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Induction of CTL responses to alloantigens by a Db-specific T helper clone   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A T cell helper clone was derived 2 yr ago from a mixed lymphocyte culture. This clone, referred to as clone 9, was propagated in interleukin 2 (IL 2)-containing medium in the presence of irradiated stimulator and irradiated syngeneic spleen cells. Clone 9 was of H-2d origin and was found to be Thy-1+ and Lyt-1-2-. Clone 9, as well as supernatant factor(s) derived from it, were able to enhance the primary cytotoxic responses of Db responder cells to alloantigens. Furthermore, clone 9 cells or its factor(s) were only active when added during the first 24 hr of a 5-day culture period. When a low stimulator cell dose (10(4) cells per 0.2 ml culture) was used, it was possible to demonstrate that clone 9 also required a source of irradiated allogeneic splenic accessory cells to exert its helper action. Under these conditions, clone 9 or its factor(s) could also synergize with IL 2-containing medium in mounting cytotoxic responses to alloantigens. Synergy between IL 2-containing medium and clone 9 or its factor(s) was observed only when Db responder cells were used. The helper activity in clone 9 supernatant was also specifically absorbed out by Con A-stimulated Db spleen cell blasts. Preincubation with clone 9 supernatant for 1 hr at room temperature also led to enhanced cytotoxic responses of Db responder cells to alloantigens. Clone 9 supernatant was also found to be devoid of detectable IL 2 activity. Thus, clone 9 or its helper factor(s) appear to exert its helper activity by an early interaction with Db cytotoxic T lymphocyte precursors (CTL-P).  相似文献   

The relationship between the T cell receptor (TcR) for antigen (Ag) and the Lyt-2/3 molecule during T cell activation was studied using the T cell clone KB5.C20, which is dependent upon Lyt-2 for target cell killing. This cytolytic T cell clone can be activated to secrete IFN-gamma by stimulation with H-2Kb expressing cells or with monoclonal antibodies directed against a clonotypic structure of the TcR or against associated CD3 molecules. IFN-gamma production induced by H-2Kb can be inhibited by anti-Lyt-2mAb. In addition, TcR-mediated activation using the anticlonotypic mAb Désiré-1 in soluble form can be inhibited by anti-Lyt-2 mAb in soluble form either as a divalent IgG or as its monovalent Fab fragment. Anti-Lyt-2 mAb immobilized on plastic wells was also inhibitory. Stimulation induced by the anti-TcR mAb or by anti-CD3 mAb immobilized on plastic can be inhibited only with plastic immobilized and not with soluble anti-Lyt-2mAb, however. These results are discussed in terms of local interactions between TcR and Lyt-2 molecules.  相似文献   

CTL clone 2C recognizes the allogeneic class I MHC molecule L(d) in association with peptides derived from alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase (oxoglutarate dehydrogenase (OGDH)), a ubiquitous intracellular protein. One of these peptides, QLSPFPFDL (QL9), elicits more vigorous cytolytic responses than two previously identified naturally processed peptides with overlapping sequences, LSPFPFDL (p2Ca) and VAITRIEQLSPFPFDL (p2Cb), from OGDH. In this study, we show that QL9 forms a more stable complex with cell surface L(d) than does p2Ca or p2Cb and is processed from the longer, naturally occurring peptide p2Cb by 20S proteosomes in vitro. The N-terminal cyclized pyroglutaminyl QL9 (pyroQL9), a form of QL9 to which it is converted at the low pH used for peptide isolation from tissue extracts, is even more active than QL9 in cytotoxicity assays with 2C CTL. Overall, the results indicate that along with the abundant natural peptides p2Ca and p2Cb, the QL9 and other OGDH peptides of various lengths, sharing a conserved C-terminal sequence, are also processed and presented with L(d) as allogeneic ligands for T cells expressing 2C TCR. All these peptides, each available in a low amount, could act in concert at the cell surface, resulting in a high density of cognate ligands that accounts for the exceptionally potent cytolytic response by 2C CTL.  相似文献   

Alloreactive, human T cell clones were derived from an HLA-DPw1-specific primed lymphocyte typing cell line by limiting dilution. The specificities of the clones were analyzed with allogeneic stimulator cells and in family segregation studies. One clone, TLC 56.94, recognized some, but not all, DPw1-positive stimulator cells and in two families, failed to proliferate in response to stimulatory cells from DPw1-homozygous individuals. The simplest explanation for these results is that TLC 56.94 recognizes a hybrid alloantigen produced by transcomplementation or transassociation between an element of DPw1 and some other gene product.  相似文献   

