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  • 1.1. Glycogen and galactogen contents of the albumen gland of the freshwater snail Lymnaea stagnalis were determined under different conditions, known to influence these polysaccharides viz egg laying, photoperiod and starvation.
  • 2.2. After oviposition, the galactogen content is restored within 32 hr, whereas glycogen remains constant during this period. Short-day photoperiods favour accumulation, long-day photoperiods induce depletion of glycogen. In contrast, the galactogen content is not affected by the photoperiod.
  • 3.3. Since glycogen and galactogen are present in the same cells of the albumen gland, the independent variation of these polysaccharides would imply the presence of separate intracellular regulation mechanisms.

Summary The neurosecretory system of the freshwater snail Bulinus truncatus was investigated. With the Alcian blue-Alcian yellow (AB/AY) staining method at least 10 different types of neurosecretory cells (NSC) were distinguished in the ganglia of the central nervous system. The differences in staining properties of the NSC — with AB/AY the cells take on different shades of green and yellow — are borne out at the ultrastructural level: the NSC types contain different types of neurosecretory elementary granules.The neurosecretory system of B. truncatus is compared to that of Lymnaea stagnalis, the species which has received the most attention among the pulmonates. It appears from the comparison that the systems of both species show many similarities, although some differences are also apparent.  相似文献   

Summary The Warburg's manometric technique was used to measure the rate of oxygen consumption of the second generation of laboratory-reared snails, Biomphalaria alexandrina and Bulinus truncatus at two temperatures of 25° and 30°C. The individual weight of the experimental snails ranged between 40 and 78 mg for B. alexandrina, between 60 and 90 mg for B. truncatus.At 25°C, the uninfected snails B. alexandrina consumed oxygen at an average rate of 0.096 ± 0.020 ml/g wet wt/hr. The rate of oxygen consumption increased to an average of 0.147 ± 0.008 ml/g wet wt/hr for uninfected snails maintained at 30°C (about 53 per cent increase). The average RW value for uninfected snails maintained at 25°C was 0.80.The snail Bulinus truncatus showed higher oxygen requirements than the snail Biomphalaria alexandrina. At 25°C, it consumed oxygen at an average rate of 0.124 ± 0.016 ml/g wet wt/hr. At 30°C, the rate of oxygen consumption reached a value of 0.220 + 0.006 ml/g wet wt/hr. The average RQ for Bulinus truncatus maintained at 25°C was 0.87.The rate of oxygen consumption of the schistosome — infected Biomphalaria alexandrina snails, maintained at 25°C decreased to an average rate of 0.059 ± 0.010 ml/g wet wt/hr, (an average of 39 per cent decrease). The respiratory quotient (RQ) also decreased to an average value of 0.58. Further research is suggested to clarify the metabolism of both schistosome-infected and uninfected snails.Read at the Ist African Symposium on Bilharziasis, Cairo Egypt, U.A.R., February, 1969.From the Laboratory of Bilharziasis Research, National Research Centre, Dokki, Egypt, U.A.R.  相似文献   

