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Tyagi NK  Kumar A  Goyal P  Pandey D  Siess W  Kinne RK 《Biochemistry》2007,46(47):13616-13628
In order to gain a better understanding of the structure-function relation in hSGLT1, single Trp residues were introduced into a functional hSGLT1 mutant devoid of Trps at positions that previously had been postulated to be involved in sugar recognition/translocation and/or phlorizin binding. The mutant proteins were expressed in Pichia pastoris, purified, and reconstituted into liposomes. In transport experiments the putative sugar binding site mutants W457hSGLT1 and W460hSGLT1 showed a drastic decrease in affinity toward alpha-methyl-d-glucopyranoside with Km values of 13.3 and 5.26 mM compared to 0.4 mM of the Trp-less hSGLT1. In addition, a strong decrease in the inhibitory effect of phlorizin was observed. In Trp fluorescence studies the position of the emission maxima of the mutants, their sensitivity to N-bromosuccinimide oxidation, and their interaction with water soluble quenchers demonstrate that Trp457 and Trp460 are in contact with the hydrophilic extravesicular environment. In both mutants Trp fluorescence was quenched significantly, but differently, by various glucose analogues. They also show significant protection by d-glucose and phlorizin against acrylamide, KI, or TCE quenching. W602hSGLT1 and W609hSGLT1, the putative aglucone binding site mutants, exhibit normal sugar and phlorizin affinity, and show fluorescence properties which indicate that these residues are located in a very hydrophilic environment. Phlorizin and phloretin, but not d-glucose, protect both mutants against collisional quenchers. Depth-calculations using the parallax method suggest a location of Trp457 and Trp460 at an average distance of 10.8 A and 7.4 A from the center of the bilayer, while Trp602 and Trp609 are located outside the membrane. These results suggest that in the native carrier residues Gln at position 457 and Thr at position 460 reside in a hydrophilic access pathway extending 5-7 A into the membrane to which sugars as well as the sugar moiety of inhibitory glucosides bind. Residues Phe602 and Phe609 contribute by their hydrophobic aromatic residues toward binding of the aglucone part of phlorizin. Thereby in the phlorizin-carrier complex a close vicinity between these two subdomains of the transporter is established creating a phlorizin binding pocket with the previously estimated dimensions of 10 x 17 x 7 A.  相似文献   

Kumar A  Tyagi NK  Goyal P  Pandey D  Siess W  Kinne RK 《Biochemistry》2007,46(10):2758-2766
Although there is no evidence of significant Na-independent glucose flux in tissues naturally expressing SGLT1, previous kinetic and biophysical studies suggest that sodium/d-glucose cotransporter 1 (hSGLT1) can facilitate sodium-independent d-glucose transport and may contain more than one sugar binding site. In this work, we analyze the kinetic properties and conformational states of isolated hSGLT1 reconstituted in liposomes by transport and fluorescence studies in the absence of sodium. In the transport studies with hSGLT1, significant sodium-independent phlorizin inhibitable alpha-methyl d-glucopyranoside (alpha-MDG) uptake was observed which amounted to approximately 20% of the uptake observed in the presence of a sodium gradient. The apparent affinity constant for alpha-MDG was thereby 3.4 +/- 0.5 mM, a value approximately 10-fold higher than that in the presence of sodium. In the absence of sodium, various sugars significantly decreased the intrinsic Trp fluorescence of hSGLT1 in proteoliposomes exhibiting the following sequence of affinities: alpha-MDG > d-glucose approximately d-galactose > 6-deoxy-d-glucose > 2-deoxy-d-glucose > d-allose. Furthermore, significant protection effects of d-glucose or phlorizin against potassium iodide, acrylamide, or trichloroethanol quenching were observed. To locate the Trps involved in this reaction, we generated mutants in which all Trps were sequentially substituted with Phe. None of the replacements significantly affected sodium-dependent uptake. Uptake in the absence of sodium and typical fluorescence changes depended, however, on the presence of Trp at position 561. This Trp residue is conserved in all known SGLT1 forms (except Vibrio parahaemolyticus SGLT) and all SGLT isoforms in humans (except hSGLT3). If all these data are taken into consideration, it seems that Trp-561 in hSGLT1 forms part of a low-affinity sodium-independent binding and/or translocation site for d-glucose. The rate of sodium-independent translocation via hSGLT1 seems, however, to be tightly regulated in the intact cell by yet unknown factors.  相似文献   

