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The rpoS gene of Serratia entomophila BC4B was cloned and used to create rpoS-mutant strain BC4BRS. Larvae of the New Zealand grass grub Costelytra zealandica infected with BC4BRS became amber colored but continued to feed, albeit to a lesser extent than infected larvae. Subsequently, we found that expression of the antifeeding gene anfA1 in trans was substantially reduced in BC4BRS relative to that in the parental strain BC4B. Our data show that a functional rpoS gene is vital for full expression of anfA1 and for development of the antifeeding component of amber disease.  相似文献   

Serratia entomophila and Serratia proteamaculans (Enterobacteriaceae) cause amber disease in the grass grub Costelytra zealandica (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), an important pasture pest in New Zealand. Larval disease symptoms include cessation of feeding, clearance of the gut, amber coloration, and eventual death. A 155-kb plasmid, pADAP, carries the genes sepA, sepB, and sepC, which are essential for production of amber disease symptoms. Transposon insertions in any of the sep genes in pADAP abolish gut clearance but not cessation of feeding, indicating the presence of an antifeeding gene(s) elsewhere on pADAP. Based on deletion analysis of pADAP and subsequent sequence data, a 47-kb clone was constructed, which when placed in either an Escherichia coli or a Serratia background exerted strong antifeeding activity and often led to rapid death of the infected grass grub larvae. Sequence data show that the antifeeding component is part of a large gene cluster that may form a defective prophage and that six potential members of this prophage are present in Photorhabdus luminescens subsp. laumondii TTO1, a species which also has sep gene homologues.  相似文献   

The rpoS gene in Pseudomonas putida was essential for plant root colonization under competitive conditions from other microbes. The RpoS- mutant survived less well than the wild-type strain in culture medium, and unlike the wild-type, failed to colonize the roots in a peat matrix containing an established diverse microflora. The RpoS-deficient P. putida isolate was generated by insertion of a glucuronidase-npt cassette into the rpoS gene. The RpoS mutant had dose-dependent increased sensitivity to oxidative stress and produced Mn-superoxide dismutase activity earlier than the parent. While extracts from wild-type P. putida stationary-phase cells contained three isozymes of catalase (CatA, CatB, and CatC), the sigma38-deficient P. putida lacked CatB. These results are consistent with previous findings that CatB is induced in stationary-phase.  相似文献   

C.R. WILSON, T.A. JACKSON AND H.K. MAHANTY. 1993. Bacteriophage was found for the first time associated with the bacterium Serratia entomophila, a pathogen of the New Zealand grass grub ( Costelytra zealandica ). Phage was isolated from the homogenized guts of field-collected grass grubs from sites throughout New Zealand. The main phage type, φCW1, produced opaque plaques in sensitive bacterial lawn and had a lamboid structure consisting of an icosahedral head (55 nm) and a long non-contractile tail (175 times 17 nm) with a bar across the base of the tail. Nucleic acid from φCW1 was digested to nucleotides by DNAse, suggesting double stranded DNA. On further examination of the homogenates, five phage types, φCW1-5, could be distinguished on the basis of plaque morphology. Bacterial host range was determined by testing against a selection of Serratia spp. and other bacteria. All five phage types lysed Ser. entomophila only. Differences in susceptibility to the phage types were found within this species. Lysogeny was demonstrated in φCW1 by immunity to superinfection and induction of free bacteriophage from suspected lysogens. A restriction map for φCW1 was determined with Bam HI, Eco RI and Hind III and a postulated origin of replication (ori) and cohesive site (cos) was suggested. The possible implications of bacteriophage on the use of Ser. entomophila as a biological control agent are discussed.  相似文献   

Hurst MR  O'Callaghan M  Glare TR 《Plasmid》2003,50(3):213-229
Some strains of the Enterobacteriaceae Serratia entomophila and Serratia proteamaculans cause amber disease in the grass grub, Costelytra zealandica (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), an important pasture pest in New Zealand. The genes responsible for this disease reside on a large, 155-kb plasmid designated amber disease-associated plasmid (pADAP). Herein, we report the DNA sequencing of approximately 50 kb upstream and 10 kb downstream of the virulence-encoding region. Based on similarity with proteins in the current databases, and potential ribosome-binding sites, 63 potential ORFs were determined. Eleven of these ORFs belong to a type IV pilus cluster (pilL-V) and a further eight have similarities to the translated products of the plasmid transfer traH-N genes of the plasmid R64. In addition, a degenerate 785-nt direct repeat flanks a 44.7-kb region with the potential to encode three Bacillus subtilis Yee-type proteins, a fimbrial gene cluster, the sep virulence-associated genes and several remnant IS elements.  相似文献   

