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Physicians'' ability to diagnose and treat health care problems, particularly those with a psychosocial component, is facilitated by accurate information concerning the life-styles of their patients. White lesbians have been shown to be generally reluctant to disclose sexual orientation to their physicians, but little, if anything, is known about black lesbians. Black women, self-identified as bisexuals (N = 65) and lesbians (N = 529), were asked whether they had disclosed their homosexual behavior to their physicians. In the sample, only a third of the women had. Previous sexual experiences, both heterosexual and homosexual, were also queried to illuminate patterns of gynecologic health risk factors. Nearly all of the women reported previous heterosexual experiences.  相似文献   

Sexual orientation may be influenced by prenatal levels of testosterone and oestrogen. There is evidence that the ratio of the length of 2nd and 4th digits (2D:4D) is negatively related to prenatal testosterone and positively to oestrogen. We report that (a) 2D:4D was lower in a sample of 88 homosexual men than in 88 sex- and age-matched controls recruited without regard to sexual orientation, (b) within the homosexual sample, there was a significant positive relationship between mean 2D:4D ratio and exclusive homosexuality, (c) overall, there was a decrease in 2D:4D from controls to homosexual men to bisexual men and (d) fraternal birth order, a positive predictor of male homosexuality, was not associated with 2D:4D in a sample of 240 Caucasian men recruited without regard to sexual orientation and 45 homosexual men.Further work is needed to confirm the relationships between 2D:4D and sexual orientation. However, these and other recent data tend to support an association between male homosexuality and high fetal testosterone. Very high testosterone levels may be associated with a sexual preference for both men and women.  相似文献   

Elsewhere the author has suggested that adolescent and adult male homosexual orientation is, in some cases, causally associated with sexual or quasi-sexual experience in childhood (James, 2004). Here it is argued that the available data on men raised by same-sex parents cannot validly be interpreted as supporting or refuting this suggestion.  相似文献   

The hormonal environment experienced during prenatal development may affect adult phenotype and behaviour. Digit lengths may provide an estimate of steroid levels encountered during embryonic development in humans and other vertebrates. Finger patterns in humans have been shown to reveal sexual orientation or cooperative behaviour. We explored individual breeding behaviour in a monogamous seabird, the Balearic shearwater Puffinus mauretanicus and unexpectedly detected some cooperative breeders. Furthermore, we show evidence of correlation between digit lengths and cooperative breeding in this species. Additionally, we suggest that the first digit could be a possible indicator of prenatal steroid levels. These results are the starting point for further tests of the hypothesis that first digit length is an indicator of prenatal hormone levels in other vertebrate species. Moreover, these results may offer practical use in wild populations to study the implications of the changes in prenatal environment for adult social behaviour.  相似文献   

The positive estrogen feedback was found to be a relatively sex-specific reaction of the hypothalamo-hypophyseal system in rats as well as in human beings. It is dependent--most of all--on the estrogen convertible androgen level during sexual brain differentiation, but also on an estrogen priming effect in adulthood. The lower the estrogen convertible androgen or primary estrogen level during brain differentiation, the higher is the evocability of a positive estrogen action on LH secretion in later life. In clinical studies, we were able to induce a positive estrogen feedback on LH secretion in most intact homosexual men in clear-cut contrast to intact hetero- or bisexual men. These findings were strongly confirmed by Gladue and associates. In addition, the evocability of a positive estrogen feedback was also demonstrable in most homosexual male-to-female transsexuals in significant contrast to hetero- or bisexual male-to-female transsexuals. These findings suggest that homosexual males possess, at least in part, a predominantly female-differentiated brain, which may be caused by a low estrogen convertible androgen level during brain organization. Recently, the following relations were found between sex hormone levels during brain differentiation and sex-specific responses in adulthood: (1) estrogens--which are mostly converted, however, from androgens--are responsible for the sex-specific organization of gonadotrophin secretion and hence the evocability of a positive estrogen feedback in later life; (2) estrogens and androgens, occurring during brain differentiation, predetermine synergistically sexual orientation and (3) androgens--without conversion to estrogens--are responsible for the sex-specific organization of gender role behaviour in later life. Furthermore, the organization periods for sex-specific gonadotrophin secretion, sexual orientation and gender role behaviour are not identical but overlapping. Thus, combinations as well as dissociations between deviations of the neuroendocrine organization of sex-specific gonadotrophin secretion, sexual orientation and gender role behaviour are conceivable. Most recently, female-type sexual orientation could be converted to male-type sexual orientation in adult rats by administration of the dopamine agonist and serotonin antagonist lisuride.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that prenatal testosterone affects the 2D:4D finger ratio in humans, and it has been speculated that prenatal testosterone also affects gender identity differentiation. If both things are true, then one would expect to find an association between the 2D:4D ratio and gender identity. We measured 2D:4D in two samples of patients with gender identity disorder (GID). In Study 1, we compared the 2D:4D ratios of 96 adult male and 51 female patients with GID to that of 90 heterosexual male and 112 heterosexual female controls. In Study 2, we compared the 2D:4D ratios of 67 boys and 34 girls with GID to that of 74 control boys and 72 control girls. In the sample of adults with GID, we classified their sexual orientation as either homosexual or non-homosexual (in relation to their birth sex) to examine whether or not there were any within-group differences as a function of sexual orientation. In the sample of adult men with GID (both homosexual and non-homosexual) and children with GID, we found no evidence of an altered 2D:4D ratio relative to same-sex controls. However, women with GID had a significantly more masculinized ratio compared to the control women. This last finding was consistent with the prediction that a variance in prenatal hormone exposure contributes to a departure from a sex-typical gender identity in women.  相似文献   

