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The understanding of modern pollen is a critical component of palaeoecological research. The pollen assemblages reflect general patterns in vegetation distribution; however, pollen representation is biased by several factors such as differences in pollen production, dispersal and preservation. Therefore, this relationship cannot be applied directly in pollen records of the past. The aim is to study the relationship between modern pollen and vegetation and to apply this new information on the interpretation of Holocene pollen records. Classification of the vegetation into groups corresponding to different geomorphological units was carried out by cluster analysis. Discriminant analysis was applied on the surface samples to test if different vegetation types could be distinguished by their pollen assemblages. To evaluate the relationship between pollen assemblages and vegetation types, association (A), under-representation (U) and over-representation (O) indexes were calculated for all present taxa in both plant and pollen dataset. The main vegetation types are reflected in pollen assemblages but with greater differences in the proportions of Poaceae, Hyalis argentea, Chenopodiaceae, Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae and Larrea divaricata. Association and representation indexes provided information related to the production rate and pollen dispersal. This study helps to interpret Holocene vegetation and environmental changes from fossil pollen records of the study area.  相似文献   

An annotated checklist of marine fishes of the Sanctuary of Islands and Islets of Bahía Chamela in the central Mexican Pacific is presented. Records of fish species were obtained by different methods including visual census, sampling with anesthetics, fisherman-nets, and trawling with a biological dredge. Additional records were obtained from natural history collections and publications. The list comprises 196 species in 64 families and 141 genera. The Carangidae is the most speciose family with 11 species, followed by the Labridae with 10 and the Pomacentridae with nine. Fourteen species are endemic in Mexican Pacific waters, but none is restricted to Bahía Chamela. The most dominant species recorded during underwater surveys were Epinephelus labriformis, Stegastes flavilatus, and Halichoeres dispilus. Most species are of tropical affinities distributed throughout the tropical eastern Pacific (123), eastern Pacific (23), and Mexican Pacific (14). Other species are known from the eastern and Indo-Pacific regions (18), eastern Pacific and western Atlantic oceans (2), and some are circumtropical (9). A new record of the Gulf Brotula Ogilbia ventralis is provided for the Bahía Chamela and its geographical distribution is extended to Mexican central Pacific.  相似文献   

Morphometric and meristic data from 32 specimens from Río Negro Province do not allow differentiation between G. donosobarrosi and G. chilensis. The significance of morphological and genetic differentiation among Argentinian tortoises is yet to be determined; southern Chaco tortoises undergo ontogenetic and sexual dichromatism. Geochelone chilensis has an extensive latitudinal range (Map 1). Field investigations indicate that Chaco tortoises occupy, and apparently excavate, burrows in the southern portion of the range, prior reports of the species’ southern limit are evaluated and the link between tortoise distribution and “monte”; vegetation is discussed. The season of reproduction and clutch size are noted. Extensive internal pet traffic has markedly affected tortoise populations in some areas; near the southern limit of the range, however, there is little commercial collecting.  相似文献   

Villar  Carlos  Stripeikis  Jorge  Colautti  Dario  D'Huicque  Liliana  Tudino  Mabel  Bonetto  Carlos 《Hydrobiologia》2001,457(1-3):225-233
Cd, Cr, Cu and Pb concentrations were measured in the water and these plus Zn were measured in the diet, muscle and liver of the detritivorous fish Prochilodus lineatus and the omnivorous fish Pterodoras granulosus at two sites (Lower Paraná River and Río de la Plata right margin) located upstream and downstream, respectively, from Buenos Aires, an important source of xenobiotics. Cu and Cr concentrations in water were higher in the Río de la Plata coastal waters, while Cd and Pb were below detection limits. The stomach contents of P. lineatus showed a higher metal content at the estuary, attaining concentrations within the range reported for contaminated sediments. However, metals in fish tissue were not higher at the estuary and, except for Cd in liver, were lower than in the organic fraction of the stomach content. Thus, only Cd was accumulated. The P. granulosus diet was composed mainly of river vegetation debris and clams, Corbicula fluminea, at the estuary. Cd, Cu and Pb in liver were higher at the estuary while only Cu was higher in the diet at this site. The different nature of the diet seems associated with a differential bioavailability of its metal content. P. granulosus accumulates Cu at both sites and Cd at the estuary. Both fishes showed higher metal content in liver than in muscle. Cr in liver was below detection limits. No relation was found between metal content and fish size. Overall, metal content in fish tissues were low, except for Cu in P. granulosus and Cd in P. lineatus, similar to those of uncontaminated sites, suggesting that homeostatic mechanisms prevent metal accumulation.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to evaluate the effect of environmental factors: temperature and photoperiod on the zooplankton predator–prey system. Rotifers, an important and cosmopolitan group of zooplankton in freshwater, were used in our study. We investigated the effect of temperature (20, 23, and 30°C) and of photoperiod (L:D = 12:0 and 0:12) on the predatory rotifer Asplanchna brightwelli consuming rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus as prey. Under A. brightwelli predation, populations of B. calyciflorus prey were consumed more slowly at 20 ± 1 and 30 ± 1°C as compared to 23 ± 1°C. Prey consumption by A. brightwelli increased from 0.63 ± 0.09 ind. predator−1 at 20°C to a peak of 1.22 ± 0.12 ind. predator−1 at 23°C, then decreased significantly to 0.93 ± 0.14 ind. predator−1 at 30 ± 1°C. In addition, predation responded to temperature changing sensitively and rapidly. Statistical analysis showed that the prey consumption were significant different under altered temperature periods during 12 h. Photoperiod also significantly influenced the rate of A. brighwelli predation. B. calyciflorus suffered less predation in darkness than in light. The rate of prey consumption in light (1.06 ind. predator−1) was twice the average of that in darkness (0.51 ind. predator−1). Furthermore, predation rate varied under changing photoperiod but predators moved back into the light did not resume their original consumption rate. Our results demonstrate that whether the predation in rotifer successfully or not is strongly influenced by temperature and photoperiod.  相似文献   

