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Procedures for discriminating between competing statistical models of synaptic transmission, and for providing confidence limits on the parameters of these models, have been developed. These procedures were tested against simulated data and were used to analyze the fluctuations in synaptic currents evoked in hippocampal neurones. All models were fitted to data using the Expectation-Maximization algorithm and a maximum likelihood criterion. Competing models were evaluated using the log-likelihood ratio (Wilks statistic). When the competing models were not nested, Monte Carlo sampling of the model used as the null hypothesis (H0) provided density functions against which H0 and the alternate model (H1) were tested. The statistic for the log-likelihood ratio was determined from the fit of H0 and H1 to these probability densities. This statistic was used to determine the significance level at which H0 could be rejected for the original data. When the competing models were nested, log-likelihood ratios and the chi 2 statistic were used to determine the confidence level for rejection. Once the model that provided the best statistical fit to the data was identified, many estimates for the model parameters were calculated by resampling the original data. Bootstrap techniques were then used to obtain the confidence limits of these parameters.  相似文献   

Long-lasting postsynaptic potentials (PSPs) generated by decreases in membrane conductance (permeability) have been reported in many types of neurons. We investigated the possible role of such long-lasting decreases in membrane conductance in the modulation of synaptic transmission in the sympathetic ganglion of the bullfrog. The molecular basis by which such conductance-decrease PSPs are generated was also investigated. Synaptic activation of muscarinic cholinergic receptors on these sympathetic neurons results in the generation of a slow EPSP (excitatory postsynaptic potential), which is accompanied by a decrease in membrane conductance. We found that the conventional "fast" EPSPs were increased in amplitude and duration during the iontophoretic application of methacholine, which activates the muscarinic postsynaptic receptors. A similar result was obtained when a noncholinergic conductance-decrease PSP--the late-slow EPSP--was elicited by stimulation of a separate synaptic pathway. The enhancement of fast EPSP amplitude increased the probability of postsynaptic action potential generation, thus increasing the efficacy of impulse transmission across the synapse. Stimulation of one synaptic pathway is therefore capable of increasing the efficacy of synaptic transmission in a second synaptic pathway by a postsynaptic mechanism. Furthermore, this enhancement of synaptic efficacy is long-lasting by virtue of the long duration of the slow PSP. Biochemical and electrophysiological techniques were used to investigate whether cyclic nucleotides are intracellular second messengers mediating the membrane permeability changes underlying slow-PSP generation. Stimulation of the synaptic inputs, which lead to the generation of the slow-PSPs, increased the ganglionic content of both cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP. However, electrophysiological analysis of the actions of these cyclic nucleotides and the actions of agents that affect their metabolism does not provide support for such a second messenger role for either cyclic nucleotide.  相似文献   

A significant proportion of the variation between individuals in gene expression levels is genetic, and it is likely that these differences correlate with phenotypic differences or with risk of disease. Cis-acting polymorphisms are important in determining interindividual differences in gene expression that lead to allelic expression imbalance, which is the unequal expression of homologous alleles in individuals heterozygous for such a polymorphism. This expression imbalance can be detected using a transcribed polymorphism, and, once it is established, the next step is to identify the polymorphisms that are responsible for or predictive of allelic expression levels. We present an expectation-maximization algorithm for such analyses, providing a formal statistical framework to test whether a candidate polymorphism is associated with allelic expression differences.  相似文献   

There is a steadily growing body of experimental data describing the diffusion of acetylcholine in the neuromuscular junction and the subsequent miniature endplate currents produced at the postsynaptic membrane. To gain further insights into the structural features governing synaptic transmission, we have performed calculations using a simplified finite element model of the neuromuscular junction. The diffusing acetylcholine molecules are modeled as a continuum, whose spatial and temporal distribution is governed by the force-free diffusion equation. The finite element method was adopted because of its flexibility in modeling irregular geometries and complex boundary conditions. The resulting simulations are shown to be in accord with experiment and other simulations.  相似文献   

