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The authors study the microfauna of small benthonic and planktonic Foraminifera from the Aquitanian stratotype and of a few exposures in the stratotype vicinity.Benthonic microfauna is rich: more than 150species have been collected; among them Miliolidae mainly belonging to the genera Quinqueloculina and Miliola.Planktonic Foraminifera are much less abundant:only 20 species. They authorize to place the stratotype at the boundary of N4–N5 Blow's zones.The figurations of many species are made withthe scanning electronic microscope.  相似文献   

The present work deals with the microfauna of small benthonic and planktonic Foraminifera from the Burdigalian stratotype of Aquitaine basin (France) and from a few outcrops in the stratotype vicinity showing the upper or lower boundary of the stratotype.Benthonic fauna is rich: more than 250 species divided in 92 genera have been collected. The most frequent are hyaline Foraminifera (Pararotalia, Elphidium, Asterigerina, Florilus, Virgulopsis, Bolivina). The miocene feature is more pronounced than in the Aquitanian stratotype.Planktonic Foraminifera are much less abundant:only 20 species. However, some of them authorize to place the stratotype (or its equivalent l. s.) in N5 Blow's zone and perhaps in the basel N6 zone.The figurations of many species are made withthe scanning electronic microscope.  相似文献   

Sans résuméStagiaire de Recherches au Centre de Recherches Hydrobiologiques du C.N.R.S.  相似文献   

Sans résuméLa Pointe-du-Lac, P. Q.  相似文献   

A. Aizawa  C. Vago 《BioControl》1959,4(3):249-252
Zusammenfassung Es wird auf die M?glichkeit hingewiesen, plastische Kunststoffe für die Kultur von Insektengeweben zu benutzen. Die Entwicklung der Zellen auf Polyvinylchlorid-Folien ist ebenso gut wie auf Glas; es lassen sich auch fixierte und gef?rbte Pr?parate herstellen, und die Kunststoff-Folien lassen sich mit Kanadabalsam zusammenkleben und aufbewahren. Die Vorteile von Kunststoff-Gef?ssen werden hervorgehoben.   相似文献   

Summary In this brief work, authors study the five Chalcidids parasites of the olivefly in the mediterranean zone and discuss the systematic point of view. They modify the generic name (Cyrtoptyx, Pnigalio) and show the existence of the new speciesP. mediterraneus; this name substitutes the other nameE. longulus Zett which was wrongly given to theDacus's parasite. A table has been done for the rapid identification of the five species of Chalcidids.
Riassunto Nel presente breve lavoro, gli AA. riprendono lo studio dei cinque Calcididi parassiti della mosca delle olive nella zona mediterranea, ne discutono il valore dal punto di vista sistematico, ne modificano la denominazione generica (Cyrtoptyx, Pnigalio) e mettono in evidenza l'esistenza della nuova specieP. mediterraneus, il cui nome sostituisce quello diE. longulus Zett., erroneamente attribuito al parassita delDacus. E'stata compilata una tabella per l'identificazione rapida di queste cinque specie di Calcididi.

Sphagnum mosses have been observed for the first time in the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence French department. The four species discovered are confined to Annot sandstone siliceous bedrock formations scattered amongst dominating calcareous bedrock in the area. Both Sphagnum nemoreum and Sphagnum teres are quite frequent in the French Alps while Sphagnum flexuosum and Sphagnum angustifolium on the contrary are rare peat mosses in this chain. Local edaphic and climatic conditions might be responsible for the reduced number of sites discovered. All Sphagnum sites are briefly described. One of them a true peatland is of particular interest and deserves protection.  相似文献   

