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In our study we assessed the tick burden on roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) in relation to age, physical condition, sex, deer density and season. The main objective was to find predictive parameters for tick burden. In September 2007, May, July, and September 2008, and in May and July 2009 we collected ticks on 142 culled roe deer from nine forest departments in Southern Hesse, Germany. To correlate tick burden and deer density we estimated deer density using line transect sampling that accounts for different detectability in March 2008 and 2009, respectively. We collected more than 8,600 ticks from roe deer heads and necks, 92.6% of which were Ixodes spp., 7.4% Dermacentor spp. Among Ixodes, 3.3% were larvae, 50.5% nymphs, 34.8% females and 11.4% males, with significant seasonal deviation. Total tick infestation was high, with considerable individual variation (from 0 to 270 ticks/deer). Adult tick burden was positively correlated with roe deer body indices (body mass, age, hind foot length). Significantly more nymphs were found on deer from forest departments with high roe deer density indices, indicating a positive correlation with deer abundance. Overall, tick burden was highly variable. Seasonality and large scale spatial characteristics appeared to be the most important factors affecting tick burden on roe deer.  相似文献   

The spatio-temporal attachment site patterns of ticks feeding on their hosts can be of significance if co-feeding transmission (i.e. from tick to tick without a systemic infection of the host) of pathogens affects the persistence of a given disease. Using tick infestation data on roe deer, we analysed preferred attachment sites and niche width of Ixodes ticks (larvae, nymphs, males, females) and investigated the degree of inter- and intrastadial aggregation. The different development stages showed rather consistent attachment site patterns and relative narrow feeding site niches. Larvae were mostly found on the head and on the front legs of roe deer, nymphs reached highest densities on the head and highest adult densities were found on the neck of roe deer. The tick stages feeding (larvae, nymphs, females) on roe deer showed high degrees of intrastadial spatial aggregation, whereas males did not. Male ticks showed large feeding site overlap with female ticks. Feeding site overlap between larval-female and larval-nymphal ticks did occur especially during the months May–August on the head and front legs of roe deer and might allow pathogen transmission via co-feeding. Tick density, niche width and niche overlap on roe deer are mainly affected by seasonality, reflecting seasonal activity and abundance patterns of ticks. Since different tick development stages occur spatially and temporally clustered on roe deer, transmission experiments of tick-borne pathogens are urgently needed.  相似文献   

Chemical repellents are promoted as a method to reduce ungulate–vehicle collisions and ungulate browsing damages to agricultural and forestry resources. We tested the effectiveness of two odour repellents (Mota FL and Wolf Urine) on the foraging behaviour and area avoidance of free-ranging roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) and red deer (Cervus elaphus). The effects of the repellents were assessed by comparing deer visitation rates to sand arenas before and after application of repellents and visitation rates to control arenas. Neither of the tested products reduced deer visitation rates. Rapid habituation to olfactory stimuli and lack of sensitivity to predator odours may explain the ineffectiveness of the repellents to alter the behaviour of the deer. The results indicate that the tested products have no effects on roe deer and red deer behaviour and suggest that the effectiveness of the chemical area repellents as a measure to reduce deer–vehicle collision risk and browsing damages is questionable.  相似文献   

During the 2007 and 2008 hunting seasons (April–October) the skin of 367 roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.), hunted in different preserves from Galicia (Northwestern Spain), were examined for ticks (Acari: Ixodidae). The overall prevalence of infestation by ticks was 83.1%. The predominant species was Ixodes ricinus (83.1%), whereas a single Dermacentor marginatus specimen appeared in one roe deer. All developmental stages of I. ricinus were found parasitizing roe deer, the adults being the most frequent (82.2%), followed by nymphs (45.6%) and larvae (27.2%). The mean intensity of infestation by I. ricinus was 43.2 ± 49.85; most of them were adults (30.7 ± 31.64) and in a lesser extend nymphs (16.9 ± 24.74) and larvae (10.7 ± 29.90). Ixodes ricinus was present all over the study with percentages that oscillated between 100% in spring and 57.4% in autumn. CHAID algorithm showed the sex of roe deer as the most influential factor in tick prevalence, followed by the climatic area. The different developmental stages of I. ricinus were more frequent in males than in females, and the prevalence of adults and larvae were higher in roe deer from coastal areas than in those from mountainous and central areas, whereas nymphs were more frequent in mountainous areas. Host age and density were not determinants for tick infestation. Our results confirm that roe deer are important hosts for I. ricinus in northwestern Spain, serving as a vehicle for the geographic distribution of these ticks.  相似文献   

