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桔小实蝇是重要的果蔬害虫,它对不同颜色的光表现出不同的趋性。为了明确其视觉感受的结构基础,本研究采用免疫组织化学染色技术结合激光共聚焦成像分析了桔小实蝇成虫视叶内神经髓结构组成和体积大小,并利用5-羟色胺(5-hydroxytryptamine,5-HT)抗体标记了视叶内5-羟色胺能神经元,研究了其在视叶内的分布特征及细胞体数量。结果表明,桔小实蝇成虫的视叶由视神经节层、视髓、副视髓、视小叶和视小叶板5个神经髓结构组成,其中雌成虫的视髓相对体积极显著的大于雄虫的视髓相对体积。桔小实蝇每个视叶中包含12个5-HT能神经元细胞体,位于视髓的腹内侧,副视髓的前方。视叶5个神经髓区均含5-HT能神经纤维,但它们的神经纤维来自不同的神经元。对视叶神经髓结构及5-HT能神经元分布特征的研究将为未来构建桔小实蝇视觉神经通路和阐明5-HT对视觉感受的调控机制奠定解剖学基础。  相似文献   

实验采用 NADPH组织化学和 5 - HT免疫组织化学双重显色方法研究了 5 - HT和一氧化氮合酶在大鼠中脑导水管周围灰质 (PAG)和中缝核簇神经元的分布特征及共存情况。结果表明 ;(1 )在 PAG腹外侧区中观察到大量的 NOS阳性神经元和 5 - HT样免疫阳性神经元 ,但是 NOS/ 5 - HT双标神经元较少 ,仅占该区 5 - HT样免疫阳性神经元 2 0 .1 % ,并且主要分布在该区的内侧部 ;在 PAG的背外侧区中观察到密集的 NOS阳性神经元 ,但是几乎未见 5 - HT免疫阳性神经元分布。(2 )在中缝核簇的大多数亚核内均可观察到大量的 NOS神经元和 5 - HT免疫阳性神经元。在中缝背核的内侧部、中缝背核的尾侧部、中缝正中核、尾侧线形核、中缝大核和中缝隐核内双标神经元分别占所在部位中 5 - HT免疫阳性神经元的 44 .6 %、5 3.4%、 44 .4%、 2 6 .2 %、 2 6 .7%和 2 1 .8%。然而在中缝苍白核内仅偶见少数双标神经元。研究结果表明 ,在 PAG和中缝核簇的一些神经元内 5 - HT可以与 NOS共存 ,提示这两种神经活性物质在功能上可能存在着某种相关性 ,有关这些双标神经元的功能意义尚需进一步研究。  相似文献   

实验采用NADPH组织化学和5-HT免疫组织化学双重显色方法研究了5-HT和一氧化氮合酶在大鼠中脑导水管周围灰质(PAG)和中缝核簇神经元的分布特征及共存情况。结果表明:(1)在PAG腹外侧区中观察到大量的NOS阳性神经元和5-HT样免疫阳性神经元,但是NOS/5-HT双标神经元较少,仅占该区5-HT样免疫阳性神经元20.1%,并且主要分布在该区的内侧部;在PAG的背外侧区中观察到密集的NOS阳性神经元,但是几科未见5-HT免疫阳性神经元分布。(2)在中缝核簇的大多数亚核内均可观察到大量的NOS神经元和5-HT免疫阳性神经元。在中缝背核的内侧部、中缝背核的尾侧部、中缝正中核、尾侧线形核、中缝大核和中缝隐核内双标神经元分别占所在部位中5-HT免疫阳性神经元的44.6%、53.4%、44.4%、26.2%、26.7%和21.8%。然而在中缝苍白核内仅偶见少数双标神经元,研究结果表明,在PAG和中缝核簇的一些神经元内5-HT可以与NOS共存,提示这两种神经活性物质在功能上可能存在着某种相关性,有关这些双标神经元的功能意义尚需进一步研究。  相似文献   

