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In many birds and mammals, male territorial aggression is modulated by elevated circulating concentrations of the steroid hormone testosterone (T) during the breeding season. However, many species are territorial also during the non-breeding season, when plasma T levels are basal. The endocrine control of non-breeding territorial aggression differs considerably between species, and previous studies on wintering birds suggest differences between migratory and resident species. We investigated the endocrine modulation of territorial aggression during the breeding and non-breeding season in a resident population of European stonechats (Saxicola torquata rubicola). We recorded the aggressive response to a simulated territorial intrusion in spring and winter. Then, we compared the territorial aggression between seasons and in an experiment in which we blocked the androgenic and estrogenic action of T. We found no difference in the aggressive response between the breeding and the non-breeding season. However, similarly to what is found in migratory stonechats, the hormonal treatment decreased aggressive behaviors in resident males in the breeding season, whereas no effects were recorded in the non-breeding season. When we compared the aggressive responses of untreated birds with those obtained from migratory populations in a previous study, we found that territorial aggression of resident males was lower than that of migratory males during the breeding season. Our results show that in a resident population of stonechats T and/or its metabolites control territorial aggression in the breeding but not in the non-breeding season. In addition, our study supports the hypothesis that migratory status does modulate the intensity of aggressive behavior.  相似文献   

The involvement of chronobiological mechanisms in the antidepressant response to such non-drug treatments as bright light, physical exercise and sleep deprivation still remain to be clarified. We compare the efficacy of several treatment strategies for seasonal and non-seasonal depression and discuss possible the contribution of chronobiological and psychological mechanisms in antidepressant response. The therapeutic effects were tested at the medical academic hospital near Novosibirsk (55 degrees North) in 138 subjects, either with winter depression or with non-seasonal depression or without depression (n = 41, 64 and 33, respectively). One-week monotreatments were either 2-hour 2500 lux cool-white incandescent light from 14:00 (n = 9, 9, 9, respectively) or 1-hour physical exercise from 13:00 (n = 9, 9, 9, respectively). One-week combined treatments included a night of total sleep deprivation followed by either 2-hour bright light from 14:00 (n = 8, 12, 0, respectively) or 1-hour physical exercise either under ordinary room light from 13:00 (n = 0, 12, 0, respectively) or under bright light from 12:00 (n = 5, 11, 0, respectively). The results indicate that, in subjects left without antidepressant treatment for a week (n = 10, 11, and 15, respectively), the 21-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale score did not change significantly. The beneficial effects of total sleep deprivation were similar in seasonal and non-seasonal depression. The seasonals exhibited better response to bright light compared to non-seasonals. After sleep deprivation the substantial further improvements were produced by either lighting or exercising. Compared to the patients exercising under ordinary room light, the patients exercising under bright light did not gain an additional benefit. In general, winter depression was well-treated with either exercise or light, while the most promising treatment for non-seasonal depression was physical exercise combined with sleep deprivation. Bright light or physical exercise administered in the middle of the day were not less favorable compared to the treatments in the morning hours, although it is unlikely that they considerably challenged patient's chronobiology. It was concluded that the placebo effect would account for a large portion of clinical response to open non-pharmacological treatments. Therapeutic hops and visibility of such treatments would explain their high antidepressant efficacy in comparison with pharmacological trials applying a double blind cross-over design. In particular, the excellent response of patients with winter depression to light therapy might be related to their tendency to attribute a high symbolic value to bright light and associate their bad mood with a dark season.  相似文献   

