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Hydrophobic patches, defined as clusters of neighboring apolar atoms deemed accessible on a given protein surface, have been investigated on protein subunit interfaces. The data were taken from known tertiary structures of multimeric protein complexes. Amino acid composition and preference, patch size distribution, and patch contact complementarity across associating subunits were examined and compared with hydrophobic patches found on the solvent-accessible surface of the multimeric complexes. The largest or second largest patch on the accessible surface of the entire subunit was involved in multimeric interfaces in 90% of the cases. These results should prove useful for subunit design and engineering as well as for prediction of subunit interface regions. Proteins 28:333–343, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Homodimeric triosephosphate isomerase (TIM) from Trypanosoma cruzi (TcTIM) and T. brucei (TbTIM) are markedly similar in amino acid sequence and three-dimensional structure. In their dimer interfaces, each monomer has a Cys15 that is surrounded by loop3 of the adjoining subunit. Perturbation of Cys15 by methylmethane thiosulfonate (MMTS) induces abolition of catalysis and structural changes. In the two TIMs, the structural arrangements of their Cys15 are almost identical. Nevertheless, the susceptibility of TcTIM to MMTS is nearly 100-fold higher than in TbTIM. To ascertain the extent to which the characteristics of the interface Cys depend on the dynamics of its own monomer or on those of the adjacent monomer, we studied MMTS action on mutants of TcTIM that had the interface residues of TbTIM, and hybrids that have only one interfacial Cys15 (C15ATcTIM-wild type TbTIM). We found that the solvent exposure of the interfacial Cys depends predominantly on the characteristics of the adjoining monomer. The maximal inhibition of activity induced by perturbation of the sole interface Cys in the C15ATcTIM-TbTIM hybrid is around 60%. Hybrids formed with C15ATcTIM monomers and catalytically inert TbTIM monomers (E168DTbTIM) were also studied. Their activity drops by nearly 50% when the only interfacial Cys is perturbed. These results in conjunction with those on C15ATcTIM-wild type TbTIM hybrid indicate that about half of the activity of each monomer depends on the integrity of each of the two Cys15-loop3 portions of the interface. This could be another reason of why TIM is an obligatory dimer.  相似文献   

We compare side chain prediction and packing of core and non‐core regions of soluble proteins, protein‐protein interfaces, and transmembrane proteins. We first identified or created comparable databases of high‐resolution crystal structures of these 3 protein classes. We show that the solvent‐inaccessible cores of the 3 classes of proteins are equally densely packed. As a result, the side chains of core residues at protein‐protein interfaces and in the membrane‐exposed regions of transmembrane proteins can be predicted by the hard‐sphere plus stereochemical constraint model with the same high prediction accuracies (>90%) as core residues in soluble proteins. We also find that for all 3 classes of proteins, as one moves away from the solvent‐inaccessible core, the packing fraction decreases as the solvent accessibility increases. However, the side chain predictability remains high (80% within ) up to a relative solvent accessibility, , for all 3 protein classes. Our results show that % of the interface regions in protein complexes are “core”, that is, densely packed with side chain conformations that can be accurately predicted using the hard‐sphere model. We propose packing fraction as a metric that can be used to distinguish real protein‐protein interactions from designed, non‐binding, decoys. Our results also show that cores of membrane proteins are the same as cores of soluble proteins. Thus, the computational methods we are developing for the analysis of the effect of hydrophobic core mutations in soluble proteins will be equally applicable to analyses of mutations in membrane proteins.  相似文献   

The distinguishing property of Sm protein associations is their high stability. In order to understand this property, we analyzed the interface non-covalent interactions and compared the properties of the Sm protein interfaces with those of a test set, Binding Interface Database (BID). The comparison revealed that the main differences between interfaces of Sm proteins and those of the BID set are the content of charged residues, hydrogen bonds, salt bridges, and conservation scores of interface residues. In Sm proteins, the interfaces have more hydrophobic and fewer charged residues than the surface, which is also the case for the BID test set and other proteins. However, in the interfaces, the content of charged residues in Sm proteins (26%) is substantially larger than that in the BID set (22%). Both interfaces of Sm proteins and of test set have a similar number of hydrophobic interactions per 100 Å2. The interfaces of Sm proteins have substantially more hydrogen bonds than the interfaces in test set. The results show clearly that the interfaces of Sm proteins form more salt bridges compared with test set. On average, there are about 16 salt bridges per interface. The high conservation score of amino acids that are involved in non-covalent interactions in protein interfaces is an additional strong argument for their importance. The overriding conclusion from this study is that the non-covalent interactions in Sm protein interfaces considerably contribute to stability of higher order structures.  相似文献   

