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西北太平洋柔鱼耳石微量元素 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
耳石是头足类重要的硬组织之一,其微化学被用于头足类生活史的重建、群体划分等渔业生态学领域.本文根据我国鱿钓船2007年在西北太平洋海域生产期间采集的柔鱼样本,利用激光剥蚀电感等离子质谱法(laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, LA-ICP-MS)分析了18枚柔鱼耳石的微量元素组成及其分布特性.结果表明: 柔鱼耳石主要由55种元素组成,含量最多的前10位元素分别为钙(Ca)、锶(Sr)、钠(Na)、磷(P)、钾(K)、硅(Si)、镁(Mg)、硼(B)、铁(Fe)和钡(Ba).方差分析表明,不同性别间柔鱼的Ca、Sr、Na、K、Mg、Fe、Ba的含量不存在显著性差异,但P、Si和B含量差异性明显;不同孵化期的群体间Sr和Na含量存在显著性差异,Ca、P、K、Si、Mg、B、Fe和Ba不存在显著性差异;不同耳石部位的Ca、Sr、Na、P、Mg和Ba含量存在显著性差异,而K、Fe、B和Si则不存在显著性差异.研究表明微量元素Sr和Na比较适合用于研究柔鱼的群体划分、洄游史推测等渔业生态学.
北太平洋两个柔鱼群体角质颚形态及生长特征 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
根据2011年5—11月我国鱿钓船在北太平洋海域(150°E—176°W)采集的渔获物样本,对柔鱼两个群体各项角质颚外部形态和生长进行分析。结果表明,角质颚参数值雌性均大于雄性,冬春生群体雌雄参数值间差异要大于秋生群体;角质颚各项参数值中,上头盖长(Upper Hood length,UHL)、上脊突长(Upper Crest length,UCL)、下脊突长(Lower crest length,LCL)、下翼长(Lower Wing length,LWL)与胴长、体重分别呈线性和指数关系(P0.01)。主成分分析认为,秋生群体雌、雄个体角质颚第一主成分因子均为UCL/ML,第二主成分因子均为UWL/ML,冬春生群体雌、雄个体角质颚第一主成分因子分别ULWL/ML和LLWL/ML,第二主成分分别与URW/ML和LRL/ML,这些这成分因子代表了角质颚水平和垂直方向上的生长特征。两个群体的雌性个体角质颚形态上存在显著差异,但雄性个体间差异不显著。方差分析(ANOVA)表明,2个群体不同胴长组间的角质颚形态均存在着显著差异(P0.01);LSD法分析认为,除了秋生群体雌性个体上头盖长、上喙长、下头盖长、下喙宽在胴长组250 mm和250—300 mm间不存在差异外,其他组之间均有着显著差异(P0.01)。同一群体不同性腺成熟度等级间的柔鱼角质颚形态存在显著差异(P0.01),但性成熟度为Ⅰ期和Ⅱ期时2个群体角质颚各项形态指标均存在显著差异(P0.01),而性成熟度Ⅲ期时则不存在差异(P0.05)。研究认为,不同群体的柔鱼角质颚形态及生长特征均存在着一定差异。 相似文献
冬季东海太平洋褶柔鱼的空间异质性特征 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
运用地统计学的方法,根据2002年12月东海区121个站位的资源监测调查数据,拟合变异函数最优模型,计算各向同性下的模型参数和不同方向上的分维数,分析了冬季东海北部和南部太平洋褶柔鱼的空间异质性特征,并进一步探讨了其空间格局与环境的关系。结果表明,在各向同性条件下,东海北部和南部具有相似的空间异质性特征,其变异函数均能用球状模型拟合,呈聚集空间格局,空间变程大约为440 km,随机性因素占空间异质性的30%左右,结构性因素占空间异质性的70%左右,处于主导地位。各向异性分析表明,在东海北部,135°和90°方向的分维数最高,分别为1.954和1.893,说明太平洋褶柔鱼在这两个方向上分布较均匀,空间依赖性较小,这与东南-西北方向的黄海暖流和西-东方向的长江冲淡水一致;而在东海南部,45°方向的分维数最高,为1.999,太平洋褶柔鱼在此方向分布上的同质性与西南-东北方向的黑潮主干及台湾暖流相对应。这说明,海流是影响较大尺度生态过程上太平洋褶柔鱼分布的主要环境要素。 相似文献
自然种群唐鱼的耳石、日龄与生长 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
为了解唐鱼自然种群的年龄结构和生长特征,根据耳石结构于2005年6月—2006年4月每2个月1次对栖息于从化市鹿子田附近自然水体唐鱼的日龄组成进行了调查。2005年6月采集到的唐鱼日龄集中在40~70 d,8月和10月唐鱼种群既有较大个体,也有孵出不久的仔鱼,日龄分布在10~130 d。2005年12月和2006年2月大部分唐鱼日龄在50 d以上,2006年4月大部分唐鱼日龄则在50 d以下。与人工养殖的唐鱼相比,自然种群唐鱼耳石生长轮的清晰度和对比度高,但生长轮宽度规则性较低。自然种群唐鱼的耳石长径与体长呈显著的线性关系,与体质量呈显著的幂函数关系。自然种群唐鱼的生长符合幂函数方程,体长(L,mm)、体质量(M,mg)与日龄(D,d)的回归关系分别为L=1.4685D0.5824(r=0.9081,P<0.001,n=266)和M=0.0048D2.0122(r=0.8844,P<0.001,n=266)。该生长方程反映了自然种群唐鱼早期的生长。8—10月唐鱼种群年龄结构最为复杂,根据其年龄结构的季节变化可以推测自然条件下唐鱼的繁殖期为3—12月。 相似文献
阿根廷滑柔鱼两个群体间耳石和角质颚的形态差异 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
头足类硬组织具有稳定的形态特征、良好的信息储存以及抗腐蚀性等特点。根据2007年2—5月和2010年1—3月我国鱿钓船采集的阿根廷滑柔鱼样品,提取出625对耳石和787对角质颚,测量耳石10个形态数据和角质颚12个形态数据,通过除以胴长(Mantle Length,ML)校正后,对南巴塔哥尼亚群体(South Patagonic Stock,SPS)和布宜诺斯艾利斯-巴塔哥尼亚群体(Bonaerensis-Northpatagonic Stock,BNS)形态差异进行分析,并建立不同群体的判别函数。结果表明,BNS群体耳石和角质颚外形参数雌性大于雄性,而SPS群体则为雄性大于雌性。均数差异性检验认为,同一群体不同性别的耳石总长(Total StatolithLength,TSL)、最大宽度(Maximum Width,MW)、侧区长(Lateral Dome Length,LDL)、翼区长(Wing Length,WL)、翼区宽(WingWidth,WW)存在显著差异(P<0.05),同性别不同群体的MW、背侧区长(Dorsal Lateral Length,DLL)、吻侧区长(RostrumLateral Length,RLL)和WW存在显著差异(P<0.05)。