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Summary Six patients with progressive B cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma have been treated with an IgG2a mouse monoclonal antibody (mAb) against the B cell differentiation antigen CD19, with total doses varying from 225 mg to 1000 mg. Free mAb was detected in the serum after doses of 15–30 mg. After the mAb infusions the number of circulating tumour cells was temporarily reduced, but in some cases antibody-coated cells remained in the circulation for several days. mAb penetrated to extravascular tumour sites; in general higher doses were required to saturate cells in the lymph nodes than to sensitize tumour cells in the bone marrow. mAb doses of up to 250 mg were given i.v. over 4 h without major toxicity. One patient twice achieved a partial remission after two periods of mAb treatment with an 8-month interval; the second remission lasted for 9 months. One patient showed a minor response. None of the patients made antibodies against the mouse immunoglobulin. Serum immunoglobulin levels were followed as a measure of the function of the normal B cell compartment; no significant changes were seen up to 6 months after mAb treatment.Supported by the Dutch Cancer Society (grant NKI 84-14)  相似文献   

CD4+ve Th1 clones, as well as normal splenic T cells, were found to suppress LPS-driven antibody secretion in a non-Ag-specific and non-MHC-restricted manner when the T cells were activated with the anti-CD3 mAb, 145-2C11. Suppression was observed with both primed and naive B cells, as well as with purified hapten-specific B cells, a result that suggests a direct effect of anti-CD3-activated T cells on B cell differentiation. Th1 clones activated by cognate Ag also suppressed LPS-driven antibody secretion. Furthermore, suppression of LPS-driven antibody secretion could be achieved across a cell-impermeable porous membrane when T cells were activated with anti-CD3. Suppression by Th1 clones and by normal T cells could not be attributed to a concomitant decrease in B cell proliferation or to a shift in the kinetics or isotype of the antibody response. These data demonstrate that CD4+ve Th1 clones, as well as normal T cells, can effect suppression of polyclonal antibody formation.  相似文献   

 T cells play a key role in the control of abnormal B cell proliferation. Factors that play a role in inadequate T cell responses include absence of expression of costimulatory and adhesion molecules by the malignant B cells and lack of cytotoxic T cells specific for tumor-associated antigens. A number of approaches have been used to enhance T cell response against malignant B cells. Agents such as soluble CD40 ligand can enhance expression of costimulatory molecules by the malignant B cells and improve their ability to activate T cells. Anti-CD3-based bispecific antibodies can retarget T cells toward the tumor cells irrespective of T cell specificity. We used the V 38C13 murine lymphoma model to assess whether the combination of soluble CD40 ligand and anti-CD3-based bispecific antibody can enhance T cell activation induced by malignant B cells more effectively than either approach alone. Expression of CD80, CD86, and ICAM-1 on lymphoma cells was up-regulated by soluble CD40 ligand. Syngeneic T cells were activated more extensively by lymphoma cells when the lymphoma cells were pre-treated with soluble CD40 ligand. Bispecific-antibody induced T cell activation was more extensive when lymphoma cells pretreated with soluble CD40 ligand were present. The combination of soluble CD40 ligand plus bispecific antibody enhanced the median survival of mice compared to mice treated with bispecific anibody alone. We conclude that pretreatment of tumor cells with agents capable of inducing costimulatory molecule expression, such as soluble CD40 ligand can enhance the ability of malignant B cells to activate T cells. This effect is enhanced by the addition of bispecific antibody. The combination of enhanced expression of costimulatory molecules and retargeting of T cells by bispecific antibody may allow for a more effective T-cell-based immunotherapy. Accepted: 14 October 1997  相似文献   