Regulation of helper T cell clone proliferation via the CD2 molecule   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have investigated the requirements for CD2-induced proliferation of a CD4+, CD8-, CD3+, CD2+ antigen-specific, class II-restricted proliferating cloned cell line. A combination pair of two monoclonal antibodies (MoAb) recognizing, respectively, TII1 and D66 epitopes on the CD2 molecule was used as a stimulus. The regulatory function of accessory cells and various interleukins in this proliferation was determined. The results show that although this clone was able to proliferate in the absence of accessory cells (AC) or interleukin 1 (IL-1) when stimulated by these MoAb, AC constantly enhanced the response to these MoAb. AC acted by increasing high-affinity IL-2 receptor expression. On the contrary they did not play any role in IL-2 production. This regulation of IL-2 receptor expression by AC was specific of adherent cells, did not involve Fc receptors, was impaired when AC were metabolically inactivated and did not require T cell-AC interaction via LFA1, CD4, or HLA molecules. The AC function was not abrogated by anti-IL-1 antibodies and could not be replaced by exogenous IL-1. These results were compared to previously described AC effects on resting T-cell proliferation when stimulated with the same pair of anti-CD2 MoAb. Clear differences in activation requirements in resting and activated T cells via CD2 molecules were found.  相似文献   

We have examined the fine specificity of a stable Thy-1.2+, Lyt-1.2+, Lyt-2, and I-As– anti-I-Ek proliferating T-cell clone isolated from an A.TH anti-A.TL secondary mixed lymphocyte culture. Spleen cells from various I-Ak, Ek strains induced either a strong (A.TL, OH, and CBA) or a weak (AKR and B10.BR) proliferative response, although such cells expressed at their surface similar amounts of I-Ek antigens. Analysis of H-2 recombinant strains indicated that this clone recognized a conformational determinant carried by the E k E k dimer, but not on the Ea chain per se. Among the Fl hybrid strains in which the combinatorial E k E k product was detected by cellular binding with monoclonal E k -specific antibodies (mAb), some [(BIO.S(8R) × BlO.HTT) but not others (for example, B10.A(4R) × B10.A(5R)] were stimulatory. Seventeen anti-Ek mAb, regardless of the three spatially separated domains that they defined by antibody binding competition, completely inhibited the restimulation of this clone, whereas 15 other anti-Ak mAb failed to do so. This clone was not reactivated by stimulating cells from strains with the H-2 haplotypes p, j, v, b, r, and s but it proliferated strongly against cells from several H-2 d or H-2 q strains. Genetic evidence or blocking studies with selected mAb assigned these cross-reactive mixed lymphocyte reaction determinants to the Ad or Aq molecules, respectively. The data support the conclusion that alloreactive T cells may define a polymorphism of I-region coded products not detected by serological analyses and extend at the T-cell level the observations of serological cross-reactions between A and E molecules.  相似文献   

Rat serum was fractionated on a column of Sephacryl-300 and tested with a rabbit anti-rat beta-2-microglobulin (B2m) antiserum. This antiserum was directed against B2m purified from rat liver, and its specificity was confirmed by immunoprecipitation procedures. The antiserum recognized three peaks in the fractionated rat serum: a 200- to 300-kd (kilodalton) fraction, a 40- to 70-kd component, and the free 12-kd B2m. Indirect immunoprecipitation from the 200- to 300-kd fraction led to the identification of a 43-kd polypeptide associated with B2m. A xenoantiserum against RT1 class I antigen also precipitated a similar polypeptide from the same fraction, but this molecule differed in size and antigenic specificity from the one precipitated by anti-rat B2m.This work was supported in part by Grant 59010101 from the Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture, Japan.  相似文献   