This review is about the study of the testis Leydig cells formation and development in prenatal and postnatal periods. Leydig cells of testis are the main place of synthesis and secretion of androgens including testosterone--the main male sexual hormone. Testosterone plays an important role in male reproduction regulation. There are two types (two populations) of Leydig cells during ontogenesis. The first type is fetal Leydig cells, which appear and function in the prenatal masculinization period of the male urogenital system. Another type is adult Leydig cells, which originate during sexual maturation postnatally. Fetal and adult Leydig cells pass the same stages both in the prenatal and postnatal periods. They are Leydig cell progenitors, immature Leydig cells and adult Leydig cells.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that lay people can accurately assess male sexual orientation based on limited information, such as face, voice, or behavioral display. Gender-atypical traits are thought to serve as cues to sexual orientation. We investigated the presumed mechanisms of sexual orientation attribution using a standardized set of facial and vocal stimuli of Czech men. Both types of stimuli were rated for sexual orientation and masculinity-femininity by non-student heterosexual women and homosexual men. Our data showed that by evaluating vocal stimuli both women and homosexual men can judge sexual orientation of the target men in agreement with their self-reported sexual orientation. Nevertheless, only homosexual men accurately attributed sexual orientation of the two groups from facial images. Interestingly, facial images of homosexual targets were rated as more masculine than heterosexual targets. This indicates that attributions of sexual orientation are affected by stereotyped association between femininity and male homosexuality; however, reliance on such cues can lead to frequent misjudgments as was the case with the female raters. Although our study is based on a community sample recruited in a non-English speaking country, the results are generally consistent with the previous research and thus corroborate the validity of sexual orientation attributions.  相似文献   

Fraternal birth order (FBO) appears as a prenatal cause of 15% of homosexual males (gays) through mnemonic maternal anti-male factors. Non-right-handed men seem to be protected from homosexuality. Four hypotheses are proposed: (1) androgenic factors of non-right-handedness neutralize anti-male factors; (2) non-right-handedness and homosexuality are lethal or produce mental impairment; (3) non-right-handed male embryos are insensitive to anti-male factors; (4) mothers of non-right-handed fetuses do not produce anti-male factors. Studies of the sex ratio (SR) of older and younger siblings show: (1) a significant heterogeneity in the SR of siblings of right or non-right handed heterosexual men and women; (2) lesbians are born among siblings with high SR; (3) siblings of right-handed gays show a higher SR than non-right-handed gays that present a low SR. Based on our discovery of maternal tolerance-rejection processes, associated with genetic systems (ABO, Rh), where zygotes or embryos different from their mother induce better pregnancy and maternal tolerance than do those that share antigens with their mothers, I propose a new explanation for sexual relationships, sexual orientation, handedness and sibling SR. Lesbian embryos could induce tolerance from mothers with anti-female factors. Non-right-handedness could induce maternal tolerance, or change the maternal compatibility of "gay" embryos. Alternatively, gay embryos could be poor inducers of maternal tolerance towards male traits.  相似文献   