The design and performance of a simple, community level ecotoxicological testsystem is reported. Samples of periphyton communities, established on artificial substratum in natural streams were used to study effects on photosynthetic activity in short-term experiments. Photosynthesis was measured as light-dependent oxygen evolution or as 14CO2-incorporation. The variability in photosynthetic activity between samples collected at the same time, expressed as coefficient of variation, was ca 20%. The variation in sensitivity of periphyton photosynthesis as dependent on sampling season was less than threefold for the two long-chained aliphatic amines and the textile industry effluent studied. Effects of the amines on periphyton from five different streams were also investigated. The ratio between maximum and minimum values of sensitivity was 5.6. It is concluded that the variation in sensitivity between different periphyton communities is similar to or less than that observed for fresh-water algal species. Some advantages with regard to ecological realism of using periphyton communities as test systems are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary It can be shown that with Orthoptera (Acrididæ orTettigoniidæ) phonoreactions can be evoked by synthetic acoustic signals of a pure frequency. For reactions to be evoked it is necessary for the signals to contain at least one transient (transient is a term of acoustics, used for rapid changes of the intensity of an acoustic signal) of great amplitude either at the beginning or at the end. The phonoreaction can be evoked by a very short signal—a few milliseconds in duration—and independently, of a frequency limit to suit each type (500–20000 Hz for theAcrididæ, 50–80000 Hz for theTettigoniidæ). The intensity of the signal should be higher than that of a natural signal (10–20 dB). The phonoreactions described can be diverse: phonocinesis, phonotaxie.The physical examination of the different acoustic signals, described in the literature as the provokers of reactions in other groups of insects, shows that these signals belong to the type described by the author, and all contain at least one transient of great amplitude. Such phonoreactions to synthetic signals, the control of escapereactions by the individual seem to be dependent upon the mechanism of differential sensibility, as defined byLoeb for light.
Zusammenfassung Man kann zeigen, daß bei den Orthopteren (Acrididæ oderTettigonidæ) durch künstliche akustische Signale reiner Frequenzen Schallreaktionen hervorgerufen werden. Damit die Signale Reaktionen hervorrufen, ist es notwendig, daß sie mindestens einen transitoire de grande amplitude (=schr rascher und großer Wechsel der Intensität des Schallsignals)enthalten müssen, der entweder am Anfang oder am Ende liegen kann. Die Schallreaktion kann hervorgerufen werden durch ein sehr kurz dauerndes Signal — in der Größenordnung von einigen Millisekunden — und unabhängig davon in einem für jede Art charakteristischen Frequenzbereich (500–20000 Hz für die ccri-didæ, 50–80 000. Hz für dieTettigonidæ). Die Intensität des Signals sollte höher als die der natürlichen sein (10–20 dB). Die beschriebenen Schallreaktionen können verschieden sein: Phonokinese, Phonotaxie.Die physikalische Untersuchung der akustischen Signale, auf die in der Literatur als Reaktions-Auslöser für andere Insekten-Gruppen hingewiesen ist, zeigt, daß diese Signale dem vom Autor beschriebenen Typentsprechen und alle wenigstens einen transitoire von großer Amplitude enthalten. Die Schallreaktionen auf künstliche Signale, deren Kontrolle dem Individuum entgeht, scheinen vom Mechanismus der differentiellen Sensibilität, wie er durchLoeb für das Licht definiert wurde, abhängig zu sein.

A correlation between the biozonations of orbitolinidsand charophytes is established in the Lower Valanginian from the Polacos Formation (Maestrat basin, Castelló, east of Spain). This correlation is based on the presence of the charophyte association: Perimneste micrandra-Perimneste ancora (rare), Globator trochiliscoides (primitive), Embergerella stellata, Flabellochara harrisii and Porocharaceae in the levels underlaying and overlaying the banks with the orbitolinid Valdanchella miliani. This charophyte assemblage is similar to the flora of the “Olba zone” from Grambast (1974), which was hypothetically attributed to the Hauterivian.According to our correlation, the olba flora was atleast already existing in the Lower Valanginian. Provisionally, the biostratigraphic boundary between the Berriasian and the Valanginian can be characterized in the continental domain of Tethys by the disappearance of Globator nurrensis and the first appearance of Embergerella stellata. Uncertainty still exists in the chronostratigraphy of the charophyte biozonation during the Middle Valanginian to Upper Hauterivan time interval.  相似文献   

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