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The effects of certain drugs on metabolism of ammonia by the liver and kidneys in dogs were investigated by a technique in which both hepatic inflow and outflow bloods could be repeatedly sampled in unanesthetized healthy animals. Specific representatives of the classes of the drugs studied included thiopental (barbiturates), morphine (opiates and analgesics), promazine (tranquillizers), and chlorothiazide (oral diuretics).The three drugs commonly used as sedatives were all found to impair the ability of the liver to metabolize ammonia. The diuretic, by contrast, increased the amount of ammonia put into the systemic system by the kidneys. Ethanol appeared to have little or no direct effect on ammonia metabolism.The possibility exists that the occurrence of acute hepatic encephalopathy in patients with severe liver disease may be avoided in many cases if these drugs are administered with proper care. Results also indicated that current concepts of the pharmacological action of sedatives, opiates and tranquillizers may require revision.  相似文献   

Abstract: Liver failure, or shunting of intestinal blood around the liver, results in hyperammonemia and cerebral dysfunction. Recently it was shown that ammonia caused some of the metabolic signs of hepatic encephalopathy only after it was metabolized by glutamine synthetase in the brain. In the present study, small doses of methionine sulfoximine, an inhibitor of cerebral glutamine synthetase, were given to rats either at the time of portacaval shunting or 3–4 weeks later. The effects on several characteristic cerebral metabolic abnormalities produced by portacaval shunting were measured 1–3 days after injection of the inhibitor. All untreated portacaval-shunted rats had elevated plasma and brain ammonia concentrations, increased brain glutamine and tryptophan content, decreased brain glucose consumption, and increased permeability of the blood–brain barrier to tryptophan. All treated rats had high ammonia concentrations, but the brain glutamine content was normal, indicating inhibition of glutamine synthesis. One day after shunting and methionine sulfoximine administration, glucose consumption, tryptophan transport, and tryptophan brain content remained near control values. In the 3–4-week-shunted rats, which were studied 1–3 days after methionine sulfoximine administration, the effect was less pronounced. Brain glucose consumption and tryptophan content were partially normalized, but tryptophan transport was unaffected. The results agree with our earlier conclusion that glutamine synthesis is an essential step in the development of cerebral metabolic abnormalities in hyperammonemic states.  相似文献   

Excessive glutamine (Gln) synthesis in ammonia-overloaded astrocytes contributes to astrocytic swelling and brain edema, the major complication of hepatic encephalopathy (HE). Much of the newly formed Gln is believed to enter mitochondria, where it is recycled to ammonia, which causes mitochondrial dysfunction (a “Trojan horse” mode of action). A portion of Gln may increase osmotic pressure in astrocytes and the interstitial space, directly and independently contributing to brain tissue swelling. Here we discuss the possibility that altered functioning of Gln transport proteins located in the cellular or mitochondrial membranes, modulates the effects of increased Gln synthesis. Accumulation of excess Gln in mitochondria involves a carrier-mediated transport which is activated by ammonia. Studies on the expression of the cell membrane N-system transporters SN1 (SNAT3) and SN2 (SNAT5), which mediate Gln efflux from astrocytes rendered HE model-dependent effects. HE lowered the expression of SN1 at the RNA and protein level in the cerebral cortex (cc) in the thioacetamide (TAA) model of HE and the effect paralleled induction of cerebral cortical edema. Neither SN1 nor SN2 expression was affected by simple hyperammonemia, which produces no cc edema. TAA-induced HE is also associated with decreased expression of mRNA coding for the system A carriers SAT1 and SAT2, which stimulate Gln influx to neurons. Taken together, changes in the expression of Gln transporters during HE appear to favor retention of Gln in astrocytes and/or the interstitial space of the brain. HE may also affect arginine (Arg)/Gln exchange across the astrocytic cell membrane due to changes in the expression of the hybrid Arg/Gln transporter y+LAT2. Gln export from brain across the blood–brain barrier may be stimulated by HE via its increased exchange with peripheral tryptophan.  相似文献   

