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Lyme disease is a multi-system organ disorder caused by Borrelia burgdorferi. Although ocular manifestations have been reported, these remain a rare feature of the disease. This report shows a 49-years old patient that has been bitten by a tick and as consequence of which developed symptoms of the Lyme disease. In 1998 the patient was hospitalized in our Eye Clinic due to operating treatment of the paralytic strabismus (abductal nerve paralysis), as a rare feature of the Lyme disease. Postoperative squint angle was significantly reduced, but without any temporal movement. Diplopia was still present, though slightly reduced with the use of prism eyeglasses. The improvement of the quality of life was achieved, as well as the patient's satisfaction.  相似文献   

P. Averback  M. Moinuddin 《CMAJ》1977,117(2):154-156
A 58-year-old woman presented with pericarditis and pericardial effusion. Investigation revealed that she was suffering from a thrombocythemic myeloproliferative disorder; she died of massive pulmonary embolism 10 days after admission. Histologic study verified epicardial and pericardial trilineage hematopoiesis. Pericarditis is an unusual feature of essential thrombocythemia and it may occur in direct relation to the abnormal cellular proliferation.  相似文献   

The effect on the rate of sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) in Bloom syndrome fibroblasts by cocultivation with Fanconi anemia and xeroderma pigmentosum fibroblasts and with Bloom syndrome heterozygotes was studied. Cells of Fanconi anemia and xeroderma origin reduced the rate of SCEs in Bloom cells by about 45%-50%, just as control cells do. In contrast, heterozygous Bloom cells reduced the rate of SCEs by only 16%-28%. In absolute figures, Fanconi cells reduced the mean rate of SCE in Bloom cells from 55.7 +/- 5.50- to 27.7 +/- 6.44, xeroderma cells to 30.5 +/- 5.73, and control cells to 28.3 +/- 5.35. Three different cell strains from Bloom syndrome heterozygotes reduced the rate to 40.1 +/- 8.81, 47.0 +/= 6.94, and 47.5 +/- 8.32. There was no effect on any of these cell strains by Bloom syndrome fibroblasts. We interpret the functional deficiency of heterozygous Bloom syndrome fibroblasts as a gene dosis effect. It probably represents a specific manifestation of the yet unknown primary defect, because it suggests the existence of a "corrective factor" that is inactive or absent in homozygous Bloom cells and reduced in heterozygotes. It may be identical with or closely related to the normal gene product at the Bloom locus.  相似文献   

Splenic rupture is rare but life threatening complication of mononucleosis syndrome. It has been suggested that subcapsular splenic hematoma formation precedes rupture. The case of 44-year-old, previously healthy, male with splenic hematoma occurring after rising of heavy cargo is reported. Mononucleosis syndrome was suggested based on routine laboratory tests (elevated white blood cell count with predominance of lymphocytes and raised serum transaminases) and CMV infection was confirmed by serological test. Nonoperative management was used since the patient was hemodynamically stable with no further signs of splenic rupture. The same approach has been used in growing number of cases of patients with spontaneous splenic rupture in mononucleosis syndrome. Importance of considering splenic hematoma and/or rupture if abdominal pain occurs in the course of mononucleosis syndrome is outlined as well as importance of routine laboratory tests in suspecting mononucleosis syndrome in otherwise clinically silent patient.  相似文献   



MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are regulatory RNAs, stable in circulation, and implicated in colorectal cancer (CRC) etiology and progression. Therefore they are promising as early detection biomarkers of colorectal neoplasia. However, many circulating miRNAs are highly expressed in blood cells, and therefore may not be specific to colorectal neoplasia.


We selected 7 miRNA candidates with previously reported elevated expression in adenoma tissue but low expression in blood cells (“rare” miRNAs), 2 previously proposed as adenoma biomarkers, and 3 implicated in CRC. We conducted a colonoscopy-based case-control study including 48 polyp-free controls, 43 advanced adenomas, 73 non-advanced adenomas, and 8 CRC cases. miRNAs from plasma were quantified by qRT-PCR. Correlations between miRNA expression levels, adjusted for age and sex, were assessed. We used polytomous logistic regression to estimate odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals quantifying the association between expression levels of miRNAs and case groups. We also conducted nonparametric receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analyses and estimated area under the curve (AUC).


miRNAs with high expression levels were statistically significantly correlated with one another. No miRNAs were significantly associated with non-advanced or advanced adenomas. Strong (ORs >5) and significant associations with CRC were observed for 6 miRNA candidates, with corresponding AUCs significantly >0.5.


