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The activation function-1 (AF-1) domain of the estrogen receptor alpha (ERalpha) in stromal cells has been shown to be required for epithelial responses to estrogen in the mouse uterus. To investigate the role of the stroma in estrogenic responses of human uterine epithelium (hUtE), human/mouse chimeric uteri composed of human epithelium and mouse stroma were prepared as tissue recombinants (TR) that were grown in vivo under the renal capsule of female nude mouse hosts. In association with mouse uterine stroma (mUtS), hUtE formed normal glands surrounded by mouse endometrial stroma and the human epithelium influenced the differentiation of stroma into myometrium, such that a histologically normal appearing uterine tissue was formed. The hUtE showed a similar proliferative response and increase in progesterone receptors (PR) in response to 17beta-estradiol (E2) in association with either human or mUtS, as TRs. However, under identical endocrine and micro-environmental conditions, hUtE required 5-7 days exposure to E2 rather than 1 day, as shown for mouse uterine epithelium, to obtain a maximal proliferative response. Moreover, this extended length of E2 exposure inhibited mouse epithelial proliferation in the presence of mouse stroma. In addition, unlike the mouse epithelium, which does not proliferate or show regulation of PR expression in response to E2 in association with uterine stroma derived from mice that are null for the AF-1 domain of ERalpha, hUtE proliferates and PR are up-regulated in response to E2 in association genetically identical ERalpha knock-out mouse stromal cells. These results clearly demonstrate fundamental differences between mouse and human uterine epithelia with respect to the mechanisms that regulate estrogen-induced proliferation and expression of PR. Moreover, we show that genetically engineered mouse models could potentially aid in dissecting molecular pathways of stromal epithelial interactions in the human uterus.  相似文献   

The relationship between the cholesteryl ester content of normal human very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) and its ability to bind to apolipoprotein E (apoE), heparin, and the low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor have been compared. Plasma VLDL were separated by heparin affinity chromatography into two fractions: one with apoE and one without. Both fractions had the same cholesteryl ester content relative to apolipoprotein B (apoB). LDL, on the other hand, had a greater cholesteryl ester content. VLDL were modified by lipolysis to express the ability to bind apoE (Ishikawa, Y., Fielding, C. J., and Fielding, P. E. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 2744-2749). Lipolyzed VLDL with or without apoE were compared for their ability to bind to heparin or the up-regulated fibroblast LDL receptor. Lipolyzed VLDL bound with the same affinity to the receptor whether or not the particles contained apoE. ApoB, not apoE, appears then to be the important ligand for normal VLDL. On the other hand, modified VLDL without apoE, even though binding to the LDL receptor, did not bind to heparin. These data suggest that apoE mediates heparin binding in normal VLDL, that apoB mediates receptor binding, and that the cholesteryl ester content of VLDL is not a factor in the induction of the ability to bind apoE.  相似文献   

Gene transfer studies have shown that estrogen regulation of specific genes is mediated by estrogen response elements (ERE). We report that binding of the estrogen receptor to the ERE can be detected by a gel retardation (band shift) assay. This binding interaction was highly sequence and receptor specific. Methylation interference analysis showed that the ERE contact sites of estrogen receptor displayed a perfect twofold rotational symmetry. This is compatible with estrogen receptor binding to the ERE as a head-to-head dimer.  相似文献   

Gel shift assays were employed to distinguish between the contribution of 17 beta-estradiol (E2) and a short heating step to the ability of the rat uterine cytosolic estrogen receptor (ER) to bind to the estrogen response element (ERE) from the vitellogenin A2 gene (vitERE). Despite the popularity of models in which the ER is a ligand-activated DNA-binding protein, these studies find that estrogen does not significantly contribute to receptor-DNA complex formation. An avidin-biotin complex with DNA (ABCD) assay was utilized to obtain quantitative measurement of the affinities of the ER for the vitERE and a mutant sequence. Scatchard analysis gave a dissociation constant of 390 +/- 40 pM for the E2-occupied, heated ER to the vitERE. The data fit a one-site model and evidence for cooperatively was not observed. A dissociation constant of 450 +/- 170 pM was obtained for the unoccupied, heated ER, leading to the conclusion that estrogen was not necessary for specific binding to DNA. The percentage of ER capable of binding vitERE varied with each cytosol preparation, ranging from 60 to 100% and estrogen did not appear to affect this variation. Competition against the vitERE with a 2-bp mutant sequence showed a 250-fold lower relative binding affinity of the receptor for the mutant over the vitERE sequence. This ability of the ER to discriminate between target and nonspecific DNA sequences was also not dependent on the presence of estrogen.  相似文献   

