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 We studied the effect of recombinant human macrophage-colony-stimulating factor (rhM-CSF) on the formation of lung and liver metastases following the i.v. injection of the B16 melanoma subline (B16 LiLu) into mice. When rhM-CSF was administered before the B16 inoculation, the number of tumor metastases decreased in the lung and liver. However, the administration of rhM-CSF after B16 inoculation did not produce an antimetastatic effect in the lung, but did in the liver. B16 cells labeled with 5-[125I]-iodo-2′-deoxyuridine (125I-dUrd) were injected and the arrest of tumor cell emboli was examined in the capillary beds of the lung and liver of mice treated with either vehicle or rhM-CSF. In both groups, there were the same numbers of B16 cells in both the lung and the liver 3 minutes after the B16 injection, and almost all tumor cells died within 24 h. However, the number of cells surviving in the lung was decreased in mice injected with rhM-CSF (37%). There was no difference in the number of cells in the livers of mice treated either with vehicle or rhM-CSF in the first 24 h after tumor cell injection. The administration of rhM-CSF increased NK 1.1+ cells in the mouse spleen and facilitated NK activity in vivo. At the same time, the administration of an anti-NK 1.1 antibody blocked the antimetastatic effect of rhM-CSF in the lung but not in the liver. The antibody was effective only when it was injected before the B16 inoculation. These results suggest that the antimetastatic effect of rhM-CSF in the lung was mediated by NK 1.1+ cells within 24 h of B16 injection. In contrast, the antimetastatic effect of rhM-CSF in the liver was mediated not only by NK 1.1+ cells but also by other antimetastatic systems such as macrophages. Received: 8 April 1996 / Accepted: 26 November 1996  相似文献   

 In order to better define the role played by tumor-cell-derived macrophage-colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) in regulating the recruitment and phenotype of tumor-associated macrophages, Polyoma large T-transformed fibroblastoid cell lines, derived from M-CSF-deficient osteopetrotic op/op mice and their phenotypically normal op/+ littermate controls, were inoculated into SCID (severe combined immunodeficiency) recipients and both the proportion and phenotype of the macrophages present within the tumors generated were determined. The results obtained indicate that, although tumors derived from M-CSF-deficient and M-CSF-producing tumor cell inoculate contain a similar proportion of macrophages, the macrophages isolated from tumors lacking M-CSF appear morphologically less mature and express lower levels of interleukin 1β, tumor necrosis factor α and FcRγII mRNA. Taken together, these data suggest that, although M-CSF does not appear to play a critical role in determining the macrophage content of these tumors, it does play a role in modulating the phenotype, and potentially the functional activity of the macrophages present within the tumor microenvironment. Received: 30 August 1996 / Accepted: 7 February 1997  相似文献   

Thirty-four ovarian and breast cancer patients received autologous peripheral blood progenitor cell transplantation after high-dose myeloablative chemotherapy and either granulocyte-colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) or granulocyte/macrophage-colony-stimulating fictor (GM-CSF) in the immediate post-transplant period. The recovery of T cell functionality was monitored by a three-color flow-cytometric approach using carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester, a probe the fluorescence intensity of which halves at each round of cell replication, in conjunction with CD3 and CD25 monoclonal antibodies. There was no significant difference between the two treatments on days 12, 20, and 40, T cell proliferation always being considerably lower than that of control cultures from healthy donors. At day 80, a significantly higher proportion of mitogen-stimulated T cells from GM-CSF-treated patients expressed interleukin-2 receptor, and a higher proportion of these T cells were actively proliferating. This phenomenon did not reflect any difference in the relative proportion of various lymphocyte subsets (T cells, CD4 and CD8+ T cells, CD45RA+ and CD45RO- T cells, and natural killer cells). At the end of follow-up (1-1.5 years) T cell proliferation had returned to values typically observed in healthy individuals in both groups of patients. Soon after transplantation (day 12), neutrophils from G-CSF-treated patients had a more elevated Fcgamma receptor I density and monocytes from GM-CSF-treated patients had a more elevated Fcgamma receptor II and MHC class II molecules density. The up-modulation of Fcgamma receptor II was maintained until day 40. Thus, administering G-CSF and GM-CSF in the post-transplant period affects T lymphocyte proliferation and phagocyte membrane molecules differently.  相似文献   

