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Re-evaluating the role of selective abscission in moth/yucca mutualisms   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Conflicts of interest are common to mutualisms, particularly those derived from exploitative interactions. Conflicts of interest are particularly pronounced in pollination/seed predation mutualisms, such as moth/yucca interactions, where consumption of seeds by larvae of a plant's pollinator will raise the fitness of the pollinator but lower the fitness of the plant. A central question in these mutualisms is, therefore, “what limits seed predation?” If plants with excess flowers selectively abscise flowers containing many eggs, they may reduce seed predation and overall increase their fecundity. If eggs in abscised flowers die, selective abscission may additionally contribute to the limitation or regulation of pollinator populations, thereby decreasing the probability of future overexploitation. We examined the effect of selective abscission in the mutualism between Yucca kanabensis and one of its pollinating moths, Tegeticula altiplanella. Per capita mortality of moth eggs due to abscission was high (95.5%), but did not increase on inflorescences with more ovipositions per flower. Overall mortality was partitioned into two components based upon the proportion of visited flowers abscised (i.e. resource‐limitation) and additional mortality (=selective abscission). Resource‐limitation per se inflicted 93.9% egg mortality, or most of the mortality due to abscission. But, the average number of eggs in fruit was lower than the average number of eggs in flowers, indicating that there was some selectivity of abscission. However, neither source of mortality increased on inflorescences with more ovipositions per visited flower. Egg mortality resulting from selective abscission was not as high as possible, because the yuccas appeared to use oviposition‐damaged ovules as a cue for selective abscission, and there was considerable variation in the relationship between oviposition number and damaged ovules. However, even if yuccas had retained the flowers containing the fewest eggs, selective abscission still would not have been higher on inflorescences with more ovipositions per flower. Considering also that, 1) number of ovipositions is a poor predictor of the number of larvae that hatch and feed on the developing seeds in a fruit and that, 2) there are several moth/yucca interactions in which selective abscission does not occur, we conclude that abscission, and particular selective abscission, may have density‐limiting effects on moth populations, but will fail as general explanations for regulating the dynamics of moth populations.  相似文献   

In pollination–seed predation mutualisms between yuccas and yucca moths, conflicts of interest exist for yuccas, because benefits of increased pollination may be outweighed by increased seed consumption. These conflicts raise the problem of what limits seed consumption, and ultimately what limits or regulates moth populations. Although the current hypothesis is that yuccas should selectively abscise flowers with high numbers of yucca-moth eggs, within-inflorescence selective abscission occurs in only one of the three moth–yucca systems that we studied. It occurs only when oviposition directly damages developing ovules, and does not, therefore, provide a general explanation for the resolution of moth–yucca conflicts. Within-locule egg mortality provides an alternative and stronger mechanism for limiting seed damage, and generating density-dependent mortality for yucca-moth populations. However, the most important feature of moth–yucca systems is that they are diverse, encompassing multiple modes of interaction, each with different consequences for limiting and regulating yucca moths.  相似文献   

Marr DL  Pellmyr O 《Oecologia》2003,136(2):236-243
The long-term persistence of obligate mutualisms (over 40 Mya in both fig/fig wasps and yucca/yucca moths) raises the question of how one species limits exploitation by the other species, even though there is selection pressure on individuals to maximize fitness. In the case of yuccas, moths serve as the plant's only pollinator, but eggs laid by the moths before pollination hatch into larvae that consume seeds. Previous studies have shown that flowers with high egg loads are more likely to abscise. This suggests that yucca flowers can select against moths that lay many eggs per flower through selective abscission of flowers; however, it is not known how yucca moths trigger floral abscission. We tested how the moth Tegeticula yuccasella triggers floral abscission during oviposition in Yucca filamentosa by examining the effects of ovipositor insertion and egg laying on ovule viability and floral abscission. Eggs are not laid at the site of ovipositor insertion: we used this separation to test whether wounded ovules were more closely associated with the ovipositor site or an egg's location. Using a tetrazolium stain to detect injured ovules, we determined whether the number of ovipositions affected the number of wounded ovules in naturally pollinated flowers. Two wounding experiments were used to test the effect of mechanical damage on the probability of floral abscission. The types of wounds in these experiments mimicked two types of oviposition-superficial oviposition in the ovary wall and oviposition into the locular cavity-that have been observed in species of Tegeticula. The effect of moth eggs on ovule viability was experimentally tested by culturing ovules in vitro, placing moth eggs on the ovules, and measuring changes in ovule viability with a tetrazolium stain. We found that ovules were physically wounded during natural oviposition. Ovules showed a visible wounding response in moth-pollinated flowers collected 7-12 h after oviposition. Exact location of wounded ovules relative to eggs and oviposition scars, as well as results from the artificial wounding experiments, showed that the moth ovipositor inflicts mechanical damage on the ovules. Significantly higher abscission rates were observed in artificially wounded flowers in which only 4-8% of the ovules were injured. Eggs did not affect ovule viability as measured by the tetrazolium stain. These results suggest that physical damage to ovules caused by ovipositing is sufficient to explain selective fruit abscission. Whether injury as a mechanism of selective abscission in yuccas is novel or a preadaptation will require further study.  相似文献   