A previously described regulatory mutation which abolishes expression of the extracellular nuclease of Serratia marcescens is shown to be a mutation of the Serratia recA gene. The defect in nuclease expression could be restored by introducing a plasmid carrying the recA gene of Escherichia coli. The DNA sequence of the Serratia gene is very similar to that of the E. coli gene. The putative LexA-binding site of the Serratia recA gene is almost identical to that of E. coli, along with the promoter. A similar LexA-binding site can also be found upstream of the nuclease gene. As expected from this finding, we show that nuclease expression can be induced by SOS-inducing agents such as mitomycin C. Although inducible in S. marcescens, the nuclease was expressed only at the uninduced levels in E. coli and could not be induced by mitomycin C. The extracellular chitinase and lipase were similarly affected by the mutations altering nuclease expression and were also induced by mitomycin C.  相似文献   

Some strains of Serratia entomophila and S. proteamaculans cause amber disease of the New Zealand grass grub Costelytra zealandica (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), an important pasture pest in New Zealand. The disease determinants of S. entomophila, are encoded on a 153,404-bp plasmid, termed pADAP for amber disease associated plasmid. The S. proteamaculans strain 143 (Sp143) exhibits an unusual pathotype, where only 60-70% of C. zealandica larvae infected with the bacterium succumb to disease. DNA sequence analysis of the Sp143 pU143 virulence associated region identified high DNA similarity to the pADAP sep virulence associated region, with DNA sequence variation in the sepA gene and the variable region of the sepC component. No pADAP anti-feeding prophage orthologue was detected in the Sp143 genome. The region of pADAP replication was cloned and found to replicate in S. entomophila but not in Escherichia coli. DNA sequence analysis of the plasmid pSG348 repA gene from the French isolate of Serratia grimesii, identified 93% DNA identity to the pADAP repA gene. A comparison of the pU143 virulence associated region with the completed pADAP nucleotide sequence is given.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli aidB gene is regulated by two different mechanisms, an ada-dependent pathway triggered by methyl damage to DNA and an ada-independent pathway triggered when cells are grown without aeration. In this report we describe our search for mutations affecting the ada-independent aidB induction pathway. The mutant strain identified carries two mutations affecting aidB expression. These mutations are named abrB (aidB regulator) and abrD. The abrB mutation is presently poorly characterized because of instability of the phenotype it imparts. The second mutation, abrD1, reduces the expression of aidB observed when aeration is ceased and oxygen becomes limiting. Genetic and phenotypic analysis of the abrD1 mutation demonstrates that it is an allele of rpoS. Thus, aidB is a member of the family of genes that are transcribed by a sigma S-directed RNA polymerase holoenzyme. Examination of aidB expression in an rpoS insertion mutant strain indicates that both rpoS13::Tn10 and abrD1 mutations reduce aidB expression under oxygen-limiting conditions that prevail in unaerated cultures, reduce aidB induction by acetate at a low pH, but have little or no effect on the ada-dependent alkylation induction of aidB.  相似文献   

Successful large-scale fermentations of the bacterium Serratia entomophila for use in biological control of the soil-dwelling insect Costelytra zealandica has required the development of a phage-resistant mutant, BC4B. We report our investigations into S. entomophila phages and the nature of the phage resistance mechanism of strain BC4B. The parental strain of BC4B, A1MO2, was found to contain two previously unidentified prophages, (phi)9A and (phi)9B, which were UV inducible and also released spontaneously in large numbers. BC4B was shown to be completely cured of (phi)9A. Single lysogens of (phi)9A and (phi)9B were not homoimmune to any other S. entomophila phages. However, on the basis of DNA-DNA homology, all S. entomophila phages except (phi)CW3 were shown to have significant regions of homology and also packaged their DNA via pac-like mechanisms. The failure of phage particles to adsorb was identified as the basis of phage resistance in BC4B. In addition, it was demonstrated that all known S. entomophila phages are naturally temperature sensitive.  相似文献   