Tyagi NK  Goyal P  Kumar A  Pandey D  Siess W  Kinne RK 《Biochemistry》2005,44(47):15514-15524
Studies on the structure-function relationship of transporters require the availability of sufficient amounts of the protein in a functional state. In this paper, we report the functional expression, purification, and reconstitution of the human sodium/d-glucose cotransporter1 (hSGLT1) in Pichia pastoris and ligand-induced conformational changes of hSGLT1 in solution as studied by intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence. hSGLT1 gene containing FLAG tag at position 574 was cloned into pPICZB plasmid, and the resulting expression vector pPICZB-hSGLT1 was introduced into P. pastoris strain GS115 by electroporation. Purification of recombinant hSGLT1 by nickel-affinity chromatography yields about 3 mg of purified recombinant hSGLT1 per 1-liter of cultured Pichia cells. Purified hSGLT1 migrates on SDS-PAGE with an apparent mass of 55 kDa. Kinetic analysis of hSGLT1 in proteoliposomes revealed sodium-dependent, secondary active, phlorizin-sensitive, and stereospecific alpha-methyl-d-glucopyranoside transport, demonstrating its full catalytic activity. The position of the maximum intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence and titration with hydrophilic collisional quenchers KI, acrylamide, and trichloroethanol suggested that most of Trps in hSGLT1 in solution are in a hydrophobic environment. In the presence of sodium, sugars that have been identified earlier as substrate for the transporter increase intrinsic fluorescence in a saturable manner by a maximum of 15%. alpha-Methyl-d-glucopyranoside had the highest affinity (K(d) = 0.71 mM), followed by d-glucose, d-galactose, d-mannose, and d-allose which showed a much lower affinity. l-Glucose was without effect. d-Glucose also increased the accessibility of the Trps to hydrophilic collisional quenchers. On the contrary phlorizin, the well-established inhibitor of SGLT1, decreased intrinsic fluorescence by a maximum of 50%, and induced a blue shift of maximum (5 nm). Again, the effects were sodium-dependent and saturable and a high affinity K(d) of 5 muM was observed. In addition the surface of hSGLT1 was labeled with 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonic acid, a reporter molecule for the surface hydrophobicity. In the presence of sodium, addition of d-glucose decreased ANS fluorescence whereas phlorizin increased ANS fluorescence. Thus three conformational states of SGLT1 could be defined which differ in their packing density and hydrophobicity of their surface. They reflect properties of the empty carrier, the d-glucose loaded carrier facing the outside of membrane and the complex of the outside-orientated carrier with phlorizin.  相似文献   

Ligand-dependent changes in accessibility of purified P-glycoprotein, functionally reconstituted in liposomes, were investigated by fluorescence measurements. Trp quenching experiments provided evidence that P-glycoprotein adopts different tertiary structures upon binding of drug substrates in the absence and presence of MgATP and its nonhydrolyzable analog, MgATPgammaS. Five anthracycline derivatives were tested as drug substrates: daunorubicin, 4'-epi-doxorubicin, iododoxorubicin, 4-demethoxy-daunorubicin, and methoxy-morpholino-doxorubicin. Among them, daunorubicin and 4'-epi-doxorubicin have been shown to be rejected outside the multidrug-resistant cells, whereas the three others have been shown to accumulate in multidrug-resistant cells overexpressing P-glycoprotein and therefore retain their cytotoxic activity. A small conformational change was associated with nucleotide binding and amplified after nucleotide hydrolysis. Different conformational states were adopted by P-glycoprotein upon the addition of the anthracycline derivatives in the absence and presence of MgATP or MgATPgammaS. These conformational changes are shown to be related to the nature of the antitumor agents and more precisely to their capacity to accumulate in resistant cells. These data also suggest that the cytotoxicity of iododoxorubicin and 4-demethoxy-daunorubicin is related to the fact they are not transported by P-glycoprotein. On the contrary, methoxy-morpholino-doxorubicin cytotoxicity may be explained in terms of its rapid reincorporation into the plasma membrane after being transported by P-glycoprotein.  相似文献   