A wildlife species’ selection of bedding sites is often characterised by strong trade-offs, as habitat quality, predator avoidance and foraging needs should be achieved simultaneously. Human activities often represent major threats in addition. In areas of intensive agriculture, e.g. mowing is one of the main causes of mortality of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) fawns due their hiding strategy. For a species’ offspring, the selection of bedding sites is particularly crucial and thus, identifying how and when animals use such habitats is important for management. We used a long-term dataset of marked roe deer fawns in Switzerland (1971–2015) to reveal the characteristics of optimal bedding sites within the first two weeks of a fawn’s life in three contrasting landscapes and the potential trade-offs that may occur. We hypothesised that roe deer adjust the selection of bedding sites to current environmental conditions and available habitat to achieve sufficient levels of predator avoidance and thermoregulation necessary for the fawn’s survival, as well as the availability of sufficient food resources for the mother doe. We found that, in general, grassland habitats with medium vegetation height (20–50 cm) and habitats in close proximity to the edge of the forest were favoured to achieve those basic requirements. However, the use of bed site habitats differed between the three contrasting landscapes in dependence of elevation and hence vegetation phenology. Our results provide essential information to reduce mortality rates caused by mowing and improve the reproductive success of this species.  相似文献   

Long-term, remote monitoring of animals under natural conditions is essential for obtaining information on animal activity. Advances in biotelemetry have led to the construction of low-power accelerometers placed on Global Positioning System (GPS) collars. Such acceleration data from roe deer have not yet been classified to the various behavioral categories. Here, we determined the threshold values of such data for different behavioral categories. We equipped captive roe deer with Global Positioning System–Global System for Mobile Communications/dual-axis acceleration sensor neck collars and simultaneously measured their movement and observed their behavior. The difference between feeding and slow locomotion was significant on the x- but not the y-axis, and both of these two behavioral categories differed significantly from resting and fast locomotion. Specific thresholds for the behavioral categories—resting, feeding, and slow and fast locomotion—were established by recursive partitioning. We compared the behavior determined by these threshold values with observed behavior and found that 92% of the behavioral categories were correctly assigned. A comparison of our results with those of earlier studies showed that thresholds derived for one species cannot be directly applied to another species. We provide recommendations for the further development of acceleration sensors based on the results obtained in this study.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to characterize phenotypically and genotypically a Trueperella pyogenes strain isolated from a brain abscess of an adult roebuck (Capreolus capreolus). The species identity could be confirmed by phenotypical investigations, by MALDI-TOF MS analysis, and by sequencing the 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene, the 16S–23S rRNA intergenic spacer region (ISR); by sequencing the target genes rpoB, gap, and tuf; and by detection of T. pyogenes chaperonin-encoding gene cpn60 with a previously developed loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay. The T. pyogenes strain could additionally be characterized by PCR-mediated amplification of several known and putative virulence factor-encoding genes which revealed the presence of the genes plo encoding pyolysin and nanH and nanP encoding neuraminidases; the genes fimA, fimC, and fimE encoding the fimbrial subunits FimA, FimC, and FimE; and the gene cbpA encoding collagen-binding protein CbpA. The present data give a detailed characterization of a T. pyogenes strain isolated from a brain abscess of a roebuck. However, the route of infection of the roebuck remains unclear.  相似文献   

The demography of roe deer living in a mountain area of central Italy was studied from 1995 to 1999 with 104 radio-tagged animals, including fawns and adults of both sexes. From spring surveys we estimated population density by mark-resighting (average: 53.8dž.8 individuals km-2) and found an average fawn/doe ratio of 0.75ǂ.4. The fawn/doe ratio was negatively correlated to density suggesting density-dependent regulation in this population. Using culled and net-trapped individuals we evaluated the dressed body weights of adult males (23.1ǃ.0 kg) and females (22.0ǃ.0 kg), which indicated a low level of sexual dimorphism. The potential litter size (1.44ǂ.1 embryos) depended on female body weight and a threshold of 20.9ǃ.4 kg separated adult females carrying one or two embryos. Both fawn (0.38ǂ.07) and adult survival (0.90ǂ.07) were evaluated from radiotagged individuals and no gender effect was observed in either age class. During the study period we recorded a population decline in one part of the study area and an increasing fawn mortality, which was attributed to the spreading of an enteropathogenic desease. The study revealed an unexpected spatial structure in population dynamics at a scale of few square kilometres. In the two studied subareas, which are very close and ecologically similar, we documented significant differences in several demographic parameters: females in the subarea with the highest deer density produced smaller litters and allocated their reproductive effort preferentially to males, which is consistent with the hypothesis that local resource competition determines sex allocation in roe deer. The importance of spatial variability with respect to roe deer demography was overlooked in previous studies and our results raise new interesting research questions relative to the study of population equilibria which are also relevant for the management of this important game species.  相似文献   

