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O'Brien M 《Bioethics》1989,3(4):274-300
Widespread mandatory testing for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has been proposed by some as a way to curb the transmission of the virus. O'Brien examines the possible uses and limits of HIV testing to determine in what instances the potential public health benefits of testing outweigh its burdens and limitations. She subjects proposals for mandatory testing of three populations -- hospital patients, surgery patients, and prisoners -- to ethical analysis, and then formulates ethical guidelines for rational and morally defensible HIV antibody testing policies in hospital and prison settings.  相似文献   

Since the introduction of drugs to prevent vertical transmission of HIV, the purpose of and approach to HIV testing of pregnant women has increasingly become an area of major controversy. In recent years, many strategies to increase the uptake of HIV testing have focused on offering HIV tests to women in pregnancy-related services. New global guidance issued by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) specifically notes these services as an entry point for provider-initiated HIV testing and counseling (PITC). The guidance constitutes a useful first step towards a framework within which PITC sensitive to health, human rights and ethical concerns can be provided to pregnant women in health facilities. However, a number of issues will require further attention as implementation moves forward. It is incumbent on all those involved in the scale up of PITC to ensure that it promotes long-term connection with relevant health services and does not result simply in increased testing with no concrete benefits being accrued by the women being tested. Within health services, this will require significant attention to informed consent, pre- and post-test counseling, patient confidentiality, referrals and access to appropriate services, as well as reduction of stigma and discrimination. Beyond health services, efforts will be needed to address larger societal, legal, policy and contextual issues. The health and human rights of pregnant women must be a primary consideration in how HIV testing is implemented; they can benefit greatly from PITC but only if it is carried out appropriately.  相似文献   

Surveillance for the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in Japan started in September 1984 and in February 1987 was extended to seropositive carriers of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) antibodies. A total of 2,000 hospitals and clinics throughout the country have actively participated in the surveillance. An educational program for health care workers, including physicians, was initiated in July 1985 by issuing a series of government memoranda and distributing pamphlets and posters. Counseling programs for people concerned about AIDS and laboratory support to provide screening services have been developed. Laboratories that can also perform confirmatory tests will be established shortly. The screening of all donated blood was established in November 1986.Education programs for the public have been conducted mainly through the production and distribution of various materials and pamphlets. Research has been focused primarily on diagnosis and treatment, with international cooperation emphasized. A new act of legislation has been proposed in the Parliament that will require mandatory reporting of cases of AIDS and HIV infection with confidentiality preserved. Further debate may be needed to reach national consensus on this issue. The proposed law will not include provisions that would affect international travelers, foreign students or immigrants.  相似文献   

If health care reform is implemented in states and nationally, the safety of this process needs to be examined for persons with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection or the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Reform should assure ongoing prevention and transmission control of HIV and continuous coverage of medical costs for persons ill with HIV or AIDS. These persons currently benefit from various state and federal categoric programs designed to assure access to preventive and personal care services. Washington State has passed health care reform legislation that envisions integrating these programs to provide a system of population-based and personal health care. This legislation was analyzed using existing epidemiologic and entitlement information about persons with HIV infection or AIDS in the state to assess its effect. The relationship between public health and personal care services will be a central concern for those with HIV infection or AIDS, and complete coverage of this group may be achieved relatively late in the process of implementing health care reform. Health personnel planning under health care reform will affect the delivery of HIV- and AIDS-related services. Including treatment of AIDS in the basic benefit package merits particular attention. These issues parallel those being faced by the nation as a whole as it seeks to ensure epidemic disease control and compassionate care for long-term disabling illness if health care reform is implemented.  相似文献   