Microbore reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography has been utilized to fractionate and purify a number of tryptic peptides generated from the 90K nonsteroid binding component of the calf uterine estrogen receptor. Sequence analysis was performed on six peptides yielding 78 unique amino acid assignments, this corresponds to approximately 10% of the molecule. These peptides share sequence similarities with three heat shock proteins, Drosophila hsp 83 (83% homologous), yeast hsp 90 (55%) and chicken hsp 108 (32%). The amino acid composition of the protein indicates a prevalence of charged amino acid residues.  相似文献   

Estrogen-inducible genes contain an enhancer called the estrogen response element (ERE), a double-stranded inverted repeat. The estrogen receptor (ER) is generally thought to bind to the double-stranded ERE. However, some reports provide evidence that an ER homodimer can bind a single strand of the ERE and suggest that single-stranded ERE binding is the preferred binding mode for ER. Since these two models describe quite different mechanisms of receptor action, we have attempted to reconcile the observations. Analyzing DNA structure by nuclease sensitivity, we found that two identical molecules of a single strand of DNA containing the ERE sequence can partially anneal in an antiparallel manner. Bimolecular annealing produces double-stranded inverted repeats, with adjacent unannealed tails. The amount of annealing correlates exactly with the ability of ER to bind bimolecular EREs. Either strand of an ERE could anneal to itself in a way that would bind ER. We conclude that ER binds only the annealed double-stranded ERE both in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

Mutations in the WRN gene result in Werner syndrome, an autosomal recessive disease in which many characteristics of aging are accelerated. A probable role in some aspect of DNA metabolism is suggested by the primary sequence of the WRN gene product. A recombinant His-tagged WRN protein (WRNp) was overproduced in insect cells using the baculovirus system and purified to near homogeneity by several chromatographic steps. This purification scheme removes both nuclease and topoisomerase contaminants that persist following a single Ni(2+)affinity chromatography step and allows for unambiguous interpretation of WRNp enzymatic activities on DNA substrates. Purified WRNp has DNA-dependent ATPase and helicase activities consistent with its homology to the RecQ subfamily of proteins. The protein also binds with higher affinity to single-stranded DNA than to double-stranded DNA. However, WRNp has no higher affinity for various types of DNA damage, including adducts formed during 4NQO treatment, than for undamaged DNA. Our results confirm that WRNp has a role in DNA metabolism, although this role does not appear to be the specific recognition of damage in DNA.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein (apo) A-I is thought to undergo a conformational change during lipid association that results in the transition of random coil to alpha-helix. Using a series of deletion mutants lacking different regions along the molecule, we examined the contribution of alpha-helix formation in apoA-I to the binding to egg phosphatidylcholine (PC) small unilamellar vesicles (SUV). Binding isotherms determined by gel filtration showed that apoA-I binds to SUV with high affinity and deletions in the C-terminal region markedly decrease the affinity. Circular dichroism measurements demonstrated that binding to SUV led to an increase in alpha-helix content, but the helix content was somewhat less than in reconstituted discoidal PC.apoA-I complexes for all apoA-I variants, suggesting that the helical structure of apoA-I on SUV is different from that in discs. Isothermal titration calorimetry showed that the binding of apoA-I to SUV is accompanied by a large exothermic heat and deletions in the C-terminal regions greatly decrease the heat. Analysis of the rate of release of heat on binding, as well as the kinetics of quenching of tryptophan fluorescence by brominated PC, indicated that the opening of the N-terminal helix bundle is a rate-limiting step in apoA-I binding to the SUV surface. Significantly, the correlation of thermodynamic parameters of binding with the increase in the number of helical residues revealed that the contribution of alpha-helix formation upon lipid binding to the enthalpy and the free energy of the binding of apoA-I is -1.1 and -0.04 kcal/mol per residue, respectively. These results indicate that alpha-helix formation, especially in the C-terminal regions, provides the energetic source for high affinity binding of apoA-I to lipids.  相似文献   

Estrogen receptor alpha (ER) is a member of the nuclear hormone receptor family, which upon binding estrogen shows increased apparent affinity for nuclear components (tight nuclear binding). The nuclear components that mediate this tight nuclear binding have been proposed to include both ER-DNA interactions and ER-protein interactions. In this paper, we demonstrate that tight nuclear binding of ER upon estrogen occupation requires ER-DNA interactions. Hormone-bound ER can be extracted from the nucleus in low-salt buffer using various polyanions, which mimic the phosphate backbone of DNA. The importance of specific ER-DNA interactions in mediating tight nuclear binding is also supported by the 380-fold lower concentration of the ERE oligonucleotide necessary to extract estrogen-occupied ER from the nucleus compared to the polyanions. We also demonstrate that estrogen-induced tight nuclear binding requires both the nuclear localization domain and the DNA binding domain of ER. Finally, enzymatic degradation of nuclear DNA allows us to recover 45% of tight nuclear-bound ER. We further demonstrate that ER-AIB1 interaction is not required for estrogen-induced tight nuclear binding. Taken together, we propose a model in which tight nuclear binding of the estrogen-occupied ER is predominantly mediated by ER-DNA interactions. The effects of estrogen binding on altering DNA binding in whole cells are proposed to occur through estrogen-induced changes in ER-chaperone protein interactions, which alter the DNA accessibility of ER but do not directly change the affinity of the ER for DNA, which is similar for both unoccupied and occupied ER.  相似文献   