To investigate causes of anomalous development of embryos facultatively fertilized in the ovary of a non-copulatory oviparous fish Hemilepidotus gilberti (Scorpaeniformes: Cottdae), dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations were measured in ovaries of copulatory oviparous (Alcichthys alcicornis, Bero elegans), non-copulatory oviparous (H. gilberti, Hexagrammus otakii), and viviparous (Sebastes taczanowskii, Zoarces elongatus) fishes. DO concentrations changed during vitellogenesis and ovulation cycles, and also before and after ovulation. DO concentrations in the ovary of H. gilberti and H. otakii at ovulation were 0.27±0.03 and 0.15±0.03 mg O2 l−1, respectively, whereas in A. alcicornis and B. elegans, the concentrations were 0.47±0.08 and 0.20±0.06 mg O2 l−1, respectively. In the ovaries of intralumenal gestation viviparous fishes, S. taczanowskii and Z. elongatus, DO concentration was from 0.01 to 0.11 mg O2 l−1. The average DO concentration during the artificial pregnancy of A. alcicornis was 0.97±0.19 mg O2 l−1, but all embryos showed deformity. DO concentrations recorded in oviparous fishes in this study were lower than the oxygen level at which most oviparous fish embryos exhibit retardation or death, and it probably caused the anomalous embryonic development. In contrast, the normal development of viviparous fish embryos at low oxygen level was attributed to the specialized structure of ovary, e.g. the dual arterial system to supply the developing embryos with the respiratory demands in Sebastes.  相似文献   

The Haplochromini are by far the most species-rich cichlid fish tribe that originated along with the so-called primary radiation of the Lake Tanganyika cichlid species flock, i.e. at the same time during which the majority of the endemic Lake Tanganyika cichlid tribes emerged. Unlike the other tribes, the haplochromines are not restricted to Lake Tanganyika but distributed throughout Africa, except for the northwestern part of the continent. Haplochromine cichlids seeded the adaptive radiation of cichlid fishes in Lakes Malawi, Kivu, Victoria, Turkana, as well as in the now extinct paleo-Lake Makgadikgadi. Here we present a comprehensive phylogenetic and phylogeographic analysis of haplochromine cichlids that is based upon DNA sequences of two mitochondrial gene segments of riverine taxa covering all major African biogeographic regions where haplochromines are found. Our analysis revealed that six lineages of haplochromines originated within a short period of time, about 5.3-4.4 MYA. These haplochromine lineages show a highly complex phylogeographic pattern, probably severely influenced by climate- and/or geology-induced changes of the environment, with river capture events most likely playing an important role for species dispersal.  相似文献   

Kuehnel, S., Herzen, J., Kleinteich, T., Beckmann, F. and Kupfer, A. 2011. The female cloaca of an oviparous caecilian amphibian (Gymnophiona): functional and seasonal aspects. —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 00 :1–14. Reproductive morphology is receiving increased attention in animals that have variable reproductive modes combined with internal fertilization. Exceptionally among amphibians all caecilian species practice internal fertilization via an intromittent organ: an everted part of the male cloaca (phallodeum or phallus). Because research has mostly concentrated on males, knowledge of the female cloacal morphology is scarce. Here, we present the first single‐species study of the functional morphology of the female cloaca of an oviparous, phylogenetically basal caecilian (Ichthyophis cf. kohtaoensis). We have analyzed female cloacal shape during the reproductive cycle combining conventional histology with 3D‐reconstruction. All females are similar in their overall cloacal structure with some differences in size and histology associated with the reproductive cycle. The female cloaca is divided into two distinct chambers similar to the male condition. The cranial chamber contains urogenital pockets into which oviducts and Wolffian ducts open and which may have function during oviposition. The caudal cloacal chamber bears a novel feature – dorsolateral blind sacs, which are homologous to the male condition, but are considerably smaller. The study of female cloacal morphology is essential to understanding the evolution of the caecilian reproductive system and contributes to the understanding of tetrapod genital morphology in general.  相似文献   