而同一群体不同性别间角质颚的上头盖长(Upper Hood length,UHL)、上脊突长(Upper Crest length,UCL)、上喙长(Upper Rostrum length,URL)、上喙宽(Upper rostrum width,URW)、上侧壁长(UpperLateral wall length,ULWL)、下喙长(Lower Rostrum length,LRL)存在显著差异(P<0.01),同一性别不同群体角质颚的下头盖长(Lower Hood length,LHL)、下脊突长(Lower crest length,LCL)、LRL、下喙宽(Lower Rostrum width,LRW)、下侧壁长(LowerLateral wall length,LLWL)、下翼长(Lower Wing length,LWL)存在显著差异(P<0.01)。耳石形态参数经主成分分析,认为BNS群体雌雄的主成分因子主要集中在TSL/ML、DLL/ML、RW/ML和MW/ML,SPS群体主要集中于TSL/ML、RW/ML、WW/ML和DDL/ML;角质颚形态参数经主成分分析,认为BNS群体主成分因子主要集中在UHL/ML、UCL/ML、ULWL/ML和LRW/ML,SPS群体主要集中在UHL/ML、UCL/ML、ULWL/ML、URL/ML、LWL/ML和LRL/ML。利用角质颚和耳石对两群体样本分性别建立了判别函数,判别正确率均高于60%,所划分群体在部分形态指标上差异明显,具有一定的可信度。今后应加强样本采集个体大小和时间跨度,以更好的分析其群体变化规律。 相似文献
西南大西洋阿根廷滑柔鱼耳石元素组成 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
耳石微量元素越来越广泛地被用于头足类群体划分、洄游史等领域的研究。根据我国鱿钓船2007、2008和2010年在西南大西洋生产期间采集的阿根廷滑柔鱼样本,利用激光剥蚀电感等离子质谱法(Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry,LA-ICP-MS)按不同群体、不同性别和不同生长阶段,分析了33枚阿根廷滑柔鱼耳石的元素组成及分布特性。结果表明,阿根廷滑柔鱼耳石主要由56种元素组成,含量最多的前10种元素分别为钙Ca、锶Sr、钠Na、磷P、钾K、铁Fe、镁Mg、钡Ba、硼B、镓Ga。方差分析表明(ANOVA),不同性别间Ca、Sr、Na、P、K、Fe、Mg、Ba、B、Ga都不存在显著性差异(P0.05)。冬季孵化群和秋季孵化群间耳石的Sr、Na、Mg、Ba和B存在显著性差异(P0.05),Ca、P、K、Fe和Ga则不存在显著性差异(P0.05)。耳石的核心区、后核心区、暗区和外围区等不同部位间的Na、Ba和Ga不存在显著性差异(P0.05),Ca、Sr、P、K、Fe、Mg和B则存在显著性差异(P0.05)。研究表明,Sr和Mg含量及其分布特性最适合用于研究阿根廷滑柔鱼的群体划分、洄游史等渔业生态学特性。 相似文献
基于稳定同位素技术的北太平洋柔鱼角质颚信息 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
根据2012年7—10月中国鱿钓船在42°N—45°N、153°E—157°E海域采集的柔鱼样本,测定20对北太平洋柔鱼上、下角质颚的碳、氮稳定同位素比值,分析其碳、氮稳定同位素比值与柔鱼性别、个体大小和色素沉着等级之间的关系。结果表明:角质颚的碳、氮稳定同位素值在雌雄个体间均未发现显著差异;角质颚的碳稳定同位素值与个体大小呈显著负相关,而氮稳定同位素值与其呈显著正相关;随着柔鱼个体的生长,其角质颚的色素沉着等级逐渐增大,角质颚的氮稳定同位素比值也随之升高,而色素沉着等级与儿茶酚类物质的含量有关,儿茶酚类物质含量的增大使柔鱼角质颚强度增大,从而更有利于柔鱼摄食高营养级生物。 相似文献
研究了棘头梅童鱼(Collichthys lucidus)耳石的形态参数、生长特性及其与鱼体生长的关系,选用左矢耳石为研究对象,用直线、对数、多项式、幂函数和指数函数拟合矢耳石各参数的生长关系式,依据耳石日轮鉴定了日龄.结果表明,体长范围为29.8~ 104.0 mm的棘头梅童鱼矢耳石的长直径随鱼体生长而增大,但短直径与长直径的比值以及长直径方向上的短半径与长半径的比值则基本稳定.矢耳石的长、宽和重之间,以及长半径和短半径之间均呈显著的幂函数相关关系;矢耳石生长与鱼体生长的关系中,矢耳石长、宽、厚、重与长半径和体长、体重之间的关系,除了体长与耳石厚的关系为显著的二次多项式外,全部呈显著的幂函数相关关系. 相似文献
日本海太平洋褶柔鱼生物学特征的年际变化 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
根据2010~2013年连续4个年度在日本海进行鱿钓生产采集的样本,利用SSPS软件统计拟合生长和Logistic曲线的方法,分析了太平样褶柔鱼(Todarodes pacificus)的胴长、体重、性别、性成熟度和摄食强度等生物学特征,以及日本海太平洋褶柔鱼群体结构和组成的年际变化。太平洋褶柔鱼总样本数量为388尾,其中雌、雄个体的平均胴长分别为231 mm和230 mm,优势胴长组为220~250 mm。各年度样本的雄雌性比均接近1︰1,总性比为0.89。胴长和体质量关系呈幂函数变化。Logistic曲线拟合个体初次性成熟胴长,其中雌性为216.04 mm,雄性为216.71 mm。样本以性成熟个体为主,成熟率(Ⅲ、Ⅳ和Ⅴ期)高达78.35%。摄食强度主要分布在Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ等级,从胃含物组成的出现频率来看,以鱼类最高且主要是沙丁鱼类和灯笼鱼类,频率达70%以上;头足类次之,甲壳类较少。日本海太平洋褶柔鱼各年度的群落结构稍有差异,推测其生长发育与海洋环境因子有关,如温度、海流、盐度、饵料丰度等不同变化造成。 相似文献
北太平洋柔鱼微卫星标记的筛选及遗传多样性 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
采用(AC)12、(AG)12两种生物素探针,通过磁珠富集法构建了柔鱼部分基因组微卫星富集文库。68个阳性克隆中有60个含有微卫星序列,重复次数在10次以上的占86.84%,最高重复次数为33次。其中,完美型微卫星占60.53%,非完美型微卫星占36.84%,混合型微卫星占2.63%。除探针使用的AC/TG、AG/TC重复外,还得到ACAG、AGAC重复序列。利用筛选出的8个微卫星位点对北太平洋柔鱼6个群体的遗传多样性及遗传结构进行分析。结果表明,8个微卫星位点均为高度多态性位点(PIC=0.787—0.987),位点Bo103与位点Bo105极显著偏离Hardy-Weinberg平衡(P0.01)。6个地理位置的柔鱼群体显示出较高的遗传多样性水平(Ho=0.672—0.761,He=0.808—0.851)。两两群体间的Fst值以及AMOVA分析结果均表明,群体间遗传分化不显著(Fst=0.00559,P0.05),遗传差异主要来自于个体间。基于Nei's遗传距离的UPGMA聚类树显示,北太平洋东北部2个柔鱼群体(NE1、NE3)聚为一类,西北部3个群体(NW1、NW2、NW3)与东北部1个群体(NE2)另聚为一类,且群体NW1与群体NE2亲缘关系最近,遗传距离与地理距离线性相关分析没有呈现出正相关性(R=0.175,P0.05)。遗传结构分析结果推断北太平洋柔鱼存在1个理论群。柔鱼个体具有较强的游泳能力,在海流的作用下,群体之间存在较强的基因交流。建议今后在柔鱼资源开发利用过程中将北太平洋柔鱼看作1个管理单元。 相似文献