The interaction between yucca plants and yucca moths has been one of the focal model systems investigated in the study of pollination mutualism and coevolution, especially in terms of understanding the prevention of overexploitation by mutualist partners. Yuccas have the ability to assess the number of eggs placed by pollinators into their ovaries, and can preferentially abort those flowers that would have many moth larvae consuming yucca seeds. Previous phylogenetic research identified a rapid radiation of moth species that corresponded with shifts in the interaction with their host plants. These shifts led to the evolution of moth species that circumvent the egg detection method used by yuccas to limit seed damage. In particular, some pollinator species deposit their eggs so that they are undetectable by the plants, whereas other species are ‘cheaters’ that have lost the ability to pollinate, yet deposit eggs into developing fruit rather than flowers. The evolution of these new species happened so quickly that the phylogeny of the moths has remained unresolved despite repeated attempts with standard Sanger sequencing of mtDNA loci and AFLP marker generation. Here, we use extensive analyses of RAD‐seq data to determine the phylogenetic relationships among yucca moth species. The results provide a robust phylogenetic framework that identifies the evolutionary relationships among shifts in egg‐laying strategies, as well as determining the closest pollinating relatives to the cheater species. Based on the obtained phylogeny, a shift in egg‐laying strategy that avoided the overexploitation regulatory mechanism used by yucca plants was a precursor for the evolution of two species with cheating behaviour.  相似文献   

Mutualisms are interactions from which both partners benefit but may collapse if mutualists’ costs and benefits are not aligned. Host sanctions are one mechanism whereby hosts selectively allocate resources to the more cooperative partners and thereby reduce the fitness of overexploiters; however, many mutualisms lack apparent means of host sanctions. In mutualisms between plants and pollinating seed parasites, such as those between leafflowers and leafflower moths, pollinators consume subsets of the seeds as larval food in return for their pollination service. Plants may select against overexploiters by selectively aborting flowers with a heavy egg load, but in many leafflower species, seeds are fully eaten in some fruits, suggesting that such a mechanism is not present in all species. Instead, the fruits of Breynia vitis-idaea have stalk-like structures (gynophore) through which early-instar moth larvae must bore to reach seeds. Examination of moth mortality in fruits with different gynophore lengths suggested that fruits with longer gynophore had higher moth mortality and, therefore, less seed damage. Most moth mortality occurred at the egg stage or as early larval instar before moths reached the seeds, consistent with the view that gynophore functions to prevent moth access to seeds. Gynophore length was unaffected by plant size, extent of moth oviposition, or geography; thus, it is most likely genetically controlled. Because gynophores do not elongate in related species whose pollinators oviposit directly into the ovary, the gynophore in B. vitis-idaea may have evolved as a defense to limit the cost of the mutualism.  相似文献   

