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A new genus of orthocladiine Chironomidae, Botryocladius (type species B. grapeth sp.n. from eastern Australia) is described and illustrated in all life history stages. All thirteen included species are described as new, six from eastern Australia (B. grapeth, B. brindabella, B. mdfrc, B. collessi, B. tasmania, B. australoalpinus), two from Western Australia (B. bibulmun and B. freemani), one from ephemeral streams in Australia (B. petrophilus) and four from Patagonian Argentina and Chile (B. edwardsi, B. glacialis, B. mapuche and B. tronador). All Australian species are known from at least pupal exuviae, most from adult males and several from larvae. In contrast, only B. edwardsi amongst Neotropical species is known from the adult male; all others are described from pupal exuviae. The immature stages are lotic in Australian permanent and temporary streams and Patagonian glacial streams and rivers, and lentic in Neotropical glacial-fed and Australian subalpine lakes. Botryocladius appears to belong with a grouping centred on two formally undescribed taxa from Australia. The genus evidently demonstrates a vicariant distribution with at least two sister-group relationships between South American and Australian taxa, providing a minimum dating for the clade of 38 Ma., with apparent absence from New Zealand indicating a maximum date of 80 Ma.  相似文献   

Four new species of the Mouse Spider genus Missulena Walckenaer, 1805 (family Actinopodidae) are described from Western Australia based on morphological features of adult males. Missulena leniae sp. n.(from the Carnarvon and Yalgoo biogeographic regions), Missulena mainae sp. n. (Carnarvon), Missulena melissae sp. n. (Pilbara) and Missulena pinguipes sp. n. (Mallee) represent a broad spectrum of morphological diversity found in this genus and differ from other congeners by details of the male copulatory bulb, colour patterns, eye sizes, leg morphology and leg spination. Two of the species, M. pinguipes sp. n. and M. mainae sp. n., are characterised by swollen metatarsi of the fourth legs in males, a feature not previously recorded in the family. A key to males of all named Missulena species from Australia is presented and allows their identification based on external morphology.  相似文献   

A new soil mite species, Quadroppia (Coronoquadroppia) sezeki sp. n., is described. Adult mites were recorded from moss under a pine tree from a pine forest. The new species differs from the other species of the subgenus by bearing epimera III+IV with a wide key hole shaped inner border and the shape of frontal appendage of rostrum. The morphological features of the new species are also compared with those present in closely related species.  相似文献   

A new Australian genus of Orthotylinae, Myrtlemiris Cheng, Mututantri & Cassis gen.n. , is described, with nine included species described as new to science (M. agnew sp.n. , M. astartephila sp.n. , M. meanarra sp.n. , M. newmanensis sp.n. , M. rubrocuneatus sp.n. , M. russulatus sp.n. , M. silveirae sp.n. , M. tesselatus sp.n. , M. yalgoo sp.n. ). A phylogenetic analysis based on 39 morphological characters is presented for all Myrtlemiris species and 6 outgroup taxa. This analysis establishes Myrtlemiris as monophyletic, defined by a broad apophysis on the left paramere. A key to species is provided and diagnostic characters are illustrated. Myrtlemiris is endemic to southwest Western Australia. Host plants for Myrtlemiris species are near restricted to the myrtaceous tribe Chamelaucieae.  相似文献   

The genus Lecithochirium is briefly discussed and a provisional key to species groups is presented. The following species are described, figured and/or recorded from regions of the southern Indian Ocean: Lecithochirium genypteri from Xiphiurus capensis, Cape Province; L. magnus from Gymnothorax woodwardi and G. javanicus, Western Australia; L. parafusiforme n. sp. from G. flavimarginatus, Natal (type-host and locality) and G. woodwardi, Western Australia; L. macrorchis from G. woodwardi; Leithochirium sp. (ghanense-group?) from Platycephalus bassensis, South Australia; L. kawakawa from Euthynnus affinis and Chrysoblephus anglicus, Natal; Lecithochirium sp. (synodi-group?) from Saurida undosquamis, Natal; L. gymnapisti n. sp. from Gymnapistes marmoratus, Western Australia; L. jaffense from Trachichthodes gerrardi, South Australia and Blennioclinus brachycephalus, Cape Province; Lecithochirium sp. (group unknown) from Alectis ciliaris, Natal.  相似文献   

Notes are provided on the association of the beetleDiphucephala affinis (Scarabaeidae) with yellow flowers ofHibbertia hypericoides, H. huegelii (Dilleniaceae),Acacia pulchella, andA. stenoptera (Mimosaceae). Observations were undertaken during September 9–19, 1979 at S. Perth, Western Australia. They indicated thatD. affinis is not a pollinator ofHibbertia as suggested in the literature, but may play a small role in the pollination of someAcacia species.  相似文献   