The bacteria Serratia entomophila and S. proteamaculans cause amber disease in the grass grub, Costelytra zealandica (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), an important pasture pest in New Zealand. Disease symptoms include rapid cessation of feeding and amber coloration of larvae. A 105-kb plasmid (designated pADAP) has consistently been found only in pathogenic isolates of both species. Investigations into the involvement of pADAP in amber disease have been hindered by the lack of both a selectable marker on the plasmid and a reliable transposon delivery system. Kanamycin-resistant transposon insertions into three cloned HindIII fragments (9.5, 9.6, and 10.6 kb) were isolated and introduced into pADAP by shuttle mutagenesis. Inserts into the 9.5-and 9.6-kb HindIII fragments on pADAP did not alter disease-causing ability. When plasmids with inserts into the 9.6-kb region were conjugated into plasmid-minus, nonpathogenic isolates of S. entomophila and S. proteamaculans, all of them became pathogenic. Transposon insertions into two regions of the 10.6-kb HindIII fragment continued to cause cessation of feeding but failed to produce amber coloration. Further analysis of a mutant from each amber-minus region (pADK-10 and pADK-13) demonstrated that the antifeeding effect was produced only at dosages higher than that of the wild-type strain. Complementation with the wild-type HindIII fragment restored full-blown disease properties for pADK-13, but not for pADK-10.  相似文献   