The mutualisms between fig trees and their pollinator fig wasps and between yucca plants and yucca moths are spectacular examples of coevolution. The characteristics of these independently evolved mutualisms have resulted from long‐term processes, the first stages of which are unknown. A fundamental question in the study of mutualism is how these interactions evolve. Seed predator/pollinator and host plant interactions, which may initially be considered as mainly antagonistic, have the potential to provide good model systems for the study of the first stages of evolution towards mutualism. We present here theoretical models assessing the consequences of interactions between specialized seed predator insects and their host plants. These models describe the parameters that affect the fitness of an individual female seed predator and her influence on the fitness of the host plant. In an optimal strategy for the seed predator, the number of eggs laid in each flower depends on the interaction between the adult and larva survival. Along with a growing predation pressure on adults and larvae several eggs must be laid in each flower by the female seed predator to enhance her fitness. However, in a situation where the host plant selectively aborts flowers with a high number of eggs the fitness of the seed predator will seriously decrease. If the cost of selective abortion is less than the cost of seed predation the host plant will maintain fitness. In a mutualistic relationship a balance between the cost and the benefit of the parameters in the fitness models of the seed predator and the host plant has to occur so that the net seed output is larger than zero (0). Any unselfish behaviour or quality of the seed predator that would benefit the host plant in such a way that the net seed output increases might be a first stage in an interaction becoming mutualistic. The models presented here will not only provide a platform for empirical studies on interactions that may swing from parasitism to mutualism, but also for seed predator/pollinator and host plant interactions in general.  相似文献   

The origins of obligate pollination mutualisms, such as the classic yucca–yucca moth association, appear to require extensive trait evolution and specialization. To understand the extent to which traits truly evolved as part of establishing the mutualistic relationship, rather than being pre‐adaptations, we used an expanded phylogenetic estimate with improved sampling of deeply‐diverged groups to perform the first formal reconstruction of trait evolution in pollinating yucca moths and their nonpollinating relatives. Our analysis demonstrates that key life‐history traits of yucca moths, including larval feeding in the floral ovary and the associated specialized cutting ovipositor, as well as colonization of woody monocots in xeric habitats, may have been established before the obligate mutualism with yuccas. Given these pre‐existing traits, novel traits in the mutualist moths are limited to the active pollination behaviours and the tentacular appendages that facilitate pollen collection and deposition. These results suggest that a highly specialized obligate mutualism was built on the foundation of pre‐existing interactions between early Prodoxidae and their host plants, and arose with minimal trait evolution. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 847–855.  相似文献   

Anna Westerbergh 《Oikos》2004,105(3):564-574
Seed predator/pollinator and host plant interactions, which may be considered as antagonistic, have the potential to provide good model systems for the study of the early stages of evolution towards mutualism. I describe a relationship between a seed predator, the geometrid moth Perizoma affinitatum , and the dioecious plant Silene dioica . The moth is an obligate seed predator on its host plant. The searching and ovipositing behaviour of the female moths, number of eggs deposited per flower, the pollinating ability of the moths and the seed consumption by the larvae are described as different parameters and studied in two Finnish coastal populations. A high pollinating ability and limited seed consumption by the predator was found and discussed in relation to fitness models of P. affinitatum and S. dioica . In a mutualistic relationship there must be a balance between the costs and benefits so that the seed production by the moths is larger than the seed consumption by the larvae, given a net seed output larger than zero. The data of the parameters included in a seed production/consumption model give a positive seed output when the proportion of S. dioica flowers pollinated by other non-predating insects is less than 60%. Accordingly, even if P. affinitatum would become the exclusive pollinator it would not endanger the survival of the host plant and both partners would benefit from this interaction. Limited seed consumption, high pollinating ability and host specificity as seen in the P. affinitatum and S. dioica interaction are considered to have been important pre-existing qualities in the evolution of the obligate mutualisms between yucca and yucca moths and fig and fig wasps. In isolated serpentine populations where the gene flow is restricted and co-pollinators are rare the interaction between P. affinitatum and S. dioica has the potential to shift from parasitism to mutualism.  相似文献   