These candidate miRNAs, assayed by qRT-PCR, are probably unsuitable as blood-based adenoma biomarkers. Strong associations between miRNAs and CRC were observed, but primarily with miRNAs highly expressed in blood cells. These results suggest that rare miRNAs will require new detection methods to serve as circulating biomarkers of adenomas.  相似文献   

The results of comprehensive monitoring of the state of 25 patients in the vegetative state (prolonged coma) before and after compensating for the factors of secondary brain damage were analyzed and followed up for no less than six months. The primary results showed that the best recovery of consciousness and cognitive functions was observed if, according to the positron emission tomography data, a diffuse decrease in the glucose metabolism rate (GMRglu), significantly exceeding the extent of the zones of morphological/anatomical lesions, was present in the brain before treatment, while the minimal improvement was observed if the GMRglu was sufficiently intact. These and other paradoxical results can be explained if the vegetative state is regarded as a stable pathological state of the brain, which offers new approaches to the treatment of this group of patients.  相似文献   

Restricting the food intake of rats and mice to 60% of ad libitum intake has been shown to significantly slow their aging processes and markedly extend length of life. Evidence is presented that indicates the antiaging action of this dietary restriction is a manifestation of hormesis and acts by enabling the animal to cope with stressors, including the low‐intensity, long‐term intrinsic and extrinsic stressors conjectured to cause aging. A hypothesis is offered for the evolutionarily adaptive basis of the antiaging action of dietary restriction: It proposes that this antiaging action is a byproduct of the evolution of mechanisms that enabled animals living in the wild to survive unpredictable and relatively brief periods of food scarcity. Likely proximate mechanisms of antiaging action of dietary restriction are considered. Enhancement of the stress response genes, particularly the heat shock protein genes, appears to be importantly involved. Evidence indicates that moderate hyperadrenocorticism also plays a significant role. These proximate mechanisms may well be major players in other examples of hormesis.  相似文献   

Generalized adenopathy as a manifestation of type 2 reactional leprosy Leprosy patient's reactions are severe clinical manifestations of acute inflammation of chronic lesions, capable of producing irreversible and invalidating damage. We studied a 46 year-old man with a type 2 leprosy reaction, who presented fever, cutaneous nodules, nasal obstruction and generalized adenopathy. The hemogram showed leucocytosis with neutrophilia. None of the initial diagnoses included leprosy. A lymph node biopsy revealed extensive necrotic areas infiltrated with polymorphonuclear lymphocytes, and foamy macrophages. Eosinophylic necrosis and thrombosis of venules with lymphoid nodule depletion was also in evidence. Ziehl Neelsen stain was not done, but the Gomori stain clearly showed Hansen's bacilli. These were were not detected by the pathologist and therefore a final diagnosis was not provided. Twenty months later, the patient presented similar symptoms, but with more generalized lymphadenopathy and presence of cutaneous nodules. Nodule biopsy showed lepromatous leprosy with erythema nodusum leprosum or type 2 reaction. Polychemotherapy treatment and anti-reaction treatment with thalidomide cured the patient. No sequelae were noted in 3 years following the treatment. A literature review of the type 2 reaction in leprosy is provided, including discussion of risk factors, histopathology, differential diagnosis for leprosy adenopathy, pathogenesis, prognosis, and treatment. Type 2 leprosy must be treated immediately upon diagnosis as it can cause serious and permanent tissue damage. As had occurred in the above patient, the disease can proceed with generalized and symptomatic lymphadenopathy.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The use of valproic acid during pregnancy has been associated with adverse fetal outcomes, including major and minor congenital malformations, intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), hyperbilirubinemia, hepatotoxicity, transient hyperglycemia, and fetal and neonatal distress. In addition, intrauterine exposure to valproic acid has been associated with an increased risk of central nervous system abnormalities, primarily neural tube defects. Optic nerve hypoplasia has been reported in association with other prenatal anticonvulsant exposures, but the occurrence of septo-optic dysplasia as a manifestation of valproic acid embryopathy has not been reported previously. RESULTS: We report on a woman who received Depakote (valproic acid) throughout her pregnancy for the treatment of a seizure disorder. The patient presented with features typical of valproic acid embryopathy, including bitemporal narrowing, hypertelorism, short palpebral fissures, epicanthal folds, microphthalmia, a flat broad nasal bridge, small mouth, hypoplastic nails, mild clinodactyly, and camptodactyly. MRI showed hypoplasia of the optic chiasm and absence of the septum pellucidum. CONCLUSIONS: We report the first case of septo-optic dysplasia associated with maternal exposure to valproic acid throughout pregnancy. This case expands the clinical phenotype of valproate embryopathy.  相似文献   

