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We studied male locomotory response to trails and patches of sex pheromone (left respectively by free-ranging females and females constrained to stay on a small area) in the two parasitoids Aphelinus asychis (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) and Trichogramma brassicae (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae). Under the hypothesis that the spatial distribution of virgin females differs between these species (scattered among host plants in A. asychis, gregarious at emergence sites in T. brassicae), we predicted that male locomotory response to their sex pheromones should also differ: A. asychis males should follow pheromone trails on plants in order to encounter the females along these trails, whereas T. brassicae males should stay on pheromone patches, at emergence sites, and mate the females on these patches. Using an improved video-tracking system, we found that males of both species respond to conspecific sex pheromone trails and patches, but that the response does not differ much between species. Males released on marked substrates walked in a more convoluted pattern (i.e. higher path fractal dimension and higher number of crossings within tracks) than males released on unmarked substrates. On pheromone patches, males turned persistently in the same direction when leaving the patch, which explains a higher number of visits on marked patches than on unmarked patches, and possibly, higher track convolution on pheromone trails. Contrary to our hypothesis, male A. asychis did not follow female trails more accurately than male T. brassicae, and male T. brassicae did not stay longer on pheromone patches than male A. asychis. We argue that these discrepancies between our predictions and the observed responses originates from discrepancies between the assumed spatial distribution of virgin females and their actual distribution in the wild.  相似文献   

The present study shows that the olfactory potency of intestinal and bile fluids taken from dominant male chameleon cichlids Australoheros facetus is greater than those from subordinate males. Thus, dominant status may be communicated by odorants released in the intestinal fluid and bile acids may contribute towards this.  相似文献   


The lymphocyte stimulation test (LST) is an in vitro corollary of in vivo cell‐mediated immunity. We have analyzed LST results from 32 dogs covering a 16‐month time span. Two mitogens (plant lectins) were used in the LST, phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and concanavalin A (Con A) with comparable results. All dogs exhibited a seasonal variation in LST results using both mitogens. The dogs were either controls or were in one of five groups that received whole‐body gamma ray irradiation from a 60CO source. There was little effect of irradiation except on the mean levels of oscillation. Few differences were noted among groups. The estimated mean times of peak activity in the LST ranged from July 19‐August 2 for PHA and from July 18‐August 15 for Con A. The times of peak of individual dogs for both mitogens were predominantly in the calendar quarter June 21 ‐September 20, and were, therefore, not randomly distributed throughout the year. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Precise estimation of arthropods' sex ratio is an important issue in a wide range of ecological studies and biological control programs. Although, in many cases changes in arthropods' sex ratio may be under the control of parents or some symbiotic microorganisms, biased sex ratios in some other species are caused by some extrinsic factors, neglect of which may lead to under/overestimation of true sex ratio. In this paper, we pursued those factors that cause false estimation of sex ratio in insects' species. We studied the predatory gall midge, Aphidoletes aphidimyza Rondani (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), an important biological control agent of aphids, that shows protandry (i.e. early male emergence), differential lifespan of sexes, and differential distribution of sexes across habitat. Ten populations of A. aphidimyza were released separately in transparent cages and their sex ratio variations were recorded every 12 hours. The primary sex ratio in this species seems to be slightly male‐biased (52.41% males), however early emergence of males biases the sex ratio up to 72% males in a few hours after emergence. Shortly after the emergence of females, the sex ratio reaches its primary situation, but as a result of male‐biased mortality after mating, the proportion of females increases gradually to 97% by the fourth and fifth days after emergence. These results explicitly suggest that direct estimation of sex ratio in natural populations may be affected by some secondary factors such as differential mortality of sexes, protandry, and differential distribution of males and females over time and/or across habitat.  相似文献   