Two monoclonal antibodies (mAb) recognizing different CD2 epitopes each inhibited anti-CD3-induced proliferation and anti-CD3-induced increase in surface CD2 expression. The magnitude of inhibition by either anti-CD2 mAb was dependent upon which anti-CD3 mAb was used as the stimulus, being more pronounced when the anti-CD3 mAb 454 was used as the stimulus than when either anti-CD3 mAb 147 or 446 was the stimulus. The effects of neuraminidase-treated sheep erythrocytes (which bind to CD2) were also more pronounced on mAb 454-induced proliferation than on mAb 147- or 446-induced proliferation. Furthermore, the effects of preincubation with anti-CD2 mAb depended upon the responder status of the donor to IgG1 anti-CD3 mAb. Preincubation of high-responder cells with anti-CD2 mAb had little effect on subsequent IgG1 anti-CD3-induced proliferation. In contrast, preincubation of low-responder cells with anti-CD2 mAb usually augmented the otherwise small proliferative response to IgG1 anti-CD3 mAb. Taken together, these observations suggest that interaction of surface CD2 with ligand alters the response of T cells to anti-CD3 mAb, but these effects depend upon the individual anti-CD3 mAb used for stimulation. These studies raise the possibility that perturbation of different parts of the CD3-T cell antigen receptor complex may lead to different sequelae, and, as a result, the T cell may respond to a given immunomodulator in different ways.  相似文献   

In our study we have used anti-CD4 mAb to investigate the cell surface association between CD4 and the Ag-specific TCR complex on mature peripheral T cells. Anti-CD4 mAb was administered in vivo and in vitro and its effects on CD4 and CD3 cell surface expression were determined. In vivo, anti-CD4 mAb reduced cell surface expression of its ligand, CD4, and secondarily also reduced cell surface expression of CD3/TCR on CD4+ splenic T cells. In vitro, multivalent cross-linking of CD4 by anti-CD4 mAb and either FcR+ cells or anti-Ig mAb also resulted in decreased surface expression of CD4 and specific comodulation of CD3/TCR. The secondary reduction in cell surface CD3/TCR expression induced by CD4 cross-linking could be pharmacologically disrupted by high doses of PMA, indicating that the comodulation of CD3 with CD4 was dependent upon intracellular mediators, possibly including protein kinase C. These results demonstrate that, in the presence of anti-CD4 mAb, CD4 is functionally associated with the CD3/TCR complex, and that this association is dependent upon the activity of intracellular mediators. Such intracellular mediators might induce the coordinate down-modulation of physically unassociated CD4 and CD3/TCR molecules, or, alternatively, might promote a physical interaction between CD4 and CD3/TCR molecules.  相似文献   

Antibodies specific for the CD3 complex have the capacity to both stimulate and inhibit a variety of T cell functions. We show here that a monoclonal antibody to the epsilon chain of CD3 can induce efficient non-MHC-restricted cytolytic activity in murine lymphocytes with peak activity occurring after 48 hr of incubation. In a panel of targets, the anti-CD3-activated effectors lysed tumor cells but not normal lymphoblasts. Cytolysis was not dependent on the presence of the antibody in the cytolytic assay. Moderate to high cytolytic activity was elicited from lymph nodes, spleen, and thymus by anti-CD3 treatment in vitro, whereas only low activity was apparent in bone marrow. The precursors of anti-CD3-activated cells consisted largely of mature T cells, although a smaller component of immature T cells was also involved. Thus, separation of thymocytes based on adhesion to peanut agglutinin revealed that both positive (immature) and negative (mature) fractions could be activated, while cytotoxic pretreatment of spleen cells with an antibody (J11d) to immature T cells before anti-CD3 activation significantly decreased the resulting cytotoxicity. The majority of precursors in spleen were Thy 1+ and CD8+ and/or AGM1+. Antibody depletion studies showed that the effector cells have both a T and a NK component consisting of Thy 1+, CD5+, CD8+, CD4-, and AGM1- cells and Thy 1-, CD5-, CD8-, CD4-, and AGM1+ cells, respectively. The production of significant amounts of IL-2 and TNF in culture following anti-CD3 treatment, along with the synergistic effect of exogenously added IL-2, suggests that one or both of the effector cell types could be induced by lymphokines. The intraperitoneal administration of the anti-CD3 antibody induces cytolytic activity in vivo. Therefore, the direct activation of cytolysis by anti-CD3 antibody and the additional effects, both direct and synergistic, of lymphokines produced by the activated lymphocytes could conceivably provide a potent anti-tumor therapy.  相似文献   

