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Atkinsiella infection in the rotiferBrachionus plicatilis has not hitherto been reported. The first known case of this infection is described herein. The fungal growth in vitro was inhibited by 0.05µg/ml of malachite green or 15.6 ppm of formalin. It was experimentally demonstrated that the fungus is pathogenic to the swimming crab,Portunus trituberculatus in the zoeal stage.  相似文献   

M. Yúfera 《Hydrobiologia》1987,147(1):319-322
The embryonic development times of two strains of Brachionus plicatilis (Bs and S-1) cultured on three different algal diets (Nannochloris oculata, N. maculata and Nannochloropsis gaditana), have been determined at 20°C, 25°C and 30°C. As expected, the embryonic development times decreased with increasing temperature in all cases. However, embryos from adults fed on N. gaditana tended to develop more slowly than those of individuals fed on the other algal species. Mean egg volume was also affected by diet, larger eggs being produced by females fed on N. gaditana. No obvious relationship between egg size and temperature was detected.Two principal factors seemed to affect the embryonic development time. The first was temperature which acts through its well known effect on metabolic rates. The second was maternal diet which probably affects development time through its effect on yolk content, as reflected in the size of the egg.  相似文献   

Filtration rate(F) and ingestion rate(I) were measured in the rotiferBrachionus plicatilis feeding on the flagellateDunaliella spec. and on yeast cells(Saccharomyces cerevisiae). 60-min experiments in rotating bottles served as a standard for testing methodological effects on levels ofF andI. A lack of rotation reducedF values by 40 %, and a rise in temperature from 18° to 23.5 °C increased them by 42 %. Ingestion rates increased significantly up to a particle (yeast) concentration of ca. 600–800 cells · l–1; then they remained constant, whereas filtration rates decreased beyond this threshold. Rotifer density (up to 1000 ind · ml–1) and previous starvation (up to 40 h) did not significantly influence food uptake rates. The duration of the experiment proved to have the most significant effect onF andI values: in 240-min experiments, these values were on the average more than 90 % lower than in 15-min experiments. From this finding it is concluded that ingestion rates obtained from short-term experiments (60 min or less) cannot be used in energy budgets, because they severely overestimate the actual long-term feeding capacity of the rotifers. At the lower end of the particle size spectrum (2 to 3 µm) there are not only food cells, but apparently also contaminating faecal particles. Their number increased with increasing duration of experiments and lead to an underestimation ofF andI. Elemental analyses of rotifers and their food suggest thatB. plicatilis can ingest up to 0.6 mJ or ca. 14 % of its own body carbon within 15 min. The long term average was estimated as 3.4 mJ · ind–1 · d–1 or ca. 75 % of body carbon · d–1.Contribution to research project "Experimentelle Marine Ökosystemanalyse" sponsored by the Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Grant No. MFU - 0328/1)  相似文献   

通过对2002年5月东海赤潮原因种一东海原甲藻和亚历山大藻的单一藻种和两种藻混合情况下对褶皱臂尾轮虫种群数量影响的实验研究,发现塔玛亚历山大藻(ATHK)对轮虫有致死作用,其48hLC50为1300cell·ml^-1.藻的各组分毒性比较研究表明,只有藻液和藻细胞具有这种毒害作用,藻在早期生长阶段的毒害作用较强,毒性大小与藻细胞活性相关.东海原甲藻在高密度(4×10^4、5×10^4、10×10^4cell·ml^-1)时对轮虫种群数量在第5d时开始有影响;东海原甲藻在低密度(1×10^4、2×10^4、3×10^4cell·ml^-1)时,轮虫能够以其为食并进行生长繁殖.两种藻混合情况下,东海原甲藻能够减轻塔玛亚历山大藻对轮虫的毒害作用.实验结果表明,此次赤潮对东海的微型浮游动物种群能够产生一定的影响.  相似文献   