We have used circular permutation analysis to determine whether binding of purified Xenopus laevis estrogen receptor DNA-binding domain (DBD) to a DNA fragment containing an estrogen response element (ERE) causes the DNA to bend. Gel mobility shift assays showed that DBD-DNA complexes formed with fragments containing more centrally located EREs migrated more slowly than complexes formed with fragments containing EREs near the ends of the DNA. DNA bending standards were used to determine that the degree of bending induced by binding of the DBD to an ERE was approximately 34 degrees. A 1.55-fold increase in the degree of bending was observed when two EREs were present in the DNA fragment. These in vitro studies suggest that interaction of nuclear receptors with their hormone response elements in vivo may result in an altered DNA conformation.  相似文献   

We have recently reported that the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) becomes bound to the 90-kDa heat shock protein (hsp90) at or near the end of receptor translation in vitro (Dalman, F. C., Bresnick, E. H., Patel, P. D., Perdew, G. H., Watson, S. J., Jr., and Pratt, W. B. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 19815-19821). In this paper we compare the hsp90 binding and DNA binding activities of the thyroid hormone receptor (TR) to those of the GR after cell-free translation of the two receptors in rabbit reticulocyte lysate. In contrast to the newly translated GR, which is bound to hsp90 and must be transformed to the DNA binding state, the TR is not bound to hsp90 and is translated in its DNA binding form without any requirement for transformation. When the GR is translated in wheat germ extract, which does not contain hsp90, it is translated in its DNA binding form in the same manner as the TR synthesized in reticulocyte lysate. These observations provide direct evidence that binding of GR to hsp90 is associated with repression of its DNA binding function. The fact that the TR does not bind to hsp90 and is translated in its DNA binding form is consistent with the different behavior of this receptor with respect to classic steroid receptors in the intact cell. We propose that binding to hsp90 may account for the fact that most of the steroid receptors are recovered in the cytosolic fraction after lysis of hormone-free cells in low salt buffer whereas the hormone-free TR is recovered in tight association with the nucleus.  相似文献   

The relative binding affinity (RBA) of diethylstilbestrol (DES) was determined in nuclear fractions of the rat uterus. DES displayed a two- to threefold greater affinity (RBA = 245 +/- 36) than estradiol (RBA = 100) for nuclear E receptor. The RBA of DES to nuclear E receptor was lowered significantly in the presence of rat serum (43 +/- 1) or human serum (52 +/- 7). Dilution of human serum resulted in a progressive increase in the RBA of DES which approached that observed in the absence of serum. Addition of purified human serum albumin mimicked the decrease in RBA of DES that was observed with serum. The IC50 of estradiol was not changed in the presence of either rat serum or albumin. These data show that DES possesses a greater affinity for nuclear E receptor than estradiol and that serum albumin can modulate DES binding to uterine E receptor.  相似文献   

FcgammaRIIIa plays a prominent role in the elimination of tumor cells by antibody-based cancer therapies. Non-fucosylated bisected IgGs bind this receptor with increased affinity and trigger FcgammaRIII-mediated effector functions more efficiently than native, fucosylated antibodies. In this study the contribution of the carbohydrates of both binding partners to the strength of the complex was analyzed. Glycoengineering of the antibody increased affinity for two polymorphic forms of soluble human FcgammaRIIIa (by up to 50-fold) but did not affect binding to the inhibitory FcgammaRIIb receptor. While the absence of carbohydrate at FcgammaRIIIa's Asn-162 increased affinity for native IgG, presumably due to the removal of steric hindrance caused by the bulky sugars, it unexpectedly reduced affinity for glycoengineered (GE) antibodies by over one order of magnitude, bringing the affinity down to the same level as for native IgG. We conclude that the high affinity between GE antibodies and FcgammaRIII is mediated by productive interactions formed between the receptor carbohydrate attached at Asn-162 and regions of the Fc that are only accessible when it is nonfucosylated. As FcgammaRIIIa and FcgammaRIIIb are the only human Fcgamma receptors glycosylated at this position, the proposed interactions explain the observed selective affinity increase of GE antibodies for only these receptors. Furthermore, we predict from our structural model that only one of the two Fc-fucose residues needs to be absent for increased binding affinity toward FcgammaRIII. This information can be exploited for the design of new antibodies with altered Fc receptor binding affinity and enhanced therapeutic potential.  相似文献   

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