In this study the effect of anti-cluster designation (CD) 2 monoclonal antibodies (mAb) on the activation of a cloned human T cell line, HY837, after triggering the CD3/T cell receptor (TcR) complex by anti-CD3 or anti-TcR mAb is described. HY837, which reacts with a series of mAb directed at different epitopes on the TcR, could be induced to proliferation and interleukin 2 (IL-2) production by soluble mAb directed at the CD3/TcR complex in the absence of accessory cells. mAb directed at the CD2 epitope T11-1 were shown to block the IL-2 production by HY837, as well as the expression of the IL-2 receptor, induced by anti-CD3 mAb, resulting in the inhibition of the proliferative response. The effect of anti-CD2 mAb on the proliferative response of HY837, induced by anti-CD3 mAb, was not due to a competition for Fc binding sites. In contrast, the proliferative responses and IL-2 production of HY837, induced by mAb directed at the TcR, were shown to be enhanced by the action of the anti-CD2 mAb. These results indicate that effects mediated by anti-CD3/TcR mAb cannot always be extrapolated to antigen-mediated effects and show that anti-CD2 mAb may regulate the T cell response, induced by mAb directed at the CD3/TcR complex, depending on which part of this complex is triggered during activation.  相似文献   

The effect of stimulating normal type 1 murine T cell clones with anti-CD3 antibody was examined in vitro. In the absence of accessory cells, anti-CD3 antibody immobilized on plastic plates stimulated inositol phosphate production, suboptimal proliferation, IL-2 and IL-3 production, and maximal IFN-gamma production. Addition of accessory cells augmented lymphokine production and proliferation when the effects of "high-dose suppression" were relieved by removing the T cells from the antibody-coated plates. Exposure of type 1 T cell clones to immobilized anti-CD3 antibody alone rapidly induced long-lasting proliferative unresponsiveness (anergy) to Ag stimulation that could be prevented by accessory cells. This anergic state was characterized by a lymphokine production defect, not a failure of the T cells to respond to exogenous IL-2 or to express surface Ti/CD3 complexes. In addition, anergy could not be induced in the presence of cyclosporine A. These results suggest that under certain conditions anti-CD3 antibodies may have potent immunosuppressive effects independent of Ti/CD3 modulation. Furthermore, our results support a two-signal model of type 1 T cell activation in which Ti/CD3 occupancy alone (signal 1) induces anergy, whereas Ti/CD3 occupancy in conjunction with a costimulatory signal (signal 2) induces a proliferative response.  相似文献   

In recent years, reagents have been developed that specifically target signals critical for effective T cell activation and function. Manipulation of the CD28/CD80/86 and CD40/CD154 pathways has exhibited extraordinary efficacy, particularly when the pathways are blocked simultaneously. Despite the reported efficacy of anti-CD154 in rodents and higher models, its future clinical use is uncertain due to reported thromboembolic events in clinical trials. To circumvent this potential complication, we developed and evaluated a chimeric Ab targeting CD40 (Chi220, BMS-224819) as an alternative to CD154. Although Chi220 blocks CD154 binding, it also possesses partial agonist properties and weak stimulatory potential. The anti-CD40 was tested alone and in combination with a rationally designed, high affinity variant of CTLA4-Ig, LEA29Y (belatacept), in a nonhuman primate model of islet transplantation. Although either agent alone only modestly prolonged islet survival (Chi220 alone: 14, 16, and 84 days; LEA29Y alone: 58 and 60 days), their combination (LEA29Y and Chi220) dramatically facilitated long term survival (237, 237, 220, >185, and 172 days). We found that the effects of Chi220 treatment were not mediated solely through deletion of CD20-bearing cells and that the combined therapy did not significantly impair established antiviral immunity.  相似文献   