The unfolding of human serum proteins (HSP) was studied by measuring the intrinsic fluorescence intensity at a wavelength of excitation corresponding to tryptophan's or typosine's fluorescence and surface hydrophobicity. The maxima emission wavelengths (max) of human serum albumin (HSA) and human serum globulin (HSG) before beer consumption (BC) were 336.0 and 337.0 nm and after BC shifted to 335.0 and 334.0 nm, respectively. The surface hydrophobicity slightly increased after BC. In a solution of 8 M urea the max of BSA shifted to 346.4 and that of BSG to 342.5 nm. In contrast, in the same solution but after BC the max positions of HSA and HSG shifted to 355.9 and 357.7 nm, respectively. A decrease in fluorescence intensity, a shift in the maximum of emission, and an increase in surface hydrophobicity which reflected unfolding of proteins were observed. Here we provide evidence that the loosening of the HSP structure takes place primarily in various concentrations of urea before and after beer consumption. Differences in the fluorescence behavior of the proteins are attributed to disruption of the structure of proteins by denaturants as well as by the change in their compactability as a result of ethanol consumption.  相似文献   

An intrinsic steady-state fluorescent system for bovine adrenodoxin has been developed to study the protein structure in solution and the processes involved in protein unfolding. Since mature Adx contains no natural Trp residue as internal probe, all of the aromatic amino acids, tyrosine at position 82 and four phenylalanines at positions 11, 43, 59 and 64, were at each case replaced by tryptophan. The resulting single tryptophan containing mutants kept their biological function compared with the wild type. Molecular modeling studies verify thermal unfolding experiments which point to a dramatically reduced stability caused by steric hindrance only for mutant F59W. Fluorescence spectra, Stern-Volmer quenching constants, and fluorescence energy transfer calculations indicated the analyzed positions to be situated in solution in the same immediate environment as in the crystal structure. Unfolding experiments with Gdn-HCl and time-resolved stopped-flow measurements provide evidence for differential stability and a chronologically ordered unfolding mechanism of the different fluorescence probe positions in the protein.  相似文献   

The calcium-induced conformational changes of the 108-amino acid residue proteins, cod III parvalbumin and oncomodulin, were compared using tryptophan as a sensitive spectroscopic probe. As native oncomodulin is devoid of tryptophan, site-specific mutagenesis was performed to create a mutant protein in which tryptophan was placed in the identical position (residue 102) as the single tryptophan residue in cod III parvalbumin. The results showed that in the region probed by tryptophan-102, cod III parvalbumin experienced significantly greater changes in conformation upon decalcification compared to the oncomodulin mutant, F102W. Addition of 1 eq of Ca2+ produced greater than 90% of the total fluorescence response in F102W, while in cod III parvalbumin, only 74% of the total was observed. Cod III parvalbumin displayed a negligible response upon Mg2+ addition. In contrast, F102W did respond to Mg2+, but the response was considerably less when compared to Ca2+ addition. Time-resolved fluorescence showed that the tryptophan in both proteins existed in at least two conformational states in the presence of Ca2+ and at least three conformational states in its absence. Comparison with quantum yield measurements indicated that the local electronic environment of the tryptophan was significantly different in the two proteins. Collectively, these results demonstrate that both cod III parvalbumin and oncomodulin undergo Ca2(+)-specific conformational changes. However, oncomodulin is distinct from cod III parvalbumin in terms of the electronic environment of the hydrophobic core, the magnitude of the Ca2(+)-induced conformational changes, and the number of calcium ions required to modulate the major conformational changes.  相似文献   