Chang KY  Suri A  Unanue ER 《Proteomics》2007,7(3):367-377
The useful structural features of class II MHC molecules are rarely integrated into T-cell epitope predictions. We propose an approach that applies a novel expectation-maximization algorithm to align the naturally processed peptides selected by the class II MHC I-A(g7) molecule - focusing on the five MHC-specific anchor positions. Based on the alignment profile, log of odds (LOD) scores supplemented with the Laplace plus-one pseudocounts method are applied to identify the potential T-cell epitopes. In addition, an innovative computational concept of hindering residues using statistical and structural information is developed to refine the prediction. Performance analysis by receiver operating characteristics statistics and the experimental validation of the LOD scores demonstrate the accuracy of our predictive model. Furthermore, our model successfully predicts T-cell epitopes of hen egg-white lysozyme protein antigen. Our study provides a framework for predicting T-cell epitopes in class II MHC molecules.  相似文献   

AMPA receptor trafficking and the control of synaptic transmission.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
M Sheng  S H Lee 《Cell》2001,105(7):825-828

Experiments on hippocampal slices showed that perfusion with a dextran solution more effectively facilitates AMPA-mediated transmission in structurally complex synapses of mossy fibers of Shaffer collaterals. Estimates for changes in the extracellular Ca2+ concentration in the close vicinity of a reconstructed synapse during the action potential development are obtained. The results together with data about the rather small (0.5 μm) characteristics distance between neighboring synapses showed that the probability of mutual intersynaptic influence via the microenvironment is high. A probable functional role of such influences is discussed.  相似文献   

Mahoney TR  Luo S  Nonet ML 《Nature protocols》2006,1(4):1772-1777
Caenorhabditis elegans has emerged as a powerful model system for studying the biology of the synapse. Here we describe a widely used assay for synaptic transmission at the C. elegans neuromuscular junction. This protocol monitors the sensitivity of C. elegans to the paralyzing affects of an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, aldicarb. Briefly, adult worms are incubated in the presence of aldicarb and scored for the time-course of aldicarb-induced paralysis. Animals harboring mutations in genes that affect synaptic transmission generally exhibit a change in their sensitivity to aldicarb (either increased sensitivity for enhancements in synaptic transmission or decreased sensitivity for blockage in synaptic transmission). This technique provides a simple assay for the accurate comparative analysis of synaptic transmission in multiple C. elegans strains. The protocol described can be performed relatively quickly and is a practical alternative to other techniques used to study synaptic transmission. This protocol can also be modified to follow the paralytic effects with other pharmacological reagents. The assay can be performed in about 3-6 hours depending on the severity of synaptic transmission defects.  相似文献   

One of the outstanding developments in clinical neurology has been the identification of ion channel mutations as the origin of a wide variety of inherited disorders like migraine, epilepsy, and ataxia. The study of several channelopathies has provided crucial insights into the molecular mechanisms, pathogenesis, and therapeutic approaches to complex neurological diseases. This review addresses the mutations underlying familial hemiplegic migraine (FHM) with particular interest in Cav2.1 (i.e., P/Q-type) voltage-activated Ca2+ channel FHM type-1 mutations (FHM1). Transgenic mice harboring the human pathogenic FHM1 mutation R192Q or S218L (KI) have been used as models to study neurotransmission at several central and peripheral synapses. FHM1 KI mice are a powerful tool to explore presynaptic regulation associated with expression of Cav2.1 channels. FHM1 Cav2.1 channels activate at more hyperpolarizing potentials and show an increased open probability. These biophysical alterations may lead to a gain-of-function on synaptic transmission depending upon factors such as action potential waveform and/or Cav2.1 splice variants and auxiliary subunits. Analysis of FHM knock-in mouse models has demonstrated a deficient regulation of the cortical excitation/inhibition (E/I) balance. The resulting excessive increases in cortical excitation may be the mechanisms that underlie abnormal sensory processing together with an increase in the susceptibility to cortical spreading depression (CSD). Increasing evidence from FHM KI animal studies support the idea that CSD, the underlying mechanism of aura, can activate trigeminal nociception, and thus trigger the headache mechanisms.  相似文献   

The data obtained from this study suggest that the nonionizable anesthetic benzyl alcohol has two prominent actions on GABA- and glutamate-mediated synaptic transmission at the lobster neuromuscular junction. They are as follows: (1) depression of the excitatory end-plate potential and the postsynaptic membrane response to applied glutamate, and (2) a hyperpolarization of the postsynaptic resting membrane potential associated with a decrease in effective membrane resistance. No change in amplitude of the inhibitory end-plate potential or inhibitory reversal potential was seen. Excitatory miniature end-plate potential frequency was also unaffected. The depression of excitatory synaptic transmission appears to be due to a decreased responsiveness of the postsynaptic receptor-ionophore complex.  相似文献   

