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Spermatozoa obtained from fish (Clarias gariepinus), human (Homo sapiens), turkeys (Meleagris gallapova), rats (Rattus norvegicus), hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus), and monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) were stained with acridine orange before measuring fluorescence by flow cytometry. These mature sperm from various species produced different intensities of fluorescence while displaying similar ratios of red/green fluorescence. Comparison of the green fluorescence values for the various species showed the sequence (descending order of fluorescence values) human, turkey, monkey, hamster, rat and fish. The DNA complement (as base pairs in the haploid genome) of the various species did not increase in direct proportion to the fluorescence values. This suggests that the DNA was not equally accessible to the dye in the different species tested. The similarity in ratios of red/green fluorescence suggests that the structure of DNA in the chromatin is similar in the different species but abnormal 'satellite' populations of cells that show higher red/green fluorescence ratios than the parent population have been found in sperm samples from monkeys and from some infertile men. Their high red fluorescence intensities were not caused by RNA because treatment with RNAse did not alter the red fluorescence. It is possible that these cells contain larger amounts of denatured (single stranded) DNA.  相似文献   

The fluorescence technique described here utilizes the electrostatic interaction between the polyanionic sites of glycosaminoglycans and the cationic dye Acridine Orange to analyse urinary glycosaminoglycans from patients suffering from mucopolysaccharidoses. The basis of the titration is the decrease in the fluorescence of free Acridine Orange that occurs when it is bound to polyanions. The effect of the presence of possible interfering materials such as salt, proteins and trace materials in urine was evaluated. This fluorescence technique is technically simple.  相似文献   

Previous workers have reported that proflavine and acridine orange form various structurally different complexes with the dinucleoside phosphates rCpG and dCpG, with uniform C3'-endo and mixed C3'-endo (3'-5') C2'-endo sugar puckers being observed. We present theoretical calculations, based on the method of molecular mechanics, which support the experimental observations. The results suggest that the mixed C3'-edo (3'-5') C2'-endo pucker conformation isi intrinsically more stable than the uniform C3'-endo conformation, but that the additional stabilisation gained from specific, hydrogen bonding, interactions between nucleic acid and solvent, or intramolecularly within the nucleic acid, can lead to the adoption of the latter conformation, or of variants between the two. The role played by hydrogen bonding between amino-groups and nucleic acid phosphate appears more subtle than previously supposed.  相似文献   

We tested various cationic dyes chemically related to ruthenium hexaammine trichloride (RHT) [i.e., the RHT-cyclohexanedione complex (RHT-CC), pentaamine ruthenium N-dimethylphenylenediimine trichloride (PRT), tris-(bipyridyl)ruthenium (II) chloride (TRC), tris (bipyridyl) iron (II) chloride (TIC), and cobalt hexaammine trichloride (CHT)] for their effectiveness in precipitating cartilage matrix proteoglycans in situ. Dyes were introduced into media at the onset of processing and were present throughout both aldehyde fixation and osmium tetroxide post-fixation. Contrary to expectation, most of the dye-proteoglycan complexes generated and stable under aldehyde fixation conditions were found to be unstable during post-fixation despite the continuing presence of the dye. A similar phenomenon was also found for the cationic dyes commonly used for precipitation of proteoglycans in cartilage tissue sections (such as Acridine Orange, Alcian Blue, Azure A, Methylene Blue, and Ruthenium Red). Only two dyes, i.e., RHT and the newly tested RHT-CC, formed proteoglycan precipitates sufficiently stable to resist disruption and extraction during osmium tetroxide post-fixation. The latter may be particularly useful in semiquantitative analyses of proteoglycan content in unstained tissue sections owing to its intense brown-black color. For applications in which the osmium tetroxide post-fixation step may be omitted, TRC and PRT may also be valuable for semiquantitative histochemistry by virtue of their stable fluorescence and intense violet color signals, respectively.  相似文献   

A number of technical factors which affect acridine orange R banding (RFA banding) were studied. These variables included age of slide, timing of fixation, details of incubation mounting and the use of sequential technics. Optimal RFA banding was obtained between 15 and 20 days but good or very good preparations were obtained between 7 days and 2 months. Improved results were obtained in slides that were 3-4 months old by refixing the slides in ethanol acetic acid. Intermittent movement of slides during incubation in buffer as well as the details of mounting and removal of cover slips were found to be important. The best sequential banding was obtained with the sequence of Q to R but good results were obtained with the sequence G to R using ASG banding. Satisfactory results with the sequence R to C were not obtained. With careful attention to these variables good RFA binding can be obtained over a period of several months.  相似文献   