The extent of microsatellite size homoplasy, as well as its effect on several population genetics statistics, was investigated in natural populations using the single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) method. The analysis was conducted using 240 individuals from 13 populations of the freshwater snail Bulinus truncatus at a GT(n)CT(m) compound microsatellite locus. We showed that SSCP can be used to uncover, at least partly, size homoplasy in the core sequence of this category of loci. Eight conformers (SSCP variants) were detected among the three size variants (electromorphs). Sequencing revealed that each conformer corresponded to a different combination of repeats in the GT(n) and CT(m) arrays. Part of this additional variability was detected within populations, resulting in a substantial increase in gene diversity in four populations. Additional variability also changed the values of parameters used to analyze population differentiation among populations: pairwise tests of differentiation were significant much more often with conformers than with electromorphs. On the other hand, pairwise estimates of F(st) were either smaller or larger with conformers than with electromorphs, depending on whether or not electromorphs were shared among populations. However, estimates of F(st) (or analogs) over all populations were very similar, ranging between 0.66 and 0.75. Our results were consistent with the theoretical prediction that homoplasy should not always lead to stronger population structure. Finally, conformer sequences and electromorph size distribution suggested that single-point and/or stepwise mutations occurring simultaneously in the different repeated arrays of compound microsatellites produce sequence variation without size variation and hence generate more size homoplasy than expected under a simple stepwise mutation model.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Kinetic aspects of the enzyme UDP-galactose 4-epimerase in crude homogenates of the albumen gland of the snail Lymnae stagnalis were estimated. The mean values of the Km for UDP-galactose and for NAD are 0.343 and 0.097 mM, respectively. The enzyme is inhibited by NADH. It is inactivated by freezing and raised temperature (25°C), but it can be reactivated by NAD.
  • 2.2. In the albumen gland the epimerase activity is 10–100 times higher than in other tissues, reflecting the high turnover of glucose to galactose, essential for the synthesis of galactogen in this organ.
  • 3.3. In fed snails long day conditions stimulates albumen gland epimerase activity, coinciding with high egg production.
  • 4.4. In starved snails a fairly high residual activity of the enzyme is maintained, irrespective of photoperiod or egg production.
  • 5.5. Trematode infection leads to a considerable reduction of the epimerase activity.
  • 6.6. The results indicate that the epimerase activity in fed snails, when the gland shows a regular release, reflects long-term adaptations (photoperiod). In starved and parasitized snails, when no regular release or product occurs, a basic epimerase activity is maintained. This might be important for a rapid restoration of egg production after the termination of adverse conditions.

The reproductive tract of B. truncatus was investigated histologically in order to study possible effects of castration upon the accessory sex glands. In the female part of the reproductive tract—subdivided into albumen gland, oviduct, muciparous gland, oothecal gland, uterus, vagina and bursa copulatrix—13 histochemically different secretory cell types were distinguished. The majority produce different types of (acid) mucopolysaccharides. The roles of the various parts of the female tract in the production of an egg mass were elucidated by comparing the histochemistry of the egg mass to that of the female tract; the abundance and location of the cell types were also taken into account for this purpose.

The male part appeared to contain 12 histochemically different secretory cell types. These produce mainly (phospho lipoproteins together with some polysaccharides and neutral lipids.

Castration causes an acceleration of the growth of the snails. The volumes of female (albumen gland) and male (prostate gland) accessory sex glands were measured on histological sections. It appeared that growth of the albumen gland is not arrested by castration. This was not established beyond doubt for the prostate gland. The results suggest that the stimulating effects of the dorsal body hormone on the growth and synthetic capacity of the female accessory sex glands—such effects have been established for Lymnaea stagnalis—are not exerted via the ovotestis in B. truncatus.  相似文献   

The effects of starvation and refeeding on intestinal cell proliferation were studied in four sites of the mouse intestine. Control mice were studied at different times of day in order to compensate for any circadian variations in proliferation. A circadian rhythm in crypt cell production rate was observed in all the sites of the small intestine and colon, and this rhythm appeared to be entrained to the food intake. The fractional crypt cell production rate decreased in all sites of the intestine after 24 h starvation, and remained low until 9 h after refeeding, when there was a marked increase in the crypt cell production rate of all the small intestinal sites, especially the proximal sites. There was little change in colonic crypt cell production rate until 12 h after refeeding, when there was a large increase in cell production. The crypt cell production rate of all sites then returned to control values for the remainder of the investigation. Crypt cell number decreased after refeeding and villus cell number increased, however a similar effect was observed in the control animals, nevertheless the changes in villus cell population of the refed mice occurred before any increase in crypt cell production, suggesting that cell migration from crypt to villi is not immediately dependent on cell proliferation.  相似文献   

The secretory activity of the albumen gland of the freshwater snail Lymnaea stagnalis was studied morphometrically (both at the light- and at the electron-microscope level) and biochemically under the following experimental conditions: (1) glandular tissue was implanted into acceptor snails and the glandular activity of the implants was compared to that of the glands of the donors and acceptors; (2) glandular activity was measured at various periods after oviposition; and (3) the activity was measured during a 24 h cycle (diurnal activity). The results indicate that cellular release of secretion material is regulated by a nervous mechanism, whereas synthetic activity is under hormonal control.  相似文献   