Because certain groups at high risk for HIV/AIDS (human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) come together in correctional facilities, seroprevalence was high early in the epidemic. The share of the HIV/AIDS epidemic borne by inmates of and persons released from jails and prisons in the United States (US) in 1997 was estimated in a previous paper. While the number of inmates and releasees has risen, their HIV seroprevalence rates have fallen. We sought to determine if the share of HIV/AIDS borne by inmates and releasees in the US decreased between 1997 and 2006. We created a new model of population flow in and out of correctional facilities to estimate the number of persons released in 1997 and 2006. In 1997, approximately one in five of all HIV-infected Americans was among the 7.3 million who left a correctional facility that year. Nine years later, only one in seven (14%) of infected Americans was among the 9.1 million leaving, a 29.3% decline in the share. For black and Hispanic males, two demographic groups with heightened incarceration rates, recently released inmates comprise roughly one in five of those groups'' total HIV-infected persons, a figure similar to the proportion borne by the correctional population as a whole in 1997. Decreasing HIV seroprevalence among those admitted to jails and prisons, prolonged survival and aging of the US population with HIV/AIDS beyond the crime-prone years, and success with discharge planning programs targeting HIV-infected prisoners could explain the declining concentration of the epidemic among correctional populations. Meanwhile, the number of persons with HIV/AIDS leaving correctional facilities remains virtually identical. Jails and prisons continue to be potent targets for public health interventions. The fluid nature of incarcerated populations ensures that effective interventions will be felt not only in correctional facilities but also in communities to which releasees return.  相似文献   

Marshall SE 《Bioethics》1990,4(4):292-310
Marshall examines arguments for and against physicians breaching their duty of confidentiality to persons diagnosed with HIV or AIDS by notifying third parties such as sexual partners or general practitioners who give care unrelated to HIV or AIDS. The arguments presuppose that the confidentiality right is not absolute, but may give way under certain circumstances. A physician's obligations to the larger community, for instance, may outweigh the obligation to keep a diagnosis of AIDS or HIV confidential. Marshall also argues that physicians who incur risks by treating patients with AIDS or HIV have a right to knowledge that will help them protect themselves. A patient with AIDS or HIV may be obliged to reveal this fact to physicians when seeking care for other health problems, or to allow the diagnosing physican to do so. These arguments may have implications for the debate over testing patients for AIDS or HIV without consent.  相似文献   

Despite recent advances in ways to prevent transmission of HIV from a mother to her child during pregnancy, infants continue to be born and become infected with HIV, particularly in southern Africa where HIV prevalence is the highest in the world. In this region, emphasis has shifted from voluntary HIV counselling and testing to routine testing of women during pregnancy. There have also been proposals for mandatory testing. Could mandatory testing ever be an option, even in high‐prevalence settings? Many previous examinations of mandatory testing have dealt with it in the context of low HIV prevalence and a well‐resourced health care system. In this discussion, different assumptions are made. Within this context, where mandatory testing may be a strategy of last resort, the objections to it are reviewed. Special attention is paid in the discussion to the entrenched vulnerability of women in much of southern Africa and how this contributes to both HIV prevalence and ongoing challenges for preventing HIV transmission during pregnancy. While mandatory testing is ethically plausible, particularly when coupled with guaranteed access to treatment and care, the discussion argues that the moment to employ this strategy has not yet come. Many barriers remain for pregnant women in terms of access to testing, treatment and care, most acutely in the southern African setting, despite the presence of national and international human rights instruments aimed at empowering women and removing such barriers. While this situation persists, mandatory HIV testing during pregnancy cannot be justified.  相似文献   

Mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) of HIV represents a particularly dramatic aspect of the HIV epidemic with an estimated 600,000 newborns infected yearly, 90% of them living in sub-Saharan Africa. Since the beginning of the HIV epidemic, an estimated 5.1 million children worldwide have been infected with HIV. MTCT is responsible for 90% of these infections. Two-thirds of the MTCT are believed to occur during pregnancy and delivery, and about one-third through breastfeeding. As the number of women of child bearing age infected with HIV rises, so does the number of infected children. It is apparent that voluntary testing in Botswana has made some valuable inroads in decreasing perinatal HIV transmission, but the statistics showing the increased rate of HIV infection among women 15-24 years of age are not very promising. After reviewing all the pertinent scientific data it is clear that mandatory HIV testing of all pregnant women in conjunction with the implementation of a full package of interventions would save thousands of lives -- mothers, newborns and others who could be infected as a result of these women not being aware of their HIV status. If the protection and preservation of human life is a priority in Botswana, then it is time to allow for mandatory HIV testing of all pregnant women, before it is too late for those who are the most vulnerable. To do less would be medically inappropriate and ethically irresponsible.  相似文献   