Anti-CD3 mAb can activate T cells to help in B cell activation as detected by late events, such as maturation of B cells into Ig-secreting cells (IgSC), or by early events, such as B cell surface expression of the activation marker CD23. Two different anti-CD2 mAb each inhibited anti-CD3-induced T cell-dependent B cell activation in a dose-dependent fashion. Neither irradiation of the T cells prior to culture nor depletion of CD8+ cells abrogated the inhibitory effects of anti-CD2 mAb. Despite the ability of these anti-CD2 mAb to inhibit anti-CD3-induced IL2 production, addition of exogenous IL2 to anti-CD2 mAb-containing cultures could not fully reverse the inhibitory effects on IgSC generation. Furthermore, addition of various combinations of IL1, IL2, IL4, and IL6 or crude PBMC or monocyte culture supernatants also could not reverse anti-CD2-driven inhibition. In T cell-depleted cultures, anti-CD2 mAb had no effect on the ability of IL4 to induce B cell CD23 expression, confirming that anti-CD2 mAb had no direct effect on B cells. However, in cultures containing T+ non-T cells, anti-CD2 mAb did partially inhibit IL4-induced B cell CD23 expression. Taken together, these observations demonstrate that certain CD2 ligands can modulate T cell-dependent B cell activation by a mechanism which, at least in part, involves a direct effect by the CD2 ligand on the T cell itself.  相似文献   

Ofatumumab is the first human anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody to be approved for patients in the United States and the European Union. Ofatumumab received accelerated approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in October 2009 and was granted a conditional marketing authorization by the European Medicines Agency in April 2010 for the treatment of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) refractory to fludarabine and alemtuzumab, based on interim results of a pivotal phase 2 trial. Preliminary positive results for ofatumumab in combination with chemotherapy in patients with CLL are currently being confirmed in larger randomized trials in both the frontline setting and the relapsed/refractory setting. Ofatumumab has also shown potential in treating B cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, such as follicular lymphoma (FL), diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL), and Waldenstr?m's macroglobulinemia. Additional trials are ongoing to confirm activity of ofatumumab as monotherapy and in combination with chemotherapy in patients with FL or DLBCL.  相似文献   

The anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody Rituximab is a novel antitumor agent used in association with chemotherapy (CT) for the treatment of high-grade/intermediate non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHL) in HIV-negative populations. This therapeutic combination is currently also being explored in HIV-positive patients with NHL (HIV-NHL). The objective of our study was to determine CD4 and CD8T cell counts, HIV plasma viremia and proviral load in patients with CD20-positive HIV-NHL treated with Rituximab plus CT and highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). We studied eight patients with HIV-NHL treated by anti-CD20 and CT before, after three, and after six cycles of therapy; CD4, CD8 and CD19 lymphocyte subsets were measured by monoclonal antibodies and flow cytometry. HIV plasma viremia was determined by the b-DNA assay, and proviral load by a quantitative competitive PCR. CD4T cell counts remained stable after three cycles of therapy, while a significant reduction of this subset was present at the end of therapy. HIV plasma viremia was significantly reduced after the third cycle, but returned to pretreatment levels at the end of therapy; we also observed individual fluctuations of proviral load during therapy, this marker being increased in two out of three patients at the end of therapy. These observations suggest that Rituximab plus CT accelerated the rate of CD4 depletion and of HIV replication in the peripheral blood of HIV-NHL patients and that HAART may be able to delay these effects. Received: 1 December 2000 / Accepted: 8 February 2001  相似文献   

It has previously been reported that T lymphocytes can be targeted by using bispecific antibodies consisting of anti-target antibody and anti-CD3. In the present study, a bispecific mAb was developed by somatic hybridization of mouse hybridomas, one producing a mAb against the Id determinant of the mouse B cell lymphoma 38C13 and the other a mAb against a polymorphic determinant on murine CD3. The bispecific antibody, anti-38C13 x anti-CD3, is bi-isotypic (IgG1 x IgG2a) and was purified by ion exchange and affinity chromatography. The dual specificity of the hybrid hybridoma-produced mAb could be demonstrated by flow cytometry, the induction of T cell proliferation, the induction of IL-2 secretion by polyclonal T cells, and redirected lysis of the relevant target cells. The hybrid (bi-isotypic) Fc part of the bispecific antibodies was nonfunctional in FcR-dependent redirected lysis. In vivo studies demonstrate that this bispecific mAb could efficiently target T cells towards the tumor cells, resulting in long term survival and cure of the lymphoma.  相似文献   

