. The resulting estimates of bias can be used to correct for bias in the PG model, without data filtering. Other sources of bias (e.g., unidentified variant calls) can be easily captured by DNA controls, but are missed by common filtering approaches. Consequently, as variant identification improves, the need for DNA controls will be reduced. Filtering does not significantly improve performance and is not recommended, as information is sacrificed without a measurable gain. The PG model developed here performs well when bias is known, or slightly misspecified. The model is flexible and can accommodate differences in experimental design and bias estimation.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-920) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Tan YD  Fornage M  Fu YX 《Genomics》2006,88(6):846-854
Microarray technology provides a powerful tool for the expression profile of thousands of genes simultaneously, which makes it possible to explore the molecular and metabolic etiology of the development of a complex disease under study. However, classical statistical methods and technologies fail to be applicable to microarray data. Therefore, it is necessary and motivating to develop powerful methods for large-scale statistical analyses. In this paper, we described a novel method, called Ranking Analysis of Microarray Data (RAM). RAM, which is a large-scale two-sample t-test method, is based on comparisons between a set of ranked T statistics and a set of ranked Z values (a set of ranked estimated null scores) yielded by a "randomly splitting" approach instead of a "permutation" approach and a two-simulation strategy for estimating the proportion of genes identified by chance, i.e., the false discovery rate (FDR). The results obtained from the simulated and observed microarray data show that RAM is more efficient in identification of genes differentially expressed and estimation of FDR under undesirable conditions such as a large fudge factor, small sample size, or mixture distribution of noises than Significance Analysis of Microarrays.  相似文献   

A Bayesian model-based clustering approach is proposed for identifying differentially expressed genes in meta-analysis. A Bayesian hierarchical model is used as a scientific tool for combining information from different studies, and a mixture prior is used to separate differentially expressed genes from non-differentially expressed genes. Posterior estimation of the parameters and missing observations are done by using a simple Markov chain Monte Carlo method. From the estimated mixture model, useful measure of significance of a test such as the Bayesian false discovery rate (FDR), the local FDR (Efron et al., 2001), and the integration-driven discovery rate (IDR; Choi et al., 2003) can be easily computed. The model-based approach is also compared with commonly used permutation methods, and it is shown that the model-based approach is superior to the permutation methods when there are excessive under-expressed genes compared to over-expressed genes or vice versa. The proposed method is applied to four publicly available prostate cancer gene expression data sets and simulated data sets.  相似文献   



Many different statistical methods have been developed to deal with two group comparison microarray experiments. Most often, a substantial number of genes may be selected or not, depending on which method was actually used. Practical guidance on the application of these methods is therefore required. We developed a procedure based on bootstrap and a criterion to allow viewing and quantifying differences between method-dependent selections. We applied this procedure on three datasets that cover a range of possible sample sizes to compare three well known methods, namely: t-test, LPE and SAM.  相似文献   

Experiments that longitudinally collect RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) data can provide transformative insights in biology research by revealing the dynamic patterns of genes. Such experiments create a great demand for new analytic approaches to identify differentially expressed (DE) genes based on large-scale time-course count data. Existing methods, however, are suboptimal with respect to power and may lack theoretical justification. Furthermore, most existing tests are designed to distinguish among conditions based on overall differential patterns across time, though in practice, a variety of composite hypotheses are of more scientific interest. Finally, some current methods may fail to control the false discovery rate. In this paper, we propose a new model and testing procedure to address the above issues simultaneously. Specifically, conditional on a latent Gaussian mixture with evolving means, we model the data by negative binomial distributions. Motivated by Storey (2007) and Hwang and Liu (2010), we introduce a general testing framework based on the proposed model and show that the proposed test enjoys the optimality property of maximum average power. The test allows not only identification of traditional DE genes but also testing of a variety of composite hypotheses of biological interest. We establish the identifiability of the proposed model, implement the proposed method via efficient algorithms, and demonstrate its good performance via simulation studies. The procedure reveals interesting biological insights, when applied to data from an experiment that examines the effect of varying light environments on the fundamental physiology of the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: A primary objective of microarray studies is to determine genes which are differentially expressed under various conditions. Parametric tests, such as two-sample t-tests, may be used to identify differentially expressed genes, but they require some assumptions that are not realistic for many practical problems. Non-parametric tests, such as empirical Bayes methods and mixture normal approaches, have been proposed, but the inferences are complicated and the tests may not have as much power as parametric models. RESULTS: We propose a weakly parametric method to model the distributions of summary statistics that are used to detect differentially expressed genes. Standard maximum likelihood methods can be employed to make inferences. For illustration purposes the proposed method is applied to the leukemia data (training part) discussed elsewhere. A simulation study is conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed method.  相似文献   