The sheath of the Serratia entomophila antifeeding prophage, which is pathogenic to the New Zealand grass grub Costelytra zealandica, is a 3-fold helix formed by a 4-fold symmetric repeating motif disposed around a helical inner tube. This structure, determined by electron microscopy and image processing, is distinct from that of the other known morphologically similar bacteriophage sheaths.The antifeeding prophage (Afp) of Serratia entomophila and Serratia proteamaculans is a naturally occurring virus tail-like structure which delivers a putative toxin molecule that leads to starvation of the New Zealand grass grub Costelytra zealandica (5). Afp is composed of 18 different gene products (molecular masses of 6.5 to 263 kDa). The first 16 open reading frames have orthologues (Photorhabdus virulence cassettes [PVC]) in the insecticidal bacterium Photorhabdus luminescens TTO1 genome (5). Afp and PVCs morphologically resemble a typical R-type bacteriocin (6, 12, 16) However, Afp is the only known phage tail-like protein complex that is not a bacteriocin-protein complex of considerable medical relevance that targets the same or closely related bacterial strains (1, 3, 8, 12). The major component of Afp is a contractile cylindrical outer sheath encasing an inner tube speculated to house the toxin molecule (6). A dome-shaped “head” defines one extremity of the tube, while the other end is attached to a “bell-shaped” structure with a base morphologically similar to the base plate of the T4 bacteriophage tail (9).Transmission electron micrographs of two-dimensional (2D) projections of negatively stained (Fig. (Fig.11 A) or frozen-hydrated and vitrified (Fig. (Fig.1B)1B) recombinant Afp particles (see Fig. S1 in the supplemental material) were used for computational image analysis. A globally averaged image of the Afp particle in the major configuration (called E here) (Fig. (Fig.1C),1C), generated using negatively stained specimens, clearly distinguished the morphologies of the various constituent structural parts. Thus, the cylindrical sheath appears to be formed by a periodic structure harboring a distinctive, inverted-V-shaped feature. A minor population of Afp particles displays an alternate configuration (called C here) where, concomitant with contraction of the sheath (averaged axial compression of ∼52% [see Table S1 in the supplemental material]), the inner tube, shorn off the bell-shaped structure, is revealed (Fig. (Fig.1A)1A) (6). Several other bacteriocins undergo such a high degree of compression, which has been characterized in detail for the tail sheath of bacteriophage T4 (9). We also generated individual global averages for the periodic sheath structure, for the bell-shaped structure, and for the inner tube (Fig. (Fig.1C)1C) which provide more accurate dimensions of these different sections (see Table S1 in the supplemental material) than those reported earlier (6).Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.(A) Electron micrograph of a negatively stained preparation of partially purified recombinant Afp particles. The gray, white, and black arrows point to an Afp particle in the extended (E) configuration, to an Afp particle with the sheath contracted, exposing the inner tube in the contracted (C) configuration, and to an inner tube with the bell-shaped structure attached at one end, respectively. (B) Cryoelectron micrograph recorded from a preparation similar to that shown in panel A. (C) Globally averaged images of Afp particles (3,026 images) in the E state and the three distinguishable parts visualized by negative staining. Bars, 200 Å. (D) Averaged power spectrum of the sheath of vitrified Afp particles. The black and white arrows indicate reflections delineating the axial rise (1/78.5 Å) and the helical pitch (1/118 Å), respectively. In panels A and C, lighter regions represent protein and the contrast is reversed in panel B. Global averages were created using classalign2 of the EMAN suite (10) and visualized in bshow (4).For a better insight, we determined the 3D structure of the central periodic section of the Afp particle in the E state. A global power spectrum derived from the cryoimages established the structure to be helical with a clear first meridional reflection at 1/78.5 Å and the first, strongest nonmeridional reflection at 1/118 Å (Fig. (Fig.1D).1D). These reflections correspond to the axial rise (Δx) and the pitch of the helix, respectively, and reflect a turn angle (Δψ) of about ±240° (32 helix) for the repeating motif. The correct sign, i.e., the hand, of the helix remains to be determined. Computationally excised overlapping segments of this helical section from images of vitrified and negatively stained Afp particles were subjected to 3D reconstruction using the iterative helical real-space reconstruction (IHRSR) algorithm (2) using the determined helical parameters (see Fig. S2 in the supplemental material). After a few iterations, the presence of an in-plane 4-fold symmetry (C4) was apparent in the density map (see Fig. S2 in the supplemental material), which was then imposed in the subsequent reconstruction exercises. However, no stable solution was forthcoming, even after many (e.g., 30) iterative cycles. This is generally indicative of the presence of heterogeneity in the form of variations in helix translation and/or twist angle (15) in the structure. As a first step, we focused our attention on the pitch value, and following classification (see Fig. S3 in the supplemental material), we found that the majority of the image segments correspond to a pitch of 120 Å. These segments were then selected out of the full data set and led to a stable and refined 3D reconstruction. We also obtained very comparable results for the helical section when images of negatively stained Afp sheath sections were used, thus supporting our computational approach (see Fig. S4 in the supplemental material) and general conclusions about the E state described below.Figure Figure22 A is an isosurface representation of the density map of the helical Afp sheath in the E state calculated at ∼21.5-Å resolution (see Fig. S5 in the supplemental material). To the best of our knowledge, a 4-fold rotational symmetry has not been seen for any other contractile T4 bacteriophage taillike structure, which points to the unique architecture of the Afp sheath. A power spectrum generated using the 2D projection from the final density map, compared to the experimental global power spectrum (Fig. (Fig.2D),2D), showed strong agreement, confirming the fidelity of the computational image analysis. The density map displays protein layers, ∼80 Å thick, that are stacked on each other in a periodic fashion. The uneven outer surface of the sheath is perforated and decorated with ∼35-Å protrusions. When rendered with a raised threshold, a characteristic feature of the map is a contiguous, high-electron-density region having an inverted-Y-shaped structure (Fig. 2C and E; see Fig. S4 in the supplemental material). At the modest ∼21.5-Å resolution, the boundary of the repeating subunit cannot be defined. A 25 ± 3-Å-wide central lumen is seen clearly when viewed along the helix axis (Fig. (Fig.2B)2B) and likely represents the pore of the inner tube (see also below). Using scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) (see Fig. S6 in the supplemental material), we estimated the averaged molecular mass of the central helical section of an Afp particle to be 9.8 ± 0.4 kDa/Å (Fig. (Fig.3)3) (14) and that of only the inner tube to be ∼2.5 kDa/Å, based on a relatively small pool of such images. These values translate to a mass contribution of approximately 145 kDa of the subunit whose periodic arrangement forms the outer component of the sheath (i.e., excluding the inner tube) (see Fig. S6 in the supplemental material). This value is not very different from the cumulative mass of the different proteins, i.e., homologous afp2, afp3, and afp4, thought to be involved in Afp sheath formation (5) (see Fig. S7 in the supplemental material).Open in a separate windowFIG. 2.Orthogonal isosurface rendering, at 1 σ (standard deviation) of the computed ∼21.5-Å density map of the helical sheath of the vitrified Afp particle viewed normal (A) and parallel (B) to the helix. The images were generated using the software package CHIMERA (13). The arrow indicates a surface perforation. (C) The Afp density map rendered at 3.5 σ to highlight the largest contiguous high-electron-density regions; one circumscribed by a black ellipse is computationally extracted and shown in panel E. (D) Comparison of the experimental, averaged power spectrum of the helical sheath of Afp (left) with that computed (right) from the 2D projection of the calculated density map. (F) Global average of the inner tube of the Afp particle and a plot of the surface density variation (scaled from 0 to 1) along the helical (y) axis. The dimension along the tube is plotted on the x axis.Open in a separate windowFIG. 3.(A) Dark-field micrograph of a freeze-dried, unstained preparation of Afp particles used in STEM measurements. An Afp particle in the E state, an Afp inner tube with the attached bell-shaped structure, and a tobacco mosaic virus particle, used as a calibration standard, are marked by the arrowhead and the gray and white arrows, respectively. (B) Histogram plot of the measured distributions of mass per unit length corresponding to the uniform periodic section of the Afp particles overlaid with a fitted Gaussian curve produced by using the ORIGIN6 software package.A paucity of images of the C state (∼5% of the complete data set) precluded a full, refined 3D reconstruction, but based on the available 2,774 overlapping image segments of the isolated inner tube, a global average was calculated. A plot of contrast variation (Fig. (Fig.2F)2F) indicates that the surface is characterized by ∼40-Å spaced elevated crests and invaginated grooves, in agreement with the calculated axial rise of ∼39 Å for the subunit (see Fig. S8 in the supplemental material) comprising the tube. Based on these preliminary results, it appears that the helical symmetry of the inner tube is markedly different from that of the sheath.Our observation that the pitch of the helix in the E state can vary by as much as ∼50 Å attests to the flexible nature of the sheath, which is required for compressibility and may be facilitated by the somewhat porous nature of the sheath (Fig. (Fig.2).2). Preliminary deductions (data not shown) based on a small pool of images of the C state suggest profound rearrangement of the elements of the sheath. How that translates to extrusion of the toxin remains to be revealed.   相似文献   

