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A field experiment was conducted in a semi-natural grassland to study the interspecific variation in the effect of litter on seedling emergence and establishment and separate physical from chemical effects. Seeds of seven forb species were sown in plots subjected to either litter amendment (0, 400 or 900 g m−2) or water extracts of litter (corresponding to 400 and 900 g litter m−2). In addition, an extract was treated with activated carbon to estimate the possible effects of secondary chemical compounds. The response to plant litter differed amongst species: negative, neutral and positive responses were observed. Anthriscus sylvestris was the only species with a strong positive response to litter. We found no consistent relation between seed size and response to plant litter. Physical effects of litter were generally stronger than chemical effects. However, water extract of litter inhibited emergence in three species. Activated carbon removed the negative effect of the litter extract, which suggests that the effect was caused by an inhibitory chemical compound rather than by increased competition in response to nutrients added via the extract. The balance between facilitative and inhibitory effects of litter depended on species identity and litter quantity. Facilitative effects dominated at low and intermediate quantities of litter, and inhibitory effects at high litter quantities. One species, Campanula rotundifolia, showed a switch from positive to negative responses with increasing quantities of litter. However, we found no general threshold for litter quantity valid across species.  相似文献   

Plant colonization can be limited by lack of seeds or by factors that reduce establishment. The role of seed limitation in community assembly is being increasingly recognized, but in early primary succession, establishment failure is still considered more important. We studied the factors limiting colonization on the foreland of Coleman Glacier, Washington, USA, to determine the importance of seed and establishment limitation during primary succession. We also evaluated the effects of seed predation, drought, and existing vegetation on establishment. We planted seeds of seven species into plots of four different ages and found evidence that both seed and establishment limitation are strong in early succession. We also found that seed and establishment limitation both remained high in later stages of succession. Seed predation reduced establishment for most species and some evidence suggested that drought and existing vegetation also limit establishment. Because both dispersal and establishment failure restrict colonization in recently exposed habitat, late-seral forest species may have a difficult time migrating upward in response to global climate change. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Summary Big Pod Ceanothus (Ceanothus megacarpus) is an obligate seeder after fire; Laurel Sumac (Rhus laurina) is primarily a resprouter after fire. Both species commonly occur together in mixed stands and are dominant members of the coastal chaparral of southern California. We compared the mean survival of post-fire seedlings of each species during the first summer drought after fire and found C. megacarpus to have a mean survival of 54% while R. laurina had a mean survival of only 0.1%. Rooting dephs were similar between species but predawn water potentials and leaf temperatures were higher for R. laurina seedlings. Leaf temperatures for R. laurina reached a mean value of 46.8° C on hot, summer days, about 5° C higher than seedlings of C. megacarpus. By the end of the first growing season, 92% of all C. megacarpus seedlings had suffered herbivory compared to only 17% of all R. laurina seedlings. Herbivory did not appear to be the immediate cause of seedling mortality. Transect data indicated that full recovery of prefire species composition and density at our study site was likely but the mode of recovery was different for the species examined. R. laurina recovered primarily by sprouting, C. megacarpus totally by seedling establishment and a third species, Adenostoma fasciculatum (chamise), by a combination of sprouting and seedling establishment. We attribute the higher mortality of R. laurina seedlings to the greater sensitivity of its tissue to water stress. It may be that differential survival of shrub seedlings and differential modes of reestablishment after fire play an important role in maintaining species diversity in the chaparral communities of coastal, southern California.  相似文献   

Plant litter is an important determinant of seed germination and seedling establishment. Positive effects of litter have received considerable attention, but few studies have explicitly tested whether seedlings are more facilitated by conspecific litter compared to heterospecific litter. In order to contrast conspecific and heterospecific facilitative effects on seedling establishment, we used Anthriscus sylvestris, Angelica sylvestris, Pimpinella saxifraga and different combinations of their seeds and litter seedbeds as a model system. Although litter had a significant species-specific effect on seedling emergence, we found no evidence of strictly conspecific facilitation. Anthriscus sylvestris displayed a positive response to all types of litter. In contrast, there was a clear negative effect of conspecific litter in Pimpinella saxifraga. Activated carbon did not modify the negative effect, indicating that chemical compounds were not the cause. Our study suggests a high level of idiosyncrasy in response to litter at the species level.  相似文献   

