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We examined the expression of the KCC2 isoform of the K‐Cl cotransporter in the developing and adult brain, using an affinity‐purified antibody directed against a unique region of the KCC2 protein. Expression was shown to be limited to neurons at the cell bodies and cell processes in the hippocampus and cerebellum. Expression seemed to be the highest at the end of processes that originated from the CA1 pyramidal cells. Developmental up‐regulation of KCC2 expression was demonstrated in the entire rat brain by Northern and Western blot analyses, and in the hippocampus by immunofluorescence. Level of KCC2 expression was minimal at birth and increased significantly during postnatal development. This pattern of expression was opposite to the one of the Na‐K‐2Cl cotransporter that is highly expressed in immature brain and decreases during development. The up‐regulation of the K‐Cl cotransporter expression is consistent with the developmental down‐regulation of the intracellular Cl concentration in neurons. The level of intracellular Cl, in turn, determines the excitatory versus inhibitory response of the neurotransmitter γ‐aminobutyric acid in the immature versus mature brain. Finally, KCC2 expression was shown in dorsal root ganglion neurons, demonstrating that expression of the cotransporter is not strictly confined to central nervous system neurons. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 39: 558–568, 1999  相似文献   

The neuronal K-Cl cotransporter KCC2 maintains the low intracellular chloride concentration required for the hyperpolarizing actions of inhibitory neurotransmitters gamma-aminobutyric acid and glycine in the central nervous system. This study shows that the mammalian KCC2 gene (alias Slc12a5) generates two neuron-specific isoforms by using alternative promoters and first exons. The novel KCC2a isoform differs from the only previously known KCC2 isoform (now termed KCC2b) by 40 unique N-terminal amino acid residues, including a putative Ste20-related proline alanine-rich kinase-binding site. Ribonuclease protection and quantitative PCR assays indicated that KCC2a contributes 20-50% of total KCC2 mRNA expression in the neonatal mouse brain stem and spinal cord. In contrast to the marked increase in KCC2b mRNA levels in the cortex during postnatal development, the overall expression of KCC2a remains relatively constant and makes up only 5-10% of total KCC2 mRNA in the mature cortex. A rubidium uptake assay in human embryonic kidney 293 cells showed that the KCC2a isoform mediates furosemide-sensitive ion transport activity comparable with that of KCC2b. Mice that lack both KCC2 isoforms die at birth due to severe motor defects, including disrupted respiratory rhythm, whereas mice with a targeted disruption of the first exon of KCC2b survive for up to 2 weeks but eventually die due to spontaneous seizures. We show that these mice lack KCC2b but retain KCC2a mRNA. Thus, distinct populations of neurons show a differential dependence on the expression of the two isoforms: KCC2a expression in the absence of KCC2b is presumably sufficient to support vital neuronal functions in the brain stem and spinal cord but not in the cortex.  相似文献   

The neuronal K-Cl cotransporter isoform (KCC2) was functionallyexpressed in human embryonic kidney (HEK-293) cell lines. Two stablytransfected HEK-293 cell lines were prepared: one expressing anepitope-tagged KCC2 (KCC2-22T) and another expressing theunaltered KCC2 (KCC2-9). The KCC2-22T cells produced aglycoprotein of ~150 kDa that was absent from HEK-293 control cells.The 86Rb influx in both cell lineswas significantly greater than untransfected control HEK-293 cells. TheKCC2-9 cells displayed a constitutively active86Rb influx that could beincreased further by 1 mMN-ethylmaleimide (NEM) but not by cellswelling. Both furosemide [inhibition constant (Ki) ~25µM] and bumetanide (Ki~55 µM) inhibited the NEM-stimulated 86Rb influx in the KCC2-9cells. This diuretic-sensitive86Rb influx in theKCC2-9 cells, operationally defined as KCC2 mediated, required external Clbut not external Na+ and exhibiteda high apparent affinity for externalRb+(K+)[Michaelis constant(Km) = 5.2 ± 0.9 (SE) mM; n = 5] but alow apparent affinity for externalCl(Km >50 mM). Onthe basis of thermodynamic considerations as well as the unique kineticproperties of the KCC2 isoform, it is hypothesized that KCC2 may servea dual function in neurons: 1) themaintenance of low intracellularCl concentration so as toallow Cl influx vialigand-gated Cl channelsand 2) the buffering of externalK+ concentration([K+]o) in the brain.


