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VEGF: an update on biological and therapeutic aspects   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is an endothelial cell-specific mitogen and an angiogenic inducer as well as a mediator of vascular permeability. VEGF is essential for developmental angiogenesis and is also required for female reproductive functions and endochondral bone formation. Substantial evidence also implicates VEGF in tumors and intraocular neovascular syndromes. Currently, several clinical trials are ongoing to test the hypothesis that the inhibition of VEGF activity may be beneficial for these conditions.  相似文献   

A concept of "racemate lock" has been proposed. This "lock" switches off certain biochemical processes in an organism by increasing concentration of nonspecific stereoisomer of the corresponding metabolite. A program of research of this concept has been discussed.  相似文献   

The usage of water with poor microbiological quality increases the risk of human illness. This review discusses and updates current thinking on the nature of the interaction between a range of human bacterial pathogens and waterborne protozoa. The importance of protozoa acting as protective environments for pathogenic bacteria from disinfection and of promoting extended survival in otherwise hostile environments is highlighted. The significance of biofilms in water systems, and new relationships between Salmonella and Campylobacter and water-borne protozoa are also discussed. The protection of pathogenic bacteria from disinfection within protozoa and/or biofilms has important implications for water safety.  相似文献   

Thalidomide update: regulatory aspects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
F O Kelsey 《Teratology》1988,38(3):221-226

Significant developments in the isolation of tetramic acids and tetronic acids, in the elucidation of their biosyntheses and their biological activities and in laboratory syntheses are reviewed with a focus on those derivatives with medicinal and pharmacological relevance. Important new members of the title compound families isolated since the year 2000 are covered as well as new biological aspects of some earlier congeners.  相似文献   

一株铜绿假单胞菌及其产生的鼠李糖脂特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究高效代谢表面活性剂的菌种,并对菌种和表面活性剂的理化性质进行分析。采用菌种16S rDNA序列分析对菌种进行鉴定,采用紫外光谱扫描、色谱柱层析、薄层层析、单糖分析对生物表面活性剂的种类进行鉴定,并对表面活性剂的理化性质进行研究。从油田采出水中筛选出一株高效代谢生物表面活性剂的菌株T-1,经16S rDNA鉴定为铜绿假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas aeruginosa)。该菌种以甘油和大豆油为碳源的培养基培养4 d后,其发酵液表面张力30.216 mN/m,EI24为100%。根据表面活性剂的红外光谱分析并结合薄层分析,可确定T-1样品中含有糖脂类物质,进一步的表面活性剂的单糖分析显示水解终产物为单一的鼠李糖,最终确定其产物为鼠李糖脂,苯酚-硫酸法测定其鼠李糖脂产率为5.2 g/L,从发酵液提取的棕黄色生物表面活性剂粗品,其表观临界胶束浓度为45 mg/L,该鼠李糖脂对环境(耐温、耐酸碱、耐盐)具有较强的适应性。该表面活性剂对恶劣环境具有较强的耐受性,可应用于微生物采油等用途。  相似文献   

Peptidoglycan (PG), the mighty miniwall, is the main structural component of practically all bacterial cell envelopes and has been the subject of a wealth of research over the past 60 years, if only because its biosynthesis is the target of many antibiotics that have successfully been used in the treatment of bacterial infections. This review is mainly focused on the most recent achievements in research on the modification of PG glycan strands, which contribute to the resistance of bacteria to the host immune response to infection and to their own lytic enzymes, and on studies on the spatial organization of the macromolecule.  相似文献   

