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Lung cancer is a major health problem, with over 38,000 new cases expected every year in West Germany. A more complete understanding of the biology of lung cancer will hopefully lead to therapeutic modalities. The possible autocrine growth regulation in small-cell lung cancer and non-small-cell lung cancer has been demonstrated for bombesin/GRP, vasopressin, neurotensin, EGF/TGF, transferrin-related peptides and insulin-like growth factors. This contribution concentrates on recent data concerning binding sites, growth promoting effects and secretion of IGFs in lung cancer cell lines. The production of IGF-binding proteins which were also produced by lung cancer cell lines modifies the autocrine/paracrine model for IGFs since then proteins can either enhance or inhibit the effect of IGFs on tumor growth.  相似文献   

The control of human breast cancer cell proliferation in vitro is known to involve complex interactions between steroid hormones, peptide hormones and growth factors. Little is known, however, of the mechanisms by which these factors, alone or in combination, control cell cycle progression and the expression of specific genes involved in cell cycle control. A pre-requisite for such studies is a cellular system in which non-proliferating or slowly proliferating cells can be maintained in a defined environment and stimulated to progress through the cell cycle by addition of hormones and growth factors. Such a system has been developed for T-47D human breast cancer cells: quiescent or slowly proliferating cells maintained in a serum-free medium can be stimulated to increase their rate of cell cycle progression upon a single addition of insulin, IGF-I, EGF, TGF or bFGF. Oestradiol alone was ineffective but caused a significant increase in % S phase cells when added in the presence of insulin. Progestins, in the presence or absence of insulin, had a biphasic effect with an initial increase in cell cycle progression followed by cell cycle arrest. Both antioestrogens and the antiprogestin, RU 486, in the absence of oestrogen or progestin, were potent inhibitors of insulin-induced proliferation. Increases in cell cycle progression were invariably accompanied by acute increases in c-fos and c-myc mRNA levels. Induction of c-myc by oestrogen and 3rogestin was inhibited by antioestrogens and RU 486, respectively. These data illustrate that the culture of breast cancer cells in a serum-free, chemically defined environment provides an excellent model in which to define the role of individual factors involved in breast cancer growth control. The biological data derived from this system provide a basis for identifying and characterizing genes involved in the control of cell cycle progression in human breast cancer.  相似文献   

Estrogen sensitizes the MCF-7 estrogen-responsive breast cancer cell line to the mitogenic effect of insulin and the insulin-like growth factors (IGFs). This sensitization is specific for estrogen and occurs at physiological concentrations of estradiol. Dose-response experiments with insulin, IGF-I, and IGF-II suggested that the sensitization is mediated through the type I IGF receptor. Binding experiments with 125I-IGF-I and hybridization of a type I IGF receptor probe to RNA showed that the levels of the type I IGF receptor and its mRNA are increased 7- and 6.5-fold, respectively, by estradiol. IGF-I and estradiol had similar synergistic effects on other estrogen-responsive breast cancer cell lines, but IGF-I alone increased the proliferation of the MDA MB-231 cell line which is not responsive to estrogens. These experiments suggest that an important mechanism by which estrogens stimulate the proliferation of hormone-dependent breast cancer cells involves sensitization to the proliferative effects of IGFs and that this may involve regulation of the type I IGF receptor.  相似文献   

Signal transmission by the insulin-like growth factors   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
M P Czech 《Cell》1989,59(2):235-238

There is compelling evidence from epidemiological studies in humans, as well as in vitro and in vivo experimental observations including transgenic animal models, for a role of the IGF/insulin signalling system in cancer tumourigenesis. In this review focused on breast cancer, we review the experimental evidence, discuss the cellular and molecular mechanisms of tumourigenicity by the IGFs and insulin and various possible therapeutic strategies based on the mechanisms discussed.  相似文献   