The neuron-specific K-Cl cotransporter (KCC2) is hypothesized to function as an active Cl- extrusion pathway important in postsynaptic inhibition mediated by ligand-gated anion channels, like gamma-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) and glycine receptors. To understand better the functional role of KCC2 in the nervous system, we developed polyclonal antibodies to a KCC2 fusion protein and used these antibodies to characterize and localize KCC2 in the rat cerebellum. The antibodies specifically recognized the KCC2 protein which is an approximately 140-kDa glycoprotein detectable only within the central nervous system. The KCC2 protein displayed a robust and punctate distribution in primary cultured retinal amacrine cells known to form exclusively GABAAergic synapses in culture. In immunolocalization studies, KCC2 was absent from axons and glia but was highly expressed at neuronal somata and dendrites, indicating a specific postsynaptic distribution of the protein. In the granule cell layer, KCC2 exhibited a distinct colocalization with the beta2/beta3-subunits of the GABAA receptor at the plasma membrane of granule cell somata and at cerebellar glomeruli. KCC2 lightly labeled the plasma membrane of Purkinje cell somata. Within the molecular layer, KCC2 exhibited a distinctly punctate distribution along dendrites, indicating it may be highly localized at inhibitory synapses along these processes. The distinct postsynaptic localization of KCC2 and its colocalization with GABAA receptor in the cerebellum are consistent with the putative role of KCC2 in neuronal Cl- extrusion and postsynaptic inhibition.  相似文献   

Although K-Cl cotransporter (KCC1) mRNA is expressed in manytissues, K-Cl cotransport activity has been measured in few cell types,and detection of endogenous KCC1 polypeptide has not yet been reported.We have cloned the mouse erythroid KCC1 (mKCC1) cDNA and its flankinggenomic regions and mapped the mKCC1 gene to chromosome 8. Threeanti-peptide antibodies raised against recombinant mKCC1 function asimmunoblot and immunoprecipitation reagents. The tissue distributionsof mKCC1 mRNA and protein are widespread, and mKCC1 RNA isconstitutively expressed during erythroid differentiation of ES cells.KCC1 polypeptide or related antigen is present in erythrocytes ofmultiple species in which K-Cl cotransport activity has beendocumented. Erythroid KCC1 polypeptide abundance is elevated inproportion to reticulocyte counts in density-fractionated cells, inbleeding-induced reticulocytosis, in mouse models of sickle celldisease and thalassemia, and in the corresponding human disorders.mKCC1-mediated uptake of 86Rb intoXenopus oocytes requires extracellularCl, is blocked by thediureticR(+)-[2-n-butyl-6,7-dichloro-2-cyclopentyl-2,3-dihydro-1-oxo-1H-indenyl-5-yl-)oxy]acetic acid, and exhibits an erythroid pattern of acute regulation, with activation by hypotonic swelling,N-ethylmaleimide, and staurosporine and inhibition by calyculin and okadaic acid. These reagents and findings will expedite studies of KCC1 structure-function relationships and of the pathobiology of KCC1-mediated K-Cl cotransport.