Non-T small lymphocytic suppressor cells in murine allopregnancy release a potent immunosuppressive factor in vitro that is neutralized by rabbit anti-transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta. Previous studies have suggested that the decidual suppressor factor (DSF) is smaller than TGF-beta 1, and in this paper, we show that DSF on HPLC-sieving columns also elutes later than TGF-beta 2. Nevertheless, DSF has the ability to promote anchorage-independent growth of NRK fibroblasts similar to TGF-beta s. Using turkey antibodies specific for TGF-beta 1 or beta 2, we show that DSF is related to TGF-beta 2 rather than TGF-beta 1, and this relationship was confirmed by using a panel of murine mAb to TGF-subtypes. PAGE and Western blotting showed that the TGF-beta 2-reactive molecules in HPLC-purified DSF was slightly smaller than TGF-beta 2 and approximately 20 to 23 kDa. The DSF molecule is therefore closely related to TGF-beta 2 but as released from decidua, differs in size. The TGF-beta 2-related decidual suppressor factor was also obtained from the decidua of synpregnant C.B.-17 severe combined immune deficiency (SCID) and pregnant SCID-BG (C57BL/6 background) mice, confirming the lack of T or B cell dependence of DSF production and the generality of production of a TGF-beta-related suppressor factor by decidua associated with successful pregnancy in mice.  相似文献   

Recognition by CD8(+) T lymphocytes (CTL) of epitopes that are derived from conserved gene products, such as Gag and Pol, is well documented and conceptually supports the development of epitope-based vaccines for use against diverse HIV-1 subtypes. However, many CTL epitopes from highly conserved regions within the HIV-1 genome are highly variable, when assessed by comparison of amino acid sequences. The TCR is somewhat promiscuous with respect to peptide binding, and, as such, CTL can often recognize related epitopes. In these studies, we evaluated CTL recognition of five sets of variant HIV-1 epitopes restricted to HLA-A*0201 and HLA-A*1101 using HLA transgenic mice. We found that numerous different amino acid substitutions can be introduced into epitopes without abrogating their recognition by CTL. Based on our findings, we constructed an algorithm to predict those CTL epitopes capable of inducing responses in the HLA transgenic mice to the greatest numbers of variant epitopes. Similarity of CTL specificity for variant epitopes was demonstrated for humans using PBMC from HIV-1-infected individuals and CTL lines produced in vitro using PBMC from HIV-1-uninfected donors. We believe the ability to predict CTL epitope immunogenicity and recognition patterns of variant epitopes can be useful for designing vaccines against multiple subtypes and circulating recombinant forms of HIV-1.  相似文献   

The specificities of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) were studied for the analysis of CTL against tumor-specific cell surface antigen(s) (TSSA) of non-virus-producing tumor cells induced by the Schmidt-Ruppin strain of Rous sarcoma virus (SR-RSV) in B10 congenic and recombinant mice. Eight CTL clones were established from immune spleen cells of B10.A(5R) mice. These clones demonstrated six patterns of cytotoxic reactivity in vitro: Two clones showed H-2 restriction in tumor cell lysis. Two other clones had the capacity to lyse syngeneic, H-2K-compatible B10 and H-2-incompatible B10.A(4R) tumor cells, but not YAC-1 cells. One clone had cytotoxic activity against syngeneic, H-2D-compatible B10.D2 tumor cells and YAC-1 cells, but not against H-2-incompatible tumor cells. One clone had cytotoxic activity against syngeneic and YAC-1 tumor cells, but not against either H-2-compatible or H-2-incompatible tumor cells. One clone had lytic activity to syngeneic, H-2-compatible, H-2-incompatible, and YAC-1 tumor cells. Another clone killed H-2-incompatible B10.A(4R) tumor and YAC-1 cells, but not syngeneic or H-2-compatible tumor cells. All these clones strongly expressed surface Thy-1.2 antigens, whereas the expression of Lyt-1.2 and Lyt-2.2 antigens was different from clone to clone. These results demonstrate heterogeneity of both lytic specificity and phenotype of CTL against RSV-induced mouse tumor cells, suggesting the existence of multiple antigenic sites on the RSV TSSA recognized by CTL populations.  相似文献   

Antagonism of allospecific CTL by altered MHC ligands is a potential approach to specific immunomodulation of allogeneic T cell responses in acute graft rejection and graft-vs-host disease. In this study we have analyzed the capacity of peptide analogs of a natural HLA-B27-allospecific CTL epitope to antagonize direct alloreactivity. Alanine scanning demonstrated that positions 4, 5, and 7 of the peptide epitope were critical for allorecognition. A number of relatively conservative substitutions at each of these positions were then tested for their effect on allorecognition and antagonism. All substitutions at position 5 abrogated cytotoxicity. In contrast, a few changes at positions 4 and 7 were tolerated, indicating a limited flexibility of the allospecific CTL in recognition of peptide epitope variants. Most of the substitutions impairing cytotoxicity actually induced antagonism. However, whereas epitope variants with changes at positions 4 and 7 behaved as weak or intermediate antagonists, some of the variants with changes at position 5 antagonized CTL alloreactivity almost completely. The results in this study demonstrate for the first time that antagonism of direct class I-mediated alloreactivity can be achieved by variants of a natural allospecific peptide epitope.  相似文献   

