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Summary Previous work in this laboratory has demonstrated that although Aspergillus niger can readily utilize galactose, no citric acid is produced from this carbon source (Hossain et al. 1984). Experiments were now conducted where galactose was added at various concentrations to synthetic growth medium containing glucose as carbon source, so that the effect of galactose on citric acid production from glucose could be observed. The results showed that the presence of galactose or a product of galactose metabolism caused inhibition of citric acid production, and also reduced the rate of glucose utilization. Enzyme analyses using mycelial cell-free extracts indicated that galactose interfered with the glucose-repression of the key enzyme 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

Citric acid produced by Aspergillus niger was increased from 4.6g l-1 to 7.8gl-1 by supplementing basal medium with methanol (30mll-1). While stimulating citric acid production, methanol did not improve membrane permeability of the fungus for citric acid. Methanol inhibited the germination of Aspergillus spores. An increase in glucose concentration from 50gl-1 to 100gl-1 in the presence of methanol (30mll-1) improved citric acid production (1.6-fold) while at higher levels of glucose concentration methanol had no effect on citic acid production.  相似文献   

Summary In this investigation hybridisation experiments were performed with two auxotrophic mutants of Aspergillus niger. A heterozygous diploid was derived from them and it produced segregants including parental haploids and a recombinant. Their yield characters were studied.  相似文献   

Summary This article introduces an easy to handle immobilization apparatus for the entrapment of microbial cells, organelles and enzymes in spherical gel beads.Ca-alginate beads with entrapped cells of Aspergillus niger showed typical shrinking behaviour (from 3.00 mm to 2.25 mm particle diameter). A loss of stability down to 20% of the initial strength during precultivation of the fungus and within the following citric acid production occurred. The observed particle shrinkage was due to the increasing acidification of the medium, whereas the decreased mechanical strength was caused by the entrapped growing microorganism. This was confirmed by electron scanning micrographs, indicating a sponge-like gel structure within the region of enhanced mycelium growth which reduced diffusional resistance of the matrix. Therefore no differences were found between citric acid production of Ca-alginate entrapped Aspergillus niger at 3 mm and 1.5 mm initial particle size.  相似文献   

Summary We report the derivation of Aspergillus niger strains having a lower standard deviation in citric acid production by the use of 60Co gamma radiation and by the parasexual cycle. On the basis of the results obtained by isolating diploids and segregants, diploidization seems to be sufficient for reducing variability. The implications of these results in terms of improvement of industrial strains are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Aspergillus niger SZ was grown under citric acid accumulation conditions in a 1l bioreactor. Radioactive citric acid was added during the fermentation to the culture medium. The accumulation of radioactive citric acid in the mycellium was measure by measuring radioactive CO2 in the offgas. Evidence was obtained of significant turnover and metabolism of exogenous citric acid even during the phase of maximum accumulation into the medium.  相似文献   

The apoprotein of glucose oxidase from Aspergillus niger was reconstituted with specifically 15N- and 13C-enriched FAD derivatives and investigated by 15N- and 13C-NMR spectroscopy. On the basis of the 15N-NMR results it is suggested that, in the oxidized state of glucose oxidase, hydrogen bonds are formed to the N(3) and N(5) positions of the isoalloxazine system. The hydrogen bond to N(3) is more pronounced than that to N(5) as compared with the respective hydrogen bonds formed between FMN and water. The resonance position of N(10) indicates a small decrease in sp2 hybridization compared to free flavin in water. Apparently the isoalloxazine ring is not planar at this position in glucose oxidase. Additional hydrogen bonds at the carbonyl groups of the oxidized enzyme-bound FAD were derived from the 13C-NMR results. A strong downfield shift observed for the C(4a) resonance may be ascribed in part to the decrease in sp2 hybridization at the N(10) position and to the polarization of the carbonyl groups at C(2) and C(4). The polarization of the isoalloxazine ring in glucose oxidase is more similar to FMN in water than to that of tetraacetyl-riboflavin in apolar solvents. In the reduced enzyme the N(1) position is anionic at pH 5.6. The pKa is shifted to lower pH values by at least 1 owing to the interaction of the FAD with the apoprotein. As in the oxidized state of the enzyme, a hydrogen bond is also formed at the N(3) position of the reduced flavin. The N(5) and N(10) resonances of the enzyme-bound reduced FAD indicate a decrease in the sp2 character of these atoms as compared with that of reduced FMN in aqueous solution. Some of the 15N- and 13C-resonance positions of the enzyme-bound reduced cofactor are markedly pH-dependent. The pH dependence of the N(5) and C(10a) resonances indicates a decrease in sp2 hybridization of the N(5) atom with increasing pH of the enzyme solution.  相似文献   