K-Cl cotransporters (KCC) playfundamental roles in ionic and osmotic homeostasis. To date, fourmammalian KCC genes have been identified. KCC2 is expressed exclusivelyin neurons. Injection of Xenopus oocytes with KCC2cRNA induced a 20-fold increase in Cl-dependent,furosemide-sensitive K+ uptake. Oocyte swelling increasedKCC2 activity 2-3 fold. A canonical tyrosine phosphorylationsite is located in the carboxy termini of KCC2 (R1081-Y1087) andKCC4, but not in other KCC isoforms. Pharmacological studies, however,revealed no regulatory role for phosphorylation of KCC2 tyrosineresidues. Replacement of Y1087 with aspartate or arginine dramaticallyreduced K+ uptake under isotonic and hypotonic conditions.Normal or near-normal cotransporter activity was observed when Y1087was mutated to phenylalanine, alanine, or isoleucine. A tyrosineresidue equivalent to Y1087 is conserved in all identified KCCs fromnematodes to humans. Mutation of the Y1087 congener in KCC1 toaspartate also dramatically inhibited cotransporter activity. Takentogether, these results suggest that replacement of Y1087 and itscongeners with charged residues disrupts the conformational state ofthe carboxy terminus. We postulate that the carboxy terminus plays anessential role in maintaining the functional conformation of KCCcotransporters and/or is involved in essential regulatory protein-protein interactions.


We have studiedthe regulation of the K-Cl cotransporter KCC1 and its functionalinteraction with the Na-K-Cl cotransporter. K-Cl cotransporter activitywas substantially activated in HEK-293 cells overexpressing KCC1(KCC1-HEK) by hypotonic cell swelling, 50 mM external K, andpretreatment with N-ethylmaleimide(NEM). Bumetanide inhibited 86Rbefflux in KCC1-HEK cells after cell swelling [inhibition constant (Ki) ~190µM] and pretreatment with NEM(Ki ~60 µM).Thus regulation of KCC1 is consistent with properties of the red cellK-Cl cotransporter. To investigate functional interactions between K-Cland Na-K-Cl cotransporters, we studied the relationship between Na-K-Clcotransporter activation and intracellular Cl concentration([Cl]i). Without stimulation, KCC1-HEK cells had greater Na-K-Cl cotransporter activitythan controls. Endogenous Na-K-Cl cotransporter of KCC1-HEK cells wasactivated <2-fold by low-Cl hypotonic prestimulation, compared with10-fold activation in HEK-293 cells and >20-fold activation in cellsoverexpressing the Na-K-Cl cotransporter (NKCC1-HEK). KCC1-HEK cellshad lower resting[Cl]i than HEK-293cells; cell volume was not different among cell lines. We found a steeprelationship between[Cl]i and Na-K-Clcotransport activity within the physiological range, supporting aprimary role for [Cl]iin activation of Na-K-Cl cotransport and in apical-basolateral crosstalk in ion-transporting epithelia.  相似文献   

Red blood cells (RBCs) possess the K-Cl cotransport (KCC) isoforms 1, 3, and 4. Mutations within a given isoform may affect overall KCC activity. In a double-blind study, we analyzed, with Rb as a K congener, K fluxes (total flux, ouabain-sensitive Na+/K+ pump, and bumetanide-sensitive Na-K-2Cl cotransport, Cl-dependent, and ouabain- and bumetanide-insensitive KCC with or without stimulation by N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) and staurosporine or Mg removal, and basal channel-mediated fluxes, osmotic fragility, and ions and water in the RBCs of 8 controls, and of 8 patients with hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy with agenesis of corpus callosum (HMSN-ACC) with defined KCC3 mutations (813FsX813 and Phe529FsX532) involving the truncations of 338 and 619 C-terminal amino acids, respectively. Water and ion content and, with one exception, mean osmotic fragility, as well as K fluxes without stimulating agents, were similar in controls and HMSN-ACC RBCs. However, the NEM-stimulated KCC was reduced 5-fold (p < 0.0005) in HMSN-ACC vs control RBCs, as a result of a lower Vmax (p < 0.05) rather than a lower Km (p = 0.109), accompanied by corresponding differences in Cl activation. Low intracellular Mg activated KCC in 6 out of 7 controls vs 1 out of 6 HMSN-ACC RBCs, suggesting that regulation is compromised. The lack of differences in staurosporine-activated KCC indicates different action mechanisms. Thus, in HMSN-ACC patients with KCC3 mutants, RBC KCC activity, although indistinguishable from that of the control group, responded differently to biochemical stressors, such as thiol alkylation or Mg removal, thereby indirectly indicating an important contribution of KCC3 to overall KCC function and regulation.  相似文献   

