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This study examined relations between adult smokers and non-smokers and the devaluation of monetary rewards as a function of delay (delay discounting, DD) or probability (probability discounting, PD). The extent to which individuals discount value, either as a function of a reward being delayed or probabilistic, has been taken to reflect individual differences in impulsivity. Those who discount most are considered most impulsive. Previous research has shown that adult smokers discount the value of delayed rewards more than adult non-smokers. However, in the one published study that examined probability discounting in adult smokers and non-smokers, the smokers did not discount the value of probabilistic rewards more than the non-smoker controls. From this past research, it was hypothesized that measures of delay discounting would differentiate between smokers and non-smokers but that probability discounting would not. Participants were 54 (25 female) adult smokers (n = 25) and non-smokers (n = 29). The smokers all reported smoking at least 20 cigarettes per day, and the non-smokers reported having never smoked. The results indicated that the smokers discounted significantly more than the non-smokers by both delay and probability. Unlike past findings, these results suggest that both delay and probability discounting are related to adult cigarette smoking; however, it also was determined that DD was a significantly stronger predictor of smoking than PD.  相似文献   

Delay discounting describes the decline in the value of a reinforcer as the delay to that reinforcer increases. A review of the available studies revealed that steep delay discounting is positively correlated with problem or pathological gambling. One hypothesis regarding this correlation derives from the discounting equation proposed by Mazur (1989). According to the equation, steeper discounting renders the difference between fixed-delayed rewards and gambling-like variable-delayed rewards larger; with the latter being more valuable. The present study was designed to test this prediction by first assessing rats’ impulsive choices across four delays to a larger-later reinforcer. A second condition quantified strength of preference for mixed- over fixed-delays, with the duration of the latter adjusted between sessions to achieve indifference. Strength of preference for the mixed-delay alternative is given by the fixed delay at indifference (lower fixed-delay values reflect stronger preferences). Percent impulsive choice was not correlated with the value of the fixed delay at indifference and, therefore, the prediction of the hyperbolic model of gambling was not supported. A follow-up assessment revealed a significant decrease in impulsive choice after the second condition. This shift in impulsive choice could underlie the failure to observe the predicted correlation between impulsive choice and degree of preference for mixed- over fixed delays.  相似文献   

This study describes delay and probability discounting patterns for hypothetical food and money in relation to percent body fat (PBF). Sixty university students completed four computerized discounting tasks in which they were asked to make a series of hypothetical decisions between (a) 10 dollars after one of several different delays (1, 2, 30, 180, and 365 days) or a smaller amount of money available immediately; (b) 10 bites of food after one of several delays (1, 2, 5, 10, and 20 h) or a smaller number of bites available immediately; (c) $10 at one of several probabilities (0.9, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25, 0.1) or a smaller amount of money to be received for sure; and (d) 10 bites of food at one of several probabilities (0.9, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25, 0.1) or a smaller number of bites to be received for sure. Median indifference points for all participants across each task were well described using the hyperbolic discounting function. Results suggest that percent body fat predicted discounting for hypothetical food, but not money, using regression analyses with the entire sample and when comparing individuals in the high and low quartiles for PBF. None of the other dietary variables (body mass index, subjective hunger, and time since last meal or snack) were related to discounting patterns. This suggests that individuals with high PBF may exhibit heightened sensitivities to delay and probability when making decisions about food.  相似文献   

Although the extensive lines of research on delay and/or probability discounting have greatly expanded our understanding of human decision-making processes, the relation between these two phenomena remains unclear. For example, some studies have reported robust associations between delay and probability discounting, whereas others have failed to demonstrate a consistent relation between the two. The current study sought to clarify this relation by examining the relation between delay and probability discounting in a large sample of internet users (n = 904) using the Amazon Mechanical Turk (AMT) crowdsourcing service. Because AMT is a novel data collection platform, the findings were validated through the replication of a number of previously established relations (e.g., relations between delay discounting and cigarette smoking status). A small but highly significant positive correlation between delay and probability discounting rates was obtained, and principal component analysis suggested that two (rather than one) components were preferable to account for the variance in both delay and probability discounting. Taken together, these findings suggest that delay and probability discounting may be related, but are not manifestations of a single construct (e.g., impulsivity).  相似文献   