 The adoptive transfer of in vitro generated tumor-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) is considered a promising perspective in cancer therapy. One possible drawback lies in the inappropriate homing of in vitro cultured lymphocytes, which could be circumvented by introducing the appropriate targeting molecules. Here we describe a protocol that allows a rapid and stable transfection of cytotoxic T cell clones. As a model system we used a CTL clone specific for the melanoma-associated antigen gp100 and a cDNA encoding for murine CD14 containing the variant exen v10 which is supposed to facilitate lymphocyte homing towards the skin. CD44v10 cDNA was ligated into the retroviral vector pMV-7, which was used to transfect the ecotropic GP-E-86 and the amphotropic PA317 cells. After several cycles of transduction to increase the viral titre, supernatants of the amphotropic PA317-CD44v10 line were used for transduction of CD44v10 into a human CTL clone. After three cycles of transduction at 12-h intervals, low but stable expression of CD44v10 was observed throughout the culture period of 10 weeks. The phenotype of the transduced CTL clone was unaltered and the cytotoxic potential was only slightly reduced as compared to the parental clone. The efficiency of stable transduction within a period of 1 week makes the protocol well suited for the in vivo transfer of transduced cells and, in the special case, should guarantee appropriate homing of the transduced CTL clone. Received: 14 August 1997 / Accepted: 20 November 1997  相似文献   

Rat antiserum (as well as purified IgG and F(ab')2 fragments) raised against cellfree cytosolic extracts (CFE) of an alloimmune cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) clone (B6.1.SF.1) is a potent inhibitor of CTL-mediated cytotoxicity. Inhibition by this antiserum (termed alpha CTLL) occurred during the postbinding lethal hit stages of cytolysis, because it did not inhibit target cell binding, nor did it prematurely dissociate CTL-target cell conjugates; inhibition was observed regardless of the H-2 haplotype of the target cell or CTL employed; inhibition was reversible when pretreated, and washed CTL were used as effectors; and in Ca++ pulse experiments alpha CTLL inhibited cytolysis beyond the Ca++-dependent (lethal hit) stage of cytolysis. This antiserum did not inhibit lysis of P815 cells by activated murine macrophages or by human cytotoxic cells, and extensive absorption of the antiserum on viable thymocytes, normal spleen cells, or CTL did not reduce its blocking activity. CFE prepared from several sources of CTL, including in vivo elicited peritoneal exudate lymphocytes (PEL), secondary MLC-generated CTL, alloimmune splenic T cells, and CTL clones, contained material(s) that inhibited the ability of alpha CTLL to block CTL-mediated cytolysis. The inhibitory activity was not detected in CFE from a variety of noncytotoxic cell sources, including thymocytes, normal C57BL/6 spleen cells, EL4 or P815 tumor cells, macrophages, and helper T cell clones. It was also absent in CFE prepared from human CTL cells. Furthermore, although alpha CTLL neutralizing activity was not detectable in CFE prepared from memory CTL, it rapidly appeared in CTL parallel to the development of cytolytic activity during secondary MLC cultures. The inhibitory material in CTL-CFE appeared to be specific for alpha CTLL antibody, as it did not affect the CTL blocking activity of anti-Lyt-2 or anti-target cell antisera. Finally, CTL-CFE did not contain proteases that degraded the alpha CTLL antibody. By the use of a soluble-phase immunoabsorbent assay, the biochemical properties of materials present CFE derived from CTL and reactive with alpha CTLL antibody were examined. CTL cytosolic material(s) reactive with alpha CTLL IgG was unstable to brief heating (50 degrees C) or acidic pH, but not to high ionic strength buffers. The material was inactivated by treatment with pronase but not by DNase, collagenase, or trypsin. Gel filtration chromatography of CTL-CFE revealed multiple peaks of alpha CTLL neutralizing activity.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