Nutrition, insulin, insulin-like growth factors and cancer.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The incidence of colon, pancreatic, and kidney cancers, as well as aggressive prostate cancer in men, and breast and endometrial cancer in women is invariably high in Western countries. Nutritional and related factors have been typically implicated. This review presents a model integrating nutrition, insulin and IGF-1 physiology ("bioactive" IGF-1), and carcinogenesis based on the following: (1) insulin and the IGF-1 axis function in an integrated fashion to promote cell growth and survival; (2) chronic exposure to these growth properties enhances carcinogenesis; (3) factors that influence bioactive IGF-1 will affect cancer risk. The model presented here summarizes the data that chronic exposure to high levels of insulin and IGF-1 may mediate many of the risk factors for some cancers that are high in Western populations. This hypothesis may help explain some of the epidemiologic patterns observed for these cancers, both from a cross-national perspective and within populations. Of particular importance is that some of relevant factors are modifiable through nutritional and lifestyle interventions. Out of a variety of perspectives presented, nutritional manipulation through the insulin pathway may be more feasible than attempting to influence total IGF-1 concentrations, which are determined largely by growth hormone. Further study is required to test these conclusions.  相似文献   

Regulation of somatomedin-C/insulin-like growth factor I by nutrients   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Nutritional intake is an important regulator of plasma somatomedin-C/insulin-like growth factor I (Sm-C/IGF-I) concentrations in plasma. Concentrations in humans are reduced to the hypopituitary range by fasting for only a few days, and their normalization after fasting depends on the adequacy of energy and protein in the refeeding diet. The changes correlate with changes in nitrogen balance. In rats we have observed a close relationship between change in plasma Sm-C/IGF-I and hepatic GH binding with fasting and refeeding, suggesting that alterations in GH binding might be responsible partly for changes in Sm-C/IGF-I. When malnourished humans are given nutrient repletion, the increase in Sm-C/IGF-I is far more dramatic than changes in other nutrient-related serum proteins.  相似文献   

A 24 hr incubation of T-47D human breast cancer cells with R5020, a synthetic progestin, resulted in a 200-250% increase in the specific binding of human growth hormone (hGH) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) by these cells. This effect was specific for progestins in that similar responses were observed with progesterone, medroxyprogesterone acetate and ORG 2058 but no significant increases in hGH or EGF binding were observed in cells incubated with testosterone, estradiol or hydrocortisone. Increased binding was due to an increase in the concentration of receptors (hGH, control = 6,490 +/- 500, progestin treated = 13,180 +/- 3,270 sites/cell; EGF, control = 33,380 +/- 7,410, progestin treated = 67,460 +/- 20,330 sites/cell) while the affinity constants for the hormone-receptor interactions were unchanged by progestin treatment. The specific binding of insulin, calcitonin, transferrin and concanavalin A was unaffected by these treatments. It is concluded that expression of hGH and EGF receptors in this breast cancer cell line is regulated by progestins.  相似文献   