Hampp  Rüdiger  Wiese  Joachim  Mikolajewski  Sabine  Nehls  Uwe 《Plant and Soil》1999,215(2):103-113
The symbiosis (ectomycorrhiza, ECM) between roots of trees and shrubs of boreal and temperate forest ecosystems and soil fungi is essential for water and nutrient acquisition of the plants. The functionality of ECM is largely dependent on the ability of the host plant to supply photoassimilates to the fungus via the symbiotic interface. Based on sterile in vitro and non-sterile pot experiments, we review data which gives evidence that hexoses are supplied to the fungus by the host plant (mainly glucose and fructose), and that these sugars, at least in part, control development and function of ECM by interfering with fungal gene expression. We further show that any factor which reduces hexose allocation to the host–fungus interface will adversely affect ECM development. As an example, we address the impact of increased supply of nitrogen on the biochemistry of plant–fungus interaction and discuss potential consequences on host performance. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Asthma is an inflammatory disease of the airways characterized by increased airway reactivity with airflow obstruction. It is exacerbated by multiple triggers, and one common, often overlooked trigger is gastroesophageal reflux (GER). The prevalence of GER in asthmatics is estimated at between 34% and 80%. Up to 24% of asthmatics may have silent GER without the classic reflux symptoms (heartburn, acid regurgitation, and dysphagia). Since most patients are initially seen at the primary care level, it is essential for the primary physicians to recognize the underlying cause of the disease. This review briefly discusses the pathogenesis and clinical features of gastric (reflux-triggered) asthma and provides clues for its diagnosis in primary care practice. The current diagnostic approach to such patients and its management relevant to general practitioners is also discussed.  相似文献   

Ivermectin: an update   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Ivermecan was introduced as an antiparasitic agent in 1981. It is now registered for animal-health use in 35 countries and is being evaluated for possible use in man. This review summarises its antiparasitic efficacy and apparent mode of action. Additional information is given in previous review articles.  相似文献   

The 8th International Symposium on Yersinia was held in Turku, Finland, 4–8 September 2002.  相似文献   

Clonorchiasis: an update   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Clonorchis sinensis, the Chinese or oriental liver fluke, is an important human parasite and is widely distributed in southern Korea, China (including Taiwan), Japan, northern Vietnam and the far eastern part of Russia. Clonorchiasis occurs in all parts of the world where there are Asian immigrants from endemic areas. The human and animal reservoir hosts (dogs, pigs, cats and rats) acquire the infection from the ingestion of raw fish containing infectious metacercariae. The first intermediate snail hosts are mainly species of Parafossarulus and Bithynia. Numerous species of freshwater fish serve as the second intermediate hosts of C. sinensis. Extensive studies of clonorchiasis during several decades in Japan, Korea, China and other countries have shown much progress in proving its morphological features including ultrastructure, biology, pathogenesis, epidemiology, clinical manifestations and chemotherapy. The present review deals with mainly current results obtained on the epidemiological, pathological and clinical aspects, as well as control measures in endemic areas. As for the complications of clonorchiasis, formation of calculi in the intrahepatic biliary passages is one of the most characteristic pathological features. It is sometimes accompanied by suppurative cholangitis, cholecystitis, cholangiohepatitis and ultimately can cause cholangiocarcinoma. Experimental results on the relationship to the occurrence of cholangiocarcinoma are presented. Clinical diagnosis by radiological findings including cholangiography, sonography and computerized tomography as well as magnetic resonance imaging for biliary or pancreatic ducts are outlined. Current studies on immunology and molecular biology of C. sinensis were introduced. Praziquantel is the drug of choice for clonorchiasis. The most effective regimen is 25 mg kg(-1) three times daily (total dose, 75 mg kg(-1)) administered orally at 5- to 6-h intervals over a single day. Prevention and control measures are also discussed.  相似文献   

Vaccination of the elderly still requires attention. The vaccination coverage for tetanus, influenza and pneumococcal infections is merely 40, 60 and 30%, respectively. Besides a reduction in mortality (67%) and a reduction of hospitalisation for pneumonia and influenza (50%), vaccination against influenza also results in a decrease in cardio- and cerebrovascular morbidity (20%) as well as in a decrease in the frequency of doctor visits for respiratory infections for COPD patients. Vaccination of children and health care personnel can further reduce transmission of influenza and subsequent influenza related complications in the elderly. Pneumococcal invasive disease can be reduced by 50% through vaccination. Vaccination of children with the conjugate vaccine can further reduce the incidence of pneumococcal invasive disease in the elderly. Further improvements in vaccine coverage levels are needed, mainly among elderly persons, children and persons at increased risk.  相似文献   