The problem of adaptation of living systems in terms of the concept of informational communications is considered. The informational communication means the qualitative evaluation of information and determines correspondence of living systems to concrete conditions of life during interaction of these living systems to the source of the information. The system of the wholeorganism regulatory chemical communication is the main functional basis for the informational communication. Due to it, the transformation of the information signal in biological systems is performed, which results in their adequate response according to this information. The existence of living systems and their adaptation are determined by peculiarities of functioning of elements of their regulatory systems according to the character of the informational communication.  相似文献   

Pararenal angiosarcoma developed in 42% of CBA male mice injected subcutaneously 1.2-dimethyl hydrazine (DMH) in a dose of 8 mg/kg body weight within 30 weeks. None of 176 CBA female mice given the same treatment developed such tumors. Histologically, the tumors represented various angiosarcomas characterized by a marked invasive growth into the renal parenchyma.  相似文献   

Summary Exposure of the hindquarter of the rat to 1000 rad of gamma-radiation caused a significant increase in the release of glutamine and alanine into the perfusion fluid at 4 h post-irradiation. The extent of the release of glutamine exceeded that of alanine. Furthermore, the exposure to gamma-radiation brought about a significant lowering of the intra-/extracellular concentration gradient with respect to glutamine and alanine.On leave from the University of Rochester, School of Medicine and Dentistry, Department of Biophysics, Rochester, New York, USADedicated to Prof. L.E. Feinendegen on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

Study in the variability and heritability of the "radiosensitivity" character in clone populations of rhabdomyosarcoma RA-2 and carcinosarcoma K10 in rats has shown a hereditary heterogeneity of the clonogenic tumour cell populations by the given character and probability of the facultative threshold display.  相似文献   

All gilts and sows in production from which the detailed production information was available in a 160-sow unit were included to the study. In winter-spring, there were complete data available from 47 animals and in summer-autumn from 64 animals. The farm had a consistent history of the seasonally reduced farrowing rate in summer-autumn. Success of inseminations was monitored during a 4-month breeding period in winter-spring and in summer-autumn. Each animal was bled twice a week for 6 weeks starting a day before insemination and the blood samples were assayed to determine serum progesterone concentration. The blood samples were also assayed for cortisol to detect any acute infectious response. Starting on day 18, animals were pregnancy tested by transcutaneous real time ultrasound twice a week. In winter-spring, the farrowing rate was 72% (58 inseminations, 1.2 inseminations/sow) and in summer-autumn 63% (81 inseminations, 1.3 inseminations/sow). In winter-spring, there was only one detected case of early disruption of pregnancy (EDP), whereas nine such cases were recognised in summer-autumn. Five out of those nine animals returned to oestrus with a mean insemination to oestrus interval of 25.8+/-1.6 days. One sow returned to oestrus 35 days after insemination and three sows did not return to oestrus within 45 days. However, two of these sows had progesterone profiles that indicated an undetected oestrus around day 25. In those nine animals, no acute phase infectious response as indicated by a rise in serum cortisol was evident. Serum progesterone concentrations in the animals eventually loosing the pregnancy tended to be lower on day 13 (no significant difference) and were significantly lower on day 20 when compared with animals remaining pregnant. There was no difference in serum progesterone levels of pregnant animals between winter-spring and summer-autumn. Litter size was not affected by the season. The weaning to oestrus interval tended to be longer in summer-autumn. This study showed that the seasonally decreased farrowing rate is partly caused by EDP. The lowered progesterone concentrations in summer-autumn were demonstrable only in "problem animals".  相似文献   

Sensed presence (PRES), the illusory, often fearful impression of someone being present, is the most frequent type of imagery accompanying isolated sleep paralysis (ISP). Because of numerous similarities between PRES and social anxiety, the authors hypothesized that individuals who reported having had PRES during ISP would have higher levels of social anxiety than would either subjects who reported ISP without PRES or controls with neither experience. Forty-five university students (16 ISP + PRES, 10 ISP, 19 controls) were administered validated questionnaires measuring social anxiety, depression, and specific phobias. A one-way analysis of variance revealed that ISP + PRES subjects had higher social anxiety than ISP subjects ( p = .013). The effect size for this analysis was large (.598). However, an analysis of covariance controlling for depression and specific phobias revealed a smaller intergroup difference (effect size = .464), a finding apparently due to elevated depression scores among ISP + PRES subjects (p  相似文献   

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