The effect of experimental manipulation of population density on home-range size was investigated in two free-ranging roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) populations under contrasting environmental conditions. In these two long-term monitoring studies, one in Bogesund, Sweden (12 years) and one in Dourdan, France (10 years), deer density varied fourfold through varying culling pressure. Home-range data were collected by radio-tracking across the periods of contrasting density of the studies. We predicted that home-range size for females should vary in relation to the level of feeding competition, while for males, competition for mating opportunities should also influence range size, at least in summer when roe bucks are territorial. We found a highly consistent pattern over the two populations, with strong effects of deer density on home-range size, as well as significant differences between winter and summer ranges and between the sexes. Home ranges were consistently smaller at high density compared to low density. Males had larger ranges than females and this was particularly so during summer. Lastly, winter ranges were generally larger than summer ranges, particularly among females, although males at Dourdan had larger summer ranges compared to winter ranges. We suggest that the reduction of range size at high deer density during winter, as well as summer, is linked to the solitary behaviour and territorial social system of roe deer, with possible effects of dominance rank, even outside the mating season.  相似文献   

Populations of game are not confined to single ecosystems but function within higher-order units, e.g. ecological landscape. The basis for the establishment of the hunting complexes was the assumption that the existing game hunting grounds, i.e. the basic units implementing game management, are too small and do not cover the natural areas inhabited by game populations. Roe deer are flexible species and easily adapt to various site conditions, so they inhabit many different habitats, from large forest complexes, through small in-field tree stands and shrubs, to treeless grounds and field monocultures. The aim of the study was to determine a possible impact of environmental conditions prevailing in the hunting complexes of the Regional Directorate of State Forests (RDLP in Lublin) on the ontogenetic quality of roe deer. The study was conducted on 518 European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) aged from 4 to 7 years (379 bucks and 139 does) harvested within hunting seasons 2010/2011–2013/2014. The results have shown that animals originating from areas with greater forest cover and denser stands are characterised by lower values of the mean ontogenetic quality parameters (carcase weight, kidney fat index, chest girth, weight of antlers) in comparison with animals from typical agricultural areas with fragmented forest complexes. These results indicate that, even in the case of such a eurytopic species as the roe deer, the ontogenetic quality differs between individual hunting complexes. The study has proved that strategies for hunting management of the roe deer should take into account the impact of the landscape structure, which provides a rationale behind creation of hunting complexes.  相似文献   

The vegetation characteristics and habitat selection associated with the bed-sites used by neonatal roe deerCapreolus capreolus (Linnaeus, 1758) fawns were studied in an agricultural environment in central Norway. Data were collected from 85 radio-collared fawns belonging to 38 families during 1992–1994. All bed-sites used provided effective cover, although this differed between habitats and increased during the summer as the herbaceous vegetation developed. Seasonal use of farmland increased and then decreased reflecting the growth, and cutting of the grass. Habitats were not used in relation to their availability. Early born fawns significantly avoided farmland, whereas later born fawns showed no significant selection or avoidance of any habitats. The data show how roe deer fawns are able to exploit small patches of non-cultivated habitats in an agricultural landscape.  相似文献   

