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A new ganglioside, containing an alkali-labile linkage, was extracted from mouse brain and purified. It represents 3.6% of total lipid-bound sialic acid in the tissue and was obtained in pure form with a yield of about 35%. It contains sphingosine, glucose, galactose, N-acetylgalactosamine and sialic acid in the molar ratio 1:1:2:1:4 and, upon exhaustive sialidase treatment gives the monosialoganglioside GM1. Partial acid hydrolysis, methylation analysis, gas-liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and chromium trioxide oxidation studies showed its basic neutral glycosphingolipid core to be ganglio-N-tetraose-ceramide. Three of the four sialic acid residues are N-acetylneuraminic acid and one, as shown by gas-liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, is 9-O-acetyl,N-acetylneuraminic acid, which contains the alkali labile linkage. 9-O-acetyl,N-acetylneuraminic acid is -ketosidically linked to position 8 of the N-acetylneuraminic acid residue bound to position 3 of the internal galactose. The other two N-acetylneuraminic acid residues form a disialosyl residue linked to position 3 of external galactose. The complete structure of the studied ganglioside is as follows: NeuAc2–8NeuAc2–3Galβ1–3GalNAcβ1–4(9-O-Ac-NeuAca2–8NeuAc2-1′-N-acylsphingosine, and it can be considered as a derivative of the tetrasialoganglioside GQ1b.  相似文献   

Female Fischer 344 rats were given single oral doses of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), 10, 50 or 100 μg/kg, and sacrificed 1, 3, 10, 14 or 21 days later. The fatty livers caused by a sub-lethal dose of TCDD involved a temporary increase in triglyceride and free fatty acid levels, with a persistent decrease in levels of sterol esters. In contrast, the fatty livers resulting from a lethal dose of TCDD involved a large increase in cholesterol esters and free fatty acids, with little change in triglyceride levels. These changes appeared to result in part from damage sustained by lysosomes. TCDD also altered the lipoprotein composition of the serum, the fatty acid composition of various lipid classes in liver and serum, and the ultrastructure of the liver (formation of myeloid bodies). A rapid, dose-dependent effect of TCDD, was the elevation of levels of organic-soluble fluorescent pigment in the heart. This pigment was found to match a previously characterized fraction of lipofuscins in fluorescence spectrum and chromatographic properties. The relationship of these observations to a possible mechanism of toxicity for TCDD involving radical-induced lipid peroxidation is discussed.  相似文献   

The endogenous lipid of yeast cytochrome oxidase has been replaced by dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine. Thin layer chromatography of the total lipid extract from the substituted enzyme revealed phosphatidylcholine only and no cardiolipin. Gas-liquid chromatography showed that >99% of the lipid chains derived from the substituted lipid, and that cardiolipin must be <0.03 mole/mole enzyme. The activity of the lipid-substituted enzyme was 10% of the original activity and increased to 47% by addition of dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine. Thus there is no absolute requirement of cardiolipin for oxidative activity.  相似文献   

The ability of cholestanol (5α-cholestan-3β-ol) to support growth of two independently derived sterol auxotrophs, FY3 and GL7, has been examined. Growth on this stanol was precluded unless minute quantities of sterol were also available. Contaminating sterol in most cholestanol preparations or excess sterol in the inoculum used in growth studies could provide the required sterol in quantities capable of sustaining growth through an entire culture cycle. Evidence is presented for multiple functions of sterols in Saccharomycescerevisiae.  相似文献   

2-methyellipticinium (NSC 226137) does not exhibit any spectral interaction with cytochrome p-450; however, it is transformed in vitro by microsomes from livers of phenobarbital induced rats. This transformation is NADPH dependant. According to presently available analytical criteria (HPLC and chromatographic behavior, UV and mass spectra), its product is very likely 2-methyl-9-hydroxyellipticinium (NSC 264137) which is an active antitumor drug in man. Two minor metabolites are also present. The same major product is found in the bile of non-induced rats after intravenous administration of 2-methylellipticinium.  相似文献   

Oligosaccharides released by reductive alkaline degradation of blood group Ii active sheep gastric mucins have been shown to contain two types of branched core structure:
The novel structure, A, was the core of one of the main oligosaccharide fractions. Structure B is identical to that reported previously in various human and animal mucins.  相似文献   

Cloned cells of a myoblast line show the presence of GM3, GM2, GM1 and GD1a gangliosides. The amount of GM3, GM2 and GM1 gangliosides does not vary significantly during the differentiation of myoblasts to myotubes. However, the concentration of GD1a transiently increases almost 3-fold just prior to the fusion of myoblasts and returns to the basal levels in the myotubes. Mutant myoblasts selected for 5-azacytidine resistance and unable to fuse produce only GM3 and traces of GM2. We conclude that GD1a probably participates in the fusion process through yet unknown mechanism.  相似文献   