Delay discounting (DD) and delay of gratification (DG) are two measures of impulsive behavior often viewed as reflecting the same or equivalent processes. However, there are some key differences in the contingencies of reinforcement between the procedures that may have implications for understanding impulsivity. This study used DD and DG procedures to determine if differences in contingencies of reinforcement specified by DD and DG alters how much organisms discount the value of delayed reinforcers. Twenty-four water-deprived rats performed one of two Adjusting Amount procedures, which consisted of repeated choices between a fixed amount of water (250 &mgr;l) delivered after a delay (0, 4, 8, 16, or 32 s) and an adjusting, usually lesser amount delivered immediately. Half of the rats (n=12) performed a DD procedure designed to assess preference for immediate over delayed reinforcers in which they had discrete choices between the immediate and delayed amounts of water. A DG procedure was used for the other half of the rats (n=12). In the DG procedure rats also selected between immediate and delayed alternatives, but if they chose the delayed alternative they could switch to and receive the immediate alternative at any time during the delay to the larger reward. In the DD procedure switching responses were not reinforced but were still recorded and used for analyses. The DD functions of the two groups did not differ significantly. However, at the longer delays, the DG group made significantly fewer switching responses than the DD group. A possible role of response inhibition in the DG procedure is discussed.  相似文献   

The value of a reinforcer decreases as the time until its receipt increases, a phenomenon referred to as delay discounting. Although delay discounting of non-drug reinforcers has been studied extensively in a number of species, our knowledge of discounting in non-human primates is limited. In the present study, rhesus monkeys were allowed to choose in discrete trials between 0.05% saccharin delivered in different amounts and with different delays. Indifference points were calculated and discounting functions were established. Discounting functions for saccharin were well described by a hyperbolic function. Moreover, the discounting rates for saccharin in all six monkeys were comparable to those of other non-human animals responding for non-drug reinforcers. Also consistent with other studies of non-human animals, changing the amount of a saccharin reinforcer available after a 10-s delay did not affect its relative subjective value. Discounting functions for saccharin were steeper than we found in a previous study with cocaine, raising the possibility that drugs such as cocaine may be discounted less steeply than non-drug reinforcers.  相似文献   

Human discounting studies have frequently observed hyperbolic discounting of rewards that are delayed or probabilistic. However, no studies have systematically combined delay and probability in a single discounting procedure. Indifference points of hypothetical money rewards that are both delayed and probabilistic were determined. Probabilities were converted into comparable delays according to the h/k constant of proportionality determined by , and discounting rates were calculated. These data provided a very good fit to the hyperbolic model of discounting, suggesting that delay and probability can be combined into a single metric in studies of discounting. The inclusion of a magnitude condition found the Magnitude Effect commonly found in studies of temporal discounting. A temporal resolution of uncertainty condition found no effect. The present paper offers a novel statistical method, within an established framework, for the analysis of data from studies of discounting that combine delay and probability.  相似文献   

Kwiatkowska M 《Protoplasma》2003,222(1-2):1-11
Summary During the development of the antheridia of Chara species, dynamic changes in the occurrence and ultrastructure of plasmodesmata are observed which are closely correlated to particular developmental phases and presumably regulate the morphogenetic events in the antheridia. The disappearance of plasmodesmata between shield cells and between shied cells and the basal cell leads to a cessation in symplasmic transport around the antheridum and determines its concentric or centrifugal character via centrally situated capitular cells. Unplugged plasmodesmata are present between fully synchronously developing antheridial filament cells and obviously coordinate the development of the cells. In the middle phase of spermiogenesis, rough endoplasmic reticulum in antheridial filaments passes uncompressed through wide plasmodesmata and provides an additional transport pathway for developmental control factors. Plugged plasmodesmata link cells of different types or cells of the same type which are at different phases of cell cycle and guarantee their individual development. The plugging of plasmodesmata is a reversible process that depends on the morphogenetic situation. Plasmodesmata connecting the basal cell and the subbasal cell as well as the basal cell and capitular cells are transformed successively from the simple into the complex type and might be the pathways for an import of gibberellins and nutrients into the strong sink tissues of the developing antheridium. There is a symplasmic connection between the antheridum and the thallus via a basal cell. Prior to the initiation of spermatozoid differentiation (spermiogenesis), plasmodesmata connecting the basal cell with a subbasal cell and the basal cell with capitular cells are spontaneously broken, resulting in symplasmic isolation of the antheridium that is probably a signal which triggers the induction of spermatozoid differentiation. Premature plasmolytically evoked symplasmic isolation of the antheridium leads to the elimination of 1 to 2 cell cycles from the proliferative stage of spermatogenesis. Autoradiographic studies demonstrate that both natural and induced symplasmic isolation drastically decreases the entry of isotopically labeled gibberellic acid into antheridia of Chara species that may be the consequence of the elimination of the hormone's transport through plasmodesmata.Correspondence and reprints: Department of Cytophysiology, University of ód, ulica Pilarskiego 14, 90-231 ód, Poland.Received March 11, 2002; accepted September 19, 2002; published online August 26, 2003  相似文献   

