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Intact mitochondria were prepared from spinach (Spinacia oleracea L. var. Kyoho) leaf protoplasts and purified by Percoll discontinuous gradient centrifugation. Assays of several marker enzymes showed that the final mitochondrial preparations obtained are nearly free from other contaminating organelles, e.g. chloroplasts, peroxisomes, and endoplasmic reticulum. These mitochondria oxidized malate, glycine, succinate, and NADH, tightly coupled to oxidative phosphorylation with high values of ADP to O ratio as well as respiratory control ratio. The rate of NADH oxidation was 331 nmoles O2 per milligram mitochondrial protein per minute, which is comparable to that obtained by highly purified potato or mung bean mitochondria. However, the activity of glutamine synthetase was barely detectable in the isolated mitochondrial fraction. This finding rules out a hypothetical scheme (Jackson, Dench, Morris, Lui, Hall, Moore 1971 Biochem Soc Trans 7: 1122) dealing with the role of the mitochondrial glutamine synthetase in the reassimilation of NH3, which is released during the step of photorespiratory glycine decarboxylation in green leaf tissues, but it is consistent with the photosynthetic nitrogen cycle (Keys, Bird, Cornelius, Lea, Wallsgrove, Miflin 1978 Nature (Lond) 275: 741), in which NH3 reassimilation occurs outside the mitochondria.  相似文献   

Isolation of deoxyribonucleic acid from mammalian tissues   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
1. DNA has been isolated from different mammalian tissues. The DNA preparations were free from RNA, protein and polysaccharides and have a similar range of sedimentation coefficients (approx. 24s). 2. Protein was removed by a two-stage extraction with a phenol-cresol mixture by using a detergent with 4-aminosalicylate in the first stage and sodium chloride in the second. 3. Polysaccharides remained in solution when DNA was precipitated with 2-butoxyethanol in the presence of 0.5m-sodium chloride and 1.5m-sodium benzoate. 4. Ribosomal RNA was removed by precipitation in the presence of 3m-sodium chloride at 0 degrees , when DNA remained soluble.  相似文献   

Isolation of tightly coupled mitochondria from acidic plant tissues   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

Antipsychotic drugs such as chlorpromazine and trifluoperazine have been implicated to mediate their action by inhibiting calmodulin, the general calcium regulatory protein in eukaryotic cells. We observed that both these drugs were cytotoxic to different mammalian cell types at concentrations two- to three-fold lower than those required to inhibit calmodulin-dependent phosphodiesterase activity. These drugs also caused shrinkage and rounding of chicken embryo fibroblast cells without affecting any of the cytoskeletal components, viz. microtubules, microfilaments and intermediate filaments. However, at physiological concentrations of these drugs, a major change was observed in mitochondria which assumed rounded and swollen shapes and concentrated towards the perinuclear region of cells. These studies provide evidence that in contrast to earlier reports, cytoskeletal components are not the primary targets of these drugs. It is suggested that mitochondria may be one of the first structures to be affected by these drugs and the consequent energy depletion may lead to the other observed effects.  相似文献   

Isolation of messenger ribonucleoproteins from mammalian cells   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
EDTA-dissociated polysomes from normally growing and adenovirus-infected KB cells were fractionated by affinity chromatography on oligo(dT)-cellulose into an unadsorbed fraction containing the ribosomal subunits and a second fraction which bound to the adsorbent. The latter fraction, recovered from the oligo(dT)-cellulose by elution with formamide in a buffer containing 0.2 m-NaCl, was shown to contain messenger RNA together with protein. Evidence was obtained that a substantial part (50%) of 35S-labelled protein was associated with the mRNA when eluted from the oligo(dT)-cellulose, and that up to 75% of the labelled protein was mRNA-associated after dilution of the eluted material in buffer not containing formamide. As judged from the characteristic gel electrophoresis pattern of adenovirus-specific mRNA derived from such messenger ribonucleoprotein complexes, the mRNA remained intact during the isolation procedure. Analysis of the fraction containing the majority of the messenger ribonucleoprotein complexes on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels showed a specific pattern of labelled polypeptides, which in the case of material from uninfected cells consisted of four major labelled polypeptides; approximate molecular weights 56,000, 68,000, 78,000 and 130,000. When the material from the adenovirus infected cells was analysed a set of four polypeptides, which migrated identically to those of the uninfected cells, was found. However, in addition to this apparently common set of polypeptides, the material from the infected cells, harvested late in the infectious cycle, contained one extra polypeptide with an approximate molecular weight of 110,000.  相似文献   