中西太平洋鲣鱼的年龄鉴定和生长特性 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
鱼类的年龄和生长等生物学参数对于准确评估渔业资源非常重要.本文于2007年10月至2008年1月,利用围网渔船在中西太平洋海域采集了262尾鲣鱼样本,现场测定其叉长(278~746 mm)和体质量(345~9905 g),并搜集第一背鳍鳍棘用于鉴定其年龄和生长状况.结果表明:鲣鱼叉长(L, mm)与体质量(M,g)的关系式为M=3.612×10-6L3. 278 (R2=0.9782),性别对其影响不显著(F=2.002,P>0.05);经赤池信息量标准(AIC)评估,在幂函数、线性及指数3种回归关系中,线性回归模型最好地拟合了鲣鱼叉长与鳍棘截面半径之间的关系(AIC=2257.4);采用Fraser-Lee法求得的鲣鱼1~5龄平均逆算叉长分别为398.4、494.2、555.4、636.8和728.8 mm;经残差平方和分析,雌雄鲣鱼的生长状况间不存在显著性差异(F=0.670;df=182;P>0.05),推得鲣鱼von Bertalanffy生长方程为Lt=706.51(1-e-0.64(t+0.037)). 相似文献
The seabird tick Ixodes uriae parasitizes over 60 host species in the circumpolar regions of both hemispheres. To assess the impacts of these ticks on the growth and development of nestling seabirds, we used a logistic growth model to interpolate between successive measures of mass (g) and wing chord (mm) for 558 Cassin's auklet Ptychoramphus aleuticus and 344 rhinoceros auklet Cerorhinca monocerata chicks over 11 years (1997–2008, less 2003) on Triangle Island, British Columbia, Canada. From the model, we estimated the asymptotic measure and the age at inflection point for each chick's growth trajectory, and assessed their relationships with tick load relative to other sources of annual and seasonal variation in growth. Most chicks (72.4% of Cassin's auklets, 62.2% of rhinoceros auklets) hosted ≥ 1 ticks, and the median tick load on infested chicks was two in both species. Infestation rates varied by a factor of about two among years (0.42 to 0.87 overall), but were uncorrelated between species and with air temperatures over the preceding winter. The probability of hosting a tick declined strongly with chick age, mainly in the first 20 days after hatching, and to near zero by fledging. Asymptotic weights and/or wing lengths declined with tick load in both species, but at normal loads the reductions were minor relative to those imposed by other factors; only at very high loads, which were rare, were effects likely to be biologically relevant. Tick load and survival to fledging were unrelated in both species. While our study found little influence of ticks, we believe there is need for further study of the relationships between parasites and seabird demography, especially in light of ongoing environmental change. 相似文献
Jared R. Towers James F. Pilkington Ernest A. Mason Ernest V. Mason 《Ecology and evolution》2022,12(3)
Bowhead whales occur in the Arctic year‐round. Their movements are largely correlated with seasonal expansions and reductions of sea ice, but a few recent extralimital sightings have occurred in the eastern and western North Atlantic and one was also documented in the western North Pacific over 50 years ago. Here we present details of a juvenile bowhead whale that was photographed and filmed from above and below the water while it was skim‐feeding in Caamaño Sound, BC, Canada on May 31, 2016. This sighting occurred over 2000 km southeast from the nearest known range for this species in the Bering Sea at a time that most bowhead whales in that region would have been migrating northeast. This sighting represents the first and only documentation of a bowhead whale in the eastern North Pacific to date. 相似文献
