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The developmental sequence of morphological characteristics related to swimming and feeding functions was investigated in hatchery-reared larvae and juveniles ofSebastes schlegeli, a viviparous scorpaenid. The fish were extruded at an early larval stage, when the mean body size was 6.23 mm TL. Fin-ray rudiments became visible at 9.0 mm TL in the dorsal and anal fins, at 8.0 mm TL in the pectoral and pelvic fins and 6.0 mm TL (size at extrusion) in the caudal fin. Completion of segmentation of soft rays in the dorsal and anal fins was attained by 14 mm TL and in all fins by 17 mm TL. Branching of soft rays in the respective fins started and was completed considerably later than the completion of segmentation, as well as ossification of the fin-supports. Morphological transformation from larva to juvenile was apparently completed by about 17 mm TL. Although the completion of basic juvenile structures was attained by transformation at that body size, succeeding morphological changes occurred between 17 mm and 32 mm TL. Newly-extruded larvae possessed one or two teeth on the lower pharyngeal and pharyngobranchials 3 and 4, but lacked premaxillary, dentary, palatine and prevomer teeth. The fish attained full development of gill rakers and gill teeth by 15 mm TL, the upper and lower pharyngeal teeth subsequently developing into a toothplate. Development of the premaxillary, dentary and palatine teeth was completed at about 30 mm TL, by which time loop formation of the digestive canal and the number of pyloric caeca had attained the adult condition. The developmental sequence of swimming and feeding functions during larval and early juvenile periods appeared to proceed from primitive functions to advanced or complex ones, from the ability to produce propulsive force to that of swimming with high maneuverability and from development of the irreducible minimum function of passing food into the stomach to the ability to actively capture prey via passive food acquisition with the gill rakers and gill teeth. The relationship of morphological development to the behavior and feeding activity of artificially-produced hatchlings is also discussed.  相似文献   

长江口及其毗邻海域鱼类群落优势种生态位宽度与重叠   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
根据“北斗号”调查船2006年6月、8月和10月在长江口及其毗邻海域进行渔业资源底拖网调查的资料,通过相对重要性指数确定鱼类群落优势种,对优势种的生态位测度指标及季节变化进行分析.结果表明:3航次的优势种共有10种,它们的生态位宽度和生态位重叠指标呈现出明显的季节性变化,通过Bray-Curtis相似性聚类与非度量多维标度(MDS)分析可分为两组.第一组为鳀鱼、鳄齿鱼、发光鲷,其生态位宽度和生态位重叠指标夏季大于秋季,呈现出由夏季到秋季从长江口及其毗邻海域向外部深水区移动的趋势;第二组为带鱼、矛尾虾虎鱼、细条天竺鲷、小黄鱼、刺鲳、白姑鱼、七星底灯鱼,其生态位宽度和生态位重叠指标秋季大于夏季,呈现出由夏季到秋季从黄海南部和东海北部水域向长江口及其毗邻海域移动的趋势.这两组鱼类不同的移动趋势与其生态习性和环境因素有关.  相似文献   

长江口及其毗邻海域鱼类群落优势种的生态位宽度与重叠   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
根据“北斗号”调查船2006年6月、8月和10月在长江口及其毗邻海域进行渔业资源底拖网调查的资料,通过相对重要性指数确定鱼类群落优势种,对优势种的生态位测度指标及季节变化进行分析.结果表明: 3航次的优势种共有10种,它们的生态位宽度和生态位重叠指标呈现出明显的季节性变化,通过Bray-Curtis相似性聚类与非度量多维标度(MDS)分析可分为两组.第一组为鳀鱼、鳄齿鱼、发光鲷,其生态位宽度和生态位重叠指标夏季大于秋季,呈现出由夏季到秋季从长江口及其毗邻海域向外部深水区移动的趋势;第二组为带鱼、矛尾虾虎鱼、细条天竺鲷、小黄鱼、刺鲳、白姑鱼、七星底灯鱼,其生态位宽度和生态位重叠指标秋季大于夏季,呈现出由夏季到秋季从黄海南部和东海北部水域向长江口及其毗邻海域移动的趋势.这两组鱼类不同的移动趋势与其生态习性和环境因素有关.  相似文献   

Hypoxia and/or anoxia developed in the summer of 1995 and 1996 in the lower water layer in the Port of Sakai-Semboku, north Osaka Bay, causing an increase in sulfide content and a decrease in the redox potential of the bottom sediment. As a result, the number of benthic animal species was reduced and in the innermost part of the port no benthic animals were found. A jet stream pump system was installed at the Dejima Fishing Port, the innermost part of the Port of Sakai-Semboku to improve the oxygen conditions in the bottom waters. This led to an increase in percentage saturation of oxygen (ca. 10% increase) of the lower seawater layer along with an increase in richness and abundance of benthic fishes and crustaceans in the summer. These findings indicate that dissolved oxygen is a crucial environmental factor in the functioning of the port as a habitat for various benthic animals in north Osaka Bay. Based on the results of field surveys, the possibility of restoration of the benthic fauna by using a jet stream pump system is also discussed.  相似文献   