The ontogenetic trajectory of plastic binary traits may provide valuable insights into their evolutionary rate of change. In this paper, the timing of the plastic response of a temperature-dependent sexual polymorphism, aphally, is investigated in the freshwater snail Bulinus truncatus. Aphally is defined as the loss of the male copulatory organ in otherwise hermaphroditic animals. Individuals from two inbred lines were switched at various times during their early development between 25 and 30 degrees C, and their phally status ascertained, in order to evaluate the parameters characterising the ontogenetic reaction norm of aphally to temperature. A series of nested models including parameters for the onset, offset, and the intensity of the response to temperature were fitted to the data, allowing for a wide range of reaction norms. One genotype did not show any variation in aphally ratio with switching temperature, while a switch-point model (onset and offset corresponding to the same developmental point in time) best fitted the second genotype. The results suggest that the plasticity of aphally is expressed before eggs hatch. Their consequences on the evolution of aphally are discussed. More generally, the methodology proposed here can be used to analyse variation in ontogenetic parameters of discrete traits.  相似文献   

R. Slootweg 《Oecologia》1987,74(2):193-202
Summary This paper considers prey size selection by four molluscivorous cichlids feeding on the intermediate host snail of Schistosoma parasites, Biomphalaria glabrata. Haplochromis ishmaeli obtains its prey by crushing the snails between the pharyngeal jaws, whereas H. xenognathus, H. sauvagei and Macropleurodus bicolor apply both pharyngeal crushing and oral shelling. The fishes crushed significantly more snails with the highest reward in biomass per second of crushing. Oral shelling occurred far less often than pharyngeal crushing. Encounter rates with prey showed significant variations between different size classes of prey. The fish have no overall knowledge of snail availability in a tank. The probability that a snail will be eaten at encounter, calculated from the number encountered and the number eaten, reflects the prey size preference of the fish. Those snails with the highest biomass/crushing-time ratio had the highest probability of being crushed; observed and predicted prey size preferences corresponded well. Although for oral shelling the potential reward in biomass per second is of the same magnitude as for crushing, the probability of successful shelling is very low. Apparently the fish prefer prey with lowest risks.  相似文献   

The potential role of selected biogenic monoamines and related compounds in the reproductive physiology of the freshwater snail Biomphalaria glabrata was investigated. Extracts of the albumen gland (AG), plasma, and central nervous system (CNS) were subjected to high pressure liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection (HPLC-ED), and under the extraction and separation conditions employed the following amines were detected: tyrosine, dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA), dopamine, and tryptophan in the AG; DOPA, tyrosine, and tryptophan in the plasma; DOPA, tyrosine, dopamine and 5-hydroxytryptamine in the CNS. These compounds were then quantified in individual samples taken from snails known to be in a particular stage of the egg-laying process. AG dopamine levels were highest in snails in the first stage of the reproductive process, when the AG is secreting perivitelline fluid around each fertilized ovum. Significant decreases in AG protein content during the later stages of the egg-laying process were also evident. Plasma tyrosine and DOPA levels were lowest in snails that contained a fully packaged egg mass, while no changes in monoamine content were observed in the CNS. These data provide insights into the role(s) that monoamines, especially catecholamine-related compounds, may play in B. glabrata reproductive physiology.  相似文献   


Bulinus truncatus is the intermediate host of Schistosoma haematobium, a trematode parasite causing bladder bilharziasis in man. In the struggle against this disease, control of snail populations is an important goal and expansion of our knowledge of the reproductive activity of Bulinus is relevant in this regard.

In this study the effects of various factors on the fecundity of Bulinus were investigated in specimens kept under continuous water refreshment conditions. The results are considered to be more indicative of the natural situation than results obtained under the current use of discontinuous water refreshment.

Isolated snails produce considerably higher numbers of egg masses and eggs than grouped snails. The effect of grouping on isolated snails, and the reverse situation, is very rapid, being fully effective within one week. The increase in fecundity of isolated snails is most probably caused by the absence of copulatory activity, since transfer of semen is known to curtail egg laying in freshwater pulmonate snails. Egg mass production was shown to decrease with increasing population density. This may be caused either by the difference in space available or by the possible difference in copulatory activity. Isolated snails showed a faster body growth than grouped snails.