Dynamic phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of proteins are fundamental mechanisms utilized by cells to transduce signals. Whereas transduction by protein kinases has been a major focus of studies in the last decade, protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) enzymes emerge in this millenium as the most fashionable players in cellular signaling. Viral proteins target specific PP2A enzymes in order to deregulate chosen cellular pathways in the host and promote viral progeny. The observation that a variety of viruses utilize PP2A to alienate cellular behavior emphasizes the fundamental importance of PP2A in signal transduction. This review will primarily focus on discussing the uniqueness of PP2A regulation and uncovering the critical role played by protein-protein interactions in the modulation of PP2A signaling. Moreover, the place of PP2A in signaling pathways and its functional significance for human diseases will be discussed.  相似文献   

目的:探究循证护理在肝硬化肝性脑病护理中的临床应用价值.方法:回顾性分析2009年1月~2010年12月在我院就诊的50例肝硬化肝性脑病(HE)患者的临床资料,随机分为研究组和对照组,观察分析采用循证护理和常规护理的方法在HE护理中的效果.结果:研究组和对照组的有效率分别为84%、60%,将两组患者的有效率进行卡方检验,差异有统计学意义(X2=10.23,P<0.05).结论:循证护理在肝硬化肝性脑病护理中有重要的临床应用价值,值得在临床上推广应用.  相似文献   

Neurochemical Research - Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is a neuropsychiatric syndrome of both acute and chronic liver disease. As a metabolic disorder, HE is considered to be reversible and therefore...  相似文献   

Ammonia, amino acids (AA), and middle molecules (MM) have been implicated in the pathogenesis of experimentally induced acute hepatic coma in the pig. Hemodialysis (HD) using either a low- (Cuprophan = CU) or a high-permeability (polyacrylonitrile = AN 69) membrane has demonstrated the role of MM. Selective hemodialysis (SHD) of AA or NH3 and MM was performed by adding either NH3 (group I) or AA (group II) to the dialysate during AN 69 HD; for MM, SHD only was performed by adding NH3 and AA to the dialysate (group III). In group I the brain levels of tyrosine were similar to those in undialyzed animals with decreased striatal dopamine and decreased norepinephrine in the midbrain only. Brain tryptophan was higher than normal, but brain levels of 5-hydroxytryptamine and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HT, 5-HIAA) were within normal limits. In group II, despite an efficient NH3 clearance, brain NH3 levels were as high as in group I and did not correlate with plasma levels. Brain tyrosine (despite tyrosine overload of the dialysate) was lower than in group I; striatal dopamine decreased (but to a lesser extent than in group I), and norepinephrine was normal. Brain tryptophan was higher than normal, with an increase in brain 5-HT and 5-HIAA. In group III, results were similar to group I, except for a limited increase of 5-HT in the pons. Brain octopamine levels increased only in undialyzed and CU-HD animals, demonstrating a specific relation with MM. These experiments demonstrate the interrelationship between NH3 and neutral AA with regard to passage through the blood-brain barrier and to intracerebral metabolism.  相似文献   

Twenty-five years ago the author proposed new ideas of glycoprotein (GPs) and glycosphingolipid (GSLs) functions at the cell membrane. The GPs, apart from their glycan carrying capacity, were assumed to have specific, protein associated, functions. In contrast, GSLs such as those of globo and neolacto/lacto series, were considered to be energetically cheap membrane packing substances, filling in membrane spaces not covered with functional GPs. The terminal carbohydrate structures of the neolacto/lacto GSLs, i.e., sialic acid residues and ABH glycotopes, were postulated to have either regulatory or protective functions, respectively. A special active role was ascribed to terminal β-galactosyl residues of GSLs and GPs. Gangliosides were considered to be functional GSLs. In the present review the author discusses these old ideas in context of the contemporary knowledge and comes to the conclusion that they have not aged.  相似文献   