Meta-analysis of aggregate data from 14 samples representing 10,143 male subjects shows that homosexuality in human males is predicted by higher numbers of older brothers, but not by higher numbers of older sisters, younger brothers, or younger sisters. The relation between number of older brothers and sexual orientation holds only for males. This phenomenon has therefore been called the fraternal birth order effect. Research on birth order, birth weight, and sexual orientation suggests that the developmental pathway to homosexuality initiated by older brothers operates during prenatal life. Calculations assuming a causal relation between older brothers and sexual orientation have estimated the proportion of homosexual men who owe their sexual orientation to fraternal birth order at 15% in one study and 29% in another. The maternal immune hypothesis proposes that the fraternal birth order effect reflects the progressive immunization of some mothers to male-specific antigens by each succeeding male fetus and the increasing effects of such immunization on sexual differentiation of the brain in each succeeding male fetus. There are at least three possible mechanisms by which the mother's immune response could influence the fetus: the transfer of anti-male antibodies across the placenta from the maternal into the fetal compartment, the transfer of maternal cytokines across the placenta, and maternal immune reactions affecting the placenta itself. This hypothesis is consistent with recent studies showing that the quantity of fetal cells that enter the maternal circulation is greater than previously thought, and that the number of male-specific proteins encoded by Y-chromosome genes is greater than previously thought.  相似文献   

Information from the literature is given on the presence or absence of homosexual behaviour and female-male mounting in 125 species of mammals, both captive and wild. Such behaviour occurs in the male and often female young of many species soon after their birth. It is more common in young, often in play, than in adults. Adult homosexual behaviour is widespread in male and female mammals (recorded in 63 and 71 species respectively), but common in few species. In males it is most likely to be correlated with dominance and thus to occur in species with hierarchies such as terrestrial monkeys and members of the sheep and goat tribe. In females it is often correlated with sexual condition; a female in heat most often mounted another female, and one in heat was next most likely to be mounted by another female. Anoestral females rarely mounted other anoestral females. Females of 43 species mounted males, which often excited them sexually. Captive mammals tended to mount animals of the same sex more often than did wild ones when comparative data were available. Domestic animals also mounted more man did wild ones, with several exceptions. Some phylogenetic groups of animals displayed similar degrees of homosexual mounting, but there was often considerable variation between closely related species. Nor could homosexual mounting be always correlated with the social structure of a group. The four reasons for, or contexts of, homosexual and female-male mountings were social play (in 34 species), aggression (19 species), sexual excitement (36 species), and physical contact—non-play (30 species). This last category included a state of tension, getting attention, greeting, grooming, caressing, reassurance and appeasement. There was some overlap between categories. Homosexual pair-bonds occur in captive mammals and have been observed throughout the year in non-captive female Japanese monkeys.  相似文献   

Stein E 《Bioethics》1998,12(1):1-24
Many people believe that a person's sexual orientation is genetic. Given the widespread prejudice against, and hatred of, homosexuals in many societies, it seems likely that many parents will be interested in using genetic technologies to prevent the birth of children who will not be heterosexual. This paper considers the moral and legal implications of such procedures (whether or not they would work). It is argued that the availability of procedures to select the sexual orientation of children would contribute to discrimination and prejudice against lesbians, gay men and bisexuals and, more generally, undermine the maintenance of a just society. These effects carry significant weight in determining whether genetic technologies should be developed and whether their use is, or should be, legally permissible and morally acceptable.  相似文献   

Both otoacoustic emissions (OAEs) and the relative length of the index and ring fingers (the 2D:4D ratio) exhibit large sex differences, and both exhibit masculinization effects in female homosexuals and bisexuals. Because these sex differences exist in young children, the implication is that both types of measure are affected by prenatal androgen exposure, but it has been unknown to what degree these two types of measure are related. Accordingly, OAEs and the relative lengths of the fingers and the toes were measured in 59 heterosexual females, 55 heterosexual males, 29 homosexual females, and 33 homosexual males. The correlations between the two types of measure were unexpectedly quite low in both the heterosexual and nonheterosexual groups. For example, the correlation between number of spontaneous OAEs per ear and 2D:4D was less than 0.25, for both sexes and both sexual orientations. One interpretation of these results is that the prenatal hormonal mechanisms producing the sex differences in OAEs differ in quality, degree, or timing from those producing the sex differences in relative finger length. That is, OAEs and 2D:4D may be windows onto slightly different prenatal processes or times during prenatal development. Measures of mental-rotation ability also were obtained on these participants, and those correlations with relative finger length also were small.  相似文献   