An assay of gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase (gamma-GCS) and glutathione synthetase (GS) in crude extracts of cultured cells and tissues is described. It represents a novel combination of known methods, and is based on the formation of glutathione (GSH) from cysteine, glutamate and glycine in the presence of rat kidney GS for the assay of gamma-GCS, or from gamma-glutamylcysteine and glycine for the assay of GS. GSH is then quantified by the Tietze recycling method. Assay mixtures contain the gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) inhibitor acivicin in order to prevent the degradation of gamma-glutamylcysteine and of the accumulating GSH, and dithiothreitol in order to prevent the oxidation of cysteine and gamma-glutamylcysteine. gamma-GCS and GS levels determined by this method are comparable to those determined by others. The method is suitable for the rapid determination of gamma-GCS GS in GGT-containing tissues and for the studies of induction of gamma-GCS and GS in tissue cultures.  相似文献   

Here, we present a protocol for the isolation of endothelial cells (ECs) from tissues. ECs make up a minor population of cells in a tissue, but play a major role in tissue homeostasis, as well as in diverse pathologies. To understand the biology of ECs, characterization of this cell population is highly desirable, but requires the availability of purified cells. For this purpose, tissues are mechanically minced and subsequently digested enzymatically with collagenase and dispase. ECs in the resulting single-cell suspension are labeled with Abs against EC surface antigens and separated from the remainder of the cells and debris by capture with magnetic beads or by high-speed cell sorting. Purified ECs are viable and suitable for characterization of diverse cellular properties. This protocol is optimized for human tissues but can also be adapted for use with other species. Depending on the tissue, the procedure can be completed in approximately 6 h.  相似文献   

Crude extract of young rat brain forms actin-based gels upon incubation at 25 degrees C. After boiling the gelled material, a protein fraction composed mostly of a major band of 110 kDa and a minor band of 120 kDa in SDS-PAGE was obtained by hydroxyapatite column chromatography. When the same protein fraction was prepared from bovine brains using the same procedure with two additional column chromatographies, the amounts of both proteins were nearly the same. Both proteins cosedimented with actin filaments upon centrifugation. Antibody was produced in a rabbit against the bovine fraction and affinity purified using a nitrocellulose paper onto which these proteins were transferred electrophoretically. Immunoblot analysis showed that both proteins are immunologically similar, and we refer to both proteins as 110K protein, collectively. The immunoblot analysis also revealed that the 110K protein is contained in cultured cells such as BHK, 3Y1, NRK, and MDBK. Analysis of various tissue extracts showed that brain is rich in this protein but liver, kidney, and lung contain negligible amounts. Indirect immunofluorescent analysis using cells during spreading showed preferential localization in the leading edge region and no fluorescence was detected in the stress fiber. Double immunostaining using monoclonal anti-vinculin and anti-110K protein antibodies revealed that the distribution patterns of both proteins are different from each other.  相似文献   

Tomatine was present in cultured excised tomato roots but in lower concentrations than in seedling radicles of the same age. The alkaloid was not detected in 'spent' root medium. Newly-initiated callus cultures of hypocotyl, radicle and cotyledon origin produced roots, and tomatine was isolated from both roots and callus. Roots contained more tomatine than callus, but neither contained as much as the organ explants from which the cultures were initiated. The number of roots produced decreased with time, as did also the tomatine content of the callus tissues. After 447 days, when no organized structures were produced by callus cultures, tomatine was not detected. An established hypocotyl callus contained small amounts of tomatine when grown on certain nutrient media, but a chlorophyllous sub-isolate of this callus did not produce detectable quantities of the alkaloid. Tomatine was not detected in an established root callus isolate or in suspension cultures initiated from established, tomatine-containing hypocotyl callus.  相似文献   

