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We present an online database that provides unrestricted and free access to over 16 million plant phenological observations from over 8,000 stations in Central Europe between the years 1880 and 2009. Unique features are (1) a flexible and unrestricted access to a full-fledged database, allowing for a wide range of individual queries and data retrieval, (2) historical data for Germany before 1951 ranging back to 1880, and (3) more than 480 curated long-term time series covering more than 100 years for individual phenological phases and plants combined over Natural Regions in Germany. Time series for single stations or Natural Regions can be accessed through a user-friendly graphical geo-referenced interface. The joint databases made available with the plant phenological database PPODB render accessible an important data source for further analyses of long-term changes in phenology. The database can be accessed via www.ppodb.de.  相似文献   

The primary structure of the gene for 18 S rRNA of the crustacean Artemia salina was determined. The sequence has been aligned with 13 other small ribosomal subunit RNA sequences of eukaryotic, archaebacterial, eubacterial, chloroplastic and plant mitochondrial origin. Secondary structure models for these RNAs were derived on the basis of previously proposed models and additional comparative evidence found in the alignment. Although there is a general similarity in the secondary structure models for eukaryotes and prokaryotes, the evidence seems to indicate a different topology in a central area of the structures.  相似文献   

We present an interactive, searchable expressed sequence tag database for the periwinkle snail Littorina saxatilis, an upcoming model species in evolutionary biology. The database is the result of a hybrid assembly between Sanger and 454 sequences, 1290 and 147,491 sequences respectively. Normalized and non-normalized cDNA was obtained from different ecotypes of L. saxatilis collected in the UK and Sweden. The Littorina sequence database (LSD) contains 26,537 different contigs, of which 2453 showed similarity with annotated proteins in UniProt. Querying the LSD permits the selection of the taxonomic origin of blast hits for each contig, and the search can be restricted to particular taxonomic groups. The database allows access to UniProt annotations, blast output, protein family domains (PFAM) and Gene Ontology. The database will allow users to search for genetic markers and identifying candidate genes or genes for expression analyses. It is open for additional deposition of sequence information for L. saxatilis and other species of the genus Littorina. The LSD is available at http://mbio-serv2.mbioekol.lu.se/Littorina/.  相似文献   



Molecular maps have been developed for many species, and are of particular importance for varietal development and comparative genomics. However, despite the existence of multiple sets of linkage maps, databases of these data are lacking for many species, including peanut.  相似文献   

The sequence of the Gyrodactylus salaris Malmberg, 1957, large subunit, or 28S, ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene has been determined. This gene is the final portion of the Gyrodactylus rRNA gene operon to be sequenced and results in the first complete sequence of all rRNA genes and spacers from a monogenean. The nucleotide sequence was used to predict the secondary structure of the large subunit rRNA, and regions of conserved and variable sequence and structure were identified. The site where the 5' terminus of the 5.8S rRNA binds to a region within the large subunit rRNA was predicted and complements the anticipated interaction of the 3' terminus of the 5.8S with the 5' terminus of the large subunit rRNA. The large subunit gene may be useful in phylogenetic analysis of the Monogenea or Platyhelminthes and comparisons with other eukaryotes. The variable domains C and H may be most suitable for this purpose.  相似文献   

The nucleotide (nt) sequence of a small subunit (18S) ribosomal RNA gene from the plerocercoid of Spirometra erinaceieuropaei (SEP) was determined. The gene with 2182 bp in length is larger than that of most eukaryotes. Extra nt sequences occur in regions known to be variable (V4 and V7). The predicted secondary structure of the nt positions 679–933 (V4) revealed different helices from that of other eukaryotes. The region between nt positions 1540 and 1749 (V7) was different from that of other eukaryotes, but the secondary structure prediction by computer analysis demonstrated that this part of 18S rRNA sequence from S. erinaceieuropaei may form a single extended helix. Nt that were aligned with those of nine other parasites were used to estimate phylogenetic relationships. The data presented here clearly indicate that S. erinaceieuropaei is closely related to Echinococcus granulosus.  相似文献   