本文应用荧光分光光度法测定脑内5-羟色胺(5-HT)含量,观察腹腔内注射(ip)或侧脑室内注射(icv)促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH)对大鼠海马、下丘脑和中-桥脑内5-HT 含量的影响,结果如下:(1)ACTH(20.0U/kg)ip 可使海马、下丘脑和中-桥脑内5-HT 含量增多,1h达高峰,与对照组比较差异非常显著(P<0.01-0.001);ACTH ip 后3h,三脑区5-HT 含量基本恢复至对照水平。电解损毁中脑中缝核后,ACTH ip 使海马和下丘脑5-HT 含量升高的作用明显降低,摘除两侧肾上腺后,对 ACTH 增加三脑区5-HT 含量的效应没有影响。(2)ACTH(0.5U/10μl)icy 40min 后,也使三脑区5-HT 含量升高,与人工脑脊液 icv的比较,差异显著或非常显著(P<0.05-0.01);电解损毁中脑中缝核后,ACTH icv 使海马和下丘脑5-HT 含量升高的作用也显著下降。(3)ACTH ip 升高三脑区5-HT 含量的作用较 ACTH icv 的强,损毁中脑中缝核后,5-HT 含量的下降,前者却不如后者显著。上述结果提示:ACTH(ip 或 icv)之所以引起海马、下丘脑和中-桥脑5-HT 含量增多,很可能都与激活中脑中缝核有关,ACTH ip 尚可能有其它作用途径,但与肾上腺关系不大。  相似文献   

大脑皮层中存在三大类γ-氨基丁酸(γ-aminobutyric acid, GABA)能抑制性神经元,分别表达小清蛋白(parvalbumin, pv)、生长抑素(somatostatin,SOM)和5-羟色胺受体亚基3A (5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 3A,Htr3a).其中Htr3a阳...  相似文献   

5-羟色胺(5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT)是昆虫体内一种重要的生物胺。5-HT在昆虫神经组织和非神经组织中均可合成,它可被5-HT转运体重吸收进入突触前结构中。5-HT通过结合特异性的G蛋白偶联受体在昆虫体内发挥不同的神经调控作用,调节昆虫主要的行为活动,比如取食、生物钟、聚集、学习和记忆等。昆虫体内5-HT受体有5种,分别为5-HT1A,5-HT1B, 5-HT2A,5-HT2B 和5-HT7。其中5-HT1A和5-HT1B偶联胞内cAMP的降低, 5-HT2A和5-HT2B偶联胞内Ca2+的释放, 5 HT7偶联胞内cAMP的升高。近年来,昆虫体内5-HT及其受体的研究有了很大的进展,昆虫体内越来越多的5-HT受体被克隆,并进行了功能和药理学性质分析。不同昆虫5 HT受体药理学性质存在差异,将为以5-HT受体为靶标,设计新型特异性杀虫剂提供理论基础。  相似文献   

本实验利用两根微电极同时记录大鼠丘脑束旁核两个痛兴奋、两个痛抑制或一个痛兴奋和一个痛抑制神经元的放电,观察脑室注射5-羟色胺后对两个神经元同时电活动的影响。结果表明,当脑内5-羟色胺含量增加时,丘脑束旁核两个神经元同时电活动的变化主要有如下三个方面:1.两个痛兴奋神经元的电活动均受抑制,诱发放电频率减少,潜伏期延长。2.两个痛抑制神经元抑制均解除,诱发抑制时程均缩短。3.一个痛兴奋神经元电活动受抑制的同时,另一个痛抑制神经元的电活动加强。以上结果提示,在痛和镇痛过程中,痛兴奋和痛抑制神经元的作用是协同进行的。  相似文献   

爬行类消化道5-羟色胺细胞免疫组化研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
5-羟色胺是一种单胺类,约95%以上分布于胃肠道中,关于其形态学特征和分布密度的研究是比较组织学和比较内分泌学的热点领域之一。文章总结了爬行动物消化道5-羟色胺细胞的形态学特征和分布密度规律,概述了分类地位、食性和栖息地环境与细胞分布型的关系,探讨了特殊分布型产生的原因。  相似文献   