Protein-protein interactions play an essential role in the functioning of cell. The importance of charged residues and their diverse role in protein-protein interactions have been well studied using experimental and computational methods. Often, charged residues located in protein interaction interfaces are conserved across the families of homologous proteins and protein complexes. However, on a large scale, it has been recently shown that charged residues are significantly less conserved than other residue types in protein interaction interfaces. The goal of this work is to understand the role of charged residues in the protein interaction interfaces through their conservation patterns. Here, we propose a simple approach where the structural conservation of the charged residue pairs is analyzed among the pairs of homologous binary complexes. Specifically, we determine a large set of homologous interactions using an interaction interface similarity measure and catalog the basic types of conservation patterns among the charged residue pairs. We find an unexpected conservation pattern, which we call the correlated reappearance, occurring among the pairs of homologous interfaces more frequently than the fully conserved pairs of charged residues. Furthermore, the analysis of the conservation patterns across different superkingdoms as well as structural classes of proteins has revealed that the correlated reappearance of charged residues is by far the most prevalent conservation pattern, often occurring more frequently than the unconserved charged residues. We discuss a possible role that the new conservation pattern may play in the long-range electrostatic steering effect.  相似文献   

The diverse range of cellular functions is performed by a limited number of protein folds existing in nature. One may similarly expect that cellular functional diversity would be covered by a limited number of protein-protein interface architectures. Here, we present 8205 interface clusters, each representing a unique interface architecture. This data set of protein-protein interfaces is analyzed and compared with older data sets. We observe that the number of both biological and crystal interfaces increases significantly compared to the number of Protein Data Bank entries. Furthermore, we find that the number of distinct interface architectures grows at a much faster rate than the number of folds and is yet to level off. We further analyze the growth trend of the functional coverage by constructing functional interaction networks from interfaces. The functional coverage is also found to steadily increase. Interestingly, we also observe that despite the diversity of interface architectures, some are more favorable and frequently used, and of particular interest, are the ones that are also preferred in single chains.  相似文献   

Glutamate transporters are trimeric membrane proteins in which each protomer contains a separate translocation path. To determine whether structural rearrangements take place at the subunit interfaces during transport, intersubunit disulfide bridges were introduced in the bacterial transporter GltT. None of the intersubunit cross-links, which had been designed across the entire interface, affected the glutamate transport activity, indicating that the subunit interfaces are rigid during turnover.  相似文献   

Chakrabarti P  Janin J 《Proteins》2002,47(3):334-343
The recognition sites in 70 pairwise protein-protein complexes of known three-dimensional structure are dissected in a set of surface patches by clustering atoms at the interface. When the interface buries <2000 A2 of protein surface, the recognition sites usually form a single patch on the surface of each component protein. In contrast, larger interfaces are generally multipatch, with at least one pair of patches that are equivalent in size to a single-patch interface. Each recognition site, or patch within a site, contains a core made of buried interface atoms, surrounded by a rim of atoms that remain accessible to solvent in the complex. A simple geometric model reproduces the number and distribution of atoms within a patch. The rim is similar in composition to the rest of the protein surface, but the core has a distinctive amino acid composition, which may help in identifying potential protein recognition sites on single proteins of known structures.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the dynamic features of protein interfaces is necessary for a deeper understanding of protein–protein interactions. We performed normal‐mode analysis (NMA) of 517 nonredundant homodimers and their protomers to characterize dimer interfaces from a dynamic perspective. The motion vector calculated by NMA for each atom of a dimer was decomposed into internal and external motion vectors in individual component subunits, followed by the averaging of time‐averaged correlations between these vectors over atom pairs in the interface. This averaged correlation coefficient (ACC) was defined for various combinations of vectors and investigated in detail. ACCs decrease exponentially with an increasing interface area and r‐value, that is, interface area divided by the entire subunit surface area. As the r‐value reflects the nature of dimer formation, the result suggests that both the interface area and the nature of dimer formation are responsible for the dynamic properties of dimer interfaces. For interfaces with small or medium r‐values and without intersubunit entanglements, ACCs are found to increase on dimer formation when compared with those in the protomer state. In contrast, ACCs do not increase on dimer formation for interfaces with large r‐values and intersubunit entanglements such as in interwinding dimers. Furthermore, relationships between ACCs for intrasubunit atom pairs and for intersubunit atom pairs are found to significantly differ between interwinding and noninterwinding dimers for external motions. External motions are considered as an important factor for characterizing dimer interfaces.  相似文献   