The study of HIV dynamics is one of the most important developments in recent AIDS research. It greatly improves our understanding of the pathogenesis of HIV infection. Recently it has been proposed to use HIV dynamics to evaluate the efficacy of antiviral treatments. Currently a large number of AIDS clinical trials on HIV dynamics are in development worldwide. However, many design issues that arise from HIV dynamic studies have not been addressed. In this paper, we study these problems using intensive Monte Carlo simulations and analytic methods. We evaluate a finite number of feasible candidate designs, which are currently used and proposed in AIDS clinical trials from different perspectives. We compare the viral dynamic marker and classical viral load change markers in terms of power for identifying treatment difference, asymptotic relative efficiency, and sensitivity. Finally we propose some useful suggestions for practitioners based on our results.  相似文献   



Various studies have modeled the impact of test-and-treat policies on the HIV epidemics worldwide. However, few modeling studies have taken into account China’s context. To understand the potential effect of test-and-treat on the HIV epidemic among men who have sex with men (MSM) in China, we developed a mathematical model to evaluate the impact of the strategy.


Based on the natural history of the CD4 count of people living with HIV and AIDS (PLWHA), we constructed a dynamic compartmental model of HIV transmission among Chinese MSM to project the number of HIV new infections and prevalence over 10 years. We predicted the annual number of HIV new infections and the total number of MSM living with HIV and AIDS (based on Beijing data) between 2010 and 2022 under the following conditions: (1) current practice (testing rate of 50% and ART coverage of 39%); (2) both testing rate and ART coverage increasing to 70% in 2013; (3) both testing rate and ART coverage increasing to 90% in 2013; and (4) both testing rate and ART coverage increasing gradually every year until 90% since 2013.


Based on our model, if the HIV test-and-treat policy was implemented among Chinese MSM, the total number of HIV new infections over 10 years (2013-2022) would be reduced by 50.6-70.9% compared with the current policy. When ART coverage for PLWHA increased to 58% since 2013, the ‘turning point’ would occur on the curve of HIV new infections by 2015. A 25% reduction in annual number of HIV new infections by 2015 might be achieved if the testing rate increased from 50% to 70% and treatment coverage for PLWHA increased to 55% since 2013.


Implementation of the test-and-treat strategy may significantly reduce HIV new infections among MSM in China. Great efforts need to be made to scale up HIV testing rate and ART coverage among Chinese MSM.  相似文献   

To study the future course of the AIDS epidemic in Mexico City, we use an open compartmental model to forecast new AIDS cases among homosexual and bisexual males and among heterosexual males and females. For each group three compartments are defined: uninfected persons, infected but asymptomatic persons, and persons diagnosed with AIDS. It is assumed that the AIDS epidemic will follow the propagation of infectious disease model, where spread of infection is proportional to the product of the number of healthy persons and the number of infected ones. The compartmental model is represented by a system of nonlinear differential equations describing the rate of change in the number of persons in each compartment. The impact of preventive measures is explored by decreasing the probability of HIV transmission, which is one of the model parameters representing behavioral patterns. By April 1989, 491 AIDS cases had been reported in Mexico City and classified as sexually related. Our model predicts that the AIDS incidence will continue to rise in Mexico City for the foreseeable future and will spread among the heterosexual population. Decreasing the transmission probability by 10% in all groups (through education programs) will result in a decrease of 18.1% in the number of accumulated cases over a 5-year period. A 20% decrease would prevent more than 31% of the cases. We conclude that mathematical models can be valuable in predicting the spread of the AIDS epidemic and the impact of behavioral change on its spread.  相似文献   

Since testing for HIV infection became possible in 1985, testing of pregnant women has been conducted primarily on a voluntary, 'opt-in' basis. Faden, Geller and Powers, Bayer, Wilfert, and McKenna, among others, have suggested that with the development of more reliable testing and more effective therapy to reduce maternal-fetal transmission, testing should become either routine with 'opt-out' provisions or mandatory. We ask, in the light of the new rapid tests for HIV, such as OraQuick, and the development of antiretroviral treatment that can reduce maternal-fetal transmission rates to <2%, whether that time is now. Illustrating our argument with cases from the United States (US), Kenya, Peru, and an undocumented Mexican worker in the US, we show that when testing is accompanied by assured multi-drug therapy for the mother, the argument for opt-out or mandatory testing for HIV in pregnancy is strong, but that it is problematic where testing is accompanied by adverse events such as spousal abuse or by inadequate intrapartum or follow-up treatment. The difference is not a 'double standard', but reflects the presence of conflicts between the health interests of the mother and the fetus--conflicts that would be abrogated by the assurance of adequate, continuing multi-drug therapy. In light of these conflicts, where they still occur, careful processes of informed consent are appropriate, rather than opt-out or mandatory testing.  相似文献   