We delineated acetylcholine (ACh)-dependent conformational changes in a prototype of the nicotinic receptor ligand binding domain by molecular dynamics simulation and changes in intrinsic tryptophan (Trp) fluorescence. Prolonged molecular dynamics simulation of ACh-binding protein showed that binding of ACh establishes close register of Trps from adjacent subunits, Trp(143) and Trp(53), and draws the peripheral C-loop inward to occlude the entrance to the binding cavity. Close register of Trp(143) and Trp(53) was demonstrated by ACh-mediated quenching of intrinsic Trp fluorescence, elimination of quenching by mutation of one or both Trps to Phe, and decreased lifetime of Trp fluorescence by bound ACh. Occlusion of the binding cavity by the C-loop was demonstrated by restricted access of an extrinsic quencher of binding site Trp fluorescence by ACh. The collective findings showed that ACh initially establishes close register of conserved Trps from adjacent subunits and then draws the C-loop inward to occlude the entrance to the binding cavity.  相似文献   

Pal P  Lebedev D  Salim S  Knauf PA 《Biochemistry》2006,45(20):6279-6295
The one-for-one exchange of Cl(-) and HCO(3)(-) ions is catalyzed by human erythrocyte anion exchanger 1 (hAE1) through a ping-pong mechanism whereby the protein exists in two main conformations, with the single anion-binding site exposed at either the cytoplasmic (inner) side (E(i)) or the extracellular side (E(o)), with interconversion between the two states being possible only after anion binding. Steady-state and time-resolved resonance energy transfer (FRET) techniques were used to determine the distance of the binding site for diTBA (bis-(1,3-diethylthiobarbituric acid)trimethine oxonol), a high affinity fluorescent oxonol inhibitor of hAE1, from a benchmark site (probably Lys-430) labeled by external fluorescein maleimide (FM). Using red cell ghost membranes, energy transfer distances were measured in media containing different anions between FM as the donor, covalently attached to one monomer, and diTBA as the acceptor, reversibly bound to the adjacent monomer of a hAE1 dimer. Energy transfer increased significantly in chloride or bicarbonate buffers relative to conditions where no transportable anions were present, that is, in citrate buffer. These differences in transfer efficiencies were interpreted in light of the conformational distributions of hAE1 in various buffers and the possible effects of diTBA itself on the distribution. The analysis indicates that the diTBA binding site comes closer to the FM site by approximately 7 A in chloride buffer as compared to that in citrate (or equivalent changes in diTBA orientation occur) because of the effects of anion binding. This provides the first direct physical evidence for structural changes in hAE1 induced by substrates.  相似文献   