Studies of Río Negro subsistence farming and fishing activities are used to estimate the human carrying capacity for the region and the likely pattern of human land-use during prehistory. Ceramic evidence suggests human presence in the region more than 3000 years ago. Traditional farming is labor intensive and relatively unproductive. Nevertheless, farmers achieve an energy return of 15.21, and produce 2600 kcal per work hour. Fish are the major protein source, but fish catch per unit of effort and fish yield per hectare of floodplain are very low; fishermen are probably exploiting local fish resources very close to their limit. The low human population density would suggest that the Río Negro forest has been relatively undisturbed. Nevertheless, charcoal is widespread and abundant in forest soils. This charcoal is probably from anthropogenic or natural wildfires. These results suggest a much more complex history for Amazonia than previously thought.K. Clark is a free-lance biologist residing in Lima, Peru  相似文献   

Understanding biotic versus abiotic forces that shape community structure is a fundamental aim of microbial ecology. The acidic and heavy metal extreme Río Tinto (RT) in southwestern Spain provides a rare opportunity to conduct an ecosystem-wide biodiversity inventory at the level of all three domains of life, because diversity there is low and almost exclusively microbial. Despite improvements in high-throughput DNA sequencing, environmental biodiversity studies that use molecular metrics and consider entire ecosystems are rare. These studies can be prohibitively expensive if domains are considered separately, and differences in copy number of eukaryotic ribosomal RNA genes can bias estimates of relative abundances of phylotypes recovered. In this study we have overcome these barriers (1) by targeting all three domains in a single polymerase chain reaction amplification and (2) by using a replicated sampling design that allows for incidence-based methods to extract measures of richness and carry out downstream analyses that address community structuring effects. Our work showed that combined bacterial and archaeal richness is an order of magnitude higher than eukaryotic richness. We also found that eukaryotic richness was highest at the most extreme sites, whereas combined bacterial and archaeal richness was highest at less extreme sites. Quantitative community phylogenetics showed abiotic forces to be primarily responsible for shaping the RT community structure. Canonical correspondence analysis revealed co-occurrence of obligate symbionts and their putative hosts that may contribute to biotic forces shaping community structure and may further provide a possible mechanism for persistence of certain low-abundance bacteria encountered in the RT.  相似文献   

Hünicken's paleobotanical collection is one of the most important in South America because it was the first one to be related to a documented stratigraphic profile. This floristic assemblage (Oligocene) recovered from Río Guillermo Formation, at Estancia Tres Marías, Río Guillermo Valley, Santa Cruz, Argentina, is described by the first time in this paper. Five species of genus Nothofagus (N. subferruginea, N. serrulata, N. crenulata, N. elongata and N. variabilis) together with Myrcia bagualense are components of the assemblage. The presence of Acaena brandmayri is confirmed for the first time for the area. Paleoenviromental and paleoclimate implications are also discussed. Characteristic species from a temperate-cold climate such as the genus Nothofagus are present in the material studied. A phylogenetic study of the fossil species herein described and the extant South American species of Nothofagus is presented. The preliminary results support the hypothesis that fossil species of Nothogafus are closely related to the modern species.  相似文献   