Constitutive heterochromatin represents a substantial portion of the eukaryote genome, and it is mainly composed of tandemly repeated DNA sequences, such as satellite DNAs, which are also enriched by other dispersed repeated elements, including transposons. Studies on the organization, structure, composition and in situ localization of satellite DNAs have led to consistent advances in the understanding of the genome evolution of species, with a particular focus on heterochromatic domains, the diversification of heteromorphic sex chromosomes and the origin and maintenance of B chromosomes. Satellite DNAs can be chromosome specific or species specific, or they can characterize different species from a genus, family or even representatives of a given order. In some cases, the presence of these repeated elements in members of a single clade has enabled inferences of a phylogenetic nature. Genomic DNA restriction, using specific enzymes, is the most frequently used method for isolating satellite DNAs. Recent methods such as C0t1 DNA and chromosome microdissection, however, have proven to be efficient alternatives for the study of this class of DNA. Neotropical ichthyofauna is extremely rich and diverse enabling multiple approaches with regard to the differentiation and evolution of the genome. Genome components of some species and genera have been isolated, mapped and correlated with possible functions and structures of the chromosomes. The 5SHindIII‐DNA satellite DNA, which is specific to Hoplias malabaricus of the Erythrinidae family, has an exclusively centromeric location. The As51 satellite DNA, which is closely correlated with the genome diversification of some species from the genus Astyanax, has also been used to infer relationships between species. In the Prochilodontidae family, two repetitive DNA sequences were mapped on the chromosomes, and the SATH 1 satellite DNA is associated with the origin of heterochromatic B chromosomes in Prochilodus lineatus. Among species of the genus Characidium and the Parodontidae family, amplifications of satellite DNAs have demonstrated that these sequences are related to the differentiation of heteromorphic sex chromosomes. The possible elimination of satellite DNA units could explain the genome compaction that occurs among some species of Neotropical Tetraodontiformes. These topics are discussed in the present review, showing the importance of satellite DNA analysis in the differentiation and karyotype evolution of Actinopterygii.  相似文献   

The fish fauna of the Pampa Plain, the southernmost distribution range of many Neotropical species, was barcoded in this study. COI sequences were analysed by means of distance (K2P/NJ) and character‐based (ML) models, as well as the Barcode Index Number (BIN). K2P/NJ analysis was able to discriminate among all previously identified species while also revealing the likely occurrence of two cryptic species that were further supported by BIN and ML analyses. On the other hand, both BIN and ML were not able to discriminate between two species of Rineloricaria. Despite the small genetic divergence between A. cf. pampa and A. eigenmanniorum, a tight array of haplotypes was observed for each species in both the distance and character‐based methods. Deep intraspecific divergences were detected in Cnesterodon decemmaculatus (5%) and Salminus brasiliensis (6%). For Salminus brasiliensis, these findings were further supported by character‐based (ML) evidence and meristic and morphological data. Our results also showed that Pampa Plain representatives of Salminus brasiliensis, Rhamdia quelen, Hoplias malabaricus, Synbranchus marmoratus, Australoheros facetus, Oligosarcus jenynsii and Corydoras paleatus differed by more than 3% from their conspecifics from other parts of South America. Overall, this study was able to highlight the likely occurrence of a cryptic species in Salminus brasiliensis and also illustrate the strong geographical structure in the COI sequence composition of seven fish species from South America.  相似文献   

Temporal variation represents an important component in understanding the structure of ecological communities and species coexistence. We examined calling phenology of an assemblage of anurans in the Gran Chaco ecoregion of Bolivia by deploying automated recording devices to document nocturnally vocalizing amphibians nightly at seven ponds from 20 January 2011 until 31 October 2011. Using logistic regression, we modelled the relationships between temperature, rainfall and photoperiod with calling activity. There was a distinct seasonal effect with calling activity concentrated in the rainy season with no species detected during the dry season from June until the end of October. Calling activity was positively and significantly correlated with photoperiod in 9 of the 10 species analyzed, but there were distinct species‐specific relationships associated with rainfall and temperature. All of these species utilize ephemeral ponds as breeding sites, which can account for their reliance on rainfall as an important driver in calling activity. Two prolonged breeders exhibited similar seasonal breeding patterns across the rainy season, but differed in their response to daily abiotic factors, which might be attributed to the constraints imposed by their reproductive mode. Explosive breeders needed several days of rain to elicit calling. Two pairs of congeners had distinct species‐specific relationships between their calling activity and abiotic factors, even though the congeners shared the same reproductive mode, suggesting that the reproductive modes vary in the constraints imposed on calling activity. The patterns observed suggest that calling phenology of tropical anurans is determined by the interaction of exogenous factors (i.e. climatic variables) and endogenous factors (i.e. reproductive modes).  相似文献   