Trp repressor of Escherichia coli K-12 is a dimeric protein (monomer size, 108 amino acids) that acquires high affinity for certain operator targets in double-stranded DNA upon interaction with L-tryptophan. High titer antiserum directed against E. coli Trp repressor protein, elicited in rabbits, was monospecific toward native or denatured Trp repressor. Using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to measure antigen-antibody reaction, we found that the binding of L-tryptophan to Trp repressor was associated with a marked decrease in antibody reactivity that presumably accompanied a conformational change in this protein to a state with strong affinity for trp operator-bearing DNA. We analyzed the pattern of cleavage of Trp repressor by chymotrypsin and trypsin and the effect of L-tryptophan on such hydrolytic cleavages. Chymotrypsin cleaved Trp repressor mainly between residues 71 and 72. In the presence of L-tryptophan this cleavage was slowed. The first-order rate constants for chymotryptic digestion of Trp repressor were 7.6 X 10(-2) and 4.6 X 10(-2) min-1 in the absence and presence of L-tryptophan, respectively. Tryptic digestion was more complex. Initial cleavage of Trp repressor occurred with approximately equal facility between residues 69-70 or 84-85. Subsequent tryptic hydrolyses led eventually to a major core fragment containing the first 54 amino acids of Trp repressor plus four other fragments from the carboxyl-terminal half of the protein. In the presence of L-tryptophan, cleavage by trypsin between residues 54-55 and 84-85 was retarded, even when a previous hydrolytic event elsewhere in the protein had occurred. Tryptophan had essentially no effect on the tryptic hydrolysis of peptide bond 97-98, but accelerated cleavage at peptide bond 69-70. The first-order rate constants for the first tryptic cleavage of Trp receptor were 1.55 X 10(-1) and 1.33 X 10(-1) min-1 in the absence and presence of ligand, respectively. Our results are compatible with a structural model wherein certain amino acid side chains and peptide bonds of Trp repressor (specifically, those of residues 69-85) lie on or near the surface of the protein. This region of Trp repressor has been predicted to contain the operator recognition site. The susceptibility to proteolytic attack of at least four peptide bonds in this area changes when the protein interacts with L-tryptophan.  相似文献   

In order to obtain further information about the structure and function of human sodium/D-glucose cotransporter 1 (hSGLT1), the recombinant protein was subjected, either after reconstitution into liposomes or in its free form, to proteolysis followed by nanoscale microcapillary liquid chromatography electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). The peptides released from SGLT1 proteoliposomes by trypsin bead digestion represented the early N-terminal, loop 7, and loop 9, supporting topology models that place these domains on the extracellular side of the protein. Trypsin bead digestion generated, however, also a number of peptides derived from loop 13 whose topology with regard to the membrane is hitherto a point of debate. Sequence coverage was provided from amino acids 559 to 644, suggesting that loop 13 is almost completely accessible at the extravesicular face of the proteoliposomes. These results support the notion that major parts of loop 13, essential for the interaction with transport inhibitors in vivo, are located extracellularly in intact cells. In-gel trypsin, chymotrypsin, and in particular trypsin/chymotrypsin digestion of recombinant SGLT1 in combination with LC-MS/MS provide extensive sequence coverage of the protein, including domains involved in sugar and inhibitor binding and potential phosphorylation sites. These studies demonstrate that proteomic analysis combined with mass spectrometry is a useful tool to characterize regions of SGLT1 that are important for its function and regulation.  相似文献   

3-Phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) catalyzes the reversible conversion of 3-phosphoglycerate (3-PG) and ATP to 1,3-diphosphoglycerate (1,3-diPG) and ADP in the presence of magnesium ions. PGK is a single polypeptide chain arranged in two domains, with an active site located in the interdomain cleft. The large distance between the binding sites for 3-PG and ATP, deduced from the crystallographic structures of the binary complexes, gave rise to the hypothesis that this enzyme undergoes a hinge-bending domain motion from open to closed conformation during catalysis. However, no direct experimental evidence exists for the "closed" conformation in the presence of both substrates. In this study, several PGK mutants with single tryptophans placed in various location were used as intrinsic fluorescent probes to examine the extent and delocalization of conformational changes induced by the binding of 3-PG, 1,3-diPG, ADP, ATP, and PNP-AMP (nonhydrolyzable analogue of ATP), and by 3-PG and PNP-AMP together. The results showed that only the probes situated in the hinge and in parts of each domain close to the hinge reflect substrate-induced conformational changes. Binding of substrates to one domain was found to induce spectral perturbation of the probes in the opposite domain, indicating a transmission of conformational changes between the domains. A combination of both substrates generated much larger fluorescence changes than the individual substrates. The binding constants were determined for each substrate using probes situated in different locations.  相似文献   