The ordinary-, penalized-, and bootstrap t-test, least squares and best linear unbiased prediction were compared for their false discovery rates (FDR), i.e. the fraction of falsely discovered genes, which was empirically estimated in a duplicate of the data set. The bootstrap-t-test yielded up to 80% lower FDRs than the alternative statistics, and its FDR was always as good as or better than any of the alternatives. Generally, the predicted FDR from the bootstrapped P-values agreed well with their empirical estimates, except when the number of mRNA samples is smaller than 16. In a cancer data set, the bootstrap-t-test discovered 200 differentially regulated genes at a FDR of 2.6%, and in a knock-out gene expression experiment 10 genes were discovered at a FDR of 3.2%. It is argued that, in the case of microarray data, control of the FDR takes sufficient account of the multiple testing, whilst being less stringent than Bonferoni-type multiple testing corrections. Extensions of the bootstrap simulations to more complicated test-statistics are discussed.  相似文献   

The principle of heterotachy states that the substitution rate of sites in a gene can change through time. In this article, we propose a powerful statistical test to detect sites that evolve according to the process of heterotachy. We apply this test to an alignment of 1289 eukaryotic rRNA molecules to 1) determine how widespread the phenomenon of heterotachy is in ribosomal RNA, 2) to test whether these heterotachous sites are nonrandomly distributed, that is, linked to secondary structure features of ribosomal RNA, and 3) to determine the impact of heterotachous sites on the bootstrap support of monophyletic groupings. Our study revealed that with 21 monophyletic taxa, approximately two-thirds of the sites in the considered set of sequences is heterotachous. Although the detected heterotachous sites do not appear bound to specific structural features of the small subunit rRNA, their presence is shown to have a large beneficial influence on the bootstrap support of monophyletic groups. Using extensive testing, we show that this may not be due to heterotachy itself but merely due to the increased substitution rate at the detected heterotachous sites.  相似文献   

An exciting biological advancement over the past few years is the use of microarray technologies to measure simultaneously the expression levels of thousands of genes. The bottleneck now is how to extract useful information from the resulting large amounts of data. An important and common task in analyzing microarray data is to identify genes with altered expression under two experimental conditions. We propose a nonparametric statistical approach, called the mixture model method (MMM), to handle the problem when there are a small number of replicates under each experimental condition. Specifically, we propose estimating the distributions of a t -type test statistic and its null statistic using finite normal mixture models. A comparison of these two distributions by means of a likelihood ratio test, or simply using the tail distribution of the null statistic, can identify genes with significantly changed expression. Several methods are proposed to effectively control the false positives. The methodology is applied to a data set containing expression levels of 1,176 genes of rats with and without pneumococcal middle ear infection.  相似文献   

To characterize the genetic variation of alternative splicing, we develop GLiMMPS, a robust statistical method for detecting splicing quantitative trait loci (sQTLs) from RNA-seq data. GLiMMPS takes into account the individual variation in sequencing coverage and the noise prevalent in RNA-seq data. Analyses of simulated and real RNA-seq datasets demonstrate that GLiMMPS outperforms competing statistical models. Quantitative RT-PCR tests of 26 randomly selected GLiMMPS sQTLs yielded a validation rate of 100%. As population-scale RNA-seq studies become increasingly affordable and popular, GLiMMPS provides a useful tool for elucidating the genetic variation of alternative splicing in humans and model organisms.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: A common task in analyzing microarray data is to determine which genes are differentially expressed across two kinds of tissue samples or samples obtained under two experimental conditions. Recently several statistical methods have been proposed to accomplish this goal when there are replicated samples under each condition. However, it may not be clear how these methods compare with each other. Our main goal here is to compare three methods, the t-test, a regression modeling approach (Thomas et al., Genome Res., 11, 1227-1236, 2001) and a mixture model approach (Pan et al., http://www.biostat.umn.edu/cgi-bin/rrs?print+2001,2001a,b) with particular attention to their different modeling assumptions. RESULTS: It is pointed out that all the three methods are based on using the two-sample t-statistic or its minor variation, but they differ in how to associate a statistical significance level to the corresponding statistic, leading to possibly large difference in the resulting significance levels and the numbers of genes detected. In particular, we give an explicit formula for the test statistic used in the regression approach. Using the leukemia data of Golub et al. (Science, 285, 531-537, 1999), we illustrate these points. We also briefly compare the results with those of several other methods, including the empirical Bayesian method of Efron et al. (J. Am. Stat. Assoc., to appear, 2001) and the Significance Analysis of Microarray (SAM) method of Tusher et al. (PROC: Natl Acad. Sci. USA, 98, 5116-5121, 2001).  相似文献   

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