 Murine natural cytotoxicity, which is a major component of the innate immune response in cancer, is mediated by leukocytes that express the NC-1.1 receptor. Mice depleted of natural cytotoxicity by treatment with an anti-NC-l.1 mAb show enhanced growth of certain transplantable tumors, so agents that enhance natural cytotoxicity by NC-1.1+ cells have the potential to be effective anticancer therapeutic agents. We have examined the immunomodulatory effect of levamisole on natural cytotoxicity mediated by NC-1.1+ cells against the BALB/c WEHI-164 murine fibrosarcoma. Administration of levamisole to BALB/c mice significantly enhanced in vitro splenic natural cytotoxicity against 51Cr-labeled WEHI-164 tumor cells. The effect was most marked 48 h after levamisole treatment, at a dose of 10 mg/kg body weight. This enhancement of natural cytotoxicity by levamisole could be completely abrogated by pretreatment of mice with an anti-NC-1.1 mAb. Treatment of BALB/c mice with 10 mg/kg levamisole significantly reduced the growth of WEHI-164 and this effect was abrogated by pretreatment of mice with anti-NC-1.1, indicating that the antitumor effect of levamisole was mediated, at least in part, via NC-1.1+ cells. Received: 5 June 1997 / Accepted: 31 July 1997  相似文献   

 The genome of amphioxus includes AmphiNk2-2, the first gene of the NK2 homeobox class to be demonstrated in any invertebrate deuterostome. AmphiNk2-2 encodes a protein with a TN domain, homeodomain, and NK2-specific domain; on the basis of amino acid identities in these conserved regions, AmphiNk2-2 is a homolog of Drosophila vnd and vertebrate Nkx2–2. During amphioxus development, expression of Amph- iNk2-2 is first detected ventrally in the endoderm of late gastrulae. In neurulae, endodermal expression divides into three domains (the pharynx, midgut, and hindgut), and neural expression commences in two longitudinal bands of cells in the anterior neural tube. These neural tube cells occupy a ventrolateral position on either side of the cerebral vesicle (the probable homolog of the vertebrate diencephalic forebrain). The dynamic expression patterns of AmphiNkx2-2 suggest successive roles, first in regionalizing the endoderm and nervous system and later during differentiation of specific cell types in the gut (possibly peptide endocrine cells) and brain (possibly including axon outgrowth and guidance). Received: 24 November 1997 / Accepted: 2 February 1998  相似文献   

 Our earlier studies have demonstrated that natural killer (NK) cells are the effectors that participate during the spontaneous regression of AK-5 tumour in syngeneic hosts. We have shown that the tumour cells are killed by necrosis and apoptosis. In this study, we have examined the induction of functional anergy in NK cells following coculture with fixed AK-5 tumour cells at high ratio. NK cells, upon coculture with fixed AK-5 cells (1:1 ratio), showed loss of cytotoxic function against both AK-5 (antibody-dependent cell cytotoxicity) as well as YAC-1 targets. The response of these cells to the activation by recombinant interleukin-2 and recombinant interferon γ was poor. Induction of tumour necrosis factor α (TNFα) secretion was observed after coculture of NK cells with fixed AK-5 cells. The cocultured cell supernatant inhibited the cytotoxic activity of NK cells, which was partially restored with anti-TNFα antibody. In addition, NK cells, after treatment with fixed tumour cells showed overexpression of the Fas receptor. We have also observed induction of apoptosis in cocultured NK cells. These studies suggest that the fixed tumour cells (antigen) at high ratio are able to suppress NK cell function as well as induce death in NK cells. Received: 16 September 1999 / Accepted: 13 January 2000  相似文献   

Granulocyte/macrophage-colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) has previously been indicated to enhance the therapeutic effect of the anti-colorectal carcinoma mAb17-1A as well as to augment in vivo immune effector functions. In vitro interleukin-2 (IL-2) augmented GM-CSF-induced antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity, a mechanism considered to be of significance for the therapeutic effect of mAb. A treatment regimen was elaborated that combined mAb17-1A (400 mg at day 3 of a 10-day treatment cycle) with the simultaneous administration of GM-CSF (250 μmg/m2 once daily) and IL-2 (2.4 × 106 U/m2 twice daily) for 10 days. The treatment cycle was repeated once a month. Twenty patients with advanced colorectal carcinoma were included in the study. One patient obtained a partial remission and 2 patients stable disease for 7 and 4 months respectively. The median survival time from the start of mAb therapy was 8 months. Owing to allergic reactions, the planned mAb17-1A dose had to be reduced by repeated infusions. At the fourth treatment cycle only 25% received the planned mAb dose. In 3 patients the GM-CSF and IL-2 dose was reduced because of side-effects. The subjective tolerability of the treatment was considered good or acceptable in more than 80% of the patients. The increment in white blood cell subsets induced by the cytokines decreased by increasing number of courses. This particular regimen did not augment the therapeutic effect of mAb17-1A anticipated from in vitro data but rather hampered the clinical effect of the antibody. The reason for this is not clear but a possibility might be the induction of immune suppression in vivo resulting from an impaired human anti-(mouse Ab) and anti-idiotypic antibody response as well as antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity, on the basis of a comparison of mAb17-1A/GM-CSF/IL-2- and mAb17-1A/GM-CSF-treated patients. Received: 25 February 1999 / Accepted: 15 July 1999  相似文献   