Eye lens weight curves were obtained from a sample of 522 male and 171 female free-living roe deerCapreolus capreolus (Linnaeus, 1758), collected during the regular annual harvest 1998/99–2005/06 (May–January) in 12 different field hunting grounds in Vojvodina (North part of Serbia). We found no significant differences in eye lens weight between males and females within the same age class (except age class 1). Thus, the eye lens weight data for both sexes within the same age class were pooled for further analyses. The rate of increase in eye lens weight declined at a relatively early age, but lenses continued to increase in weight through age class 9. However, there was a considerable overlap in ranges of eye lens weights within all age classes, which restricted the usefulness of this method. The estimate precision of the eye lens method in determining age was evaluated by the comparison of “known age” (cementum layer technique) and predicted age (eye lens weight technique). We examined model validity on 78 roe deer not used previously to construct the regression line. The lack of correspondence between the two techniques was evident among individuals within older age classes. The percentage of correctly determined age rapidly declined already from age class 4 (<30%).  相似文献   

For elusive species living in concealing habitats (e.g. deer in a forest habitat), indirect methods such as faecal pellet counts are considered more practical means of estimating population density and abundance. Accurate estimation of deer density using the faecal standing crop (FSC) method necessitates the reliable estimation of the mean time to decay of pellet groups present during the survey. Mean time to decay is generally habitat specific, and separate estimations should be made for each habitat type in the study area. In a confined mountainous area of Greece, the habitat-specific mean time to decay of roe deer pellet groups was estimated by locating and marking fresh pellet groups on several dates in the lead up to an FSC survey and returning to the marked signs at the time of the survey to record whether or not each pellet group had survived. Several logistic models were fitted to the data, and estimations were based on a multi-model inference (MMI) approach according to information theory. The highest mean time to decay was estimated in coniferous forests, while mid-ranged values were found in maquis shrubs, and the lowest mean time to decay was observed in open areas. MMI by model averaging, based on Akaike weights, is recommended for making robust parameter estimations and for dealing with uncertainty in model selection.  相似文献   

Livestock farming is a common human activity that not only modifies natural habitat but also may lead to interactions with other wild animal species. We studied whether health status of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) is influenced by density, livestock, and type of habitat. We analyzed 208 samples (120 fecal and 88 sera) from roe deer populations of central Iberian Peninsula to evaluate both presence and abundance of parasitic oocysts, eggs, and/or larvae, especially of gastrointestinal and bronchopulmonary parasites, as well as the prevalence of five infectious diseases (infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR), pestivirosis (BVD/BD), paratuberculosis (PTB), bluetongue (BT), and brucellosis). Fecal samples were collected in transects in pine and oak forests and endoparasites were detected by means of coprological techniques. Serum samples were obtained from hunted individuals and the serological testing for the infectious pathogens was performed by ELISA and Rose Bengal tests. Livestock and habitat type were associated both with the presence and the number of bronchopulmonary nematode L1-larvae per gram of feces (lpg), which was higher in areas with livestock and in pine forests. However, roe deer density neither influenced parasite presence nor lpg values. Regarding infectious pathogens, only seropositive samples for PTB and pestivirus were obtained indicating a possible transmission between domestic and wild ungulates in the study area. The low prevalence found is consistent with other studies in the Iberian Peninsula suggesting that roe deer have little contact with the infectious agents studied. Our results highlight that both habitat type and livestock significantly mediate abundance of parasitic larvae in roe deer, being higher under competition scenarios and in habitats of lower quality, a valuable aspect to be considered in future management and conservation strategies.  相似文献   

Two repeated DNA sequences isolated from a partial genomic DNA library of Helianthus annuus, p HaS13 and p HaS211, were shown to represent portions of the int gene of a Ty3 /gypsy retroelement and of the RNase-Hgene of a Ty1 /copia retroelement, respectively. Southern blotting patterns obtained by hybridizing the two probes to BglII- or DraI-digested genomic DNA from different Helianthus species showed p HaS13 and p HaS211 were parts of dispersed repeats at least 8 and 7 kb in length, respectively, that were conserved in all species studied. Comparable hybridization patterns were obtained in all species with p HaS13. By contrast, the patterns obtained by hybridizing p HaS211 clearly differentiated annual species from perennials. The frequencies of p HaS13- and p HaS211-related sequences in different species were 4.3x10(4)-1.3x10(5) copies and 9.9x10(2)-8.1x10(3) copies per picogram of DNA, respectively. The frequency of p HaS13-related sequences varied widely within annual species, while no significant difference was observed among perennial species. Conversely, the frequency variation of p HaS211-related sequences was as large within annual species as within perennials. Sequences of both families were found to be dispersed along the length of all chromosomes in all species studied. However, Ty3 /gypsy-like sequences were localized preferentially at the centromeric regions, whereas Ty1/ copia-like sequences were less represented or absent around the centromeres and plentiful at the chromosome ends. These findings suggest that the two sequence families played a role in Helianthusgenome evolution and species divergence, evolved independently in the same genomic backgrounds and in annual or perennial species, and acquired different possible functions in the host genomes.  相似文献   