A 23S ribosomal RNA gene of Pseudomonas cepacia has been cloned and sequenced. A general higher-order structure model based on earlier published models has been derived from comparative analysis of 23S-like rRNAs of eubacteria, archaebacteria, organelles and eukaryotes. Differences between the previous models were carefully analyzed and controversial regions evaluated. Moderately large insertions and deletions have been found at new points in the secondary structure. The analysis of 50 published as well as unpublished 23S rRNA sequences provide additional proof for six of the seven previously suggested tertiary interactions within the 23S rRNA. P. cepacia is the first representative of the beta subgroup of the Proteobacteria phylum whose 23S rRNA has been sequenced. A tree reflecting evolutionary relationships of prokaryotes was constructed. The topology of this tree is in good agreement with the 16S rRNA tree.  相似文献   

The enzyme which confers resistance to erythromycin in the producing organism Streptomyces erythraeus dimethylates a single adenine residue in Bacillus stearothermophilus 23 S rRNA. This corresponds to residue Ade 2058 in Escherichia coli 23 S RNA. The methylase responsible for resistance to macrolides, lincomycin, and streptogramin B-related antibiotics in Staphylococcus aureus also acts at this site.  相似文献   

Sequencing ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes is currently the method of choice for phylogenetic reconstruction, nucleic acid based detection and quantification of microbial diversity. The ARB software suite with its corresponding rRNA datasets has been accepted by researchers worldwide as a standard tool for large scale rRNA analysis. However, the rapid increase of publicly available rRNA sequence data has recently hampered the maintenance of comprehensive and curated rRNA knowledge databases. A new system, SILVA (from Latin silva, forest), was implemented to provide a central comprehensive web resource for up to date, quality controlled databases of aligned rRNA sequences from the Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya domains. All sequences are checked for anomalies, carry a rich set of sequence associated contextual information, have multiple taxonomic classifications, and the latest validly described nomenclature. Furthermore, two precompiled sequence datasets compatible with ARB are offered for download on the SILVA website: (i) the reference (Ref) datasets, comprising only high quality, nearly full length sequences suitable for in-depth phylogenetic analysis and probe design and (ii) the comprehensive Parc datasets with all publicly available rRNA sequences longer than 300 nucleotides suitable for biodiversity analyses. The latest publicly available database release 91 (August 2007) hosts 547 521 sequences split into 461 823 small subunit and 85 689 large subunit rRNAs.  相似文献   

We have developed the hyperprocessing technique to evaluate the stability of the cloverleaf shape of pre-transfer RNA (pre-tRNA). Application of this strategy to hyperprocessible human tyrosine pre-tRNA indicated that the natural intron sequence did not contribute to stabilization of the cloverleaf shape of this pre-tRNA, while the artificial intron with elongated anticodon-stem completely inhibited hyperprocessing of it. Our data suggested that the contemporary intron sequence may be a vestige of the ancient pre-biotic world, but not has been retained as a temporal stabilizer of the pre-tRNA before the base modifications.  相似文献   

The status of the green algal genera Haematococcus and Stephanosphaera has been a source of debate among algal systematists. A phylogenetic alliance between Haematococcus (sensu lato) and the colonial Stephanosphaera was affirmed by earlier molecular phylogenetic investigations. Although the data suggested that the genus Haematococcus may not be a monophyletic group, taxon sampling limited the scope of any potential taxonomic revision. Results from new molecular phylogenetic analyses of data from the 18S and 26S rRNA genes support the establishment of a separate genus, Balticola, as originally proposed by Droop in 1956. Haematococcus remains as a valid genus, with H. pluvialis as its only member. The monotypic status of H. pluvialis is supported both by molecular phylogenetic analyses of the ribosomal RNA genes and assessments of molecular evolution in the ITS2 sequences of H. pluvialis strains. The near-complete absence of compensatory base changes in a sequence-structure analysis of the highly variable ITS2 gene from more than 40 geographically diverse isolates of H. pluvialis corroborates the unity of the species inferred from molecular phylogenetic analyses of 18S and 26S rRNA gene sequence data.  相似文献   