Yúfera  M.  Pascual  E.  Guinea  J. 《Hydrobiologia》1993,(1):159-164
The contribution of the egg weight and the population size structure to the body mass have been studied in two strains of Brachionus plicatilis of different size. A mathematical model was developed in order to obtain a reliable estimate of the dry mass from two single easily determined parameters; the egg/female ratio and the mean lorica length.  相似文献   

Cells produce tens of thousands of different lipid species, but the importance of this complexity in vivo is unclear. Analysis of individual tissues and cell types has revealed differences in abundance of individual lipid species, but there has been no comprehensive study comparing tissue lipidomes within a single developing organism. Here, we used quantitative shotgun profiling by high‐resolution mass spectrometry to determine the absolute (molar) content of 250 species of 14 major lipid classes in 6 tissues of animals at 27 developmental stages raised on 4 different diets. Comparing these lipidomes revealed unexpected insights into lipid metabolism. Surprisingly, the fatty acids present in dietary lipids directly influence tissue phospholipid composition throughout the animal. Furthermore, Drosophila differentially regulates uptake, mobilization and tissue accumulation of specific sterols, and undergoes unsuspected shifts in fat metabolism during larval and pupal development. Finally, we observed striking differences between tissue lipidomes that are conserved between phyla. This study provides a comprehensive, quantitative and expandable resource for further pharmacological and genetic studies of metabolic disorders and molecular mechanisms underlying dietary response.  相似文献   

A culture system for the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis was designed to maintain higher food conversion rates and stable population densities. Two 2001 plastic tanks were employed in the culture experiments, tank A for feedback culture and tank B for a control culture. The experiments were carried out for 70 days at 24 °C, light intensity, 1500 lux, and a photoperiod of L:D 15:9. B. plicatilis were fed once a day on baker's yeast and Chlorella.Food conversion rates in tanks A and B were 24.7% and 10.1%, respectively. Population density of B. plicatilis in tank A was consistently stable at 100–150 ind. ml–1 throughout the culture period. Density in tank B, however, showed large fluctuations after 40 or 50 days and by the end of the experiment, declined to zero.  相似文献   

Summary Various culture milieus were examined for their support of mouse blastocyst development. Two important variables were the time at which human cord serum was added to the medium and the concentration of amino acids. In the best medium, Eagle's Minimum Essential Medium (fortified with six times the usual amino-acid concentration plus 20% fetal bovine serum, replaced after 48 hr with human cord serum), 83% of the blastocysts shed the zona pellucida, 58% developed to the early egg cylinder stage, 42% to the advanced egg cylinder stage and 22% attained the primitive streak stage after 6 to 8 days of culture. A preliminary account was given at the Tissue Culture Association Meeting in 1976 and the abstract published in its proceedings (1). This work was supported by MRC Grant No. MA4235.  相似文献   

B H Juurlink  S Fedoroff 《In vitro》1977,13(11):790-798
Various culture milieus were examined for their support of mouse blastocyst development. Two important variables were the time at which human cord serum was added to the medium and the concentration of amino acids. In the best medium. Eagle's Minimum Essential Medium (fortified with six times the usual amino-acid concentration plus 20 percent fetal bovine serum, replaced after 48 hr with human cord serum), 83 percent of the blastocysts shed the zona pellucida, 58 percent developed to the early egg cylinder stage, 42 percent to the advanced egg cylinder stage and 22 percent attained the primitive streak stage after 6 to 8 days of culture.  相似文献   

We investigated the suitability of 11 diets as culture media for the psocids Lepinotus reticulatus Enderlein (Psocoptera: Trogiidae) and Liposcelis entomophila (Enderlein) (Psocoptera: Liposcelididae). The culture media comprised six diets made of plain cereals, namely, wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), corn (Zea mays L.), milo Sorghum bicolor (L.), barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), oats (Avena sativa L.), and rice (Oryza sativa L.), and five artificial diets. We found that, with the exception of corn, L. reticulatus population increase was greater on plain cereal diets than on artificial diets, and the greatest population growth was on oats. There was an inverse relationship between L. reticulatus population growth and diet compactness. L. entomophila populations grew fastest on wheat, barley, and a mixture of cracked wheat, rice krispies, and brewer's yeast (97:2:1, wt:wt). The proportion of females was greater in diets that were less suitable for L. entomophila population growth compared with that in the more suitable diets. Diet compactness had a weak effect on L. entomophila population growth. This study also has established the relative level of suitability of damaged wheat, corn, milo, barley, oats, and rice to L. reticulatus and L. entomophila.  相似文献   