Where plant species vie for limited resources, disturbances might preclude competition by releasing a flush of nutrients, or by reducing biomass and thereby diminishing the consumption of resources. However, if new seedlings colonize in clumps, they may still deplete resources within the local aggregations, which may then reduce their growth and survivorship. We investigated competition among seedlings in a burned area by examining the relationship between the performance of newly established shrub seedlings of Ceanothus impressus and (1) the proximity and (2) the identity of their near neighbors. We also investigated the relationship between neighbor proximity and the availability of water. Both survivorship and growth of C. impressus were positively associated with increasing distance to near neighbors, in a manner consistent with resource competition. The availability of water (as determined by pre-dawn xylem pressure potentials) tended to be greater when neighbors were farther away, providing evidence that water was a resource for which plants were competing. This conclusion is reinforced by the finding that the effects of neighbors were stronger in drought years, suggesting that yearly variation in the availability of an important resource (water) can affect the strength of competitive interactions. This suggests that after disturbances, when some resources are apparently abundant on a large scale, competition may be important in determining the small scale patterns of seedling growth and survival.  相似文献   

Question: How to improve reforestation success of Quercus pyrenaica. Location: 1800 m a.s.L, southern Spain. Methods: One‐year‐old Quercus pyrenaica seedlings were planted using two treatments: (1) bare soil, using a 30‐cm diameter augur bit (conventional technique) and (2) under the canopy of a pioneer shrub, Salvia lavandulifolia, using a 12‐cm diameter augur bit. Survival and growth were monitored for six years. Our hypothesis is that the use of shrubs as nurse plants is an alternative technique of reforestation with higher success than traditional techniques, in which pre‐existing vegetation is usually considered a source of competition. The rationale for the study was that for environments with a dry season, pre‐existing vegetation buffers summer drought stress, ameliorates the water status of seedlings and thus usually increases seedling recruitment. Results: Quercus survival was 6.3 × higher when planted under individuals of the pioneer shrub as compared to open areas. Quercus seedlings under shrubs also had shoots 1.8 X longer, while the number of shoots per plant did not differ among treatments. The first summer was the period with the highest mortality (49.1% of seedlings). Summer drought was the main cause of mortality. Conclusions: The use of shrubs as nurse plants for Q.pyrenaica reforestation is a viable technique to increase establishment success. The technique could be similarly useful in other environments with a dry period and for other Quercus species. In addition, this technique offers the advantage of following natural succession, thus minimizing the impact in the community.  相似文献   

Questions: How do arbuscular mycorrhiza and earthworms affect the structure and diversity of a ruderal plant community? Is the establishment success of newcomer plants enhanced by these soil organisms and their interactions? Methods: We grew a native ruderal plant community composed of different functional groups (grasses, legumes and forbs) in the presence and absence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and endogeic earthworms in mesocosms. We introduced seeds of five, mainly exotic, plant species from the same functional groups after a disturbance simulating mowing. The effects of the soil organisms on the native ruderal plant community and seedling establishment of the newcomer plants were assessed. Results: After disturbance, the total above‐ground regrowth of the native plant community was not affected by the soil organisms. However, AMF increased plant diversity and shoot biomass of forbs, but decreased shoot biomass of grasses of the native plant community. Earthworms led to a reduction in total root biomass. Establishment of the introduced newcomer plants increased in the presence of AMF and earthworms. Especially, seedling establishment of the introduced non‐native legume Lupinus polyphyllus and the native forb Plantago lanceolata was promoted in the presence of AMF and earthworms, respectively. The endogeic earthworms gained more weight in the presence of AMF and led to increased extraradical AMF hyphal length in soil. However, earthworms did not seem to modify the effect of AMF on the plant community. Conclusion: The present study shows the importance of mutualistic soil organisms in mediating the establishment success of newcomer plants in a native plant community. Mutualistic soil organisms lead to changes in the structure and diversity of the native plant community and might promote newcomer plants, including exotic species.  相似文献   