Chad J. Huth  Olle Pellmyr 《Oecologia》1999,119(4):593-599
Insect larvae such as those of yucca moths that feed on small, patchily distributed food items often face an elevated risk of intraspecific competition or cannibalism. For this reason, ovipositing females may assess a potential oviposition site for prior conspecific eggs or larvae before deciding whether to oviposit. Selective abortion of yucca flowers with high egg numbers prevents competition among larvae of the yucca moth Tegeticula yuccasella, but the same mechanism should select for female detection of and fewer ovipositions in flowers that already contain eggs. Female yucca moths presented with either virgin or previously visited flowers laid significantly fewer eggs in the latter flowers and pollinated them less often. A significant negative association was found between number of previous oviposition attempts in a flower and number of additional attempts by a female, suggesting a quantitative assessment of prior egg load, but the correlation coefficient was low. Factors contributing to this low correlation may include variation in signal quality, poor detection capability, uncertainty contributed by a variable oviposition attempt to egg ratio, and a variable response criterion based on recent female experience and physiological status. Females rationed their pollen by pollinating at decreasing frequency during a bout within a flower, and by depositing smaller pollen loads during later pollinations within a flower. Females ovipositing into a previously visited flower pollinated as frequently as would a first female for a given oviposition attempt within a flower, i.e., the probability of pollination after the nth oviposition was independent of whether it was performed by a first or a later moth. Experimental presentation of virgin flowers marked with a homogenate from female abdomens induced the same oviposition and pollination behavior as seen on previously visited flowers, suggesting the presence of a host-marking pheromone. Given that all eggs within a selectively aborted flower die, there may be selection among some yucca moths for providing a strong signal of floral egg status to conspecific females. Received: 1 December 1998 / Accepted: 7 February 1999  相似文献   

John F. Addicott 《Oecologia》1986,70(4):486-494
Summary Yucca moths are both obligate pollinators and obligate seed predators of yuccas. I measured the costs and net benefits per fruit arising for eight species of yuccas from their interaction with the yucca moth Tegeticula yuccasella. Yucca moths decrease the production of viable seeds as a result of oviposition by adults and feeding by larvae. Oviposition through the ovary wall caused 2.3–28.6% of ovules per locule to fail to develop, leaving fruit with constrictions, and overall, 0.6–6.6% of ovules per fruit were lost to oviposition by yucca moths. Individual yucca moth larvae ate 18.0–43.6% of the ovules in a locule. However, because of the number of larvae per fruit and the proportion of viable seeds, yucca moth larvae consumed only 0.0–13.6% of potentially viable ovules per fruit. Given both oviposition and feeding effects, yucca moths decreased viable seed production by 0.6–19.5%. The ratio of costs to (gross) benefits varied from 0% to 30%, indicating that up to 30% of the benefits available to yuccas are subsequently lost to yucca moths. The costs are both lower and more variable than in a similar pollinator-seed predator mutualism involving figs and fig wasps.There were differences between species of yuccas in the costs of associating with yucca moths. Yuccas with baccate fruit experienced lower costs than species with capsular fruit. There were also differences in costs between populations within species and high variation in costs between fruit within populations. High variability was the result of no yucca moth larvae being present in over 50% of the fruit in some populations, while other fruit produced up to 24 larvae. I present hypotheses explaining both the absence and high numbers of larvae per fruit.  相似文献   

The Costs of Mutualism   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mutualisms are of central importance in biological systems.Despite growing attention in recent years, however, few conceptualthemes have yet to be identified that span mutualisms differingin natural history. Here I examine the idea that the ecologyand evolution of mutualisms are shaped by diverse costs, notonly by the benefits they confer. This concept helps link mutualismto antagonisms such as herbivory, predation, and parasitism,interactions defined largely by the existence of costs. I firstbriefly review the range of costs associated with mutualisms,then describe how one cost, the consumption of seeds by pollinatoroffspring, was quantified for one fig/pollinator mutualism.I compare this cost to published values for other fig/pollinatormutualisms and for other kinds of pollinating seed parasitemutualisms, notably the yucca/yucca moth interaction. I thendiscuss four issues that fundamentally complicate comparativestudies of the cost of mutualism: problems of knowing how tomeasure the magnitude of any one cost accurately; problems associatedwith using average estimates in the absence of data on sourcesof variation; complications arising from the complex correlatesof costs, such as functional linkages between costs and benefits;and problems that arise from considering the cost of mutualismas a unilateral issue in what is fundamentally a reciprocalinteraction. The rich diversity of as-yet unaddressed questionssurrounding the costs of mutualism may best be investigatedvia detailed studies of individual interactions.  相似文献   