Neotropical darters of the genus Characidium have a complex systematic history with several examples of sympatry throughout their distribution range in Neotropical freshwaters. Although various species within the genus have been used as models to investigate chromosomal evolution and biogeography, species boundaries and relationships still remain uncertain. Here, we use mitochondrial DNA sequences to perform species delimitation analyses within Characidium and test previous hypotheses of species richness within the Characidium zebra complex and among sympatric morphotypes of C. alipioi. Results indicate high genetic distances within tested species complexes and revealed the presence of strongly supported lineages such as the large C. lauroi group from southeastern Brazil. This suggests that the evolutionary history of these groups may be correlated with biogeographic history. Analyses also reveal that three geographically isolated populations of C. zebra represent a single species, leading us to reject prior hypothesis of multiple species. Species delimitation using mitochondrial data strongly supports the presence of two sympatric species within C. alipioi in southeastern Brazil despite limited morphological variation and conserved chromosomal patterns. These results provide a framework to further the study of systematics and evolution within Characidium.  相似文献   

We assessed the lizard assemblage from a priority conservation Caatinga area from northeastern Brazil, through a pluriannual ecological approach, to expand the understanding on biodiversity patterns of Neotropical semiarid habitats. The studied area presented one of the richest lizard faunas among Caatinga sites, being composed primarily by species typical from open landscapes. The local species composition was more similar to assemblages from adjacent Caatinga ecoregions than to those from other areas within the same ecoregion. The inventoried lizard assemblage consisted of a few common species and a majority of low abundance ones, and its overall richness and abundance did not differ between rainy and dry months. Our findings demonstrated that the composition of lizard assemblages did not match with the current proposed Caatinga ecoregions, and revealed that the studied assemblage followed a lognormal species-abundance distribution, showing no significant seasonal fluctuation in richness and abundance.  相似文献   

Synopsis In a high salinity estuary at North Inlet, South Carolina, co-occurrence and possible competition among adults of four dominant zooplanktivorous fishes were minimized by seasonal adjustments in lateral and vertical distributions as well as in dietary preferences. In winter, Atlantic silversides, Menidia menidia, occupied the entire water column while other planktivores were rare or absent from the estuary, and they consumed large prey such as mysid shrimps and fish larvae. An immigration of bay anchovies, Anchoa mitchilli, in the spring resulted in a redistribution of species with Atlantic silversides shifting to the surface waters and bay anchovies dominating the lower half of the water column. Both fishes consumed mostly copepods in the spring, but each favored a different species. There was little similarity in the large prey items consumed by the two fishes. Striped anchovies, Anchoa hepsetus, arrived in mid-summer and were most abundant at the surface while bay anchovies continued to dominate the bottom waters. Atlantic silversides were rare in all summer collections. The diets of the two anchovies were similar, but vertical separation during the period of maximum zooplankton abundance probably minimized competition. Rough silversides, Membras martinica, which were obligate surface dwellers, shared the upper water column with striped anchovies, but the two species had very different diets during their period of co-occurrence. Although seasonal changes in fish diets reflected shifts in zooplankton composition and all fishes consumed a variety of prey types, preferences for some prey taxa and total avoidance of others were indicated. Electivity indices indicated an especially strong selection for fiddler crab megalopae by all fishes in the summer and fall. All fishes, except rough silversides, which fed almost exclusively on copepods and crab zoeae, consumed large prey items when they were available. Fine scale partitioning of the food resources was apparent in the selection of different copepod and insect species by the fishes. Spatial and temporal separation in the distribution and/or dietary preferences of the zooplanktivores fishes probably reduces the potential for resource competition. Given the high abundances and selectivity of the planktivores, significant impacts on some zooplankton populations probably result.  相似文献   