A series of LH-RH antagonist analogs has been developed in which inhibitory activities have been increased to a potentially clinically useful level. The new peptides, which are typified by [N-acetyl-D-p-Cl-Phe1,2, D-Trp3, D-Phe6,D-Ala10]-LH-RH and [N-acetyl-D-Trp1,3,D-p-Cl-Phe2,D-Phe6, D-Ala10]-LH-RH, most importantly contain new modification to positions 1, 2 and 10, and induce full blockade of ovulation at single doses as low as 10 μg per rat (50 μg/kg). Various ring substituents on D-Trp or D-Phe in position 1 or other D-amino acid replacements in position 10 did not significantly improve anti-ovulatory activity. Incorporation of N-Me-Leu in position 7 was slightly detrimental to activity.  相似文献   

Loss of tritium from specific positions in [3H,14C] aromatic hydrocarbons can elucidate their binding site(s) to DNA and RNA and indicate the mechanism of activation. Studies of tritium loss from [6-3H,14C]benzo[a]pyrene(B[a]P), [1,3-3H,14C]B[a]P, [1,3,6-3H,14C]B[a]P, [6,7-3H,14C]B[a]P, and [7-3H,14C]B[a]P were conducted in vitro using liver nuclei and microsomes from 3-methylcholanthrene-induced Sprague-Dawley rats and in vivo on the skin of Charles River CD-1 mice. The relative loss of tritium from [3H, 14C]B[a]P was measured after binding to skin DNA and RNA, to nuclear DNA, and to native and denatured calf thymus and rat liver DNA's and poly(G) by microsomal activation. In skin, nuclei, and microsomes plus native DNA, virtually all B[a]P binding occurred at positions 1,3 and 6; while with microsomes plus denatured DNA or poly(G), B[a]P showed no binding at the 6 position and a small amount at the 1 and 3 positions. In vivo and with nuclei, binding at the 6 position predominated. Little loss of tritium from the 7 position was seen; this was expected because binding at this position is not thought to occur. This confirms the interpretation of loss of tritium as an indication of binding at a given position. These results demonstrate that the use of microsomes to activate B[a]P is not a valid model system for delineating the in vivo mechanism of B[a]P activation, and support previous evidence for one-electron oxidation as the mechanism of activation of hydrocarbons in binding to nucleic acids.  相似文献   

Human monoclonal, aglycosyl-IgG produced in vitro in the presence of tunicamycin, was compared with its native and acid pH-altered counterparts for their respective abilities to bind the fluorescent hydrophobicity probe, 8-anilinonaphthalene sulfonate. A novel technique based on continuous-flow dynamic dialysis (Sparrow et al., 1982, Anal. Biochem. 123:255-264) allowed binding studies under non-equilibrium conditions. While the native IgG conformation exhibits two, weak ANS binding sites (ca. 10(3) l/mol), aglycosyl-IgG has one weak and one moderate affinity (least squares average Ka = 2 X 10(4) l/mol) site, and the acid conformer binds yet another two ANS molecules with moderate affinity (4 X 10(4) l/mol). Increases in affinity and in the number of sites correlate roughly with increased relative percent fluorescence by conventional fluorimetry. The fluorescence lifetime of ANS bound to altered IgGs is about 10% longer (T2 = 15 nsec by time-resolved fluorimetry) than that for native IgG. All populations also exhibit a rapid decay component (T1 = 3 nsec) analogous to that seen for ANS in 50% aqueous dioxane. Results are discussed in relation to structural role(s) for IgG-linked heterosaccharides.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown addition of light liquid paraffin to enhance the elimination of organochlorine xenobiotics. In the present study the effect of paraffin on the elimination of [14C]hexachlorobenzene (HCB) was compared with the effect of possible alternative compounds, squalane and sucrose polyester (SPE). Four groups of 7 rats were fed a diet containing 1.5 ppm [14C]HCB for 4 days followed by 10 days on HCB-free diet. Thereafter one group (control) remained on this diet whereas the other 3 groups received a diet supplemented with 8% (w/w) paraffin, squalane or SPE, respectively. Radioactivity in urine and faeces was measured daily and at the end of the experiment in samples of abdominal fat, muscle, liver, kidney and blood. Dietary treatment with either paraffin, squalane or SPE markedly enhanced faecal excretion of [14C]HCB, whereas urinary excretion was not affected. Both the time course as well as the extent of faecal [14C]HCB elimination were similar in the treated groups. After 3 weeks of treatment the amount of [14C]HCB excreted with faeces was about three times higher in treated animals than in controls. The half-life (t1/2) of [14C]HCB elimination from the body was markedly decreased in treated animals (mean 34–38 days) compared to controls (110 days). [14C]HCB concentrations in some major tissues were significantly reduced to the same extent by all three dietary regimens. Thus squalane and SPE are as effective as paraffin in removing HCB from contaminated animals.  相似文献   