The occurrence of mature individuals of Pseudotsuga menziesii in stands of Arctostaphylos species mark the initial stages of mixed evergreen forest invasion into chaparral in central coastal California. We planted two cohorts of P. menziesii seeds at three sites under stands of two Arctostaphylos species and Adenostoma fasciculatum in order to determine whether first-year seedling emergence and survival, particularly during the regular summer drought, underlie the spatial distribution of mature trees observed in chaparral. Regardless of the chaparral species they were planted under, P. menziesii seeds that were not protected from vertebrate predation displayed very little emergence and no survival. In contrast, emergence of P. menziesii that were protected from vertebrate predators was much higher but still did not significantly differ among the three chaparral species. However, survival of protected seedlings under Arctostaphylos glandulosa was much greater than under A. fasciculatum, with intermediate survival under Arctostaphylos montana. While mortality of protected seedlings due to insect herbivory, fungal infection, and disturbance displayed no consistent patterns, summer drought mortality appeared to drive the patterns of survival of P. menziesii under the different chaparral species. These emergence, mortality, and survival data suggest that spatial patterns of P. menziesii recruitment in chaparral are driven by first-year summer drought seedling mortality, but only in years when seeds and seedlings are released from vertebrate predation pressure. Because the first-year drought mortality and survival patterns of P. menziesii seedlings differed strongly depending on the chaparral species, we examined the additional hypothesis that these patterns are associated with differences in the availability of soil moisture under different chaparral species. Both higher survival and lower drought mortality of P. menziesii seedlings were associated with higher soil water potential under Arctostaphylos stands during the summer drought, especially in the subsurface soil. The data suggest that Arctostaphylos stands, particularly stands of A. glandulosa, ameliorate xeric summer conditions to a degree that facilitates first-year establishment of P. menziesii and strongly influences spatial distribution of mature trees. Received: 18 September 1998 / Accepted: 23 December 1998  相似文献   

The long-term persistence of populations and species depends on the successful recruitment of individuals. The generative recruitment of plants may be limited by a lack of suitable germination and establishment conditions. Establishment limitation may especially be caused by the competitive effect of surrounding dense vegetation, which is believed to restrict the recruitment success of many plant species to small open patches (‘safe sites’). We conducted experiments to clarify the roles of germination and seedling establishment as limiting processes in the recruitment of Juncus atratus Krock., a rare and threatened herbaceous perennial river corridor plant in Central Europe. Light intensity had a positive effect on germination. However, some seedlings emerged even in total darkness and the germination rate at 1% light intensity was more than half of that at 60% light intensity. Seedling establishment in the field after 10 weeks was 30% on bare ground, but it was close to zero in grassland. Establishment in the growth chamber after 8 weeks was close to 75% for seedlings that germinated underwater, but only about 35% for seedlings that germinated afloat. Furthermore, establishment decreased with flooding duration on bare ground, but increased with flooding duration in grassland. These data indicate that establishment, rather than germination, is a critical life stage in Central European populations of J. atratus. They furthermore indicate that the competition of surrounding vegetation for water limits seedling establishment under field conditions without flooding, largely restricting establishment success to bare ground habitats. In contrast, grassland is more suitable for the recruitment of J. atratus than bare ground under prolonged flooding. Grassland may facilitate the establishment of J. atratus seedlings during long-lasting floods by supplying oxygen to the soil through aerenchyma. The shift from competition to facilitation in grassland occurred after 30 days of flooding, i.e. within the ontogeny of individual plants. The specific recruitment requirements of J. atratus may be a main cause of its rarity in modern Central Europe. In order to prevent regional extinction of J. atratus, we suggest maintaining or re-establishing natural hydrodynamics in the species’ habitats.  相似文献   

Question: What effects do leaf litter and rainfall regime have on seed germination (time and probability) and seedling survival of the endangered tree species Beilschmiedia miersii (Lauraceae)? Location: The species is a native tree from the mediterranean climate region of Chile. Seeds were collected from La Campana National Park (Chile). The study was carried out under controlled conditions at the Laboratory of Ecology, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile. Methods: During April 2001,200 seeds were assigned to four experimental treatments: high precipitation, with and without litter and low precipitation, with and without litter. Each treatment had 50 individual seeds, each seed in an individual pot. For statistical purposes, we considered each seed as one replicate. High and low values of artificial rainfall corresponded to mean dry and wet years, respectively, for the period 1958–1993 in the central zone of Chile. Results: Seeds germinated earlier, and in higher proportion, in the presence of leaf litter, but only under low rainfall. Seedling survival was insensitive to both litter and precipitation. Conclusions: We conclude that the presence of litter in native populations facilitates seed germination and recruitment of B. miersii, particularly during dry years. We suggest that the reduction of leaf litter due to extraction for gardens and horticultural activities might preclude regeneration of this endangered species.  相似文献   

