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The rainbow trout macrophage cell line RTS11 was found to be considerably more sensitive than rainbow trout fibroblast (RTG-2) and Chinook salmon epithelial (CHSE-214) cell lines to killing by macromolecular synthesis inhibitors, actinomycin D (AMD) and cycloheximide (CHX), a synthetic double stranded RNA (dsRNA), polyinosinic:polycytidylic acid (poly IC), and combinations of poly IC with AMD or CHX. Exposures of 24-30 h to AMD or CHX alone killed RTS11, but not CHSE-214 and RTG-2, in basal medium, L-15, with or without fetal bovine serum (FBS) supplementation. A two-week exposure to poly IC killed RTS11 in L-15, whereas RTG-2 and CHSE-214 remained viable. At concentrations that caused very little or no cell death, CHX or AMD pretreatments or co-treatments sensitized RTS11 to poly IC, causing death within 30 h. In all cases death was by apoptosis as judged by two criteria. H33258 staining revealed a fragmented nuclear morphology, and genomic degradation into oligonucleosomal fragments was seen with agarose gel electrophoresis. With AMD- or CHX-induced death, killing seemed caspase-independent as the pan caspase inhibitor, z-VAD-fmk, failed to block killing. By contrast, z-VAD-fmk almost completely abrogated killing by co-treatments of poly IC and low concentrations of AMD or CHX, suggesting caspase dependence. Killing by both types of treatments was blocked by 2 aminopurine (2-AP), which suggests the involvement of dsRNA-dependent protein kinase (PKR). The sensitizing of RTS11 to poly IC killing by AMD or CHX could be explained by a decrease in the level of a short-lived anti-apoptotic protein(s) and/or by the triggering of a ribotoxic stress.  相似文献   

A survey of immune-relevant genes that might be up-regulated in response to viral hemorrhagic septicaemia virus (VHSV) in the rainbow trout monocyte-macrophage cell line, RTS11, unexpectedly revealed an increased expression of perforin (PRF) and granzyme (GRZ) genes, which represent components of the major cytotoxic pathway. The natural killer-enhancing factor (NKEF), also known to modulate cytotoxic activity, was up-regulated at the gene but strikingly down-regulated at protein level. The expression of these genes was not affected in head kidney leukocytes (HKLs) infected with VHSV, leading us to evaluate the potential cytotoxic activity of RTS11 and HKLs. For the first time, the cytotoxic activity of RTS11 against xenogeneic targets has been demonstrated, although this was modest relative to HKLs. Yet the activity in RTS11 was significantly increased by VHSV, as in HKLs. This cytotoxic activity elicited by viral infection appeared to require viral gene expression because inactivated VHSV failed to increase RTS11 cytotoxic activity. As for other immune functions, RTS11 cells provide a model for further studying cytotoxic activities of fish monocyte-macrophages.  相似文献   