Storage of secondary metabolites with a putative defensive role occurs in the so-called mantle dermal formations (MDFs) that are located in the more exposed parts of the body of most and very likely all members of an entire family of marine mollusks, the chromodorid nudibranchs (Gastropoda: Opisthobranchia). Given that these structures usually lack a duct system, the mechanism for exudation of their contents remains unclear, as does their adaptive significance. One possible explanation could be that they are adapted so as to be preferentially attacked by predators. The nudibranchs might offer packages containing highly repugnant chemicals along with parts of their bodies to the predators, as a defensive variant of the strategic theme of the Trojan horse.

Methodology and Principal Findings

We detected, by quantitative 1H-NMR, extremely high local concentrations of secondary metabolites in the MDFs of six species belonging to five chromodorid genera. The compounds were purified by chromatographic methods and subsequently evaluated for their feeding deterrent properties, obtaining dose-response curves. We found that only distasteful compounds are accumulated in the reservoirs at concentrations that far exceed the values corresponding to maximum deterrent activity in the feeding assays. Other basic evidence, both field and experimental, has been acquired to elucidate the kind of damage that the predators can produce on both the nudibranchs'' mantles and the MDFs.


As a result of a long evolutionary process that has progressively led to the accumulation of defensive chemical weapons in localized anatomical structures, the extant chromodorid nudibranchs remain in place when molested, retracting respiratory and chemosensory organs, but offering readily accessible parts of their body to predators. When these parts are masticated or wounded by predators, breakage of the MDFs results in the release of distasteful compounds at extremely high concentration in a way that maximizes their repugnant impact.  相似文献   

Chronic liver failure induced by portocaval anastomosis (PCA) in Wistar rats resulted in a dramatic increase in histamine concentration in hypothalamus and a smaller, but clearly pronounced, elevation in the rest of brain. Between 10 and 120 days following surgery, shunted rats exhibited a histamine level 2.4- to 13-fold higher in hypothalamus and 1.5- to 2.5-fold higher in the rest of brain as compared to their control, sham-operated pairs. There were no significant changes in histamine concentration in the other examined tissues. The increase in brain histamine could not be attributed to the inhibition of its degradation, because activity of histamine N-methyltransferase remained unchanged for at least 40 days. Although the activity of histidine decarboxylase also remained unchanged when measured at a saturating concentration of L-histidine, the increase in histamine content in brain seems to be due to its enhanced synthesis brought about by increased availability of L-histidine in the tissue, as indicated by two to four times higher concentrations of this amino acid in PCA rats.  相似文献   

Patients with stupor or coma from fulminant hepatic failure were found to have high cerebrospinal fluid concentrations of homovanillic acid (HVA) and 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid (5-HIAA), metabolites of dopamine and serotonin respectively. Excessive amounts of their precursors—phenylalanine and tyrosine and free tryptophan—were found in the patients'' plasma. Methionine, which participates in dopamine degradation, was also much increased. Similar disturbances were found in patients suffering an acute exacerbation of chronic encephalopathy. These abnormalities would be consistent with other evidence of an increased turnover of serotonin and possibly dopamine in the brain during hepatic encephalopathy.  相似文献   

This year marks the 50th anniversary of a nearly forgotten hypothesis on aging by Leo Szilard, best known for his pioneering work in nuclear physics, his participation in the Manhattan Project during World War II, his opposition to the nuclear arms race in the postwar era, and his pioneering ideas in biology. Given a specific set of assumptions, Szilard hypothesized that the major reason for the phenomenon of aging was aging hits, e.g., by ionizing radiation, to the gene-bearing chromosomes and presented a mathematical target-hit model enabling the calculation of the average and maximum life span of a species, as well as the influence of increased exposure to DNA-damaging factors on life expectancy. While many new findings have cast doubt on the specific features of the model, this was the first serious effort to posit accumulated genetic damage as a cause of senescence. Here, we review Szilard's assumptions in the light of current knowledge on aging and reassess his mathematical model in an attempt to reach a conclusion on the relevance of Szilard's aging hypothesis today.  相似文献   