The possible role of hormones involved in establishing the above effects and the consequences of the results for snail control programs are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study examines the particular metabolic strategies of the sturgeon Acipenser naccarii in facing a period of prolonged starvation (72 days) and subsequent refeeding (60 days) compared to the trout Oncorhynchus mykiss response under similar conditions. Plasma metabolites, endogenous reserves, and the activity of intermediate enzymes in liver and white muscle were evaluated. This study shows the mobilization of tissue reserves during a starvation period in both species with an associated enzymatic response. The sturgeon displayed an early increase in hepatic glycolysis during starvation. The trout preferentially used lactate for gluconeogenesis in liver and white muscle. The sturgeon had higher lipid-degradation capacity and greater synthesis of hepatic ketone bodies than the trout, although this latter species also showed strong synthesis of ketone bodies during starvation. During refeeding, the metabolic activity present before starvation was recovered in both fish, with a reestablishment of tissue reserves, plasmatic parameters (glucemia and cholesterol), and enzymatic activities in the liver and muscle. A compensatory effect in enzymes regarding lipids, ketone bodies, and oxidative metabolism was displayed in the liver of both species. There are metabolic differences between sturgeon and trout that support the contention that the sturgeon has common characteristics with elasmobranchs and teleosts.  相似文献   

Basal adenyl cyclase activity and its response to epinephrine and glucagon were studied in isolated adipocyte ghosts obtained from fed, starved, refed, and fat-diet-adapted rats. Epinephrine stimulation of adenyl cyclase was significantly increased in fasted rats, but the glucagon response did not change. Rats fasted for 48 hr and refed a high carbohydrate, low fat diet for 48 or 96 hr showed no differences from chow-fed animals in either basal or hormone-stimulated adenyl cyclase activity. Rats adapted to a high fat, low carbohydrate diet showed an initial and transitory increase in basal activity but a progressive loss of epinephrine- and glucagon-stimulated enzyme activities. The loss in hormone responsiveness correlated well with a decrease in hormone-stimulated lipolysis of fat pads and was associated with a significant increase in fat cell diameter.  相似文献   

Molluscicidal activity of B-2 (sodium 2,5-dichloro-4-bromophenol; called as Phebrol and registered in WHO as OMS 3012) was evaluated in a laboratory and the field trials were performed in two different localities in Yueyang city, China, for control of Oncomelania hupensis. B-2 was effective against O. hupensis both in the laboratory and in the field. A dosage of 50 g/m2 in 10% granular form or 20 ml/m2 in 25% liquid form of B-2 would be recommendable as a standard mollusciciding dose for control of O. hupensis.  相似文献   

Sexual polymorphisms are model systems for analyzing the evolution of reproductive strategies. However, their plasticity and other binary traits have rarely been studied, with respect to environmental variables. A possible reason is that, although threshold models offer an adequate quantitative genetics framework for binary traits in a single environment, analyzing their plasticity requires more refined empirical and theoretical approaches. The statistical framework proposed here, based on the environmental threshold model (ETM), should partially fill this gap. This methodology is applied to an empirical dataset on a plastic sexual polymorphism, aphally, in the snail Bulinus truncatus. Aphally is characterized by the co-occurrence of regular hermaphrodites (euphallics) together with hermaphrodites deprived of the male copulatory organ (aphallics). Reaction norms were determined for 40 inbred lines, distributed at three temperatures, in a first experiment. A second experiment allowed us to rule out maternal effects. We confirmed the existence of high broad-sense heritabilities as well as a positive effect of high temperatures on aphally. However a significant genotype-by-environment interaction was detected for the first time, suggesting that sexual plasticity itself can respond to selection. A nested series of four ETM-like models was developed for estimating genetical effects on both mean aphally rate and plasticity. These models were tested using a maximum-likelihood procedure and fitted to aphally data. Although no perfect fit of models to data was observed, the refined versions of ETM models conveniently reduce the analysis of complex reaction norms of binary traits into standard quantitative genetics parameters, such as genetic values and environmental variances.  相似文献   

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