Cheng E  Ritchie ME 《Oecologia》2006,147(3):546-555
Allometric foraging theory suggests that herbivores of greatly differing size should co-exist through niche segregation, but a few studies of large–small herbivore foraging relationships have reported competitive interactions. This study addresses the potential roles of habitat productivity and large herbivore grazing intensities on large–small herbivore foraging interactions. We examined effects of different intensity simulated grazing treatments on forage abundance and quality for Utah prairie dogs (Cynomys parvidens) in a low productivity ecosystem, and consequent effects on prairie dog individual growth rates, foraging preferences, and activity budgets. We hypothesized that simulated grazing would have predominantly facilitative impacts on Utah prairie dogs, as was found for black-tailed prairie dogs in higher productivity ecosystems. To test this hypothesis, we measured the effects of simulated grazing on forage nitrogen, digestibility, and biomass. Simulated grazing increased average forage nitrogen and digestibility while decreasing forage biomass. These effects were associated with reduced individual growth rates, increased juvenile foraging time, and reduced juvenile vigilance. Results suggest that the negative effects of reduced vegetation biomass greatly outweighed positive treatment effects in this study. However, prairie dogs in the moderate intensity defoliation treatment showed some preference for “grazed” plots over “ungrazed” plots, and this preference increased with time. Our study lends support to the idea that habitat productivity and herbivore densities may mediate shifts between facilitative and competitive interactions between different-sized herbivores.  相似文献   

Abstract. Harsh conditions in arid and semi‐arid environments make seedling establishment rare. Plant recruitment in arid environments often occurs only in years with above average rainfall or in safe sites under the canopy of nurse plants that provide shelter from high temperatures and low moisture. Associations of establishing seedlings with adult plants are referred to as nurse‐protégé interactions and are thought to be commensalisms in which seedlings benefit from the micro‐environment created by adult plants with no effect for the latter. This phenomenon is thought to be more frequent in harsh than in mild environments and appears to occur frequently in deserts and arid and semi‐arid biomes. Here, we investigate whether nurse‐protégé interactions are more common in arid environments by searching the published literature from the previous 92 years using the terms nurse plants, protégé plants, facilitation, nucleation and facultative mutualism. We then quantitatively compared these reports from arid zones to other environments. A total of 296 papers were found which referred to nurse‐protégé interactions. More than half (158) focused on arid and semi‐arid zones. This information was also used to explore hypotheses of potential causative forces that might have selected for such interactions in the arid zones such as seed trapping, nutrient, moisture, protection from browsing or trampling and support availability. Because of the large number of different nurse species (147, from 98 genera and 40 families) and protégé species (429, from 273 genera and 84 families), described across a diversity of environments, we suggest that there may be more than one causative factor selecting for nurse‐protégé interactions in arid and semi‐arid environments.  相似文献   

Conifer seedling distribution and survival in an alpine-treeline ecotone   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The importance of seedling establishment to the position ofalpine-treeline is recognized, yet little is known about factorsaffecting the survival of seedlings of treeline conifers during their initialyears of growth and establishment. This establishment period may have thegreatest mortality of all life stages until death of mature trees by disease orfire. Spatial and temporal patterns in the distribution and survival ofseedlings of Picea engelmannii and Abieslasiocarpa were evaluated over four years in analpine-treeline ecotone of the Snowy Range, Wyoming, USA. Seedlings andsaplings of both species occurred most frequently near islands of adult trees.For P. englemannii, this appeared partly due to decreasedsurvivorship of young seedlings (< 5 cm height) with greaterdistance away from tree islands. Survival of emergents of P.engelmannii was 28% greater on the north compared to southsides of tree islands, 48% lower on south-facing slopes comparedto other aspects, and 70% greater with overhead cover such as treebranches. Survival of emergents was greater in microsites with grass cover(90% survival) compared to without ground cover (44% survival),but lowest in microsites surrounded, but not covered, by grass (19%).From 1994–1999, natural seedling emergence and survival washighest in 1995 (80% survival of 221 P.engelmannii,and 100% of seven A. lasiocarpa, in a sample areaof432 m2), when the smallest mean difference in dailymaximum and minimum temperatures occurred, and lowest in 1994 (30% ofseven P. engelmannii), when above-averagetemperatures were accompanied by low rainfall and clear skies. The growthseasons of 1994 and 1995 had among the lowest and highest precipitation of theprevious 30-year period, respectively. In an artificial seedingexperiment, less than 20% of seedlings of both species survived theirfirst complete year of growth. In the autumn of the second year, almost25% additional mortality was observed in the remaining experimentalseedlings when they were exposed to clear, cold skies without the normalprotection of snowcover. Both spatial and temporal patterns of seedlingsurvivalsuggest that exposure to high sunlight may exacerbate low-temperatureandwater stress in young conifer seedlings, inhibiting their establishment in thisalpine treeline.  相似文献   