A comprehensive analysis of the quaternary features of distantly related homo‐oligomeric proteins is the focus of the current study. This study has been performed at the levels of quaternary state, symmetry, and quaternary structure. Quaternary state and quaternary structure refers to the number of subunits and spatial arrangements of subunits, respectively. Using a large dataset of available 3D structures of biologically relevant assemblies, we show that only 53% of the distantly related homo‐oligomeric proteins have the same quaternary state. Considering these homologous homo‐oligomers with the same quaternary state, conservation of quaternary structures is observed only in 38% of the pairs. In 36% of the pairs of distantly related homo‐oligomers with different quaternary states the larger assembly in a pair shows high structural similarity with the entire quaternary structure of the related protein with lower quaternary state and it is referred as “Russian doll effect.” The differences in quaternary state and structure have been suggested to contribute to the functional diversity. Detailed investigations show that even though the gross functions of many distantly related homo‐oligomers are the same, finer level differences in molecular functions are manifested by differences in quaternary states and structures. Comparison of structures of biological assemblies in distantly and closely related homo‐oligomeric proteins throughout the study differentiates the effects of sequence divergence on the quaternary structures and function. Knowledge inferred from this study can provide insights for improved protein structure classification and function prediction of homo‐oligomers. Proteins 2016; 84:1190–1202. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

It is well established that, within families of homologous enzymes, amino acid residues that are involved in the chemistry of the reaction are highly conserved. To determine if residues at the subunit interface of oligomeric enzymes with shared active sites are also conserved, comparative analysis of five enzyme families was undertaken. For the chosen enzyme families, sequence data were available for a large number of proteins and a three-dimensional structure was known for at least two members of each family. The analysis indicates that the subunit interface and the hydrophobic core of proteins from all five families have diverged to a similar extent to the overall protein sequences.  相似文献   

The stability of thermophilic proteins has been viewed from different perspectives and there is yet no unified principle to understand this stability. It would be valuable to reveal the most important interactions for designing thermostable proteins for such applications as industrial protein engineering. In this work, we have systematically analyzed the importance of various interactions by computing different parameters such as surrounding hydrophobicity, inter‐residue interactions, ion‐pairs and hydrogen bonds. The importance of each interaction has been determined by its predicted relative contribution in thermophiles versus the same contribution in mesophilic homologues based on a dataset of 373 protein families. We predict that hydrophobic environment is the major factor for the stability of thermophilic proteins and found that 80% of thermophilic proteins analyzed showed higher hydrophobicity than their mesophilic counterparts. Ion pairs, hydrogen bonds, and interaction energy are also important and favored in 68%, 50%, and 62% of thermophilic proteins, respectively. Interestingly, thermophilic proteins with decreased hydrophobic environments display a greater number of hydrogen bonds and/or ion pairs. The systematic elimination of mesophilic proteins based on surrounding hydrophobicity, interaction energy, and ion pairs/hydrogen bonds, led to correctly identifying 95% of the thermophilic proteins in our analyses. Our analysis was also applied to another, more refined set of 102 thermophilic–mesophilic pairs, which again identified hydrophobicity as a dominant property in 71% of the thermophilic proteins. Further, the notion of surrounding hydrophobicity, which characterizes the hydrophobic behavior of residues in a protein environment, has been applied to the three‐dimensional structures of elongation factor‐Tu proteins and we found that the thermophilic proteins are enriched with a hydrophobic environment. The results obtained in this work highlight the importance of hydrophobicity as the dominating characteristic in the stability of thermophilic proteins, and we anticipate this will be useful in our attempts to engineering thermostable proteins. © Proteins 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The basic DNA-binding modules of 128 protein-DNA interfaces have been analyzed. Although these are less planar, like the protein-protein interfaces, the protein-DNA interfaces can also be dissected into core regions in which all the fully-buried atoms are located, and rim regions having atoms with residual accessibilities. The sequence entropy of the core residues is smaller than those in the rim, indicating that the former are better conserved and possibly contribute more towards the binding free energy, as has been implicated in protein-protein interactions. On the protein side, 1014 A(2) of the surface is buried of which 63% belong to the core. There are some differences in the propensities of residues to occur in the core and the rim. In the DNA strands, the nucleotide(s) containing fully-buried atoms in all three components usually occupy central positions of the binding region. A new classification scheme for the interfaces has been introduced based on the composition of secondary structural elements of residues and the results compared with the conventional classification of DNA-binding proteins, as well as the protein class of the molecule. It appears that a common framework may be developed to understand both protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions.  相似文献   