The economic value of ecosystem services of vegetated habitats (seagrass and macroalgal beds) has been estimated to be among the highest of the various ecosystems on earth. However, fish production has not been included in the evaluations due to the difficulty of quantitative estimation of fish production in the field. In the present study, annual production and economic value of wild juvenile black rockfish, Sebastes cheni, a dominant fish species in seagrass and macroalgal beds in the central Seto Inland Sea were estimated. Juvenile S. cheni migrated into vegetated habitats at about 20 mm total length (TL) and grew up to about 60 mm TL by late May. Juvenile abundance was highest in April (2007) or March (2008). Eight cohorts with the same extrusion period (each cohort covering a 10-day period) were identified using otolith daily increments. The annual estimates of S. cheni juvenile production were 13,080 g ha−1 year−1 in 2007 and 18,360 g −1 year−1 in 2008. Based on the unit price of artificially raised S. cheni juveniles, the economic value of the annual wild juvenile production was converted to 654,000 JPY (Japanese yen: 100 JPY = ca. 1 USD) ha−1 year−1 for 2007 and 918,000 JPY ha−1 year−1 for 2008. Analyses of stomach contents and stable isotope (δ13C or δ15N) showed that juvenile S. cheni were highly dependent on copepods. The planktonic trophic pathway originating from phytoplankton supports the majority of the juvenile black rockfish production during the post-migration period (20–60 mm TL) in the seagrass and macroalgal beds through the production of copepod zooplankton. The total economic value of the ecosystem services of the vegetated habitat is suggested to be much higher than estimates in previous studies if the provisioning and regulating services which originate from fish production were included in the estimates.  相似文献   

Gastropods Nucella heyseana were collected from 1999 to 2001 from different habitats in Vostok Bay (Sea of Japan). The spatial distribution, the seasonal and interannual dynamics, and the composition of aggregations of this mollusk were analyzed. In Vostok Bay, N. heyseana inhabits biotopes that are typical of this species and other members of the genus and sometimes forms aggregations with an unusually high density and biomass (up to 1690 spec/m2 and 3680 g/m2), thus exceeding 10–40 times the greatest values reported elsewhere for populations of the southern Kuril Islands and Pos'eta Bay (Sea of Japan). N. heyseana is a typical polyphagous predator, and its diet includes numerous species of the associated fauna of bivalve and gastropod mollusks (more than 30 species). The abundance, composition, and stability of local aggregations of N. heyseana are largely dependent on the abundance dynamics of its prey (primarily the most common species, such as Mytilus trossulus, Ruditapes philippinarum, Protothaca euglypta, and Littorina spp.). The opinion on the low density of N. heyseana in southern Primorye (Golikov, Kussakin, 1978) is probably based on a lack of information about the intertidal fauna of this region compared to the South Kuril Islands.  相似文献   

Data are presented on the food and gonadosomatic index of Pomatoschistus minutus obtained from the bycatch of a commercial shrimp trawler. P. minutus has a diverse diet including zooplankton and hyperbenthos but mainly epibenthic and benthic animals. During the spawning season males consumed high numbers of Pomatoschistus eggs, presumably after aggressive take–overs of territories. The food of P. minutus is compared to the food of P. lozanoi of the same size classes obtained from the same hauls. In the absence of data on predator and prey abundance the discussion on possible interference competition between the two species remains largely speculative.  相似文献   

The occurrence of eggs, pelagic larvae and juveniles, and settled juveniles of the dragonetRepomucenus valenciennei in Tokyo Bay, Japan, were investigated by plankton net and bottom trawl surveys between September 1990 and September 1991. Eggs, and pelagic larvae and juveniles appeared from April to November (spring to autumn), peaking in both spring and autumn. From the temporal pattern of egg and pelagic fish occurrence, and pelagic duration reported elsewhere (ca. one month), settlement could be predicted as occurring from late spring to autumn. However, settled juveniles appeared from August to December, with an abrupt peak in November. Aging from daily increments in the otoliths of settled recruits in 1990 indicated that the latter comprised individuals which had hatched between mid-September and early November (i.e. autumn cohort), implying that individuals which had hatched in spring to summer (April to August) were not recruited. Benthic hypoxia occurs widely in Tokyo Bay, from June to October each year, particularly in the northern part, which is the main nursery area ofR. valenciennei. The timing of dissolved oxygen recovery, and appearance of settled fish coincided closely (i.e. November), indicating that summer hypoxic conditions prevented the settlement of the spring cohort and hence recruitment to the population.  相似文献   