We generated transgenic mice expressing a single-chain beta2-microglobulin (beta2m)-H-2Dd. The cell-surface beta2m-H-2Dd molecule was expressed on a beta2m-deficient background and reacted with appropriate mAbs. It was of the expected m.w. and directed the normal development of CD8+ T cells in the thymus of a broad TCR repertoire. It also presented both exogenously provided and endogenous peptide Ags to effector CD8+ T cells. In tests of NK cell education and function, it failed to reveal any interaction with NK cells, suggesting that the site of the interaction of NK receptors with H-2Dd was disrupted. Thus, the sites of TCR and NK receptor interaction with H-2Dd are distinct, an observation consistent with independent modes of TCR and NK receptor evolution and function.  相似文献   

We have cloned an alphoid DNA fragment, pBS4D, from the DNA of a human-hamster hybrid cell line containing chromosome 2 as its only cytologically detectable human component. Under high stringency conditions, pBS4D hybridized in situ mostly to chromosome 2 and to a lesser extent to chromosomes 18 and 20. Restriction analysis using the DNA from selected somatic hybrid cell lines revealed that the genomic organization of this alphoid DNA differs on each of these three chromosomes.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the signals influencing the generation of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II allospecific cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) and have found that the development of these CTL is actively regulated in primary in vitro cultures by Lyt-2+ T cells triggered in response to MHC class I alloantigens. Class II allospecific CTL can be readily stimulated in primary cultures, but the presence of a simultaneous class I MHC stimulus in these cultures causes a marked reduction of class II-specific CTL activation. This reduction can be prevented by adding to culture a dose of monoclonal anti-Lyt-2 antibody (in the absence of complement) that does not block the generation of class I-specific CTL. The role of MHC class I alloantigens in the regulation of class II allospecific responses illustrates that T cells recognizing class I and class II MHC antigens in mixed leukocyte cultures interact in a complex and nonreciprocal manner to influence the final effector T cell repertoire elicited by this complex immunogenic challenge.  相似文献   

Abstract Monoclonal antibodies have been developed and used as specific probe to locate and identify a 29-kDa molecule of axenic Entamoeba histolytica trophozoites. Monoclonal antibody produced by clone C8 (MoAb C8) strongly agglutinated the amoebic trophozoites. THe immunofluorescence of live E. histolytica trophozoites and surface fluorescence of acetone-fixed trophozoites by MoAb C8 indicated existence of a 29-kDa molecule on surface-associated plasma membrane of E. histolytica . The monoclonal antibody belonged to IgG1 isotype. The prior treatment of E. histolytica trophozoites with MoAb C8 resulted in significant ( P < 0.01) reduction in adherence of amoebic trophozoites to cultured Chinese Hamster Ovary cells and significant ( P < 0.01) reduction in cytotoxicity to cultured Baby Hamster Kidney cells. Pretreatment of amoebic trophozoites with MoAb C8 prior to cultivation in TPS-1 medium resulted in significant ( P < 0.01) reduction in growth of the parasite. Thus, the data suggested that the surface-exposed 29-kDa molecule may be one of the receptors involved in E. histolytica host cell interactions and may possibly modulate amoebic disease processes.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies have been developed and used as specific probe to locate and identify a 29-kDa molecule of axenic Entamoeba histolytica trophozoites. Monoclonal antibody produced by clone C8 (MoAb C8) strongly agglutinated the amoebic trophozoites. The immunofluorescence of live E. histolytica trophozoites and surface fluorescence of acetone-fixed trophozoites by MoAb C8 indicated existence of a 29-kDa molecule on surface-associated plasma membrane of E. histolytica. The monoclonal antibody belonged to IgG1 isotype. The prior treatment of E. histolytica trophozoites with MoAb C8 resulted in significant (P less than 0.01) reduction in adherence of amoebic trophozoites to cultured Chinese Hamster Ovary cells and significant (P less than 0.01) reduction in cytotoxicity to cultured Baby Hamster Kidney cells. Pretreatment of amoebic trophozoites with MoAb C8 prior to cultivation in TPS-1 medium resulted in significant (P less than 0.01) reduction in growth of the parasite. Thus, the data suggested that the surface-exposed 29-kDa molecule may be one of the receptors involved in E. histolytica host cell interactions and may possibly modulate amoebic disease processes.  相似文献   

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