We summarize information from three sets of epidemiologic data: the Nevada AIDS [acquired immunodeficiency syndrome] Surveillance System, which contains information about every case identified within the state boundaries through September 1989; the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) seroprevalence reporting systems, which currently include data on all HIV-positive reports submitted statewide to public health authorities; and surveys on the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of Nevadans concerning HIV-related disease. The Nevada State AIDS Task Force outlined major policy recommendations, nearly half of which concerned testing; only 2 dealt with preventing HIV transmission. Greater efforts should go into education, particularly directed toward groups at greatest risk of exposure to HIV, and to improve community-based care of infected persons.  相似文献   

Preventing and managing the HIV/AIDS epidemic in South Africa will dominate the next decade and beyond. Reduction of new HIV infections by implementing a comprehensive national HIV prevention programme at a sufficient scale to have real impact remains a priority. In this paper, a deterministic HIV/AIDS model that incorporates condom use, screening through HIV counseling and testing (HCT), regular testing and treatment as control strategies is proposed with the objective of quantifying the effectiveness of HCT in preventing new infections and predicting the long-term dynamics of the epidemic. It is found that a backward bifurcation occurs if the rate of screening is below a certain threshold, suggesting that the classical requirement for the basic reproduction number to be below unity though necessary, is not sufficient for disease control in this case. The global stabilities of the equilibria under certain conditions are determined in terms of the model reproduction number R0. Numerical simulations are performed and the model is fitted to data on HIV prevalence in South Africa. The effects of changes in some key epidemiological parameters are investigated. Projections are made to predict the long-term dynamics of the disease. The epidemiological implications of such projections on public health planning and management are discussed.  相似文献   

HIV infection is the serious medical and public health issue of present generation. By 2005, it has already infected a cumulative total of more than sixty million people worldwide and the number of HIV positive cases are rising day by day. India is currently estimated to have about 5.1 million infected persons with HIV-1 or AIDS (second only to South Africa) and this number could increase to 24 million in the next ten years. This pandemic situation of the AIDS stimulated a plethora of longitudinal cohort studies which are designed to document medical heterogeneity as well as to mitigate the factors that regulate the HIV-1 infection, disease progression and the immune defenses. In recent years these genetic studies have led to the discovery of various MHC and non MHC encoded genes, which directly or indirectly influence the susceptibility and resistance to HIV infection and AIDS. These genes and their mutated forms and their products which play a major role in determining the susceptibility or resistance to HIV-1 infection and AIDS. These genes have been categorized into MHC or non MHC encoded genes. The MHC encoded genes which determine HIV resistance or susceptibility are HLA-B57, HLA-B58, HLA-B27, HLA-Bw4 and HLA-A11 in Southeast Asians. On the other hand, non MHC encoded genes are CCR5, CCR2, RANTES, CXCL12, CXCR6, CCL3L1, Interleukin-10 (IL-10), and interferon gamma. The site specific mutations in these genes determine the susceptibility or resistance to HIV-1 infection and AIDS. In future the study of host genes in relation to HIV-1 infection may provide the researchers to develop newer chemotherapeutic approaches to prevent or cure HIV-1 infection effectively.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development and challenge of HIV/AIDS testing laboratory network and quality assurance system in China. At present,the HIV/AIDS testing laboratories includes three classes,the National AIDS Reference Laboratory,HIV/AIDS confirmatory laboratories and HIV/AIDS screening laboratories. All of them are accredited by the health authorities,and each class of laboratories take charge of their function strictly according to the "National Management of HIV/AIDS Detection (2006)". A complete quality assurance and quality control system for HIV/AIDS testing has been developed,which includes technical training,strict laboratory monitoring and approval,examination or proficiency testing on HIV/AIDS detection,and quality evaluation and supervision of HIV/AIDS diagnostic kits. Besides conduct the routine anti-HIV antibody test,more and more laboratories began to conduct other tests,such as CD4 T lymphocyte cell counting,HIV viral load,HIV DNA PCR,genotyping,drug resistance,and HIV-1 recent infection test. The primary challenges faced by the HIV/AIDS testing laboratory network are in the areas of laboratory management and quality control. For example,the provincial PT program is inefficient,the internal quality control is conducted perfunctorily,personnel training can not met the needs of the workplace,which need to be improved.  相似文献   