New combinations are proposed in anticipation of the Polygonaceae treatment in the forthcoming volume of Intermountain Flora: Polygonum kelloggii var. esotericum, P. kelloggii var. watsonii , Rumex densiflorus var. pycnanthus , R. salicifolius var. utahensis, and R. occidentalis var. tomentellus. Typifications are proposed to facilitate ongoing studies in Polygonaceae and to maintain current usage.  相似文献   

Single (unpaired) vegetative cells of freshwater pennate diatom Neidium cf. ampliatum differentiated into gametangia and produced a single zygote (auxospore) via a pedogamic process. The gametic nuclei fused after auxospore expansion had begun. The auxospore expanded in parallel to the apical axis of the gametangium.  相似文献   

Traditionally viewed as an Andean grain crop,Chenopodium quinoa Willd. includes domesticated populations that are not Andean, and Andean populations that are not domesticated. Comparative analysis of leaf morphology and allozyme frequencies have demonstrated that Andean populations, both domesticated(quinua) and free-living(ajara), represent an exceptionally homogeneous unit that is well differentiated from allied domesticates of coastal Chile(quingua) and freeliving populations of the Argentine lowlands(C. hircinum). This pattern of relationships indicates that Andean populations represent a monophyletic crop/weed system that has possibly developed through cyclic differentiation (natural vs. human selection) and introgressive hybridization. Relative levels of variation suggest that this complex originated in the southern Andes, possibly from wild types allied withC. hircinum, with subsequent dispersal north to Colombia and south to the Chilean coast. Coastal populations were apparently isolated from post-dispersal differentiation and homogenization that occurred in the Andes. Other data point toward a center of origin in the northern Andes with secondary centers of genetic diversity subsequently developing in the southern Andes and the plains of Argentina. Comparative linkage of South American taxa, all tetraploid, with North American tetraploids of the subsection will eventually clarify this problem. While the possibility of a direct phyletic connection betweenC. quinoa and the Mexican domesticate(C. berlandieri subsp. nuttalliae,) cannot be excluded, available evidence indicates that the latter represents an autonomous lineage that is associated with the basal tetraploid, C. b. subsp.berlandieri, through var.sinuatum, whereas South American taxa show possible affinities to either var. zschackei or var.berlandieri. An extinct domesticate of eastern North America,C. b. subsp.jonesianum, represents either another instance of independent domestication, possibly from subsp. b. var.zschackei, or a northeastern outlier of subsp.nuttalliae.  相似文献   

We have investigated the floral ontogeny of Arillastrum, Allosyncarpia, Stockwellia and Eucalyptopsis (of the eucalypt group, Myrtaceae) using scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy. Several critical characters for establishing relationships between these genera and to the eucalypts have been determined. The absence of compound petaline primordia in Arillastrum, Allosyncarpia, Stockwellia and Eucalyptopsis excludes these taxa from the eucalypt clade. Post-anthesis circumscissile abscission of the hypanthium above the ovary in Stockwellia, Eucalyptopsis and Allosyncarpia is evidence that these three taxa form a monophyletic group; undifferentiated perianth parts and elongated fusiform buds are characters that unite Stockwellia and Eucalyptopsis as sister taxa. No floral characters clearly associate Arillastrum with either the eucalypt clade or the clade of Stockwellia, Eucalyptopsis and Allosyncarpia.We gratefully acknowledge Clyde Dunlop and Bob Harwood (Northern Territory Herbarium) for collecting specimens of Allosyncarpia, and Bruce Gray (Atherton) for collecting specimens of Stockwellia. The Australian National Herbarium (CANB) kindly lent herbarium specimens of Eucalyptopsis for examination. This research was supported by a University of Melbourne Research Development Grant to Andrew Drinnan.  相似文献   

Summary  Three new species are described in Barleria L. sect. Stellatohirta M. Balkwill from tropical Africa: B. aristata from south-central Tanzania, B. aenea from south-western Tanzania and northeast Zambia, and B. purpureotincta from south-western Zambia. Their affinities and conservation status are discussed.  相似文献   

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