Citric acid production by Aspergillus niger NCIM 548 and Candida lipolytica NCIM 3472 has been studied in shake culture using glucose and molasses as carbon sources. Methanol addition (3% v/v) at 40 h of fermentation enhanced the production of citric acid by Aspergillus niger whereas a reduction in citric acid production by Candida lipolytica was observed with addition of methanol. Maximum citric acid concentration of 12 kg/m3 was obtained with Aspergillus niger using molasses in the presence of methanol, while maximum citric acid concentration of 8.4 kg/m3 was obtained with Candida lipolytica using glucose without methanol. It appears that product formation by Aspergillus niger is either non-growth associated or partially growth associated depending on the substrate. Methanol addition changes the nature of product formation in case of Candida lipolytica.  相似文献   

The production of the enzyme glucose oxidase by Aspergillus niger is well documented. However, its distribution within the fungal culture is less well defined. Since the enzyme location impacts significantly on enzyme recovery, this study quantifies the enzyme distribution between the extracellular fluid, cell wall, cytoplasm and slime mucilage fractions in an A. niger NRRL-3. The culture was separated into the individual fractions and the glucose oxidase activity was determined in each. The extracellular fluid contained 38% of the total activity. The remaining 62% was associated with the mycelia and was distributed between the cell wall, cytoplasm and slime mucilage in the proportions of 34, 12 and 16%, respectively. Intracellular cytoplasmic and cell wall sites were confirmed using immunocytochemical labelling of the mycelia. In the non-viable cell, the mycelial-associated enzyme was distributed between these sites, whereas in the viable cell, it was predominantly associated with the cell wall. The distribution of the enzyme activity indicates that recovery from the solids would result in a 38% loss, whereas recovery from the extracellular fluid would result in a 62% loss. The results also suggest, however, that this 62% loss could be reduced to around 34% by disintegrating the solids prior to separation due to the contribution of the enzyme in the cytoplasm and slime mucilage. This was confirmed by independently establishing the percentage activity in the liquid and solid portions of a disintegrated culture as 62 and 38%, respectively.  相似文献   

In an attempt to provide a rational basis for the optimization of citric acid production by A. niger, we developed a mathematical model of the metabolism of this filamentous fungus when in conditions of citric acid accumulation. The present model is based in a previous one, but extended with the inclusion of new metabolic processes and updated with currently available kinetic data. Among the different alternatives to represent the system behavior we have chosen the S-system representation within power-law formalism. This type of representation allows us to verify not only the ability of the model to exhibit a stable steady state of the integrated system but also the robustness and quality of the representation. The model analysis is shown to be self-consistent, with a stable steady state, and in good agreement with experimental evidence. Moreover, the model representation is sufficiently robust, as indicated by sensitivity and steady-state and dynamic analyses. From the steady-state results we concluded that the range of accuracy of the S-system representation is wide enough to model realistic deviations from the nominal steady state. The dynamic analysis indicated a reasonable response time, which provided further indication that the model is adequate. The extensive assessment of the reliability and quality of the model put us in a position to address questions of optimization of the system with respect to increased citrate production. We carried out the constrained optimization of A. niger metabolism with the goal of predicting an enzyme activity profile yielding the maximum rate of citrate production, while, at the same time, keeping all enzyme activities within predetermined, physiologically acceptable ranges. The optimization is based on a method described and tested elsewhere that utilizes the fact that the S-system representation of a metabolic system becomes linear at steady state, which allows application of linear programming techniques. Our results show that: (i) while the present profile of enzyme activities in A. niger at idiophase steady state yields high rates of citric acid production, it still leaves room for changes and suggests possible optimization of the activity profile to over five times the basal rate synthesis; (ii) when the total enzyme concentration is allowed to double its basal value, the citric acid production rate can be increased by more than 12-fold, and even larger values can be attained if the total enzyme concentration is allowed to increase even more (up to 50-fold when the total enzyme concentration may rise up to 10-fold the basal value); and (iii) the systematic search of the best combination of subsets of enzymes shows that, under all conditions assayed, a minimum of 13 enzymes need be modified if significant increases in citric acid are to be obtained. This implies that improvements by single enzyme modulation are unlikely, which is in agreement with the findings of some investigators in this and other fields.  相似文献   