Half of the 33.2 million people living with HIV today are women. Yet, responses to the epidemic are not adequately meeting the needs of women. This article critically evaluates how prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) programs, the principal framework under which women's health is currently addressed in the global response to AIDS, have tended to focus on the prevention of HIV transmission from HIV-positive women to their infants. This paper concludes that more than ten years after their inception, PMTCT programs still do not successfully ensure the adequate treatment, care and support of HIV-infected women. Of particular concern is the continued widespread use of single-dose nevirapine despite World Health Organization recommendations to employ more effective combination therapies that do not potentially jeopardize women's future treatment outcomes. In response, the article calls for a more comprehensive approach that places women's health needs at the centre of AIDS responses. This is critical in settings where the pandemic is generalized and there is a push to greatly expand PMTCT programs, as a more effective and equitable way of meeting the needs of women in the context of HIV. Without such a comprehensive approach, women will continue to be impacted disproportionately by the pandemic, and current strategies for prevention, including PMTCT, and treatment will not be as effective and responsive as they need to be.  相似文献   

Yan Jiang 《中国病毒学》2007,22(6):434-442
This paper describes the development and challenge of HIV/AIDS testing laboratory network and quality assurance system in China. At present, the HIV/AIDS testing laboratories includes three classes, the National AIDS Reference Laboratory, HIV/AIDS confirmatory laboratories and HIV/AIDS screening laboratories. All of them are accredited by the health authorities, and each class of laboratories take charge of their function strictly according to the “National Management of HIV/AIDS Detection (2006)”. A complete quality assurance and quality control system for HIV/AIDS testing has been developed, which includes technical training, strict laboratory monitoring and approval, examination or proficiency testing on HIV/AIDS detection, and quality evaluation and supervision of HIV/AIDS diagnostic kits. Besides conduct the routine anti-HIV antibody test, more and more laboratories began to conduct other tests, such as CD4+T lymphocyte cell counting, HIV viral load, HIV DNA PCR, genotyping, drug resistance, and HIV-1 recent infection test. The primary challenges faced by the HIV/AIDS testing laboratory network are in the areas of laboratory management and quality control. For example, the provincial PT program is inefficient, the internal quality control is conducted perfunctorily, personnel training can not met the needs of the workplace, which need to be improved. Foundation item: MOH Program on Applied Research in the Prevention and Treatment of AIDS (WA 2003-17)  相似文献   

Despite growing worldwide commitment to large‐scale ecosystem restoration, national public policies on restoration are few, and those that exist tend to be vague. Brazil and especially São Paulo state stand out. In a pioneering attempt to improve restoration projects and their outcomes, the Secretariat for the Environment of the State of São Paulo has enacted a legal instrument to drive planning and to assess whether the goals and targets of mandatory ecological restoration are being achieved. Regardless of the restoration techniques applied, the effectiveness of mandatory or public‐funded projects will henceforth be assessed by using three ecological indicators: (1) ground coverage with native vegetation; (2) density of native plants spontaneously regenerating; and (3) number of spontaneously regenerating native plant species. We analyze how this science‐based legal framework is expected to promote greater restoration success, improve cost‐effectiveness, and help bridge the all‐too‐familiar knowledge‐action gap in environmental policies. Notably, scientists, professionals, public agents, and stakeholders from different institutions have collaborated to advance the refinement and rolling out of this legal instrument. By 2037, it is expected that more than 300,000 restoration projects will be carried out in São Paulo state and monitored using this set of indicators. We also suggest that this approach could be usefully applied to the growing number of ecological restoration programs being carried out worldwide, especially in the context of offset policies intended to achieve serious compensation for environmental degradation or loss of biodiversity.  相似文献   

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