Summary A rainbow trout spleen cell line, RTS34, was developed from a long-term hemopoietic culture. This cell line consisted of a mixed stromal cell layer with an associated cell population of macrophage-like cells that formed proliferative foci and released nonadherent progeny cells into the culture medium. A stromal cell line, RTS34st, was isolated from the RTS34 cell line. RTS34st cultures contained cells with fibroblast-like and epithelial-like morphologies and showed enhanced [3H]thymidine incorporation in response to either FBS or rainbow trout serum. The combination of FBS and trout serum was synergistic. Conditioned medium from RTS34st stimulated thymidine incorporation by peripheral blood and head kidney leukocytes, but not by leukocytes from the spleen. In addition, RTS34st provided a hemopoietic inductive microenvironment for immature precursor cells, selectively supporting the growth of macrophage-like cells. Therefore, RTS34st appears useful for studying the different roles of the stroma in regulating hemopoiesis in fish.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoid actions on the immune system are diverse and cell type dependent, and little is known about cell type-specific interactions and cross-talk between hormones and cytokines. In this study we have analyzed the gene expression patterns of the rainbow trout macrophage cell line RTS-11 by quantitative PCR, after exposure to combinations of cortisol plus a pro-inflammatory cytokine (e.g. recombinant trout IL-1β, IFN-γ), type I IFN or a PAMP (LPS or poly I:C). Several key genes of the inflammatory process were targetted to assess whether any modulation of their expression occurred due to the addition of cortisol to this cell line. Incubation of macrophages for 3 or 6 h with a physiological concentration of cortisol caused a decrease in expression of IL-6 and IL-8, but no significant changes were observed for the other genes examined. Co-stimulation of cortisol with the inflammatory agents resulted in a general suppression of genes related to the inflammatory response. Cortisol inhibited the up-regulation of IL-8 by all the stimulants after 3 h of co-incubation. Suppression of the up-regulation of IL-6 by rIL-1β, rIFN-γ and poly I:C, of γIP by rIFN-γ or poly I:C, and of Cox-2 by rIL-1β was seen after 6 h. In contrast, cortisol in combination with the pro-inflammatory agents has a synergistic effect on IL-10 expression, an anti-inflammatory molecule, suggesting that the activation of certain macrophage functions that lead to the resolution of inflammation occurs in fish macrophages in response to cortisol treatment.  相似文献   

Summary Conditions for arresting and stimulating the proliferation of the rainbow trout fibroblast cell line RTG-2 have been examined and the time course of events after stimulation determined. Quiescent populations were achieved in two ways. Cultures grown to confluency without a medium change for at least 7 d had fewer than 5% of the cells in S phase and few mitotic figures. Cultures deprived of serum, which could be done for up to 3 d without a loss in cell number, also achieved quiescence. After 3 d without serum, less than 1% of cells were in S phase and mitotic figures were infrequent. Addition to these cultures of fresh serum-containing medium brought about the synchronous entry of cells into S phase and mitosis. For cultures in which either the medium had been changed after 7 d without a change or serum-containing medium had been added after 3 d of serum deprivation, DNA synthesis increased after a lag period of 20 to 24 h, was pronounced between 30 and 45 h, and then declined. This was followed by a peak in the mitotic index. These protocols for arresting and subsequently stimulating RTG-2 proliferation should allow the G1-S transition to be studied in a representative of teleosts. This research was supported by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada grant to N. C. B.  相似文献   

Fish exposed to elevated water CO2 experience a rapid increase in blood CO2 levels (hypercapnia), resulting in acidification of both intra- and extra-cellular compartments. While the mechanisms associated with extracellular pH regulation have been well explored, much less is known about intracellular pH (pHi) regulation. There is great interest in developing non-animal models for research. One such model is the rainbow trout hepatoma cell line (RTH 149), which has been used to study a wide range of topics; however, no studies have investigated its potential use in pHi regulation. Employing the pH-sensitive fluoroprobe BCECF, the present study examined pHi regulation in RTH 149 under normocapnia and during extracellular acidification induced by either elevated CO2 or 1 M HCl. During exposure to hypercapnia, RTH 149 cells were acidified without recovery as long as the elevated CO2 was maintained. In addition, rates of pHi recovery from NH4Cl-induced acidosis were significantly lower in cells exposed to hypercapnia or HCl compared to that in normocapnic cells, indicating that elevated CO2 indirectly impeded pHi recovery through a reduction in pHe and/or pHi. Moreover, pHi regulation in RTH 149 was EIPA-sensitive, suggesting that an NHE may be involved. Overall, RTH 149 may have the potential for identifying transporters likely to play a role in pHi regulation in fish. However, it should not be used as a complete replacement for in vivo studies, especially to quantify acid–base regulatory ability at whole animal level, since RTH 149 appeared to have enhanced pHi recovery rates relative to primary hepatocytes.  相似文献   