V. F. Gallucci † R. J. Foy ‡§ S. M. O'Brien A. Aires-da -Silva H. Nesse B. Langseth N. Vega I. Taylor K. J. Goldman ¶ 《Journal of fish biology》2008,73(3):732-739
A pregnant salmon shark Lamna ditropis, captured in Alaska in December 2006, held two male and two female oophagous embryos (two per uterus) nourished by a single large 7·5 kg ovary. This discovery provides new data and insights into reproduction of the species and new perspective on the genus Lamna . 相似文献
Large-scale ocean-atmosphere physical dynamics can have profound impacts on the structure and organization of marine ecosystems.
These changes have been termed “regime shifts”, and five different episodes have been detected in the North Pacific Ocean,
with concurrent changes also occurring in the Bering and Beaufort Seas. Belugas from the Eastern Beaufort Sea (EBS) use the
Bering Sea during winter and the Beaufort Sea during summer, yet the potential effects of regime shifts on belugas have not
been assessed. We investigated whether body size and survivorship of EBS belugas harvested in the Mackenzie River delta region
between 1993 and 2003 have been affected by previous purported regime shifts in the North Pacific. Residuals from the relationship
between body length and age were calculated and compared among belugas born between 1932 and 1989. Residual body size was
not significantly related to birth year for any regime, nor to the age group individuals belonged to during any regime. The
percentage deviation in number of belugas born in any given year that survived to be included in the hunt (survivorship) did
not show any significant trend within or between regimes. Accounting for lags of 1–5 years did not reveal any evidence of
delayed effects. Furthermore, neither population index was significantly related to changes in major climatic variables that
precede regime shifts. Our results suggest that EBS beluga body size and survivorship have not been affected by the major
regime shifts of the North Pacific and the adjacent Bering and Beaufort Seas. EBS belugas may have been able to modify their
diet without compromising their growth and survivorship. Diet and reproductive analyses over large and small time scales can
help understand the mechanisms enabling belugas to avoid significant growth and reproductive effects of past regime shifts.
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. 相似文献
Olga A. Filatova Briana H. Witteveen Anton A. Goncharov Alexei V. Tiunov Maria I. Goncharova Alexander M. Burdin Erich Hoyt 《Marine Mammal Science》2013,29(3):E253-E265