The peroxisome: an update on mysteries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Peroxisomes contribute to several crucial metabolic processes such as β-oxidation of fatty acids, biosynthesis of ether phospholipids and metabolism of reactive oxygen species, which render them indispensable to human health and development. Peroxisomes are highly dynamic organelles that rapidly assemble, multiply and degrade in response to metabolic needs. In recent years, the interest in peroxisomes and their physiological functions has significantly increased. This review intends to highlight recent discoveries and trends in peroxisome research, and represents an update as well as a continuation of a former review article. Novel exciting findings on the biological functions, biogenesis, formation and degradation of peroxisomes, on peroxisomal dynamics and division, as well as on the interaction and cross-talk of peroxisomes with other subcellular compartments are addressed. Furthermore, recent findings on the role of peroxisomes in the brain are discussed.  相似文献   

Epidemiological evidence strongly suggests an association between cigarette smoking and pancreatic diseases. It is well recognized that nicotine, a major component in cigarette smoke, is an addictive agent and, therefore, reinforces smoking behavior. The current review update focuses on the genetics of nicotine dependence and its role on the development of pancreatic diseases. The role of smoking and nicotine in pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer development is also discussed. Exposure of laboratory animals to nicotine clearly supports the notion that nicotine can induce pancreatic injury. The mechanism by which nicotine induces such effects is perhaps mediated via signal transduction pathways in the pancreatic acinar cell, leading to enhanced levels of intracellular calcium release, resulting in cytotoxicity and eventual cell death. The induction of pancreatic injury by nicotine may also involve activation and expression of protooncogene, H-ras, which can increase cytosolic calcium via second messenger pathways. Development of pancreatic carcinoma in cigarette smokers as observed in human populations may be the result of activation and mutation of the H-ras gene. A possible pathogenetic mechanism of nicotine in the pancreas activating multiple signal transduction pathways is schematically summarized in Figure 1.  相似文献   

The active site of tyrosinase is described with a view to depicting its interactions with substrates and inhibitors. Occurrence and mechanism(s) of tyrosinase-mediated browning of agrofood products are reviewed, with regard to both enzymic and chemical reactions, and their control, modulation, and inhibition. Technical and applicational implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Eukaryotes contain a superfamily of microtubule-based motor proteins comprising kinesin and a number of related proteins that are thought to participate in various forms of intracellular motility, including cell division and organelle transport. The role of various members of the kinesin superfamily in chromosome segregation and spindle morphogenesis was described in TCB last year in parts of a series on cytoplasmic motor proteins. In this brief update, Helen Epstein and Jon Scholey comment on new findings that have improved our understanding of the functions of kinesin-related proteins in mitosis and meiosis.  相似文献   

C G Newman 《Teratology》1985,32(1):133-144
There is much misinformation in the medical community regarding the thalidomide syndrome. Some physicians and scientists are unaware of the fact that organs other than the limbs were frequently affected. Some believe that thalidomide could produce any type of limb reduction defect. Most were aware of the very narrow period of early organogenesis during which the thalidomide-type malformations could be produced. Important features include the fact that limb reduction defects were primarily preaxial, included concomitant girdle hypoplasia when limb reductions were severe, were almost universally bilateral and did not include distal transverse-type defects often called "hemimelia". While it can be said that some spontaneous (non-thalidomide) malformations can mimic the thalidomide syndrome, it can also be said that many limb reduction defects can be determined not to have been produced by thalidomide. The risks of the various defects can be estimated following exposure, with most certainty for limb defects, with less certainty for other defects. Many defects were not associated with exposure to thalidomide such as cleft lip and severe mental retardation.  相似文献   

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