Photoreceptor chromoproteins undergo light-induced conformational changes that result in a modulation of protein interaction and enzymatic activity. Bacterial phytochromes such as Cph1 from the cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC 6803 are light-regulated histidine kinases in which the light signal is transferred from the N-terminal chromophore module to the C-terminal kinase module. In this study, purified recombinant Cph1 was subjected to limited proteolysis using trypsin and endoproteinase Glu-C (V8). Cleavage sites of chromopeptide fragments were determined by MALDI-TOF and micro-HPLC on-line with tandem mass spectrometry in an ion trap mass spectrometer. Trypsin produced three major chromopeptides, termed F1 (S56 to R520), F2 (T64 to R472), and F3 (L81 to R472). F1 was produced only in the far-red absorbing form Pfr within 15 min and remained stable up to >1 h; F2 and F3 were obtained in the red-light absorbing form Pr within ca. 5-10 min. When F1 was photoconverted to Pr in the presence of trypsin, this fragment degraded to F2 and F3 within 1-2 min. On size exclusion chromatography, F1 eluted as a dimer in the Pfr and as a monomer in the Pr form, whereas F2 and F3 behaved always as monomers, irrespective of the light conditions. These and other results are discussed in the context of light-dependent subunit interactions, in which amino acids 473-520 within the PHY domain are required for chromophore-module subunit interaction within the homodimer. V8 proteolysis yielded five major chromopeptides, F4 (T17 to N449), F5 (T17 to E335), F6 (T17 to E323), F7 (unknown sequence), and F8 (tentatively L121 to E323). F6 and F8 were formed in the Pr form, whereas F4, F5, and F7 were preferentially formed in the Pfr form. Three amino acids next to specific cleavage sites, R520, R472, and E323, were altered by site-directed mutagenesis. The mutants were analyzed by UV-vis spectroscopy, size exclusion chromatography, and autophosphorylation. Histidine kinase activity was low in R472A, R520P, and R520A; in all mutants, the ratio of phosphorylation intensity between Pr and Pfr was reduced. Thus, light regulation of autophosphorylation is negatively affected in all mutants. In R472P, E323P, and E323D, the phosphorylation intensity of the Pfr form exceeded that of the wild-type control. This result shows that the histidine kinase activity of Cph1 is actively inhibited by photoconversion into Pfr.  相似文献   

Membrane-bound transport proteins are expected to proceed via different conformational states during the translocation of a solute across the membrane. Tryptophan phosphorescence spectroscopy is one of the most sensitive methods used for detecting conformational changes in proteins. We employed this technique to study substrate-induced conformational changes in the mannitol permease, EnzymeII(mtl), of the phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent phosphotransferase system from Escherichia coli. Ten mutants containing a single tryptophan were engineered in the membrane-embedded IIC(mtl)-domain, harboring the mannitol translocation pathway. The mutants were characterized with respect to steady-state and time-resolved phosphorescence, yielding detailed, site-specific information of the Trp microenvironment and protein conformational homogeneity. The study revealed that the Trp environments vary from apolar, unstructured, and flexible sites to buried, highly homogeneous, rigid peptide cores. The most remarkable example of the latter was observed for position 97, because its long sub-second phosphorescence lifetime and highly structured spectra in both glassy and fluid media imply a well defined and rigid core around the probe that is typical of beta-sheet-rich structural motifs. The addition of mannitol had a large impact on most of the Trp positions studied. In the case of position 97, mannitol binding induced partial unfolding of the rigid protein core. On the contrary, for residue positions 126, 133, and 147, both steady-state and time-resolved data showed that mannitol binding induces a more ordered and homogeneous structure around these residues. The observations are discussed in context of the current mechanistic and structural model of EII(mtl).  相似文献   

