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I N Riabov 《Radiobiologiia》1992,32(5):662-667
A study was made of hydrobionts, particularly fishes, living within the thirty-kilometer control zone of Chernobyl NPP and northern part of the Kiev basin, after the disaster. Out of 31 fish species living in the NPP cooling pond some were identified which were mostly affected by radioactive contamination. They were predators belonging, with respect to reproduction and development, to a lithophilous group. Peculiarities of reproduction of Hypophthalmichthys molitrix kept in stews of the cooling pond before the accident were studied. After a three-year exposure to ionizing radiation (cumulative dose of 8-9 Gy) no reduction in the reproductive capacity of mature fishes was observed.  相似文献   

The selected results of the cytogenetic studies of the Chernobyl accident consequences were summarised. The chromosomal aberrations were used as a method of biodosimetry for a dose assessment for victims during the initial period after the Chernobyl accident. A good correlation between doses calculated based on chromosomal aberrations (dicentrics) and severity of acute radiation syndrome observed in clinic was found. The biodosimetry based on conventional cytogenetic technique (dicentrics) has been unsuccessful for various groups (rehabilitation workers, evacuees, inhabitants of contaminated areas) sampled long time after the Chernobyl accident. The possible reasons of the failure are analysed. The original results of multiaberration cell yield observed in different cohorts of the Chernobyl victims are presented. The problems related to the phenomena are discussed.  相似文献   

Chromosome preparations from peripheral blood cells of 117 subjects who took part in liquidation of Chernobyl NPP accident consequences in 1986 have been investigated. The number of chromosome aberrations has been shown to increase considerably. A short-term exposure has been found to be 5-7 times more effective than long-term one.  相似文献   

Eighteen Ukrainian evacuees from the Chernobyl exclusive zone, twenty one inhabitants of radioactively contaminated areas of Belarus and twelve control donors age-matched to the exposed persons were investigated 14-15 years after the Chernobyl accident for chromosomal aberration yields detected in blood lymphocytes by fluorescence in situ hybridisation technique. Unstable aberration yields measured in both Chernobyl cohorts were close to the background frequencies. Positive age-dependence trends in control donors were determined for the all type stable aberration levels. In evacuees the tendency for diminishing the difference between them and controls for stable aberration levels with persons' age increasing was found. The total stable chromosome exchange yields in evacuees 46-55 years old and inhabitants of areas with low contamination level didn't exceed the control values, but for younger evacuees and inhabitants of sufficiently contaminated regions the statistical increase above the age relevant background meanings was detected for this end-point. The advantages of using the FISH-detectable stable aberrations and particularly the total level of stable chromosome exchanges as the end-points for retrospective biological indication of past radiation exposure in Chernobyl cohorts were discussed.  相似文献   

A preparation from mussels, MIGI-K, used as an additive to the diet of people working at the Chernobyl power plant has proved to be efficient in increasing the total resistance of the body, including the resistance to ionizing radiation. In experiments with animals, MIGI-K has been shown to accelerate excretion of 45Ca and 86Rb from the body. The combination of these properties of MIGI-K permits us to consider it an efficient drug to be used within the regions affected by the Chernobyl disaster.  相似文献   

During 6 years, starting from 1986, the monitoring of the dynamics of the frequency of embryo lethal and of chlorophyll mutations was carried out in arabidopsis populations in areas with different levels of radioactive contamination by the Muller embryo-test in the 30 km of ChNPP. The dose rate of chronic irradiation in the examined areas varied from 0.014 to 17 nA/Kg. Monitoring of the dynamics of the mutation process in natural arabidopsis populations showed the correlation between the level of the mutation process and the dose rate of chronic irradiation. The genetic effects of different levels of radioactive contamination were estimated by determining the frequency of mutations occurred in this generation and by calculating the dose of irradiation of one was found. That the dependence of the mutation frequency on the dose of irradiation presents a power function with a power index less 1, which suggests a higher efficiency of low radiation doses per unit dose. Possible explanations of this phenomenon are considered in the work. The studies of cytogenetic effects in chronically exposed Crepis tectorum populations in the zones of the Chernobyl accident showed that starting from the second year after the Chernobyl disaster there appeared plants with an altered karyotype and their frequency of chromosome aberrations correlates in root meristem cells.  相似文献   