Improved production of citric acid by a diploid strain of Aspergillus niger   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aspergillus niger strain CGU 87 was treated with UV radiation and some auxotrophic mutants were obtained. These mutants were less productive than CGU 87, which produced an average of 7.4% citric acid. All possible crosses in pair wise combinations were carried out between these auxotrophs, and three heterokaryons were synthesised. Finally, one heterozygous diploid was isolated from each of them. These heterokaryons and diploids showed improved productivity when compared with their component parents, but except in one diploid D5, all others produced less citric acid than CGU 87. The yield of D5 exceeded that of CGU 87 by 1.2 times and it produced 9% citric acid. This is a significant improvement and the increased productivity seems to be the result of successful adaptation of D5 to its fermentation environment.  相似文献   

The biochemical rationale for the inhibition of citric acid fermentation by Aspergillus niger in the presence of Mn2+ ions has been investigated using high citric acid-yielding, Mn2+ ion-sensitive as well as Mn2+ ion-tolerant mutant strains of A. niger. In the presence of Mn2+ (1.5 mg/l), citric acid production by the Mn2+ ion-sensitive strain (KCU 520) was reduced by about 75% with no apparent effect on citric acid yield by the Mn2+ ion-tolerant mutant strain (GS-III) of A. niger. The significantly increased level of the Mn2+ ion-requiring NADP+-isocitrate dehydrogenase activity in KCU 520 cells and the lack of effect on the activity level of the enzyme in GS-III mutant cells by Mn2+ ions during fermentation seem to be responsible for the Mn2+ ion inhibition of citric acid production by the KCU 520 strain and the high citric acid yield by the mutant strain GS-III of A. niger even in the presence of Mn2+.  相似文献   

Stationary cultures of Aspergillus niger grown on a synthetic medium have been used to study the effect of some metabolic inhibitors on citric acid production. Addition of 0.05 to 1 mM sodium malonate or 0.01 to 0.1 mM potassium ferricyanide, iodoacetate, sodium azide, sodium arsenate or sodium fluoride stimulated citric acid production (3.6 to 45%), but not total titratable acids. Addition of higher concentrations (0.2 to 10 mM) of later inhibitors caused a marked inhibition of fungal growth and citric acid production. The implications of these preliminary findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Morphology and citric acid production of Aspergillus niger PM 1   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Aspergillus niger PM 1 was grown in a tubular loop and a stirred tank bioreactor. Batch fermentations were performed under various agitation conditions and pH. Citric acid, oxalic acid, extracellular polysaccharides and proteins were assayed. The following morphological parameters were measured: mean perimeter of clumps, mean perimeter of the central core of clumps, mean length of filaments and mean diameter of filaments. Citric acid production and morphology in both reactors were dependent on agitation intensity and pH. The length of the filaments was shown to be the only parameter that could be related to citric acid production in both reactors: the shorter the filaments the more citric acid was produced. However, for the same amount of citric acid produced the morphology of the organism grown in the stirred tank differed considerably from that grown in the loop reactor.  相似文献   

Summary In an air-lift fermenter, the following production was obtained from 125 g sucrose in mineral medium at pH 2.5 : 15.76 g mycelium dry wt, 107.2 g citric acid anhydrous and 0.594 mol CO2 within 138 h (run I) and 13.72 g mycelium dry wt, 114.28 g citric acid and 0.516 mol CO2 within 144 h (run II). Initially, the carbon content of consumed sugar and products did not balance. At the end of fermentation, the carbon content of the products was 0.9%–5.5% higher than that of the consumed sugar. For the purpose of the calculations the carbon content in mycelium was accepted as 0.462.The work was a part of Project No 04.11 CPBP, topic No 2.24  相似文献   

Segregation of diploid strains by a haploidizing agent was used to improve citric acid producing strains of Aspergillus niger. Stable diploid strains were obtained via protoplast fusion between two citric acid-producing strains from different genealogies, one for shaking culture and the other for solid culture. Diploid strains were treated by benomyl as a haploidizing agent, and many segregants were obtained. Prototrophic segregants were selected and their haploidy was confirmed by their conidial size and DNA contents. The prototrophic segregants were very variable in their citric acid productivities, some of them better either in shaking culture or in solid culture than both the parental strains. The presence of methanol stimulated citric acid production by the parental and the diploid strains. However, all prototrophic segregants derived from one diploid strain had higher productivities in solid cultures without methanol than in those with methanol.  相似文献   

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