Natural killer (NK) cell function, based on the expression of activating and inhibitory natural killer receptors (NKRs), may become abnormal during human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. In this study, we investigated changes in receptor expression with individual and combinational analysis on NK cell subsets in HIV-infected Chinese. The results showed that natural killer group 2 member D (NKG2D) expression on total NK cells decreased significantly in HIV infection, while the expressions of natural killer group 2 member A (NKG2A) and killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor, three domains, long cytoplasmic tail 1 (KIR3DL1) on total NK cells were not significantly different between any of the groups including HIV-positive treatment-naïve group, AIDS treatment-naïve group, HAART-treatment AIDS group and HIV-negative control group. Individual analysis of NKG2A+ and KIR3DL1+ cells revealed no significant differences in expression in any NK cell subsets between any of the groups, but the combinational analysis of NKG2DNKG2A+, and NKG2DKIR3DL1+ on the NK CD56dim cell subset in the AIDS group were increased compared to the HIV-negative control group. On the contrary, NKG2DNKG2A+ expression on the CD56bright subset decreased in the AIDS group compared to the control group. Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) treatment almost completely restored the levels of these receptor expressions. The results indicate that the distinct alteration of activating and inhibitory NKR expression on NK cells and its subsets occurred during HIV progression. Moreover, the imbalanced change of activating and inhibitory NKRs on NK cells and its subsets may explain the impaired NK cell immunity in HIV infected individuals.  相似文献   

Aim Several lines of evidence suggest that NK cell immunotherapy may represent a successful approach in neuroblastoma (NB) patients refractory to conventional therapy. However, homing properties, safety and therapeutic efficacy of NK cell infusions need to be evaluated in a suitable preclinical murine NB model. Materials and methods Here, the therapeutic efficacy of NK cell infusions in the presence or absence of NK-activating cytokines have been evaluated in a NB metastatic model set up in NOD/scid mice, that display reduced functional activity of endogenous NK cells. Results In NOD/scid mice the injected NB cells rapidly reached all the typical sites of metastatization, including bone marrow. Infusion of polyclonal IL2-activated NK cells was followed by dissemination of these cells into various tissues including those colonized by metastatic NB cells. The early repeated injection of IL2-activated NK cells in NB-bearing NOD/scid mice significantly increased the mean survival time, which was associated with a reduced bone marrow infiltration. The therapeutic effect was further enhanced by low doses of human recombinant IL2 or IL15. Conclusion Our results indicate that NK-based adoptive immunotherapy can represent a valuable adjuvant in the treatment of properly selected NB patients presenting with metastatic disease, if performed in a minimal residual disease setting. Roberta Castriconi and Alessandra Dondero equally contributed to the work.  相似文献   

Summary.  This study determines the effects of taurine (Tau) on phagocytosis of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) isolated from normal subjects (n = 41) and severely burned patients (n = 20). Phagocytosis was measured by nitroblue of tetrazolium (NBT) reduction in samples with and without latex bead stimulation. Taurine was added at doses of 0.2, 0.4, 0.8 and 1.6 mM to stimulated samples. In control cells there were statistically significant increases in phagocytosis after addition of Tau 0.8 mM and 1.6 mM to as compared to samples without Tau addition (295 ± 23% and 330 ± 35% vs. 248 ± 18%; mean ± S.E.; p < 0.05). A statistically significant increase in phagocytosis was observed in cells from the burned population after addition of Tau 1.6 mM (288 ± 38% vs. 198 ± 13%; mean ± S.E.; p < 0.05). No changes in phagocytosis were found in cells from a subgroup of burn patients (n = 13) followed over 7, 15 and 21 days. These results indicate that taurine supplementation in vitro at doses of 0.8 to 1.6 mM improves the phagocytic capacity of neutrophils in healthy subjects and in patients with severe burn injury, mainly when neutrophil function is unaltered. Received December 17, 2001 Accepted January 17, 2002 Published online August 30, 2002 Authors' address: Dr. Mireia Farriol, Centre d'Investigacions Bioquímicas i Biología Molecular (CIBBIM), Hospital General Vall d'Hebron Passeig Vall d'Hebron 119-129, E-08035 Barcelona, Spain, Fax: 34-93-2746831, E-mail: farriol@hg.vhebron.es  相似文献   