5-羟色胺转运体(5-HTT)在神经精神心理正常功能的维持及疾病的发生和发展中起重要作用。5-HTT的表达能力减低或消失的小鼠(称为:5-HTT敲除小鼠)表现出许多行为的改变,例如:焦虑类似行为增多、对应激更加敏感和攻击性行为减少。这些行为的改变有的与携带5-HTTLPR短等位基因的人很相似。因此5-HTT敲除小鼠被作为研究5-HTTLPR多态性导致情感性精神障碍发病机制的动物模型。本文主要就5-HTT敲除小鼠的5-HT浓度和代谢、下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺皮质轴以及对其他神经递质转运体影响的分子和细胞改变进行综述。  相似文献   

用电镜研究初孵扬子鳄的嗅球⒚嗅球的外颗粒层具有明、暗两种细胞⒚僧帽细胞层细胞排列紧密、规则,细胞之间无任何连接结构⒚内颗粒层见有 3~5 个细胞聚集成群,并有个别细胞出现胞质降解现象⒚除内颗粒层部分细胞外,其他各层细胞仍处于较幼稚阶段⒚胶质细胞已发生,外网状层中有薄薄的髓鞘出现⒚突触处于不同的发育阶段,大多为不对称型⒚  相似文献   


刺激源的方位是刺激的重要特性之一.行为学的研究发现,动物能够利用气味到达左右鼻腔的时间差和强度差信息对气味方位进行感知,但作为嗅觉系统第一神经中枢的嗅球,是否具有利用两侧鼻间差信息对气味方位进行编码的能力一直受到质疑.为探讨该问题,在本研究中通过比较嗅球中84个僧帽细胞对同侧气味刺激、对侧气味刺激以及对侧气味刺激略先于同侧气味刺激时的反应,发现有29个僧帽细胞可被同侧气味所兴奋,其中18个虽然对对侧气味刺激不反应,但对侧气味的存在却能显著降低其对同侧气味刺激的反应.另外,50个僧帽细胞在只给予同侧或对侧气味刺激时不反应,但其中11个在对侧刺激略先于同侧刺激的方式给出气味时,表现出明显的兴奋性反应.我们的研究结果一方面提示僧帽细胞具有编码气味到达两个鼻腔的时间差,或气味源位置信息的能力;另一方面也表明对侧刺激不仅能对同侧嗅球僧帽细胞产生抑制效应,还可能存在目前还不明确的机制而产生兴奋效应.  相似文献   

The Role of Inhibition in an Associative Memory Model of the Olfactory Bulb   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The external plexiform layer is where theinteractions between the mitral (excitatory) and granule (inhibitory)cells of the olfactory bulb (OB) take place. Two outstanding features ofthese interactions are that they aredendrodendritic and that there seem to be nonebetween excitatory cells. The latter are usually credited with the role of forming Hebbian cell assemblies.Hence, it would seem that this structure lacks the necessaryingredients for an associative memory system.In this article we show that in spite of these two properties thissystem can serve as an associative memory. Our model incorporates theessential anatomical characteristics of the OB. The memories in oursystem, defined by Hebbian mitral assemblies, are activated viathe interactions with the inhibitory granule cells. The nonlinearityis introduced in our model via a sigmoid function that describesneurotransmitter release in reciprocal dendrodendritic synapses. Thecapacity (maximal number of odors that can be memorized) depends onthe sparseness of coding that is being used. For very low memoryactivities, the capacity grows as a fractional power of the number ofneurons. We validate the theoretical results by numericalsimulations. An interesting result of our model is that its capacityincreases as a function of the ratio of inhibitory to excitatorypopulations. This may provide an explanation for the dominance ofinhibitory cells in the olfactory bulb.  相似文献   