The past decade has witnessed great advances in our understanding of protein structure‐function relationships in terms of the ubiquitous existence of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) and intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs). The structural disorder of IDPs/IDRs enables them to play essential functions that are complementary to those of ordered proteins. In addition, IDPs/IDRs are persistent in evolution. Therefore, they are expected to possess some advantages over ordered proteins. In this review, we summarize and survey nine possible advantages of IDPs/IDRs: economizing genome/protein resources, overcoming steric restrictions in binding, achieving high specificity with low affinity, increasing binding rate, facilitating posttranslational modifications, enabling flexible linkers, preventing aggregation, providing resistance to non‐native conditions, and allowing compatibility with more available sequences. Some potential advantages of IDPs/IDRs are not well understood and require both experimental and theoretical approaches to decipher. The connection with protein design is also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of the water molecules immobilized at the protein-protein interfaces of 115 homodimeric proteins and 46 protein-protein complexes, and compare them with 173 large crystal packing interfaces representing nonspecific interactions. With an average of 15 waters per 1000 A2 of interface area, the crystal packing interfaces are more hydrated than the specific interfaces of homodimers and complexes, which have 10-11 waters per 1000 A2, reflecting the more hydrophilic composition of crystal packing interfaces. Very different patterns of hydration are observed: Water molecules may form a ring around interfaces that remain "dry," or they may permeate "wet" interfaces. A majority of the specific interfaces are dry and most of the crystal packing interfaces are wet, but counterexamples exist in both categories. Water molecules at interfaces form hydrogen bonds with protein groups, with a preference for the main-chain carbonyl and the charged side-chains of Glu, Asp, and Arg. These interactions are essentially the same in specific and nonspecific interfaces, and very similar to those observed elsewhere on the protein surface. Water-mediated polar interactions are as abundant at the interfaces as direct protein-protein hydrogen bonds, and they may contribute to the stability of the assembly.  相似文献   

The geometry of interactions of planar residues is nonrandom in protein tertiary structures and gives rise to conventional, as well as nonconventional (X--H...pi, X--H...O, where X = C, N, or O) hydrogen bonds. Whether a similar geometry is maintained when the interaction is across the protein-protein interface is addressed here. The relative geometries of interactions involving planar residues, and the percentage of contacts giving rise to different types of hydrogen bonds are quite similar in protein structures and the biological interfaces formed by protein chains in homodimers and protein-protein heterocomplexes--thus pointing to the similarity of chemical interactions that occurs during protein folding and binding. However, the percentage is considerably smaller in the nonspecific and nonphysiological interfaces that are formed in crystal lattices of monomeric proteins. The C--H...O interaction linking the aromatic and the peptide groups is quite common in protein structures as well as the three types of interfaces. However, as the interfaces formed by crystal contacts are depleted in aromatic residues, the weaker hydrogen bond interactions would contribute less toward their stability.  相似文献   