 Interferon-γ(IFNγ)-induced up-regulation of MHC class I expression on tumor cells can induce a potent CD8-mediated antitumor response. Consequently, many investigators have proposed IFNγ gene transfection as a means to immunogenize tumor cells and to vaccinate against metastatic disease. In this study, we demonstrate that transfection of the IFNγ gene in a BW5147 variant (LiDlo) with low MHC class I expression results in a selective induction of H-2Dk but unaltered H-2Kk expression. In earlier reports we demonstrated a positive correlation between H-2Dk expression and enhanced metastatic potential of BW variants. In accordance with these observations, we observed that intravenous inoculation of LiDlo(IFNγ) variants into syngeneic AKR mice led to enhanced metastasis as compared to parental LiDlo and LiDlo(neo) control transfectants. Tumor cells, derived from local subcutaneous tumors or sporadic metastases from mice inoculated with LiDlo tumor cells, were found to up-regulate H-2Dk selectively. Anti-asialoGM1 treatment of AKR mice allowed rapid experimental metastasis formation by the LiDlo and LiDlo(neo) variants, indicating that natural killer (NK) cells control the metastatic behavior of these tumor cells. This was corroborated by in vitro cytotoxicity experiments, demonstrating that LiDlo and LiDlo(neo) tumor cells were NK-sensitive, while the BW IFNγ transfectants became resistant to lymphokine-activated killer cells and poly(I)·poly(C)-induced NK cells. We thus conclude that (a) IFNγ up-regulates selectively the MHC class I antigen H-2Dk, (b) H-2Dk governs susceptibility towards NK cells, and (c) NK susceptibility determines the experimental metastatic behavior of BW tumor cells. Received: 2 May 1996/Accepted: 21 May 1996  相似文献   

 Milky spots in the greater omentum are small accumulations of leucocytes that consist mainly of macrophages and have recently shown to be a selective dissemination site of intraperitoneal (i. p.) inoculated tumour cells. However, milky-spot macrophages show tumoricidal activity and may, therefore, be an excellent source of effector cells suited for local immunotherapy. In the present study we first examined whether granulocyte/macrophage- colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) treatment of isolated milky-spot macrophages affects the cytotoxicity against syngeneic colon carcinoma cells (CC531) in vitro. Secondly, we studied the influence of intraperitoneal GM-CSF administration on the number and antitumour activity of milky-spot and peritoneal macrophages. All studies were performed in Wag/Rij rats in which a syngeneic colon carcinoma cell line (CC531) is available. The results of the in vitro study showed that GM-CSF treatment of the omental macrophages led to an increased cytotoxicity against the tumour cell line. Intraperitoneal administration of 1000 U GM-CSF daily for 7 consecutive days demonstrated both an enhanced antitumour activity of the milky-spot macrophages and an increase in the milky-spot macrophage population. An increase in the proliferative capacity, according to bromodeoxyuridine incorporation, was shown in the milky-spot macrophages. Taking into account both the enhanced macrophage number and their enhanced activity upon i. p. GM-CSF treatment, the milky-spot macrophages may provide a rationale for local intraperitoneal immunotherapy in the prevention of intra-abdominal tumour growth. Received: 11 April 1996 / Accepted: 21 May 1996  相似文献   

 Tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) and interferon γ (IFNγ) are important immunomodulators. They are capable of acting in a synergistic manner on tumor cells in vitro and in vivo. In a clinical phase I study 13 patients with malignant ascites due to abdominal spread of different primary tumors received intraperitoneally (i. p.) TNFα and IFNγ once weekly over 3 – 8 weeks in order to evaluate the effect of locoregionally administered TNFα/IFNγ on ascites formation. Therefore some peripheral and local immunological functional parameters of peripheral blood and malignant ascites were investigated. Mononuclear lymphocytes and natural killer (NK) cell activity of peripheral blood and ascites, TNF-inhibitory activity, soluble p55 and p75 TNF receptors, and prostaglandin E2 values in ascites were measured immediately before and 24 h after each TNFα/IFNγ infusion. Peripheral mononuclear lymphocytes and NK activity decreased significantly 24 h after i. p. TNFα/IFNγ application. However, over the entire treatment schedule, peripheral NK activity in all responders showed a continuous increase, when compared to pre TNFα/IFNγ treatment levels. In contrast, NK activity in non-responders constantly decreased. In contrast to non-responders, TNF-inhibitory activity and soluble p55 TNF receptor levels, determined in ascites, decreased in responders. Taken together, our findings suggest, that successful locoregional i. p. TNFα/IFNγ therapy induces systemic immunological reactions possibly after saturation of soluble p55 TNF receptors in ascites, which leads to an increase of peripheral NK activity. Received: 28 September 1995 / Accepted: 16 November 1995  相似文献   

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