A major irrigation system in the Lower Valley of the Rió Negro, Argentina, has been invaded by aquatic plants, with Potamogeton illinoensis Morong dominant in irrigation channels and Potamogeton pectinatus L. dominant in drainage channels. Although several other macrophytes are present, problems are largely caused by the dominant species. Results are presented for plant biomass response to weed control treatments using a chain-cutting method in the principal irrigation channel of the system. Peak above-ground biomass of Potamogeton illinoensis was reduced by about 38% by this physical control regime. The treated populations regrew rapidly after spring clearance, but did not regrow after subsequent mid- and late-season clearance operations, even though untreated population biomass remained high during this period. The highest density of Potamogeton illinoensis ramets was found in treated areas. Chain- cutting produced no discernible effect on dissolved oxygen, water temperature, water conductivity, pH or light extinction coefficient compared with untreated check sectors of the channel.  相似文献   

Biomarkers are molecules that are produced by or can be associated with biological activities. They can be used as tracers that give us an idea of the ancient biological communities that produced them, the paleoenvironmental conditions where they lived, or the mechanism involved in their transformation and preservation. As a consequence, the preservation potential of molecules over time depends largely on their nature, but also on the conditions of the environment, which controls the decomposition kinetics. In this context, proteins and nucleic acids, which are biomolecules bearing biological information, are among the most labile molecules. In this research, we report the presence of short-chained peptides obtained from extracts of ferruginous sedimentary deposits that have been produced under the acidic and oxidizing solutions of Río Tinto, Spain. These preliminary results go against the paradigmatic idea that considers the acidic and oxidizing environments inappropriate for the preservation of molecular information.  相似文献   

Limnoperna fortunei is a freshwater bivalve that invaded South America through Río de la Plata estuary in 1989 and has since become a major macrofouling pest. Along the Paraná-Paraguay waterway, which hosts intense boat traffic, L. fortunei has moved upstream at an average rate of of 250 km per year. In contrast, along the Uruguay river, where boat traffic is restricted to the lowermost 200 km section, upstream colonization is almost 10-times slower. This suggests that attachment to vessels is by far the most important dispersion mechanism. It is suggested that the Amazon, Orinoco and Magdalena basins are under high risk of invasion by this mussel, especially through their estuarine gateways. All South American basins host innumerable water bodies with favorable conditions for L. fortunei’s colonization. Known ecological tolerance limits of the mussel also suggest that it may colonize much of the area from Central America to Canada, including waters that due to their low calcium contents, high temperature and pollution levels, and low oxygen are inadequate for the survival of Dreissena polymorpha. Despite it’s remarkable geographic expansion and its extremely high population densities, L. fortunei’s ecological effects have received very little attention so far. It is suggested that the 2.4-fold increase in Argentine landings of freshwater fish between 1992–1993 and 2000–2001 may be associated with the introduction of this prey species.  相似文献   

Nerium oleander L. (Apocynaceae) is a micro-nano phanerophyte that grows in the riverbanks of the Río Tinto basin (Southwest Iberian Peninsula). The waters and soils of the Río Tinto area are highly acidic and have high concentrations of heavy metals. In this environment, N. oleander naturally grows in both extreme acidic (EA) and less extreme acidic (LEA) water courses, excluding, and bioindicating certain metals. In this work, we compared and evaluated the accumulation preferences and capacities, the distribution and processes of biomineralization of metals (Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Mg, Ca) in the first stages of growth of EA and LEA oleanders by means of inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry, scanning electron microscopy, and energy dispersive X-ray analyzer analysis. Seeds from both environments were grown and treated with a self-made solution simulating the most extreme red waters from the Río Tinto. LEA plants drastically reduces the metal uptake at the beginning, but later reactivates the uptake reaching concentration values in the same range as the EA plants. The results showed high Mn, Zn and Mg concentrations, accumulation of Fe and Cu in plants from both environments, differing from the metal concentrations of field-grown oleanders. Iron bioformations with traces of other metals were present inside and over epidermal cells and inside vascular cells of stems and roots. They were absent of leaves. The accumulation properties of N. oleander in its early stages of development make it a species to take in consideration in phytoremediation processes but optimized conditions are needed to ensure enough biomass production.  相似文献   