Some strains of the Enterobacteriaceae Serratia entomophila and S. proteamaculans cause amber disease in the grass grub Costelytra zealandica (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), an important pasture pest in New Zealand. The virulence determinants of the disease reside on a large plasmid designated pADAP (amber disease-associated plasmid). A BamHI, EcoRI, and HindIII restriction cleavage map of pADAP was constructed by means of cloning restriction fragments. Each fragment was mapped, and neighboring fragments of mapped clones were systematically isolated from libraries using DNA probes constructed from previously cloned fragments. Through the use of sniff sequencing from the distal ends of a number of pADAP subclones the location of putative IS elements and genes involved in replication and conjugation were identified and assigned on the map. The location of the amber disease virulence-associated region was also mapped. The final map of pADAP spans 155 kb, 40 kb larger than the previous estimate.  相似文献   

Fusarium oxysporum is an asexual, soil inhabiting fungus that comprises many different formae speciales, each pathogenic towards a different host plant. In absence of a suitable host all F. oxysporum isolates appear to have a very similar lifestyle, feeding on plant debris and colonizing the rhizosphere of living plants. Upon infection F. oxysporum switches from a saprophytic to an infectious lifestyle, which probably includes the reprogramming of gene expression. In this work we show that the expression of the known effector gene SIX1 of F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici is strongly upregulated during colonization of the host plant. Using GFP (green fluorescent protein) as reporter, we show that induction of SIX1 expression starts immediately upon penetration of the root cortex. Induction requires living plant cells, but is not host specific and does not depend on morphological features of roots, since plant cells in culture can also induce SIX1 expression. Taken together, F. oxysporum seems to be able to distinguish between living and dead plant material, preventing unnecessary switches from a saprophytic to an infectious lifestyle.  相似文献   

The nonspore-forming bacterium Serratia entomophila may be used to control the New Zealand grass grub (Costelytra giveni) but is sensitive to environmental stress and must be formulated to improve survival. Existing formulations require subsurface application limiting the area that can be treated. Formulations that allow delivery by broadcast methods are desirable to reduce application costs and increase the potential for aerial application to inaccessible areas. Two formulations were prepared for use in experiments examining the persistence and movement of inoculum through soil. When granules were applied to the soil surface, bacterial survival was negligible in uncoated core, but improved with increasing thickness of the coating. Both survival of bacteria and release into the soil were influenced by soil moisture content. Granules at <12% soil moisture showed high bacterial mortality and reduced delivery to the soil, while at 28% soil moisture most bacteria were released to the soil. There was a high level of survival of the applied bacteria within granules at 20% and 28% soil moisture. The formulations maintained viability of S. entomophila in granules stored under ambient conditions for more than 6 months. In laboratory and field tests, the application of granules caused disease in the target grass grub larvae, whether application was applied to the surface or subsurface. In field trials, broadcast applied granules could produce equivalent disease to thin-coat granules drilled into the soil, but these levels of disease were associated with the occurrence of precipitation shortly after application.  相似文献   

The participation of global regulators GrrS (sensor kinase GacA/GacS-like regulatory system) and sigma S subunit of RNA polymerase in the control of phosphatase synthesis in a soil bacterium Serratia plymuthica was shown. In cells of null mutants for genes grrS and rpoS synthesis of low-acidic and alkaline phosphatases was markedly decreased.  相似文献   

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