Dihydrofolate reductase was purified quickly and simply from small quantities of cultured mammalian cells by affinity chromatography. On gel electrophoresis of the purified enzyme, multiple bands of activity resulted from enzyme-buffer interaction at low but not high buffer concentration. A Ferguson plot (Ferguson, 1964) showed that this heterogeneity was due to a charge difference with no alteration in the size of the enzyme. Stimulation of enzyme activity by KCl, urea and p-hydroxymercuribenzoate, and inhibition by methotrexate and trimethoprim, showed only minor differences between the various enzymes.  相似文献   

KB cell ribonuclease has been purified 260-fold and the fundamental properties have been studied. Though the enzyme is concentrated in the lysosomal fraction, appreciable quantities are present in the cell sap and nuclear fractions. Comparison of the optimal temperature and pH for activity, and the heat stability of enzyme from these three fractions suggests that only one species of this enzyme exists in these cells. The enzyme behaves as an endonuclease, cleaving synthetic pyrimidine polynucleotides to smaller oligonucleotides with cyclic 2′:3′ end-groups. The final product is pyrimidine nucleoside 3′ monophosphate. Polyadenylic acid is not hydrolyzed. Of the properties examined in this study only two differences were noted between KB cell and pancreatic ribonuclease. KB cell enzyme acts optimally at pH 6 as opposed to an optimum at pH 7 to 8 for pancreatic enzyme. In addition ribonuclease from KB cells is definitely less stable to heating at 100°C than is the enzyme isolated from pancreas.  相似文献   

We have developed a new method for the rapid isolation of tropomyosin-containing microfilaments from cultured cells using anti-tropomyosin monoclonal antibodies. Anti-tropomyosin monoclonal antibodies induce the bundle formation of microfilaments, which can be easily collected by low speed centrifugation. Electron microscopic studies of the isolated microfilaments show periodic localization of tropomyosin along the microfilaments of nonmuscle cells with a 33-34 nm repeat. Furthermore, the isolated microfilaments have the ability to activate the Mg2+-ATPase activity of skeletal muscle myosin to almost the same extent as skeletal muscle F-actin (filamentous actin). This microfilament isolation method is applicable to a variety of cell types, including REF-52 cells (an established rat embryo line), L6 myoblasts, 3T3 fibroblasts, Chinese hamster ovary cells, baby hamster kidney (BHK-21) cells, mouse neuroblastoma cells, gerbil fibroma cells, and chicken embryo fibroblasts. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel analysis shows that, in addition to actin, microfilaments isolated from REF-52 cells contain five species of tropomyosin with apparent Mr = 40,000, 36,500, 35,000, 32,400, and 32,000, alpha-actinin, and as yet unknown proteins with apparent Mr = 83,000 and 37,000. The molar ratio of total tropomyosin (dimer) to actin in the isolated microfilaments is 1:8. The patterns of these multiple forms of tropomyosin were found to change when REF-52 cells were transformed with SV40 or adenovirus type 5.  相似文献   

Electron tomography of vitreous sections from cultured mammalian cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cryo-electron tomography of appropriately thin, frozen-hydrated biological specimens has excellent potential for investigating the 3D macromolecular architecture of eukaryotic cells and tissues. Since cardiomyocytes are too thick to be visualised in an intact state, we grew immortalised cell line HL-1 to sub-confluency and harvested the cells by enzymatic detachment prior to hyperbaric freezing, ultramicrotomy, and tomography. We improved the efficiency of tomographic acquisition from vitreous cryosections by implementing two new features: (1) fluorescence microscopy at cryogenic temperatures to search for features of interest without expending any of the tolerable electron dose on secondary (non-imaging) tasks, and (2) the use of colloidal gold as fiducial markers. Vital fluorescent staining and subsequent cryo-fluorescence microscopy of vitreous sections were used to localise mitochondria lying in positions suitable for acquiring tilt series, taking into account section flatness, presence of contamination and proximity to grid bars. To provide a simple and robust means of aligning tomograms, we developed a universally applicable protocol for depositing colloidal gold onto vitreous sections, analogous to the method for applying quantum dots described by Masich et al. [Masich, S., Östberg, T., Norlén, L., Shupliakov, O., Daneholt, B., 2006. A procedure to deposit fiducial markers on vitreous cryo-sections for cellular tomography. J. Struct. Biol. 156, 461–468]. Tomograms of thin sections (nominal thickness 65–85 nm) of cardiac mitochondria revealed the interconnectivity of cristae and junctions with the inner mitochondrial membrane. In some cases, ATP synthases could be identified without ambiguity. These findings confirm the feasibility of investigating the structural biology of mammalian cells in three dimensions and at a resolution of 6–8 nm.  相似文献   