1. Mutualisms are relationships of mutual exploitation, in which interacting species receive a net benefit from their association. In obligate pollination mutualisms (OPMs), female pollinators move pollen between the flowers of a single plant species and oviposit eggs within the female flowers that they visit. 2. Competition between co‐occurring pollinator species is predicted to increase pollinator virulence, i.e. laying more eggs or consuming more seeds per fruit. Plants involved in OPMs frequently host various non‐pollinating seed parasites and parasitoids that may influence the outcome of the mutualism. Quantifying the prevalence of parasites and parasitoids and competition between pollinators is important for understanding the factors that influence OPM evolutionary stability. 3. This study investigated the pollination mutualism occurring between the leaf flower plant, Breynia oblongifolia, and its co‐pollinating Epicephala moths. A third moth, Herpystis, also occurs in B. oblongifolia fruits as a non‐pollinating seed parasite. 4. Breynia oblongifolia fruits were collected to quantify seed predation and compare seed predation costs between the three moth species. Results showed that the larvae of the two pollinator species consume similar numbers of seeds, and that adults deposit similar numbers of eggs per flower. As such, no evidence of increases in virulent behaviours was detected as a result of competition between co‐pollinators. 5. By contrast, the seed parasite Herpystis consumed more seeds than either pollinator species, and fruit crops with a high proportion of Herpystis had significantly lower net seed production. 6. This work adds to the growing understanding of the ecology and dynamics of plant–pollinator mutualisms.  相似文献   

Brood pollination mutualisms—interactions in which specialized insects are both the pollinators (as adults) and seed predators (as larvae) of their host plants—have been influential study systems for coevolutionary biology. These mutualisms include those between figs and fig wasps, yuccas and yucca moths, leafflowers and leafflower moths, globeflowers and globeflower flies, Silene plants and Hadena and Perizoma moths, saxifrages and Greya moths, and senita cacti and senita moths. The high reciprocal diversity and species‐specificity of some of these mutualisms have been cited as evidence that coevolution between plants and pollinators drives their mutual diversification. However, the mechanisms by which these mutualisms diversify have received less attention. In this paper, we review key hypotheses about how these mutualisms diversify and what role coevolution between plants and pollinators may play in this process. We find that most species‐rich brood pollination mutualisms show significant phylogenetic congruence at high taxonomic scales, but there is limited evidence for the processes of both cospeciation and duplication, and there are no unambiguous examples known of strict‐sense contemporaneous cospeciation. Allopatric speciation appears important across multiple systems, particularly in the insects. Host‐shifts appear to be common, and widespread host‐shifts by pollinators may displace other pollinator lineages. There is relatively little evidence for a “coevolution through cospeciation” model or that coevolution promotes speciation in these systems. Although we have made great progress in understanding the mechanisms by which brood pollination mutualisms diversify, many opportunities remain to use these intriguing symbioses to understand the role of biotic interactions in generating biological diversity.  相似文献   

Purposeful pollination of yucca by females of a moth that produces larvae that feed on some of the seeds is a classic example of plant-animal mutualism. Recent research has focused on the complex interspecific nature of this association. Pollinators are members of two genera with different oviposition and larval biologies. There appear to be several sibling species among populations of the pollinator that were formerly considered to be a single widespread generalist, and these may include sympatric nonpollinator 'cheaters'. Bogus yucca moths, members of a third genus, which neither transport pollen nor feed in the seed but depend upon the inflorescences, are niche specific and often host-species specific and include one leaf-mining species. Their larvae can spend many years in diapause before synchronized development.  相似文献   

This paper reports obligate seed-parasitic pollination mutualisms in Breynia vitis-idea and B. fruticosa (Phyllanthaceae). The genus Breynia is closely related to Glochidion and Gomphidium (a subgenus of Phyllanthus), in which pollination by species-specific, seed-parasitic Epicephala moths (Gracillariidae) have been previously reported. At night, female Epicephala moths carrying numerous pollen grains on their proboscises visited female flowers of B. vitis-idea, actively pollinated flowers, and each subsequently laid an egg. Examination of field-collected flowers indicated that pollinated flowers of B. vitis-idea and B. fruticosa almost invariably had Epicephala eggs, suggesting that these moths are the primary pollinators of the two species. Single Epicephala larvae consumed a fraction of seeds within developing fruit in B. vitis-idea and all seeds in B. fruticosa. However, some of the fruits were left untouched, and many of these had indication of moth oviposition, suggesting that egg/larval mortality of Epicephala moths is an important factor assuring seed set in these plants. The overall similarity of the specialized floral structure among Breynia species may indicate that this pollination system is fairly widespread within the genus.  相似文献   