The conservation and status of threatened fishes in southern Africa   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The conservation status of 24 threatened freshwater fishes and seven estuarine fishes from southern Africa is discussed against the background of natural and anthropogenic environmental factors. The majority of threatened species are endemic temperate forms with restricted ranges. Major threats include introduced alien fishes and a wide spectrum of environmentally destructive causes. Research on threatened species includes distribution surveys, biological and ecological studies and methods of artificial propagation. Long-term remedies based on ecosystem conservation are also being promoted. The perceptions and attitudes of nature conservation authorities are adjusting to the new challenges offish conservation. The number of threatened fishes in Africa is likely to increase in the face of escalating problems of habitat destruction and degradation.  相似文献   

Population fluctuations of mosquitoes in the non-seasonal tropics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  • 1 Seasonal and annual fluctuations in abundance of a number of species of mosquitoes were studied in a relatively non-seasonal climate near Almirante, Panama.
  • 2 The fluctuations observed were large, but did not have a period of 1 year and should be classified as non-seasonal.
  • 3 At each site the various species were not synchronous in their fluctuation pattern, but the fluctuations of each species were synchronous over an area of at least 4 km long, in spite of large differences in habitat.
  • 4 Changes in abundance from year to year observed in these mosquitoes are large compared with those of insects, including mosquitoes, in other areas of Panama.
  • 5 The importance of such large and unpredictable fluctuations in abundance for planning control measures is discussed.

Freshwater fish communities in Ecuador exhibit some of the highest levels of diversity and endemism in the Neotropics. Unfortunately, aquatic ecosystems in the country are under serious threat and conditions are deteriorating. In 2018–19, the government of Ecuador sponsored a series of workshops to examine the conservation status of Ecuador's freshwater fishes. Concerns were identified for 35 species, most of which are native to the Amazon region, and overfishing of Amazonian pimelodid catfishes emerged as a major issue. However, much of the information needed to make decisions across fish groups and regions was not available, hindering the process and highlighting the need for a review of the conservation threats to Ecuador's freshwater fishes. Here, we review how the physical alteration of rivers, deforestation, wetland and floodplain degradation, agricultural and urban water pollution, mining, oil extraction, dams, overfishing, introduced species and climate change are affecting freshwater fishes in Ecuador. Although many of these factors affect fishes throughout the Neotropics, the lack of data on Ecuadorian fish communities is staggering and highlights the urgent need for more research. We also make recommendations, including the need for proper enforcement of existing environmental laws, restoration of degraded aquatic ecosystems, establishment of a national monitoring system for freshwater ecosystems, investment in research to fill gaps in knowledge, and encouragement of public engagement in citizen science and conservation efforts. Freshwater fishes are an important component of the cultural and biological legacy of the Ecuadorian people. Conserving them for future generations is critical.  相似文献   

The seasonal savannas (cerrados) of Central Brazil are characterized by a large diversity of evergreen and deciduous trees, which do not show a clear differentiation in terms of active rooting depth. Irrespective of the depth of the root system, expansion of new foliage in deciduous species occurs at the end of the dry season. In this study, we examined a suite of leaf traits related to C assimilation, water and nutrients (N, P) in five deciduous and six evergreen trees that were among the dominant families of cerrado vegetation. Maximum CO2 assimilation on a mass basis (Amass) was significantly correlated with leaf N and P, and specific leaf area (SLA; leaf area per unit of leaf mass). The highest leaf concentrations of both nutrients were measured in the newly mature leaves of deciduous species at the end of the dry period. The differences in terms of leaf N and P between evergreen and deciduous species decreased during the wet season. Deciduous species also invested less in the production of non-photosynthetic leaf tissues and produced leaves with higher SLA and maintained higher water use efficiency. Thus, deciduous species compensated for their shorter leaf payback period by maintaining higher potential payback capacity (higher values of Amass) and lower leaf construction costs (higher SLA). Their short leafless period and the capacity to flush by the end of the dry season may also contribute to offset the longer payback period of evergreen species, although it may involve the higher cost of maintaining a deep-root system or a tight control of plant water balance in the shallow-rooted ones.  相似文献   

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