The carrion beetle subfamily Silphinae (Coleoptera: Silphidae) contains dominant macroinvertebrates of soil ecosystems in temperate zones. However, their feeding habits, which determine the role of each species in the ecosystem, have not been sufficiently studied. Moreover, although a diet shift from necrophagy on vertebrate carcasses to predatory feeding on invertebrates is known to occur in this subfamily, the processes and mechanisms of this shift have also been inadequately addressed. We examined female fecundity and larval development on various diets in a Silphinae species, Necrophila (Eusilpha) japonica (Motschulsky). The experimental diets included a meat diet and various invertebrate diets, which reflect the ‘ancestral’ feeding habit in Silphinae, necrophagy, and the ‘derivative’ feeding habit, predatory feeding. Female fecundity was significantly higher on the meat diet (minced beef) than on an insect larvae diet (mealworms and dipteran larvae) but did not significantly differ from that on an earthworm diet. Larval developmental performance was significantly higher on the earthworm diet than on the meat and insect larvae diets. Our results for larval development were consistent with those of previous stable isotope analyses of the same species, in which isotopic values of larval samples agree with those of hypothetical consumers that utilize earthworms. The consistency of results among different methods indicates that N. japonica larvae are most likely earthworm feeders. In contrast, our results for the female fecundity experiment differed from those of previous stable isotope analyses, in which vertebrate carcasses unlikely serve as the staple diet of adults in the field; thus, the feeding habits of N. japonica adults remain unresolved. Our observations that females and larvae performed best on the meat and earthworm diets, respectively, may indicate that, in Silphinae, the diet shift from necrophagy to predatory habits occurs earlier in larvae than in adults.  相似文献   

Several experiments with Brachionus plicatilis have been conducted to test the existence of chemical-mediated induction of mixis. In a first experimental set, bioassays were used to test relationships between preconditioning of culture medium to high population density and the occurrence of mixis in mass cultures with these media. The results show that a preconditioned medium has inducing properties that are comparable to the crowding effect.In order to isolate the effect on mixis of the preconditioning, we also carried out an experiment involving individual cultures. Isolated individuals of B. plicatilis, CU strain, placed in 1 ml of medium renewed daily showed no mixis, but mixis was induced when medium preconditioned to high density was used following the same experimental procedure.  相似文献   

Endocrine disruptors, chemicals that disturb the actions of endogenous hormones, have been implicated in birth defects associated with hormone-dependent development. Phytoestrogens are a class of endocrine disruptors found in plants. In the current study we examined the effects of exposure at various perinatal time periods to genistein, a soy phytoestrogen, on reproductive development and learning in male rats. Dams were fed genistein-containing (5 mg/kg feed) food during both gestation and lactation, during gestation only, during lactation only, or during neither period. Measures of reproductive development and body mass were taken in the male offspring during postnatal development, and learning and memory performance was assessed in adulthood. Genistein exposure via the maternal diet decreased body mass in the male offspring of dams fed genistein during both gestation and lactation, during lactation only, but not during gestation only. Genistein decreased anogenital distance when exposure was during both gestation and lactation, but there was no effect when exposure was limited to one of these time periods. Similarly, spatial learning in the Morris water maze was impaired in male rats exposed to genistein during both gestation and lactation, but not in rats exposed during only one of these time periods. There was no effect of genistein on cued or contextual fear conditioning. In summary, the data indicate that exposure to genistein through the maternal diet significantly impacts growth in male offspring if exposure is during lactation. The effects of genistein on reproductive development and spatial learning required exposure throughout the pre- and postnatal periods.  相似文献   