Ningalooia psammopercae n. g., n. sp. is described from the intestine of the Waigieu seaperch Psammoperca waigiensis Cuvier (Perciformes: Latidae) on the Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia. The new genus and species are distinctive within the Acanthocolpidae for the combination of the absence of enlarged spines around the oral sucker, a blind ending H-shaped intestine and a deeply lobed ovary.  相似文献   

The genus Bewsiella is considered to comprise a considerable number of species, despite having been regarded as monotypic. The structure of the male spermadactyl is proposed as a key character for separating congeneric species. This character seems likely to bear phylogenetic information on both the mites themselves and their hosts. Since the male of Bewsiella fledermaus Domrow, the type-species, has not been found, it is impossible to define the morphology of this species based on both sexes. Consequently, all mites that share many characters with the female of B. fledermaus are placed in a B. fledermaus species group. B. aelleni (Till) is considered as a valid species and both sexes and the protonymph are redescribed and illustrated. B. nycteris n. sp., B. emballonuris n. sp., B. cloeotis n. sp., B. haradai n. sp. and B. coelopos n. sp. are described and illustrated. The genus Bewsiella was originally allocated to the family Laelapidae and later transferred to the family Macronyssidae. Recently, the genus was returned to the Laelapidae, and some evidence supporting this action was obtained during the present study, but further studies are required for confirmation.  相似文献   

Prodistomum angelae (Kruse, 1981) n. comb. [originally Lepocreadium] is redescribed from the type-host, Scorpis georgiana, from off southwestern Western Australia. P. keyam n. sp. is described from Monodactylus argenteus from off southeastern Queensland. It differs from other members of the genus in its short ejaculatory duct. The genus Prodistomum Linton is discussed and redefined, and an updated key and record list of the nine recognised species are given.  相似文献   

Carminator Shaw is a small genus of parasitic wasps that is mainly distributed in Southeast Asia. Eight species are recognized here, including Carminator coronatus sp.n. and Carminator gracilis sp.n. A data set comprising 54 morphological characters and including all the known species of Carminator, as well as four out‐group taxa (two Cryptalyra spp., one Ettchellsia sp. and one Megalyra sp.), was assembled and analysed. Carminator is retrieved as monophyletic. All weighted analyses place Carminator affinis as the sister group to the rest of the genus. A northern clade comprising species occurring on the Japanese Isles, Taiwan and Vietnam (Carminator japonicus (Carminator gracilis sp.n. (Carminator cavus + Carminator helios))) is strongly supported and nested inside the more southerly distributed species. C. helios is found on Nakanoshima Island, which emerged post‐Pliocene, and so C. helios is considered to have dispersed there via a land‐bridge connection from the Ryukyu Islands. A key to all known species of Carminator is provided.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers are reported for eight of the nine Western AustralianVillarsia species.Villarsia albiflora, V. calthifolia, V. capitata, V. congestiflora, V. lasiosperma, V. latifolia, andV. violifolia are diploid with n=9. Five populations ofV. parnassiifolia are diploid and three are tetraploid (n=18). The morphological, ecological, and breeding-system diversity of the Western Australian species is largely not associated with the tetraploidy or hexaploidy that characterizes otherVillarsia species in eastern Australia and South Africa. The majority of Western AustralianVillarsia species are restricted to the high rainfall zone of southwestern Western Australia, where favorable climatic and edaphic conditions may have existed since mid-late Tertiary times.  相似文献   

The endemic Australian genus Bonjeania Irwin & Lyneborg is revised. Seven species are described as new: B. angelikae sp.n., B. clamosis sp.n., B. dynastis sp.n., B. flavofemoralis sp.n., B. irwinae sp.n., B. orphne sp.n. and B. trilineata sp.n. Three species, B. actuosa (White), B. nitidifrons (Macquart) and B. segnis (White), are redescribed. All species of Bonjeania were compared in a cladistic analysis with Agapophytus albobasalis Mann and five exemplars of the speciose sister genus Parapsilocephala Kröber, and the phylogenetic relationships of Bonjeania discussed. The male genitalic musculature of B. clamosis sp.n. is described and figured, and discussed with respect to previous studies on other Therevidae.  相似文献   

Neolebouria moretonensis n. sp. is described from Gerres subfasciatus (Gerreidae) from Moreton Bay, south-east Queensland and N. lineatus n. sp. is described from Centroberyx lineatus (Berycidae) from off Rottnest Island, south-west Western Australia. C. lineatus represents a new host family and order (Beryciformes) for the genus. The two new species are distinguished within the genus by their entire, tandem to oblique testes and cirrus-sacs that do not extend into the hind-body, by being less than 1 mm in length, and by the position of the genital pore and the relative size of the forebody and post-testicular region. N. lineatus and N. moretonensis are very similar but are distinguished by their caeca which extend further posteriorly in N. moretonensis. There is no apparent pattern in the host-specificity of this genus.  相似文献   