In broccoli heads grown in spring and in autumn, and harvested at four various developmental stages antioxidant ability as well as certain indices of plant senescence were investigated. Development of broccoli heads was accompanied by losses of chlorophyll and ascorbic acid. At pre-florescence stage accumulation of soluble phenolics was observed. Activity of peroxidase in the initial stage of growth increased significantly and its high level was mantained during the whole growing period. The profound evolution of ethylene was manifested by plants of the pre-florescence stage. In broccoli grown in spring the higher contents of chlorophyll and phenolics in comparison with the autumn experiment were observed, as well as slightly higher activities of peroxidase and catalase. Total antioxidant activity was considerably higher in spring than in autumn.  相似文献   

Estrogens are involved in the etiology of breast cancer. Their blastomogenic influence may be partly realized through their conversion into catecholestrogens, rate of which may be modified by smoking. The risk of having breast cancer diagnosed can increase in women using estrogen replacement therapy (ERT). The principal aim of this investigation was to compare the excretion of classical estrogens and catecholestrogens in smoking and non-smoking postmenopausal women receiving Progynova (estradiol valerate, 2 mg/day, 1 month). Total 16 women were studied before and after treatment. Urinary estrogen profile method based on isotope dilution capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometry was used. Before ERT, significantly lower excretion of 16-epiestriol and 4-hydroxyestrone (4-OHE1) and lower ratio of 4-OHE1/E1 were revealed in smokers. After ERT, much higher excretion of 2-OHE1, and 4-hydroxyestradiol (4-OHE2), higher ratios of 2-OHE1/E1 and 4-OHE1/E1 and lower ratio of 2-methoxyestrone/2-OHE1 were discovered in smokers as compared to non-smoking women. In conclusion only combination of ERT + smoking and not smoking itself leads to the specific prevalence of catecholestrogens (2-OH- and carcinogenic and DNA-damaging 4-OH-metabolites) that may increase risk of genotoxic variant of hormone-induced breast carcinogenesis without influence on the total morbidity.  相似文献   

MMF is considered one of the most sensitive parameter to point out initial decay of small airways that should appear prematurely in smokers as compared with non smokers. To verify the above we tested male subjects apparently free from any respiratory disease. They were classed into two groups of equal number: the first group of smokers, the second one of non smokers. We did not find any statistically significant difference between the two groups: this is probably due to the young age of the subjects and consequently to the relative short period of exposure to tobacco smoke.  相似文献   

Previously, we (McKerchar et al., 2009) showed that two-parameter hyperboloid models ( [Green and Myerson, 2004] and [Rachlin, 2006]) provide significantly better fits to delay discounting data than simple, one-parameter hyperbolic and exponential models. Here, we extend this effort by comparing fits of the two-parameter hyperboloid models to data from a larger sample of participants (N = 171) who discounted probabilistic as well as delayed rewards. In particular, we examined the effects of amount on the exponents in the two hyperboloid models of delay and probability discounting in order to evaluate key theoretical predictions of the standard psychophysical scaling interpretation of these exponents. Both the Rachlin model and the Green and Myerson model provided very good fits to delay and probability discounting of both small and large amounts at both the group and individual levels (all R2s > .97 at the group level; all median R2s > .92 at the individual level). For delay discounting, the exponent in both models did not vary as a function of delayed amount, consistent with the psychophysical scaling interpretation. For probability discounting, however, the exponent in both models increased as the probabilistic amount increased—a finding inconsistent with the scaling interpretation.  相似文献   

A survey of the smoking habits, attitudes, and background of over 15 000 8-19 year olds in northern England in December 1982 showed a positive correlation between parental smoking and the reporting of frequent coughs by children who had never smoked. This was especially pronounced in the youngest children. Thirty five per cent of boys under 11 who had never smoked and whose parents did not smoke reported frequent coughs; with one parent smoking this increased to 42%, and when both parents smoked the proportion was 48%. Girls under 11 showed the same pattern, with 32%, 40%, and 52% respectively reporting frequent coughs. Fewer older children in general reported frequent coughs. Mothers'' smoking had more influence on children''s coughs than had fathers'' smoking. Social area type had no significant effect. No significant effect of passive smoking was observed when the children themselves were smokers. These results are clear evidence of a definite link between smoking in the home and coughs in young children, which not only may present immediate problems but may also be a cause of illness in the future.  相似文献   

In an aircraft type retreading plant environmental samples taken at several departments showed mutagenic properties. Thursday urine samples of non-smoking and smoking workers showed higher urinary mutagenicity than urine samples collected on Sundays, thus suggesting occupational exposure to mutagenic substances. A relation between urinary mutagenicity on Thursdays and skin contamination measured on Wednesdays was observed. The data suggest that intake through the skin plays an important role in the occupational exposure to mutagenic compounds of rubber workers.  相似文献   

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