The muscarinic stimulation of adenylate cyclase activity in rat olfactory bulb was characterized, with the aim of elucidating the nature of the molecular mechanism involved. Carbachol (CCh) stimulated the enzyme activity in either crude or purified cell membrane preparations and increased cyclic AMP accumulation in miniprisms of olfactory bulb. The CCh stimulation of adenylate cyclase activity displayed a fast onset and was rapidly reversed by addition of atropine. The stimulation was associated with an increase in the apparent Vmax of the enzyme, with no change in the Km for Mg-ATP. The affinity of the enzyme for Mg2+ was enhanced by CCh. The muscarinic effect required GTP at concentrations higher than those needed for enzyme stimulation with either l-isoproterenol or vasoactive intestinal peptide. Moreover, contrary to the beta-adrenergic stimulation, the muscarinic effect disappeared when guanosine 5'-O-(3'-thiotriphosphate) was substituted for GTP. In vivo treatment of olfactory bulbs with pertussis toxin completely prevented the muscarinic stimulation of adenylate cyclase, whereas cholera toxin was without effect. These results indicate that in rat olfactory bulb muscarinic receptors increase adenylate cyclase activity by interacting with a pertussis toxin-sensitive GTP-binding protein different from the stimulatory GTP-binding protein.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2020,30(1):31-41.e3
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We discuss the first few stages of olfactory processing in the framework of a layered neural network. Its central component is an oscillatory associative memory, describing the external plexiform layer, that consists of inhibitory and excitatory neurons with dendrodendritic interactions. We explore the computational properties of this neural network and point out its possible functional role in the olfactory bulb. When receiving a complex input that is composed of several odors, the network segments it into its components. This is done in two stages. First, multiple odor input is preprocessed in the glomerular layer via a decorrelation mechanism that relies on temporal independence of odor sources. Second, as the recall process of a pattern consists of associative convergence to an oscillatory attractor, multiple inputs are identified by alternate dominance of memory patterns during different sniff cycles. This could explain how quick analysis of mixed odors is subserved by the rapid sniffing behavior of highly olfactory animals. When one of the odors is much stronger than the rest, the network converges onto it, thus displaying odor masking.  相似文献   

Jaffe  E. H.  Garcia  Y. 《Neurochemical research》1997,22(12):1477-1484
The effect of L-cysteine sulfinic acid (CSA) and L-homocysteic acid (HCA) on the release of tritiated -amino butyric acid ([3H]GABA), from the external plexiform layer (EPL) of the rat olfactory bulb, was compared with that of glutamate. These amino acids induced release of GABA was strongly inhibited by the glutamate uptake blocker, pyrrolidine-2,4-dicarboxylate (2,4,PDC) (50 M), while it was not inhibited by the specific GABA uptake blockers nipecotic acid (0.5 mM) or NO-711 (5M). Only the HCA induced GABA release was 60% inhibited by -alanine (0.5 mM), a glial GABA uptake blocker and 78% by the NMDA receptor antagonist 2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid (AP-5) (100 M). The non-NMDA receptor antagonists 6-cyano-2,3-dihydroxy-7-nitro-quinoxaline (CNQX) up to 500 M had no effect on HCA or CSA stimulated GABA release. These results bring evidence for an excitatory role of HCA and CSA together with glutamate on GABAergic neuronal or glial elements, in the olfactory bulb. This role could be mediated through the reversal of the glutamate or/and the glial GABA transporter and through the activation of a NMDA type receptor.  相似文献   

In experiments on awake cats, we recorded the activity of 79 putative serotonergic (STE) neurons localized within the region of the brainstem dorsal and anterior central raphe nuclei. The animals were trained to perform a self-initiated (voluntary) movement, to press a pedal by the forelimb; an additional limitation was to perform the movement not earlier than after a definite time interval. Changes in the activity of STE neurons related to the preparation for and performance of the movement and reactions to presentation of a feedback conditioning signal preceding the reward and receipt of the food reward were most clearly manifested. More than 50% of the units changed their activity before the movement initiation. Most neurons responded to presentation of a positive conditioning signal by phasic activation, while a negative signal informing them of the absence of the reward evoked considerably weaker reactions. We hypothesize that reactions of STE neurons forestalling the movement initiation can provide activation of the neocortex necessary for the movement performance within a preset time interval. Activating and inhibitory reactions observed within the period of expectation of a feedback conditioning signal and developing after presentation of this signal can be related to a noticeable role of the STE system in the formation of memory engrams and development of emotional states.  相似文献   

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