The growth of Plasmodium falciparum in cultures of human red blood cells was studied using acridine orange to stain RNA and DNA, followed by flow cytometric analysis. The cycle of the parasite is characterized by a period of growth, prior to initiation of DNA synthesis, in which a significant increase in red fluorescence is observed, with only a small change in green fluorescence. Following this phase, which is formally similar to the G1 period in mammalian cells, initiation of DNA synthesis is characterized by increases in green fluorescence. Sorting of cells from several regions of the two-dimensional display shows that the distribution of morphological stages correlates with differences in red and green fluorescence. The effect of aphidicolin on the growth cycle of the parasite was also studied.  相似文献   

1. Glycosyltransferase activity incorporating 14C-radioactivity from [14C]sucrose into endogenous acceptor was demonstrated in human dental plaque. 2. The enzyme was localized in dental plaque into two forms: (a) associated form to bacteria (pellet 10,000 g) and (b) released as an extracellular form (supernatant 10,000 g). 3. The reaction product was insoluble in 95% ethanol, soluble in trichloroacetic acid, and it was a mixture of saccharides with different sizes, as was demonstrated by column chromatography. 4. Exogenous activity with Dextran T-10 as substrate was also demonstrated, and it represented 9% of the total endogenous activity. 5. Characterization of the extracellular glycosyltransferase, and comparative results with glycosyltransferase secreted by oral bacteria in cultures medium are discussed.  相似文献   

A rapid staining method using auramine O and acridine orange (AOAO) is described for staining mycobacteria and fungi in paraffin sections of bovine tissues. One hundred seventy-seven tissue sections from specimens divided into two general groups on the basis of previous histopathology results were examined with a fluorscent microscope. Group I, a total of 77 sections, were from 47 mycobacterial and 30 fungal granulomas. Mycobacteria were found by the AOAO procedure in 44 of the 47 tissues previously diagnosed as positive for mycobacteria. All 30 fungal granulomas previously diagnosed using convential fungal stains were positive with the AOAO procedure. Group II consisted of sections prepared from 100 granulomas in which typical mycobacterial lesions were observed by histopathologic examination but in which no mycobacteria had been detected. Using the AOAO procedure, two of these 100 granulomas were found to contain mycobacteria and two were found to contain bacterial colonies. In the remaining 96 no etiologic agent could be demonstrated.  相似文献   

The mouse peripheral blood micronucleus assay using acridine orange supravital staining was compared with the standard bone marrow assay using urethane (ethyl carbamate)-treated mice. Urethane was intraperitoneally injected to CD-1 and BDF1 mice at doses ranging from 62 to 1000 and 62 to 250 mg/kg, respectively. Peripheral blood was collected from the tail 0, 24, 48, and 72 h and bone marrow cells were smeared at 24 and 42 h after the treatment. Although the response of micronucleus induction in peripheral reticulocytes was delayed by about 24 h compared to that in bone marrow polychromatic erythrocytes, the maximum frequencies of micronucleated young erythrocytes were comparable. Therefore, the peripheral blood micronucleus assay using the acridine orange supravital staining method may provide a good alternative to the conventional bone marrow assay.  相似文献   

The use of the supravital mitochondrial-specific dye Rhodamine 123 (Rh 123) in combination with flow cytometry permits the monitoring of the changes in the mitochondrial transmembrane potential, reflecting the overall mitochondrial activity of the living cell. While this probe appears to be a potent tool for these studies, it also exhibits an important limit in the interpretation of the results: it cannot distinguish between an increase in mitochondrial activity without biogenesis and a modification of mitochondrial content. 10-n-Nonyl Acridine Orange chloride (NAO) constitutes another mitochondrial specific fluorochrome. In contrast with Rh 123, NAO accumulation in the cell does not seem to be driven by the proton-motrice force but does seem to be related to specific interactions with mitochondrial membrane proteins and/or lipids. In this work, the cytotoxicity of NAO, the kinetics of cellular uptake and the release of the dye have been determined using flow cytometry. The use of several ionophores or mitochondrial inhibitors has confirmed the independence of NAO uptake regarding mitochondrial transmembrane potential. NAO was also used to examine the changes in the mitochondrial compartment during the transfer of articular chondrocytes from cartilage to the culture conditions, where Rh 123 evidenced changes in mitochondrial activity and/or biogenesis, in order to know whether the use of probes with different specificity allows one to distinguish between mitochondrial activity and biogenesis.  相似文献   

Two structurally similar compounds were found to inhibit sporulation in Bacillus subtilis 168. A dye, acridine orange, and an antischizophrenic drug, promethazine, blocked spore formation at concentrations subinhibitory to vegetative growth, while allowing synthesis of serine protease, antibiotic, and certain catabolite-repressed enzymes. The sporulation process was sensitive to promethazine through T2, whereas acridine orange was inhibitory until T4. The drug-treated cells were able to support the replication of phages phie and phi29, although the lytic cycles were altered slightly. The selective inhibition of sporulation by these compounds may be related to the affinity of some sporulation-specific genes to intercalating compounds.  相似文献   

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