Humpback whales feed on a variety of prey, but significant differences likely occur between regional feeding grounds. In this study, the diets of humpback whales were analyzed by comparing stable isotope ratios in animal tissues at three humpback whale feeding grounds in the Russian Far East: Karaginsky Gulf, Anadyr Gulf, and the Commander Islands. Anadyr Gulf is a neritic zone far from a shelf break, Karaginsky Gulf is a neritic zone close to a shelf break, and the Commander Islands represent an open oceanic ecosystem where whales feed off the shelf break. Samples from the Commander Islands had the lowest mean δ13C and δ15N values (mean ± SE: δ13C = ?18.7 ± 0.1, δ15N = 10.4 ± 0.1) compared to the samples from Karaginsky Gulf (δ13C = ?17.2 ± 0.1, δ15N = 12.7 ± 0.2) and Anadyr Gulf (δ13C= ?17.8 ± 0.1, δ15N = 14.0 ± 0.4). The samples from Anadyr Gulf had the highest δ15N values, while the samples from Karaginsky Gulf had the highest δ13C values. Both δ13C and δ15N values differed significantly among all three areas. Our data support the hypothesis that humpback whales tend to feed on fish in neritic areas and on plankton in deep oceanic waters. 相似文献
The distribution and size fractions of chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentration in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean in boreal autumn were investigated during October and November, 2011. Environmental factors, including hydrology and nutrients, that might affect the distribution and size composition were analyzed. A total of 18 stations including 11 CTD stations and 7 navigation stations were selected which stretch from the northwest coast of South America to the area of the central Pacific Ocean south of the Hawaiian Islands (2.77°S–13.02°N, 84.11–154.02°W). The studied area can be divided into two transects: the 6°N transect (124–148°W) and the154°W transect (10–13°N). Results showed that the surface Chl a concentration was higher in the east near the northwest coast of South America (>0.200 mg/m3) and lower in the west (0.100–0.200 mg/m3), and it presented a highly significant negative correlation with sea surface temperature (p < 0.001). There were some differences between the sectional distribution of Chl a concentration between the 6°N and 154°W transects. The high values of Chl a concentration occurred near the surface along the 6°N transect (0–75 m), while they were relatively deeper along the 154°W transect (50–100 m). Iron might be the factor that limited the growth of phytoplankton in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean. Picophytoplankton (Pico) was the dominant taxa in the surveyed area, particularly in the waters along the two transects (>70% of total Chl a). The Pico to total Chl a ratio was higher in the upper layer (>70%) than in the deeper layer. 相似文献
James A. Coyer Galice Hoarau Jaap Van Schaik Pepijn Luijckx Jeanine L. Olsen 《Journal of Biogeography》2011,38(4):756-771
Aim We examined the phylogeography of the cold‐temperate macroalgal species Fucus distichus L., a key foundation species in rocky intertidal shores and the only Fucus species to occur naturally in both the North Pacific and the North Atlantic. Location North Pacific and North Atlantic oceans (42° to 77° N). Methods We genotyped individuals from 23 populations for a mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) intergenic spacer (IGS) (n = 608) and the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) region (n = 