We isolated and characterized a novelK-Cl cotransporter, KCC3, from human placenta. The deduced proteincontains 1,150 amino acids. KCC3 shares 75-76% identity at theamino acid level with human, pig, rat, and rabbit KCC1 and 67%identity with rat KCC2. KCC3 is 40 and 33% identical to twoCaenorhabditis elegans K-Cl cotransporters and ~20%identical to other members of the cation-chloride cotransporter family(CCC), two Na-K-Cl cotransporters (NKCC1, NKCC2), and the Na-Clcotransporter (NCC). Hydropathy analysis indicates a typical KCCtopology with 12 transmembrane domains, a large extracellular loopbetween transmembrane domains 5 and 6 (unique to KCCs), and largeNH2 and COOH termini. KCC3 is predominantly expressed inkidney, heart, and brain, and is also expressed in skeletal muscle,placenta, lung, liver, and pancreas. KCC3 was localized to chromosome15. KCC3 transiently expressed in human embryonic kidney (HEK)-293cells fulfilled three criteria for increased expression of K-Clcotransport: stimulation of cotransport by swelling, treatment withN-ethylmaleimide, or treatment with staurosporine.


K-Cl cotransport regulates cell volume and chloride equilibrium potential. Inhibition of erythroid K-Cl cotransport has emerged as an important adjunct strategy for the treatment of sickle cell anemia. However, structure-function relationships among the polypeptide products of the four K-Cl cotransporter (KCC) genes are little understood. We have investigated the importance of the N- and C-terminal cytoplasmic domains of mouse KCC1 to its K-Cl cotransport function expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Truncation of as few as eight C-terminal amino acids (aa) abolished function despite continued polypeptide accumulation and surface expression. These C-terminal loss-of-function mutants lacked a dominant negative phenotype. Truncation of the N-terminal 46 aa diminished function. Removal of 89 or 117 aa (Delta(N)117) abolished function despite continued polypeptide accumulation and surface expression and exhibited dominant negative phenotypes that required the presence of the C-terminal cytoplasmic domain. The dominant negative loss-of-function mutant Delta(N)117 was co-immunoprecipitated with wild type KCC1 polypeptide, and its co-expression did not reduce wild type KCC1 at the oocyte surface. Delta(N)117 also exhibited dominant negative inhibition of human KCC1 and KCC3 and, with lower potency, mouse KCC4 and rat KCC2.  相似文献   

Further chemical optimization of the MLSCN/MLPCN probe ML077 (KCC2 IC(50)=537 nM) proved to be challenging as the effort was characterized by steep SAR. However, a multi-dimensional iterative parallel synthesis approach proved productive. Herein we report the discovery and SAR of an improved novel antagonist (VU0463271) of the neuronal-specific potassium-chloride cotransporter 2 (KCC2), with an IC(50) of 61 nM and >100-fold selectivity versus the closely related Na-K-2Cl cotransporter 1 (NKCC1) and no activity in a larger panel of GPCRs, ion channels and transporters.  相似文献   

K-Cl cotransporter expression in the human kidney   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The K-Cl cotransporter protein KCC1 is a membrane transportprotein that mediates the coupled, electroneutral transport of K and Clacross plasma membranes. The precise cell type(s) in the kidney thatexpress the K-Cl cotransporter have remained unknown. The aim of thepresent investigation was to define the distribution of KCC1 mRNA inthe human kidney. We used in situ hybridization with a nonradioactivedigoxigenin-labeled riboprobe. We identified abundant KCC1 mRNAexpression in the epithelial cells throughout the distal and proximalrenal tubular epithelium. The transporter was also expressed inglomerular mesangial cells and endothelial cells of the renal vessels.These findings suggest that the K-Cl cotransporter may have animportant role in transepithelial K and Cl reabsorption.