The effect of cortisol on the proliferation of the rainbow trout fibroblast cell line, RTG-2, was examined in synchronous and asynchronous cultures. When the transition from G1 to S was synchronized by restoring serum to serum-deprived cultures, the addition of cortisol at the time of serum restoration delayed the entry of cells into S phase. However, if cortisol was added 24 h after serum restoration, at the G1/S transition point, the subsequent peak of DNA synthesis was unaffected. In asynchronous cultures cortisol inhibited [3H]-thymidine and [3H]-uridine but not [3H]-leucine incorporation into acid-insoluble material. If the exogenous nucleoside concentration was raised, [3H]-thymidine but not [3H]-uridine incorporation continued to be inhibited by cortisol. This suggested that cortisol's effect on [3H]-thymidine incorporation reflected a change in entry into S phase and not just on thymidine uptake and metabolism. Cortisol inhibited the proliferation of RTG-2 in asynchronous cultures. At 1000 ng/ml of cortisol a reduction in cell number became apparent before the RTG-2 cultures were confluent, whereas at 100 ng/ml the reduction only became evident in confluent cultures. The synthetic antiglucocorticoid, RU 486, which acts at the level of the corticosteroid receptor, blocked the growth inhibition by cortisol. These results suggest that cortisol regulates rainbow trout fibroblast proliferation via the corticosteroid receptor and that the G1/S transition is one point at which this regulation occurs.  相似文献   

The effects of short-term fasting and refeeding were studied on satellite cells extracted from white epaxial muscle of juvenile rainbow trout (1-3 g body weight). In vitro changes in the proliferation of satellite cells were analyzed using bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation over a 24-h period. Proliferation in fed control fish was characterized by an initial basal proliferation rate of 5-10% BrdU-labeled nuclei x day(-1), followed by an exponential increase at a rate of +18-20% x day(-1), up to a maximum of 60-70% BrdU-labeled nuclei x day(-1). Characteristics of satellite cells extracted from starved fish, namely extraction yield, morphology, and proliferation, were different from those of fed fish. Fasting (8-10 days) completely suppressed initial proliferation of satellite cells in vitro over a period of 4 days. After this delay, proliferation resumed and changes in proliferation rates over time were similar to those of the control group. In fish fed for 4 days after an 8-day fast, the initial proliferation rate and the changes in proliferation rates over time were completely restored. These findings demonstrate that satellite cells express different behavior depending on feeding status, which could be due to the presence of different satellite cell populations.  相似文献   

Abstract The effect of cortisol on the proliferation of the rainbow trout fibroblast cell line, RTG-2, was examined in synchronous and asynchronous cultures. When the transition from G1 to S was synchronized by restoring serum to serum-deprived cultures, the addition of cortisol at the time of serum restoration delayed the entry of cells into S phase. However, if cortisol was added 24 h after serum restoration, at the G1/S transition point, the subsequent peak of DNA synthesis was unaffected. In asynchronous cultures cortisol inhibited [3H]-thymidine and [3H]-uridine but not [3H]-leucine incorporation into acid-insoluble material. If the exogenous nucleoside concentration was raised, [3H]-thymidine but not [3H]-uridine incorporation continued to be inhibited by cortisol. This suggested that cortisol's effect on [3H]-thymidine incorporation reflected a change in entry into S phase and not just on thymidine uptake and metabolism. Cortisol inhibited the proliferation of RTG-2 in asynchronous cultures. At 1000 ng/ml of cortisol a reduction in cell number became apparent before the RTG-2 cultures were confluent, whereas at 100 ng/ml the reduction only became evident in confluent cultures. The synthetic antiglucocorticoid, RU 486, which acts at the level of the corticosteroid receptor, blocked the growth inhibition by cortisol. These results suggest that cortisol regulates rainbow trout fibroblast proliferation via the corticosteroid receptor and that the G1/S transition is one point at which this regulation occurs.  相似文献   