Is sexual orientation associated with structural differences in the brain? To address this question, 80 homosexual and heterosexual men and women (16 homosexual men and 15 homosexual women) underwent structural MRI. We used voxel-based morphometry to test for differences in grey matter concentration associated with gender and sexual orientation. Compared with heterosexual women, homosexual women displayed less grey matter bilaterally in the temporo-basal cortex, ventral cerebellum, and left ventral premotor cortex. The relative decrease in grey matter was most prominent in the left perirhinal cortex. The left perirhinal area also showed less grey matter in heterosexual men than in heterosexual women. Thus, in homosexual women, the perirhinal cortex grey matter displayed a more male-like structural pattern. This is in accordance with previous research that revealed signs of sex-atypical prenatal androgenization in homosexual women, but not in homosexual men. The relevance of the perirhinal area for high order multimodal (olfactory and visual) object, social, and sexual processing is discussed.  相似文献   

It was shown in the tissue culture experiments that the human hypophysis secreted autonomously the thyrotrophin during the last three fourths of the prenatal life. The intensity of secretion is the highest in the end of the first third of this period, then it decreases, but during the last third it increases reliably again. During the second half of development the level of thyrotrophin in female foetuses in reliably higher than in the male ones. In the beginning of the second third of prenatal life, the hypothalamic factors decrease the autonomous thyrotrophin secretion twice in foetuses of both the sexes. In the end of the second third, sexual differences appear in their effect; they decrease reliably the autonomous thyrotrophin secretion in the male foetuses, whereas no such effect is observed in the female ones. The stimulating effect of the hypothalamic thyrotrophin releasing hormone manifests itself during the last third of prenatal life in foetuses of both the sexes. During the second half of prenatal life, the thyrotrophin concentration in blood of female foetuses is also reliably higher than in male foetuses. There is a positive correlation in female foetuses between the thyrotrophin concentration in blood and the level of hypophysial secretion under the effect of hypothalamic factors. Thyrotrophin is found in the cranial fluid of foetuses. In some cases its concentration in the cranial fluid is higher than in the blood. No correlation was found between the levels of the hormone in fluid and blood in female foetuses; a positive correlation was found in male foteuses.  相似文献   

The level of homosexual behaviour is evaluated in one laboratory population of seed beetle and derived lines selected to reproduce early (E) or late in life (L), where inadvertent selection for either low or high heterosexual activity has been detected. The magnitudes of homosexual interaction, measured as chasing and mounting individuals of the same sex, are estimated over different age classes. These magnitudes are correlated with previously observed levels and patterns of age‐specific variation of heterosexual activity of both sexes in the E and L experimental lines. The results obtained support the perception error hypothesis proposing that a low degree of sexual discrimination is genetically correlated with high sexual activity. The fitness costs of the same‐sex interactions are tested by assessing their effects on longevity. In both sexes, the longevities of homosexual pairs are reduced relative to individually‐housed virgin beetles in both the E and L lines, although homosexual interactions have a more pronounced effect on male survival than on female survival. Although the results obtained suggest that the longevity cost of homosexual interactions can be substantial, this cost is much smaller than the cost of heterosexual interactions.  相似文献   

Understanding the relationships among variables can be difficult if the variables covary with time. Using a simple, commonly used statistical procedure to control for the passage of time, we demonstrate that some hormonal changes traditionally assumed to be causally related to the transition from sexual to parental behaviour can be explained by seasonal changes in the hormones and the fact that parental behaviour follows sexual behaviour in the course of breeding. We quantified immunoreactive prolactin (ir-prolactin) and testosterone concentrations in laboratory-housed and free-living male American kestrels, Falco sparverius, over the course of the breeding season and during sexual and parental phases of reproduction. We found that ir-prolactin increased while testosterone decreased with the transition from sexual to parental behaviour. ir-Prolactin increased with date (i.e. seasonally), whereas testosterone peaked when the frequency of clutch initiation was greatest and then decreased with date thereafter. Controlling for the effects of date eliminated the change in ir-prolactin associated with the transition from sexual to parental behaviour, revealing that prolactin variation associated with this behavioural transition in male kestrels is due, in large part, to seasonal changes in hormone concentrations and the serial nature of these behavioural states. Controlling for the effects of date further revealed that the testosterone difference between sexual and parental males decreases seasonally. It is possible that other phenomena traditionally attributed to environmental, behavioural, social, or other variables also may be explained by the association between such variables and the passage of time.  相似文献   