276), as well as for six nuclear microsatellite loci (n = 592). Phylogeographic structure and connectivity were assessed using population genetic and phylogenetic network analyses. Results IGS mtDNA haplotype diversity was highest in the North Pacific, and divergence between Pacific haplotypes was much older than that of the single cluster of Atlantic haplotypes. Two ancestral Pacific IGS/COI clusters led to a widespread Atlantic cluster. High mtDNA and microsatellite diversities were observed in Prince William Sound, Alaska, 11 years after severe disturbance by the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill. Main conclusions At least two colonizations occurred from the older North Pacific populations to the North Atlantic between the opening of the Bering Strait and the onset of the Last Glacial Maximum. One colonization event was from the Japanese Archipelago/eastern Aleutians, and a second was from the Alaskan mainland around the Gulf of Alaska. Japanese populations probably arose from a single recolonization event from the eastern Aleutian Islands before the North Pacific–North Atlantic colonization. In the North Atlantic, the Last Glacial Maximum forced the species into at least two known glacial refugia: the Nova Scotia/Newfoundland (Canada) region and Andøya (northern Norway). The presence of two private haplotypes in the central Atlantic suggests the possibility of colonization from other refugia that are now too warm to support F. distichus. With the continuing decline in Arctic ice cover as a result of global climate change, renewed contact between North Pacific and North Atlantic populations of Fucus species is expected. 相似文献
Zoogeography of the San Andreas Fault system: Great Pacific Fracture Zones correspond with spatially concordant phylogeographic boundaries in western North America 下载免费PDF全文
The purpose of this article is to provide an ultimate tectonic explanation for several well‐studied zoogeographic boundaries along the west coast of North America, specifically, along the boundary of the North American and Pacific plates (the San Andreas Fault system). By reviewing 177 references from the plate tectonics and zoogeography literature, I demonstrate that four Great Pacific Fracture Zones (GPFZs) in the Pacific plate correspond with distributional limits and spatially concordant phylogeographic breaks for a wide variety of marine and terrestrial animals, including invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. These boundaries are: (1) Cape Mendocino and the North Coast Divide, (2) Point Conception and the Transverse Ranges, (3) Punta Eugenia and the Vizcaíno Desert, and (4) Cabo Corrientes and the Sierra Transvolcanica. However, discussion of the GPFZs is mostly absent from the zoogeography and phylogeography literature likely due to a disconnect between biologists and geologists. I argue that the four zoogeographic boundaries reviewed here ultimately originated via the same geological process (triple junction evolution). Finally, I suggest how a comparative phylogeographic approach can be used to test the hypothesis presented here. 相似文献