The cloned monocyte/macrophage cell line RAW 264.7 was investigated for interleukin 1 (IL-1) production. Of the inducers tested, bacterial lipopolysaccharide was found to be the most effective. The cyclic nucleotide analogs 8-BrcAMP and 8-BrcGMP were also tested, with only 8-BrcGMP being capable of inducing a small amount of IL-1 activity. Gel filtration studies revealed thymocyte mitogenic and comitogenic activity in three molecular-weight peaks: > 70,000, 30,000 to 40,000, and 12,000 to 18,000 Da. The multiple-molecular-weight forms were present when samples were prepared under serum-free conditions and also when samples were prepared and chromatographed in high ionic strength NaCl or under disulfide reducing conditions. Molecular charge heterogeneity was observed when proteins were chromatographed using column chromatofocusing (PBE 94). The intermediate-molecular-weight form eluted from the column over a pH range of 5.0 to 5.4; while the low-molecular-weight form eluted at three separate pH's: ?7.4 (unbound material), 5.2, and 4.8. The low-molecular-weight and intermediate-molecular-weight forms exhibited different dose-response curves when assayed under conditions used by other investigators (1 × 107 cells/ml; phytohemagglutinin, 1 μg/ml), but very similar dose-response curves when assayed under conditions used by our laboratory (2 × 106 cells/ml; concanavalin A, 0.25 μg/ml) in a thymocyte comitogen assay. The possible relationship of these multiple-molecular-weight species of thymocyte comitogenic activity from RAW 264.7 to other biological activities from cloned and noncloned cellular sources is discussed.  相似文献   

In vitro methods of assessing the viability of rainbow trout spermatozoa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The accuracy of three in vitro methods for estimating the proportion of dead rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss ) spermatozoa was investigated. Motility rating, fluorometry using ethidium bromide, and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity in seminal plasma were compared. Semen samples were prepared to contain 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% killed spermatozoa. All three methods demonstrated highly significant relationships (P<0.001) with the percentage of killed spermatozoa. Motility rating was found to be quick and accurate but required experienced workers and the results thus could vary between evaluators. Fluorometry was rapid and relatively simple to perform and required only a small amount of semen. Measurement of LDH activity in seminal plasma was accurate but time-consuming and required large amounts of semen.  相似文献   

Eph signaling, which arises following stimulation by ephrins, is known to induce opposite cell behaviors such as promoting and inhibiting cell adhesion as well as promoting cell-cell adhesion and repulsion by altering the organization of the actin cytoskeleton and influencing the adhesion activities of integrins. However, crosstalk between Eph/ephrin with integrin signaling has not been fully elucidated in leukocytes, including monocytes and their related cells. Using a cell attachment stripe assay, we have shown that, following stimulation with ephrin-A1, kinase-independent EphA2 promoted cell spreading/elongation as well as adhesion to integrin ligand-coated surfaces in cultured U937 (monocyte) and J774.1 (monocyte/macrophage) cells as well as sublines of these cells expressing dominant negative EphA2 that lacks most of the intracellular region. Moreover, a pull-down assay showed that dominant negative EphA2 is recruited to the β2 integrin/ICAM1 and β2 integrin/VCAM1 molecular complexes in the subline cells following stimulation with ephrin-A1-Fc. Notably, this study is the first comprehensive analysis of the effects of EphA2 receptors on integrin-mediated cell adhesion in monocytic cells. Based on these findings we propose that EphA2 promotes cell adhesion by an unknown signaling pathway that largely depends on the extracellular region of EphA2 and the activation of outside-in integrin signaling.  相似文献   

Eph signaling, which arises following stimulation by ephrins, is known to induce opposite cell behaviors such as promoting and inhibiting cell adhesion as well as promoting cell-cell adhesion and repulsion by altering the organization of the actin cytoskeleton and influencing the adhesion activities of integrins. However, crosstalk between Eph/ephrin with integrin signaling has not been fully elucidated in leukocytes, including monocytes and their related cells. Using a cell attachment stripe assay, we have shown that, following stimulation with ephrin-A1, kinase-independent EphA2 promoted cell spreading/elongation as well as adhesion to integrin ligand-coated surfaces in cultured U937 (monocyte) and J774.1 (monocyte/macrophage) cells as well as sublines of these cells expressing dominant negative EphA2 that lacks most of the intracellular region. Moreover, a pull-down assay showed that dominant negative EphA2 is recruited to the β2 integrin/ICAM1 and β2 integrin/VCAM1 molecular complexes in the subline cells following stimulation with ephrin-A1-Fc. Notably, this study is the first comprehensive analysis of the effects of EphA2 receptors on integrin-mediated cell adhesion in monocytic cells. Based on these findings we propose that EphA2 promotes cell adhesion by an unknown signaling pathway that largely depends on the extracellular region of EphA2 and the activation of outside-in integrin signaling.  相似文献   