Accumulation of the specific activity of 134 + 137Cs in insects was investigated in the most typical biogeocenoses within the 30-km zone of the Chernobyl NPP. The studied biogeocenoses had different rates of the exposure doses. It was shown that the specific activity of 134 + 137Cs in the insects inhabiting forest biotops was of the same order that in the crown, whereas in the insects inhabiting open biotops the specific activity was higher than in plants. Two periods of the increased 134 + 137Cs content in insects were found: May and September. Along with seasonal activity variations, a tendency to decreasing and stabilization of 134 + 137Cs content was observed during the period of the study.  相似文献   

In the article we present data on the study of morphogenesis and of growth processes of Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and of Norwey spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) vegetative organs after radiation exposure in the Chernobyl nuclear accident zone. The anomalies in morphogenesis processes at different absorbed doses are described in detail. It is established that the death of pine forest began under absorbed dose 80-100 Gy and more, mass yellowing of needles at 50-60 Gy, and maximal morphosis at 8-12 Gy. Inhibition phenomenon of growth processes under acute irradiation and giantism under durable chronic irradiation were also put under investigation. Features of radiation exposure on pine and fir growth processes at different ontogeny phases were characterized. High radio-sensitivity of Norwey spruce is established.  相似文献   

Differences in behaviour reactions in "open field" and glycemia under conditions of immobilisation stress of vole (Microtus oeconomus, Pallas) from two groups ("Yanov" and "Lelev") were investigated. Rodents were ensnared from two populations reproduced for a long time (11 years) in the areas of ChNPP Exclusion Zone with different level of radioactive contamination. The radiation absorbed dose for animals of "Yanov" group (external and internal irradiation) was 11-20 times higher than that of "Lelev" group. Males and females from the area with worse radioecological condition had higher vertical and horizontal locomotion. The level of emotional reactions of "Yanov" males was lower than the "Lelev" one. Statistically significant variation in female emotional reaction was found, but it had not the same directions. In both groups higher locomotion activity and lower emotionality were associated with male sex. The males of both groups showed similar fasting glucose level and glycemic response after 30-min. immobilisation. Our data provide the additional evidence of existence of long-time genetic effects in small rodent populations permanently reproduced on radiation contaminated areas.  相似文献   

In this article scenarios have been developed, which simulate screening effects in ecological and cohort studies of thyroid cancer incidence among Ukrainians, whose thyroids have been exposed to 131I in the aftermath of the Chernobyl accident. If possible, the scenarios were based on directly observed data, such as the population size, dose distributions and thyroid cancer cases. Two scenarios were considered where the screening effect on baseline cases is either equal to or larger than that of radiation-related thyroid cancer cases. For ecological studies in settlements with more than ten measurements of the 131I activity in the human thyroid in May–June 1986, the screening bias appeared small (<19%) for all risk quantities. In the cohort studies, the excess absolute risk per dose was larger by a factor of 4 than in the general population. For an equal screening effect on baseline and radiation-related cancer (Scenario 1) the excess relative risk was about the same as in the general population. However, a differential screening effect (Scenario 2) produced a risk smaller by a factor of 2.5. A comparison with first results of the Ukrainian–US-American cohort study did not give any indication that a differential screening effect has a marked influence on the risk estimates. The differences in the risk estimates from ecological studies and cohort studies were explained by the different screening patterns in the general population and in the much smaller cohort. The present investigations are characterized by dose estimates for many settlements which are very weakly correlated with screening, the confounding variable. The results show that under these conditions ecological studies may provide risk estimates with an acceptable bias.  相似文献   