A case story is presented, describing a 46 y old man, with a relapsing hairy cell leukaemia. After treatment with monoclonal anti CD-20 antibodies (rituximab) 375 mg/week, four times, a complete remission was obtained which has lasted >9 months. The rituximab treatment produced a better remission than earlier treatments with alpha-interferon and chlorodeoxyadenosine. In addition, in contrast to other treatments, no initial worsening of the pancytopenia was observed.  相似文献   

Retargeting of T cells by bispecific IgG which binds to both CD3 and a tumor-associated Ag can induce T cell lysis of target cells irrespective of TCR specificity. The current studies were designed to further explore the efficacy and specificity of bispecific IgG-directed therapy in an immunocompetent animal model, and to evaluate the mechanisms responsible for bispecific IgG-directed inhibition of tumor cell growth by using the 38C13 murine lymphoma system. In vitro, proliferation of activated T cells in the presence of bispecific IgG was increased when the relevant, but not the irrelevant target cells were present. Bispecific IgG specifically induced activated T cell mediated lysis of cells expressing the target Ag, but not of cells expressing an irrelevant Ag, even when the irrelevant cells were in the same cell mixture, indicating contact between target cells and T cells plays a major role in bispecific IgG-mediated lysis. Bispecific IgG was less effective than anti-Id at inducing target cell lysis when peritoneal macrophages were used as effectors, suggesting bispecific IgG Fc is not responsible for cytotoxicity in this system. In vivo, bispecific IgG was significantly superior to anti-Id, anti-CD3, or a combination of anti-Id and anti-CD3 in preventing tumor growth in immunocompetent mice inoculated with syngeneic lymphoma. Phenotypic evaluation of tumors that emerged despite therapy indicated bispecific IgG selects for the emergence of Id variant lymphoma cells. In separate studies, 38C13 tumor inocula containing cells recognized by the therapeutic antibody were supplemented with a small number of 38C13 cells which expressed a distinct Id not recognized by the therapeutic antibody. Untreated mice inoculated with this mixture developed tumors containing cells of both phenotypes, whereas tumors emerging from mice treated with bispecific IgG contained only cells expressing the nonreactive Id. These studies demonstrate bispecific IgG-directed lysis is therapeutically superior to monospecific anti-Id therapy in the 38C13 tumor model, and that tumor lysis is mediated largely by cell-cell contact. As with other forms of anti-Id based therapy, Id variants can emerge as resistant cell populations after bispecific IgG therapy.  相似文献   

Type 1 diabetes mellitus is believed to be due to the autoimmune destruction of β-cells by T lymphocytes, but a single course of rituximab, a monoclonal anti-CD20 B lymphocyte Ab, can attenuate C-peptide loss over the first year of disease. The effects of B cell depletion on disease-associated T cell responses have not been studied. We compare changes in lymphocyte subsets, T cell proliferative responses to disease-associated target Ags, and C-peptide levels of participants who did (responders) or did not (nonresponders) show signs of β-cell preservation 1 y after rituximab therapy in a placebo-controlled TrialNet trial. Rituximab decreased B lymphocyte levels after four weekly doses of mAb. T cell proliferative responses to diabetes-associated Ags were present at baseline in 75% of anti-CD20- and 82% of placebo-treated subjects and were not different over time. However, in rituximab-treated subjects with significant C-peptide preservation at 6 mo (58%), the proliferative responses to diabetes-associated total (p = 0.032), islet-specific (p = 0.048), and neuronal autoantigens (p = 0.005) increased over the 12-mo observation period. This relationship was not seen in placebo-treated patients. We conclude that in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus, anti-B cell mAb causes increased proliferative responses to diabetes Ags and attenuated β-cell loss. The way in which these responses affect the disease course remains unknown.  相似文献   