Kim WK  Ison JC 《Proteins》2005,61(4):1075-1088
Considering the limited success of the most sophisticated docking methods available and the amount of computation required for systematic docking, cataloging all the known interfaces may be an alternative basis for the prediction of protein tertiary and quaternary structures. We classify domain interfaces according to the geometry of domain-domain association. By applying a simple and efficient method called "interface tag clustering," more than 4,000 distinct types of domain interfaces are collected from Protein Quaternary Structure Server and Protein Data Bank. Given a pair of interacting domains, we define "face" as the set of interacting residues in each single domain and the pair of interacting faces as an "interface." We investigate how the geometry of interfaces relates to a network of interacting protein families, such as how many different binding orientations are possible between two families or whether a family uses distinct surfaces or the same surface when the family has diverse interaction partners from various families. We show there are, on average, 1.2-1.9 different types of interfaces between interacting domains and a significant number of family pairs associate in multiple orientations. In general, a family tends to use distinct faces for each partner when the family has diverse interaction partners. Each face is highly specific to its interaction partner and the binding orientation. The relative positions of interface residues are generally well conserved within the same type of interface even between remote homologs. The classification result is available at http://www.biotec.tu-dresden.de/~wkim/supplement.  相似文献   

Mimotopes mimic the three-dimensional topology of an antigen epitope, and are frequently recognized by antibodies with affinities comparable to those obtained for the original antibody-antigen interaction. Peptides and anti-idiotypic antibodies are two classes of protein mimotopes that mimic the topology (but not necessarily the sequence) of the parental antigen. In this study, we combine these two classes by selecting mimotopes based on single domain IgNAR antibodies, which display exceptionally long CDR3 loop regions (analogous to a constrained peptide library) presented in the context of an immunoglobulin framework with adjacent and supporting CDR1 loops. By screening an in vitro phage-display library of IgNAR variable domains (V(NAR)s) against the target antigen monoclonal antibody MAb5G8, we obtained four potential mimotopes. MAb5G8 targets a linear tripeptide epitope (AYP) in the flexible signal sequence of the Plasmodium falciparum Apical Membrane Antigen-1 (AMA1), and this or similar motifs were detected in the CDR loops of all four V(NAR)s. The V(NAR)s, 1-A-2, -7, -11, and -14, were demonstrated to bind specifically to this paratope by competition studies with an artificial peptide and all showed enhanced affinities (3-46 nM) compared to the parental antigen (175 nM). Crystallographic studies of recombinant proteins 1-A-7 and 1-A-11 showed that the SYP motifs on these V(NAR)s presented at the tip of the exposed CDR3 loops, ideally positioned within bulge-like structures to make contact with the MAb5G8 antibody. These loops, in particular in 1-A-11, were further stabilized by inter- and intra- loop disulphide bridges, hydrogen bonds, electrostatic interactions, and aromatic residue packing. We rationalize the higher affinity of the V(NAR)s compared to the parental antigen by suggesting that adjacent CDR1 and framework residues contribute to binding affinity, through interactions with other CDR regions on the antibody, though of course definitive support of this hypothesis will rely on co-crystallographic studies. Alternatively, the selection of mimotopes from a large (<4 x 10(8)) constrained library may have allowed selection of variants with even more favorable epitope topologies than present in the original antigenic structure, illustrating the power of in vivo selection of mimotopes from phage-displayed molecular libraries.  相似文献   

The 26S proteasome is a multi‐catalytic ATP‐dependent protease complex that recognizes and cleaves damaged or misfolded proteins to maintain cellular homeostasis. The 26S subunit consists of 20S core and 19S regulatory particles. 20S core particle consists of a stack of heptameric alpha and beta subunits. To elucidate the structure‐function relationship, we have dissected protein‐protein interfaces of 20S core particle and analyzed structural and physiochemical properties of intra‐alpha, intra‐beta, inter‐beta, and alpha‐beta interfaces. Furthermore, we have studied the evolutionary conservation of 20S core particle. We find the size of intra‐alpha interfaces is significantly larger and is more hydrophobic compared with other interfaces. Inter‐beta interfaces are well packed, more polar, and have higher salt‐bridge density than other interfaces. In proteasome assembly, residues in beta subunits are better conserved than alpha subunits, while multi‐interface residues are the most conserved. Among all the residues at the interfaces of both alpha and beta subunits, Gly is highly conserved. The largest size of intra‐alpha interfaces complies with the hypothesis that large interfaces form first during the 20S assembly. The tight packing of inter‐beta interfaces makes the core particle impenetrable from outer wall of the cylinder. Comparing the three domains, eukaryotes have large and well‐packed interfaces followed by archaea and bacteria. Our findings provide a structural basis of assembly of 20S core particle in all the three domains of life.  相似文献   

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