Astrocyte-induced modulation of synaptic transmission   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The idea that astrocytes simply provide structural and trophic support to neurons has been challenged by recent evidence demonstrating that astrocytes exhibit a form of excitability and communication based on intracellular Ca2+ variations and intercellular Ca2+ waves, which can be initiated by neuronal activity. These astrocyte Ca2+ variations have now been shown to induce glutamate-dependent Ca2+ elevations and slow inward currents in neurons. More recently, it has been demonstrated that synaptic transmission between cultured hippocampal neurons can be directly modulated by astrocytes. We have reported that astrocyte stimulation can increase the frequency of miniature synaptic currents. Furthermore, we also have demonstrated that an elevation in the intracellular Ca2+ in astrocytes induces a reduction in both excitatory and inhibitory evoked synaptic transmission through the activation of selective presynaptic metabotropic glutamate receptors.  相似文献   

Neurotrophin regulation of synaptic transmission   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Examples of signaling molecules that are devoted to neuronal development at the exclusion of other functions are scarce. It may then come as no surprise to learn that a family of molecules that promote neuronal survival, differentiation and outgrowth also regulate synaptic transmission at both developing and mature synapses. Indeed, many studies over the past five years have shown that neurotrophins, including nerve growth factor (NGF), neurotrophin-3 (NT-3), NT-4/5 and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), have both rapid and long-latency influences on synaptic strength. New research has highlighted the enormous range of neurotrophin actions at both developing and mature synapses, demonstrating that transmission can be enhanced or reduced at excitatory and inhibitory synapses by either pre- or postsynaptic mechanisms.  相似文献   

Calcium (Ca2+) is a second messenger regulating a wide variety of intracellular processes. Using GABA-and glycinergic synapses as examples, this review analyzes two functions of this unique ion: postsynaptic Ca2+-dependent modulation of receptor-operated channels and Ca2+-induced retrograde regulation of neurotransmitter release from the presynaptic terminals. Phosphorylation, rapid Ca2+-induced modulation via intermediate Ca2+-binding proteins, and changes in the number of functional receptors represent the main pathways of short-and long-term plasticity of postsynaptic receptor-operated channel machinery. Retrograde signaling is an example of synaptic modulation triggered by stimulation of postsynaptic cells and mediated via regulation of presynaptic neurotransmitter release. This mechanism provides postsynaptic neurons with efficient tools to control the presynaptic afferents in an activity-dependent mode. Elevation of intracellular Ca2+ in a postsynaptic neuron triggers the synthesis of endocannabinoids (derivatives of arachidonic acid). Their retrograde diffusion through the synaptic cleft and consequent activation of presynaptic G-protein coupled to CB1 receptors inhibits the release of neurotransmitter. These mechanisms of double modulation, which include control over the function of postsynaptic ion channels and retrograde suppression of the release machinery, play an important role in Ca2+-dependent control of the main excitatory and inhibitory synaptic pathways in the mammalian nervous system.  相似文献   

Certain genetic disorders are rare in the general population but more common in individuals with specific trisomies, which suggests that the genes involved in the etiology of these disorders may be located on the trisomic chromosome. As with all aneuploid syndromes, however, a considerable degree of variation exists within each phenotype so that any given trait is present only among a subset of the trisomic population. We have previously presented a simple gene-dosage model to explain this phenotypic variation and developed a strategy to map genes for such traits. The mapping strategy does not depend on the simple model but works in theory under any model that predicts that affected individuals have an increased likelihood of disomic homozygosity at the trait locus. This paper explores the robustness of our mapping method by investigating what kinds of models give an expected increase in disomic homozygosity. We describe a number of basic statistical models for trisomic phenotypes. Some of these are logical extensions of standard models for disomic phenotypes, and some are more specific to trisomy. Where possible, we discuss genetic mechanisms applicable to each model. We investigate which models and which parameter values give an expected increase in disomic homozygosity in individuals with the trait. Finally, we determine the sample sizes required to identify the increased disomic homozygosity under each model. Most of the models we explore yield detectable increases in disomic homozygosity for some reasonable range of parameter values, usually corresponding to smaller trait frequencies. It therefore appears that our mapping method should be effective for a wide variety of moderately infrequent traits, even though the exact mode of inheritance is unlikely to be known.  相似文献   

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