Rat embryos in culture were exposed to pulsed ultrasound at SPTA intensity of 1.2 W/cm2 for 5, 15, and 30 min on day 9.5 of development. The whole embryo culture system allowed precise temperature control for directly examining the effects of ultrasound on the developing neural plate. After exposure, embryos were maintained in culture for a further 48 hr. No major morphological abnormalities were observed but a reduction in somite number occurred in the group insonated for 30 min, which was equivalent to a 2 hr delay in embryonic development. Similar delay in growth and "blistering" in the prosencephalon region of some embryos were observed after insonation for 15 min at 40.0 degrees C, an elevation of 1.5 degrees C over the temperature used for controls. Exposure to ultrasound for 15 min at 40 degrees C caused significant reduction in the growth of the head compared with that of control embryos. Heat shock genes for hsps 71/73 and 88 kD were induced after insonation for 30 min at 38.5 degrees C. Insonation did not cause any temperature changes in the culture medium. However, when the temperature of the culture medium was increased during insonation, defective development occurred. The results of these in vitro experiments suggest that ultrasound if resulting in significant hyperthermia could affect the development during early organogenesis of the neural plate and in particular they suggest that the embryo is at greater risk of damage during hyperthermic conditions. These results should provoke discussion of the concept that ultrasound in the febrile patient may present an increased embryonic risk which should be considered when deliberating on the use of diagnostic ultrasound procedures in the pregnant patient.  相似文献   

The effects of diet and water hardness, alone and in combination, on life history characteristics of Daphnia magna were determined in two laboratory tests. Number of young on the first day of reproduction, total young and the number of generations were greater with increasing hardness. At the maximum test hardness of 350 mg/l (as CaC03), approximately 65% more young were produced than at the lowest hardness of 50 mg/l (as CaCO3). Furthermore, time to sexual maturity was about one day shorter in the harder culture water. Daphnids fed the combination of a green alga, trout chow and dehydrated alfalfa were over three times more productive than daphnids fed only the alga or only trout chow and alfalfa. The combination of the algae-reinforced diet with hard culture water provided for optimal productivity.  相似文献   

Kato Y  Tsunoda Y 《Theriogenology》1994,41(6):1315-1322
Different numbers of CD-1 mouse zygotes(1, 5, 10, 20, 40 and 60) were cultured in 10 mul M16 medium, in M16 medium+EDTA, in M16 dedium+SOD+thioredoxin, and in CZB medium, respectively. When the zygotes, regardless of the number, were cultured with M16, no blastocysts could be obtained. The suitable ratio of embryos to 1 mul of M16 medium+EDTA or M16 medium+SOD+thioredoxin was 1:1 or 2:1. Medium volume from 1 to 10 mul did not affect blastocyst development when the embryo density was 1:1. However, blastocysts obtained from zygotes cultured singly had fewer cell numbers and showed inferior development to live fetuses after transfer to recipients. When CZB medium was used, suitable embryo density was not clear. The ratio of embryos to volume of culture medium was shown to be an important factor for in vitro culture of mouse zygotes.  相似文献   

1. Exposure of the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis to elevated temperature resulted in the synthesis of a number of proteins, including a prominent one of 58,000 Da (SP58). 2. This protein is immunologically crossreactive with the 65,000 Da heat shock protein of the moth Heliothis virescens, which is a member of a highly conserved family of mitochondrial proteins. 3. Exposure of rotifers to sublethal doses of CuSO4 leads to a 4-5-fold increase in abundance of SP58, with maximum increase occurring at a dose that is approximately 5% of the LC50 for that compound. 4. A similar response was seen with tributyl tin (TBT). Kinetics of induction were sigmoidal, with induction occurring in the range of 20-30 micrograms/l. 5. No response was observed when rotifers were exposed to aluminum chloride, mercury chloride, pentachlorophenol, sodium arsenite, sodium azide, sodium dodecyl sulfate, or zinc chloride. 6. These results indicate that changes in stress protein abundance may prove useful as a biomarker of exposure to particular toxicants.  相似文献   

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