Chloroplast coupling factor 1 (CF1) contains a high-affinity binding site for 8-anilino-1-napthalene sulphonate (ANS,Kd = 5-6 microM). The binding of ANS to the enzyme is associated with a fluorescence enhancement and a blue-shift in the emission spectrum. ANS only slightly inhibits ATP hydrolysis by CF1. Adenine nucleotides and inorganic phosphate induce a fast ANS fluorescence quenching of about 50% which is due to a decrease in the affinity of the enzyme for ANS (Kd increases from 6 microM to 22 microM) and in the fluorescence quantum yield of the bound probe (by 33%) but not in the number of ANS sites (n = 1). Conversely, Mg and Ca ions induce a fluorescence enhancement of bound ANS. Inactivation of the enzyme enhances ANS fluorescence, eliminates the response to adenine nucleotides and inorganic phosphate but increases the response to divalent metals. The affinity of latent CF1 for ADP (Kd = 12 microM) is considerably higher than for ATP (Kd = 95 microM) in buffer containing EDTA. The Kd for inorganic phosphate is 140 microM. Mg increases the apparent affinity for ATP (Kd = 28 microM) but not for ADP or Pi. Binding of ATP to the tight-sites does not inhibit the ADP or Pi-induced fluorescence quenching but decreases the affinity for ADP (Kd = 34 microM) and for inorganic phosphate (Kd = 320 microM). These results suggest that the ADP and phosphate binding sites are different but not independent from the tight sites. Activation of a Mg-specific ATPase in CF1 by octyl glucoside decreases the affinity for ADP and inorganic phosphate by about threefold but increases the affinity for ATP. ATPase activation of CF1 also increases the Ki for ADP inhibition of ATP hydrolysis. ATPase activation also influences the ANS responses to Ca and Mg. Ca-ATPase activation increases the fluorescence enhancement and the apparent affinity for Ca whereas Mg-ATPase activation specifically increases the Mg-induced fluorescence enhancement. The fluorescence of CF1-bound ANS is enhanced by Dio-9 and quenched by phloridzin, quercetin, Nbf-Cl and FITC. Nbf-Cl and FITC completely inhibit the ADP-induced fluorescence quenching whereas Dio-9 inhibits the Mg-induced fluorescence enhancement. ANS does not relieve the quercetin or phloridzin inhibition of ATP hydrolysis indicating that these inhibitors do not compete with ANS for a common binding site. ANS may be used, therefore, as a sensitive probe to detect conformational changes in CF1 in response to activation or inactivation and to binding of substrates and of inhibitors.  相似文献   

Digestion of the F1-ATPase of Escherichia coli with trypsin stimulated ATP hydrolytic activity and removed the delta and epsilon subunits of the enzyme. A species represented by the formula alpha 1(3) beta 1(3) gamma 1, where alpha 1, beta 1 and gamma 1 are forms of the native alpha, beta and gamma subunits which have been attacked by trypsin, was formed by trypsin digestion in the presence of ATP. In the presence of ATP and MgCl2, conversion of gamma to gamma 1 was retarded and the enzyme retained the epsilon subunit. These results imply that binding of ATP to the beta subunits alters the conformation of ECF1 to increase the accessibility of the gamma subunit to trypsin. The likely trypsin cleavage sites in the alpha, beta and gamma subunits are discussed. ECF1 from the alpha subunit-defective mutant uncA401, or after treatment with N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide or 4-chloro-7-nitrobenzofurazan, was present in a conformation in which the gamma subunit was readily accessible to trypsin and could not be protected by the presence of ATP and MgCl2. In a similar manner to native E. coli F1-ATPase, the hydrolytic activity of the trypsin-digested enzyme was stimulated by the detergent lauryldimethylamine N-oxide. Since the digested enzyme lacked the epsilon subunit, a putative inhibitor of hydrolytic activity, a mechanism for the stimulation which involves loss or movement of this subunit is untenable.  相似文献   