Several observations made in the fungus Podospora anserina suggest that translational ambiguity may increase, and possibly must increase, at specific stages of the life cycle. Such changes in the properties of the translational apparatus seem to occur as well in the yeast S. cerevisiae and in the alga C. reinhardii. A slight increase of the misreading level would allow readthrough or frameshifting necessary to synthesise regulatory proteins in low amount at key points of cellular differentiation.  相似文献   

DNA polymerases involved in bleomycin-induced unscheduled DNA synthesis in some permeable human cells and rodent cells were studied by using selective inhibitors (aphidicolin, 2′,3′-dideoxythymidine-5′-triphosphate and N-ethylmaleimide) for DNA polymerases. The results suggest that both DNA polymerases α and β are involved in bleomycin-induced unscheduled DNA synthesis in permeable HeLa-S3 cells and probably in some other permeable human cells (HEp-2, KB and WI-38 VA-13 cells). Bleomycin-induced unscheduled DNA synthesis in some permeable rodent cells (SR-C3HHe, Balbc 3T3, 3Y1 and XC cells) is mostly attributed to DNA polymerase β.  相似文献   


Cresyl violet and cresyl red, components of commercial cresyl violet acetate, were separated and purified using preparative column liquid chromatography. The stationary phase was silica gel and gradient elution was carried out using chloroform:methanol. The purified dyes were obtained in high yield; 51% of the original lot was recovered as cresyl violet and 40% as cresyl red. Separated materials were characterized by nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectroscopy; UV-visible and Fourier-transform infrared spectra also were obtained for samples of pure cresyl violet and cresyl red. The colored constituents of the commercial dye lot were identified using thin layer chromatography and reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography. Both methodologies were suitable for routine testing; reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography is an appropriate tool for quality control and high resolution identification of these compounds.  相似文献   

A dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase distinct from the angiotensin converting enzyme (EC was isolated from membrane preparations of rabbit brain. The enzyme cleaved enkephalin at the Gly-Phe bond, releasing either Phe-Leu from Leu-enkephalin or Phe-Met from Met-enkephalin, and also acted on bradykinin, releasing the terminal dipeptide Phe-Arg. In contrast to the converting enzyme, however, this dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase did not act on angiotensin-1, and it did not degrade hippuryl-His-Leu. Chloride ions did not affect its activity, but the enzyme was inhibited by metal chelating agents. The enzyme was not inhibited by captopril (SQ 14225) or by SQ 20881. Kinetic studies indicated a Km for this enzyme of 0.14 mM with Leu-enkephalin and 0.12 mM with bradykinin as substrates. Present data indicate that more than one enzyme is present in brain membrane fractions acting as dipeptidyl carboxypeptidases inactivating enkephalin; these data suggest multiple roles for such enzymes in the regulation of peptide metabolism.  相似文献   

We report the development and application of a novel assay for high affinity binding of the agonist [3H]hydrozybenzyl-isoproterenol simultaneously with the agonist-promoted release of membrane bound [32P] GDP in the frog erythrocyte beta-adrenergic receptor system. We find that under various assay conditions both events occur with the same rate, ranging from 0.05 to 0.5 min?1. Addition of the non-hydrolyzable guanine nucleotide, guanylyl-imidodiphosphate simultaneously increases the rate of high affinity agonist binding and agonist promoted GDP release. In addition, the guanine nucleotide analog decreases the steady state level of high affinity agonist binding and increases the steady state level of agonist promoted GDP release with comparable potencies of 0.5 μM and 0.1 μM, respectively. The decrement in the steady state level of high affinity agonist binding (180 fmol/mg protein) due to the guanine nucleotide analog is in the same range as the reciprocal increment in the extent of agonist-induced [32P] GDP release (180 fmol/mg protein). The concommittant activation of adenylate cyclase, by submaximal concentrations of the agonist [3H]hydroxybenzylisoproterenol and guanylylimido-diphosphate under similar assay conditions proceeds with the same rate as for the two other measured functions of the system, i.e. 3H-agonist binding and agonist-promoted [32P] GDP release. This represents the first attempt at comparing the time course of adenylate cyclase activation with that of agonist binding and GDP release under similar assay conditions. The results indicate that GDP is not released prior to but rather coincident with formation of the complex of the hormone receptor with the regulatory protein and that enzyme activation proceeds with the same time course as agonist binds to the receptor. It is concluded that both high affinity agonist binding and GDP release represent integral aspects of the rate limiting step in the enzyme activation mechanism.  相似文献   

Chromatographic analysis of Co-bleomycin on CM Sephadex C25 or silica shows that known components like bleomycin A2, B2, and A1 can be separated into two forms. We observed an equilibrium between both forms and saw that the addition of certain salts influences the transition of one form into the other. A reaction scheme is suggested in which a different occupation of the sixth binding site of cobalt is correlated with the different forms observed. These different complexes may be an intramolecular adduct of the carbamoyl moiety of bleomycin, an external carboxylate adduct or an oxygen or hydroxyl adduct.  相似文献   

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