The article presents the results of studying on agroecosystems flora status in restricted zone 20 years after the Chernobyl accident. There were preliminary identified 8 agroecosystems associations by Broaun-Blanquet ecologo-floristic classification: Phalacrolometum septentrionale, Agrostio tenuis Calamagrostietum epigeii, Agrostio tenuis--Elytrigietum repentis, Poo pratensis--Bromopsietum inermis, Poo pratensis--Dactylidetum glomeratae, Poo pratensis--Agrostietum tenuis, Elytrigio repentis--Poetum pratensis, Caricetum hirtae. First three associations were attributed to Agropyretea repentis class, to Agropyretalia repentis order, Convolvulo--Agropyrion union. We consider the association Phalacrolometum septentrionale as the initial stage of agroscosystems overgrowing which is continued with increase of its demonstration in association Agrostio tenuis--Calamagrostietum epigeii and Agrostio tenuis--Elytrigietum repentis. The associations Poo pratensis--Bromopsietum inermis, Poo pratensis--Dactylidetum glomeratae, Poo pratensis--Agrostietum tenuis and Elytrigio repentis--Poetum pratensis we attributed to class Molinio--Arrhenatheretea, to order Arrhenatheretalia and Festuncion pratensis union. The association Caricetum hirtae was attributed to class Plantaginetea majoris, to order Plantaginetalia majoris and to union Agrapyro--Rumicion crispi. For each of the allocated associations and rye sowing there was provided brief characteristic, including 137Cs and 90Sr radionuclids content in soil and air-dry herbage mass. During the period of studies there was marked stable soil and air-dry herbage mass contamination by radionuclides at absence of grass stabilization of studied agroecosystems. The limiting factor on using of meadow agroecosystems herbages is their high level of contamination by 90Sr. The herbage can be used only for obtaining of milk-raw material for processing.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of the strategy of countermeasures aimed at reducing exposure doses to the rural population is presented. The effectiveness of the proposed system of countermeasures assessed by criteria such as reduction factor of exposure doses and cost of averted doses. Costs of countermeasures in the rural settlements located in the affected zone are calculated for a long term after the Chernobyl NPP accident.  相似文献   

According to reports by the former USSR government, IAEA and WHO, no case of acute radiation effects was recognized among inhabitants who were evacuated from the 30-km zone around the Chernobyl site soon after the accident on April 26, 1986. Along with the collapse of the USSR, however, several documents appeared that report the occurrence of acute radiation effects among inhabitants. In order to check the possibility of acute radiation effects among evacuees, we evaluated the external dose of evacuees until their evacuation based on the data about the radiation situation soon after the accident. Our estimates indicate that a substantial number of inhabitants in some villages could have received more than 0.5 Sv that is recognized by ICRP and UNSCEAR as a threshold dose for a clinically significant depression of the blood-forming function of bone marrow. Some of them could have received more than 1 Sv.  相似文献   

The number of nucleoli in lymphocyte nuclei was compared in the peripheral blood of the Chernobyl liquidators and non-irradiated persons (control). The former was significantly distinguished from the latter (p < 0.01) by the parameter "the number of nucleoli in lymphocytes", mean numbers of nucleoli per nucleus in these being 1.18 and 1.12, respectively. The increased number of nucleoli in lymphocytes of the Chernobyl liquidators may be associated with cytogenetic radiation effects.  相似文献   

Cancer morbidity and mortality were studied in areas of the Kaluga oblast contaminated with radionuclides. The main objective of the study was to assess the influence of radiation exposure on existing levels of cancer morbidity and mortality. Time trends and relative population risks were analysed. Based on this analysis, it was concluded that the current levels of morbidity from cancers among the populations residing in the studied areas were primarily a result of a complex of factors which predated the exposure from the Chernobyl accident. However, there seems to be an unfavourable trend concerning malignant neoplasms of the respiratory organs for women residing in the contaminated areas. To date, no statistically significant effect of radiation on cancer morbidity (except for thyroid cancer in women) has been noted. The levels of cancer morbidity and mortality in the contaminated areas generally reflect the changes in cancer incidence in the oblast as a whole. The findings are consistent with international data on latent periods for the induction of radiogenic cancers and the biological effects for similar levels of exposure to populations residing in contaminated territories. Further studies are necessary in order to monitor possible effects that are related to the accident.  相似文献   

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