An inhibitory neurotransmitter in mature brain, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) also appears to be excitatory early in development. The mechanisms underlying this shift are not well understood. In vitro studies have suggested that Na-K-Cl cotransport may have a role in modulating immature neuronal and oligodendrocyte responses to the neurotransmitter GABA. An in vivo developmental study would test this view. Therefore, we examined the expression of the BSC2 isoform of the Na-K-2Cl cotransporter in the postnatal developing rat brain. A comparison of sections from developing rat brains by in situ hybridization revealed a well-delineated temporal and spatial pattern of first increasing and then diminishing cotransporter expression. Na-K-2Cl mRNA expression in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus was highest in the first week of postnatal life and then diminished from postnatal day (PND) 14 to adult. Cotransporter signal in white-matter tracts of the cerebrum, cerebellum, peaked at PND 14. Expression was detected in cerebellar progenitor cells of the external granular layer, in internal granular layer cells at least as early as PND 7, and in Purkinje cells beginning at PND 14. Double-labeling immunofluorescence of brain sections with anti-BSC2 antibody and cell type-specific antibodies confirmed expression of the cotransporter gene product in neurons and oligodendrocytes in the white matter in a pattern similar to that determined by in situ hybridization. The temporal pattern of expression of the Na-K-2Cl cotransporter in the postnatal rat brain supports the hypothesis that the cotransporter is the mechanism of intracellular Cl accumulation in immature neurons and oligodendrocytes. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 33: 781–795, 1997  相似文献   

K-Cl co-transport (COT) is significantly higher in low K (LK), L-antigen (L) positive, than in high K (HK), M-antigen (M) positive, sheep red blood cells (SRBCs) and is inhibited by sheep allo-anti-L1 antibody. To answer the question of whether this difference in K-Cl co-transport activity resides at the level of the transporter or its regulation, a combined immunocytochemical and functional approach was taken. At least four isoforms of K-Cl COT encoded by different KCC genes are known, with 12 transmembrane domains and cytoplasmic C- and N-terminal domains (Ctd and Ntd, respectively). Polyclonal anti-rat (rt)KCC1 antibodies against a fusion peptide with 77 amino acids from the Ctd of rtKCC1 and anti-human (h)KCC3 against an 18-aa peptide from the Ntd of hKCC3, were prepared in rabbits (rb). Two distinctly separate protein bands of 180 and 145 kDa molecular mass were detected in hemoglobin-free ghosts from RBCs of two LK (one homozygous LL and one heterozygous LM) and one HK (homozygous MM) sheep by Western blots with rb anti-rtKCC1 and rb anti-hKCC3. Confocal microscopy showed specific immunostaining of KCC1 with rb anti-rtKCC1, and of KCC3 with rb anti-hKCC3, in white ghosts from both LK and HK SRBCs. To test the functional heterogeneity of K-Cl COT, the effect of the anti-L1 antibody was assessed on K-Cl COT activated by the kinase inhibitor staurosporine. Incubation of LK SRBCs with anti-L1 serum inhibited by 30% staurosporine-stimulated K-Cl COT suggesting that approximately two-thirds of the transport activity is independent of the L1 antigen. That staurosporine altered the L1 antigen/antibody reaction is unlikely since the action of another antibody, anti-Lp, stimulating the Na/K pump flux, was not modified. The present results, in conjunction with earlier work, lead to the hypothesis that the partial anti-L1 inhibition of K-Cl COT may be related to the molecular KCC dimorphism, seen in these cells with anti-KCC1 and anti-KCC3 antibodies.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed to define quantitatively the substrate (K(+) and Cl(-)) dependence of the transport function (production of equally large and oppositely directed K(+)and Cl(-) flows/currents) of an earlier (Theander et al., 1999) identified electroneutral K-Cl cotransporter in the slowly adapting stretch receptor neurone of the European lobster. The experiments were based on microelectrode techniques. This allowed us to perform steady-state measurements of the so-called "instantaneous" current-voltage relationships (around a holding voltage of -65 mV after a blockage of the cell's action potential and hyperpolarization-activated currents) and intracellular ion concentrations at various settings of the extracellular K(+) and Cl(-) concentrations. From the results, we could then define steady-state values of all of the cell's non-KCl cotransporter K(+) and Cl(-) currents. Finally, the negative sums of the inferred non-KCl cotransporter K(+) and Cl(-) currents could be taken as equivalents of the K-Cl cotransporter's K(+) and Cl(-) currents for the reason that, in steady state, all membrane currents add up to zero. For the cotransporter currents, thus inferred for a range from 2.5/410.5 to 40.0/448.0 mM external K(+)/Cl(-), we found that their absolute values increased in a nonlinear fashion from about 5 nA cell(-1) at the lowest, to about 20 nA cell(-1) at the highest external K(+)/Cl(-) concentrations. Formally, this relationship could be reproduced by a Hill function-based enzyme kinetic expression simulating inward and outward transmembrane electroneutral ion transports. Following insertion of this expression into a comprehensive model of electrical membrane functions and intracellular solute and solvent control in the lobster stretch receptor neurone, the model predictions suggested that the K-Cl cotransporter does play an important role in (a) keeping intracellular Cl(-) low for a proper function of the cell's inhibitory system, and (b) enabling rapid transmembrane K(+) shifts that provide for a stabilization of the cell's membrane voltage and membrane excitability in cases of varying extracellular K(+) concentrations. The model predictions gave, however, no clear evidence that the K-Cl cotransporter is critically involved in the cell's volume regulation in conditions of varying extracellular osmolalities.  相似文献   