DNA from cultured Chinese hamster cells has been fractionated to yield a population of DNA enriched for replicating molecules. Molecules containing replication structures were analyzed by electron microscopy, and replicon size was estimated. The enrichment procedure takes advantage of single-stranded regions characteristic of replicating molecules, and the greater affinity of mercuric ion for single-stranded rather than native DNA. After interaction with low concentrations of HgCl2, DNA with bound mercury is separated from the bulk of the DNA by virtue of its increased buoyant density in an isopycnic Cs2SO4 gradient. When DNA from cells labeled with [3H]thymidine for 45 s is interacted with HgCl2 and banded in Cs2SO4, the DNA with the highest specific activity is found in a dense region of the gradient. The high specific activity DNA behaves kinetically like nascent DNA since the radioactivity can be chased into main band if the cells are incubated for a further 2 h in excess unlabeled thymidine. Electron microscope analysis of the DNA in the enriched fraction confirmed that it contains a substantial fraction of molecules with replication structures. The level of enrichment is about 25-fold compared to unfractionated DNA or DNA taken from the main band of the Hg++/Cs2SO4 gradient. Of the replicating molecules visualized, 85% possessed a single replication structure. All molecules with multiple replication forms contained replicon sizes less than 5 micron, ranging from 0.2 to 4.5 micron. Replicon size was determined by measuring the distance from the center of one replication structure to the center of the adjacent replication structure on the same molecule. The replicons observed in this study are far smaller than can be detected by DNA fiber autoradiography and are in the same size range as the very small replication units reported in embryonic systems.  相似文献   

A new continuous flow electrophoretic separator for cells and macromolecules was built and tested in laboratory experiments and in the microgravity environment of space flight. Buffer flows upward in a 120-cm long flow chamber, which is 6 cm wide X 1.5 mm thick in the laboratory version and 16 cm wide X 3.0 mm thick in the microgravity version. Electrophoretic subpopulations are collected in 197 fractions spanning 16 cm at the upper end of the chamber. The electrode buffer is recirculated through front and back cooling chambers, which are also electrode chambers. Ovalbumin and rat serum albumin were used as test proteins in resolution and throughout tests; resolution of these two proteins at 25% total w/v concentration in microgravity was the same as that found at 0.2% w/v concentration in the laboratory. Band spreading caused by Poiseuille flow and conductance gaps was evaluated using polystyrene microspheres in microgravity, and these phenomena were quantitatively the same in microgravity as in the laboratory. Rat anterior pituitary cells were separated into subpopulations enriched with cells that secrete specific hormones; growth-hormone-secreting cells were found to have high electrophoretic mobility, whereas prolactin-secreting cells were found to have low electrophoretic mobility. Cultured human embryonic kidney cells were separated into several electrophoretic subfractions that produced different plasminogen activators; a medium-high-mobility subpopulation and a medium-low-mobility subpopulation each produced a different molecular form of urokinase, whereas a high- and an intermediate-mobility subpopulation produced tissue plasminogen activator. Canine pancreatic islets of Langerhans cells were separated into subpopulations, which, after reaggregation into pseudoislets, were found to be enriched with cells that secrete specific hormones; insulin-secreting beta cells were found in lowest mobility fractions, whereas glucagon-secreting alpha cells were found in the highest mobility fractions. Results of particle electrophoresis experiments were comparable in microgravity and in the laboratory, since cell densities that overloaded the carrier buffer (resulting in zone sedimentation) were avoided, and a 500-fold increase in protein throughput was achieved without compromising resolution in microgravity.  相似文献   

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