The rotational freedom of tryptophan residues in protein-ligand complexes was studied by measuring steady-state fluorescence anisotropies under conditions of oxygen quenching. There was a decrease in the oxygen bimolecular quenching constant upon complexation of trypsin and alpha-chymotrypsin with proteinaceous trypsin inhibitors, of lysozyme with N-acetylglucosamine (NAG) and di(N-acetyl-D-glucosamine) ((NAG)2) and of hexokinase with glucose. Binding of the bisubstrate analogue N-phosphonacetyl-L-aspartate (PALA) to aspartate transcarbamylase (ATCase) and binding of biotin to avidin resulted in increased oxygen quenching constants. The tryptophan of human serum albumin (HSA) in the F state was more accessible to oxygen quenching than that in the N state. With the exception of ATCase, the presence of subnanosecond motions of the tryptophan residues in all the proteins is suggested by the short apparent correlation times for fluorescence depolarization and by the low apparent anisotropies obtained by extrapolation to a lifetime of zero. Complex formation evidently resulted in more rigid structures in the case of trypsin, alpha-chymotrypsin and lysozyme. The effects of glucose binding on hexokinase were not significant. Binding of biotin to avidin resulted in a shorter correlation time for the tryptophan residues. The N --> F transition in HSA resulted in a more rigid environment for the tryptophan residue. Overall, these changes in the dynamics of the protein matrix and motional freedom of tryptophan residues due to complex formation and subsequent conformational changes are in the same direction as those observed by other techniques, especially hydrogen exchange. Significantly, the effects of complex formation on protein dynamics are variable. Among the limited number of cases we examined, the effects of complex formation were to increase, decrease or leave unchanged the apparent dynamics of the protein matrix.  相似文献   

Bovine cardiac troponin C was modified by N-(1-pyrene)maleimide at Cys-35 and Cys-84; the Ca2+-induced conformational changes were followed by measuring pyrene fluorescence. In isolated troponin C, the saturation of Ca2+, Mg2+-sites leads to a simultaneous increase in the pyrene monomer as well as to a decrease in the pyrene excimer fluorescence, whereas the saturation of Ca2+-specific sites results in a slight decrease in the fluorescence of pyrene monomer. Troponin T does not influence the dependence of pyrene-troponin C fluorescence on Ca2+ concentration. Within the equimolar complex of troponin C and troponin I, the saturation of Ca2+, Mg2+-sites has no effect on pyrene fluorescence, whereas the saturation of Ca2+-specific sites leads to a simultaneous decrease of both pyrene monomer and pyrene excimer fluorescence. It is supposed that troponin I diminishes the conformational changes in troponin C that are induced by the saturation of Ca2+, Mg2+-sites and enhances the conformational changes induced by the saturation of Ca2+-specific sites of troponin C.  相似文献   

Quick M  Tomasevic J  Wright EM 《Biochemistry》2003,42(30):9147-9152
The functional characteristics of the forward and reverse transport modes of the human Na(+)/glucose transporter (hSGLT1) were investigated using plasma membrane vesicles of E. coli expressing the recombinant transporter. Correctly and inverse-oriented vesicles were employed to measure the initial rates of methyl-alpha-D-glucose uptake, under zero-trans conditions, as a function of Na(+), sugar, and phlorizin concentrations and membrane potential. This approach enabled the analysis of the two faces of hSGLT1 in parallel, revealing the reversibility of Na(+)/sugar cotransport. While the key characteristics of secondary active sugar transport were maintained in both modes, namely, Na(+) and voltage dependence, the kinetic properties of the two sides indicated a functional asymmetry of the transporter. That is, the apparent affinity for sugar and driver cation Na(+) exhibited a difference of more than 1 order of magnitude between the two modes. Furthermore, the selectivity pattern of ligands and the interaction of the transporter with the competitive inhibitor phlorizin were different. Whereas the high-affinity substrates, D-glucose and D-galactose, inhibited uptake of radioactive sugar tracer at their physiological concentrations (10 mM) in the forward reaction, they were poor inhibitors even at high concentrations in the reverse transport mode. Taken together, these results confirm the successful employment of E. coli to express and characterize a human membrane protein (hSGLT1), elucidating the functional asymmetry of this cotransporter.  相似文献   

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