Gambusia quadruncus n. sp., the llanos mosquitofish, is described from east‐central México. The region inhabited by the species represents a hotspot of diversity of Gambusia, and G. quadruncus sometimes coexists with at least three congeners. The species differs from its closest relative, Gambusia affinis, in several characteristics with plausible effects on reproductive isolation, e.g. body size, body and fin morphology, male genital morphology (distal tip of gonopodium) and female anal spot morphology (colouration near the urogenital sinus). Moreover, combined analysis of mitochondrial and nuclear gene sequence data (c. 2158 total base pairs) indicates reciprocal monophyly of G. quadruncus and its sister species G. affinis, with levels of genetic divergence suggesting the two species diverged from one another over a million years ago. The origin of G. quadruncus may reflect a vicariant event associated with Pliocene orogenesis in the Tamaulipas Arch and a frontal section of the Sierra Madre Oriental (Lleran Mesas). Gambusia quadruncus inhabits a variety of freshwater habitats across several river drainages, with its range spanning at least 350 km from north to south, covering over 25 000 km2. A key to aid identification of the species is provided.  相似文献   

A new calanoid copepod species Scaphocalanus emine n. sp. is described for the first time from the Iskenderun Bay, northeastern Levantine Basin. S. emine is similar to S. affinis (Sars, 1905) having both identical orientation of the posterolateral corners of the cephalothorax and a median crest on the forehead. The new species is also similar in some features to S. affinis in the structure of Re1P1- lacking the outer marginal spine and by the presence of the rounded apex on the distal internal margin. It differs from S. affinis as the median crest on the forehead is smaller and due to the presence of a rudimentary endopod furnished with an apical spine on the P5. Originality in construction of the P1 and P5 distinguish the new species from other Scaphocalanus species.  相似文献   

Four new species of Pelycidion P. Fischer in de Folin & Périer, 1873 are described from temperate Australia on the basis of shells: Pelycidion eukyrtos n. sp. from central Victoria, P. caperovertex n. sp. and P. kratycylindros n. sp. from southwest Australia and P. meizonarchei n. sp. from southern Tasmania. Two additional congeneric specimens are known from the region and discussed; one of these, from the Tasman Sea, is illustrated and likely represents a new species. Collectively, these specimens are the first members of the genus and family to be recorded from temperate Australia. A brief overview of the described species of Pelycidion is given.  相似文献   

This article is a review of the subfamily Desmodorinae (Nematoda, Desmodoroidea) and two related genera within this subfamily, Croconema Cobb, 1920 and Pseudochromadora Daday, 1899 with keys to genus or species level, genus diagnoses and lists of valid species. An emended diagnosis of, and discussion on, Sibayinema Swart & Heyns, 1991, is presented. Three new species are described: Croconema floriani sp.n. from the coast of Kenya, Pseudochromadora galeata sp.n. and P. securis sp.n. from the coast of Australia.  相似文献   

Branchinella longirostris is a fairy shrimp endemic to ephemeral pools on granite outcrops in southwestern Australia. The patchy nature of its habitat is thought to result in a high degree of subdivision among populations, potentially promoting speciation. We combined traditional taxonomy with a molecular phylogeny of cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) to test whether B. longirostris could be a species complex and whether the frontal appendage on the second antennae of males is a suitable character to differentiate new species. We also used nested clade analysis to assess the population structure and demographic factors explaining the geographical distributions of the mt DNA haplotypes. The results show that shapes of frontal appendages are not congruent with the mitochondrial genetic structure; however, they are positively correlated with geography. We conclude that the frontal appendage in B. longirostris is either subject to selection or a result of morphological plasticity; thus, its use in taxonomy remains uncertain. The intraspecific divergence in B. longirostris (≤7.7%) was approximately one third as large as the divergence from the outgroup (17.8–20.8%) and well within the ranges of divergence found in other crustaceans with fragmented population structure. There is some association between genetic structure and geography, resulting in the inference of restricted gene flow with isolation by distance and allopatric fragmentation as the most suitable models of the historical population processes. It is likely that the current distribution of haplotypes resulted from the dispersal of resting eggs by stochastic events (wind, birds) rather than from a fragmentation of previously continuous habitat as the estimated evolutionary age of the species (≤6.1 my) is much younger than its habitat (50–100 my). We found some evidence on the genetic level to support the hypothesis that B. longirostris could be a complex of species; however, the lack of correlation between the genetic pattern and the reproductively important frontal appendage lends a support to a view that B. longirostris is a single species with an exceptionally high intraspecific diversity.  相似文献   

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