Questions: What are the effects of a shrub (Haloxylon ammodendron) on spatial patterns of soil moisture in different seasons? How does productivity of understorey annuals respond to these effects? Are such effects always positive for annuals under shrubs? Location: South Gurbantunggut Desert, northwest China. Methods: Using geostatistics, we explored seasonal patterns of topsoil moisture in a 12 × 9‐m plot over the growing season. To determine spatial patterns of understorey annuals in response to H. ammodendron presence, biomass of annuals was recorded in four 0.2 × 5.0‐m transects from the centre of a shrub to the space between shrubs (interspace). We also investigated vertical distribution of root biomass for annuals and soil moisture dynamics across soil profiles in shrub‐canopied areas and interspaces. Results: Topsoil moisture changed from autocorrelation in the wet spring to random structure in the dry season, while soil moisture below 20 cm was higher in shrub‐canopied areas. Across all microhabitats, soil moisture in upper soil layers was higher than in deeper soil layers during the spring wet season, but lower during summer drought. Topsoil was close to air‐dry during the dry season and developed a ‘dry sand layer’ that reduced evaporative loss of soil water from deeper layers recharged by snowmelt in spring. Aboveground biomass of understorey annuals was lowest adjacent to shrub stems and peaked at the shrub margin, forming a ‘ring’ of high herbaceous productivity surrounding individual shrubs. To acclimate to drier conditions, annuals in interspaces invested more root biomass in deeper soil with a root/shoot ratio (R/S) twice that in canopied areas. Conclusions: Positive and negative effects of shrubs on understorey plants in arid ecosystems are commonly related to nature of the environmental stress and tested species. Our results suggest there is also microhabitat‐dependence in the Gurbantunggut Desert. Soil water under H. ammodendron is seasonally enriched in topsoil and deeper layers. Understorey annuals respond to the effect of shrubs on soil water availability with lower R/S and less root biomass in deeper soil layers and develop a ‘ring’ of high productivity at the shrub patch margin where positive and negative effects of shrubs are balanced.  相似文献   

Abstract. Facilitation of the establishment of certain plant species by nurse plants is a common phenomenon in arid and semiarid ecosystems. The most commonly reported mechanisms of facilitation include cooler temperatures and increased soil nutrients beneath the nurse plant canopy, which favor establishment of other plant species. During conversion of upland grasslands to thorn woodland in southern Texas, Prosopis glandulosa appears to facilitate establishment of other woody plants, including Celtis pallida, whereas Acacia smallii occurs only in habitats between P. glandulosa canopies. We tested the hypothesis that light intensity and soils under P. glandulosa canopies facilitate seedling emergence and growth of C. pallida but inhibit seedling emergence and growth of A. smallii. In the field, C. pallida and A. smallii seeds were planted under P. glandulosa canopies and in adjacent interspaces. Percent emergence of C. pallida seedlings was greater under the canopy of P. glandulosa, whereas percent emergence of A. smallii seedlings was greater in interspaces. In a greenhouse experiment, seeds of each species were planted in pots filled with soil from under P. glandulosa canopies or from adjacent interspaces. Two treatments, shade and sunlight, were imposed and plants harvested seven weeks later. Seedling mass of both species was greater in canopy soil than in interspace soil in sunlight but mass of the two species did not differ between soil sources in shade. Canopy soils contained more total and available nitrogen than interspace soils. These results suggest that light is more limiting than nutrients under shaded conditions and so neither species can take advantage of the high nutrients beneath P. glandulosa. Shade and greater soil nutrients beneath P. glandulosa do not appear to be the major factors that facilitate C. pallida or inhibit A. smallii. Aggregation of C. pallida beneath P. glandulosa canopies appears to be a complex process that involves both passive facilitation (seed dispersal by birds) and active facilitation (reduction of seed dormancy by under-canopy temperatures) operating only during the seed germination stage with successional mechanisms other than facilitation operating during later stages of shrub establishment and growth.  相似文献   