Human heterosexual mating preferences have been shown to conform to predictions drawn from evolutionary theory, with men and women adopting broadly distinct strategies. Attempts to reconcile sexual selection theory with homosexual behavior have been less consistent, however, and have largely focussed on addressing two alternative perspectives: (i) that gay men and lesbians display phenotypic traits in common with opposite sex heterosexual individuals or (ii) that homosexual individuals display sex-typical, or exaggerated sex-typical phenotypes. Testing these hypotheses is complicated by sampling issues involved in the study of human sexual orientation, since obtaining standardized and comparable samples of heterosexual and non-heterosexual mating preferences is a prerequisite to analysis. Here we present a comparison of homosexual and heterosexual mating strategies in men and women using a sample of 1733 personal (‘lonely hearts’) adverts gathered from a single source. We used principal components analysis in order to expose underlying structure of the advertisements, and identify three components involving relative emphasis placed on resources, physical attractiveness and personality when offering or seeking mate characteristics. While homosexual individuals are shown to resemble their own-sex heterosexual counterparts in terms of emphasis placed on partner physical attractiveness relative to partner personality, no clear pattern emerges in other aspects of advertisement strategy. Nevertheless, there we find no evidence in support of the hypothesis that homosexual men and women are intrinsically opposite-sex typical in terms of mate preferences.  相似文献   

Face perception is modulated by sexual preference   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Face perception is mediated by a distributed neural system in the human brain . The response to faces is modulated by cognitive factors such as attention, visual imagery, and emotion ; however, the effects of gender and sexual orientation are currently unknown. We used fMRI to test whether subjects would respond more to their sexually preferred faces and predicted such modulation in the reward circuitry. Forty heterosexual and homosexual men and women viewed photographs of male and female faces and assessed facial attractiveness. Regardless of their gender and sexual orientation, all subjects similarly rated the attractiveness of both male and female faces. Within multiple, bilateral face-selective regions in the visual cortex, limbic system, and prefrontal cortex, similar patterns of activation were found in all subjects in response to both male and female faces. Consistent with our hypothesis, we found a significant interaction between stimulus gender and the sexual preference of the subject in the thalamus and medial orbitofrontal cortex, where heterosexual men and homosexual women responded more to female faces and heterosexual women and homosexual men responded more to male faces. Our findings suggest that sexual preference modulates face-evoked activation in the reward circuitry.  相似文献   

Research has shown that bisexuals have poorer health outcomes than heterosexuals, gays, or lesbians, particularly with regard to mental health and substance use. However, research on bisexuals is often hampered by issues in defining bisexuality, small sample sizes, and by the failure to address age differences between bisexuals and other groups or age gradients in mental health. The Risk & Resilience Survey of Bisexual Mental Health collected data on 405 bisexuals from Ontario, Canada, using respondent-driven sampling, a network-based sampling method for hidden populations. The weighted prevalence of severe depression (PHQ-9≥20) was 4.7%, possible anxiety disorder (OASIS≥8) was 30.9%, possible post-traumatic stress disorder (PCL-C≥50) was 10.8%, and past year suicide attempt was 1.9%. With respect to substance use, the weighted prevalence of problem drinking (AUDIT≥5) was 31.2%, and the weighted prevalence of illicit polydrug use was 30.5%. Daily smoking was low in this sample, with a weighted prevalence of 7.9%. Youth (aged 16–24) reported significantly higher weighted mean scores on depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, and higher rates of past year suicidal ideation (29.7% vs. 15.2%) compared with those aged 25 and older. The burden of mental health and substance use among bisexuals in Ontario is high relative to population-based studies of other sexual orientation groups. Bisexual youth appear to be at risk for poor mental health. Additional research is needed to understand if and how minority stress explains this burden.  相似文献   

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