目的建立肝性脑病(HE)动物模型。方法应用四氯化碳联合酒精自饮法制作慢性肝功能衰竭引起HE发生的模型,进行迷宫试验、脑电图、血液生化、形态学、行为活动观察等检测。结果 1.肉眼下可见模型组肝脏普遍肿大,表面较粗糙,有较粗的颗粒,暗红色;正常组肝脏未见异常。模型组肝内有大量纤维增生,肝细胞溶解,弥漫性大片坏死,残留肝细胞成片气球样变。2.与对照组大鼠比较,造模组第九周水迷宫测试逃避潜伏期明显延长,以潜伏期延长超过正常x+2.5 s为标准,本实验有14/20(55%)只大鼠水迷宫潜伏期明显延长;3.HE模型组血氨浓度明显高于正常对照组,组间比较差异有显著性(P〈0.01);4.正常组脑电图以α波为主,无明显异常;模型组出现肝性脑病变化。结论 1.建立了肝硬化合并肝性脑病较为理想的动物模型;2.水迷宫测试联合检测更易检出HE。  相似文献   

The chemokine receptor CCR5 has been the focus of intensive studies since its role as a coreceptor for HIV entry was discovered in 1996. These studies lead to the development of small molecular drugs targeting CCR5, with maraviroc becoming in 2007 the first clinically approved chemokine receptor inhibitor. More recently, the apparent HIV cure in a patient transplanted with hematopoietic stem cells devoid of functional CCR5 rekindled the interest for inactivating CCR5 through gene therapy and pharmacological approaches. Fundamental research on CCR5 has also been boosted by key advances in the field of G-protein coupled receptor research, with the realization that CCR5 adopts a variety of conformations, and that only a subset of these conformations may be targeted by chemokine ligands. In addition, recent genetic and pathogenesis studies have emphasized the central role of CCR5 expression levels in determining the risk of HIV and SIV acquisition and disease progression. In this article, we propose to review the key properties of CCR5 that account for its central role in HIV pathogenesis, with a focus on mechanisms that regulate CCR5 expression, conformation, and interaction with HIV envelope glycoproteins.  相似文献   

The mammalian olfactory system utilizes three large receptor families: the olfactory receptors (ORs) of the main nose and the vomeronasal type-1 and type-2 receptor genes (V1Rs and V2Rs) of the vomeronasal organ. We find that these loci are among the most long interspersed nuclear element (LINE)-dense regions of mammalian genomes. We investigate two evolutionary models to account for this cohabitation. First, we investigate an adaptive selection model, in which LINEs have contributed to expansions of mouse V1R repertoires. We find that even evolutionarily stable V1R loci are exceptionally LINE-rich compared to other genome loci, including loci containing other large gene clusters. Also, a more detailed analysis of specific V1R duplications does not reveal LINE patterns predicted by common LINE-mediated duplication mechanisms. Next, we investigate neutral models, in which LINEs were tolerated by, but not advantageous for, surrounding V1R genes. We find that V1R loci are exceptionally LINE-rich compared to other regions of similar AT base composition, and that duplicated V1R gene blocks are generally depleted of LINE elements, suggesting that these loci did not become densely populated with LINEs simply as a consequence of targeted integration or passive multiplication along with the genes. Finally, we show that individual LINE repeats of a given age at V1R, V2R, and OR loci exhibit a significantly longer average length than at other autosomal loci, suggesting a reduced tendency for these LINEs to be disrupted. We speculate that LINEs at V1R, V2R, and OR loci might be selectively retained because they contribute to allelic regulation of these three gene families. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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