The relationships between the shell height of the predatory gastropod Cryptonatica janthostoma and the shell length of its typical prey, the bivalve Ruditapes philippinarum, and the diameter of the borehole on the prey shell resulting from a successful attack of the predator were experimentally found and assessed statistically. The shell height of C. janthostoma calculated retrospectively from the borehole diameter using the obtained relationships was 17–52 mm. The prey of C. janthostoma are burrowing bivalves, whose populations are affected by the predator to a varying degree. In populations of medium-sized mollusks (R. philippinarum, Protothaca euglypta, P. jedoensis, and others), C. janthostoma feeds on mollusks larger than 7–10 mm; in species with a shell length greater than 100 mm (Callista brevisiphonata, Saxidomus purpuratus), it eats specimens of 10–58 mm. C. janthostoma apparently has no effect on populations of small-sized mollusks (Anisocorbula venusta) and mollusks with an active avoidance response (Clinocardium californiense).  相似文献   

Ecology Letters (2010) 13: 1503-1514 ABSTRACT: The phylogenetic structure and distribution of functional traits in a community can provide insights into community assembly processes. However, these insights are sensitive to the spatial scale of analysis. Here, we use spatially explicit, neighbourhood models of tree growth and survival for 19 tree species, a highly resolved molecular phylogeny and information on eight functional traits to quantify the relative efficacy of functional similarity and shared ancestry in describing the effects of spatial interactions between tree species on demographic rates. We also assess the congruence of these results with observed phylogenetic and functional structure in the neighbourhoods of live and dead trees. We found strong support for models in which the effects of spatial neighbourhood interactions on tree growth and survival were scaled to species-specific mean functional trait values (e.g., wood specific gravity, leaf succulence and maximum height) but not to phylogenetic distance. The weak phylogenetic signal in functional trait data allowed us to independently interpret the static neighbourhood functional and phylogenetic patterns. We observed greater functional trait similarity in the neighbourhoods of live trees relative to those of dead trees suggesting that environmental filtering is the major force structuring this tree community at this scale while competitive interactions play a lesser role.  相似文献   

Cabral  J. A.  Mieiro  C. L.  Marques  J. C. 《Hydrobiologia》1998,382(1-3):41-51
We studied the relationships between a predator fish, Gambusia holbrooki, and its main food prey, within the content of a rice field food web. The influence of some environmental and biological factors on these trophic interactions, in combination with existent quantitative information, allowed us to evaluate the ecological viability of using a non-ionic surfactant, Genapol OXD-080, to control a plague caused by crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) populations in the rice fields. In the Lower Mondego River Valley, Portugal, G. holbrooki is abundant in rice fields. It feeds mainly on copepods, cladocerans and rotifers. Surface insects, such as aphids, collembolans, adult (imago) chironomids and other dipterans, are additional food. Large G. holbrooki consumed greater amounts of cladocerans and adult chironomids than other smaller size groups, while small fish prefered rotifers. Gravid females ate copepods, cladocerans, and adult chironomids and other dipterans in significantly greater amounts than immatures, males, and non-gravid females. Non-gravid females ate collembolans in significantly greater quantities than any other fish group. The population density of copepods, cladocerans, adult chironomids, and other dipterans, the area covered by aquatic vegetation, and water temperature all had significant effects on the total number of prey caught by G. holbrooki. In contrast, a negative correlation was found with rotifers, collembolans, aphids in higher densities, and of increased water volume, dissolved oxygen and pH. G. holbrooki holds a key intermediate position in the rice field food chain, feeding in large amounts of aquatic invertebrates and being eaten, in turn, by piscivores. With regard to the toxicity of Genapol OXD-080 on non-target organisms, LC50 values for G. holbrooki and some of its main prey were several times lower than the concentration necessary to decrease the activity of crayfish populations in the rice fields. Thus, Genapol OXD-080 could potentially cause greater damage to the local populations of non-target species and should not be used without taking precautions not to contaminate other important biological reservoirs, such as the rice field irrigation channels. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A variety of field studies suggest that sex change in animalsmay be more complicated than originally depicted by the size-advantagehypothesis. A modification of the size-advantage hypothesis,the expected reproductive success threshold model, proposesthat sperm competition and size-fecundity skew can stronglyaffect reproductive pay-offs. Size-fecundity skew occurs ifa large female's fecundity is markedly higher than the aggregateof the other members of her social group and, together withpaternity dilution from sperm competition, can produce situationsin which large females benefit by deferring sex change to smallerfemales. Deferral by large females can create sex-size distributionscharacterized by the presence of large females and small sex-changedmales, and it is precisely these distributions that the traditionalsize-advantage model cannot explain. We tested the predictionsof the new model with the bucktooth parrotfish, Sparisoma radians,on coral reefs in St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. Collectionsand spawning observations determined that the local environmentalregime of S. radians is characterized by pervasive sperm competition(accompanying 30% of spawns) and factors that can produce substantialsize-fecundity skew in social groups. Dominant male removalexperiments demonstrate that the largest females in social groupsoften do not change sex when provided an opportunity. Instead,smaller, lower-ranking females change sex when a harem vacancyarises. This pattern of sex change is in contrast to virtuallyall previous studies of social control of sex change in fishes,but provides strong support for the general predictions of theexpected reproductive success threshold model.  相似文献   

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