This is an online database in order to facilitate research on viroid, viroid-like RNAs and human hepatitis delta virus by presenting a large number of sequences and related data in a comprehensive and user-friendly format (e.g., position of their self-catalytic domains, open reading frame, prediction of the most stable secondary structures, etc.). This online database is available on the WWW at http://www.callisto.si. usherb.ca/jpperra  相似文献   

The phylogenetic approach (ref. 1) has been utilized in construction of a universal 5.8S rRNA secondary structure model, in which about 65% of the residues exist in paired structures. Conserved nucleotides primarily occupy unpaired regions. Multiple compensating base changes are demonstrated to be present in each of the five postulated helices, thereby forming a major basis for their proof. The results of chemical and enzymatic probing of 5.8S rRNAs (ref. 13, 32) are fully consistent with, and support, our model. This model differs in several ways from recently proposed 5.8S rRNA models (ref. 3, 4), which are discussed. Each of the helices in our model has been extended to the corresponding bacterial, chloroplast and mitochondrial sequences, which are demonstrated to be positionally conserved by alignment with their eukaryotic counterparts. This extension is also made for the base paired 5.8S/28S contact points, and their prokaryotic and organelle counterparts. The demonstrated identity of secondary structure in these diverse molecules strongly suggests that they perform equivalent functions in prokaryotic and eukaryotic ribosomes.  相似文献   

Dimethyl sulfate modification of RNA in living Tetrahymena thermophila allowed assessment of RNA secondary structure and protein association. The self-splicing rRNA intron had the same methylation pattern in vivo as in vitro, indicating that the structures are equivalent and suggesting that this RNA is not stably associated with protein in the nucleolus. Methylation was consistent with the current secondary structure model. Much of telomerase RNA was protected from methylation in vivo, but the A's and C's in the template region were very reactive. Thus, most telomerase is not base paired to telomeres in vivo. Protein-free telomerase RNA adopts a structure different from that in vivo, especially in the template and pseudoknot regions. The U2 snRNA showed methylation protection at the Sm protein-binding sequence and the mRNA branch site recognition sequence. For both telomerase RNA and U2 snRNA, the in vivo methylation pattern corresponded much better to the structure determined by comparative sequence analysis than did the in vitro methylation pattern. Thus, as expected, comparative analysis gives the structure of the RNA in vivo.  相似文献   

S. coelicolor A3(2) contains six ribosomal RNA operons. Here we describe the cloning of rrnA, rrnC and rrnE, thereby completing the cloning of all operons. Southern hybridisation of genomic DNA with a heterologous probe from the E.coli rrnB 16S rRNA gene showed differences in hybridisation among the six rRNA operon-containing bands. The nucleotide sequence of the 16S rRNA gene and the upstream region of rrnA was determined and compared with the corresponding sequence of rrnD, showing that the 16S rRNA genes are 99% identical. Substantial differences were found, however, in the upstream regions corresponding to the P1 and P2 promoters of rrnD. Southern analysis showed that some of the other rRNA operons of S.coelicolor A3(2) also differed in this part of the upstream region.  相似文献   

Fish parasites of the Multivalvulida (Myxozoa, Myxosporea) are widespread and can be associated with mortality or poor flesh quality in their commercially important marine hosts. Traditional classifications divide members of this order into families based on spore valve and polar capsule numbers. Analyses of the small-subunit (SSU) ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequences from all representative families in the order (Trilosporidae, Kudoidae, Pentacapsulidae, Hexacapsulidae, and Septemcapsulidae) indicate that a revision of the taxonomy and nomenclature is warranted. In our phylogenetic analysis of (SSU and large subunit) rDNA sequences, members of Pentacapsula, Hexacapsula, and Septemcapsula root within a clade of Kudoa species with Unicapsula (Trilosporidae) as an outlier to these genera. Therefore, we propose to synonymize Pentacapsulidae, Hexacapsulidae, and Septemcapsulidae with Kudoidae alter the diagnosis of Kudoidae and Kudoa to accommodate all marine myxozoan parasites having 4 or more shell valves and polar capsules.  相似文献   

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