In vivo administration of anti-CD3 Ab induces both immune tolerance and undesirable side-effects resulting from nonspecific proinflammatory cytokine production. In the current study, we investigated the therapeutic potential of two structurally altered forms of the anti-CD3 Ab in ameliorating established experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Administration of either a chimeric (NM-IgG3) or digestion product (NM-F(ab')2) form of the anti-CD3 Ab during established experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis conferred significant protection from clinical disease progression and was associated with decreased Ag-specific T cell proliferation, cytokine production, and CNS inflammation. Interestingly, while this protection correlated with an increase in the frequency of CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells, neither prior depletion of regulatory T cells nor anti-TGF-beta treatment abrogated the treatment's efficacy. Importantly, both treatments induced normal levels of intracellular Ca(2+)-flux, but significantly diminished levels of TCR signaling. Consequent to this decreased level of TCR-mediated signaling were alterations in the level of apoptosis and CD4+ T cell trafficking resulting in a profound lymphopenia. Collectively, these results indicate that nonmitogenic anti-CD3 directly induces a state of immune unresponsiveness in primed pathogenic autoreactive effector cells via mechanisms that may involve the induction of T cell tolerance, apoptosis, and/or alterations in cell trafficking.  相似文献   

Three monoclonal antibodies (mAb) recognizing the CD3 (T3) surface complex each induced B cell differentiation (as measured by PFC generation) in cultures containing T + non-T cells. Irradiation of the T cells before culture usually augmented the PFC response. An IgG2a mAb (454) induced PFC in all donors tested, whereas two IgG1 mAb (147 and 446) induced PFC in only 80% of the donors tested. This heterogeneity in PFC response to IgG1 anti-CD3 mAb strictly paralleled the heterogeneity in proliferative response to IgG1 anti-CD3 mAb and was governed by cells within the non-T population. In IgG1 anti-CD3 high responders (HR), all anti-CD3 mAb tested induced Tac expression. In IgG1 anti-CD3 low responders (LR), mAb 454 induced Tac expression, but mAb 147 did not. However, when the cultures were supplemented with exogenous interleukin 2, Tac expression and PFC generation in response to mAb 147 was similar to the response to mAb 454 in both HR and LR. The addition of anti-Tac to the cultures partially inhibited anti-CD3-induced PFC generation. These studies indicate that anti-CD3 mAb can lead to B cell differentiation under appropriate experimental conditions and may be valuable in studying polyclonal T cell-dependent B cell differentiation in normal and disease states.  相似文献   

CD28 is an Ag of 44-kDa Mr that is expressed on the membrane of the majority of human T cells and that is recognized by mAb 9.3. The functional effects of mAb 9.3 on peripheral blood T cells were studied. mAb 9.3 was not mitogenic, unless it was combined with PMA. When CD28 was cross-linked after binding of mAb 9.3 to the T cell by immobilized or soluble anti-mouse IgG, T cells proliferated in response to rIL-2, provided that monocytes were also present. The additional signal required for IL-2 responsiveness after cross-linking of CD28 could also be delivered in cultures of purified T cells by a cellfree monocyte culture supernatant. Expression of IL-2R on about 10% of the T cells was demonstrated by staining with an anti-IL-2R mAb, and was found to be largely restricted to CD4+ cells. The active compound responsible for the helper signal in the monocyte culture supernatant was identified as IL-6 because purified IL-6 (but not IL-1 beta) had similar activity and because an antiserum to IL-6 (but not an antiserum to IL-1 beta) neutralized the activity of the monocyte supernatant and blocked T cell proliferation. An anti-IL-2R antibody also completely inhibited T cell proliferation induced by the combination of mAb 9.3, IL-2, and IL-6. Our results provide evidence that cross-linking of CD28 induces functional IL-2R and that this activity is dependent on a helper signal provided by monocytes, more specifically IL-6. Moreover, our results indicate that IL-6 (previously called B cell stimulatory factor-2) is active on T cells. If a natural ligand for CD28 can be identified, the mechanism of induction of IL-2 responsiveness described here might explain how T cells become nonspecifically involved in an ongoing cellular immune reaction.  相似文献   

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