The effects of human monocytes and mature human macrophages on lymphocyte proliferation in response to PHA and allogeneic lymphocytes were examined. Monocytes enhanced and macrophages markedly suppressed lymphocyte proliferation to both stimuli. Monocyte enhancement of lymphocyte proliferation was, in part, due to a soluble mediator. Macrophage suppression was not due to (a) media depletion, (b) soluble lymphotoxins or inhibitors of proliferation, (c) media depletion, (d) macrophage production of prostaglandins, (e) decreased lymphocyte survival, or (f) induction of suppressor lymphocytes. These data emphasize the dichotomy of human monocyte and macrophage effects on lymphocyte proliferation and suggest, by exclusion, that macrophage suppression may require cell-cell contact.  相似文献   

Macrophage aggregates (MAs) occur in various organs of fishes, especially the kidney, liver and spleen, and contain melanin, ceroid/lipofuscin and hemosiderin pigments. They have been used as indicators of a number of natural and anthropogenic stressors. Macrophage aggregates occur in salmonids but are poorly organized, irregularly shaped, and are generally smaller than those in derived teleosts. These features complicate quantification, and thus these fishes have seldom been used in studies correlating MAs with environmental stressors. To alleviate these complications, we developed color filtering algorithms for use with the software package ImagePro Plus (Media Cybernetics) that select and quantify pigmented area (i.e. colors ranging from gold to brown to black) in tissue sections. Image analysis results compared well with subjective scoring when tested on brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis and rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss captured from high-elevation lakes or hatcheries. Macrophage aggregate pigments correlated positively with age and negatively with condition factor. Within individual fish, pigmentation correlated positively among organs, suggesting that the kidney, liver or spleen are suitable indicator organs. In age-matched fishes, MA pigments were not different between hatcheries and lakes in the organs examined. Between lakes, differences in pigments were observed in the kidney and spleen, but were not explained by age, condition factor, sex or maturation state. Our results indicate that quantification of the area occupied by MA pigments is an efficient and accurate means of evaluating MAs in salmonid organs and that organ pigmentation correlates with age and condition factor, as seen in studies with more derived fishes.  相似文献   

Fluorometric cell attachment assays together with competitive inhibitors of adhesion were used to probe for the presence of integrins, a diverse family of heterodimeric cell-surface glycoproteins involved in cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix adhesion, in the fibroblastic rainbow trout cell line, RTG-2. The adhesive properties of this cell line were evaluated. RTG-2 cells adhered poorly to TC plastic in the absence of serum but as little as 2.5% fetal bovine serum allowed over 75% of the cells to attach after 5 h. Surfaces coated with the extracellular matrix proteins collagen I, collagen IV, fibrin, fibrinogen, or fibronectin were able to support attachment of RTG-2 cells. Adhesion of RTG-2 cells to fibronectin varied linearly with fibronectin coating densities in the range 0 to 65 ng/mm(2). Oligopeptides containing the sequence Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) caused dose-dependent inhibition of adhesion to microtiter plates coated with fibrin, fibrinogen, and fibronectin, whereas attachment to collagen I and collagen IV was less severely affected. In all cases, peptides containing Arg-Gly-Glu (RGE) or Asp-Gly-Arg (DGR) sequences caused no reduction of cell attachment. Since many integrins mediate adhesion by binding to RGD sequences in their target ligands, these results suggest the presence of integrin-like adhesion molecules on the surface of RTG-2 cells.  相似文献   

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