The olfactory system is a fascinating and beguiling sensory system: olfactory sensory neurons detect odors underlying behaviors essential for mate choice, food selection, and escape from predators, among others. These sensory neurons are unique in that they have dendrites contacting the outside world, yet their first synapse lies in the central nervous system. The information entering the central nervous system is used to create odor memories that play a profound role in recognition of individuals, places, and appropriate foods. Here, the structure of the olfactory epithelium is given as an overview to discuss the origin of the olfactory placode, the plasticity of the olfactory sensory neurons, and finally the origins of the gonadotropin‐releasing hormone neuroendocrine cells. For the purposes of this review, the development of the peripheral sensory system will be analyzed, incorporating recently published studies highlighting the potential novelties in development mechanisms. Specifically, an emerging model where the olfactory epithelium and olfactory bulb develop simultaneously from a continuous neurectoderm patterned at the end of gastrulation, and the multiple origins of the gonadotropin‐releasing hormone neuroendocrine cells associated with the olfactory sensory system development will be presented. Advances in the understanding of the basic mechanisms underlying olfactory sensory system development allows for a more thorough understanding of the potential causes of human disease. Birth Defects Research (Part C) 105:114–125, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Hundreds of studies have assessed variation in the degree to which people experience disgust toward substances associated with pathogens, but little is known about the mechanistic sources of this variation. The current investigation uses olfactory perception and threshold methods to test whether it is apparent at the cue-detection level, at the cue-interpretation level, or both. It further tests whether relations between disgust sensitivity and olfactory perception are specific to odors associated with pathogens. Two studies (N's = 119 and 160) of individuals sampled from a Dutch university each revealed that pathogen disgust sensitivity relates to valence perceptions of odors found in pathogen sources, but not to valence perceptions of odors not associated with pathogens, nor to intensity perceptions of odors of either type. Study 2, which also assessed olfactory thresholds via a three-alternative forced-choice staircase method, did not reveal a relation between pathogen disgust sensitivity and the ability to detect an odor associated with pathogens, nor an odor not associated with pathogens. In total, results are consistent with the idea that pathogen disgust sensitivity relates to how olfactory pathogen cues are interpreted after detection, but not necessarily to the ability to detect such cues.  相似文献   

In water-limited environments of the intermountain region of North America, summer precipitation may play a role in the structure and function of aridland communities and ecosystems. This study examined the potential reliance on summer precipitation of two widespread, coexisting woody species in the southwestern United States, Pinus edulis Englmn. (Colorado piñon) and Juniperus osteosperma (Torr) Little (Utah juniper). The current distributions of P. edulis and J. osteosperma are highly suggestive of different dependencies on summer rainfall. We hypothesized that P. edulis was dependent on summer precipitation, utilizing summer precipitation even during extremely dry summers, whereas J. osteosperma was not dependent, using summer precipitation only when amounts were above some minimum threshold. Using sap flux and stable isotopic methods to assess seasonal water sources and water use efficiency, we examined the response of these two species to seasonal variations in moisture at a site located near the northern limits of the North American monsoon. Both sap flux and isotopic results indicated that P. edulis was responsive to summer rain, while J. osteosperma was not. Following summer rain events, sap flux density increased in P. edulis for several days, but not in J. osteosperma. Isotopic evidence indicated that P. edulis took up summer-derived moisture to a greater extent than J. osteosperma. Values of the natural abundance stable isotope ratio of carbon of leaf soluble carbohydrates increased over the summer for P. edulis, indicative of assimilation at higher water use efficiency, but were invariant for J. osteosperma. Our results supported the hypothesis that P. edulis and J. osteosperma are differentially sensitive to summer precipitation and are discussed in the light of potential changes in the seasonality of precipitation associated with climate change.  相似文献   

Eukaryotes use sexual recombination to achieve innovation and adaptation to a changing environment, a mechanism that is exceptional in Leishmania. It is postulated that asexual mechanisms contribute efficiently to parasite fitness and that sexual recombination would not be necessary for the production of a large repertoire of genotypes. The model discussed in this review used a major Leishmania glycoprotein, gp63, which is involved in host-parasite relationships. Mitotic recombination, which occurs between and within tandem repeats, amplifies genes and generates genotypic diversity. The resulting variation in the protein sequence is concentrated in surface domains, in regions spanning T-cell epitopes and B-cell epitopes and might allow immune escape.  相似文献   