Reciprocal specialization in interspecific interactions, such as plant-pollinator mutualisms, increases the probability that either party can have detrimental effects on the other without the interaction being dissolved. This should be particularly apparent in obligate mutualisms, such as those that exist between yucca and yucca moths. Female moths collect pollen from yucca flowers, oviposit into floral ovaries, and then pollinate those flowers. Yucca moths, which are the sole pollinators of yuccas, impose a cost in the form of seed consumption by the moth larvae. Here we ask whether there also is a genetic cost through selfish moth behavior that may lead to high levels of self fertilization in the yuccas. Historically, it has been assumed that females leave a plant immediately after collecting pollen, but few data are available. Observations of a member of the Tegeticula yuccasella complex on Yucca filamentosa revealed that females remained on the plant and oviposited in 66% of all instances after observed pollen collections, and 51% of all moths were observed to pollinate the same plant as well. Manual cross and self pollinations showed equal development and retention of fruits. Subsequent trials to assess inbreeding depression by measuring seed weight, germination date, growth rate, and plant mass at 5 months revealed significant negative effects on seed weight and germination frequency in selfed progeny arrays. Cumulative inbreeding depression was 0.475, i.e., fitness of selfed seeds was expected to be less than half that of outcrossed seeds. Single and multilocus estimates of outcrossing rates based on allozyme analyses of open-pollinated progeny arrays did not differ from 1.0. The discrepancy between high levels of behavioral self-pollination by the moths and nearly complete outcrossing in mature seeds can be explained through selective foreign pollen use by the females, or, more likely, pollen competition or selective abortion of self-pollinated flowers during early stages of fruit development. Thus, whenever the proportion of pollinated flowers exceeds the proportion that can be matured to ripe fruit based on resource availability, the potential detrimental genetic effects imposed through geitonogamous pollinations can be avoided in the plants. Because self-pollinated flowers have a lower probability of retention, selection should act on female moths to move among plants whenever moth density is high enough to trigger abortion. Received: 18 March 1996 \Accepted: 30 July 1996  相似文献   

Florivores are present in many pollination systems and can have direct and indirect effects on both plants and pollinators. Although the impact of florivores are commonly examined in facultative pollination mutualisms, their effects on obligate mutualism remain relatively unstudied. Here, we used experimental manipulations and surveys of naturally occurring plants to assess the effect of florivory on the obligate pollination mutualism between yuccas and yucca moths. Yucca filamentosa (Agavaceae) is pollinated by the moth Tegeticula cassandra (Lepidoptera: Prodoxidae), and the mutualism also attracts two florivores: a generalist, the leaf-footed bug Leptoglossus phyllopus (Hemiptera: Coreidae), and a specialist, the beetle Hymenorus densus (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Experimental manipulations of leaf-footed bug densities on side branches of Y. filamentosa inflorescences demonstrated that feeding causes floral abscission but does not reduce pollen or seed production in the remaining flowers. Similar to the leaf-footed bugs, experimental manipulations of beetle densities within individual flowers demonstrated that beetle feeding also causes floral abscission, but, in addition, the beetles also cause a significant reduction in pollen availability. Path analyses of phenotypic selection based on surveys of naturally occurring plants revealed temporal variation in the plant traits important to plant fitness and the effects of the florivores on fitness. Leaf-footed bugs negatively impacted fitness when fewer plants were flowering and leaf-footed bug density was high, whereas beetles had a positive effect on fitness when there were many plants flowering and their densities were low. This positive effect was likely due to adult beetles consuming yucca moth eggs while having a negligible effect on floral abscission. Together, the actions of both florivores either augmented the relationship of plant traits and fitness or slightly weakened the relationship. Overall, the results suggest that, although florivores are always present during flowering, the impact of florivores on phenotypic selection in yuccas is strongly mitigated by changes in their densities on plants from year to year. In contrast, both florivores consistently influenced pollinator larval mortality through floral abscission, and H. densus beetles additionally via the consumption of pollinator eggs.  相似文献   