During an annual period the bacterial biomass (epifluorescence) and secondary production (methyl-3H-thymidine incorporation), as well as biomass (Chlorophyll) and algal primary production (incorporation of NaH14CO3) were studied in the Embalse del Río III Reservoir, Argentina. The relations between these variables and their responses to seasonal changes in water temperature were analyzed. A close relationship in seasonal patterns of algal primary production and bacterial secondary production was observed, with the estimated rates of bacterial production similar to that obtained by other authors in eutrophic lakes. Bacterial production was 17 to 46% of the primary production, thus, at 60% assimilation efficiency, the bacterioplankton would consume 28 to 77 % of the total fixed carbon. Seasonal trends in algal primary production and bacterial secondary production were mainly affected by temperature.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic community of the Río Tinto (SW, Spain) was surveyed in fall, winter and spring through the combined use of traditional microscopy and molecular approaches, including Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE) and sequence analysis of 18S rRNA gene fragments. Eukaryotic assemblages of surface sediment biofilms collected in January, May and September 2002 were compared from 13 sampling stations along the river. Physicochemical data revealed extremely acidic conditions (the pH ranged from 0.9 to 2.5) with high concentrations of heavy metals, including up to 20 mg l(-1) Fe, 317 mg l(-1) Zn, 47 mg l(-1) As, 42 mg l(-1) Cd and 4 mg l(-1) Ni. In total, 20 taxa were identified, including members of the Bacillariophyta, Chlorophyta and Euglenophyta phyla as well as ciliates, cercomonads, amoebae, stramenopiles, fungi, heliozoans and rotifers. In general, total cell abundances were highest in fall and spring but decreased drastically in winter, and the sampling stations with the most extreme conditions showed the lowest number of cells, as well as the lowest diversity. Species diversity did not vary much during the year. Only the filamentous algae showed a dramatic seasonal change, since they almost disappeared in winter and reached the highest biomass during the summer. Principal Components Analysis (PCA) showed a high inverse correlation between pH and most of the heavy metals analyzed, as well as Dunaliella sp., while Chlamydomonas sp. was directly related to pH during May and September. Three heavy metals (Zn, Cu and Ni) remained separate from the rest and showed an inverse correlation with most of the species analyzed, except for Dunaliella sp.  相似文献   

An outbreak of coccidioidomycosis is described that involved three individuals and eight of their dogs, who had engaged in a successful hunt for nine-banded armadillos (Dasypus novemcinctus) in the environs of Oeiras, a community in Brazil's north eastern state of Piauí. Diagnosis was based on clinical, serological and cultural findings. Four of 24 soil samples collected in and around the burrow of an armadillo yielded cultures of Coccidioides immitis, thus establishing the endemicity of that mould in the state of Piauí. A literature review revealed that C. immitis, aside from that state, is endemic in three other Brazilian states--Bahia, Ceará and Maranh?o. These four contiguous states have semi-arid regions where climatic conditions and their flora are similar to those that exist in C. immitis's endemic regions in North, Central and South America.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2016,15(5):581-594
Understanding the changes in the technological organization of prehistoric hunter–gatherers is important to research into hominin foraging activities. During the Middle Paleolithic, the coexistence or the replacement between Levallois and discoid technologies has frequently been recorded, but there is still no clear understanding of the reasons for their alternating and fragmented use in the archaeological record. This paper aims to contribute with new data to the current debate, by exploring the chert assemblages from levels O and M of the Abric Romaní rock-shelter. The results reveal that the change from Levallois in level O to discoid in level M is accompanied by the use of different axes of mobility, a reduction in the foraging radius and a more careful management of raw materials. A cross comparison with other archaeological evidences indicates the general pattern in the Northeast of the Iberian Peninsula during the late Middle Paleolithic, in which the use of Levallois technology is associated with chert and high mobility patterns whereas discoid technology is more closely linked to the use of local raw materials and a lower degree of mobility. The modifications to the mountainous environments and to the distribution of preferred prey animals may have influenced the Neanderthals’ mobility patterns and contributed to modifying their technical behaviours in order to obtain better foraging incomes.  相似文献   

Due to its highly metalliferous waters and low pH, the Rio Tinto has shown its potential for modelling both acid mine drainage systems and biohydrometallurgical operations. Most geomicrobiological studies of these systems have focused on the oxic water column. A sequence-based approach in combination with in situ detection techniques enabled us to examine the composition and structure of the microbial communities associated with the suboxic and anoxic sediments along the river course and to compare them with the planktonic communities inhabiting the water column. The results obtained with the different approaches were consistent and revealed some major patterns: higher cell density and higher richness (75 vs. 48 operational taxonomic units) in the sediments than in the water column. The microbial communities were related but the river sediments appear to be enriched in certain populations, some of which have not previously been reported in the Rio Tinto basin. The differences detected between sampling stations along the river correlate with certain environmental parameters (e.g. iron concentration gradient). The biological and geochemical data show the importance of the sediments as representing a phase of particular high diversity, probably related to key metabolic processes within both the iron and the sulfur cycles.  相似文献   

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