Synaptic inhibition by GABA(A) and glycine receptors, which are ligand-gated anion channels, depends on the electrochemical potential for chloride. Several potassium-chloride cotransporters can lower the intracellular chloride concentration [Cl(-)](i), including the neuronal isoform KCC2. We show that KCC2 knockout mice died immediately after birth due to severe motor deficits that also abolished respiration. Sciatic nerve recordings revealed abnormal spontaneous electrical activity and altered spinal cord responses to peripheral electrical stimuli. In the spinal cord of wild-type animals, the KCC2 protein was found at inhibitory synapses. Patch-clamp measurements of embryonic day 18.5 spinal cord motoneurons demonstrated an excitatory GABA and glycine action in the absence, but not in the presence, of KCC2, revealing a crucial role of KCC2 for synaptic inhibition.  相似文献   

The KCC2 cotransporter establishes the low neuronal Cl levels required for GABAA and glycine (Gly) receptor-mediated inhibition, and KCC2 deficiency in model organisms results in network hyperexcitability. However, no mutations in KCC2 have been documented in human disease. Here, we report two non-synonymous functional variants in human KCC2, R952H and R1049C, exhibiting clear statistical association with idiopathic generalized epilepsy (IGE). These variants reside in conserved residues in the KCC2 cytoplasmic C-terminus, exhibit significantly impaired Cl-extrusion capacities resulting in less hyperpolarized Gly equilibrium potentials (EGly), and impair KCC2 stimulatory phosphorylation at serine 940, a key regulatory site. These data describe a novel KCC2 variant significantly associated with a human disease and suggest genetically encoded impairment of KCC2 functional regulation may be a risk factor for the development of human IGE.  相似文献   

CLC-K1, a kidney-specific chloride channel, has been demonstrated to be involved in the urine concentration mechanism. Here, we investigated the developmental expression of CLC-K1 in the rat kidney. Using immunohistochemistry, we showed that CLC-K1 was not present in the thin ascending limb of Henle's loop during the early prenatal stages but was significantly expressed during the adult stage. CLC-K1 started to appear at day 5 and its expression increased during further development. In developing rats this increase coincided with the increase in the urine-concentrating capacity as the animals matured. We also investigated the expressions of other channels and transporters, including NKCC2, AQP-1, and AQP-2. NKCC2 was strongly expressed throughout the inner medulla in neonatal rat kidneys but was entirely undetectable at the adult stage. The decline in its expression took the form of a gradual recession from the inner medulla together with reciprocal increases in the expression of CLC-K1. AQP-1 was weakly expressed in the inner medulla during early development and showed a rapid increase in expression at a later stage. The collecting duct cells significantly expressed AQP-2 even at birth and maintained its expression throughout the development. These results suggest that CLC-K1 expression is one of the major determinants of the urine-concentrating capacity of the developing rat kidney.  相似文献   

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