Mutualisms are balanced antagonistic interactions where both species gain a net benefit. Because mutualisms generate resources, they can be exploited by individuals that reap the benefits of the interaction without paying any cost. The presence of such 'cheaters' may have important consequences, yet we are only beginning to understand how cheaters evolve from mutualists and how their evolution may be curtailed within mutualistic lineages. The yucca-yucca moth pollination mutualism is an excellent model in this context as there have been two origins of cheating from within the yucca moth lineage. We used nuclear and mitochondrial DNA markers to examine genetic structure in a moth population where a cheater species is parapatric with a resident pollinator. The results revealed extensive hybridization between pollinators and cheaters. Hybrids were genetically intermediate to parental populations, even though all individuals in this population had a pollinator phenotype. The results suggest that mutualisms can be stable in the face of introgression of cheater genes and that the ability of cheaters to invade a given mutualism may be more limited than previously appreciated.  相似文献   

Temporal changes in the pre‐ and post‐alighting responses of mated female diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella L. (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), to two species of Brassica (Brassicaceae) host plants induced by larval feeding were studied using olfactometer and oviposition assays. Females displayed strong olfactory and oviposition preferences for herbivore‐induced common cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L. cv. sugarloaf) plants over intact plants; these preferences decreased with time and disappeared by the 7th day after induction. In herbivore‐induced common cabbage plants, eggs were clustered near feeding damage on the younger leaves (leaves 5–7), whereas in intact plants, eggs were clustered on the stem and lower leaves (leaves 1–4) . However, as the time interval between larval feeding and oviposition increased, more eggs were laid on the lower leaves of induced plants. This demonstrates a change in egg distribution from the pattern associated with induced plants to that associated with intact plants. In contrast, females displayed strong olfactory and oviposition preferences for intact Chinese cabbage [Brassica rapa ssp. pekinensis (Lour.) Hanelt cv. Wombok] plants over induced plants; these preferences decreased with time and disappeared by the 5th day after induction. More eggs were laid on the upper leaves (leaves 4–6) than on the lower leaves (leaves 1–3) of intact Chinese cabbage plants at first, but the distribution changed over time until there were no significant differences in the egg count between upper and lower leaves by the 4th day post induction. For both host plant species, pre‐alighting responses of moths were reliable indicators of post‐alighting responses on the first 2 days post induction. The results suggest that temporal changes in a plant's profile (chemical or otherwise) following herbivory may influence attractiveness to an insect herbivore and be accompanied by changes in olfactory and oviposition preferences.  相似文献   

We report a new obligate pollination mutualism involving the senita cactus, Lophocereus schottii (Cactaceae, Pachyceereae), and the senita moth, Upiga virescens (Pyralidae, Glaphyriinae) in the Sonoran Desert and discuss the evolution of specialized pollination mutualisms. L. schottii is a night-blooming, self-incompatible columnar cactus. Beginning at sunset, its flowers are visited by U. virescens females, which collect pollen on specialized abdominal scales, actively deposit pollen on flower stigmas, and oviposit a single egg on a flower petal. Larvae spend 6 days eating ovules before exiting the fruit and pupating in a cactus branch. Hand-pollination and pollinator exclusion experiments at our study site near Bahia Kino, Sonora, Mexico, revealed that fruit set in L. schottii is likely to be resource limited. About 50% of hand-outcrossed and open-pollinated senita flowers abort by day 6 after flower opening. Results of exclusion experiments indicated that senita moths accounted for 75% of open-pollinated fruit set in 1995 with two species of halictid bees accounting for the remaining fruit set. In 1996, flowers usually closed before sunrise, and senita moths accounted for at least 90% of open-pollinated fruit set. The net outcome of the senita/senita moth interaction is mutualistic, with senita larvae destroying about 30% of the seeds resulting from pollination by senita moths. Comparison of the senita system with the yucca/yucca moth mutualism reveals many similarities, including reduced nectar production, active pollination, and limited seed destruction. The independent evolution of many of the same features in the two systems suggests that a common pathway exists for the evolution of these highly specialized pollination mutualisms. Nocturnal flower opening, self-incompatible breeding systems, and resource-limited fruit production appear to be important during this evolution. Received: 19 August 1997 / Accepted: 24 November 1997  相似文献   

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