Key B  St John J 《Chemical senses》2002,27(3):245-260
The process of establishing long-range neuronal connections can be divided into at least three discrete steps. First, axons need to be stimulated to grow and this growth must be towards appropriate targets. Second, after arriving at their target, axons need to be directed to their topographically appropriate position and in some cases, such as in cortical structures, they must grow radially to reach the correct laminar layer. Third, axons then arborize and form synaptic connections with only a defined subpopulation of potential post-synaptic partners. Attempts to understand these mechanisms in the visual system have been ongoing since pioneer studies in the 1940s highlighted the specificity of neuronal connections in the retino-tectal pathway. These classical systems-based approaches culminated in the 1990s with the discovery that Eph-ephrin repulsive interactions were involved in topographical mapping. In marked contrast, it was the cloning of the odorant receptor family that quickly led to a better understanding of axon targeting in the olfactory system. The last 10 years have seen the olfactory pathway rise in prominence as a model system for axon guidance. Once considered to be experimentally intractable, it is now providing a wealth of information on all aspects of axon guidance and targeting with implications not only for our understanding of these mechanisms in the olfactory system but also in other regions of the nervous system.  相似文献   

Seven years of observations of thepatterns and fluctuations in atmosphericBetula pollen concentration with respect tometeorological variables enable the mostimportant factors shaping the pollen season ofbirches in the Gdask area (northernPoland) to be defined. The correlation factorsfor different aspects of the pollen season andparticular meteorological variables arepresented. A biennial cyclic rhythm is observedin the annual pollen sums. The starting date ofthe Betula pollen season is a ratherstable parameter for those years whichrepresent the average, most typical,meteorological conditions as recorded for thearea.  相似文献   

Something in the air? New insights into mammalian pheromones   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Olfaction is the dominant sensory modality for most animals and chemosensory communication is particularly well developed in many mammals. Our understanding of this form of communication has grown rapidly over the last ten years since the identification of the first olfactory receptor genes. The subsequent cloning of genes for rodent vomeronasal receptors, which are important in pheromone detection, has revealed an unexpected diversity of around 250 receptors belonging to two structurally different classes. This review will focus on the chemical nature of mammalian pheromones and the complementary roles of the main olfactory system and vomeronasal system in mediating pheromonal responses. Recent studies using genetically modified mice and electrophysiological recordings have highlighted the complexities of chemosensory communication via the vomeronasal system and the role of this system in handling information about sex and genetic identity. Although the vomeronasal organ is often regarded as only a pheromone detector, evidence is emerging that suggests it might respond to a much broader variety of chemosignals.  相似文献   

Primary and secondary sex traits are influenced by the same sex hormones, and the expression of secondary sex traits may consequently signal males' capacity for sperm production. Sperm quality may also be influenced by immune activity, as sperm are non-self to the male. Parasite infections alter immune activity and may thus reduce ejaculate quality. In the Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) the red abdominal colour is considered an ornament that signals important information in mate choice. We captured and individually caged sexually mature male Arctic charr during the spawning period. Afterwards we estimated abdominal colour, parasite infections, gonad mass and several spermatological and immunological variables. Intensity of abdominal colour was positively correlated to testes mass, milt mass and sperm cell numbers produced. Additionally, males with low parasite intensities had high testes mass and produced milt with high sperm density, indicating a trade-off between parasite resistance and development of primary sex traits. Our measures of immunity were, however, not related to primary sex traits. We conclude that females evaluating male abdominal coloration may obtain information about differences between males in fertilization potential and parasite resistance.  相似文献   

Borst A 《Neuron》2007,54(1):6-8
Researchers who study the neuronal basis of cognition face a paradox. If they extract the brain, its cognitive functions cannot be assessed. On the other hand, the brain's microcircuits are difficult to study in the intact animal. In this issue of Neuron, Mitchell et al. make use of a promising approach based on waveform analysis to reveal new details about neuronal interactions during visual attention.  相似文献   

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