In BALB/c 3T3 cells pretreated with platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) (primed-competent cells), insulin-like growth factors I and II (IGF-I and IGF-II) bind to their own receptors (IGF-IR and IGF-IIR) and stimulate calcium influx and DNA synthesis by a mechanism involving a 40-kDa pertussis toxin substrate. In contrast, these IGFs do not act on unprimed quiescent cells. In this study, the 40-kDa pertussis toxin substrate was identified as Gi-2 alpha using anti-G protein antibodies. We analyzed the quality of signal transduction from IGF-II to Gi-2 alpha. There was no difference in the amount of Gi-2 alpha between quiescent and primed-competent cells, and both of these cells had similar Kd values and numbers of IGF-II-binding sites. Whereas IGF-II did not alter pertussis toxin-catalyzed ADP-ribosylation of Gi-2 alpha in quiescent cells, IGF-II reduced the pertussis toxin substrate activity by 35-50% via the IGF-IIR in primed-competent cells. The action of IGF-II lasted for up to 3 h when IGF-II was present in the medium, and it disappeared when IGF-II was removed. These results suggest that the signaling pathway triggered by IGF-II is uncoupled between the IGF-IIR and Gi-2 alpha in quiescent cells and that PDGF and EGF restore the IGF-IIR-Gi-2 coupling. This study also indicates that low concentrations of IGF-I reduce the pertussis toxin substrate activity of Gi-2 alpha in primed-competent cells in a time course slower than that of IGF-II, but not at all in quiescent cells. However, both of these cells had similar Kd values and numbers of IGF-I binding sites. Therefore, the IGF-I signaling pathway may also be uncoupled between the IGF-IR and Gi-2 alpha in quiescent cells and restored by PDGF and EGF. In BALB/c 3T3 cells transfected with temperature-sensitive Kirsten sarcoma virus bearing the v-Ki-ras gene (ts cells), a 40-kDa pertussis toxin substrate was also identified as Gi-2 alpha. In nonpermissive ts cells, IGF-II was without effect on the pertussis toxin substrate activity of Gi-2 alpha or on calcium influx.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Addition of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), recombinant insulin-like growth factor I (rIGF-I) or epidermal growth factor (EGF) to BALB/c 3T3 fibroblasts causes a marked increase in the binding of [125I]diferric transferrin to cell surface receptors. This effect is very rapid and is complete within 5 min. The effect of EGF is transient, with [125I]diferric transferrin binding returning to control values within 25 min. In contrast, PDGF and rIGF-I cause a prolonged stimulation of [125I]diferric transferrin binding that could be observed for up to 2 h. The increase in the binding of [125I]diferric transferrin caused by growth factors was investigated by analysis of the binding isotherm. Epidermal growth factor, PDGF and rIGF-I were found to increase the cell surface expression of transferrin receptors rather than to alter the affinity of the transferrin receptors. This result was confirmed in human fibroblasts by the demonstration that EGF, PDGF and rIGF-I could stimulate the binding of a monoclonal antibody directed against the transferrin receptor (OKT9) to the cell surface. Furthermore, PDGF and rIGF-I stimulated the sustained uptake of [59Fe]diferric transferrin by BALB/c 3T3 fibroblasts, while EGF transiently increased uptake. Thus the effect of these growth factors to increase the cell surface expression of the transferrin receptor appears to have an important physiological consequence.  相似文献   

The insulin-like growth factor binding proteins (IGF-BPs) are structurally and immunologically distinct from the IGF type 1 or type 2 receptors and are characterized by two major forms: a large, GH-dependent BP found in human plasma (Mr = 150 k) and a small GH-independent BP (Mr = 28-42 k) present in human plasma, amniotic fluid, and HEP G2 cells. Using affinity cross-linking techniques, we have identified several binding proteins secreted by human breast cancer cell lines (Hs578T, MDA-231, T-47D, and MCF-7). Under nonreducing conditions these proteins migrated at an apparent Mr = 35, 28, 27, and 24 k, while reducing conditions revealed bands of apparent Mr = 35, 32, 27, and 24 k. Competitive binding studies in T-47D-conditioned media demonstrated that these BPs bound more IGF-II than IGF-I, and that IGF-II potently inhibited binding of either IGF-I or -II. Immunological studies using a polyclonal antibody against the HEP G2 small BP revealed no immunoreactive BP in conditioned media from MCF-7 and T-47D and only slight immunoreactivity in conditioned media from Hs578T and MDA 231. Analysis by Northern blot, using a probe from the cDNA sequence of the HEP G2 BP, demonstrated that Hs578T and MDA-231 cell lines contained small amounts of the 1.65 kilobase mRNA characteristic of the HEP G2 BP, while MCF-7 and T-47D tested negative.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Specific binding proteins are thought to modulate the effects of IGF-I. Previous work has demonstrated that media conditioned by human breast cancer cells contains IGF-I binding activity. Radiolabelled IGF-I incubated with serum-free conditioned media from the breast cancer cell line MDA-MB 231 eluted with an apparent M.W. of 35-40 kDa when analyzed by gel filtration chromatography at pH 7.4. The M.W. of this binding activity corresponded to that of BP-25, a binding protein cloned from the hepatocellular carcinoma cell line HepG2. Two breast cancer cell lines, MDA-MB 231 and Hs578T, were found to express BP-25 RNA. Specific BP-25 radioimmunoassay detected BP-25 production in the conditioned media of these two cell lines. Immunoprecipitation confirmed that metabolically labelled MDA-MB 231 released 30 kDa BP-25 into its medium. This study demonstrates that some breast cancer cells express the IGF-I binding protein, BP-25.  相似文献   

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