Recruitment is a crucial event in the plant life cycle that is very sensitive to interaction with established vegetation. Based on a large comparative experiment, we tested the hypothesis that the components of recruitment––emergence time and rate, seedling survival and biomass––differ in response to plant–plant interactions during recruitment. The consequences for the population are predicted with a simple demographic model assessing the response of seed production. In a common garden experiment, we recorded the recruitment of four target species in an individual-based survey protocol. A total of 7,680 seeds were sown within 20 neighbourhoods, consisting of 19 mono-specific herbaceous stands and a control treatment without vegetation. We measured transmitted light, temperature and moisture at soil surface to characterise the environmental conditions within neighbourhoods. The mean height of neighbours controlled temperature buffering and light interception and thus depicted the interaction gradient. Emergence rate and time increased with neighbour height in two of the four target species, while seedling survival and biomass significantly decreased with neighbour height in three and all four target species, respectively. We recorded a shift in seedling neighbour interactions under the tallest neighbours that largely favoured emergence but strongly depressed seedling survival and biomass. The components of recruitment were predicted to differ in their impact on later adult performance. Biomass strongly contributed to predicted seed production in three target species, and emergence had an equal or greater impact on a fourth species. These results confirm the fundamental role of plant–plant interactions in the recruitment of herbaceous species through a complex combination of habitat amelioration, which facilitates emergence and light competition, which in turn limits seedling survival and biomass.  相似文献   

Questions: Are positive understorey‐dominant associations important in physically severe dune communities and does the strength of positive associations vary with disturbance at the local scale and with stress at the regional scale? Do associational patterns observed at the neighbourhood scale predict diversity at higher scales? Location: Coastal sand dunes, Aquitaine (France). Methods: Associational patterns with five dominant species were recorded along a local gradient of disturbance and a 240‐km long regional gradient. Density, richness, cover and variance ratio of understorey species were recorded in quadrats located in dominant and in open areas. Spatial pattern of dominant plant species was recorded using a distance‐based method. Results: Positive understorey‐dominant associations were most frequent at both regional and local scale, although negative associations with understorey species were observed for one of the five dominants. At the regional scale, there was a shift in the magnitude of spatial associations, with higher positive associations in the most stressful sites, whereas spatial associations where not affected by the local disturbance gradient. Positive associations were not related to the size of the dominants but rather influenced by the identity of the dominant species. Conclusions: Our study highlights the potential crucial role of facilitation together with the importance of turnover of the dominants in explaining large‐scale variation in diversity. However, because positive associations may also be attributed to environmental heterogeneity or co‐occurrence of microhabitat preferences of species, experiments are needed to fully assess the relative importance of facilitation versus other drivers of community diversity.  相似文献   

Facilitation and competition between different vegetation layers may have a large impact on small-scale vegetation development. We propose that this should not only influence overall herbaceous layer yield but also species distribution and understory longevity, and hence the ecosystems carbon uptake capacity especially during spring. We analyzed the effects of trees on microclimate and soil properties (water and nitrate content) as well as the development of an herbaceous community layer regarding species composition, aboveground biomass and net water and carbon fluxes in a cork-oak woodland in Portugal, between April and November 2011.The presence of trees caused a significant reduction in photosynthetic active radiation of 35 mol m−2 d−1 and in soil temperature of 5 °C from April to October. At the same time differences in species composition between experimental plots located in open areas and directly below trees could be observed: species composition and abundance of functional groups became increasingly different between locations from mid April onwards. During late spring drought adapted native forbs had significantly higher cover and biomass in the open area while cover and biomass of grasses and nitrogen fixing forbs was highest under the trees. Further, evapotranspiration and net carbon exchange decreased significantly stronger under the tree crowns compared to the open during late spring and the die back of herbaceous plants occurred earlier and faster under trees. This was most likely caused by interspecific competition for water between trees and herbaceous plants, despite the more favorable microclimate conditions under the trees during the onset of summer drought.  相似文献   

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